Ne or Ere rm oo a or eT LS tb Ro ' a ~ "od ee -- tt A gn he pm oo Lo Mk RE A Sd en a ¥ A ey x ~~ Tote 3 . Rr re pe NA a Page Bight CASEAREA Harvest is now in full swing. Grain seems to be a very fine crop this season. Mr. Warren T, Fegan, at Williams' Point, is erecting an artistic trellised) gateway at the entrance of his sum- mer home. His cottage of Mohawk siding, in grounds so well kept, is very pictureque- among the fine old forest trees. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wishart, Montreal, are holidaying at the Kenosha House, and renewing old friendships around the village. They are welcomed back to Caesarea by many indeed. Mr. Wm, Taylor has rented his cottage at Williams' Point for Aug- ust. Mrs, Taylor is spending a few days in Toronto at her home before she leaves for Edmonton to visit her father who is ill there. A fine woolen rug was left on the beach at the park at Williams' Point on Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning it was stil there and returned to the owner. Honesty is the second name for Williams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. Elton and family, of Toronto, who occupied Mrs, Moffatt's cottage at Williams' Point for July, returned to Toronto on Wednesday. Among the guests holidaying at the Kenosha House this week are Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Fogg, of Baton, Mass.; Miss E. Graves, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bowers and Mr. Gordon Conant, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stringer, of Toronto. Mr. Francis' cottage is now occu- pied by Mr. O. Clarke and Mr. E. Mason, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniels, Oshawa, baving enjoyed their vacation at Wil- liams' Point, returned home on Wed- nesday. Three guests, natives of the Emer- ald Isle, are holidaying at Williams' Point." They marvel at our cloudless sky and steady sunshine. Irish re. partee is welcomed anywhere, and Chesarea hopes Irish folk may come often and stay long among us. 'They are Mr. James Courtney, Mrs. M. Hunter and Miss E. Doobson. Miss Matthews' fine new cottage will soon be completed at Willismy Point. "Mr. and Mrs, Boouskill and family, of Toronto, spent Civic Holiday week end in the cottage he just bought from Mr. Carnegie, of Port Perry. Mr. P. G. Campbell has a new metal roof on his cottage at Williams' Point. It looks as though it would be en- during and is very attractive. Mr. C. E. McTavish, whose summer home is at Williams' Point, has just completed nineteen years with Gen- eral Motors of Oshawa. Friends at * the Point congratulate him, as Sales 'and Service Manager for Canada, and wish him future success. . Dr. and 'Mrs. S. M. Edwards and daughter Gwendolyn, of Toronto, are holiaying at Williams' Point. Their grandson John Neal is with them. HONEYDALE The regular meeting of the W. lL. was held at the home of Mrs, W. Ger- row, on Thursday, August 1st. The meeting opened with the Ode, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer, THe roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture beginning with the letter "B", After the business part of the programme Mrs, Jas. Owen gave & splendid talk on "Preparing our boys for peace rather than war". A solo by Mrs, Harold Honey and a contest. The Floral Wedding--1. Her name and the color of her hair (Marigold); 2, The color of her cheeks (rose); 4 His disposition and name (Sweet William); 6. How he found that she loved him (Aster); 6, Where did he place the first kiss (Tulip); 7. What did he say when he went away (For- get-me-mot); 8. With what did he seal his letters (Solomon Seal); 9 In what did he carry his money (Shepherd's Purse); 11. At what hour were they married (Four O'Clock); 11. What bells were rung (Bluebells); 12. What other music did they play (Canterbury Bells); 18. Who per- formed the ceremony (Jack-in-the Pulpit); 14, What church officials were present (Elderberry);.16. Who gave the bride away (Poppy); 16[ How did the bride look (Sweet Mary) 17. What did she wear on her head? (Monk's Hood); 18. wear on her feet? (Lady's Slippers); 19. What were her floral decorations? (Bridal Rose); 20. What dark-eyed 'damsel played the wedding march? (Brown-Eyed Susan); 21 What fair lady living between two hills was bridesmaid, (Lily-of-the-Valley);. 22. What did the groom wear on his hands? (Foxglove); 23. What article What did she]. man's Pipe); 24. What did he wear for the last time (Bachelor Buttons); 26. "Who disgraced the wedding by his dress (Ragged Robi); 26, What did the little boys throw at them? (Snow- balls); 27. The name of the bride's smal brother -and avhat he wore (Johnquil; 28. What the father said when calling him in the morning (Johnny-Jumpup); 29. What patriotic emblem waved on their wedding day (Flags); 30. Of what duration was their love (Liveforever); What he said to her when the baby cried (Sweet Rockit). The contest was won by Mrs. Hardy's group. Lunch was served by the hostess and the meeting closed by the benediction, Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Miss Vera Samells, of Scugog, is visiting her cousin Miss Lucille Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Redshaw spent Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W, Symes. