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Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jun 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR pee ee -- LOCAL ITEMS A very delightful time was spent on Tuesday, June 16th, when the Ladies' Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church held its closing meeting of the sea- son at the summer home of Mrs. Harold Archer at Lakeside Beach. A large number were present. During the affernoon Miss E. 'Christie gave an interesting talk on her travel in the Holy Land. At the close of the meeting' dainty refreshments were served by, the hostess. Mr. Franklin Allin, of Oshawa, is spenting a few days with his brother Mr. A. W. Allin. Mr. Henry Doubt, of Oshawa, was in town on Monday. Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Miss Doris Nind, of Toronte, is holidaying with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Nind, at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nind of Thor- old, and Mr. Hugh Nind, of Campbell- ford, were recent guests of their par- ents at the Rectory. Mr. Harlin Davey has r home after spending eight months in General Motors at Oshawa. Mr. Stanley Luke, of the Royal Air Force, Trenton, and Miss Aileen Duffy of Trenton, spent Sunday with John Farmer at his home in Port Perry. Miss Kathleen Carnegie visiting with friends in Providence, R.I Mrs. M. Williams and son Ross are 'holidaying in Sherborne and Toronto. Mrs. P. G. in Toronto. Mr. William Brooks and daughter Mrs. Roy Hart and son Douglas, left Morrison spent Friday on Monday morning for a week's visit]. with Mr. and Mrs. at Barnesveld, N.Y. Rev. Victor McLean and Mrs, Me- Lean and daughter, of Peterboro; and Keith Lee, Mr. Fred Jeffrey, of- Weston, were guests of Mr. John Jeffrey on Mon- day. / There are 43 pupils from this dis- trict 'writing on the Entrance Exam- ination at Port Perry this year. GOD oo > LAWN TEA A lawn tea will be Held at the Port Perry United Church on Friday even- ng, June 26th, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Proceeds to be used to pay for the new dishes. -- <to®o------------------ GOODE'S CREAMERY ROBBED On Thursday night of last week thieves broke into the office of Goode's creamery and ice cream factory. They specialized in office equipment, steal- ing the typewriter, adding machine and cash register. They also took two forty pound boxes of butter. Of money they only found about $1.60. So far no clue has been found that will lead to the recovery of the stolen property. --_---- ------------------ MRS. GEO. COLLINS DIES Mrs. Geo. Collins, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Fielding, met her death in a tragic manner last Thursday morning. She had been ill for some time, and about five o'clock she left the house, For some hours a fruitless search was made for her. Finally her body was found floating on the water beside the Scugog bridge. Deceased was in her 68th year. She had lived a life of industry, and was ever busy ministering to her family, in spite of physical weakness. --She is survived by her husband, her daughter - Minnie, and two sons, Wesley and Elgin. The funeral services were conducted ~ by Rev. T. A. Nind, assisted by Rev. ~~ W. Jr H. Smyth, Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. -- do o------------------ PORT- PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.~--Sunday School. 11 .am)--Baptism, Reception of néw members and Sactament of the Lord's Supper. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. OEP ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m,~ EEE ee gn i ---- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 7 p.m.