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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Aug 1935, p. 5

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a Pag Mine ~ OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 16th and 17th 5¢.4$1 Store | We handle a Yarge variety of merchandise that enables us to sell at a very low overhead, Coupled with this, our goods are received direct from the manufacturers, thereby eliminating the jobber's profits, These savings are passed on to you, proof of which you will find in our prices. Port Perr Apart from this we make your shopping easy, every item we carry is displayed on our counters, marked with a plain price ticket, so that you can pick up the article, examine it closely, and know what it costs before buying. We invite you to come in any time you are down town, meet your friends here. There is no obligation to buy, and you will certainly receive the utmost courtesy from the staff. And last, but not least, we guarantee to Satisty Our Customers. Any article you buy that is unsatisfactory may be returned and your ~ money will be Chesriully: Refunded. We Invite You to Attend Our Opening and Select from our Stock 'Another league game was played on Friday night' This "time between Blackstock "and Manchester; at the latter place. "The score was once again in favor of Blackstock, being 14-5, -, On Sunday Senin ] ast Revs CieC. Harcpurt acepted 'an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Costello, of' "Ddronto,' to hold service on the, beautiful lawn' of their summer cottage at Armstrong's | Point. A number from.St.. John's Church accompanied their rector. Master Merle Bailey is enjoying a very pleasant holiday with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weldon, of Uxbridge, at their summer home at Nottawaga Beach, Mrs.. L. VanCamp. and daughter 'Bernice; of 'Midland, 'spent the week » OF 8 \ 4 co.» ¥ > -~ .& - - * * » ¥ 1 8 A : SE WE -y *- "od + end with Mr, and Mrs. O. Wright. Among our late visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hillman and Dorothy of 'Toronto, with Mr, and 'Mrs, "T Venning. : i . Miss Elsie, Vetining, of . Toronto, 'with Mrs. and Mrs. John Rahm. "Miss Grace Crawford, Messrs. H. '| Hendérgon 'and' Chester 'Luke, of-To- |'ronto, Mr Fred Crawford, Lindsay, and' Mr. 8." Crawford; Nestleton, with Mr. a nd Mrs, Geo. Crawford. A Mr. 'and Mrs. R.. "Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Hooey, Toronto, and Mi. and Mrs. Herman Hooey, with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hooey. Mr. Jas. Kenney, Markham, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oliver. Mr. Jos. McAllister, of Midland, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Archer. . ;. Bobbie and 'Douglas Lamb, '| very popular newly weds, Mr. ana | McQuade and a duet by Mrs. D. Wil- Lindsay, are visiting their uncle Gi It pays. ways to choose a You Get NEE-ACTION ' plus Blue Flame Engine i and Shock-proof Steering 'BM YouGet MTURRET-TOP #8 | BODIES BY FISHER and No-Draft Véntilation You Get i QUALITY | that Means Longer Life men SQBE Delivered, fully equipped at Government factory, ernment Registration Fee only extra. Soe the new Standard Series models Winds 72 i Dae va notice right away that - Bodies feature the steel roof constriiction--something you can't get on any other car unless you pay many dollars more "than Ceviclers Step inside the "floating ride"'| u'll notice another vor of Chevrolet. 'It's * see the extra value in the Master Chevrolet the moment you look at the car. You . hevrolet's safe new smart Fisher price. car' and drive--and immediately difference that's all in i 1h famous NER ACTION You float over bump, ruts and TOP solid | aunt Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Last week two of our recent and Mrs. Lorné Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hamilton, were presented with splendid miscellaneous showers in the Community Hall, on Tuesday and 'Thursday evenings last respect- ively. Mrs. ¥ Thompson, * who was formerly Miss Gladys' Cobbledick, of Orono, was a teacher in Cartwright | Township for the past few years. Their presentation of numerous lovely and useful gifts was made by the chairman Mr. W. D. Ferguson, After a few short speeches the following program was given: solo by Miss B. Gibson, trio by Messrs. Thornette, Thompson and Gibson, instrumental by Mrs. D. Wilson, a guitar and _| mouthorgan selection by Miss Leah @ | was. then served after which the re- | several short speeches, a humorous '| meeting opened in the usual way after '[-which Mrs. W. Bradburn presided for mainder of the evening was spent. in dancing. At the shower of Mr and Mrs, Hamilton, Rev. H, Bell acted as chair- man and made the presentation of the large number of beautiful gifts while Rev. C. C. Harcourt presented a gift of three lovely articles of furniture. After the following program was en- Jjoyed lunch was served and the rest of the evening spent in dancing: reading 'by Mrs. Earl Dorrell, a read- ing by Miss Jean Wright, a piano solo by Miss Marion Taylor and a vocal duet and encore by Misses Verna McNally and Jean Malcolm. Miss Florence McLaughlin, B.A, of Toronto, is spending part of her vacation at Georgian Bay, "- Mrs, Brandon and Mrs. Heaslip en- joyed a few days last week at Leonard Lake, Muskoka. Mr, -and Mrs. Herb. Hooey and daughter Norma, and Mrs, Joseph Sanderson spent Sunday with rela- tives in Peterboro. Mr, and Mrs, E, Philp, Mrs, Swan- ick, and Irene, and Mr. Pollard, all of Prince Albert, called on Mr, and Mus. R. Hooper, on Sunday. : Mr. W. D. Bradburn met with a painful acident recently when he broke two ribs and fractured one. We are pleased to know he is getting along nicely. