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When Mr. Honey purchased the property about thirty years ago the influence of this family on the fortunes of the neighbourhood became apparent and Honeydale became the accepted name for the locality. In its early days Honeydale was a more self-contained centre than at present. It contained a prosperous Church in which Mr, Chas. Rose and other locals conducted services and Sunday School; later visiting clergy- men from Port Perry and Prince Al- bert supplied. The Church which was built on the farm of Mr. Mark on the South side of the ninth concession has been removed. An hotel conducted by Solomon Orser occupied the site of the home where Mr, Wm. Bowles now lives and was a popular place of business in the days when all grain grown in the more northerly districts was teamed to Prince Albert, Manchester. and even Whitby and Oshawa. Nearly all the old pioneer families have disappeared from the district, and all the pioneers have passed on. Among those there might be mention- ed, Mr. and Mrs. Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. .David Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. John Laziar, Mr. Parkin, Mr. Wil- liams, Mr. Boynton, Mr, Orser, Mr, Taylor, all of whom occupied pro- perty in the (centre now known as Honeydale, The regular. monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at Thursday, July 4th, Miss Robinson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. F. Raines, Mr. and Mrs. R. Willan and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Willan's uncle Mr, F. Johns, at Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. O. Edwards attended the anniversary of the United Church at Nestleton, on Monday, The Young People of Scugog are to be commended on the way in which they presented their play "Go Slow Mary" in the Yellow School on Fri- day evening before a large audience. The orchestra supplied splendid music for the dance. Proceeds amounted to $28.25, A number of pupils of the Yellow School are trying thelr Entrance ex- aminations this week at Port Perry. We wish them every success, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and little daughter, of Whitby, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, O. Edwards. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wells and Mrs. C. Wells, spent the week-end in Brighton. Sunday with friends in Darlington. --_------ OP. BOWLING NEWS The weekly jitney was held on Mon- day evening. The prize-winners for the evening were: Mrs, Lawrence 1st, Miss E. Somerville 2nd, ladies; John Murray 1st, C. C. Jeffrey 2nd, men. The score of the players were as follows: Ladies--Mrs. Jackson 28, Miss L. Harper 26, Mrs. Murray 25, Miss E. Somerville 29, Mrs. E. Beare 27, Mrs. Mulligan 23, Miss D. O'Neill, 22, Miss M. Real 15, Miss H. Mellow 17, Miss H. Jeffrey 11, Mrs. Levia 14, Mrs. Chapman 15, Mrs. F. Jeffrey 15, Mrs. McFarlane 20, Mrs. Lawrence 31. Men--P. Ingram 15, J. Murray 36, J. Hayden 11, C. C. Jeffrey 382, Robt. 16, S. Jeffrey 26, W. Graham 16, K. Pearce 22, T. Harris 10. The members of the Port Perry Bowling Club were entertained by the Lindsay Bowling Club last Friday evening. Miss Dorothea O'Neill and Mr. ,S. Jeffrey were the two prize winners from Port Perry for the evening. the home of Mrs. W. Jackson, on' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gerrow spent : * Cross, Cooper, Harrison and' Mitchell, Levia 28, R. Williams 20, R. O'Neill BOOKSELLERS HONOURED Presentation of framed testimoni- als, bearing the signatures of Mayor James Simpson and City Clerk Som- ers, as an appreciation from the City of Toronto to four dealers in books, | who for fifty years or more have been i conducting businesses in the city, was an event of this week which:aroused wide interest in literary and publish- ing circles. This unique presentation took place at a session of Toronto "City Council, Monday, and the worthy , citizens so honoured were William Tyrell, Roy Britnell, Daniel McAinsh | and J. P. McKenna. The domcuments' testified to the sterling characters of visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. D, Luery. Mr, and Mrs. Walsh, son, anald,, and daughter Betty, also . For- sythe, of Toronto, Mr. Mervin Ross, of Utica, with Llyod and Evelyn Ross, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. Will Lammiman, of Oshawa, was a week-end guest'of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Lane. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gordon and three children, of Port. Welland, were week end visitors of Mr, and Mrs, E. