Page Eight Ss . - SCUGCOG / pr nieces Vers and Ina King, Mr. and| the game ending with a score of 14-7 | ronto spent the week end at the Home Mr, an Mrs. A. 'T. Hubbard, Enfield, with our - - . Mrs. T. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. D. Coad, | in favor of Scugog. It. was a very of Mrs. Jenning's mother, Mrs, Wells, | Mr, Wm. Britton and Mr. Leonard (§]- : Hi oh We were all very pleased w Ruby and Clare, Misses Evelyn and | interesting game to watch, Misses Eva Goode and Doris Me-| Slute visited at the home of Mr, and i ME ATS new Pastor, Rev. Mr. Joblin's words| oie Webber, of Oakwood; Mr. and; Fue Worfien's Association will hold | Gregor, of Port Perry are spending | Mrs. Oliver Hubbard on Sunday. THE CHOICE OF GOOD . of greetings and his encouraging mes-| yc M_ Goard and sons Bill and John their meeting at the home of Mrs. J.| a few days with Miss Leona Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, of Yelverton, 5 ' " : ye sages of hope that we will all work| oe yittle - Britain; Mr. and Mrs. J.| Pearce next Tuesday, July 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Howsam and daugh-| Mr. and Mrs. McGahey and son, IS E ASY IF YOU BUY together .as & happy family for the| pice and sister Miss M. King, of| [he Reader family re-union picnic | ter, Mary of Hampton, spent Sun-| Lloyd and Mr. English of Lindsay x : good of the Church and what it stands yg oo 4mus, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Curtis| will be held on Saturday, Jply 18th, | day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.| were recent visitors with Mr, and G for. Mrs. Geo. Samells was at thel 4 hildren Bruce and Donald, of|at Cream of 'Barley Camp, Bowman. | Williams. ; '| Mrs. J. T. Evans, ; > -- FROM --_-- 4 organ. Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon|ville. Bring your dishes and refresh-| Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow spent the| Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brawn and child- r ioe : ~The Sunday School contest is closed gi, 0 and baby Ralph, of Burketon; | ments. week end with friends in Hampton, ren, Mrs. Kellington of Toronto were Fg : : with the Yellow side counting 23,1y.. J Wannamaker, Mr, and Mrs. H.{ Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Burnham and| Mr, and Mrs, Fred Warren visited | recent guests of their relatives here. BERT : MacGREGOR Mr. Demara as leader. The Red side. namaker and sons Glen, Mr. and| son John visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. | with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wells, recently.| Mr. James Power spent a few days i BP Beaty mek captained by 'Mrs. Orr Jeffrey. The| Mrs. 1. Irwin and daughter Sina, of 'H. Gerrow, at their cottage on Sun- Mr. Ernest Gerrow is attending the| last week with his cousins Merlin ------ = treat of ice cream was served afterfq..o.ave Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinley | day. College of Education in Toronto, ex-| and Leonard Slute. ; : FHS Sd Ge 4 Tr gles 3 XO Sunday School by the losing side} ong daughter Emma of Port Perry; Mr. T. Graham, Mr. Geo, Schell and | pecting to receive his Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose attended Nfl Sli bl y: % each person was to bring their own| yj, and Mrs. W. Cook and son Earl| Mr. Allie Mark, are busy helping Mr.| Mr. and Mrs, E. Jennings, Mrs. C.|a family picnic last Saturday at : ; : Fi MA L a dish and spoon. They sure served | ¢ Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs, C. Heayn, | Carl Graham to cement and repair | Wells and Mrs, W. McGregor' spent) Spruce Point, Lake Simcoe. Assure Yourself of the Best RR liberal helpings which were enjoyed.| jin mie Douglas and Marlyn, of Port| his stables, Sunday with friends in Lindsay. Mr, and Mrs, George Luke, Mr. and ; : ; 2 hain FES There is to be another contest,|peyry; Mrs. N. Heayn, Joan and Dona| The Gerrow family intend holding Mr, and Mrs. Gerrow visited with| Mrs, K. Luke and Miss Ruby Luke|ll By having our driver call todeliver your needs in starting next Sunday, with Clarence] + port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Orr| their re-union picnic at Uxbridge | Mr. snd Mrs. T. Williams in Caesarea | of Cresswell, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs.