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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jul 1935, p. 4

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Fis i Mr. B. J. Cassidy, of New York City, is holidaying at the home of Mrs. J. J. Cassidy. : Miss V. R. Cassidy, of the Head Office, of the Bank of Commerce, To- ronto, is spending a holiday with her mother Mrs. J. J. Cassidy. : Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Levia and daughter are spending a couple of weeks at Ewan Lake, Peterborough | County. Prof, Graham Christie and family, of Baltimore, are spending their sum- mer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie, at Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey spent the week end with friends in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs, P. D, Thompson (nee Gladys Stonehouse) spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall. Mr. A. M. Lawrence accompanied by his wife, spent three days in To- ronto this week, the guests of the United Drug Co. This convention, held in the Royal York Hotel, cele- brated the Rexall Silver Jubilee--26 years of Rexall progress in Canada. Mr. Ivan Wallace has returned home from the north country, where he has been on a road surveying trip in the vicinity of White River, Mr. Mungo Nasmith, and his daughter, Miss Virginia, sail for Scotland, at the end of-~this week. The High School pupils held a fare- well party for Virginia on Tuesday evening of this week. We wish the travellers a safe and happy voyage. Miss Juila MacBrien and Miss Isa- bel Young, leave this week for a trip to the British Isles and Europe. WORE A EN Aaa # ALWAYS NEAT! ALWAYS TIDY! That's the way Elite Leather Neck- wear always remains. So easy to keep them clean and tidy. See our WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry ST. JOHN'S - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister 7 pm.--Evening Service Rr. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 1 la.m.--Morning service, Mr. A. Allman, speaker. SnD PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D,, . Minister. Sunday, July 14th, 1935-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Theme--*Drink and Forget" or "Drink and Remember"--Which? 7 p.m.--Evening Worship Theme--""A Wise Investment." ---- A NARROW ESCAPE Mr, Alix Gilboord recently had a very narrow escape from death when his car turned over on the big hill at Cadmus. The cause of the upset was some loose gravel. When the car turned over in the ditch Mr. Gilboord found himself pinned to the ground. Both hands were fastened, and as the engine was still running and the gas- oline. was-beginning to flow from the tank there was great danger of fire. By great effort he managed to get one hand free and shut off the engine. A passing motorist found his condition, and, being unable to help him alone, went for help. Fortunately no great damage was done, and Mr. Gilboord got off with a severe shaking up and a number of scratches and bruises. He was lucky to be alive after such an experience. DTD JAMES A. BRAVENER DIED AT WINNIPEG James Andrew Bravener, 59, of 242 Campbell St., Winnipeg, died on Sun- day at the General hospital. Born May 20th, 1876, at Port Perry, Mr. Bravener went West in 1901. He was first connected with the Tree-Spriggs Company in Winnipeg. Later he was moved to Calgary to the Great West Saddlery Company as superintendent. He was later transferred to Winnipeg and in 1931 became superintendent ot the harness factory. He is survived by his widow and one son, Arnold. by his widow and one son, Arnold, and "his sister, Miss Bravener of Port Perry. --_-- te ANNUAL PICNIC OF ARMY AND NAVY VETERANS The first annual picnic of the Port Perry Unit No. 216, Army and Navy Veterans took place on July 1st, 1936. The Veterans, their families and the next of kin and families of several deceased veterans held their Picnic at Port Bolster, the weather condi- tions were ideal, and a good program of sports was put on which was wit. nessed by a large number of inter- ested spectators at the camp. The Veterans were highly congratulated by a number of spectators, on the splendid program of sports events, everyone, both old and young of the party, had a splendid time. The pic- nic will be long remembered by the children and the Veteran's Picnic will be something for them to look for- ward to. All arrangements were car- ried out in true Veteran's style and veterans who took an active part in the picnic are to be congratulated on making their first picnic such asuc-. cess, : The results of the contests were: Race--Girls under 4 years--Baby