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs, C. Wells were: Mr. Harold Mills, Miss Margaret Mills and Vera Wells, of Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer, of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. C. Pal- mer, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Owen with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dunn, and little son Jimmie, of Bowmanville, motored to Lake Couchiching on Sunday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Willan were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McDonald, Margaret and Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Me- Donald, all of Toronto, also Mr, and Mrs. W. Steel, of Blackstock. Miss Frances Raines was in Toron- to on Thursday attending the wedding of her aunt Miss Alice Robinson. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Warren and Misses Mildred and Margaret Symes, spent Sunday with friends at Clare- mont. Mr, Merlin Raines, Mr. R. Willan, Mrs. F. Raines and Miss Robinson, motored to Ndweastle on Sunday where they visited Mrs. Raines' sister Mrs. Walton. Mrs. Robt. Wells is visiting with her father in Owen Sound. ZION The Zion Baseball team played a friendly game with Salem on Wed- nesday last, the score being in favor of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall visited his brother at Whitby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eagleson spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. W. Tamblin, at Eden. A number from here attended the Decoration Service at Eden on Sun. day. Mrs. Downer, of Omemee, has been spending some time with her daughte: Mrs. W. Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Henderson, ot Guelph, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Hall, Mr. and .Mrs. Marshall Cruise, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. Fred Western, during the past week. $338422320330328232402022030320208020003232802232803243232422022800288223282082082878028% course. mobile accidents, did) jhe import from Holland? (Dutch- ONTARIO THIS MUST STOP! ' In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 autos 512 people were killed 8,990 people were injured : ++ a considerable increase 1 33, It mst be evident tal thinking people that is Mase rip. Ontario's Highways are NOT Speedways! GQENSELESS § SPEED which leaves terrible injuries and death in its wake is hardening the hearts of people, police and courts against all reckless drivers. They will be dealt with ruthlessly... to 'make Ontario's highways safe for everyone. In self-defence you are wise to fight the temp- tation to speed . . . especially at night. 'Make sure that your brakes, lights and tires are efficient. ~ Cultivate a definite sense of responsibility towards pedestrians and other drivers. It is the ony wise IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE... THAN SORRY . MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS How. T. B. M, 3 Minister of abd | pleted, day. EPSOM Mr. and Mrs. W. Terry and Evelyn of New Toronto, were visitors over the week end at the home of Mrs, W. K. McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McConnell, of Toronto, weré guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice over the week end, mrs, Wm. Ackney is just now pay~| F ing a visit to her relatives at Durham. iu is hoped that the change may do her good. The health of Mrs, Ack- ney has not been good recently. psecause of Civie Holiday in To- FULLO, Monday, August bth, and the |8 exceptional © fine weather, 2a large number of friends who used to live in wnese parts were noticed at the var- wus points over Sunday. The Christie- Claughtoon re-union brought' quite a number of visitors whose faces we were all glad to see. 