|@§ * : : t Carter and Everett Prentice as ¢ap-| chunk and family of Lindsay; Mrs, | Park next Wednesday, . Hope they | recently. x; B. Johnston of Manilla were Sunday | E B d C k d P tains. Be sure to be on hand and iy Demara, Mr. ond Mrs. J; A 'have nice weather, Miss Leona Wells spent Sunday | guests of Mrs. Wm. Luke. : rea ' a es, an as ry help the boys off to a good start. |iilton, Grace and Glen, and Miss F. | [| with Miss Dorothy Irvin, Mr. und- Mrs. A. J. Pilkie spent |§ : Fresh an dW ell Made Mrs. W. Mark, of Shirley, Mr. and| carter, Misses' Irene, Mildred and HONEYD ALE Miss Elizabeth Symes went to| Sunday with relatives in Toronto and | E : , Mrs. G. Mark, and little son Clayton} Heayn, Orville and Alvin Heayn, Mr. Pigeon Lake. last. Thursday, she will| Hamilton. / PEERY Kh Mrs. D. Harrison, of Port Perry, Mr.| 4,4 Mrs. D. Hope and Leonard, John The regular meeting of the Wo-| remain there most of the summer, Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. H. Carnochan and little Joan| 3,4 Clara Hardy, and Miss Ivah men's Institute was held at the home Way of Oshawa, on Wednesday, June ¥ oe Y id ¢ spent a very pleasant day with Mr.| Milner, of Scugog. of Mrs. W. Jackson, on Thursday, D ON'T DRIVE 26th, a daughter. 5 Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey, last week. After dinner, which was enjoyed by July 4th, with an attendance of 20 Mrs. Thomas Brawn of Bowmian- EH EE : Mr, and Mrs. G. Demara and Grace, |), oapme of. -aottball . wis played. members and visitors. Meeting | without Public Liability and Property ville is nursing her sister, Mrs. Oliver |§ ~ PHONE 98, PORT PERRY . visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. Irwin, at This was followed by races for all-- opened with the ode, followed by the Damage Insurance. : | Hubbard. . $ - | Seagrave on Sunday. . : ; will -is iii fe ul gh Sh wi fi | i . . Lord's Prayer. The scripture lesson|maye advantage of our new low rates. The many friends of Mrs, Olive sas : Mrs. Teel and nephew Mr. T. Clark, Be pov bn Ine read by Mrs. F. Raines. After the| (pire, poring Plate Glass, Burgular Hubbard are sorry she is so ill and , Jr., of Toronto, are visiting the form-| og" © 04 under, Mildred Heayn 1 business was over the program con-| insurance also written at reasonable under the Doctor's care. We hope | - : [J = | E i : er's sister Mrs. O. Reader. Tommie], © King 2; 8 oy 12 yes Muriel sisted of two splendid readings by| rates.) Phone 88] for a speedy and complete recovery. Pasteurize ro ucts ; is leaving for England on Saturday|g, .. Glen Demara 2 Shoe hie Mrs. Allan Jackson, of Greenbank, a| g, H. PURDY, . PORT PERRY. Congratulations are being extended ; tc visit his father. We wish him a Huby Coad 1. Vera King 2. Men's solo by Mrs. W. Owen, accompanied ng to Miss Doris Bray on successfully / yi . \ pleasant and safe journey. Balloon Race ' Gordon SoA 1. Off by Miss E. Jackson. Mrs. O. Ed- CONANT & ANNIS passing her third year examinations ARE SAFEST AND BEST Phone your orders Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark and, two|gp 0 o Nail Driving oink for wards gave the topic on, "Little| Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public | at Brooklin Continuation School. Con- = . bie id ney k daughters of Cardinal, and Mr. L. Women Murs D. Hope 1, Mrs. T. King Things Yio us a 0 GORDON D. CONANT Xa gratulations also to Jack Bright and| to 238. We do.the rest. _ Clark and sister Eva, of Mariposa, |, Aig y hg r. and Mrs. W. R. an, Miss ALLIN F. ANNIS, .» LL Stewart Bray on securing their en-| | 1 : Si were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. y Te imiy A 200 Af 2 Hee L. Johns and Mr, F. Johns of Ofists 8 Simcoe 3. By Saar, trance certificates on: their term's PORT PERRY DAIRY! Pearce and family. Ross King and ore. King 1, Loria Caesarea motored to Elora on Satur-| . .. cous House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Bi? Harvey Wilson. is writing his Mrs. S. Rodman and Mrs, T. Red-'g Al King 2: PF ~| day where they spent the week end Phone 7 (Whitby) _ _Vexaminations, we wish him success. WwW : : 3 : man visited in Toronto recently. Smith and Alma King 2; Fat Ladies') oop uy. willan's brother. rr ry The Ladies Association held their G. O EN, Proprietor. : Phone 238 -- Race, Mrs. O. Shunk 1, Mrs. D. He Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pearce