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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Oct 1936, p. 4

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< "ov pe cy Fo A A Lee, PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS The usual canvass for the Bible So- ciety is planned to take place the first two weeks of October. Port Perry has for mapy years taken an active interest in its world wide work, The Bible -Sociey numbers in the com- munity many warm friends. The Executive of the Port Perry Branch bespeak for the collectors a friendly and generous reception. - We regret to learn that Miss Eunice 'Harris, has been ill, and compelled to give up her duties at the school. Her work is being taken by Miss Laural "Orchard. Mrs. S. Farmer is spending a week with her sister Mrs. B. Simson at Elmbrook, near Picton. Mrs. A. H., Rose, of Petrolia has been spending a few days in Port Perry. Mrs. Rose will continue to make her home. in Petrolia. We are pleased to learn that Miss Grace Rose has recovered her health and will re- sume her duties as lecturer in House- hold Economics in Toronto University. Miss Rhea Walker of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. E. A. Walker, Miss Dorothea Nasmith, of Toronto, was in town for the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brock have returned home from an enjoyable holiday spent in New York. ----_----~-- eo -------- UNITED CHURCH NOTES . ~ Dr. Dorey, Regina, gave a fine talk on the Church's work in Home Mission areas, last Sunday morning, to a gooa congregation, Our Young People report u splendid week-end at the Conference in Lind- say. Owing to the weather, the Y. P. S. held the weiner social in the Sunday ~ School rooms on Tuesday. Over 60 -attended.and a fine time was enjoyed by all. Mary Pyatt brought echoes from "the Summer School at Oak Lake and did well. Florence McMillan and Mary led in song. Miss Helen Carter con- ducted worship and Jack Beare led in games. Weiner, rolls, pumpkin tarts and coffee in abundance added tothe gayety of youthful spirits. Next Sunday night, a former Port Perry High School boy in the person of Rev. Clarence Ferguson, of Beth- ' any, will preach. "Rev. W. J. H. Smyth will conduct Communion service and reccive new members at the morning service. } In the evening, he and Rev. R. T. Richards will preach in Toronto pul- pits--North Parkdale and Kew Beach, in connection with the centenary cele- bration of Victoria University. --_-- fe _ ---- -- - IN MEMORIAM " HORTOP--In loving memory ot James Hortop, who passed away on October 4th, 1934, A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. --Ever remembered by his Wife and: Fay. ---- eo Softball Tournament Uxbridge Girls' Softball Tourna- ment will be held Thanksgiving Day, October 12, at Elgin Park, Uxbridge. A dance will be held in the Music Hall at night. Tickets for both dance and sports are 30c. MARRIAGE Slemmon-Jeffrey At Port Perry United Church, on Saturday, October 8rd, by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Hazel Gauld Jeffrey, ohly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cour- tice Jeffrey, to Mr. Frank Deloise Slemmon, elder son of Mrs. John Connor and the late Mr. W. H. Slem- Mon, of of Little Britain, BASEBALL, The fourth round of the O.B.A. In- "termediate "C" play-offs at Kitchener on Saturday, October 3rd, between Sunderland and Wingham, to decide the home and home games deadlock, resulted as follows: Sunderland Wingham Perens 100 400 002--7 rie eres 040 000 001--5 The first game of the fifth round with Woodstock, played at Sunderland yesterday (Wed., Oct. 7), resulted in the score being a tie at the end of thirteen innings, 8-3. The score by innings is as follows: Woodstock 010 010 100 000 0--3 Sunderland _ 001 000 002 000 0--3 These same teams will play in Sun- derland on Saturday, Oct. 10, at 2.30 pm. to decide the tie bame. Sunder- land will go to Woodstock for the return game on Monday, Oct 12th. The winners of this round will play Webbwood for the Ontario Sampion: TIME FOR Boots by Bauer of Kitchener. Medium weight brown leather Boots Black Ritan Ammonia-proof Work and Dress Socks WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Ee -- NOW IS THE NEW BOOTS | &, A -3 pairs Miner Work Boots, pr. $2.50 sev inerens » «+. pair $2.60 uppers, double soles, pair $3.25 20c. per pair to 60c, per pair, Port Perry WE FIT WE REPAIR You Save Money AT OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. ' PHONE 33 PORT PERRY UNITED cng | 11 a.m.