'his week the Prayer Service will] be held in the Epsom United Church on 'Thursaay when the service will be in charge of Mrs. Robt. Clarke. Come and enjoy a good time with us, 'The harvest is in full swing and the farmers in this locality have beén ex- ceptionally blessed. They have been tree from the storms that have caused so much havoc among many of the neighbours in the surrounding local- ities. I'he farmers hope that the fine weather may continue that they may be enabled to get the harvest in the parn in fine weather. A miniature battle in the air took place last Saturday afternoon at 'Iipsom. It is not what one would imagine--not a swarthy band. of italian airmen attacking the strong- holas of soome dusty Ethiopians, nor a band of yellow skinned Japanese making an onslaughter on the forti- fications of some be-whiskered Soviet Russians. It was nothing like that. But, when Mr. Walter Rogers and tvan were industriously engaged' in placing a metal roof on the shed of the Epsom" parsoange, -they were savagely attacked by several squad- rons of large, yellow-backed hornets. The battle ground.was fiercely con- tested for awhile. Then Walter, de- ciding that discretion is better than valour, left the scene of action to the infuriated insects, who were quite willing to return to their home in a crevice in the shed.. It is expected that by the time this article gets into|' print the roof will have been com- and the' enemy completely conquered. --_------------e A ------ ---- PRINCE ALBERT Rev. F. Waite' occupied the pulpit Sunday morning, and preached a helpful sermon. ~ He took for his text Proverbs 16:25. For his Missionary programme at Sunday School Earl Martyn read an account of Jack Miner and his well- known work. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Murphy, on Wednes- day of last week with the President Miss Madden, in charge of the meet- ing. Following this a nice lunch was served by Mrs. Murphy and Miss E. Vance. © Mrs. C. Plumb and children of Sas- katchewan are visiting Mr. and Mrs, H. Plumb. Mrs. O. Roberts, of Windsor, visited her sister Mrs. R. Butson on Satur- Mrs. E. McCfea, three daughters, and Gerald, motored to Midland on Saturday, 'and left Mary and Mar- garet there for a vacation. Jack Hope was in Toronto on Sat- urday, Ileen returned "with him to spend Civic Holiday at home. Mrs. F. Kendall, of Utica, visited with Mrs. E. Williams last Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bituon were in Toronto a few days last week, - Mr. and Mrs, (0. White, of Toronto, visited Mrs. R. Sond, on Thursday. Rew Mr. Ireland, a former pastor here, and Mrs, Ireland, are visiting with friends in the village. Mr. L. Bond and daughters Audrey and Olive enjoyéd a delightful motor trip to Belleville, Kingston and other points over the week-end. Last Wednesday night our, girls' softball team, in the first game of the season, under the coaching of man Esh, defeated Honeydale ath "16> Dynamic little* Verna Smith seémed to be ithe outstanding, per- former of the night. May you main- tain the good work in future games, girls, Following the game, the lucky number draw, the proceeds of which went to the ball team, was made, Gerald McCrea won first, which was a five pound box of chocolates, and Doris Pogue, of Scugog, won second, SEAGRAVE Shere: will be se service in tha United urch on y_exening, 11th, with the ia. r Rev. R. Min dall in charge, hen it is on it is hoved there will be a good atte ed the Sunday Sch ndanes: on Sunday, one remembered the birthday box. On Wednes eaday afternoon, Augus 14th, the W. will hold its regtiar wonthly Jiseting at the wil f Mrs. . Watson, when th ey wi ve as their guests thé Seugog W. A, R. Reynold's group n Sharge of the program. All are invited. Baseball games Dlayed between Seagrave and Valen Juniors, Sea- grave and Little Britain Seators, were a feature of sports during. th t week. We understand the A will see more interesting games played. nell, of Thessalon and Miss McCart- ney, of Toronto, are holidaying at te home of Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Clar Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep ji spending a month at their cottage on Scugog Island. ronto spent the week end with Mr, Olive. Mr. and Mrs. H. McKnight: 'and and Mr. J. W. Winters of Winnipeg recent visitors at Scott's and Clarke's. Miss Francis Gess of South Bend, Indiana visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Mark, Master Morley Bruce spendin holiday with his grandmother, oy W. Bruce of Port Perry Rev. O. R. and Mrs. Fiindall left last week for Picton Sand Banks, where they will spend holidays. Mr. G. Skarrett and sons of Toronto were Sunday visitors of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jennings of' To- ronto recent visitors of relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson and Miss Norma Urquhart of Uxbridge spent a holiday in Northern Ontario recently. Master Howard Green and sister Ruth of Welcome, spending a holiday with friends. Mrs. C. Harrison and daughter Merle and Mr. Barnum of Myrtle Sta- tion visiting relatives and friends on Sunday. Master Gordon Harrison ac- companied them home, Mr. 