eéntury, B.C, it would, as a mode ¥ writer on the Great Wall has 8 {| gested, have {ma wonder of the a i ou id fn at ! Temple of Diana at Ephesus, § statue of Jupiier Olympus by Phi: b, of Mausoluy, ¥ w ichis it the i ' a at Phare 08, near id' the '(Colldssud 'ot vhich was destroyed by an oe Great |" Wall as by | decree hay id win hip 5 or Shihi Huang-Ti, First," is Aan hie lon + | hose bake! He {uiréeremoni ond destroyed, saving only th i that had to do with fortune-telling, trology, agriéulture and medici "The wall, for~ centuries one of {i fense, stretched from the sea to the desert--a distance of about fifteen i hundred miles--winding over mount \. tains, through valleys *ondep: 4 ot bo labor, and hy is Sy added that 200, nyjets © fwith iron , collars about 4 ecks' worked their tracks, and]; re then tossed| re cearly ¢ pA bf banichrient 19 ~8iberia of: batting -prisoners. ...- But these were not enough to com. lete | the undertaking" "= "the build! ; 0 : nty 2 Ja, on Htidaid every ik man: in hig 1 ew] WN a empo rn 3 lic works 'Projegt. | to bea' 'Yam art a KHER 0l hose r¢ iin makes | no » ess it vas in | his ver " Lo os it th 2H Henk is between whom > barrier wag /set.sIt exists now, not (RBA ( permanent; fortification | but. only Li AEqan neient ita a fl the. sentiment of 'the ih as a whole would voice 'tdelt Cn the ancient; commandment: i Jin opi dhou shalt not remove thy : gbbers, landmark which' ye) 'old time have set. (Hey of with 'China'$ "past de- es the respect of those peoples ave been , more a thifteenth 2 alkeady in circulation Sins with 'ipolititali~economy, religion, agriculture, warfare, paint; ing, music 'hid thé!other arts, mov: Igblés types! having beeniin use; for "eénturiesy i andi. paper: money, being in circulation. Asia's most! andiént man, so "Peiping Man," "Hound An Wis rEve south of'. the Great Wall), hag, according, tothe: testi many, of archaeologists, added, many new facts to He Jenleige of man's possess the earth! YTV Ely anything, es, as a high authority has Fate foal 4 dnd' sound 'gs' the Chinese pi fi ee fron the arth." n ES Siow et Shows Greatest: fice i ids Onl i ri uy z iy a scaly akin is gone; 1 "seems as iit travels«.go.- rapidly |. oh 'But \ask~.Dr. i sl Mo, aver a this and he will scoff! Paks io along yo, 'an hour is on A or reveals in a phblished Inj Copela, 3} g To hie Jit on on/a be exact, 26) n record, as the fornian pA were testéd. The ré-< FT WAS. ads then, only Dy His tuts ines py hdl. , -uamakes, th n. their ,wayl ral' "pace and' 'gome- |» 1s 6. thei, along.' i tv the, gqphar goyld do 1,2 mileg_an_ hour. A . Boake at what A oy ' ire raped an ho urged it Tie ebfd {dé 06 'bétter thani[{ ear The Jeatherimedal pit Pale 13% SA Jaf r yest "No fopt ig neceivad as, truth v tilcthe pereipient hast conformed ian #) ¢olored if to suit His preferences.' proddnlgl Th nak SAE, yout' 80, T. 0 when hy Soro de- } A brother to every 0 , oud Scouts of t ° Tot Chatham, | | Secoutmast r, Field Secretary Fred fl Buesnél! ata 'largely attended 'bans quet. Ag a result $f the AA gainer it was decided to, e | Association, "to @ssist in every way possible the work of Scouting in the community's oii { * ° . | A p@mber of. out-of-town S¢vutsiath itending the Beden-Powell rally at aint *John, eb were given: a: flying "8 pe by 'Wesmeville rafal are receiving an all-round training in fire fighting from members