hm ws Worl Ke A nn a ar fli Page Four -- em ---- -- The Misses Emmerson are home from Toronto for the summer months. The following delegates will attend Summer School, leaving next Mon- day morning. Elma Reesor and Marjorie Pyatt from the Y. P. S. Norman Powell and Clarence Beare from the Men's Bible Class, and Murray Luke and Margaret McCrea from Prince Albert Y. P. S. Mis. Edward Gill of Detroit, Mich, who was called here recently by the serious illness of her husband, Ed- ward Gill of Seven Mile Island is registered at the Sebert House. Mrs, Gill intends remaining in and around Port Perry through July and August. Mr. Fred Middleton of Toronto spent last week with Bob Jeffrey. Rev. W. P. Brown, and his niece, Mrs. Hoppett, spent a few days last week with Rev. R, T. and Mrs. Rich- ards at Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. A. Glenister of Chicago, are spending a pleasant holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. V. Peterson ot Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentice, on Tuesday. Mrs. Wm, Pavey is visiting friends in Kinsale. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin have been visiting friends in Peterboro, Woodville and Blackwater for ten days. Rt. W. Bro. A. B. Cawker, Rt. W. Bro. H. G. Hutcheson, V. W. Bro. Geo. R. Davey, W. Bro. G. M. Gerrow, and W. Bro. J. D. Lucas, of Fidelity Lodge No. 428, A. F. and A. M. are attending Grand Lodge in Hamilton, Pr BAY OF QUINTE SUMMER SCHOOL The Bay of Quinte Summer School will meet at Oak Lake on Highway No. 14 between Sterling and Belle- ville, July 22-29. It is expected that Port Perry and Prince Albert will send six delegates. Morning worship will be conducted daily by Rev. Arthur Barnes who is an adept in spiritual leadership. Rev. Geo. P. Bryce of India will lead in Misionary Study. Rev. Roy H. Rickard in Leadership Training. Revs. Stinson, Lane, McClellan, Mc- Kee, and Mellow will conduct Bible Study on "The Christ of the Mount". Recreation will be led by Miss Nellie M. Lewis of Toronto. Brief Vesper Services will be in charge of Rev. Elgie Joblin, son of Scugog's new pastor. ' Camp-fire metings will be address- ed by Revs. Stinson, Patterson, Smyth Richards, and Rickard. Mrs. Rev. R. T. Richards will be camp mother and Mrs. Rev. Mansel Smith will be camp nurse. Sunday morning Communion Ser- vice will be conducted by the presi- _ dent, Tey, Ww. J. H. Smyth. - PCB me HOL IDAY PREACHERS AT THE UNITED CHURCH The Pulpit Supply Committee-of the Port Perry United Church have ar- ranged with Rev. F. Waite of Limer- ick, Sask., to take charge of the pulpits of Port Perry and Prince Al- bert United Churches- during August. Mr. stood heroically at his post of duty in the dried out areas of the West through recent trying years. He is a young man of vision and is reputed to be a good preacher. He will oc- cupy the parsonage during August and will be available for any emer- gency pastoral service. : o> CHURC H OF THE ASCENSION 11 an.--Mogning Service. BE Ali iN. PH iii io™ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m. --Evening Service y or AAP SON PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A,,B.D., Minister Sunday, July 21st, 1935 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 7.00 pm--Evening Worship. Theme "Five Kings". A special address to Young People, A junior choir will sing. This will be Mr. Smyth's final service before Summer School and Holidays. A LIFE SAVED The ready and skilled efforts of a number of people saved the life of little Charlotte Solomon on Tuesday. The little tot fell off the wharf into 'the water and did not reappear. | William Oke, Bruce Leeds, of Toronto and some others who were near at hand immediately set to work for rescue, However, it was some min- utes before their efforts were reward- Waite is a Westerner who has | p-------- EA ----------m---- Harvest Time 'IS HERE Havé your binder canvas in time for a heavy crop, We repair Binder Canvas, a full line| of slats, straps, tacks and canvas on hand Do you need-a light harvest boot, we have them with panco soles" at $1.98 and $2.26 per pair Wear panco soles during harvest and avoid accidents. See our work shoes, they are priced right. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatiy's Store, .Port Perry Strand Theatre Uxbridge (30 degrees cooler inside.) THURS., FRI, SAT., (THIS WEEK) MYRNA LOY and CLARK GABLE in "Men in White" A great doctor in a great picture, one that all will enjoy. Added attractions MON., TUES., WED,, JULY 22 23 24 TOM MIX and TONY JR. The wonder Horse in "Flaming Guns" Story by Peter B. Kyne, A western thriller. Action, Thrills, Comedies You are always assured of enjoying the latest talking picture and an even- ing of fine entertainment. Coming soon, Shirley Temple in Bright Eyes. ren ed, and at first it looked as though recovery of the body had been too late. However, a member of the To- ronto fire brigade was available, and the work of resucitation was begun. Drs. Harper and Peterson were called, and in about an hour, their efforts were rewarded, and the child was restored to its mother. Some effort should be made to have wharf, Myrtle Station Service in United Church next Sun- day will be at the hour of 7.30 p.m. Please note the change in time. Sun- day School at the usual hour of 1.45. Communion service was observed here last Sunday, and Rev. W. E. Honey delivered a most inspiring ser- mon taking his text from the 22na chapter of Luke. The Women's Association held a very successful afternoon tea last Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Almost 30 ladies attended, besides the children. A pleasant social afternoon was spent while sew- ing. The autograph quilt is almost completed and is already sold. Lunch was served by Mesdames Downey, Hudgin and Painter. A special fea- ture of the lunch was strawberries and cream. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered our hostess. . We were glad to welcome once again, one of our past members, Mrs Chas. Pilkey of Greenbank. The August meeting |" will be Luery. Mrs. Claughton with her daughter, Mrs. Nickelson of Collingwood were Sunday visitors of Mrs. D. G. Ross. Miss 'Clare Glass of Port Perry was a Sunday visitor of Miss Barbara Bright. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens( nee Evelyn Gilroy) of Prospect, on the occasion of their marriage, which took place on July 3rd, at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilroy, After the wedding, the happy couple were escorted in a decorated car with siren whistle, from Prospect to Myrtle and back home again, after which they left for a short honeymoon trip to regions unknown. We are pleased to know they are aking their home in Prospect. The ball team, two weeks ago, went to Scugog and played a game, Scugog were the winners. Last week Man- chester did not all appear at Myrtle, so they lost out. Myrtle goes to Blackstock next week on the 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E, Beacock, also Mr. and Mrs. George Houston of To- ronto were visitors- to Lindsay on Sunday, A car accident occurred at Mander- son's Corner on the highway, on Sun- day evening. Two or three were taken to Oshawa Hospital. es THRESHING OUTFIT FOR BALE Steam Threshing Outfit and Silo filler. Inspection invited Good reasons for selling. Apply to ©. Mutton, Box 268, Bowmanville. J2b held at the home of Mrs. BOWLING NEWS The weekly jitney was held on Monday envening in spite of the rain earlier in the day. The prize win- ners were as follows: Miss D. O'Neill 1st, Mrs. Chapman 2nd, John Murray and R. Carnegie had to play three ends to break a tie. R. Carnegie won 1st and. J. Murray 2nd. The following were the scores of the players: Ladies, Miss H, Jeffrey 15, Mrs. McFarlane 20, Miss D. O'Neill 30, Mrs, Lawrence 23, Mrs. Goodale 23, Miss E. Somerville 18, Mrs. Murray 17, Mrs, F, Jeffrey 10. Miss L. Harper 21, Mrs, Mulligan 22, Mrs, Chapman 26, Mrs. Jackson 12, . Port Perry Form I to Form II A. Mark, (French) Form III to Form IV Latin Men, R. Jeffrey 17, A. P. McFar- lane 23, T. Harris 11, J.: Murray 27, Wm. Graham 18, F, Taggart 16, R. Carnegie 27, M. Gerrow 19, John Hayden 18, K. Pearce 18, High School Examina- tion Results. A subject following a pupils name indicates a failure in that subject. Form TI to Form II | some life saving equipment at the]. H. Anderson M. McMillan D. Christie J. Mason M. Conlin D. Parry W. Hillis C. Redman I. Honey H. Rogers H. Holtby, (Latin) M. Lakey . L. Rogers M. Martyn M. Slute J. McDermott L. Smith M. McCrea ~~~" 'VOTill © © H. Stainton, (French) G. Bradley N. McCrea B. Cawker M. Nasmith M. Crosier R.. Oke - Kenneth Currah N. Porteous M. Gerrow G. Stone R. Hall M. Stone M. Harrison M. Switzer J. Hopkins M. Vickery P. Jackson V. Wallace J. Leahy W. Willard R. McFarlane French ' G. Bradley E. Martyn K. Carnegie K. Midgely M. Crosier M. Nasmith K. Currah R. Oke M. Gerrow W. Pyatt R. Hall E, Reesor + M. Harrison G. Stone M. Hayes M. Stone J. Hopkins G. Switzer P. Jackson M. Switzer 1. Leask M. Vickery R. MacFarlane rectory. the week end. V. Wallace BLACKSTOCK Mrs. F. Lucas and son of Toronto spent last week "with the former's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Harcourt