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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Aug 1936, p. 4

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Raf = or i a Nw, AL Hot Ac Fa yim. ate BA ih + a iy of ree - PAGE FOUR : -- A . y-- LOCAL ITEMS |when Travelling, Use | WE FIT FE -- Mr, Allan Goode has been ap- WE REP AIR pointed judge of butter at Oshawa Fair and Mr. R. M. Holtby judge of dairy cattle. Mrs. M. Rennie visited with Sunder- land and Cannington friends recently. Mrs. Crozier and party are on a motor trip to Virginia, U.S.A: 'Mr. B. Johnston, of Sarnia, is a guest of Miss KE. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Quackenbush ana their daughter Mrs. Alton and family, of 'l'oronto, have been visiting in town. Mrs. Bell-Smith and little son of Toronto, have been visiting with Mrs. Mellow. Mrs. MacDonald and little daughter of Brantford, are guests of Mrs. C. El Beare. Mrs. David Jackson, of Toronto, is visiting with Dr. and Mrs, Lundy. Mrs. Veitch of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Woon visited in Toronto and Hamilton recently. Miss Miriam Richards of Napanee, is the guest of Miss Lola Gerrow. Miss Audrey Down, of Oshawa, is visiting with friends in town. Mr. Owen Cliff has returned from a trip to Michigan, Dr. W. L. McBrien, of Staunton, 111, is visiting relatives in Port Perry and Prince Albert, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Harris have re- turned home trom Copper Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. T. Asher, and Mrs. Waridel and daughter, leave on Fri- day to motor to Montreal, where Hey "turn trip from Europe. Mr. Beveriey Smaliman has return- ed home from Kingston where he has been teaching in the Summer course. The boys who are saving up for a rainy day have quite a bit of change in their pockets--the problem is to find the rainy day. » -------- THE MAN WITH THE STEEL HAND--Andrew Gawley of Meaford, "Canada, uses a pair of steel hands which he made for himself, They are as delicate as the machinery of a watch, but powerful as a steamfitter's wrench. Thirty-two years ago Mr. " Gawley lost both hands in a buzz-saw accident. For years he tried to pat- tern a pair of steel hands, improving on his creations little by little until today he uses them so well that he can dress himself, tie his shoes, uses a knife and fork skillfully, can pick up cups and saucers as easily as any man--or - pick up small stones and crush them to bits between his power- ful steel fingers. + Coming Events Port Perry Bowling Club will hold a Men's Scotch Doubles Tournament on Wednesday, August 26th, AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE An auction sale of furniture will be held at the late residence of Frank}| Franklin, Port Perry, on Saturday, August 22nd. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer C. C. F. South Ontario C C. F. Annual | Picnic will be 'held at Port Perry on Saturday, August 22, at 3 pm, Guest speakers will be Dr. Lorna Cotton and Mr. E. B. Jolliffe. Boery: body welcome. EOCTE MABE IE | RE PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. T. Richards, of Napanee, will preach at both services next Sun- day, August 23rd. -The special music at the United . Church next Sunday morning will in- clude Mrs, Helen MacDonald, soloist, of Brantford; and Mr. G. Franklin Morris, A.C.C.0., organist of Park- dale Baptist Church, Toronto. -------- te. ol 'CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m~--Morning Service. Dr a EE -- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Bervices at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, oar SEND THE STAR TO ABSENT FRIENDS per 20, M, Letcher 26, R. Levia 23, H, McBrine Baggage MeBRINE ALROP FOR LA bACK Holds several AD or Yo and all accessories. Built on the wardrobe trunk principle, "ity easier to pack the Aeropack" : $5.00 and $5.75 THE AEROKIT FOR MEN Sells for $6.00 WILLIAM WiaBs [luK, Al Beatiy's Store, Port Perry McMILLAN-PUGH 'Lhe home of Mr, and Mrs, A. M. rugh, Claremont, was the scene of a pretty outdoor wedding on Wednesday atternoon, August 12th, when their second daughter Mildred Kathleen was married to Mr, Wallace Archibald seMillan, B.S.A., son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. A. McMillan, of Port Perry. The ceremony was conducted by the groom's brother Rev. G. Keith Mec- Millan, of Toronto, assisted by Rev. b. 'I Augustine, of Claremont. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a gown of white chiffon crepe, made with pleated bo- dice and long full pleated sleeves, and carried a shower bouquet of roses. Miss Alma Pugh, sister of the bride was maid of honor in pale green chii- fon crepe, and bliss Nora McMillan, sister of the groom in pink chiffon crepe. They carried nosegays of sweet peas and baby's breath, Mr. Armour McMillan was his brother's groomsman. The wedding music--was-~played by Miss Edna Palmer of Uxbridge and during the signing of the register Miss Florence McMillan sang "O Promise Me." Following a reception the bride and groom left on a motor trip, the bride travelling in a Navy Blue Ensemble with light green accessories. On their return - they will reside in Oshawa where Mr: McMillan is a member of the staff of the Collegiate. Sports of All Sorts 'Baseball . In a York-Ontario League game at Sutton, on August 12th, the home team won a play-down victory from Stouftville 10-5. Stouffville Battery. -- Bradd. and Leighman pitchers, Leighman catcher. Sutton Battery--Hern and Leroyd pitchers, McDonald catcher. Umpire--AL Gyson, Oshawa. Sutton ............ 003 062 00x--10 Stouffville ..7...... 000 203 000-- & * N Sunderland Wins The first game of the final play- offs in the York-Ontario League, be- tween Sutton and Sunderland was played at Sunderland on Wednesday, August 19th, with Sunderland the winners. The score: : 3 Sutton ............ 001 002 102. 6 Sunderland ........ 032 002 25x 14 The return game will be plaved at Sutton on Friday 21st, at 3 p.m, and should a third game be necessary to decide the league championship this will take place at Sunderland on a date to be later decided upon. * * + 2» Bowling A local tournament was held last Thursday evening. FE. Beare, Mrs. Mulligan and H. McMillan won 1st with three wins and a score of 36. M. Gerrow, Mrs, Love and C. Love won 2nd prize with 2 wins and a score of 22, 3rd prize went to R. Harper, Mrs. E. Beare and H. Durkin with 1 win and a score of 19, The weekly jitney was held on Mon- day evening. The prize winners were Mrs, McFarlane 1st, Mrs. E. Beare 2nd For men: L. Beare 1st, and Bob Jeffrey 2nd, : The scores were as follows: Ladies --Mrs, E, Beare 28, Mrs, McFarlane 37, Mrs. F, Jeffrey 28, Miss H. Jeffrey 19, Miss D. O'Neill 27, Miss E, Somer- ville 14, Mrs, Levia 24, Mrs. Murray |. 26, Mrs, Mulligan 16. ""Men--C, C. Jeffrey 27, B. Jeffrey 31, E. Beare 19, A. Mason 28, R, Har- McMillan 29, K. McMillan 16, L. Beare 38, C. Love 30, A. McFarlane 26. IT 18 LIKE A LETER FROM HOME Glasses . You Save Money "i= AT -- I. R. BEN TLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ON'l. PHONE 33 1 EO ERT What of the Water. Front ? x Nave reaua wil considerable mer- CSL HN @ Lair amount ol appreciation ie leller ol Ml, James Lucas in the "Star on the subject ol the water- 1ront ana would like 10 have more ol our citizens present their views im re- sponse Lo the tuaitor s invitation to uses the columns of his paper. in company with Mr. Lucas 1 have viewea with some misgivings the en- croachment ot the wide-open Sunday' ana commercialization of the Day of est but 1 think mr, Lucas 1s over- staung the case when he asks us to refrain 1rom extending our parks, peautitying our watertront and de- veloping our natural advantages lor tear that a vulgar ¢lement may in- trude among our dunday visitors and overstep the mark. A park is a park for seven days of the week and certainly on six of them their' benefits and attractions may be enjoyed by the public without viola- tion of "the Sabbath while on the! seventh many who are unable to de- tach themselves trom their week day toil take this their only opportunity to snatch a little iresh air and some sun- shine which even. the Sad Sunday Society would scarcely deny them, I have not heard of any rowdyism and 1urthermore believe that the better the accommodation we offer the bet- ter the class we will attract, 1 am also in harmony with Mu. Lucas when he takes the position of protecting the taxpayer "from unneces- sary expenditure and it is pleasant to note that the matured judgment of Mr. Lucas' riper years shows more consideration for that. individual than when he was in office. ..d have rot urged a raid on the treasury for the full price of the pro- posed purchase. T suggest that pos- sibly the Business Men's Association might consider this a suitable project to place some of their surplus in and perhaps some generous-citizens might |. contribute, if the hat was passed I might make a small contribution my- self and there are some revenue pro- ducing buildings on the property that might be disposed on to reduce the cost so the balance hi be neglig- ible. I still