of the town's volunteer . rT According to Fire ani gon, "if a serious conflagration should break out in the village we Wo HABER EHH ,Company of that churcl be the least bit, ye lh 18d : icated by the Rev. F. Gy) of ourydutie Vine of dps, who are plready prov ng 0 2 great assistance | to usd! on ---- I ~ = PrN 1110 v is ie este Theew {) ther Scout, 4 without 4 egard to race or creed ij Ont." #Froop - honoured. thei 210k mei f pa /trébpiof 50 mous fram Toledo, Ohio, ~ oyd" Prodi ak dedieateds dna impres por failun * 5) ue #2860 oronto eo June week. endl; | Heoutd 49 n to rotor Jul¥nas ro . ie i's . Aadtepp flag present mother in memory ofyCadét Eugen Wisblegynlale of the -Royal Canadiah Flying Lor s, to the 1st Petrolia, Ont sive seryjce at Qhalst,Chugeh,,yb REV.W.* Boa, Jeo booy ud Nihe Scout troops and Paks of th Parkdale IYstrict, Tcronto, partic] ted in ashy cial services at Par | are seer hur when th colours $/ the 28th Scout Group an Vesey. es SH INOHAD | 1 ASM. Bob. Haig er tila' Tat Ohiesty 'erville' "Troop, Ont. operating' at. eur radio station VE3FL, Lad' been receiving dally. reports [ithioughl/ an Ottawa amateur, regarding the condi. tion of the father of one of, his Scquts, in hospital at Ottawa, fl uoel en l big ald To responast to' dn emergency. radio callsfrom! an Edmonton: hospital for a blood transfusion, 12 Edmonton Rover Scouts, Romp i resented "tHemselves. Practically 1"'the' 'Ed- monton 'Rovers Have" ALA nameg: onirecord [atthe various: idity hospitalg, for i this, service, for.people [¥19 AYQ HOt in 8, /pasition, fo; pay. Jao} favo ai '|, Following 8.8 pectel, hur he yu de of the 18th Londo o the Church of" thé" ina bi 'Hotwdrs placed on the altar by the Cubs were dig{ributed amongst, the §ick, pt, the congregation. dell lel Jel Led by, the Qddfellow's,1Band- and headed by a colour party; of Af flags, 400, Cubs, Scoutg and Girl Guides Q0k part {n 'Moncton's largest 'church' par- are, to' St, John's and' Céntral Utiitea {ohurchies, 'and! St." Bernard's.>! "The parade was reviewed by! His (Worship Mayor, 'D. JH. King, and, owas johserved by, hundreds, of , people, lining; the routes to the several J HH sous bi'gomie 176 Cubs ld! 'edits, véple. | | | senting "eight Stout 'Groiips; thadd np thig year's!party tor: tbe dntiualivisit of Toronto Séouts over: a Juneoweek- end, to the Scouts, of Buffalo], The Toronto boys, who went by hoat 19} Lewiston, and. thence by pus were | Hai of the "1st Bo tal Tiosp and Pick. During the 'Visit a yWredty' Wik 'placed "on' the McKinley | Mottmelt, | 'andi on Sunday: the, Cahadian and |. American: Scouts held a-joliit (church Parade to. the: Churan-al Onis: . 3 A} 'Urirr, oY, Je the drenp Scout Mothers and "a Scout flag es nted! 'By 'the' Young Ladies" Sodaitty | t8¢. 'Patifck's ' Church," Galt)" Ont, 'Were presented to: Sti Patrick'gio Scout Troop during: an: inipressive sdivice ofiiciating.; This {g- one. of, Galt's, get: ive, new troops, . Wi 110 v' I ol un Shiday)' 'June 16," was 'ebtiren' pas ads Sunday for maby Toronta 'Scout Groups; The Danforth' Divisionapar- aded: to Rogers' Presbyterian: Church, the Beachqs Division to Hape \nited, the University Division to the Church 'at "All Nations, the®l Trinity Bediit Group -to- St, Barnabas', and the Tr ity North units to Britten 1 Some 2,000 8 i feloaiuid idenoass anodd Sis 09 on youth, Bs 10 od uta 'a aip, ant afi in" (io! places