at the Mr, Lucas joined them for Miss Janet Ross of Toronto is the guest of Mise F. McLaughlin. Out of the 18 pupils who wrote the Entrance examinations at Blackstock Centre, the following 16 were sue- cessful and to these and their teachers we extend our hearty congratulations, Blackstock--Teacher, Eckle--Harold Crawford; Roger Dor. rell, Roy Werry, Kathleen Taylor. Mr, Eldon Devitts' School--Teacher, Miss: M. Mahaffey. ton. Argue--Letta McKee, Purple Hill School--Teacher, Mr. M. Thompson--Effie Henry, Norman Archer's, School Teacher, Miss 0. VanCamp--Ella Hoskin, ° Caesarea School--Teacher, Miss Flo Fallis--Georgé Kersey, Lena Sheckle- Cadnfus School--Teacher, Miss H 'Fowler -- Mildred Archer, Johnston, Clara Mountjoy. Eileen Mahood's School--Teacher, G. Cobbledick--Keith Brown, Jack Hanna, Mrs. Payné of Montreal is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Russell Mount- joy and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, The regular monthly meeting of the Earl Dorrell on Tuesday afternoon, ! July 9th. . The Bible study was taken program in charge of Mrs. Jas. Henry consisted of the following numbers: on instrumental by Miss K, Taylor, a solo by Miss M. Hill; a reading by Mrs, David Hedslip, a reading by Miss 0. Beacock, an article on peace by Mrs. Bell and a most interesting and impressive address by Miss Laura Hambly, Missionary from China. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Newell, A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. Sunday visitors were:- Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Downey of Reaboro with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. R. McLaughlin; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Vincent and Mrs, Monette of To- ronto with Mrs. Robt. Mahood and Mrs, Robt. Archer; Misses Helen Holmes and Marion Stinson and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Holmes of Oshawa with. Mr, and Mrs. John Wright; Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Forder and Mrs. John 7 Aled brik Forder with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Cain M. Béserolt. Ellroy Martyn at Pontypool; * Mr. and Mrs, A. L. E. Birkett G. McMaster Bailey yMr. and Mrs, W. A. VanCamp « M. Brent H, McMaster. with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry of &: Caiiny D. Murphy Enniskillin; Rev, and Mrs. F. W. R. Carnegie A. Oke Newell and children of Hastings visit- %. Cliff L. Ploughman ed with Mr, Newell's sister, Mrs, J. H. Colleran N. Powell Wright, last week. : H. Conlin L. Prentice Congratulations are extended to T. Cooney D. Pyatt Miss E. Sanderson on successfully B. Deshane, (Algebra) passing her recent examinations in C. Farnell M. Pyatt music at the Ontario' Ladies' Gellsgs, " M. Hayden D. Reynolds Whitby. R. Hayden, (Algebra) Misses Hazel, Lela and Muriel J. Hood D. Rodd Mountjoy are spending the summer at H. Hortop M. Symes Muskoka Lakes where they have been 'B. Kent M. Willan successful in securing positions at the M. Kerry Elgin House, The services in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday were taken by a former rector, Dr. C. E. Whittaker of Oshawa, During the day he and Cadet Frank Bryant were entertained at the homes of the Wardens, Messrs. T. Smith and F. Willan. Mrs. John Hamilton and sons are spending a week with relatives in To- ronto. The sympathy of the community "|is extended to Mrs. Ada Saddler in the sad loss she has recently sustain- ed in the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Avery, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Larmer, and Mrs, Cecil Brunt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Avery at Little Britain. J Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Elmer Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffett of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs. 'Rahm. Mrs. Rahm and daugh- ters rturned to Oshawa with them for a visit. Miss Mabel Agnes, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue of Burke- ton. and Mr. Cecil William Thomas Hyde, son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs, C. B. Hyde of London, England were united in. marriage on Wednesday, July 10th in St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, Rev. C. C. Har- court assisted by Dr. C. E. Whittaker of Oshawa, officiated. + The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, entered the church which was beautifully decorated with white Canterbury bells, and roses, to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mrs Fred Lucas: of Toronto. The bride was gowned in white satin made on