--Evensong. FREE VOTE COUPON good for 15 votes [0 returned | CAPO CATTLE SPRAY MEANS MORE MILK ..Capo Cattle Spray sprayed freely 5d frequently on the cattle and around the barn will save your cattle from the torture of flies and insects. Sprayed over the animals' bodies, it forms a stainless, non-irritating armour which will keep thé flies away. from the animals while grazing in pasture or in their stanchions in the| barn. Flies will avoid buildings where Capo Cattle Spray is constantly used. Save your cows the torture of flies, and keep up the milk production dur- ing the summer and fall months with CAPO CATTLE SPRAY Stainless, Non-irritating -- contains expensive Fly Killer and Repeller in- gredients--Economical. $1.00 per gallon in bulk WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's 8tore, Port Perry SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office LOOK HERE! Top prices paid for rags, wool and feathers, also fow), horse hair and all kinds of light metals, For information call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day, or night. We would appreciate very much your patronage. } 'ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY aos --tam It is our aim and endeavour to please all our patrons by showing the best in varied shows. We urge you all not to fail to see on Thursday, Fri- day, Saturday, this week, "Naughty- Marietta. Come early afid get a good seat. Popular prices at the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge. See advt. page 8 re Major Bowes <\ ED DECORATION SERVICE Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY I. R. BENTLEY La BW BBB ® STRAWBERRIES . LARGE CANTALOUPES oi LARGE BINEAPPLES PY 4 § LARGE GRAPEFRUIT ...., SPECIAL F FRUITS LARGE BANANAS CER RE E «per dozen 25¢. and 20¢. Cinaraasa resents sd fOr 20e. +vvey +. 2 large boxes for 25e., : 22 for 25c. ER RR RE a .5 for 25¢., and 6 for 25¢." veeresenees 2 1b8. for 25¢c. .Each 5c. Leaf Lettuce, large ... Be. Beets, large, 3 bunches 10c. seen ~ FOR BETTER SNAPSHOTS ; Ple chrome Film AgiaF "Pictures thas shal . or a new roll free." FOR BETTER Our expert photo finishing de- partment guarantees prompt service and highest quality developing and printing. Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Bave With Safety at Your Rexall Store BEACH BALLS. .....!.19¢. " Seagonable SPECIALS . ° BATHING CAPS, 16ec. to 75¢. || ANTI MOSQUITO orp 5c. FLY-TOX, +..33¢, 490, 89%. CUTEX NAIL POLISH (New larger size) ....35c. ENGLISH HEALTH SALT 25¢. and 39¢. ANDREW'S LIVER SALT . 29¢, and 49c. ITALIAN BALM 29¢. & B5¢. gathering of assembled ladies, closed the meeting. OPTOMETRIST SWEET JU : ; 3 3 WE ER 5 T JUICY ORANGES .............per dozen 25c. PORT PERRY, ONT. (8 ° il Jemiber dozen PHONE 33 : ; © CAAT : : . : " Yi : ¥ W. M. 8. HOSTESS TEA | Ri : Special Vegetables : The last event of the season for the [| . 3 United Church W, M. S. took place in 1 LARGE RIPE TOMATOES .... the S. S. Room last Thursday after- a LARGE ICEBERG LETTUCE ...... noon. It was a "Hostess Tea" for Large Cabbage ..2 for 15c. the double purpose of a friendly meet- 3 Radishes, ...2 bunches 5c. ing and of raising money to help the|= [arge Celery, Green Onions, Spinach, New Potatoes, Onions W.M.S. allocation. | : 4 The room, with its groups of small b tables, each looked after by a "host-|H > ess", made an attractive picture. [] Miss Gertrude Stovin favoured with ] The Modern Fruit and a suitable reading _ from 'Lovely |H ; Mary", Mrs. Harold Honey sang. = Vegetable Market Mr. Smyth, who had braved the|g Anthony Caruso, Prop. Fi 0 "Egypt" and "Archer" schools held | i Phone 208. We deliver FRENCH BALM 25¢. & 89c. DE BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hooey and son Alvin, of Treherne, Manitoba, also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Proutt, of Van- couver, are visiting friends in Cart- wright and other points in Ontario. Mr, Wm Hoe - snd. Alvin Mr. Earl Dorrell and sons visited in Simcoe County over the week end. Mr. Wm. Bradburn, of Quill Lake, Sask., is visiting relatives here and renewing friendships of his boyhood days. The Bradburn picnic was held on Saturday last at Cream of Barley Camp grounds, Bowmanville. Some ninety attended. their ficnics on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey visited his brother Mr. Wm. Bailey at Rose- mont, Simcoe County over the week end. _ Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Mr. W. Bradburn and Mrs. Jas. Byers visited the latter's sister Mrs, Bert Thompson at Belgrave. " UTICA Mr, Bruce Taylor has home from Sudbury. "returned Sorry to report Mrs. H, Wagg is in the hospital in Toronto undergoing an operation. Mr. Harold Kerry is Piling 