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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Sep 1935, p. 5

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~ Mr, Stevens as an immigrant Bly vn APR i mew what it was to go through the ©. mill His parents settled at Peter- borough, and his Oapadisn education © was received there, As a 'boy: he Bi 'worked on a farm taere, and; receiitly had - the pleasure of meeting once "mpres one of his former employers. 'But his restless spirit refused to be "tied down on an Ontario farm, He : i theta ror atls farm, Fie © went- through to British Columbia in the nineties, when gold and glamour and adventure were still richly mixed with arduous drudgery. He drove a stage coach, he prospected for old. : He fired a locomotive for awhile, it is said. But his thirst for adventure was not' satisfled by these experi- 'ments, The - Phillipine revolt came along, and he joined the United States army. Later he went to take, part in quelling the Boxer uprising in China, «It was: during this. period in his life : that he travelled extensively in the ALR ER, _ romantic South Seas. : F) That was by no means the end of the variety in his life, When he came back | fo Vancouver he 'worked in a grocery store, studied and became an Xf wx'. ancial broker," He was at one time or As ; another, if reports are accurate, a 2s _ real estate dealer, and the editor of a .-. militant weekly, He began to take a keen. interest in' civic affairs, joined "a temperance 'banish the bar' move- ment became an alderman, undertook + to help 'clean up' Vancouver. His first active participation in * Federal Politics 'came in the year of Reciprocity 'Campaign in 1911, He won the seat. He was a back-bencher | under Arthur Meighan, Robt. Borden and R. B. Bennett. 5 He finally. became a front-bencher and developed a talent as an effective debater, with a flair for appealing to the emotion of his. listeners. first big opportunity came in 1926 when Arthur, Meighan wanted a cap- ~~ Hemidea powerful address. ney In 1026-30 he was an effective critic \ ; "of the Mackenzie ing administration, a 'In 1930 he 'was chosen Minister of "Trade and Commerce, from Which post he resigned in" October, 1934. Following this he took up the for |" mation of the Price Spreads Commis- sion, his break with Mr. Bennett, and his acceptance of. the leadersh hip the, newly 'formed Reconstruction Party. Mr, Stevens has stag, severed his connection with. the- Con- servative Party. TX" There was'a good attendance at the gra LadiegieAid meeting which was. held ge 'the 'Hote of Mrs. Frank Welch, ae on Friday. evening of last week. "Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swanick and hadi "Anson, were in Oshawa on Thursday of last week. : Mr. and Mrs. Tuft 'and family, of Toronto, spent Sanday at the home of 'Frank Welch, Mr, and: Mrs. Garland Langstaff and Alex.; of Toronto, are spending a .. week with his parents, here. ys Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Kelly; of To- pr, ' ronto, spent the week end at Colin} "+ -' Lorimers,: - ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ball were SL a visitors in our community on Sunday. |' 'Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Walker and children, spent Sunday with friends at Pinedale, } a SCUGOG "Hal : Communion Service will be held in Eee, Tt ~ the Head Church next Sunday morn- 44 ing at 11 o'clock, and the evening ser- vice will be. held at 7.830. There will be no Sunday School in any of the Churches, The September meeking of the Wonien's Association was held in the A Te Town Hall last Tuesday afternoon, ©" with an atendance of 65. An extra 5 z meeting was opened with the presi- dent | An 'the chair. The Scripture lesson read and explained by Mrs, . J. Joblin.. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman gave ©"... a plano number; Mrs. (Rev.) Joblin Ca sang a 'solo, then & number of short| 'readings were given. This was fol- lowed by a business session. - Various entertainments were discussed and' it was finally decided to hold a Roast Fowl Supper during the week follow- ing the Centre Sunday Service, on October 18th, together with a good | program. Watch i bills; Mrs, N.| : 28 © Crozier was appoin secretary on ok asgoum bi the illness of Mrs. a. Hood, 1 Mrs. J Deniéra id 'Miss A, MeLarca | are the ; "accountant, branched out into' a fin- }- J the Banquet. "His |. able to launch: the customs disclosures. 