Hayden, Baby Farnell, Race--Girls under 6 years--Mavis Farnell, ; : x Race--Boys under 9 years--E. Far- nell, E. Steer, J Race -- Girls under 0 years -- F. White, F. Steer. , Girls' Three-legged Race, open--M. Hayden, J. Hayden, © Boys' Three-legged Race, open-- G. Fines, R, Steer, Boys' and Girls' Open Race -- J. Hayden. ' = . Sack Race, Boys open--T, Hayden. Sack Race, girls, open--J. Hayden. Relay race, boys, open--D. Steer, G. Tetlow, F. Gyton, S. Gyton. : Relay race, girls, open--J. Tetlow, D. Fines, J. Hayden, F. Gyton. Boys' open race--G. Tetlow. Boot Race, open--G@G. Tetlow. Egg and Spoon race=ladies--Mrs. Irwin. : Thread and Needle race--Mrs. Far- nell, : Fat Women's race--Mrs. G. White. Throwing rolling pin at Jiggs-- Ladies--Mrs. Alexander. Throwing rolling pin at Jiggs-- men--John Hayden. = - yr SS CARD OF THANKS The officers and members of Port Perry Unit No. 216, Army & Navy Veterans wish to extend their sincere thanks to Mr. Clarence Cook for his kindnes in loaning his truck and giv. to Port Bolster on their picnic on the 1st of July, 1986. J. Hayden, Presideny/ Ral LN Mr. Joe Claughton, of Reaboro, called on friends here last week. Mr. Hugo Bradley is excavating for the foundation of a new barn which he is preparing to build this summer on his farm a mile and quarter south of the village. Mr. Murray Spaulding, of Toronto, is spending the summer with relatives here, and combining business with pleasure he is 'taking a course in practical farming as well, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison motored to Orillia for the week end, and on returning brought with them iy R. S. Long and her sister Mrs. Mr. Kobert Armstrong and Mr. D, Ross, of Maple Grove, visited with relatives here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Honey officiated at the funeral of Mr. W. Babcock of Raglan, on Monday afternoon. Friends. here extend sympathy to the bereaved wife and daughters, Messrs. Mervin and Floyd Honey visited with friends at Welcome last week. 'The showery weather of late has been holding up haying operations with the farmers. Mrs. Leslie and duaghter of To- ronto were guests at the parsonage last week. Mr, J, A. Carmichael met with a painful accident last week while walking across a scafford in the barn. he missed his footing and dropped to the floor a' distance of twelve feet. When he was picked up he was ii an unconscious condition. Fortunately new shades and colors, they are priced PORT PERRY . right at 50 cents each, which is a new Passed on Year's Work low price. Come and take a look. | Beare, Bruce, Harding, Jean Remembér we also have a nice line Beate, Burgess Hood, iy of work gloves priced from 380¢. to Bond, Yane Mullig George $1.75 per pair, Bray, Stewart Michie, Robert In polishes we have-- Bright, Jack Martyn, Harold Brasso Metal Polish at ...... 20¢. tin | Bruce, Morley Mitchell, Ruth B. D. Furniture Polish to clear at 25¢.| Colbetr, Leonard JFupro, Bete and 50c. bottle. Carter, Alan Ploughman, E. Capo Sewing Machine Oil ...... 16¢. | Collins, Gladys Parkin, Durrell ALWAYS NEAT and ALWAYS | Clark, Murray Prentice, Laura TIDY Crozier, Robert man, Irene Dusty, Ivan Steer, Rose ing his time to transport the children Irish Treble Tournament on Wednes- Entrance Results Report of Entrance in South On- tario Inspectorate for 1086: Ewers, Norma Sutherland, Robt. Gerrow, Cora Taylor, Bernice Gooderham, Cora Waterworth, N. Passed on Examination Barrett, Mary Hayes, Harold Birkett, Ray Leahy, Clarence Blewett, Irene Lee, Isabel Demara, Vivian Phair, Doris Diamond, Alex. Sager, Myra Densham, Ashton - Stevens, Theo. Dowson, Joseph Tetlow, Gordon Gilboord, N. Sweetman, N. CLAREMONT Passed on Year's Work . Bacon, Myrtle Holtby, Merle Day, Delta , = Kester, Lois Forsyth, Herbert Middleton, V. Farley, Helen Nighswander, J Glover, Helen Taylor, Edna Gibson, William Passed on Examination Burton, Dorothy Linton, Jean. Echart, Reta Mitchell, F. Elliot, Verno Parker, Jean Ellis, Elsie Spang, Mary: Evans, Lena Stewart, Olive Johnson, Mabel Symes, Annie Lewis, Fred ard, Jean WHITEVALE Passed on Year's Work Armstrong, J. Teefy, Margaret Hilts, Jean Taylor, Ray Hornshaw, John ' , Turner, Lois Malcolm, Fern Wilson, Julia Petty, Emily "Wilson, Doris Somerville, M. - SHR LAGE " Passed on Examinations Coulson, Annie ~ Stephenson, G. Shi Charlés Trimble, Robert BOWLING NEWS On Thursday evening, June 27th, the Oshawa Bowling Club entertained the Port Perry bowlers. Mrs. /H. Mulligan and Mr. Roy O'Neill won two of the prizes for Port Perry. /The Ladies Bowling Club held an day afternoon of last week. Three 10 end games were played ahd the prizes were