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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 May 1936, p. 6

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Invited To Participate This Campaign Hit = Nothing to Try a Ld EE eh ! Campaign Officially Closes July 4 Just a few short weeks to win a car \ \ \ AN -- sponsibility for any - promise made by a candidate to a sub- ow / a, 7 Z \ 0G C Z This campaign is open to all except employees of this newspaper, The .winner, and ultimate standing of all competitors will be decided by a Board of Judges to be announced later, and will be based upon the re- sults of candidates which are to be in the form of votes secured through the vote coupons in this newspaper,--new, paid - in - advance subscriptions, and cash collections, Where you live is of no consequence, the campaign is open to everyone. There is no advance in rates during this campaign; the subscription price of this paper will be exactly the same as it has been in the past. Every candidate must stand square- ly on his own efforts. He should not receive assistance in any form from another candidate; but he may re- ceive all possible help from anyone not participating in the campaign, for in that case it is assumed that it is due entirely to his own efforts, the cause of disqualification. The vote coupons which appear in this newspaper, and will appear in later issues, must be turned in within one week from the date of the issue. All other votes can he turned. in at any time at the discretion of the can- didate: All candidates, for the duration of the campaign, are authorized by the publisher of your paper to make col- lections, but each candidate must be personally responsible for all money collected, and will turn in such collec- tions on the report nights to be desig- nated. The publisher cannot accept any re- statement or scriber or possible suscriber unless such statement or promise is covered in this announcement. Making good the promise that everyone wing, each candidate will be "paid a commission of twenty percent of all subscription money collected by him and turned into the campaign of- fice. Fhese commissions are payable at the end of each week. At the discretion of the campaign manager, if a candidate has been shown to be sufficiently inactive or Any' collusion between candidates may be' apparently disinterested, or guilty of - irregularity of any kind, he may be disqualified from the campaign, and forfeit any Possible claim to any award other an the twenty percent. commission above referred to; this he will be entitled to regardless of any eventualities. ; It is understood and agreed that the winners of major awards cannot re- ceive both the prize and the commis- sion. They will rebate to the cam- paign manager all commissions secur- ed before their awards can be given them. To prevent the slightest possibility of any known leak that might con- celvably help any candidate, a sealed ballot box to which no one will have access until the campaign has been concluded, will be placed in a local bank during the final week and all vot- es will be placed therein by each com- petitor, On the conclusion of the cam- paign the seals of the ballot box will be broken by a Board of Judges and the final count made by them. In this way it will not -be possible for any one to have any information regarding the actual standing of any or all candi- - dates, Report nights of the campaign _ are every Tuesday, Thursday & day night and 5,000 extra votes will atur- be given each candidate every time he makes his report on these specified nights, 25,000 extra votes will be credited to each candidate for every five year Subscription, or payment of arrears of the same value turned in during the first week of the campaign. During the third week of the campaign 12,5600 extra votes will be given for a like amount. Every candidate who has earned $50.00 or more during the first week of the campaign will be given a bonus of $25.00 cash.' La eR ENERY SATURDAY IS | PAY DAY i For detailed information Call; Write or Phone 'Everybody Wins' TO HOLLYWOOD Name 'Address N First Subscription Coupon GOOD FOR 100,000 VOTES i This coupon will entitle the person whose name ap pears above to 100,000 votes when turned in to tix campaign department when the first subseription # secured, ~ Free Credit Coupon GOOD FOR 100 VOTES M (Must be cast within week from date of this Issue) Address Collect all these Coupons you can. Get your friends to save them for you. ROLL OR FOLD). (CLIP NEATLY. DO NOT "EVERYBODY WINS." VOTE SCHEDULE AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF..... >. THE PORT PERRY STAR " Term . Amount Votes Term Amount Votes 1 year --$1.60 ........ .10,000 1 year --$1.60 ......... 6,000 2 years-- 3.00 ....... «++22,000 2 years.. 3.00 ..... ve 000 20,000 3 years-- 4.60 +++40,000 3 years--= 4,60 .......... 30,000 4 years-- 6.00 #+4+60,000 4 years-- 6.00 .......... 50,000 b years-- 7.50 ...... , 100,000 Hb. years-- 7.60 .v....... .80,000 FIRST PERIOD Terminating June 13th SECOND PERIOD Terminating June 27th THIRD PERIOD Terminating July 4th Term Amount Votes 1 year --$1.60 ......... . 4,000 2 years-- 3.00 .......... 16,000 8 years-- 4.60 ..........24,000 4 years-- 6.00 ,...... +4.36,000 b years-- 7.60 ..........60,000 bo TRIP Campaign Department : hata ~~ INCLUDING BERTH MARTIN A. McCARTHY "Winner may accept cash equivalent J TUT ESR intienottip | Office Oyen Evenings. om | Cs | erated Hg Phone 50 285,000 "VOTE BONUS for every five year subscription or its equivalent. RY;BODY WINS" CAMPAIGN WORKERS SIXTH WINNER In addition to regular "Weekly Payroll" * cheques, 'winner of sixth place will receive extra "bonus" cheque for 16% of his or her total earnings added. 4 A. FIFTH WINNER al 5 ye g, . % in et "Bonus" cheque for 26% of his or her : X ie, ( : "a, ACT NOW i) $ 30. 3 50. 3 80. $ DOUBLE VOTES ON NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS DURING THE FIRST TWO PERIODS The above schedule of votes which is on a declining scale positively will not be changed during the campaign. A special ballot, however, good for 50,000 EXTRA VOTES will be issued on each "club" of $15.00 worth of subscriptions turned in, and be considered a part of the regular vote schedule. WEEKLY BONUS AWARDS COUNT BIG : On Saturday nights a big MONEY BONUS i BALLOT will be given each participant based on the work done by that candidiate for the week, 0 according to the following schedule; iE THE FIRST PERIOD 00 reported for the week ...... 00 reported for the week i... 80.00 reported for the week 100.00 reported for the week ...1,000,000 votes THE SECOND AND THIRD PERIOD $ 30.00 reported for the week ........100,000 votes $ 50.00 reported for the week .....200,000 votes $ 80.00 reported for the week ......800,000 votes $100.00 reported for the week .....600,000 votes | This arrrangement will be in effect throughout the campaign $150.00 reported for the week ... 1,000,000 votes : TURN IN SUBSCRIPTIONS DAILY Do mot hold back subscriptions to complete "clubs". An accurate record will be kept of each You 18 candidate's business and each day that a candi- date reports THREE or more subscriptions, a bonus of 5,000 "dally" LAL votes will. be given. ng each day in the week. IT THAT WIN! Don't hesitate to ask questions if there is anything you don't understand. SEE THE CAMPAIGN MANAGER AT ONCE AG 3 AR od SA ANID oh « ad SA Sh rar wt PAS IB fi a TT kg Cn vl ea Rg y - pi A ar? > Tea vir od er Fa Co ar Fis ret i

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