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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Nov 1935, p. 3

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4 ylnd 024 bats ris ndur: - These organisms are i fn Ey wound parasites and oc- cur in every be to growing section of Canada. Sidce they became ini portant after harvest it 'is. natural to assume that the rough handling of potatoes during this period may be followed by serious consequences, By mechanical injuries are meant _ cuts, bruises, shrinking, and cracks. Cuts are usually the most conspicu- 'ous and, while bruises and cracks "tubers. are known to be more serious, it should be clearly understood that all injuries which do not heal quick- ly may lead to considerable loss and inconventence, Where healing takes place without delay, the offending organisms are shut out and the tub- ers, thus protected, may remain frée from rot. On the other hand conditions may be more favourable for the. organisms than for the heal- ing process so that rot sets in, the amount of injury depending upon the temperature and ventilation con- ditions of the storage house. Observations made at the Domin- "ion Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Charlottetown, demonstrated con- vincingly that potatoes produced on wet land develop a tender skin and are more subject to :injury when dug than those produced in dry soil Potatoes produced under such. con- ditions, therefore, should be hand- While it is true led very carefully. that potatoes grown in dry soil have comparatively tough: skins, and for this reason are less liable to injury, nevertheless, they are very often injured through the fact this type of soil is not carried over the dig- ger. 'To compensate this disadvant- age, when elevator diggers are used, sufficient soil should be taken, up to prevent the tubers. coming into direct contact with the moving parts | 9" of the machine, Authorities. agree that diggers should be at least 24 inches wide and the spade operated deep enough to avoid cutting the not only the digger chain, but also all hard and solid parts of the ma: chine. with which potatoes may come | in contact. While the digger is the offender in causing mechanical in- juries, it is ackowledgea also that considerable damage is inflicted when the tubers are picked and hauled to the cellar, . It has been determined experimentally that tub- ers are injured but very slightly when poured from a basket into a sack from a height of 12 inches; * when poured from a height of 30 . ment -- only windows. > ~ the s! tandpofnt of, visibility, fnches, however, injury by cracking and bruising is very severe. Pota- toes, therefore, should be rolled or poured carefully from baskets into the bags. Further precautions against such injuries are as follows: Leave the potatoes exposed to the sun and the air for two or three hours; do not drop the filled sacks; on the floor of the barn or cellar; - pad the picking baskets with at least one layer of burlap. == E xperimental Farms Note. Measuring 7 Seeing: "A New Device Tells How Much Light a Reader Requires Eighteen-year.old Jimmy can read a printed page by dimmer light than grandpa, How much extra light does grandpa need? Dr. Matthew Lucklesh and Frank Moss 'of the Lighting Re- search Labora'ory, Nela Park, Cleve. land, Ohio, make It'easy to answer | with their new visibility meter. | The instrument looks like a new. fangled opera glass. Hold it up to your eyes and 'turn a little wheel on top as you look at a printed page. When you are all through you learn from twp eyebrow Jcales just the amount 'of light you require for recding or seeing clearly. There are no lenses in this instru- You look throvgh the windows at an open "book -- anything printed. Twirl the wheel on top and colorless filters are rotaled one by one In front of the eyes.» You sop when the print 1s harely discernible. "°° « The eyebrow scale on the left indi. cates the exact amount of light that you need (In foot.candles) for read- ing print of the kind at which you have been looking. The ono on the rignt appraises visibility, according {o units on an arbitrary scale, = This right:hand scale ought to be useful fn determining how visible the type that you are reading on this} page would be on papgr of different "finish. Tn fact Luckfesh and Moss say that public highway officials can tell by means of this scale alone how safe, rond signs and signals are from NOTICE: Will the person who disposes of his dead rats by throw: ] ing them on my i kit efudiy 3 frain from.doing so or prox will follow Fons . Ph vertisement th The careful farmer pads, The enterprising boys of the "2nd Guelph Troop