'and Mrs; L. Sornberger and family spending a week camping. in the North country, in company with Toronto relatives. Mr. Albert Sleep of Winnipeg a re- cent visitor of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gunn of Toronto, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Wooldridge. Mrs. C. Wilson and two children of Mrs. E. Neibel and Miss A. McCon- | E Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Brown of To- } and Mrs. Wm. Rogers and daughter, L family, Miss M, McKnight of Toronto | & G. OWEN, Proprietor. THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS ~~ ISEASY IF YOU BUY Dee FROM ee 4 BERT MacGREGOR Assure Yourself of the Best By having our driver call to deliver your needs in . Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Fresh and Well Made Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers . PHONE 93, - - PORT PERRY Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders - © t0238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY 1 oe Phone 238 OFFICE | MOVED Bigelow Street, where you will find us fully equipped : to Jook after your insurance. need. Phone 41. HAROLD' w. EMMERSON Prospect, visiting 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clements. Remember the service on Sunday evening, the pastor will have a special message after his week's holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burthwick and son of Windsor wer visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Reynolds." Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard spent Sunday at Stouffville. Mrs. R. Spence and daughter Aids, Mrs. T. Spence and son of Hartley "visiting their sister Mrs. M. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and damit Soo Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. rwin. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Richard Harper, io deceased. . All persons having claims against the Estate of Richard Harper, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day. of July, 1936, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Ex- ecutors, 'on or before the 22nd day ot August, 1935, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 22nd of August, 1935, the as- sets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties . entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. of July, 1936. JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for Executors, R.R, 4, Uxbridge, Ont. R.R. 4, Port Perry, Ont. 3 pr Aug. 156. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of E. H. Purdy, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of July, A.D. 1935, are hereby notified to file 'with the undersigned Solicitors for the Estate, on or before the 1st day of September, A.D, 1985, full particu; lars of their claims. 'Immediately after the said date the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims 86 filed, and the said estates will not be liable to any person of whose claim the said Solicitors shall not then have notice for the assets distributed, or any part thereof. = Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 31st day of July, 1986. GREER & HUMPHREYS, Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors a two pound box of chocolates. for the Executors. COAL AT SUMMER PRICES = Have you thought of the money you can save by putting in your winter's Coal while low summer prices are in effect? "FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE" If you have not previously used this "Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal" order it for next winter and be assured of entire heat satis- faction during the coldest weather--Naut, Stove and Pea sizes, Also summer prices:on WELSH COAL and COKE. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, etc. ; HARDWOOD SLABS and SOFTWOOD SLABS. Your orders will receive our prompt and careful attention, PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94 J. "Reliable. Service and Better Fuels" Dated at Port Perry, this 27th day h In the Estate of E. H. Purdy deceased | Good Baking at Reasonable Prices is Our Policy "Give us a trial--you won 't be dissappointed Gerrow Brothers M. A. GERROW G. M. GERROW EXTRA SPECIALS ARMAND $1.00 FACE POWDER ...... LR LATTE Coad dene 696, ARMAND 60¢c. FACE POWDER . . .43c. DOERR I Pes es nasa * MOON GLOW NAIL POLISH, all 'shades Ny CEs as Cea vines 200 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, giant size ..--......0coouiiois. 856 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE, small 826 ......cv0vvuvuen, dvs 206 GARDENIA, ROSE, and LAVENDER DUSTING POWDER. ., 29c. , GARDENIA, ROSE and LAVENDER TALCUMS,..............20c. SERVEX CLEANING TISSUES, 200 sheets ...................19. SHEET MUSIC, Latest Popular Bongs .................. FPORRT. | { FLY-A-CIDE, Death to Flies, moths, mosquitoes and many other = "Insects, % 8 oz. bottle 33¢c. Bottle refilled for 25¢. QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING, DEVELOPING and PRINTING. Daily service, ¢ _ Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phons 16 ---- s 1 k Ey 3 a4 Lf SSE bt 4 LE FOTN 0 FY % Rs 37 hd s » ou o X 8 J wl) io 3 aad