--Communion Service. ception of new members, DIED 74th year. ------ BRUCE.-- At the daughters Mrs. Frank Watson, Kee, widow of the late Wallace Bruce., in her 78rd year. ..COOK--At Caesarea, on Monday, October 6th, 1936, Agnes J. Harran, beloved wife of Joseph Cook, in her home of her Sunday, October 4th, 1936, Mary Mc- 1.45 p.m.--Men's Bible. Class. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Rev, Clarence B.A., of Bethany, ------- -------------------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. C ------ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN J. CHURCH Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, on Ferguson, I R. BENTLEY o - 2 Just arrived--a load of Glasses [BLUE & GREEN GRAPES | (FRESHLY PICKED) Large Cauliflowers, 5¢ Large Snow White Celery, 5c. Large Cabbage, 5c. and 10c Ripe Red Tomatoes, large & small baskels Large Grapefruit, 5 for 25c. Large Oranges, 25c¢. doz. Large Bananas, 25¢. doz. Red and Green Peppers » The Modern Fruit and * Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. Pave: momomomom 0 = - These prices are effective for Oct. 8th, 9th and 10th.. CHOICE QUALITY Light Syrup" No. 2 FI) Tins RED PITTED Berries CHOICE QUALITY No. 2 2B soit 25 y XT BULK Mince- LIMITED RAPIDLY RISING FOOD COSTS Stock Up? Continued drought in many parts make in- evitable higher costs on a wide range of foods. To those of our customers who desire to lay in 8 supply of the products listed below, we offer - the opportunity to do so at the quoted prices. We guarantee these prices up to and including Saturday, October 10th. DOMINION STORES --- Shirriff's or MacLaren's JELLY POWDERS © 5 Pkgs, meat atin Pres : C Here = Dos. Clark's i 3 Case 24 N 2 tbs. 25 TOMATO JUICE 2102 Tin | "55 | 08 [T8367 ¢ Clark's Case 48|percase Clark' . ? Case 6 case Corned Beef TOMATO JUICE No. 10Tin| .39| -- [2.30 | 04 ¥ Clark' 2 Case 24 Zo QS PORK & BEANS 2200. Tin | 19 | 110 [33555 ins Clark's 2 for Case 48|percase OAK LEAF Boncdort TOMATO SOUP 10% oz. Tin| 16 | .88 [3.00 | . : Clark' 2for |. Case 48lpercase CHICKEN VEGETABLE SOUP 10}§ oz. Tin| 15 | .85 | 300 [60 : Clark's 2for | 3% 48/percase BROTH 10% oz Tin| .15| .85 [3.00 | 4 7-0z. Tin 23 St Sliced Casa 24/percaso : PINEAPPLE 19.0z. Tins | .11 | 1.25 | 240 NUGGET : 2 lor Case 24|porcase SHOE ¢ PINEAPPLE 190n Tins | 25 | 1.40 [2.75 | 428. me Qo oP POLISH FR No.2Tin| 12 [1.30 | 269 | 18° ' : Case 24, HILSON S #8. Ti WAX BEANS No.2Tin| .10| 1.15 [235 | -18° Standa Case Cocoa 1 9 - REFUGEE BEANS Mo.2Tin| 10 [1.15225] 18° ; Cholos Case 24 PEACHES No.2Sq.Tin| .19| 210 [428 "38° | Case 24 PEACHES No.2Sq. Tin | .19 | 210 [428 "26° i 2 Case 48 TOMATO SOUP 1036 oe. Tin | 16 [ 1.10 [435 57° Glenwood, Diced 3 (Case 24|percase BEET or CARROTS No. 2 Sq. Tin p 1.00 [150 | 38. [8 PURELY VEGETABLE Domestic pry SHORTENING i = 47° 2:25 Domestic or Easifirst TO-NIGHT AT 11 P.M.I ~--just before you hop into bed, have a warm- ing, soothing cup hot Oxo and sleep like Oxo night cap. CUBES atop. Nothing like an TIN OF 10--23¢ pars \ SALE) Super Suds | Fresh aE he Large Cauliflower 10c. Se. and 10c. : Phone 208. = We deliver Church ofthe Ascension CHICKEN PIE SUPPER AND BAZAAR NOVEMBER 5th, 1936 Watch for particulars on bills NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charlotte Elizabeth Patterson All persons having claims against the Estate of Charlotte Elizabeth Patterson, 'late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Widow, déceased, who died on the Tth day of July, A.D. 1936, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before 'the 31st day of October, 1936, full particulars of their clatms, Immediately after Oc- tober 31st, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated September 28th, 1936. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Elizabeth Patterson Estate. ~~ AUCTION SALE Mrs. A. R. Woodley, of Prince Al- bert, is holding an auction sale of furniture, implements, ete, at her premises, on Friday, October 16th. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer OSHAWA Friday, Sat., October 9-10 The Texas Rangers Fred Macmurray, Jack Oakie - Jean Parker '""'Page Miss Glory" Marian Davis - Dick Powell NOTE--In our weekly news we are playing first game of the World Series. "to Toronto. Perry, Ont., Solicitors for Charlotte | Watkins Company, Montreal, $ 10.00 for any corn or callois Fim Reward ov. the. nay REVIVAL at 10.45 p.m. scientific LLOYD'S RY MOAT CORN SALVE. This new salve de- sensitizes corns and callouses with first application. today and order a jar of this WON- DERFUL SALVE. 