collected and sold 2% tons of waste paper to suEment, heir troop funds. : . * 0 Welland Scouts on: first. ald duty | at the local fair attended two jockeys who were injured when thrown from their mounts {n front of the grand. stand. In additien the boys perform. ed yeoman service. patrolling the grounds and finding lost children, se & 8st. Catherines Scouts opened their Christmas Toy Repair Shop in the freight building of the N.S. and T. (Niagara Street). Toy distribution will again be made in co-operation with' the Canadan Legion, ss re Some 900 Scouts and Girl Guides representing every pack, troop and gulde company in London attended the annual church parade to 'Metro. politan United Church, Dean C. E. Jeakins' of St. Paul's Cathedral ad- dressed the gathering, Rev. Dr: J, E Hughson and .-W. DeMille as- '| sisted, Assistan District Commission- er Sutton read the: Scripture lesson and Canon" T. G. Wallace pronounc. ed the benediction, + 8 ° The 2nd: Guelph Troop already are collecting toys for their Christmas Toy Repair shop. _* [ : ~ ~ For the Deion Day parade,'the 10th Brantford "Troop acted as guard of honour for the "float. At the ceme- tery they helped distribute flowers LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the co-operative plan has been productive of splendid results. Selling on the open market means real value Jor the owners, Get in touch with 'Wire--or Telephone LYndhurst 1143 UNI it MER OF LIMIT RT STOCK coNaaTON DEPT. unt on Hock ards, West Toronto FREE { TRAPPERS, To halp you got t top cash ~ priges for your furs! SMPs 'S brand new 'Dominion is different from any othr publication of ts kind! News id Tres from t ne. Point= ing for 1 er "profite-- etails on Simpson's Raw ts. Tull Marketing Service, the Tew, direct y to get lop mar market ket-prices f 8! ! to tario os For copy io i | AIL COUPON NOW! SIMPSON Limited rketing Ta Batman faratd NTO, t bligatl ur sh: rE Patést dition o (PIE h «contains i Th regarding your Raw arketing Servi i) : Far OWw-3 |) "4 brofher | to 0 every 0 other er Scout, without regard to race or creed THIS 1S THE WAY 1 HAPPINESS There's nothing-- absolutely nothing -- to take the place of perfect health as the foundation of a happy life. And no better way for every one to get it - than to turn to that famous: tonic wine, Wincarnis. Wincarnis is not a drug. It is simply the purest of fine wine with all the valuable properties of the 214 lbs. of fined which go to every bottle, com-~ ined with the strengthening elements beef and guaranteed vitamin malt From rom your fi first glass of Wincarnis feel new vigour ileal in, through your veins. Xoo wi sleep more soundly, wake more Wik alee In a few days you will have forgotten the irritableness of your former half- well state. You will go through the most strenuous day at the top of your . orm, Twenty thousand doctors have recom- mended Wincarnis is for nervous order, snasmis, debility, and all run-, wn Zoomliti bh, Stark tal Your d I. Ritclis & Co. Lid. Toronto, WITHOUT SASKASAL" SAYS REGINA WOM: 1 Ei joying -- ; Hd ly Lt is -- Sales A Agents: - V7 WUD NOT BE | and provided a guard of honour for the speakers' platform, ~ For Fire Biarantion Week, Scouts of Guelph, Ont, and the local fire de- partment co-operated in & unique win. down 'display in a vacant store on 'Wyndham Street. On one side of the window the fire department had a display illustrating home fire haz. ards, while on the other side the Scouts pictured the dangers of out. door fires, such as in camps and in bush land. A a Turning hoy Scout "adventure" in. to the real thing, three Philadelphia Scouts, Nature Directors of a large New Jersey permanent. Scout camp, are planning to explore unknown areas: of the 700 square mile Oke- {enokee swamp, on the Georgia-Flor. ida border. The boys will seek speci. mens--of rare fish and small mam. mals for the Academy of Natural Sciences. e ¢ 9° A silver.gilt push-button used by King George to light the Jubilee Scout Beacon in Hyde Park has been presented by His Majesty to Imperial Scout Headquarters, The stand bears the inscription: "Presented by King George V to the Boy Scouts to com- menorate the lighting of the bonfire in Hyde Park on May 6th, 1935." _ Physical Comfort Its Part in Our Conversations Considered Much Too Big Why should so many normal hu. man beings speak of nothing but their physical statis? Two acquaintances meet. They ask each.other, "How do you do?' One says, 'I have a cold." The other says, "I had a rash yester: day; I thought it might be something gerious but it's all right now." "How is your wife?' Oh, she is quite well. Her eyes trouble her a little, but it does not seem of importance. How