8 a fine new hen house. The Blue 'Bird Club are holding a | dance in Memory Hall on July 2nd. The Christie-Claughton picnic will be held Saturday, June 27th, in this village. Sorry to.report we are losing our popular teacher Mr, Delbert Cather- wood. He has secured Raglan school fox the coming year. Mr. B. Ross of Mount Albert will take Mr. Cather- wood's place. Mr. Philp Parrott has returned to Oshawa and will leave for a trip to the west in the near future. Mr. Oliver Pearson visiting with Miss Jessie Stevens on Sunday. Mrs. S. Spellen, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Lakey recently. . The annual Decoration Service at Pine Grove Cemetery was very large- ly attended. The resident ministers each took part in the service, Rev. T. A: Nind- giving the address, Mr. Grant Christie, chairman of - Cemetery Board, presided. A pleas- ing feature of the service was the singing by the Bethesda Male Quar- tette. The Port Perry Band assisted with the musical program most ac- ceptably. Each year the attendance at this service grows, people coming from far and near to visit this beautifully kept cemetery where the bodies of their loved ones rest. It is seldom that a country cemetery is kept in such love- ly condition. - ll -> ROBT. .JAMES HARRIS MARRIES ELINOR PHYLLIS THICKSON "Pinehurst", Corbett's Point," on Lake Ontario, was the scene of an interesting wedding on Saturday nor Phyllis Thickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Thickson, of Oshawa, was married to Mr. Robert James Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harrs, of Port Perry. Amid a beautiful setting of tall pines and rolling lawn, to the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss K. Kenny, of Toronto, the bridal party took their place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, of Port Perry, assisted by Rev. W. R. Tanton, of Oshawa. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a lace gown of knitted blue silk bouclé with a bandeau of for-get-me-nots in her hair. She carried a beautiful arm bouquet of red roses with broad white satin "streamers, Miss Thickson, sister of the bride, was gowned in a' graceful printed silk. frock and wore a corsage of pink rose buds and blue corn flowers, Mr. William T. Harris, brother of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony an inform- al reception took place on the lawn where the bride's mother, Mrs. Thick- son, gowned in flowered chiffon with mauve hat and pccessories and wear- ing a corsage of yellow roses assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs, Wm. H. Harris, dressed in pink silk linen with white hat and accessories and a cor- sage of pink sweet heart roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Harris left by motor for Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay, the bride travelling in beige linen with brown coat, hat and accessories. On their return they will reside in Uxbridge, the | afternoon, June 20th, when Miss Eli-| Kathleen! OAK LEAF BONELESS 7-oz, Tin 25° | Sure-Jell CERTO 97" KRAFT Chicken Miracle Whip SALAD tap Keta Salmon 9:19 Brice featured in tia bil ave for Jums 29h to 90h. HELMET CORNED BE _Toddy 16-oz. Pin 23° 39° 2:25 ; 4 Cakes i Many Flowers 1 Cale KARBOL 5 C EF -Q 1 | HELLMANN'S HOMESTYLE Salad Dressing z LIBBY'S PRODUCTS #19 | DATES 2oc. pkg. AP¢ 23-0z. Tin 16-0z. Tin Pork € Beans Princess arin - 8-oz, 10¢ ORANGES Horne's i = 13-ex' Bottle 24¢ PUNCH DRINKS Assorted 3% oz. 14c | | Bo 25° 2 rc XS TomatoJuice JUNKET TABLETS 11% Junket Tablets Pg. 14¢ Assorted Siku "Joe oped M 2 for 30¢ ~ | CATCHUP 12-02, 25 Cc Bots. King's Plate . 3's 20¢. SARDINES' = Plew's - pkg. 9¢ Sm OAT PUFFS JAR RUBBERS « Fig Bar 2-25 RP Chowing Gum - 4 phes. 25¢ DAVIS GELATINE - - 1T¢ SALTED PEANUTS kb. 30¢ P. SAUCE - Jos bot. ¥0¢ ZING RINES «~ doz. 20¢ prion 1508, Tin PEARS Noa od eve dos. B¢ a SPAGHETTI 1534-02. Tins 28c ORANGE Nick MUSTARD Prepared - - Bob pices oF - Bl DOMINION STORES ¥-ox,_ Ria 17¢ - - 2 kabe has Ne . 2 2% 23¢ o. 2% Tins . -21¢ NEW CHEESE ....... CORN SYRUP ........ JAVEL WATER ...... PRUNES ........... P. & G. SOAP T We Repeat Last Week's XXXX QUAKER BREAD FLOUR, 98's " EXCELSION PASTRY FLOUR, .24's ......55¢c. 0. K. SOAP pedis Specials +. $2.59 vv :2 Ths, for 29c. vee ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR, cwt. $4.90, 10 hs. 49¢c. ...b's 36c¢. a 25¢. .vei.3 Ibs. for 25¢. ...10 bars for 35c. ..10 for 29¢. "ee -|sell at a sacrifice. Phone 49 Electric Wiring | AND REPAIR. ~ Apply to Harlin Davey, Phone 3-r-2, Port Perry SECOND HAND - MOWERS FOR SALE One Massey-Harris, and one Mec- 'Cormick-Deering (in good condition). Apply to C. SWITZER, Port Perry. FOR SALE '1 General Purpose Horse, sound. {Apply to -A. Mackin, Saintfield, Ont. HOUSE FOR RENT - Frame house, known as the Russell Wilson house, Port Perry. Apply at '| Star Ofc: STOVE FOR SALE Cook Stove, nearly new. Apply to Geo. W. Samells, R.R. 3 Port Perry, Phone 102 r 3. .._ FOR SALE Mollel T Ford, good tires and 0 motor in good running condition, will Apply: at Star Office. : _-- to ®or------------ * NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Mary McMillan, deceased. All persons having claims against 3 the 'estate of Mary McMillan, widow of the late William McMillan, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of May, 1936, are hereby notified to send to the un- 2 dersigned .Executors for the said estate on or before the 2nd day of July 1936, full particulars of their claims, : Immediately after the said 2nd day of July, 1936, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed i among "the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims. of which the Executors shall then have notice. "Dated at Port Perry' this 3rd day J of June, A.D, 1936. "Howard McMillan and Armour Me- Millan, Seagrave, Ontario, Executors for the said Estate. -- too NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Mole All persons having claims against|¢ the Estate of William Mole, -of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on the tenth day of February, 1936, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned solicitors on or before the 11th day of July, 1936, full particulars | £ of their claimb. Immediately after July 11th, 1936, the assets. of the Testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. . Dated June 6th, 1936. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Pérry, Ont, Solicitors for William Mole Estate. Myrtle Elevator Fresh consignment of Quehec| Shingles -- Coal -- and C ement. now at Myrtle Elevator, Sum- mer prices now in effect. Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station E. Master, Manager, LS A. M. LAWRENCE PORT PERRY -FOR SALE Five year old Percheron mare Ap- ply "to Lewis Tomlinson, Lot 8, Con. 18, Reach Tp., Blackwater P.O. ER BERS St LR HOUSE FOR SALE Corner Shanly: and Perry Streets, Port Perry, It is a brick, two storey home in good condition. © Contains eight rooms, with furnace and sink; also soft and hard water. There' is a garage and hen house and plenty of apple trees and currant bushes as well as other fruits. This house is splendidly situated being only three blocks from stores, post office, ete. For terms apply to W. F. Weir, Boek, Ont. - tL, ~~ STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE; © Apply to _ Gordon Heayn, Prince Albert, Ont. CONANT & ANNIS "GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, " ALLIN F. ANN BA. L -- Offices 7% ANNI, B., Osha LL.B, Phones, ¢ and § (Osawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr, Conant) y Phone 7 (Whitby) Keeping Things: in Repair - PAYS | "WHEN THINGS ARE . IN-GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SaveD We. wil be pleased t to quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. a DR. W. 8. HARPER Qraduats | of Trinity Medical College 2 ohoTiatty, Medionl Odlese. and Post Graduate in * College eh Rr vn a Longo Office. 'and yids, Perey, Ow, W. A. Sangster | J DENTAL SURGEON : Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. ~ Offies Up-stairs, over Rnamersen's Insuranse Office i Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public 4 iE J p= 2 4 les: / a ' ll] « : ow - Hl IY a 'Y : 2 ] v s =] » - » BN " ; 4 I'S - | PS 3 4 up | bY ¥ | ° : i. ar 3 >: ; N > Sk iy [ Ir a » a EJ) 23%

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