maintain that we need the ad- ditional space as we are badly crowd- ed now, in fact tenters should not be -allowed- adjacent to the power house; |" They could be segregated on the new property to mutual advantage. How- ever, the Editor is calling that my space is used up, so, sa long till next Thursday when we will .again be on the Waterfront. This is station H. G. H. Strand 'Theatre UXBRIDGE ~ pee Rs) Job wo gay' be Robe! 2 Monday, Tues, Wed, Aug. 24-25-26 . ZANE GREY'S Western Thriller Jackie Coogan and R. Scott, in HOME ON THE RANGE and COMEDIES Thusrday, Fri, Sat, Next Week Gary Cooper and J. Arthur, in MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN . Peaches, 4 NOW. IN Cauliflowers, Beets, Lettuce, Carrots, Cooking Onions, Anthony Caruso, Prop. IF 'GRASS-WALLACE the wedding of Helen Jean, dauguter ot Mrs, Wallace and the late J. IN. Wallace, of woouside Ave, To- routo, to Clarence Koy, son of Mrs. Grass and the late G. L. Grass, of To- ron, took place at the home of the priae s- mother, on Saturday after- noon, August sth, 1936. Rev. HOW, Avison, D.D,, High * Park United Church, of which Mr. Grass is organ- ist, olhiciated. Coral gladioli and white asters in tall standards and ferns de- corated the living room. The wedding music was played by Mrs. H. W. Avi- son. 'Lhe bride, given in marriage by her brother Mr. Lester Wallace, wore a long Iitted gown of white chiffon, and carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and lilies-oi-the-valley. Miss l.va Stringer was her only attendant, wearing a frock of coral chiffon and carrying talisman roses and blue lark- spur. Mr. Reginald Grass was his brother's groomsman. The men wore white flannels and dark coats. After ' the ceremony the bridal couple received together with the bride's mother in a. gown of navy printed chiffon and the groom's mother in black printed georgette both wearing corsage bouquets of talisman roses. Mrs, Leask, grand- mother of the bride wore a gown of accessories, with- corsage bouquet of 'mauve sweet peas, Later the couple 'left on a motor trip, the bride travelling in a turquoise blue wool suit with brown accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Grass will reside in Toronto. Out of town guests who attended the wedding were Mrs.:J. H, Leask, Greenbank, Mrs. E. Ferguson, Cress- well; Mr, and Mrs: S. J. Wooldridge, Seagrave; Mr, and Mrs. H. Leask, of Uxbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Port Perry. HOME GROWN F RUITS Plums, Blueberries, x 2 a t : > Home Grown Vegetables Potatoes, Cucumbers, NOW IN SEASON A The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market NE {EL phone 132J, Port 'Perry. . black georgette and lace with black Cantaloupes® Apples SEASON Cabbage, Tomatoes, Celery, Radishes, Green 'Peppers Corn Phone 208. We deliver ROOMS with housekeeping Aseammidation, suitable for high school girls, Also stable for rent. Apply to Mrs. Pick- aug27? Optical Sale! CUT PRICE Now $4.95 frames and Stock Lenses. Ctl TRIAL Also amazingly low prices on Double Vision, Fancy Shapes, and Prescription Lenses. i ---- Eye Examination and Fitting by a 'MASTER EYESIGHT SPECIALIST with over 30 years experience. J. H. Stephenson, R. 0. Optometrist and Optician, Toronto, will be at. 255 MORRISON'S DRUG STORE, Port Perry, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21st, One Day Only This advt. is worth 50c. on a pair of glasses (Cut it out.)" FOR RENT ; Farm of about forty-five acres close to Oshawa. Goodland, buildings and conveniences. - Immediate possession to plow. Full possession April 1,-1937. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, Oshawa, Ont. aug20tf.) ' i COMING! F. E. Luke & Son will be at A. M. LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE, PORT PERRY to examine YOUR and YOUR Children' 8 Eyes, on "SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th. * BORN ROBERTSON--To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, at Port Perry Hospital, on Monday, August 17, 1936, a son. ' THRILL OF A LIFE TIME Please keep in mind that on Thurs, Friday, Saturday, (next) the world's Finest picture will be shown at the Strand Theatre, "Uxbridge -- "MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN" starring Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur branded by his relatives as a lunatic because he wished to help the poor#® Tell your friends as it will be shown only three nights--August 27-28-29. a DOMINION STORES SALES up Sales of Dominion Stores Limited, for the 8th period ended August 8th, 1036, were $1,484,725. This compares with $1,313,061 for the corresponding period in 1935, and ds a an inetegse. of 8.30 'p.m. sharp. 