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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Oct 1935, p. 4

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C8 RARE tens FR 4 + a ANA er DORs? maior Sn 5 - «+ at Love Bros, ! the week end at his home here. on Frigqay or last week. "the continent. Toll led his audience to Palestine and | " October 25th, at 2.30 p.m. ~~ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN PERSONAL James Read, Jr, who is employed mushroom farm, spent My. Storey Beare and his friend spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Beare. Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. Miss Thora Kaufman, Miss Mace, and Mr. Ince, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, W. Kaufman we re Nr BENEFIT RUGBY GAME A Benent Kugpy game will be played next Monaay, October 28th, au 3.50 p.m. between Uxbridge H. S. and rort rerry H. S. 'the game will be played on tne High School grounds immediately following the Literary meeung. 'this game 18 being playea to help Norman rowell, who was hurt in a-game at Uxbridge, 'Lickets will pe soid by tne Rugby team. : SOUTH ONTARIO TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Mr. Roy Cornish, elected President. 'Lhe rublic School teachers of South Ontario nec in convention at Whitby 'I'wo out- stanulng adaresses were given--one py Kev. I. ¥muth, ot Columbus, on "ussolinl ana tne man or kthiopia", 'ana one by Kev, wigworth 'Toll-- "Hien-Hiking 'Anrough Many Lands", Lr, Shih pegan nis inleresung and nigniy enngaiening auaress with a pira's eye view of conaiuons in italy which made 1U possible 1or Mussolini wo suuaenly seize tne reins of governs ment. 1nen he went on to show how ims aictator lea hs country to be- come Involved mm war with ancient 1ihiopia, 1n order to. justity his con- tinuance ox power. 'I'he cleverness v1 mussouni was shown in developing protection irom the League of Na- uons betore he began any disturb- ance. A very clear picture was given by Ur. Smith to the meeting of the conaitions 1 both italy and Ethiopia preceding the war. in conclusion, Dr. Smith pointed out the dangers lurk- ng in a continuance of this war be- tween ltalians as whites and the Ethi- opians as blacks. This, he said, might easily lead to a race war, the result or which was hard to conjecture. fhe second speaker of the after- noon was Kev. kllsworth Toll, assist. ant minister of Whitby United Church who with his brother, Leroy, recently returned from a hitch-hiking tour ot the world. Mr. Toll gave an illus- trated lecture on "Hitch-Hiking Through Many Lands", which was highly educational in value. He was introduced by Mr. Sennett, The illus- trations first thrown on the screen depicted scenes from European coun- tries, and the explanation given with | these gave the meeting a very de- lightful and informative picture of From Europe Mr. his scenes from this historic part of the world, recalling sacred memories, were particularly pleasing. The countries of Asia were next shown and explained and from there the audience was brought home by way of a tramp steamer from Shanghai. This lecture was particularly enjoy- able as the pictures had all been taken by Mr. Toll on the unusual trip which he and his brother made. Officers Elected Hon. President--R. A. Hutchison. President--Roy Cornish, Port Perry. Sec.-Treas.--R. A. Sennett, Whitby. Ex. Committee --R. C. McWhirter, Pickering; Miss C. Harris, Brooklin; 1. R. Beare, Reach, Winnifred Niddery, Scugog. Rae a 4 -- DIED PROUTT--A¢t Cesarea, on Wednes- day, October 23rd, 1936, William Geo. Proutt, husband of Geneva M. Platten, in his 69th year. Funeral of Friday, --_---- ee EPR CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7. pm.--Evening Service, pr 11 a.m--Rev, P. L. Jull, BA, of Brooklin, © 145 p.m.~-Men's Bible Class and Forum. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. { 2 pm-Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. 1 et eis et PGP ris dent ----- ------ CHURCH BA, Mi Minister FOR WAR And by the same token In fine weather prepare for the Cold weather that will surely come--BUY NOW Men's Work Rubbers, $1.85, $2.26 and $2.76 per pair, Heavy Wool Sox to wear with rubbers Ree pair_60c. All Wool Sox at 2b¢. and 4be. pair. Cotton and Jersey Cloth Gloves at 16¢., 20¢c, and 26¢, pair. COME IN AND LOOK THINGS OVER. Reasonable Prices, WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry IN TIMES OF PEACE PREPARE Work Shirts, Overalls and Smocks at] Saturday SPECIALS Watch ourwindow eachweek for our Saturday.Special. You can save many pennies during the year by buying these real bargains. Quality Guaranteed Phone 4. YOUR ORDERS will receive carefu attention, and prompt delivery, W. BOYNTON WANTED Ambitious man, 20 to 40; for sales department, some sales experience preferred. Give experience, phone number and salary expected, Apply (evenings) or write to H. M. King, 103 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont, W. A. HOSTESS TO THE CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA On Thursday, October 17th, the "members of the United Church Choir and Orchestra, together with their friends were the guests of the Women's Association. About 100 persons sat down at 7.30 p.m, to a sumptuous banquet served in 'the traditionally good style of our ladies. After all had done ample justice to the needs of the inner man, Mr. R. J. Harris, the President, called the as- semblage to order and in the gracious and capable manner native to him, presided as Toastmaster. The cus- tomary toast to the King was moved by the toastmaster and responded to by singing the National Anthem. Mr, Smyth then proposed a toast to the Church and this was responded to by all present singing*"The -Churchs One Foundation 'is Jesus Christ her Lord." Mr, Cyril Jeffrey proposed a toast to the Soprano section of the choir. This was responded to by Mrs, Stone, who also proposed a toast to the tenor section. This in turn was acknow- ledged by Mr, Chas. Reesor, who pro- posed the toast to the altos. Miss G. Stovin . responded to the toast to the Altos and in turn proposed the toast to the bass section. Mr. W. M. Letcher replied-for the bass. Mr. Robt. Harris then proposed a triple toast to--the Organist, Choir Leader and Orchestra Leader, and Bruce Snel- grove responded to the same. The "toasting" accomplished the happy company joined in community singing, followed by a hymn which brought this happy event to a close. Choir practice being held later. The Women's Association are to be commended for their generous hos- pitality and the guests are to be con- 'gratulated on being happy pecipionts of such thoughtfulness. Such occasions are generators of good-will and kindly emotions and are therefore in the true sense praise- worthy. - BN A THE MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The Class had another interesting session on Sunday last. Mr. Reesor is entering into the spirit of Jeremiah as he talks of this courageous soul of other days. The Forum questions hinged on "Kear". The members were quite unanimous that fear is all too-present in the motives of men. There is a 'fear that is selfish and cripples, and there is fear that is the beginning of true wisdom. "Give me fifty -men who fear nothing bit sin and I can change England" said John Wesley. The annual banquet of the class will be held on Monday, November 18, with Rev. W. J. Johnston, of Eglinton United Church, Toronto, the speaker. Now then boys, all together, let us play the game. The holidays are over and the work of the class and church calls, Have you heeded the call? BE RT EE mi NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Thomas