is your son?" "Pretty well. He got a cramp in swimming," but you know dow boys. are' That can go on indefiniiely. Almost any conversation includes something like it. Now, of course, physical comfort is a wonderful thing. But how much more there {8 to a human being than merely that! Why does not a man recognize his mental, emotional and spiritual sta.es as well? "My faith is somewhat weak today." "Her con- centration has not been up to nor- mal." "A cinder of anger is disturb- ing his emotional outlook." Perhaps it we increased our aware- ness of these non-physical failings, we could keep them under better contro', and fincidentally, add a, new noe of variety to somewhat worn conversa- tional themes. ESTELLE H. RIES. New York, Oct. 1, 1936. U.S. Deficit Goes Over Billion Zipped 'Washington --. Uncle. Sam' his pen in red ink last, Sra re- ported his deficit had passed the billion-dollar mark for the present fiscal year. The treasury in a statement put the deficit at $1,007,457,156 through October 14. This compared with a deficit of $687,211,671 on the com- parable date of last year. At the present rate, the govern- ment is operating at a $9,600,000 loss cach day. At this rate, the deficit on June '30 next, would be $3,477,000,- 000 compared with a $3,281,000,000 revised statement made public re- cently. Last January's annual ys 5, n. W 000,000. v4 #4 rE TIMES i MORE QUICKLY DIGESTED THAN COD LIVER OIL ¥ Scence has discoveted why Scott's Emulsion of © Cod Livér Oil is so mucH more 'beneficial than plain Cod 'Liver Oil. All plain oils are bard to digest; they must be emulsified in the stomach. We emulsify the oil in our Laboratories hence it is ready for almost immediate diges- tion and assimilation, SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES ANT YOUR DRUGGIST or : 835m message forecast a deficit of po |Canadian Outlook Is Reported Good Babson Men Say Say It's Better Than Many Realize.-- Review Situation Ne Toronto. -- To present inside tips on where, and how to invest and a general picture of business trends, a sort of "investment clinic" was con- ducted by experts of the Babson Re. ports Inc., here recently, - WOMEN LIST DATA The meeting wag principally for business men, but there was a sprink- ling of women, old- and young, who noted with pencil and paper the in. vestment advice .that was offered. In a questions.and.answers period that followed a presentation of reports on business and financifl conditions in general, anyone was allowed to ask about the future of his or her pet stock, Experts prophesied an eventual swing in real estates and building, and advised investment {n copper, lead and zine because of the British Government's program of increased armaments, Continued fmprovement and better production for at: least another year was forseen in the automobile indus. try which, Ralph B, Wilson, vice- trial recovery in the United States. "While most of us have been rid. ding some hobby of 'Isms,' the auto. mobile industry has stuck to its busi. ness," he said. "And if youn stick to it, business will get on regardless of the various isms that may be floating around, And incidentally, I think your election has cleared: the air up here for some of the {sms that you have heard." CANADIAN OUTLOOK In a review of Canadian conditions, he sald he believed the incoming Lib- eral admnistration "will neither up- set busness confldence nor very much affect existing trends over the period immediately ahead." Vigorous and sustained natural recovery marked the closing months of the Conservative administration and Canadian business is moving steadily ahead 'with pur. chasng power the best in four or five years in many agricultural sections." Sanctions against 'Italy should not hinder Canadian export trade, he said, since last year exports to Italy were but one.half of one percent. of Can. ada's total export: trade. Meanwhile wheat prices are climbing because of the war scare, and "industrial factors in total business are mostly very en. couraging.'" Crop income in the West, despite damage, will average higher than last year, he said, and Canada's possess. fon of more than half of the wheat in the world placed her in a most en- viable position, he sald. ADVISES ADVERTISING "Therefore it is wise to adopt a policy af liberal advertising and sell- ing efforts, setting sales quotas high- er~for the period ahead." He believed an agreement of reci- procal trade with the United States would be affected by January and would have encouragingresults. Can. ada: may expect concessiong for lum- ber, cattle and possibly whedt-with a possible quod" for newsprint," "he. said. oe Cana \ industrial"employment is "highest