18%, Fg a ny rs 12 0) i) \/ pra OSHAWA Fri. & Sat., Aug. 21,22 Warner Baxter and _ Myrna Loy in 'To Marry With ~~ Love' REVIVAL--FRIDAY Gold Diggers of 1935 Ig Next Mon. "Tues. August 24, 25 'The Princess Comes Across with Carl Lombard and Fred McMurray PLUS MADELINE CARROLL and GEO, BRENT in, The Case Against Mrs. Ames . Next Wed. & Thun. Edmund Lows & Virginia Bruce in "The Garden Murder Case - PLUS Guy Kibbee and Warren Hull in iv Big Noise 5 FLY 0X BAYER'S A A. M. LA ; FOR SALE: Mrs. Forman is offering for private sale a number of articles including piano, small book case and secretary, rocking chair, lamp, books, etc. FOR SALE Sixty-five acre ranch farm at Dag- mar C.P.R. Station. Splendid places fish ponds, SEA Also For Sale Jubilee Pump Works, in Port Perry. No better- place in Southern Ontario! for wood-and iron pumps. (The old John Irvin stand.) - For particulars about these places, write or see A. D. Peters, owner, Port Perry. FOR SALE No. 1 Light Honey. Wholesale and retail. Apply to F. W. Bradley, Port Perry, Phone 266j. FOR SALE Sow and 10 young pigs. Apply to Sam Strachan, R. R. 1, Port Perry. HORSES for SALE Colts, wagon horses, farm chunks: May be seen at Tennyson farm, west of Manchester. Phone 1427 Brook- lin, Gordon Fisher. a t (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 "in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afterncons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 =e Advertise in the Port Perry Star It is a welcome visitor in the homes of the peo- ple of this community, DR. W. S. HARPER G uate, of Trinity Medical d sd Trinity AR ry Foran | i Coll d Polyeli d 42 SE lL London, England, Royal loon Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, rr ere Ac onl +(The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 "in 'attendance at my Port Perry office on . | Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of Donald McDonald, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Donald McDonald, of of Ontario, Deceased, who died on or about the 20th day. of November, 1982, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 3rd day of September, 1936, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after September 3rd, 1986, the assets of the Testator will be distributed among: the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice, Dated August 6th, 1936. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Solicitors for Donald Me- Donald Estate, Rm J "WANT T ADVTS. -- on large ever-running creek for two' the Township of Reach, in the County. OLYMPENE . Be and $1.0 0 or Ae 49¢, and 890. 1 SPIRIN +o 1004 25¢, 39¢, 98¢, Cleanses the BISMA REX .............75¢c. and $1.50 System and - : } ¢ Purifies the METHOLATUM ......,...27c. and 54c. | Bloood. 3 ll gn GRAY'S BALM ...........39¢c. and 69¢. | 50c. and $1.00 = QVALTINE .........38c, 58, and 98c. | alts | See Next Week's Star for School Opening announcement. We carry everything in School Supplies. ed WRENCE = 720 Rexall sure : Five Cents per line, ~ Minimum 20 Cents. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acres, all workable, fairly good 'buildings, midway between the two Nestletons. Plowing possession" as soon as crop is off, Possession March 1st, 1037. Oscar Edwards, Port-Perry, Phone 189 r 8, ; Pe ---- HOUSE FOR RENT «. 7 roomed house--across from Port Perry Creamery; Apply to Mrs. M. el CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C., ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LLB. pi 0bl Whe and Hi as and 'at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) = Phone 7 (Whitby) Electric Wirin ng AND REPAIR 7" ~ Apply to Harlin Davey Phone 3r 2 Port Perry W. A. Sangster _. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. i Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Tosuranes Office LOOK HERE! Top prices paid for rags, wool and feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all | kinds of light metals. For information call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or night. We would 'appreciate very much your patronage, - ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY | Keeping Things in Repair | PAYS | WHEN THINGS ARE | IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED We will be pleased to quote you prices on new or repair work [ | Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. | Tinen Possession Sept. 1st. C2 int til! -op~ DENTAL SURGEON v

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