given for the highest score with three wins, two wins, and one win. The first prize was won by Mrs. Tunsell of Uxbridge with a score of 43 and 8 wins, Mrs. Williams of Lindsay won 2nd prize , 86 and 2 wins, Mrs. Brasé of Lindsay won 8rd prize, 831 and 1 win. There were 12 rinks ente from the following clubs: Oshefa 2, Agincourt 1, Ux- bridge, 1, Lindsay, 4, and Port Pe 4. . A number of men from Port Perry attended the Scotch Double Tourna- ment in Lindsay. last Wednesday |. evening. H. Mulligan and S. Davis won 1st prize and 8. Jeffrey and C. C. Jeffrey won 2nd prize. Men's Bowling Club held a Scotch Double Tournament on Friday even- ing, July 6th. There were 32 entries which made it necesstry for some of the bowlers to use the Uxbridge Bowling Green. The. prize winners for the evening were as follows: Jim Kennedy, 'three wins; A. Kidd, Oshawa, 2nd prize for three wins; C. Bell, Lindsay, prize for two wins; J. Murray, Port Perry, prize for 1 win, Uxbridge, 1st prize for The weekly jitney was held on Mon- day evening. Mrs, E. Beare won 1st prize and Mrs. Chapman 2nd for the ladies. Wm. Graham and G. Real tied for 2nd. 8 ends were played to break the tie, Wm. Graham winning 2nd prize, The scores were: Ladies--Mrs, Chap- man 26, Mrs, Murray 28, Miss E. Somerville 16, Mrs. F., Jeffrey 21, Mrs, Goodale 2, Miss L. Harper 16, Mrs, McFarlane 10, Mrs, Mulligan 18, G. Gerrow won 1st prize and "| pioneer days. * | convictions, '| London, Ont.; Vice-President -- Mr. over the effects of it. here on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hahn. he had no limbs fractured, but he was so badly bruised and shaken up. that he will be some time before he will be Rev, Mr, Honey and Rev. Mr, Stev- ens were very much impressed with the response that was made at the Evangelistic services which concluded Master Harry Hooke, of Toronto, | is holidaying with his grandparents Mr. Ed. Dingham, who had his left eye removed at the Oshawa General Hospital last week, has returned here and is progressing very favorably. Mrs, E. Beare 80, Mrs. Jackson 10. Men--Wm. Graham 26, G. Gerrow 28, C. Jeffrey 18, R. Jeffrey 18, J. Mur- ray 21, K. Pearce 19, F. Taggart 16, G. Real 26, A. P. McFarlane 24, E. Beare 20, C. Beare 18, R. Carnegle 18. ron SE Come and enjoy an evening in a cool theatre. Two special attractions for next week--July 15-16-17, Shirley Temple in LITTLE MISS MARKER. July 18-19-20, Clark Gable in MEN IN WHITE. Popular prices, tax extra, Strand Theatre, Uxbridge. LJ however, that the political campaign throughout the riding will commence very shortly now that parliament has prorogued and the announcement has been made that the election is to be held sometime before harvest time in the early fall or late summer. nesday, July 8rd, 1986, by Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Nancy Anna Moore, to Frederick Harry Cowling, Burke- ton, Ont. Crosier Family Re-Union About seventy members of the Crosier family were present at the! fourth annual re-union at Utica on! Saturday / afternoon, July 6th, In! spite of the severe rainstorm, a plea- sant afternoon was spent, and old folk and young folk had a real visit. The basement of the church was used as a gathering place. © There were members present from many Ontario points, including London, Stayner, and Toronto. - Speech making, story-telling, sing- ing dnd instrumental music consti- tuted the program. Mr, Russell Crosier, of London was chairman, and looked after the comfort and happi- ness of the family, Naturally the stories were those of Wilson Crosier (82), aptly described the trandportation facilities of the bush days when he said, "If you wanted to go anywhere, you had to either walk or run." Mrs. Prentice told of the candles she used to make and the home duties that were not limited to an eight hour. day. The Crosier family in Canada dates back to. 1808, when "Willie" 'Crosier was born, He lived to be 94 years of pge, and was noted throughout this district as a man of deep religious His brother John was born in 1812, and the third brother was Thomas.. These were the heads of the Crosier family, which now numbers many descendants. . Among the elder generation are Mr. Wilson Crosier (82); Mr. Jabes Crosier (82); | It was decided to hold the 1936 re- union at Utica on the first Saturday in July. The following officers were elected: President--Mr. Russell Crosier,. of Wright Crosier, Manchester; Sec'y- Treasurer--Miss . Muriel Crosier, of Toronto. i ------ el EP ie LIBERAL CONVENTION Following closely on the heels of the prorogation of the seventeenth parliament of Canada, which took place last Friday, the Liberal