William McKee, Deceased. All persons having claims' against the Estate of Thomas William Me- Kee, of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, 'deceased, who died on the 1st day of August, 1936, are hereby. notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 3rd day of November, 1935, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after November 8rd, 1936, the assets of the Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice, Dated, October 1st, 1986. val Harris, Harris, & Wallace, Port Perty, Solicitors, for Thomas William McKee Estate, ~~ f HALLOWEEN CONCERT AT UTICA their annual Hallowe'en Concert and Dance in the Utica Hall, on Wednes- day, October 80th. Admission 25c. and 10c. plus tax, Lunch provided, Farmers Attention! 500 BIRDS WANTED Hens, Chickens, Ducks -- Top Prices Paid. Special prices for really fat fowl. or information call ALIX. GILBOORD, Phone 177, Port Perry, or apply by "mail. Ci es rm NII tir obi lpreers FOR SALE Small Kitchen Stone, with water front, coal or wood, nearly new. Ap- ply to Frank Barker, at Archer's Garage. IS YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER? Serious problems will face your dependents at your death. Why not protect them against all possible disputes, litigation and distress, by having your solicitor draw or revise your Will to-day and by appointing this Corporation your Executor? STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION TORONTO AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE the property of Percy Teel, at the farm of Jas. Thorndyke, at Oakwood, on Thursday, October 31, 1935. 105 head of Cows, Springers, Feeders, and Calves, mostly Herefords and Dur- hams. Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED FP CATTLE The property of Chas. Pilkey, half mile South of Greenbank, on Wed- nesday, October 30th. 60 head in- cluding cows, two-year olds, yearlings and calves, Also pigs and sheep. Terms Cash. 'Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Bf ia aT I I.rg ROAST FOWL SUPPER AT BLACKSTOCK - November '1st, under the auspices of St. John's Anglican Church. The supepr wil be followed by a play en- titled "Civil Service". ------ OPP PW en SEAGRAVE ANNIVERSARY Special services on Sunday, Nov. 3 conducted by Rev. F. J. Joblin. Tuesday, Nov. bth, Fowl supper, followed by a good programme. Admission 40c, and 26c. aA ant i Rs Sm CARTWRIGHT SCHOOL FAIR (continued from page 5) Writing (Primer)--6 B. Corner. Writing (1st Class)--3 Harold Forder, 4 E. Wright, 5 D. Wright. * Writing (2nd Class)--8 W. Van- Camp, 4 J. VanCamp, 6 H. Moore. Writing (3rd Class)--3 G. Marlow. Weed naming--1 R. Larmer, 2. K. Taylor. School Chorns -- 1 Mahood's, - 2 Archer's, 3 Blackstock. Impromptu Speaking--1 H. Van: Camp, 38.G. Marlow. McNally. Powder--1 M. Hill, 2 K. Taylor, Tug-of-War, boys--Blackstock P.S. Tug-of-War, girls--Blackstock P.S. Pupils winning highest number of points=~D, Wright 40, K. Wright 49, low 37, Harold Fordér 83, M. Van- Camp 88, : Pupils winning the highest amount of mioney--Harold Forder $3.45, K. Marlow $240, L . Stinson $195. I (Two shows Thursd The pupils of Utica School will hold {~ STRAND THEATRE : "UXBRIDGE A GRAND SHOW AT THE STRAND Thanksgiving Holiday x % % . Thursday, Fri, Saturddy (This week) Lionel Barrymore Jand Jackie Cooper, |' an absolute olan picture for children. Also Chap. 7 of serial "Kit Carson", "Our Gang" comedy, and Cartoon. --8 and 90.46) to accommodate the holiday crowd. * 0% ¥ Monday, Tues, Wed. Oct. 2829-30. TOM MIX dnd TONY, JR, the wonder Horse, in The Rustlers "Round Up Greatest Rodeo in outdoor Westerns, in his latest thriller and Comedies. * * * f Thurs., Fri, Saturday, (Next Week) Our 15th Anniversary Picture, Edward G. Robertson, in The Whole Town is Talking Starting October 31, November 6th, each. 