8 parents-Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson. bind Gladys Collins hos stazted to | for Mrs, Milner a speedy recovery, Ps J. A. Sweetman was taken véry 1 «good program was enjoyed by all, The | program committee for the 'next meeting. Then a social time. was spept around the table where all en: joyed the good things provided by group 4 of the Centre, who are Mrs,| Stephenson, Mrs, Fines, Mrs, Wan- namaker, Mrsr. Geo. Schell and Mrs.| Pettitt. We were honored to have as 'our guest Mrs. Chapman, of To- ig who is staying at the cottage of "her daughter at Six Mile Island. Mrs, Chapman is 97 years old. : She was. accompanied by Mrs, Clinér and her daughter Della, and Mrs, Fletcher of Pine 'Point. We also had as visit-1 org Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Gerrow, Mr, and Mrs, E. Sweetman and family, of Scugog, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 'Heayn and children, .of Port Perry, "Miss. Hilda Milner and Mr. G, Rus:| sell, of Oshawa, Miss Marjorie Milner of Toronto, and about fifty friends, met at the home of Mr, John Milner last Saturday evening and gave Mrs. Ray Milner a warm welcome to' our community and presented thein with a lovely collection of pretty and use- ful things. The softball "boys pre-~ sented them with a pyrex cold meat platter with a silver stand. - Mr, and Mrs. Ray Milner expressed their hap- piness in a few well chosen words. A dainty lunch was served at the close by sisters of the-groom, after -which all departed wishing the bride and groom a long and happy married life. Rev. Mr. Joblin and daughter Gladys are visiting in Toronto, Miss Addie . McLaren attended a rde's 'banquet at Orillia Memorial Hospital. They first visited the Sick -Children's Hospital, where some 700 children. were being treated, and, re- | turned to the Memorial Hospital. for]. Misses Blanche and Olive Schell, of |. Oshawa, were week end visitors of their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Schell. Rally Day Services are being plan- ned for the Head and. Centre in the near future. A community club is being planned by the "folk at the Head, for the winter months, Mrs: T. Redman and" Mrs. 8. Rod- man visited' the former's sister in Oshawa recently, 2 Mrs: G. 'Bentley, of Port Perry, is spending a few days with Mrs. G. Flewell. | 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred, of 'To- ronto, and .their son Russell, of De- troit, visited their aunt Mrs. J. A. Swastman, on Sunday, t *>:Mr. and -Mrs. L. Chamberlain, of Toronto, spent the week end with her attend high school at Port Perry. "Nurse McLaren is attending Mrs. 'W. Milner who is quite ill. We wish 1 again on Sunday and is under the doctor's care. We hope he is. soon better. - The Sunday School Rally at the Foot: Church "was 'very interesting. Mrs. Walker, who is-visiting with-Mr, H. Fralick, sang a solo, Mrs. Joblin, Sr., and Mrsi' E. Ploughman, . told stories, | Mrs. Geo, Sweetman and. Mrs, Geo} Samells ttended the Rally Service at Shirley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman were in Enniskillen, on Sunday. Rev. M. Joblin and his father at- tended the Presbytery meeting at Orono last week. i Mrs. Walker and Mrs, 'Bemrose, of 'Toronto, are visiting with Mr, H, Fralick, for a few days. Mr, Glenn Wannamaker and Miss M. Mitchell, of Seagrave, visited with Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Fralick and daughters Inez and Beth, Mrs. W. F. Nott, and Irva, visited on Sunday with Mrs. S. Fralick, at Orono. Miss Dorothy Hoar, of Lindsay, visited with Mrs. G. Schell last week. "GREENBANK V Mr. Cc. Lower, of Dalsota, is visit- 'ing his brother, Mr. John Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Flewell, of Treasurer, Basil Heintzner; Rules Péterboro, called on. friends here last| Committee, Messrs. C. McGill, L. Thursday. z Mountjoy, L. Corner, and 'Miss Mabel The Salvation Army Band, of Osh- awa, gave a splendid concert in the 'United Church here on Tuesday even. ing of last week, Mr. Geo. McMillan on Sunday. Mrs. Burge, of Oshawa, visited her 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lapp and fam- ily, of Ashworth, visited at the home, of Mr. Wm, Phoenix, on Sufilay, 7 Mr. and Mrs. 8. Charte Clements, Michigan, "to Golden Wedding, of Mr. and Mrs. music for a dance in the hall on Fri- day, October 4th. Admission 25¢. be held in our village on Wednesday, | - Ogtober 2nd, "A communion service 