40c. A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES | D.& R. FACE CREAM BRITEN © Special 29c. and 49c. TOOTH [a PASTE | _ 3 for 26¢. PALMOLIVE SOAP. .4 for 19¢. i A new tooth paste with.a new.and LISTERINE, ....25¢., 50¢c., 79¢. Mi 31 Antiseptis, 16 ounce 75ec. better formula, Try a tube and see for I DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSHES, three sizes yourself, 25¢., 36¢. and 50c, Ta PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH Large Size BRUSHES, three sizes 25¢., 35¢.,-60c. 29c. TEK TOOTH BRUSHES, 50c. A. M. LAWRENCE The Rexall sre Phone 49 : PORT PERRY : WANT ADV TS, -- "ise Cents per line. - WANTED FOR RENT Farm of about sitxy-five acres near Oshawa. Good land and buildings. Immediate possession to plough. Full possession October 1st, 1936. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, Osh- awa, Ont. Girl for general housework to go Apply at Star Office. WANTED A young woman for general house- work. Apply to Mrs. J. F. Rundle, 107 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. ---------- 'FOR SALE OR TO RENT 194 acres, 160 under cultivation, an Al stock and grain farm, level to lit- tle rolling. Stream in pasture, 10 acres standing wood. Possession to plow any time. Apply to A. E. Miller, Real Estate, Uxbridge. : - HE FOR SALE "150 acres good loam soil, level to rolling, good frame buildings, 2 acres of bush; good water. About 300 bus. of last year's grain now in granary. I have never had a better value to offer, $2500 on easy terms. Apply to A. E. Miller, Uxbridge. FOR SALE Two male puppies, five weeks old. SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed : 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 'Over the Observer Office ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 ~in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port: Perry, Phone 264 W. A. Sangster _ DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. : --FOR SALE - - Good Heintzman upright piano, electric motor, elecric fixtures, single barrel Ivor Johnston 16 gauge shot gun; all in good condition. Apply to W. A. Edwards, Prince Albert, Ont. -------- ee ---- FARM FOR RENT Seventy-five acres, north of Bow- manville, Good land, buildings and| Office Up-stairs, over Emmersen's orchard; never failing stream. Im- Insurance Office mediate possession to plow. Full possession December '1st. Box 16, ~ LOOK HERE! Port Perry Star. Eli i. HELP WANTED Can place reliable-man in profitable independent business handling Wat- kins. Products in nearby rural route. 150 Household and Farm Necessities in line. Established 1868. experience unnecessary. perience helpful. Car needed. Crédit furnished. Write immediately, J, R. Que,, oct8| § kinds of light metals. For information call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or night. We would appreciate very much your patronage. ALIX. GILBOORD, - PORT PERRY Dept. O-P-b. Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE Ln whieh, earnol be Call your druggist For sale at Monday, Tuesday, OCT. 12-13 lz "His Brother's | Wife" Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED DR. W. 8S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical nd TR inity University: Torani ne. & Post Graduate in Sure of Modical dre Graduate d, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck Mid-night Show This picture ig playing for Sun- day Midnight Show, starting at 12,06 (Sunday, Oct. 11)" oo» Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 We will be pleaged to quote you prices on new or repair work The firm of Gan & HumpHnaYs Is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa : Phone 814 fn attendance at my Port Perry office on Tueaday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Wed., Thurs., Fri, Saturday, . OCTOBER 14-15-16-17 "Anthony Adverse" featuring Frederic March and Oliva de Havilland Barristers, Bolicitors, and a4 Court: Homa, Whitey, (Mr. Conant) Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. CONANT & ANNIS Notaries Publi GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN x F ANNIS, BA; LL LL.B, iy oh] 4 and § (Oshawa) Phone 1 (Whithy) (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS is disolved) Apply. to Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Prince C. P.ROLPH Top prices paid for rags, wool and A feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all a 2% £ 4 » *~ re > ~a8 [= I'S A SEE € > i - ¥ » >» ., / x » J > '» i 4 + i a x 9- ~4 Pt - ~~ - a 5. » 1. A oul Y { / # o > . 4 » , N,

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