attendea nee, rs um ¥s bps : . A number of friends gathered at : 2 2; Ladies' Ball , Mrs. H the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Reed, at| Pe a pace i the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Jack- RACLAN Enniskilen, last Friday. All the offic e-clected. M son on June 28, in honour of Mr. Women's Assoéiation Plan "At Home" | in the absence of the president, Mrs. Mr. Roy Hope is busy helping Mr. t e officers were re-e ect » MT| Jackson's birthday. Those present| District Societies to Gather at Home | A. Miller. * Letters of appreciation |} O F F | C E M O V E D ; F. Gardner at his farm, as Mr. Gard-! Duke King, of Pleasant Point, being| (oye. Mr, and Mrs. George Jackson of Mrs. Irwin Ormiston "| were read from several of the mem- g al ner is helping to clear the shore of chosen president. It was planned tof .,4 gon Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Milner, July 17th bers for flowers and fruit received weeds and grass at Pine Point. meet at the same place next year on : Eh d Vela and Edna Madgett of Scugog, Mr. and "Mrs. Collas™ and. daughter while ill. Plans were made to hold an I have moved my Insurance Office to my residence on Last Wednesday, July 8rd, about 90 the second Wednesday in July, and| nm. Fred Mawson of Toronto, Mr.|and Mrs. Gibbons of Toronto were| "At Home", on the lawn of Mrs, L : of the King family met at Stephen- "© hope that all those that were un-| oq Mrs, Allan Jackson of Greenbank, | guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Latimer on| Ormiston, on July 17th, when Myrtle, Bigelow Street, where you will find us fully equipped son's Point for their family re-union able to got there this year will be on} ppg W, H. Mark; Harold, Gordon and; Sunday . : Columbus, Manchester, and Prospect to look after your insurance need. Phone 41. picnic. Mrs, T. King and son Ross kasd PE Fi Sa Keith, Mrs. I. AndeFson and Phyliss| Mrs. Albert Slute and daughter | Association will be invited. We all 0 ; and his son and daughter, came all the as ursday evening the Brook-| of Port Perry. spent a few days last week with| hope for a nice day. 2 ip : Tr CA way from Trailer, py to attend this lin Girls' motored here for their first Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Owen spent the| relatives in Oshawa. FE Brawn of Myrtle is visiting | _ HAROLD W. EMMERSON reunion. Among those present were league game of softball. It was. a| week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Misses Pyatt, and Virginia Nasmith | with her, - daughter, Mrs. O. Bright. : Mrs. Abbott, of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs, close game, Brooklin winning: 12-11.| G, Dunn, Bowmanville. of Port Perry, were week end guests| Miss Ila Wilson and Mr. Fred Cox Duke King and daughters Alma and Our girls go to Uxbridge on the| Mrs, E. Beare and Miss Hazel Beare | of Miss Ine Tummonds. spent Sunday in Orillid, © Cora, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hill and Mr. 12th and we hope they will be able to [ motored to Toronto on Friday. My. and Mrs. Shacklady of Los| Mrs, Drummond spent the week end i. Lorne Smith, of Pleasant Point; Mi. get the extra one there. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family ot | Angeles, Cal, are visiting with the| with her parents in Port Perry. ' : and Mrs. F. King, Mr. and Mrs. Gray- ~~ Myrtle boys came here on Friday| Toronto were recent guests at the| latter's father, Mr. Wm. Davidson. Miss Laurene Miller and Mr. Nor- 3 rl CO AL AT S don King, of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. last with the hope of wining as be- | home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Owen. Miss Jean Davidson spent the holi- | man Wilson spent Sunday = with i W. King, Maurice and Eileen and fore, but our boys turned the table,| Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennings of To-'day with friends: in Buffalo. - friends near Toronto, : pik o> ob : i : : S Fs : ail, _ NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS 7 PRICE i In the Estate of George Franklin, Have you thought of the money yolt can save by putting in your deceased. winter's Coal while low summer prices are in effect? All persons having claims against{}} "FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE" the Estate of George