Asso- ciation of the Riding of Ontario has called a Convention for the purpose of selecting a candidate to represent the riding in the forthcoming Dominion Elections, and from the trend of re- cent events and the overwhelming majority given the Liberal Party in the recent New Brunswick elections, Ontario Liberals have every hope that the candidate whom they may select will represent the riding at the eighteenth parliament. The Liberal Convention to be' held at Whitby Town Hall, on Monday, July 16th, 1935, at 8.30 p.m. daylight saving time, is to have a maximum of delegates from all parts of the riding, executives of the Association indi- cated this morning, as reports are coming in from the various polling subdivisions of the county and the Association is looking forward to an enthusiastic and well attended meet- ing on the date mentioned. Speakers who have been secured to address the convention include Hon. Ernest Lapointe, former Minister of Justice; W. H, Moore, M.P., Ontario; W. A. Dryden, President of the On- tario Liberal Asociatiod; W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P., 'Mayor of City of Oshawa; J. Carrol Anderson, Secre- tary of the Association, and others. Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Parliament's well known orator, represented Can- ada at the League of Nations, and is devoting his whole time to the Liberal and it is through the good offices of W. H. More that Mr. Lapointe is to appear at Whitby on Monday, July 16th. On several occasions it was imposed upon Hon. M. Lapointe to adt as Prime Minister for his leader the Rt. Hon. Mr. King, which duty he carried in very able manner. , While a few names have been men- tioned as possible candidates to repre- sent the riding the general consensus of opinion is that the present sitting member, W, H., Moore, will be the un- animous choice of the convention on the first ballot. Although no definite policy or platform has been an- nounced by the party, it is expected, RI SL VER AT MARRIED Cowling-Moore At the home of the bride, on Wed- Lawrence's Drug Store News - (You Can Bave With Safety at Your Rexall Store) ~ Summer Specials MONSERRAT LIME JUICE ......:., .49c. PICNIC PLATES ........... +++ 10¢. dozen i AGFA CAMERAS .......... $2.00 and up. OLYMPENE LINIMENT ....50¢. and $1.00 ' FLY-TOX ..... PENI 38c., 57¢., 97c. 'BATHING CAPS ........ «+++. 15¢. to Ble. > _ODORONO .........+.......85¢. and 59c. A Quality : Product. NIAGARA MAID GRAPE JUICE 8 oz. 25¢. . 25¢..and 49c¢c. 20 oz. 50c. A. M. LAWRENCE oo ae Rangll se PHONE 49 PORT PERRY SUMMER DRUDGERY ELIMINATED BY OUR DAMP WASH 16 pounds for 49 cents 3 cents each additional pound. i Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. We call and deliver. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1985 Phone 143 (Mrs, Cooney, si ya LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Machine ground, all kinds of light repair - work done, ° Apply to S. Causley. . Phone 228. t.f. ~ Strand Theatre Uxbridge (30 degrees" cooler inside.) Thurs., Friday, Sat'day (this week). Shirley Grey, and Ralph Bellamy, in "One is Guilty" A baffling Police Story that will thrill you to the end. Mon,, Tues., Wed., July 15-16-17 Shirley Temple CAERAREA V Mr. C. McTavish's red canoe dis. appeared. Saturday 'evening at Wil- liam's Point., 'A reward has been of. fered for. its return home. :.. : Mr, Jas. Frise 'and Mr. Gregory Clarke, of Toronto Star Weekly fame, spent the week end at Frayer's. Mr. Frise is a Port Perry boy. : Caesarea folk enjoyed the Straw- berry Festival at Bethany Friday evening and report a fine supper and program, ; Mrs, Shepherd has rented her cot- tage and is leaving for the city. Dancing every Saturday night "at Caesarea and at William's Point. An Oshawa band provides music for the latter. Caesarea boys made a neighbourly visit to Port Perry street dance last week. Several of them sang their favorite song on the way home--"It's a long way to Caesarea"--when they: discovered they were out of gas. ! and They arrived home at noon the jf Adolphe Menjou in day. ' The first ripe raspberry was picked last week at William's Point. | Port Perry Dairy has opened a branch at Caesarea. Slogan: "Drink' more milk." el Ce Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Frost, Oshawa, spent Sunday with his grandmother at William's Point. Dr. Langmaid and Mr. Aldred spent this drama .of next week--Clark Gable, in 1 ° x L] y: Little Miss Marker Our darling Shirley will thrill you 'every minute with her clever antics in COMING--Thurs., Friday, Saturday, a day fishing at, Rice Lake last week, and report a fine time. cause in the coming election campaign |. GREENBANK Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Douglas, of Saskatchewan, are visiting with their sister Mrs. John Beare. Rev. J. Geo. Miller and Miss Mar- garet Miller, of Ingersoll, called on relatives hére last Tuesday.