'will be held in 8t. John's Church in the morning. Dinner, the afternoon program and supper will be held in the Community Hall, home from her trip to the North West where she had 'an enjoyable visit with relatives and friends. We are pleased to welcome her back. | brook on Sunday taking tht services for Rev, Rural Dean Simpson, end in Oshawa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry and fam- ily, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Werry; Rev. and Mrs. W. H, Walker and sons, of Janetville, Mrs. | John Walker, Port' Hope, and Rev. C. C. and Mrs, Harcourt, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Hooey. his parents Mr. and Mrs, S. Swain. Nure;, Lindsay, Mr. ha Mrs, Robt, 'Hall and 'Jimmie, of Toronto, with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A, VanCamp., with Mr. E. Adamson, of Hampton. 'WMoronto after spending her summer holidays with Miss Ferga Johnston. _ Mrs. visiting Mrs. Wm. Crawford, together with Harold Crawford and Miss F. Fair, are on a trip to Ottawa. "Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson have returned to Windsor after a pleasant visit at the home of the latter's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Bailey. Mis. |. Bailey went with them for a short |. visit. T. Smith. M.S. of the" United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Jos. Forder. The Devotional period was in charge of Rev. Mr, Bell who also gave an. ad- dress on "What War Means". program which was in charge of Mrs. 'Russell Mountjoy consisted of the 'following numbers: a summary of the Study Book "Builders. &f the Indir-s.... |. Church" by Mrs. Jabez Wright; a letter from Mis, read by Miss Aileen Mountjoy; a tem- perance reading Miss 1 "Plodder's Petition" by Mrs, A. John- ston; and a message from Mrs. Jas. Marlow, also by Mrs. Johnston. Lunch was served by the group in charge. No. present 20. Smith and Mr. Hiram Lambe were in Salem on Saturday.afternoon attend- Windrym. recently in the Community Hall here by the United Church Dramatic Club will be presented in Hayden on Mon- 'day evening, Sept. 80th. position with Dr. Buchanan, of Peter- boro. from our community life, but wish her every success: 'Badminton Club Executive' was held in the 'armouries when the following were elected to office: Capt.: J, Ci Gamey, Orono; President, N. S. McNally; Vice- President, Chas, of Venning;, Sec'y, Mrs. J. McArthur; Wilson. John's Anglican Chueh on Sunday : was taken by Rev, Rural, Dean Simp- "Miss Pugh visited at the Bowe: of son, of Millbrook, who delivered two very impressive and helpful sermons, The special music providéd by the sister Mrs. Tyson Lee last 'week. * | choir was also enjoyed. wag beautifully decorated with flow- ers, fruit and vegetables, ) n; of St. John's Church was held on «| Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Smith with a splendid -- John Stone's on Sunday. Mr, and John Howsam left on a motor trip on" Monday for Mount _ attend the Enoch Howsam. = ; rr + AP PB eee DANCE AT GREENBANK Scotty's Orchestra will furnish the BLACKSTOCK The 'annual Deanery nieeting will Mrs. S. A. McLaughlin has returned Rey. C. C. Harcourt was in Mill: Miss Edith Wright spent the week Among our recent visitors were: _ Mr. Weir Swain, of Timmins, with Mr. and Mrs. _F. Stinson and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. J.-Carter and family Miss Grace Willan has returned to .Glover, of Toronto, who is Mrs. F. Lambe of Manchtster, wink he week end with her daughter Mrs. The September meeting of the W. The r (Rev.) 'Merrill "Indifference" by a reading, Ferga Johnston; Mrs, F. Lambe, Mr. and Mrs. T.4 ng the funeral of the late Mr. Geo. The popular play "My Pal" put on Miss Aileen Devitt has accepted a We are sorry to lose Aileen The first annual meeting of the Hon. Pres. . "The 'Harvest * "Home 'Service in St The church The opening meeting of the W. A. bought the property adjoining his own -- -- © president Mrs. Harcourt. A lengthy "business session followed at the close of which, owing to the lateness of the hour, the regular program was dis- pensed with, Lunch was served by the group in charge and a vote of | thanks tendered to the hostess for her hospitality. Mrs, J. McMillan, of Port Perry, Miss Lela McMillan, of Oshawa, Mrs. Mrs. E. G, Wickham and Miss Lucille McMillan, of Toronto, visited with Mr. apd Mrs, O. Wright, on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lamb and fam- ily