abid @fthwmb. First ald was given, a stretcher imprqvided,; thén. carried out on the church. lawn, Rev. Kr, Doylei.. | cimkeHp ln yl était he ly i ths ot hi rea or months o e year Jer; a pl ping!" "Throughout { RB hb Dominion! boys: Are bri'the Annual trek foi thei'dpon: spaves for what isl | yirédictedo will beri a, ¥ecord camping | ¥eRNa with, spma 25,000 Scouts living | pagal, pephtipe out WSK: the Ric pnd ptars {itfay 1h agit adi doatodd bog Kites Tubiiée' Honour "List" to Noval: dol hiclided ih -0B.E for: Seoutmadter EB: (Perey! Brown iof Wolt wile; [/Ithe honour iwas|#: recognition af;hig.areanization. of the, first, Wolly 1a, Scant, Troop, and, carrying on as 18 Jeader for 25. PERL, lanl i JIA! ring? ndsthig ot the 16 Nidg: "Arh-oNCtHe Eke! Troop! drrangéthents werevmade tor /groups to ippecialize. 4ri lariat: pinning and ua andar: | Susp. a S10 4nd, in or gi | ns Jab red' puribnlary well! done hs deen wank Hg halpihg! greatly |i fonlereatd a Red) Cross! atmosphere; JniralJetten from the; Secretaryiiof the -8tq Catharines Branch, .of (the. Red Sinosato Bet, Sony: Crmmissloner, Pra B tA Ve, (77h pirefod't din roi Hrd the ites! gattibh tothe Segliig - 'coiintries" ofthe, British Bmpitre. 50 oii { ~dof aoa hulk Ao Mol Wood, eaT¥ ing, has, heen taken. up ith, interest, by, the, at; Pang Scout. 'H 0 Grainger. bite sii aby tout' voy. of 'the top ebIC Becond prize at' ax 'Edo. ton Handieritt. 'exhibition «| ~dofl wvl gon Sole goon Ji As ydali Neabraigtustreaine] Ther Way of a weekqends'cantping party ofthe tpthry/ Toronto ;Kroop, when a, girl Jom Iran X Reg, Jipform, them, that a or ho I x from, a trestle bridge Jroe oP Ale. ol er the; | guidance' of outs' responded ¢ ufck- fat 'the lad' had' ract- Aaithes i and; Jad ambulance Bum- moaned, 1 0 EE NT bin _ LHD Sted Sunday. schoo} r. A Dar Lh at ih Sask, 'd détachment' of 'the 18t YLloydminfster Scout Troop, at! the" request of' the authorities, acted, as a traffic unit, to head and guard 'the procession through 4 f/ithd@ town, An ph Fr N Set . "Work was given, pt a luncheon a of, ithe Port Arthun/Rotary. Club, by, the, boys ) the 1st Port Arthur. Troop. The oD is possess by the local Ro- (8) Hagw VIOW olrnoind UII | OLIVA, OC war lo showed! from bail | ferimbthluwok hows @(niixture! 'of ' farni] gralnshroats)i hailleyveo, iwldeat | anid able Aes, Wilh ih slipped {rig ort/thel grading of' niarket fowl; the Poultry. | Committee; 1/ Cid A reception of flags received by the 3st Winipeg Scout she yl le and Gir Golthany' i pik i was ti Gin Hi uty St. Giles' United ih wiih JiThe, Spouta wad 1 Guides lof. this church hax Silla nuier SP nag connections "St. Gilé pd rouss | n var sat anal diib! 12lugar & oki Lal Yo CORN. MAKES. "aw a MLV \ i Horroll fran CORN MAKES..." He lu Yood hu) is fe als a1 swiadint _gaiwottot--oidl to badeizno: Many Interesting: Results.Re-|| ; u wribipostedii By « Pheed alos» et qd guibss@sAq@aH bivau wi Lion hited Hi Wot of butte held, (a. PRK, alii$he 0. (AssQ. cow or grains iy their use, , | po try Mhutrition? JB: Sith f apd jbuckybesti--alang [with jmilky ction, Liver, meal, Praye ei 0 eA il LF hu Sn 5 | poultryman "REE OR Gately" of Farm | gedbwin grils, ilicluding {Huse Mand; | avid lsom él niille, he can gobi igood pio: | dugtions yom: theh flack landiithe: «dggs will he hatehahle. Al clooquimod J ; a LE FANIQR play. ofs the Qs ik Ga diame " (hp oe