long lines with rolled collar and long sleeves, her veil of white tulle was caught with a wreath of orange blossoms worn by her mother, and she carried a bouquet of white and pink roses, The brides- maid, Miss Leona Weatherilt wore a charming gown of pink silk crepe with white crepe picture hat, white shoes and gloves and carried a bou- quet of red roses, The groom was ably supported by Mr Percy Hamilton Following the ceremony a reception was held: at the home of the bride's parents, where the bride's mother re- ceived wearing a gown of sand crepe with hat to match and a corsage of roses, ; . The dainty wedding supper was served in the dining room which was prettily decorated in a colour scheme of pink and white as was also the living room where the lovely wedding gifts were placed. The beautiful table Voen sed on this occasion belonged two grand "mothers, the late Mathew Spinks and the late Mrs. Robert Argue. Toasts were proposed to the bride by Dr. Whit- taker and Rev. C. C. Harcourt, to the bridesmaid by Rev. C. Harcourt and Miss W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. | Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) ~ Sunither Holiday Needs Anti Mosquito Cream. ..... 0000s by Rev. Mr. Bell and the study book chapter by Miss Aileen Mountjoy, The The Morning Re- fresher for daily good health, two sizes, 50c, $1.00 PHONE 49 family have moved out to French Balm ..........25¢, 39%, and 50c. Gypsy Cream, far Poison Ivy...... B0e. NOXZEMA 5.1 s vss vsvarss 25¢. and 5de. OBPMO 2 ae dadisiivinia 35¢, and 59c. Tangel, for deep sunburn .,.......... b0c Bathing Caps .........,..... 15¢, to 50c. Olympene .........evveens 50¢c. and $1.00 English Health Salt... A. M. LAWRENCE me Renal see 25¢. and 50c. tases PORT PERRY to the groom's people by Mr, Percy Hamilton and congratulations to the bride and groom from England were read. Later the happy couple left amid showers of confetti on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Windsor and Detroit, the bride travelling in a brown tweed suit with brown hat and accessories, On their return they will reside on their farm near Blackstock. An enjoyable picnic in which the Beacock family were re-united on Sat- '| urday was held in the Community 128 were present Park, Blackstock. and were represented from Detroit, Woodstock, Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, To- ronto, North Port, Myrtle, Bowman- ville and Burketon. Results of the races were:- Children 6 yrs. and un- Mr. Frank Grose of Toronto was and Mrs. A. J. Grose, Mr. Lloyd Thompson of Toronto called on friends 'here, the first part of last week. : Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brawn and family, nd Mrs Kellington spent a few days last week with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs, A. Grose spent one day of this week in the city. Mrs. Hill of Orillia is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robert Squelch. Glad to hear Mrs, O. Hubbard is improving nicely. A number from here attended the Orange Parade in Lindsay. der, Bruce Stephenson, Girls 6 yrs. LH z ; and under, Thelma Ferguson, Girls| A TRUE FORECAST OF THE 8 to 10, Helen Sanderson, Boys 8 to ECLIPSE 10, Grant Ferguson, Boys 11 to 18, Cameron Clarke, Ladies, 756 yard dash Mrs. Routery and Marion Pickard, Men's 100 yard dash, Jim Pick, Pea- Marion and Grant Ferguson, Ladies 20 yard measuring race, Mrs, Routery, Men's 30 yard measuring race, Carman Werry, Coat race, Mrs. Routery and Walter Rob- inson, Girls shoe race, Marion Pick- ard, Boys wheelbarow race, Gardham and Everard Sanderson, Ladies backward race, Doreen Werry, Gordon Mec- Quade, Cornflake race, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Férguson, 'Minute race Ivy Rob- ertson, Men's minute race, G. Trewin, nut scramble for children, Hill, Thelma Ferguson, Trewin Men's backward race, Peanut race, E. Sanderson. "Oldest Lady present, Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Oldest Gentleman, Mrs. J. Youngest Baby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hy- land. 'Larges family, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Beacock. .. Person coming the Beacock, Mrytle, farthest, M. Marcellus, Detroit. This re-union will be held at Mid- land Park in 1936, on the first Sat- urday in July. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. P. Clarke, Midland, Sec'y, Mrs. Clare Marcellus, Detroit, Treas., Mrs. McCauley, Penetang. | -------- > P---- ------ ------ > © RAGLAN Mrs. Wm. Bright . Sv, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mra, Simmor.s of Toronto. Miss Gertrude Kemp, Mr. Arthur Ormiston of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ormis- ton. A number from here attended the Garden Party at Columbus. Mrs. Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. I. Stacey and son .of Oshawa spent the week end. with relatives in Buffalo, Miss Ethel Bright spent a few days last week with Mrs, M. Dring. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. J, Smith at Uxbridge. Mrs. Herrington and son, Charlie and Ross Dickie are spending a couple ¢ of weeks with relatives in United States Misses Ruby and Ila Wilson, Mr. Fred Cox, all of Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Miss Lena Stacey of Columbus is spending. a week with her cousins, Doris and Daisy Byrant. Miss Marion Stone, R, N,, has re- turned to . Oshawa after spending some time with Miss Ethel Bright and | Mrs, Wm, Bright, Sr. 4 Mr, and Mrs. Hambly and son, Gor- don, spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto, 'Mrs. Moyer of Goodwood is spend-| ing a few weeks with her Ancghter,| Mrs. A. Pilkey. SEG Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kel ir sum- mer home, here, AES John Wilson and family spent Sunday with her parents The following appeared in the Globe just before the eclipse:- "You can look at the moon in total eclipse - tomorrow night- and tell whether it is cloudy in Russia, South Africa and Hawaii. "If it is cloudy there, the moon will be invisible to all except the sharpest eyes during -the hour and forty-one minutes of total eclipse around mid- night, Eastern Standard Time. "But if there are fair skies i in those far corners of the earth, you will see the eclipsed moon dimly, as a copper- colored ball. "Russia, South Africa, and Hawaii mark a circle around the world where the sun will be just rising or setting at eclipse time, rising in Hawaii, set- ting in Russia and South Africa. "The sun's rays, principally the red ones which give color to sunset skies, 'will bend around the earth enough to faintly shine on the: eclipsed moon. Their reflection will make-it appear |, as a copper-colored disc. y "But not if the sunset-sunrise belt is 'stormy or clouded through too large an area, The clouds will shut off enough of the scattered rays to make the moon virtually invisible. "The total eclispe will be visible in most of North America, in South America, and portions of Eastern Europe and Eastern Africa." JO Radi ELECTRICAL Repairs 'Phone to JOHN FARMER No. 85 rs SYP DON'T DRIVE without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Burgular insurance also witten at reasonable rates.) Phone 88 "a week end visitor of his parents, Mr, | § and.' 1 E. Ril PURDY, . PORT PERRY. SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents . Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH, 'Over the Observer Office LUMBER and . ROOFING} f We Carry a Full Stock. : "of Lumber and Roofing § i Materials -- Frames, } Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results BA Sam N. Griffen ! Lumber Co. i Phone 240 | PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at 'all times. Open Monday, PISNEY BLOCK : Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1616 "FOR SALE Young pigs for sale, apply to Alton Mark, R. R. 3, Port Perry. Phone '112-r-33. July18 FOR SALE Goose Berries, Black Currants, also Raspberries. Apply to Mrs. Bickell, Prince Albert: July18 McCORMICK MOWER FOR SALE 5-foot cut, re-conditioned and in first class order. "For sale cheap. Apply to C. Switzer, Port Perry. FOR SALE : Good mixed grain for sale by Arthur Orchard, High Point. July2b FOR SALE Chevrolet car for sale, 1927 model, in Al shape good tires. Apply E. Mackin, Saintfield, Ont., Con. 14 Reach. July 18 Announcement wishes to announce that she has the agency - for the popular Gordon dresses--made to your own measure: would expect to pay for a dress of 'exceptional yuality--also the popluar priced ready made dresses in excep- tionally good summer styles. See Mrs. Stones or call her for an appointment, Phone 216, july18 Eyes Examined FREE F. E. LUKE Yonge St., Toronto rE DR. W. li HARPER Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. . Office Up:stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office 5.0. STEPHENSON, Ro. MORRISON'S * "brug sToRE Friday of every the First: : Forenoon Red, White "and. Mrs. Mabel Stones of Port Perry ments at no greater cost than you - ¥ Graduate hot ty Medical College and Post Oran Trinity A Tosamso, ost Sra uate in Bu Gradu- ges' College and d Polyall oll. London, Bapland Ni #3 A North East London, " London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Ey dy »