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha, of Mark- | ham, also Mr. and Mrs. A, Ross and Douglas ,of Ashburn, were Sunday the recipients, and the lofty standard | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Percy. of ethics on which they conducted their businesses for half a century, elements which had not only redound- ed to the credit of the four book- sellers, but as well, brought added honor and esteem to the vocations which they pursued. Myrtle Station (Too late for last week) The W. A. meeting held at the home of Mrs, O. H. Lane, last Thurs- day, was especially well attended. "Thirty-two ladies were present. The President, Mrs. O. H. Downey, had charge of the meeting, which opened with hymn 81 and was followed with devotional period and business dis- cussion, Then the grandmother's . programme opened with a duet by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Ross, followed by readingg-by- Mrs: Chisholm,' Ms. Dickson, Mrs. Hudgins and Mrs, Devitt. Solos by Mrs. Mitchell and | Mrs. Harrison, and a song by a group of grandmothers, which was greatly enjoyed. We were glad to -welcome our visitors from Ashburn and vicin- ity as well as our own community. A dainty lunch was served by Mesdames for which, with Mrs. Lane, a hearty vote .of thanks was tendered. Mrs. John Percy and daughter, Miss Nella Percy, and son Mr. Arthur Percy, of Pickering, also Mr. Allin, were Sunday visitors of the former's son Mr. Roy Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chisholm, of Mrs. Graham: attended the wedding of her brother in Toronto last Satur- day. Miss Doreen Wilde has returned to her home in Whitby, after a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs, L. Luery. 'Mrs. Geo. Williams, of Toranto, was a recent visitor of her parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. D. Broom and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy, were Sunday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Carson of Kinsale. cel Mrs. C. -Harrison and grand: daughters, Dorothy- and Phyllis Mc- Cartney, were visitors with relatives in Seagrave on Monday. Mrs. Oliver Lane was a visitor with friends in Oshawa on Tuesday. Mr. John Broome and Mr. Byrn Wagg, of Kinsale, were Sunday visit- ors of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs, D. Broome. Don't forget that the great com- munity campaign is still going strong 'in"Whitby and your correspondent is the only contestant from this vicinity and would be glad of your support. EPSOM Next Sunday 'at 7.30 p.m. Standard Time, the L.O,L. No. 2139 will hold their: annual: Church parade. This year:-it will take place in:the United Church at Utica. The Secretary has 'been kindly asked to notify all sister lodges in 'the vicinity in order that~ a large and impressive array may be made. The Lodges from Whitby, Oshawa, Port Perry, Uxbridge and / Toronto, were visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Chisholm. 'Mr. Nelson Luery, of Toronto, is Goodwood are especially to be ad- + vised so that a goodly.number of the brethren may be on hand. The topic If you have goods to sel-~Advertise them in the Port Perry Star ri -- People Are Comparing -- and Finding Out that Only Chevrolet Gives THESE UP-TO-DATE FEATURES in the Lowest Price Field N J every way, Chevrolet is marching ahead . . . kind | vantages no Sng Your Swa A es TURRET T proved, ful full ront whee, sales-->ia i quantity production--in public. pre- e reason is: Chevrolet offers ad- low-priced car can match. rove it. Look at the safe new Fisher bodies of solid steel! See the ly enclosed KNEE-ACTION on Chevrolet's Look at the famous Fisher no-draft el powerful and economical Blue Flame Engine--the Cable-Controlled Brakes! - All five of these modern features are exclusive to the Master Chevrolet--you don't get even one of them on any competitive car! Is it any wonder, then, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . . EASY GMAC TERMS H. R. ARCHER ECONOMICAL that Chevrolet is marching ahead in volume pro- duction to meet public demand? Is it any wonder that we urge you--drive a Master Chevrolet before you decide on any low-priced car] ; C:185C we '885 Delivered, fully equipped at factory, Oshawa, Government Registration Fee only extra. Seo the new Standard Series models priced as low as $712 for the Master 2-Pass. Coupe) - PORT PERRY TRANSPORTATION || spent the week end with her parents. on which the sermon 15 based ta] "Was It Worth "the Price?" = °° Bethesda Young People's Society this . week, Friday, June 26th, the convener is Mrs. L. G. Brown, Mrs, Brown. is procuring a gifted speaker on Young People's work from Uxbridge whose presence -should be an 'inspiration. served, The Young People's Society at' Bethesda under the tactful guid- ance of the President, Miss Mildred Croxall, always has something unique at every meeting. Mrs. Joseph Wilson is to be the speaker ~at the Prayer Meeting at Epsom this week. The friends are much- pleased at the