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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Oct 1935, p. 5

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K--Wednesday,' Thursday, F riday, Saturday PRINCE ALBER Our anniversary services on Sun- "day were much enjoyed and we were 'music by the Orono people and M Ireland was splendid, while the man hear his voice in the pulpit again, The hundred dollars, League was held in the Church Miss L. Murphy in charge of the mis- sionary programme, Men's Bible Class last Tuesday night in the Church basement, was. an out- standing success, As the phrase goes "This night shall never from our memories fade," young men from eighty downward, were entertained, The tables were nicely decorated with flowers, house- plants and raw fruit. At about 7.80 all sat down and partook of the fol- lowing menu--Oysters, Chicken and 'Ham, mashed potatoes, celery, pie, ice cream, cake, coffee, fruit, after which they listened to the following programme with Will Lyle as toast- master, The King, proposed by M. Luke, Community Singing; The Church, proposed by J. T. Dobson, re: sponse by Rev.' W. J. H. Smyth; | selections by Bethesda Quartette; The Sunday 'School, proposed by Albert Harper, response by H. R, Murphy; address by Rev, J. Scott, Belleville; Our. Guests, proposed by C. Clark, re- sponse by R. G. Gemmell and Samuel Farmer; O Canada. Mr. Scott's address was greatly ap- preciated as were the other numbers. Special tribute must be paid to Mr. made this festive occasion possible. erous spirit of welcome to every man 'in the village to come. Mr. Sager takes a great interest ih his class. The officers of the class are: Presi- : th : MEDICINE » TOILETRIES 25¢. Stork Baby Taleum, 2 for 26e. SUNDRIES $1.00 Agarex Co...... $1.01 psc win of Magnesia Tooth 25. Assorted Perfumes, 2 for 26c. $1.50 Hot Water Bottles 75¢. Bisma Rex FH: for 76ec. Paste 4..2 for 26e . 2 for $151 : 8 20 9 Purclest Cod Liver JARI R CIAL: " 80c. Assorted Perfumes, 2 for Sle. : OF wis A a 2 on $1.01 25¢. Mi31 Tooth Paste ..2 for 26e. | CANDY .10c, Adhesive Tape ....2 for 1le. . 81. 0 Beef, Iron and Wine ~~ B0¢. Klenzo Tooth Paste, 2 for 51. 5 Humb ' 20c, Absorbent Cotton,.. 2 for 2lc, 2 2 for $1.01 35¢. Rexall Shaving Cream gf, UmINES, cr srr B fOr M00 Cor Belladonna Plasters, 2 for 26¢. 4 ro t6e. Puretest Epsom Salts 2 for 6c. Peanut Clusters ....2 Ibs, for dlc 50c. Quick Acting Plaster, 4 2 for 16¢c. 35c. Rexall Shaving Lotion, Peppermint Patties ....2 Tha dle, 2 for Sle, 25¢. Puretest Epsom Salts - 2 for 36c. Walnut Tops ......2 Ibs for Ble. . 250. goth Brushes, ....2 for 26c. ; - 2 for 26¢c, 25c. After-Shave Powder, 2 for 26c. ~ Marrowhone Chews 2 Ibs. for 4lc. 35¢. Tooth Brush es, ,...2 for 36¢. B0c. Milk of Magnesia, 2 for Ble. 50c. Lavender Shaving Cream: hocolate Bars ... .2 for 6c 75¢. Milk of Magnesia, 2 for 76c. Borst. ate flare. -* $1.00 Shaving, Brushes; 2 for $1.01 $1.29 Russian Oil, ....2 for $1.30 - 50c. Jonteel Face Powder 2 for ble. STATIONERY 10¢. Bobby Combs ......2 for 1le. 5 » '50¢c. Bronchial Syrup ,...2 for 51¢. ~ 50c..Jonteel Face Creams 35¢. Box Stationery,..., 2 for 86c. 19¢. Dressing Combs,....2 for 20c. ; 2 $1.00 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 2 for 5lc. 50¢. Box Stationery ....2 for 5lc.. 50c. Playing Cards, ....2 for 5lc. 4 oa 2 for $1.01 50c. Gardenia Face Powder ~~ 10c, Pkg. Envelopes,.... 2 for 11c. $100 Cup and Saucer, 2 for $1.01 3 5c. A 8. A. Tablets +2042 for 26e. 2 for 5lc. 15¢. Writing Pad, ......2 for 16¢. 50c. Floor Wax 2 for 5lc. ~ || 75e.'A:8. A. Tablets ..2 for 76c. 50c. French Balm, ......2 for Sle. 25c. Writing Pad ......2 for 26c. 1b : \Vask Cloth MLSS GAN oh : i % || 25c Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for 26c. 50c. Rexall Hair Tonie, 2 for 5lc. 15c. bottle Ink .........2 for 16. 6 Wash (loth ........2 for lle, e oP 25¢. Meloids .....,......2 for 26¢c. 35c. Lavender Wave Set, 2 for 86c. 50c. Correspondence Cards - ' 15¢. Wash Cloths ......2 for 16c. 25¢, Stomach and Liver Pills: 25¢. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 5lc. 25c. Germicidal Soap ...:2 for 26¢. 