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Tennyson Samells on Tuesday evening last. The the following program: a reading by Mrs. -C. Venning "Holidays"; a read- ing- by Miss Viola Bradburn "My Mother's Hands." Lunch was served by the group in charge. The August meeting of the W.M. S. of the United Church will be held at Wednesday afternoon, the: 7th, when 'the Baby' Band" willbe entertained. A splendid' crowd enjoyed the barn dance 'at Mr. Jos.' Archer's on Friday night of last wegk. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright and Edith, Mrs. L. VanCamp and Bernice, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Forder. Mark your calendar for the play entitled "He's My Pal" to be put on in the Community Hall in the near future by local talent. last week interested spectators filled son and Miss L. McQuade. Lunch holes in the road--steeriny is light, sure and shock- less--it's hard to believe you're not riding in one + of the big, expensive cars| True it is that just one half-hour Chevrolet spoils. most motorists for any other low- Because not.one of the others gives you | Turrét Top Bodies by 'Fisher--Knee-Action--Blue } priced car, Flame Engine--Fisher No-Draft "Ventilation == or Shock-Proof Steering. Only in one car do you get them all combined -- in the Master Chewolet! Harold R. Archer Métor Sales, Port Perry the Community Hall to listen to the drive in the Master the. home. of ; Mrs, Jahez Wright onf, On Wednesday and Thursday of | when the presentation of the Shield public probe into the three fires which occurred so mysteriously in the year and completely destroyed the barns of Messrs, Stanford VanCamp, Cecil Hyde, and Wm, Henry. Livestock, fered in all three. At the conclusion of the two days' investigation carried out by Fire Marshall W. J. Scott and Mr. Jordon, from the Fire Marshal's department, with G. D. Conant, K.C,, representing the Maple Leaf Fire In- surance Co., it was definitely declared that the first fire was caused by some person or persons unknown, the second was caused from burnt grain, emptied in the granary of the second barn. In connection with the third fire a reserved judgment was given. GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown and family of Colborne at Mr. Emmerson's a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beal, Montreal at Mrs. J. Stone's last week. Miss M. Rodd, visiting her brother Mr. Amos Rodd, Mr. R. Wells, Niagara Falls visiting his sister, Mrs. Hickman over wek end. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward (nee Irene Pheonix) Strathroy, visiting friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Till and family have been holsaying at Port Bolster. Mrs. Pheonix, Harry, Jean and Miss Saundry, of Toronto spent the holiday at Mr. T. Sharp's. friends here over the holiday. Mr. E. Lee has taken two truck loads of potatoes to the north country recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughes, Misses D. and Olive Real of Toronto at Richard Real's over the holiday . Miss H. A. O. Montgomery, Carp, holidaying with friends here. - 'The annual Sunday School Picnic was held at Port Bolster last Thurs- day. It was very well attended and all report a very enjoyable time. There was a large attendance at the Communion ' Service in the United Church on Sunday morning. The choif was" asisted by Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and daughter, and Miss Wallace, of Newtonville, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, at the parsonage. The annual Decoration Service will be held in Bethel Cemetery on Sunday, August 11, at 2.30 pm. Mr. Wm. the speaker. SCUGOG The Women's Association has set aside the August meeting until further notice, as we are planning to go to visit the Seagrave ladies next Wednesday afternoon, the 11th. There was a splendid attendance at the Centre Church on Sunday evening won at Hampton by our Y.P.S. in June. The service was very interesting. Our pastor, Rev. F. Joblin, delivered his message of encouragement. Mr. S. Farmer and Mr. F. Reesor, of Port Perry were present and made very pleasing remarks for the occasion. Mr. Reesor presented the Shield to Cecil Fralick, President of the Y.P.S. who made a very suitable reply. It is hope they win the shield again next year, so they can keep