interest these meetings are arousing. They certain- ly add to the spiritual interest in the Church. All are most cordially in- vited to attend. Mrs. Geo. Michie (nee Miss Velma Luke) of Lacadena, Sask., has been spending the last month with rela« tives and friends in the vicinity of Epsom. She leaves for her home in the West in a day or so and reports that the crops out there are doing splendidly. The Epsom Ladies' Aid are holding their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm, Wagner at Epsom on Thursday afternoon of this week, (June 27th), All ladies of the vicinity are most cordially invited to attend. Owing to the annual church parade at Utica United Church next Sunday, June 380th, there will be no service in the afternoon, but the Sunday School will be as usual at 1,30 p.m, Ep The Decoration Day at Utica last Sunday, June 23rd, was all that could be desired. Although the day was over cast and it was felt necessary to hold the service in the Church, the crowd beat all previous records, The speaker, Rev, B.S. Bishop, was thag- nificent, and the music rendered so. ably by the Bethesda Quartette and the: 'duets: by "Messrs. : Hortop and Millman, also the solos by Mr. Liemuel Pickett, were wonderful: " Mr. W;'F. Thompson was chairman. Mr. Enoth Kendall got much "justifiable -com- mendation on" the beauty of the grounds, and all who attended de- _clared that the places are looking bet- ter every "year." The 'Committee of the cemetery have much reason to be proud in-the great achievement, Sunday School picnics are in the air.. The Epsom Sunday School ex- pects to send next Saturday, June 29, at Oshawa. On: the.followiny Tues- day, June 2nd, Utica Sunday School is scheduled for Musselman's Lake and' on Wednesday, July 8rd, the Bethesda Sunday School is looking for an enjoyable time at the Park in Uxbridge. --------eel EPP ere SCUGOG =) (Continued from front page) Miss Eileen * King, of Oakwood, spent last week with her friend Miss Clara Hardy. 'Miss: Blanche Schell," of Oshawa, Little Miss Helen Samells is visit- ing her aunt Mrs. W. Mark, In Port Perry, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, John and Clara, visited their aunt Mrs. B. Osborne, at Salem, on Sunday. The crops are looking fine and nature is at its best since the rains of the past week. Picnics and family reunions are the order of the day for the next few weeks, You Can O.A.C. GROWING MASH BALT GROATS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR PASTRY FLOUR BREAD FLOUR PURINA PRODUCTS SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. -- at = Lake Seugog Milling Co and you will receive the best value for you: money that it 1a good business to ro BEE Mil Open. Satyrday Evenings, PHONE A. WARIDEL, Manager At the regular meeting of the | Ice Cream and. cake will also be | By having s our driver call to deliver our neads n Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers . PHONE 98, PORT PERRY Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. ~ PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 OFFICE MOVED I have moved my Insurance Office to my resideitos' on' Bigelow" Street, where you will find us Lully equipped to look after your insurance: need. Phone 41. HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON. COAL AT SUMMER | PRICES Have you thought of the money you can save by putting. in your winter's Coal while low summer: prices are in effect? "FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE" If you have not previously used this "Better Peinsylvania Hard Coal" order it for next winter and be assured of entire heat satis- faction during the coldest weather--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes. Algo summer prices on WELSH COAL and COKE. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, etc. HARDWOOD SLABS and SOFTWOOD SLABS. 7; "Your: orders will receive our prompt. and' careful attention: Fy if < PORT PERRY COAL YARD : ve "Reliable Sorvice and Better Fuels" Phones--94 W and 94 J. Cod Baking at Reasonable Prices is Our Policy Give us a trial--you won't be "dissappointed | Gerrow Brothers M. A. CGERROW G. M. GERROW GALLAGHER'S TONIC AND SYSTEM BUILDER.One dollar per bottle, MAVIS Line of TALCUMS, CREAMS, ROUGE, POWDER, and LIPSTICK. 16¢. and 26c. ; SHEET MUSIC--AIl the latest that come over the yadio. 16¢. or 2 for 26c.; and 8bc.; or 3 for $1. 00, Also books of songs, waltz, etc. WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALTS--A gentle laxative cleanses : the system of impure blood and acts asa general tonic. BEL-ZEMA--for aczema and kindred skin rashes, $1. 00 per bottle. Money back if not satisfied, EASTMAN'S KODAKS, CAMERAS and FILMS, CIGARETTES and; FINE CUT TOBACCOS and CIGARS. * Morrison's s Drug Stars © Port Perry £ Phous 16 i i EA Sr AG