2 for 266, i577 2 2 for 26e¢. Bc. Monogram Pencils .. 2 for 6c. ~~ 85¢. Velvo............,.2 for 36ec. i A.M. LAWREN CE Telephone or Mail al. Stock up Now for : i i i 5 R 7) rk Your orders if You : 7% 0 = Your Future Needs TT ol mem! OOF 'Cannot Attend : : Ni PHONE 49 PORT PERRY ae EE : - - SPECIAL NEXT WEEK | CURTAINS ; LET'S GO HUNTING S| Washed and Finished to Size A 40c per Pair, 2 Pairs for 60c. nl % Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. 3 '- Phone 143, Port Perry. We Call and Deliver. » 3 . h * RIZES WON AT CARTWRIGHT | calf, and best exhibited lamb--2 H. 3 ok 'Forder. ; STOCK ie - SCHOOL FAIR BY BLACK Shy Apples--3'L. Larmor. PUBLIC SCHOOL Snow Apples--4 M. VanCamp. Wheat in sheat--1 P. Wright, 2.4. ¢ Netnth Apples--2 R. Larmer, 3 . Wright, 3 R. Larmer, 4 L. Larmer, 6] © © t p ¥ ; Tomatoes--2 K. Wright, 3 M. Van- R. Stinson. Camp, 4 A, Thomson, 6 V. McNall « = Wheat, 1 quart--1 A. Taylor, 8 L. P, : in J Plums--2 P, Wright, 3 K. Wright, + Larmer, 4 R. Larmer. 4 D. Wright, 5-M. VanCamp. Barley, 1 quart--1 K, Taylor, 2 P.| Aq orted Fruit--1 K. Wright, 2 P. § | Wright, 8 D. Wright, 6. H. Forder, 6 Wright, 3 M. VanCamp, 4 D. Wright. 3 - A. Taylor." ~~ Sandwiches--2 W. VanCamp, 8 D. Barley in sheaf--1 D. Wright, 2 K.| Wright, 4 L. Stinson, 5 J. VanCamp. ; Hy ; rT or : Cor on and Marlow A a er ry a a Are reagy ts griap the > « *. Potatoes, Dooley--2 H. Forder, 8 J.| 2 K., Wright, 3 A. Thomson. y-te *- Werry, 6 K. Wright. ; Date Loaf--b P. Wright. ON'T these cool, crisp fall morn- | expected moments so it's the wise Potatoes Irish Cobbler--2 H. Craw: Divinity Fudge--1. L. Stinson, 2 G. ings sort of give you the hunt-| hunter who keeps his camera loaded iid >i and ready for action. ford Marlow. ing fever? 'In spite of all the pleas- It : : you have never before taken Golden Glow Coma H Forder. Padded Holder--1 D. Wright, 2. L. ure you had during the good old| gp uh ote under overcast fall skies Golden Bantam Corn--2. R. Stinson. | Stinson. summer time you probably look upon| it is important to remember that it V yd Giant White Mangels--1 R. Bailey,| Doll's Patchwork Quilt--1 G. Mar- the fall hunting season as one of the| will be necessary to give a longer 3 Hiren J. Werry, 6 R. Dorrell. . low, 8 H. VanCamp, 4 A. Thomson. Il highlights of the year, and as you| exposure than ordinarily made un- Perfect. Model Turnips--1 K. Tay-| Smock--1 P. Wright, "sit enjoying a good evening smoke, hig hg Darla on pi B not lor, 4 M. VanCamp, 5 M. Werry. Knitted Cap and Scarf Set--1 a. isn't it a lot of pleasure to talk over| "5 ¥OUK SPARRO NE soir Hollow Crown Parsnips--3 R, Lar- Marlow, 2 L. Stinson, 3 A, Thomson. the happenings of the day? it is at night in the lh or lodge : mer. i : Plasticine model of a hoe and spade There should be more to 4 hunting you can take pictures of your party "Detroit Reels: 5 M. Moore. --2 Howard Forder, 8 Jim Marlow, 4 rip, however, than tracking your [seated around the open fireplace : a H, VanCamp, | Harold' Forder, 5 Jack Marlow, 6 M. :ame; or anticipating that tense|swapping yarns and reviewing ex- Chantenay Carrots--8 ) : 4 V. 'McNally, 6 A. Thomson. Werry, =; ° moment when the antlers of a fine periences in this and former hunt- : ng-- i k--1 M. VanCamp, & young buck' make their appearance | ing expeditions. : K Yel Onin L. aa Crawford, 2 5 indaw Sye ARAM: £ tirrough the trees; or he carelessly| You will find that Photoflash bulbs op oodard, n. : makes a wild dash into the clearing| will serve your purpose admirably. A £1 Pie Pumpkin--1- M. Werty, 2 L Wren House--1 R. Stinson. and you put up a vallant fight| Photoflash bulb is similar in appear- Larmer. ; Collection of, Leayes--1 M.. Van- against a severe attack of "buck| ance toa common electric light hulb ~ Asters--2 K. Woodard, b un, Forder. Camp, 2 B. Corner, 8 D. Wright, 4 fever." and can be screwed Into a special, | ~ 'Phlox--4 8. Dorrell, 5 V. McNally, L. Stinson. * The appearance of your game and | but inexpensive holder, resembling : : . lection of Le minis Plants--1| (he exciting moment .when you|an ordinary hand-flash-light tube, . 