® : Mrs. Burnett and Miss Farnring- ham, of Toronto, are holidaying at] Mr, T, Sharpe's. : ] We' extend our sympathy to Mrs, McKitrick, on the death of her father Mr. Herron, Mrs, (Dr.) Petress and children, of South Bend, Indiana, visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leask, Mrs, Gonyore, of Detroit, Mich., was a visitor at the home of Mr. T. Sharpe, last week. . ; The many friends of Rev. Mr, Part- ridge and Mrs. Partridge and Miss operation in Oshawa Hospital on McCORMICK MOWER FOR SALE 6-foot cut, reconditioned and in first class order. For sale cheap. Apply to C. Switzer, Port Perry. framing, os oerassteassst un We Carry a Full Stock, 'of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. : Try us and get results 81) & Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. \ Phone 240 § PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight ' Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment - at. fall: times. .- DISNEY BLOCK | Oshawa PES Opp. Post Office; Phone 1516 EE a Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers of Sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for at PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, the TWELFTH DAY OF JULY, 1985, at the hour of two o'clock, in the 4 'afternoon, at the farm of Fred Bailey, R.R. 8, Sunderland, Ontario, the fol- lowing property, namely, - All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Township of Brock, in the County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, being composed of the North Half of Lot Number Twenty-three, in the Seventh Conces- sion of the said Township of Brock, contained by admeasurement 'one hun- dred (100) acres, more or less.' On the said farm there is said to be farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a-reserve-bid. : : TERMS OF SALE: Ten per, cent. of the purchase money to paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days. PAGE, East Block, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO, _ Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this twenty-first day of June, 1935. Aes ~ MARSH HILL * Mr, and Mrs, Craig, of Scarboro', visited at Mr. Scott's recently. Mrs. Geo, Share and Mr, and Mrs. Garland Langstaff and Alec, spent a few days with Mr. Ed. Langstaff. Mr. Robert Swanick underwent an Thursday last. At time of writing he is getting along as well as can be expected. i g Mr. Wayne is kept busy these days] COMING! F. E. Luke, Yonge St., Toronto, Eyesight Specialist, may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, July 11th. : picking his strawberries, "Mr. and Mrs. Lorimer attended the Induction Service for Rev. Mr, Wal- lace at Greenbank, on Friday night. Congratulations to Master Garland Swanick upon passing the Elementary Piano Examinations of the Toronto RR Ee DR. W. 8. HARPER nity Usraranatical College and Post Graduate in Seraery ot ron tes' Coll ad ad," Cl EES oni Se North t Lon London, England, Infirmary, Glasgow. sale by TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, " erected a dwelling house with suitable 4 5 # Helen, regret their departure from oux midst on Wednesday of last week for \Colbonre. © During their /four years with us they made a host of friends. ~~ Mr, Partridge is retiring from the active ministry and we hope he will live many years to enjoy their new home. : : a The Induction of Rev. Mr. Wallace to the Greenbank Charge was held 'on Friday evening. = We welcome Mr. | exceptional quality--also the popluar Wallace and family, | | priced ready made dresses in excep- Mr. Wallace McMillan, Swho has! tionally good summer styles. See Mrs, been teaching in Rainy River, the last| Stones or call her for an appointment, Conservatory of Music. i Announcement Mrs. Mahel Stones of Port Perry wishes to announce that she Ras, the agency for the popular dresses--made to your own measure, ments at no greater cost than you would expect to pay for a dress of year, is homie for his holidays. =. | Phone 216. ~ july18 ~ | Office and Surgery--Port Perry, «8 DENTAL SURGEON; Office Hours: 0 am. to 6 yg i Office Up-stairs, over Bmmerson"s ~~ Insurance Office J. 0. STEPHENSON, RO, | Forenoon - A Pal pa : ORRISON'S DRUG STORE ma | W. A. Sangster Bi 4 mama y f Pig ERS SN For further particulars and condi- -- 1 tions of sale, apply to HARRY W.»

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