eWhoint 0 d rodi he 2 Wiunict ch rt ARH nienitersi and" eden teh vd oS Yoh 'db no8'knew:iwhall leonstitutts dawity 'in bone. Poultrymenmisometinies rhavé/] tandons ia) chy criRRls the, chickens, the bone i case ma ab 4 tag" lage T¢ohtaih" or df He idtals ounal ERE bene bE Vittie healthiest bird. Dr. Branion:'pwb! phiesittl that it:iavoulds heiieventunily learned, that i nok, imingral, , elements, 20d thely 8 Sombipptions, Jal Rig in bone of poultry, horses Hdl dther elasbon! bf liver Btoek.ai =ouivian will + Atl Mudddnald Colleizeiceroal grains have been !téstetd . Prorhl the: viewpoint of: fattening ant fipiphing binds ofox market. Reafesson il A. A 15Rid that, corn, kD i ipo Bs hand, between 'the ii A tening, birds, whereas fat wh ded trom' wHeat'"'is rape donkey ithe vutside ofl the ¢areads beneatlibithe skin. Corn-fed birds are very palar tablesnwhen eaten, ThE RAB: hls finished, on wheat are ine Tings Ab dry; and LY Barley:f¢ Wr ry ad particul arly, VAR Fold, Xi i ave, 91 IHious, chide' flavo hi This" Vredentch otk. ON Mécdoriald GoMege hash Qlvaedibearl and Dil FliN.! Barcellus, Ghdirmian:ef/] tht thera ds a distinct swing, to, Li in .the programme of mapy, Jeu segs men, today Fox, a mumber, of many psf, thoug] ght © only hy. HES, b {Hey a ¢ ution a odt" he. iu il fro iHarket! fowl as' from 'egigd; Cand bbirds't for market are .coming back more!ipro+ minently, intoi-thes fa¥m (poultry: pic- tured to sod gl Leah bas lM 1 8, Bird, Cn on) refriggration siudogs cond cp) eat. Bite, A meng 0 i Sct, with he 0 tind? Aveo Council.' i 'study 18" iiporeant) | 01d! Cotintty. 1» Mr.» Bivth sl dxplessed the opinion. that thteedto Mom: weeks: is all birds wilb:gtand io ite eHilling storage; and: icome, out) in goad form. rFapmere, Advisate.l) tad vd oun cionud ML iead sow dandy BiaiilLE ABA LINAS BCS IE 5 War Babies" -- Contr od} babaolin ood qiodt adm A scene in Berlin A in 201 hin mlod yaodiasne) otidy A itgrodod to anise od a bid b orien ohiroo'| vide hallo To liv diva foi 1 hl iglve 1 bin tien Kv liv 8 zoo fa tou fue lds roll' ford zie EA IER TIT t bovio & B9EO ad li bavra i RALLAEY! fia I bb ivi | ow oiti feu moni boroqor, es the 10 youths w} ) wore Bind 1 dvd, i Sim Py éar' of, En i a a alibi abitf th 3 numbies of giuer, |b oI : 10] J 15 194 BIG ung Ju ol Rhett iy pe wi rr val Ways Wena fof you!te give grdatbr value to your tbwhn Jas Urobelyisay.s ibg wi 00d) ahi H raiN--mrha 0 wih rien He, 'Jook bi ha Is a wajter iif} w= Swteoritr rr hay! dnbuer 7d sonaq 0 slaidis ns Asoseat LO) ¢ } a ito shits Lwad as at-| | =f tract Man You pre, wy dear: she; oxporimentd wete repbrted © by 2 fhe) os " » de devs smu wel | 93359 al HEHE PERFECT pole domamittee; of ithe I Cardaiaal [VY Saciety 06 Animal Production whiohi [4 1g Mother: A ow thal, Ju on + 0g Mi cHaion | Spateed "Bu Jntorr=Aw, T"Oof*t Mike it, Mother shail mpgs oelibval grou Jugs eficmspoe hake ood Bg aHuaaH noi} A Rss, Pa an a5 oun large W hes geese that on flepends on whether 2) his pl pelt WH. am, the office, ioe i of; A 1hath hatehability (apd, gery- Ye any ie i down, the Yo a yand stopped, before was sitting wiih his d n front of ur fare, pleat,' You'll find a" dinde a «oat pocket, i! Conddéteny I(staring. atin the ) min suspiciohsly)!t--Anything tha, matter ith yous grnat i tei The ie tothe monthly 'statement on oem al going [3 buy, A model ils 14 70h6. who; When she ppades tHe