and' Mr, Russell Lamb of- Lindsay, and Miss Helen VanCamp, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, T. Smith, Miss Norma Hgoey of the Toronto Normal School "spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Hogey, ; Feir Hs EV PRINCE ALBERT The Rally Day service was very 'well attended. The hymn, "The Church's One Foundation" was sung, followed by prayer by Mr. Dobson. A chorus was sung by the Junior gixls; Mr. Robertson read two short Psalms; Esther Hunter and Verna Smith sang a duet, after which the teachers took |bard. She was the daughter of the their'/classes for the lésson period. Joie Ms. and Mrs. Geo. Hubbard, of | Rev, Mr. Smyth then gave an address entitled, The Teacher's Work-basket. Mr. and Mrs. P. Raymer visited the former's sisters at Markham and at Richmond Hill recently. , 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Philp of Arthur, visited with his brother Mr, T.. E. 'Philp during the week. The latter is busy cutting corn for the farmers at Marsh Hill. Mrs. Snelgrove and Bruce have re- turned home from their motor trip to | the West. ety - Miss Robina McCrea of the Oshawa Hospital, was home on Saturday. 'The Misses Holman were home over the week end. Visitors from here to Blackstock Fair were Messrs. H. and S. Hope and |, Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Raymer, Mis.|r Luke, Mr..and Mrs. S. Arnold, Ben [J Smith, Harold Edwards and Jack But- son, It is reported that -Mr. Foster has to the north, ; ah and Mrs. T. E. Philp visited at . R. W, Pailp's at Nestleton, re- . ie cats, poultry, fancy fish, and some of Little Marion Hadley, of Saintfield,|t is visiting relatives in the village. - Ralph Lyle accompanied the Eschs to our village on Sunday. t | P.S. were made, and friendly time was spent as' Mr. Smyth was lavish with hospitality. | The group also had the privilege of attending the Bobcaygeon = Fair, on} Saturday. 19356. husband, and children Herman, Iana, Hazel, Lulu, Cora, Zelma and Robert. and his wife had been visiting in this locality, and had just returned home when the death of Mrs. Raymes oc-| i curred. Willoughby de Broke, representative of one of the more families in Great Britain, himself a | well known cavalry officer, hunter and horseman; as well as Capt. Bertram Mills,. ficiated last year. United States and Canada. best Horse and Live Stock shows on -- Miss Hattié Shunk was in Black- stock, last Wednesday. Mr, Diamond, of Prospect was a visitor 'at our Sunday School on' Sun- day, to discuss plans for a banquet. The Young Men's Bible Class held a business meeting on Monday night 4 Miss 8. Lai'd, Margaret McCrea, | | Earl Martyn and Murray Luke, with 8 group of some twenty young people 4 from Port Perry, were the guests. of |} Rev. Mr. Smyth, from Friday even- |) ing until Saturday evening at his cot- |} Plans for the tage at Bobcaygeon. opening and carrying on of the Y. A very enjoyable mr ---------- Pee ee MRS. DANIEL RAYMES DIES AT |i SASKATOON Mrs, Deceased, together with her hus- band Daniel Raymes, gave strong support to the Methodist, and later to the United Church. still remember the good work by them in church and Sunday School: done Murs, Raymes is survived by her Quite recently Mr, Herman Raymes poy = ROYAL WINTER FAIR TO BE ON | § NOVEMBER 20 to 28 It is expected the new Governor- | General and Luddy Tweedmuir will | {% make their first public. visit to To- onto for the Royal, Among the judges at Horse Show will be Lord ancient titled of London, England, who of- The Flower Show will be a colorful vent, as well as a big show of dogs, he best live stock of two countries-- The Royal is considered one of the he 'continent. : oon phone oa the farm you agents in other centers. sales will go a long.way t months' service, 50 great a return at so . your telephone. 2 \ "One Call Paid 1 on Six Months' Rental!" When prices fluctuate and you have stock or pro-' duce to sell, there is nothing like a telephone for making enquiries and getting the best prices. And; \ if local offers are not satisfactory, with a tele- A difference of one or two cents a pound on your phone rental. Some subscribers have made enough profit from just one call to more than cover many A telephone is a low-price investment. It costs only a few cents a ddy. There is nothing that gives can get in touch with oward paying your tele- moderate an outlay as Daniel Raymes formerly of | § Scugog Island, died at her home in Saskatoon, on 'Sunday, September 15. Mrs. Raymes had been away | 8 from this district about twenty years. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Hub. | | Sei ugog people | § attendance. of members and visitors. * | The Bible reading was taken by Mrs, | F. Hamilton 'and prayers by the - F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE Each week the Red & White Stores offer their customers a new list: "of high quality foods and houeshold requirements at prices that are as low as the quality permit, is no exception, find 'some very attractive offerings, This week Leok over the list submitted and you will On Sale this week, 19c¢ tin . GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, I's CROWN TEA, I's CHIPSO, per pkg. 21c. CROWN SYRUP, 5 Ib. tin 42¢. "CONNORS HERRING Rinso, per pkg. : =SILVO, large tin : S18 Fare pin ae per tin l4c. Clover Honey, No. 5, - 39c. VI-TONE, small 25¢., * GILLETW'S LYE, tin 12c. JEWEL SHORTENING LICORICE ALLSORTS Medium 45e¢. EE Er EE. 12 1b. ine ves ssa vei 2D EEE large 79c¢.. HAWES' LEMON OIL, 23c. 2 Ibs. for 27c¢ for 13c bars for 12¢. Red & White Matches, 3 boxes 21c: PUFFED WHEAT -& PUFFED RICE, ... BENSON'S CORN STARCH FALCON FANCY PINK SALMON, 1's ROMAN 'MEAL, pkg. 1 Ib. BAG FRESH SODAS .the two for : Fai ete ve be per pkg. he iF WE 2 tins ! 3lec. PAROWAX, 2 pkgs. : 2 bags for 2: Pitted Dates - - - 2 lbs. 23c. RUBBER JAR RINGS GRAPENUT FLAKES 2 Ibs. SOAP FLAKES, 1 hot. J ORANGES EI I NE I SS I SR RENE EE Pa 2 pkgs. for'2 JAVEL WATE R, i for : Ss A ER tert Don rer os per dozen 4 pkgs for 19¢. n 29¢. and 39¢, 8 Tr per 1b. 15c. QUAKER OATS, -. Get your Dionne Qiintualcl Birthday Bowl--Send 2 Quaker Oats trademarks and 15¢. to The Quaker Oats Co., Peterboro, Ont. pkg. 25¢. Phone 43 TE Te a Clover Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 1p? % ¢ BC NSIC Se Shh 0) oy | " } ~ Aton atic HEAT The summer days are almost gone; almost before we know, it the furnace will have to be stoked up in order to Have a temperature. in, which people can live in comfort. With the old method of operatifg the furnace by - hand, temperatures up sometimes to an uncom- fortable heat, then down to be uncpmfortably cold, This can be eliminated by installing an AUTO- 'MATIC DAMPER CONTROL. This is not ex- pensive to install, takes the worry of looking after the damper off your mind, besides giving an even heat, day and night, in the hitter cold, or the moderate warm days of winter. . 'Result: a saving + in fuel whether you buy coal from us or not. We would be pleased 'to show and explain this wonder- ful contrivance. Ask' us about it. FRED E. "REESOR | Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73; | . especially meats. most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Phone orders to 29 w,. Port Perry. FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE This is the time of the year w hen one's taste is very particular-- Our meats. are sn tasty and delicious that the Phone your next grder to 0) CAWKER BROS. Prompt Delivery DURHAM COUNTY WAR ON GROUND HOGS Mr, Representative that 4000 ground hog tails were ex- hibited at' the district, County for best collection of ground hog tails. competition and 'a profitable one as | well. ing was' brought out in a display at A- very unique idea of exhibit. Enniskillen school fair. wood was covered with the tails and looked very much like a ground hog standing on. its hind legs. farmers welcome such a competition as an aid to rid the county of the pest. DECLARES I. A. Summers, Agricultural ~ Deceased. for Durham, - states 13 school: fairs in his October, 1935, claims, 10th, 1935 It is a very interesting mnie diately "A block of ( then have notice. Many Port Perry, Ont, cis Bailey Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Francis Bailey, Dated September 23rd, 1035, All persons having claims against the Estate of Francis Bailey, of the Township of Reach, in _the' County of Ontario, deceased, who died on the This is the second time that | oo day of July, 1935, are 'hereby prizes have been given in Durham | notified to send in to the undersighed solicitors on or before the 10th day of full particulars of their after October , the estate of the Testator will be distribute »d among the parties entitled thereto, having 'regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Solicitors for Fran- A . . ? 3 ESAT . 3 . ~ ) . » . + . y | : ¥ 3 ¢

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