6 han Wright, 2 R. Dorrell, == right, 2 R. , 3 D. Dorrell. quickly raise: your gun to your | This can be purchased at almost any w A LAN. W : Collection of Nuts, Fruits, Seeds| shoulder and pull the trigger, {8 one | store selling photographic supplies, » 3 er1y. Co ff tt 1 P. Wright. of the thrilling adventures of a hunt- The flash is set off by pressing the Ei pI Hamlin or a. > ap A 3 phd ing trip. flash button and it gives an intense erbena-- ght, tinson. cultural. Cra = There are, However, many 'mo-| ight without any noise ar smoke. . "Coreopsis--4 H. Moore. _ | 1 R. Stinson, 2 M. VanCamp, 8 Jim ments of relaxation and leisure, too. iter placing yous camera a : 'Pinks--4 M, Hill, Marlow. It 13 then that you should do a dif- | tripod or some solid support look : Scablosa--2 A, Thomson, 3. R. Lar- Domestic Selence Scrap Book ----| ferent kind of shooting. "Shooting" | Into the finder and be sure you can - mer, 4D. Dore, (Qita)~1 ©. Marlow, 2 V, Melly | , with samen ahoutd nef bo otek. | se ail wis ave be nud i tho _|. looked for it is w 8 pa? 2 L Larmer, 8 H 2h Stinson, 5p, Wright, 8.2. Thom "you can make a picture record of |.U. 8. 4, apen the shutter after hav- ivred Rénk cookrel--3 D, Welt Colleton Ground Hog Tal--3 X,Y rn nd anloy your xvediion) in been set for, ime' and th aes 3H. Forder, b R, Larmer, 6-K: Wright | Wright, 8 M, VanCamp. Your snapshots can picture your | shutter immediately after the flash. Sa 'Barred Rock Pullet--8 L. Larmer,| - Drawing (Primer)--8 B, Corte. « trip from the time you and your| It Is not necessary to have the LH order, 5 ® mer, pi P, Drawing (1st Olass)--1 D, Wright, 'hunting pals load your duffel bags, | Toom in total darkness when the pos nt ix Wright. 2 B. Wright, 6 Jack Marlow, . | ~~ guns, blankets and other equipment flash is made but be sure that a Dra d 1 L. Stins "until your return with--we hope-- | bright light is not shining directly oo W. Legh wing (2nd Olass)-- on, | your trophies. into the léns of the camera, | : by 4, erry. el Larmer, 3 0 VanCaimp. Space will not permit eRtumerat: Make your camera an important hed : "3. Laghorn Pllokat 3 Wer, Drawing 8rd. Class)---3 R. Stinson, ing all the pleture possibilities on| Part of your hunting equipment and ed Drait Colt--1 H. Forder, RL% 6 M. rl such (rips, Picture taking opportu. | On your return have a picture story Fa 1 Gah Beef Calf--1 H, Forder, = | Draw ie, 4 i Clase) P. Wight nities, however, seem to have the | to show to your friends. ho Dairy Heifer Calt--2 D, Dorbell, : habit of appearing at the most un JOHN VAN GUILDER. he a pu and exhibited colt and Bhim Ton b. sere FCT JET abd « Cason a] 17, 4 4 EAR i 5 aw Sa aoa Shi oh le 3 Ra visitors to Pontypool on Sunday. win rates we Tove. | BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS -dent, Murray Luke; Secretary, Earl Martyn; Treasurer, Norman McCrea; Teacher, T. J. Sager. Mrs. B. Greaves is spending a few days at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. James McLaren, of Douglas, visited Mr. and Mrs. H, R. Murphy, recently, Loreen, of Toronto, and Mrs. Frank Stanton, of Brooklin, visited with Mrs. R. Bond, on Thursday. This made four generations together. Miss Hooper, of Manchester, was with her sister Mrs. E. Philp, on Sun- day. One of Mr. Annis' little boys took sick with appendicitis, and was taken to a Toronto hospital. Mrs. W. Jeffrey, of Toronto, called in the village recently. -- GD P Myrtle Station Service in the United Church next Sunday at 10.30. Note the change of hour. Services at Manchester after- noon and evening. The Sunday School are having a special temperance programme next Sunday with singing by the children and a special speaker. All welocme, Remember the Young People's League meets on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. There was a good attend- ance last week, the President, Mr, K. Moyer, had charge and the Rev. W. E. Honey took the topic. Contests were held. Mr. Jack Crawley, of Lindsay, spent favored with ideal weather. The { friends of Mr. Ireland were pleased to|# Thank Offering amounted to over one | § basement on Wednesday night, with |H