gdrden, picks upithd! fish orms shiely By es them for her: he ance pie ate ant (iaig ! hy! plain diy' ibpy | inne Uhit 4 BL me 'ohie sal, ed states, the report said, Wear gin o 'I'ain't'pay- ng no ajtention! to wh "ot thom." with your chin.' ¥ fome people' 8 heir owh toni' Priendbiet sgn HAM hare of doubtful bills on youp Hooks? Merrhant: --T. only, wish they were. | ment, © Ww here's no question about most of aol prices rising 14.4 per ving sign is Heplafblf in V, Lunch Room, at Loder curtailed in May pla about our coffee-- | You pasa old and; weak, yourselt | Cofee, Friend: 1) © I heard of! ft. Se re Never! held: h wine hd 'foda? an objeetion; Youth: --Darling, I've from: tHe vietrpoint | of éxpott to the Tourist: aly there a arog 'store / in his town?y'l RE / Brus hyille, gitszen--No, Yih if youll firivoe up, {oy my) house Ill, have my pld lady, B8Y: YQu up a snack tq eat. Today' yo ve power to claim | your Fultil' dts heaven's! wedlth! Today wis made for iyotr} If you 'will cease to pine and grieve, You will find Trdm "ft good gifts ed processes, of briquetting peat in Be 28 PTI i i i £ a saa DRAGON +rly "ayen't; iad a bite. fon foun, days," 1g tramp to, the landlady, of he George and | Dragon. pare me one?" iN t bit of itinow: bit with you tive heat vi alue, in, proportion to its aid thenldddilady,i/ he bi 2 ' "Coy yer Ihe, tramp, and iw miniites later ad diidd ecognizes. M "Services of Curri gr Otani ss Tate tior ij we i jolie the: sexddicest of - ti William Currie, form on. Li nea a) | Jodie 4 Nat. praprii) Go (i ho at comment on the il hat 16 $01 Ineo Fecdgiition ofthe perviden'. refdetdd/ to his'l | ili NE EEA LS Industrial Survey P Shows Increase Jitsmnt NIBW NORR--Woie a pro- duction in April was generally above the first quarter average, according geonomie condit ons, i sued . the ational Industrial, Canference i rd. Al thajor countries with the cx. ception 'of 'Frarice, Belgium, Switzer. land and the' Netlierlands showed in. dustrinlioutput well over a year ago, according, to, the survey. Unemployment... decreased from Conductor--'Ca ujgee 1 si n i y ' ; Ne aren gn Mt yous hey an, March by 6.7 per cent in Great Br: I, e, tain, 7.0 per cent in Germany, 6,6 per cent in France and 1,3 per cent British) dndustrial output gained over March, and there was come improve- ment in the Netherlands. Conditions in Franeey 1 Germany, Italy © and Jack . Dempsen ig ant dead Switzerland were described ay less seams, to be | snefytactory. =p! He for Canadw- aiid Mexica' showed gains fornthe month, but: Central America busipngs3 conditions were not as good, according to the report, Argentina, Bragil and Chilg, showed improve. cent in" April" helped Australia, and oJirayon and' steel' production reached new records in Japan, glthough cot- ton andirayon textilé production was World, prices. of raw materials gainad in April, with exception of Which declined and rubber, which "was about unchanged. Lurop- can' 'wliolégale pricas continued to you any gies, fo | agvance during 'May, , : a SHOWS soi won| SAVING POSSIBLE rien: - Oh, yes 1'do! bt (hes this way. Quebec and, Ontario Have Assurance From Expert Ottawa---Effective use of the peat bogs of Ontario and Quebec to pro- vidé cheaper fuel and' furnish em- ployment is proposed in a report prepared by H. G. Acres, hydraulic engineer; and peat expert, of Niagara Falls, Ont; Mx. Acres has