Franklin, late of If you have not previously used this "Better Pennsylvania Hard the Village of Port Perry, in the Coal" order it for next winter and be assured of entire heat satis- 4 County of Ontario, Gentleman, de-|}}' faction during the coldest weather--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes. ceased, who died on or about the 18th Also summer prices on WELSH COAL and COKE. day of June, A.D, 1935, are hereby y ! . notified to file with the undersigned, CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, Co VACATIONING soon? Start out in a THE TURRET TOF... the nowsst, safest Solicitor for the Estate, on or before HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, ete. = new Master Chevrolet and assure the success 0 ci" oh kaows. ys oul of hg S473 ; the 1st day of August, A.D, 1035, full ||| HARDWOOD SLABS and SOFTWOOD SLABS. of your holiday plans!" You travel smartly in this A Fisher Body ne sir offered only on particulars of their claims. Your orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. aristocrat of low-priced cars. You travel dependably, in its price class. ; Immediately after the said date the : economically, care-free. And best of all, you travel KNEE . . . owners and engineers both agres, yo : sets of the de 4: will: be'. dis- in Canada's 'most modern low-priced automobile-- must have Knee-Action front wheels for the ultimate in viding 2y3ete 0. tho tonare ® oa the only car in ifs class with the safe new Turret Top ease! Only fhe Maste: RY phi es the low-price field gives : tributed amongst those entitled there- 3 PORT PERRY CO AL Y ARD \ ; to, having regard only to claims so : bodies by Fisher . . . with Knee-Action front wheels a ot , : : filed id est W. G. W. PYATT 28 ye Srbs Dree Time DLE TLAME ENO ohn cor development... ed, and the seid estate, will. nos be rg Fuels" se of the famous valve-in-iead six-cylinder engine. Proved economy > liable tc A Phones--94 W and 94 J. Relisb'> Service Engine and Fisher no-draft Ventilation! Your nearest and dependability--along with power and performancel ~~: - : fable to any person of whose clai : dealer can make immediate delivery of your new car ~~ CABLE.CONTROLLED BRAKES . .. Another exclusive the said Solicitor. shall not then. have $ : notice for the assets so distributed, or .. 'call in and see him today. At the game time, Glioviolet Joaturoufor smooth, equalized, positive braking under * pn or part thestel d : oy ck Ser th nn Sanit Chel fh Towed Lh mion he or bi Noh {Piet Tr Fo ue a tr GMAC lorms. / m pioneered by Chevrolet. y cools the car interior hy Joseph Denny, R. R. 4, Uxbridge, in hot weather. cise ti : Solicitor for the Executors. monthly meting in the church.. Mrs, A. J. Grose presided over the meeting I ard a or A yr! a BE Ne ne! Jo BS En BAN PR am 8) Nt A CR pera eeesm|l is Our Policy | : __|# Give us a trial--you won't be Y ang "dissappointed pl | ag | Gerrow Brothers VENTILATION : |# m. A. GERROW Gm. GERROW 0.A.C. GROWING MASH SALT GROATS : m-- BUCEWHEAT FLOUR 'SHEET MUSIC--AIl the latest songs as heard over the © PASTRY FLOUR radio.' ~ Bi 'BREAD FLOUR OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS--An excellent tonic and PURINA PRODUCTS . . regulator for the warm weather. 39c. per large can. SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT RAT-NIP soon puts an end to the inroads of the rats. 8b6¢. PRICED '88 5 dor the Master "FLOUR | per tube, : j s FROM 2-Pass. Cop) JF pg EASTMAN KODAKS, CAMERAS and FILMS--all sizes Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. ; : SIO (a aud at standard prices. i; ~Loa Freight and Government license only extra. = vena as is HOLL Sr 3 ; Lake Scugog Milling Co TAT THAL ATE ANT TRAPS--just place them where; the : STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $712 READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | and you will receive the best: value ants are numerous. They attack both sweet and grog AE T 2 ; for your money that it is good |] eating ants. You will soon see the ant colonies dis i hin dein iggll| ele Onl 5c, Enough poison in each trap to kill "al Bins day By i twelve pounds of ants, What more could you desire? ; : i PHONE ® = fA ae " WE | + e@ I Morrison's Drug Stere fo | A WARIDEL, Manager Port Perry. Phone 16 Ontario TRANS POR TATEO N | SIS rn SIRS H. R. ARCHER'MOTOR SALES x