The Banquet put.on by the Young = Some sixty-four |§ Sager, the teacher of this class, who | {3 He generously contributed the greater | ff part of the menu, along with a gen: & 5 "Three attractive patterns--9 x 6, $3.50. F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE GROCERIES AYLMER JAM, 8 oz. jars ............. fr Strawberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Cherry, Black Currant, Red Currant, Blackberry, and Apricot--also Marmalade. AYLMER JELLIES, 8 0z. ........... FR .15¢. Black Currant, Red Currant, Bewanble, Gener QUAKER FLOUR, XXXX, 98's ......000vevenn....92.89 PASTRY. FLOUR, 208... i vvivh cud iviinrsnv i 1050 FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 24's .................. REGS (| CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, Ib......15¢c. BRUNSWICK SARDINES ....... : ..3 tins for 4c. MINCEMEAT ..... i driv iivrvrr ines. 2 The, for:25¢, FLANNELETTE Striped, 28 inches wide, special this week, yard COTTON CREPE 36 inches wide, several patterns, regular 25c. yard for 19c. Suitablef or quilts. ves e oe 120 WINDOW SHADES 36 inches wide, 6 ft. long, Green, Yellow, White....... S56, (Slightly imperfect shades) Combination colors, white and green, cream 'dnd Green, regular $1.50 for ......................8L10 CREPE PAPER WINDOW SH ADES-- Colours--Green and Cream, size 26 x 72. Priced at 15c. ea. Borderless Linoleum Rugs 9 x 7%, $5.00. 9x 9, $5.75; 9 x 1015, $6.75. 9 x 12, $7.95. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanton and baby | meres: meserieees:: sasscimseser: : pal begin to blow, insure your comfort by having your COAL COKE WOOD So long as history can tell us, the weather has been cold during the winter season in this part of Canada, and there is no reason to think it might be otherwise this coming winter, So when the chill blasts of this beautiful Northern oal bin stocked with BLUE Anthracite Coal from Scranton... tection, COAL, that ever famous .Coloured for your pro- It is quite possible you may favour Coke: if so, we have "STELCO COKE" made in Hamilton, Ont. We can also supply Blower coal, Stoker coal, Scotch or: Welsh cobbles, Cannel Coal, and Blacksmith coal. SPECIAL--A car of Alberta Coal will arrive about the First of November. WOOD in stock--Hard Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Pine Slabs, Himimme FRED E. REESOR the week end visiting friends here Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73} and at Ashburn, Miss Effie .Graham, of Claremont, was a week-end guest of Miss Mildred Harrison. Mr. Harold Totton spent the week end at the parsonage. Mrs, Oliver Lake and Mr, Melvin Sisson, were visitors to Oshawa last week, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy and son Harold were Sunday visitors with re- latives in Piekering. When Mrs. ,....... called in this morning, she said: was a good piece of meat you sent me the other day. another picce, it was so good." THAT WAS GOOD MEAT! "My, that I will take Buy from us and you will say the You don't need to come, just phone and you will get the "good meat." brought right to your door, CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters were Arrangements are being made for a Euchre and Dance in the Community Hall, on Friday, November 1st, under the auspices of the Softball Club. Everybody welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm were visit- ors to Blackwater on Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Manderson were Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Lownes, Miss Phillips and: Mr. James Lownes, all of Toronto, Last Sunday afternoon the service was fairly well attended, the Pastor took for his text, Acts 14:17, "Never- theless, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." our products. We have the milling experience; and we have - excellent equipment. These are our. lines--Bread and Pastry Flour, Graham Flour, Shorts, Mill Feeds. A square deal for everyone. LAKE SCUGOG MILLING. co, You can rely on the quality of all A. WARIDEL :: MANAGER =~ i ht SE bab Sst © ink wd Cfentan Beli aie

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