it. The young men's choir sang some fine selections with the girls helping with other singing, which we all enjoyed. Next Sunday the Centre Sunday School are taking a lunch and going over near Mr. J. McLaren's for their lesson. Mrs. Geo. Samells and Mr. Ralph Milner will furnish the music on their guitars. After the lesson the lunch baskets will be opened up and social time spent together. We hope the weather will be fine. The hour is 10.30 a.m. Last Tuesday evening the Port Perry girls came down for a game of softball. They were disappointed as our girls won with a score of 8-7. On Saturday our girls went to Brook- lin and won again. On Monday both boys and girls 'went to Port Perry---- the girls winning second. The boys were put out by Bethany in an extra inning. In the last game Ceecil Fralick, our pitcher, was hit on the arm by a flying bat and tore some of the muscles of the wrist. His cousin, Miss O. Gerrow, a nurse, administered first aid, until a doctor arrived. We all hope for a speedy recovery, Congratulations to Joe David on his winnings at the water sports. Mrs. D. Lewis and little Joan, of Caesarea, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman, for a few days last week. Mrs. F. Gardener visited in Toronto one day last week. Our visitors over the week end and holiday were Miss Hilda Milner and Mr. Geo. Russell, of Oshawa, at her home; Mr. and Mrs. L. Chamberlain with Mr. and -Mrsf R. Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralifk and family, Mr, implements, hay, grain, etc, also suf- |} at the first fire being cleaned and|§ the Miss Jean Miller, Ingersoll, visiting | §; Newman, M.P.P,, of Woodville will be | ¥ F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE A HS SPECIALS White or Blended Vinegar C. & B. CATSUP, 14 oz. bottle NEW CHEESE, 15c. Ib. Redpath Sugar FANCY RED SALMON, "2 Ib. tin .... 25¢. a gallon Gran $5.29 i smn aran 2 for 25c¢. AP Ip .2 for 25c. OLD CHEESE, 29¢. 1b. } Breakfast Bacon, rindless, 1/5 1b. 20c. MEN'S SUSPENDERS, good elastic | MEN'S TIES FINE SHIRTS, collar attached, woven prow "es DECIR EERE "eee Printed Linoleums, yds. wide Two pieces of English Linoleum in very attractive patterns 4 yard width, per yard $2.75 DRESS VOILES to CLEAR Colors Navy, Cadet Blue, Red and Brown. Reg 25¢. value. For 19¢. per yard Dress Goods, 15 Ends in "TOILET SOAP-- Colored Pique, Seersucker, Linen and Ratinee. Regular 45c¢. to 65c. value. . Clearing at 39c. per yard. : CHATELINE PATTERNS ......... civ, ....16c. DY TINT ett iin eanins DEV ay ...10c. Colgate's, Lilac, Coleo, Iris, Baby Soap, Per cake 5c. Phone 43 Coal winter's coal at a saving. comfort next winter. "Blue." [eS FRED E. Lumber The time is slipping by when you can buy your next If you have not already done so, let us fill you bin with coal that will insure you real heat The coal. with marked quality-- LUMBER--We have a good stock of lumber on hand and can fill almost any kind of 'a bill. B. C. SHINGLES, ASPHALT and METAL ROOFING. BODYWOOD, Hardwood and Softwood SLABS. LIME, CEMENT, TILE, MARMILL POULTRY FEED. 1mm. $ Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73} Wood re REESOR "FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE "This is the time of the year when one's taste is very particular-- especially meats. most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Our meats are so tasty and delicious that the Phone your next order to CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery om and Mrs. Robinson and family, of Toronto, with Mr. H. Fralick. Miss Audrey Hood has been spend- ing a few pleasant holidays with re- latives in Oshawa, Miss Marjory Milner and Miss Aileen Sweetman, of Toronto, are at their respective homes holidaying. Last Thursday a very heavy rain and sharp lightning visited us, accom- panied by some very large hail stones, some as large as small hen eggs. The damage was not very heavy. Harvest is on in full swing, and Mr. Gordon Collins is out with his ma- chine threshing alsike for Mr. J. Al- dred. Mrs. Flindall, of Norwood, is visit- ing her brother Mr. F. Clark for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt and children of Enniskillen were recent guests of her sister Mrs. O. Jeffrey. Mrs. J. L. Sweetman and Aileen, visited her mother Mrs. R. Jackson, who is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. All those who wish to visit the Seu" grave Ladies' Aid next Wednesday will please get in.touch with Mrs. J Demara or Mrs. W. Jeffrey, as soon as possible, so arrangements can bc made for cars. lB HAY FOR SALE Stack containing nine 'loads of Tinuthy and Alfalfa. $70.00. Apply to A. Hammond, R.R.2, Seagrave, Lot a Con. 10, Reach Tp. J Sg oe -- bo | % Nt go CX ret CI a td ce ee i AT i Fh JE X R 343 a Le . STEN - poe 2 PEA Lon PrN NAA ar SRT Rg vi a ad GAS " bal » TNA et Cog to CT ATID Br >a Rs Emad - i a I! TN ER Nr wt) Sok Ee Aa nt Ji ; on, " ae a NS ft a Bs a Bmp CE CI ow ee Sr - -y et X oa a_i. Sa Ban i A re, "re --.

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