'child attending this Theatre gets FREE) an night, a He. Paterson Chocolate Bar or a 5c. package of Adam's Chiclets, as our 15th: anhiversary offer, EXTRA! 1 Cook, Valley View RED POLLS & Grade SHORTHORN |. 'Recitation=~2 W. VanCamp, 8 V.|' Cake made from Watkin's Baking : P. Wright 48, L. Stinson 42, G. Mar-| Wright. $2.80, Howard Forder $2,70, D. Wright 2.56, P, Wright $2.30, G.| FOR SALE Masesy-Harris two way Sulky Plow in good shape. 'Apply to Clarence arm, Myrtle Sta,, Phone 120 r 2-1. CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS T° the "property of H. C. Fulford, of Pickering Village, Lot 17, on Tuesday, October 28th. See bills for terms. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer, | consideration, reasonable. each. A, Barrett, 'Manchester Aged Jody o can have room ghd board for winter in comfortable home, every Apply at Star Office. -- teat: Sade Apply to Vietor Aldred, Seugor, Phone 102 r 8-2 to -- 'HOUSE FOR RENT Known as the Russell Wilson house, Port Perry, ession Nov. 1st. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Gerrow, Man- chester, v ADVENTURES "An illustrated story 26th. at 8 p.m. in P Church: Admission "YOUNG PIGS FOR BALE ¥ ROUND THE ; WORLD. dering 'in 27 countries, Friday, Oct. A wanker of Rock Puls 1.00 i Hlewry irony TOE and Smelly F re disappéared since Cress Go form Salve 7! sold: by La 's; Dru Store, fie AUCTION SALE rd ie ON. SALE late John Swan, the long established Black- | smith 'and Carriage Business of Swan Bros., Port Perry, is being closed, and the up-to-date equipment, tools, and stock. be sold by auction, on Sat urday, November 2nd, 1985. For further particulars see bills, Sale at 1.80 p.m, sharp. : Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 'of a year's .wan- ort, Perry United 26c. and 20¢; 5 i a ASSORTED HEINZ New Brazil Nuts - SPECIAL o Green Peas Fy ® Willard's Humbug __ Palmolive Soap - SPECIAL Lanes, cLaRes AYLMER OR BEANS Rice, Fancy Japan - = Aylmer Infant's Foods 2 Tins 19¢ STORES ++ LIMITED WEEK-END . VALUES Friday & y Saturday October 25th and 26th HABITANT PEA SOUP 28r 19% : 2 Crossed Fish Sardines 2 Tins 29¢ Domino Dates - 24-0z. Pkg. 17¢ Bayside Peas, No. 2 Tin 2 for 23¢ Salt, Iodized Keen's Mustard -'1 Hor. Tin 10¢ SOUPS . 7¢ 1b. 19¢ SPAGHETTI Plew's Oat Puffs - Perfection Lemon Oil Bowie 15¢ 'Pkg. 9¢ Brooms - Pkg. 9¢ 'Durham Corn lb. 15¢ Cake S5¢ : MCLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER * Fruits & Vegetables CRANBERRIES .......1b 19c. CAULIFLOWERS ...2 for 26¢. CABBAGE, per head .......5¢. Speolal--Pastry Flour 880 6¢ Lux Toilet Seep - 2 Cakes 2 11 Classic Cleanser 5 = Navy Toilet Tissue - 2 for 15¢ 'Macaroni, Bulk : Sle 1-1b; Tin 42¢ : 'Medium Tins 25° Pkg. Tin 5¢ r Each 39¢ Starch 2 Pkgs, 19¢ © 2 1bs. 11¢ SINGAPORE 5 SLICED ? PINEAPPLE ; i Sam' N. Griffen Eh ori preparat or winter must be I Good stock of lnthen, hand les. and roofing on an + LE] - at Lumber Co. 4 'Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. 'Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by / appointment - at all" times. DISNBY BLOCK © Oshawa BA Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 SUITS CLEANED ; Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1. 00 CP ROLPH Over the Observer Office a dio ELECTRICAL Repairs Phone to JOHN FARMER © 'Ne.85 YOUR EYES Consult us if you have any suspicion of failing eyesight. Tt may save you years of future trouble, F. E.LUKE & SON 163-167 Yonge St. Opp. Simpson's--Upstairs Phone EL 4530. "DR, Ww. 5 HAmRn Graduate nk Post 2 fi in Office and Birger. Port Perry, Ont, si aw A. Sangster : DENTAL ange : Offices Hours: 0 a.m. to 5 pm. Oftos Upchais, aver Bumarsen's Jasutause Ofeg CONANT WH ANN AnwIS "0 N D. i pro 4 SOA £2 VS RA 4 A © @ a oo ord : » _- { - > cy > L LER of 8 w $e ? TA Xo

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