level in four years, and 15,0 0 workers were taken on in Sep- tember in the face of what {s gen. erally a seasonal decline. There Is every reason to expect the present fa- vorable position of mineral produc- tion will continue, and manufacturing is at a new recovery high, he said. Recovery of . distribution has been less marked than that of other groups. "The general business and financial situation and outlook in Canada is far better than many appreciate," he said. "At present the ysical volume of business is only/14 per cent, below normal and hg increased 69 per cent. from the" dépression low." ZAparoach of Winter Fiona Wiggam in the New York Times, Winter seems several weeks away, But weather like this alarms' young sheep. The lambs in the west field will nat play: They hudcle forlofn in a frightened heap. A month should pass before the Snows: The pasture is warm, but the colt that is there Follows his mother goes, wherever she {His nestrils wide as he sniffs the air. Winter-is coming when young sheep wait Broodily bleating outside. the fold; When the colt and his mother crop near the gate-- Soon will the -weather be, cold. turning ie and sw Aro president,s ald, had lead tp the indus- |. Perhaps the thing most needed in this world is to have people take the 'Golden Rule home with them on Sun. day, instead of leaving it in church, "My word, I'm badly overworked." "What are you doing?" 3 "Qh, this and that," "When?" "Now and then," "Where? "Here and there," Well, you must need a holday."" No News _ - : Triumphant Suitor: "Well, Willie, your sister is going to marry mae! How is that for news?" Willie: "Huh! Are you just NOW finding that out?" As Good As Any Billy's mother looked at him accus- ingly.: "What have you done with all your money, son?" she asked. "Your little bank is empty. "Well, mother, answered the boy, "yesterday was a rainy day, so I spent it." ; 2 --? A man said recently that the nast. fest phrase in the English language was: "I told you so." Lecturer--I speak the language of wild animals." Voice in Rear -- Well, next time you meet a skunk, ask him what's the big idea." Many a man. who used to play golf to keep in.the pink has given it up to Yeep,: out of the red. Man -- "My wife always gets his. torical when I stay out late at night. Friend -- "Hysterical, you mean, Man -- "No, historical. She digs up all my past." Correct this sentence: "She mar- ried a rich guy," said the gossip, "but it didn't make her feel important." Druggist -- "Yes miss, you - will find that most ladies like this lip- stick." Young Lady -- "You couldn't --er --tell me the-kind the men like, could you? . Cave men used to knock girls sense- Jess, but that is no longer necessary. Socialist Father--"What - do you mean by playing truant? What makes you stay away from school? Son -- "Class hatred, father." "A friend i8 net a fellow who al- ways falls for sham; A friend Is one who knows your faults and doesn't 'give a d--" The Dub -- D4 you. consider it sin- 'fut. to play golf on Sundays? old imer -- It may be. But don't worry. whats: XQ play couldn't be called golf Nena PP Some men glve Ph ee ims for the church for th fame reagon they buy lightning rod Y "When one door clgsef, another opens; 'bfit we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed-door that we do not see the one which has op- ened for us Defeat {s nothing but education; it is the first-ste towards something Lo: all Al 7 What do you Friow of ntax? gman -- Did they naye to pay toh nel fun, too? Prates You have propels noticed that in some families the children 'seem to climb to a common sense altitude much more rapldly than do their parents. 3 named Pongo collaborator in A Dalmatian dog Murgatroyd i 8 a it a Day. So she told me yesterday at the Globe. Theatre, .where the play is in rehearsal, She did most of the work on it while walking about the country her, Essex cot- tage in Pongo Murgatroyd's inspir- ing company. "If he barked approvai I knew I was on .the right track," she said.--Report in News Chroni- cle, TO STOP ITCHING AND TO CLEAR UP Dr. D. ats wile mn tion, made and guaranteed by the § makers of Campania's Italian Bali, J Trial bottle 35¢ at your druggist. 