investigat- Denmark, Scotland and Ireland. He deals extensively with the peco-gram process. Mt!' Acros concludes his report as follows: "Can the peat bogs of Central Canada, ov any of them, be made to produge in volume a hard, transport 'able fuel, suflie iently high in effec- bulk, to 'enable it to compéle success- rully fl 'the 'domestic fuel markets of RQunhes and Ontario? " "Phere are 'two elements 'to the poll it! sol fo fifked thie | answer; one having to do with = the avvaikay. riot big a ! AQ MG IT tue nay Hew! Avoriia i pele yframp, physival qualities jof briquetted peat win as. a fuel and the other heving to do with its status as a galeable com- | modity, STIFFNESS); Plinty of Minard's well JI IBlbed in soon sets you sgh Bathe the sore part th, warm water before you " ¥8u'it thon fimber up 1 ountry by thi ilar Gendral pit ndt) 1 Sm A | e Great War." {| i tind that by briguet.cd round ravty Mace fuel. coond pat whoo dhe basly pe: id Tho n vi nd tor' with C hie) vent os of the Ceti in of the assumed heat value raion of Ve to one-it weuld Lo 3,000 pounds of bite oo in_order to deliver "0 of effective heat Cart to would obtain fron average anthracite col Applying this vot estimated producto; derived from the ro er thermal clicienc :-, duced machntry co (1 able cost of briguet tons of briqueiteld the production cost fol, the equaivalent of anthracite, coal wenld Ie of prenarved sizes of $13 to $16.50 per would mean a spread of C4. cost and delivered Rg "These latter fir to indicate that brio ett ol peat fuel is a saleable cormcdit. "Such being the cose, conclusion is that there ei peco-gram process an ope: make cfiective use of the heot ro- peat bogs of Quebee thereby achieving of increasing locel portunities as well as the community at larce" of the Duke of Kent, "The answer to the first part cof the queztion is. that the process will produce hard transportable fuel; that its heat value in proportion to its such that it can be readily and con- veniently used as a general purpo se he uechold foe' : peco-granl volume a bulk is rayason rery. lo ope » Aaouig crater #1 of I mar iy Von aot] Gla. ES SE TR the en cares w Ow ra In. It af vo) wm y of 5 of °oropre ie etal rete at t tor, tm, hilo $4) produc on "qd anwar the final ts i the 'aunty to in the Ontario, » purpose "ational op- the weaith of An cfiicial sta'emcent > residence fourth sen of "The Duchess of Kent has cancel engagements and she is not undertaking any fur- ther functions this summer." It is understood the Duchess, Prin- cess Marina of Greece, who married November 29, 1934, is expect' zg a child. Classified Advertising BECOME A DETECTIVL Drawer 2h, Phranch i", i XPERIENCE ur N NECESSARY. PAR-~ Maurice Montreal, AGENTS WANTED selling our 26¢ ,, London, Ontario, FARNINGS household products. Drug Sales 3 22 218 STOP THAT ITCH In One Minute D. D. D. Prescription Speeds Relief tortures of pr other inscct bites, rashes and other skin | gary wotld-wide suc- Jenptiate the skin, he inflamed tissues. lear, greaseless and | 5 dries up almost immediately. D. Prescription today. x his A re i instantly, AS i "trial bottle, at any.drug store, is teed to prove it*--or money back, is mado by the owners of ITALIAN 'BALM, lets. Forty It isreally surprising to sec how Dr. D.D, ure, (Sooling, liquid, antiseptic ickly stops itching mpléd, mosquito or UArans= .D.D, Issue No. 28 -- '35 , AS i