13 Issue No, 45 -- '35 46 Miss Dodie Smith's new play, Cail, Ay 4 ' 874 210 1! | BIG Chewing oni satisfaction BEN THE PERFECT Tobacco Sheep Dogs Will A novelty in animal work in Can. ada--actio¥ displays of sheep-dog skill and intelligencoe--will be held nightly during the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto, November 20th-28th, The intelligence shown by good sheep dogs In handling sheep and in under. standing a shepherd's will' -with gcarcely a motion or a sign from him is uncanny. Sheep-dog "trials" and displays are regular features of rural life, especl- ally in conjunction with plowing mat- ches, in the large sheep-raising dis- tricts of Scotland and Wales, and old country farmers speak of them as "the shepherd's pride". A good sheep. dog will round up a flock, often three- quarters-of a mile away, drive_them between distant hurdles, around far. off posts in figure eight, and "cast" or separate a marked sheep from the remainder 'driving it to a different point, Dog Tria's at Blackpool, Kngland, formances, and the enthusiasm was remarkable when a Welsh dog beat all comers from England, Scotland and Ireland and even the far-away Orkney Islands, from which the dogs had been flown by airplane. The Royal Winter being put on by W. H. Martin who has a ranch at Maple Cryek, Sask. prizes at all Western Canadian Shegp- Fairs. the Royal. ning sheep, Mr. monstrate how from their master. "THIS ENGLAND" Collected by the New Statesman and Nation. ment of corresponding foreign types has compelled our naval authorities to recast their new designs on the basis of increased size and extra gun-power. . . I am in a posi- tion to state possibly that this pro- gram has no_ bearing whatever on Those Leisure Hours Why Not Employ Them Pro- fitably? Speclalised training leads to Increased Efficiency. Increased Efficiency means Increased Earning Capacity. Overcome Inferiority Complex, develop mental power, and equi yourself for better things. 'Study leisurely in the quiet of in own home, Write po particulars of fascinating correspondence courses --- The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confederation Building MONTREAL, QUEBEC Display Skill Hire At the recent International Sheep- N over 30,000 people watched the per- Fair display is He has won champjonships and first Dog Trials and his recent displays TNL the ring were considered most ats|™ tractive fedlures of Prairie Province He will bring three dogs to ~As a variant to driving and pen- Martin will also dew the dogs can drive a flock of geese with hardly a word The imposing tonnage and arma- T the current political situation, --= Naval correspondent of the Daily Telegraph -"T would like to see a team of in a game of cricket. I would glad- ly give a trophy -- and I am sure other people would do the same -- if only the dispute between these two countries could be settled by their meeting in sport." --Alderman W. H. Hoare at Derby, as reported in Derby Evening Telegraph. * * LJ Lady, conscientious and reliable, wants light private secretarial work or would exercise dog. -- Advt, in Times, * * * The first and immediate reaction to any world crisis these days is a new shape in hats, -- Home and Fashion Page, Sunday Referee. Classified Advertising INVENTORS ! OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of wanted Inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, SALESMAN WANTED For A CLIENT, CITY, TOWN AND county salesmen, Write to Advertis- ing Counsel, Might Directories Limited, 74-76 Church St, Toronto, -- i-- < . -- WHAT TO DO ABOUT 6 Adkd Indigestion" OR THE MINUTES Many people who think they have "weak stomachs" or "indigestion," Italians play a team of Abyssinians | doctors say, suffer in reality from 'nothing more serious than acid stom- ach. And this common ailment can usually be relieved now, in minutes, All you do is take familiar Phillips Milk of Magnesia after meals. This ~ acts to almost immediately neutralize the stomach acidity that brings on your trouble. You feel like a new person! Try this just once. Take either the familiar li uid "PHILLIPS", or the new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. But 'watch out that you get the Genuine PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia, Made in Canada. ALSO IN Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab- lets are now on sale at all drug Lach tiny TABLET FORM: stores Syery where. tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. PHILLI ps SHORT-STORY WRITING PTE ITE, under. postage for its return. it is either original, or a true o. address, and number of words in the the story, enclose return 5 "Entry Fee Twenty-Five Cents. Typowrite if possible or even legible handwriting accopted. HERE is at least one good story in everyone's life. Stories received on or before November 10th, 1935, A CASH PRIZE, and Two Other Valuable Prizes, will be given for Original, or True Life Stories Send in with your story 4 signed statement that For the best 3 of 1,000 words or e story, your name and GIFF BAKER, 39 LEE AVE, TORONTO _ : i i otis A a. HES CREME AR rn or to nes AL

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