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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Nov 1936, p. 5

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0, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1986 =. : Fy Sais he i EE © rE ES SS = eer tr -------------- re --------r-- v-------- THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY {ai nt Um FROM Ls . BERT MacGREGOR ANNIVERSARY OFFER 'To mark the occasion of the First Anniversary of the opening of our business in Port Perry, we make a SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR CUSTOMERS With every purchase of one dollar's worth of fruit or vegetables of celery or some similar vegetable or fruit. 8 At this time we wish to thank our many customers for their continued patronage, :: We appreciate your business, and we shall continue to carry a full line of seasonable fruits and vegetables at ~ at reasonable prices. ow ~~ we will make a special gift of hearts Under the auspices of the W. A. of the Angliéfn Church, there will be held in the Community Hall at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, November 256th, an "Eskimo Night. There will be colored 'slides, origina} Eskimo costumes, and interesting curios. These will be de- 'scribed in lectures by Rev. C. C. and Mrs. Harcourt. "At the close of the meeting refreshments will be served to everyone. Admission 26c. 53 The young people of, the United Church opened their weekly meeting with a hymn which was followed by a reading by Miss Mae Layton "God Bless My Friend To-night". Miss F. Johnston gave the Bible Study "Sure- ly God is in His Place and I Knew it Not" and Mr. Arnold Johnston led in prayer. Mr, Leslie Beacock was in charge of the following program--a reading by Miss Genevieve Beacock, "Eighteen Years Ago", a reading by 'Mr. Arnold Johnston, "This Eventide", a solo by Mr, Leslie Beacock "Great Judgment Morning", The Study Book by Miss Ferga Johnston, a solo by Mrs. Saddler, "It was Spoken for the Master", a reading. by Mr. Bruce Mountjoy, "Dinah's Lament." ~The A.Y.P.A, of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. Willan on Thursday evening with an attendance of thirty. An introduc- tion to the Study Book was given by 'Miss Vera Forder and a reading from the A.Y.P.A. monthy by Mrs, Thos. Smith. Mr. Lavern Devitt, the presi- dent gave a very fine report of the annual A.Y.P.A. convention which he The Women's Association held their November meeting in the Township Hall last Tuesday with a good at- tendance. We were glad to see some visitors--Mrs. (H. McKinley, Miss E. McDermott, Mrs. S. McMillan, of Port Perry, Mrs. L. V. Savage, of Whitby. The meeting opened with the president in the chair. A hymn was sung and prayer offéred. 'Mrs. J, Demara read the Scripture. Mrs. Marjorie Milner and' Mrs. Geo. Sweetman- conducted a musical contest. Mrs, C. Graham sang a solo. accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, Miss Eliza Stéphenson gave a readiftig on how to have abund- ance of flowers in the house during the winter months, Mrs. C. Hardy a demonstration on making flower baskets - with a tin can and tissue paper, and a clothes pin jardiniere, Mrs. R. D. Burnham, Miss Eliza Stephenson and Mrs, J, Burnham are the program committee for December, It was decided to bring the Sun Shine bags to the December meeting or leave them with Mrs. Hardy, or Mrs. Burnham. The meeting was dismissed by Mrs. F. G. Joblin after which a social time was spent. The entertain- ing committee were Mrs. R. Reader, Mrs. R. D, Burnham, Mrs. Geo. Sweet- man, Mrs, A. Sweetman, Mrs. John Burnham. . Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey in the death of their little son born on November 13, and died on November 16th, Mrs. H. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carpenter and daughter Mar- lyn, of Bowmanville, visited the form- ee ------ : 35 IR ---- 5 / F. W.BROCK & SON | © | RED & WHITE STORE - i Bil Durham, Ontario and York counties. During the week they were judging at Guelph Experimental Farm. Then on Nov. 17, the team competdd at the Royal Winter Fair. The boys en- joyed the time spent as it is educa- tional and free to them. x Ax Special Community Meeting 2 a5 On "Tuesday evening next, at the : : Bo Town Hall, Scugog Community Club OUR I § will hold a special meeting. Members Nef { of the Men's Bible Class of Port Perry United Church will provide the pro- gram, and light refreshments will be served. Be sure to be present at this meeting. NEW GIFT SHOP| TOYS, DISHES, MYRTLE <-- Sit he x rr Winter arrived in full force on Sun- GIFTS Te day when the heaviest snow storm of Leh the season fell and in the afternoon . . ANE it turned decidedly cold and continued will be ready this week, 308) so for the earlier part of the week {hs which is just another convincing proof 'that-winter is with us once again. Miss Smith spent the week end at her home in Oakville and visited her mother who is leaving shortly on a trip to Scotland. ' Be sure to see this display -- A ~ YARN ye {Bev w. E Nensy was | Monarch Dove Wool, all shades, per ball - - 18. pleased on Sun ay morning to have a JES] : : " phone call from her brother Rev. Mr.|§ Special Knitting Wool, 1 oz, balls, per ball - 10c. Totton of Freelton, who was spending |§ Scotch Fingering Yarn, perpound - - - $1.20 the week end at Stouffville and who is recovering from his recent illness so rapidly that he expects to take charge | of his work again very shortly, Rev. W. E. Honey assisted the Rev. Mr, Jull of Brooklin on Sunday morn- ing, owing to it being anniversary day ET SE Aon Ed Tu Bird's Yarn, 2 or 8 ply, per pound - - - $1.20 MONARCH SWEATER COATS For men, all wool, plain, or attractive designs $2.98 i " The 'Modern F ruit and : er's sister Mrs. W. Mark on Sunday. attended recently in London. The at Raglan. The service was cancelled _ ' Vegetable Market Phone 208. We deli Anthony Caruso, Prop. ver Knock, Knock! 'Who's There? . Olive! Olive Who? OLIVE OUR MEATS "ARE GOOD ~~ CAWKER BROS. _ BEST MEATS - BEST PRICES - BEST SERVICE RTT LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, © and THEFT INSURANCE © HAROLD W. EMMERSON . Phone 41 Port Perry "mien 2 Eg English Magazines number of 'the illustrated: 4 must be booked before Noyember 25th, 1936. The outstanding Coronation issue. Special Art Embossed superbly illustrated. Still This announcement may seem to 'you in advance, but only a limited ublications are to be printed. ~All orders ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS SPECIAL SOUVENIR NUMBER ver, more magnificent than the Jubilee issue program was "Seth Parker" with Mr. Thos, Hodge as chairman, Hymns, solos -and quartettes were very much enjoyed. Lunch was served by the group in charge after which a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess for the use of her home and the meeting closéd with the A.Y.P.A. motto and Auld Lang Syne. a 5 Week end visitors were: Messrs, L. Bradburn and Robt. Smith, Toronto, under parental roofs; Miss Dorothy MeBrien of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor; Mr. and- Mrs. Norton VanCamp and daughter Audrey with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Mr. | Anson Taylor of the Toronto Normal School with his parents Mr. and Mrs. '| Roy Taylor; Miss Susie VanCamp of Tyrone with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, : ~:Miss Jean Byers, Mrs. C. Marlow, Mr. "Herb. Swain, Messrs. Bruce Mountjoy and Murray Byers were in Toronto last week attending the Motor Show. Ta Miss Aileen Mountjoy spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Lorne Wannan of Kirby. - Mrs. Wesley Beacock and daughter Olive visited recently with Mr. 'and | Mrs. Gordon Collins, of Scugog. The November meeting of the W. M.S. of the United Church was held at the parsonage and opened with a | hymn, Scripture reading by' five of the members, a talk on "Peace" by Rev. H. Bell and also prayer led by him. In remembrance of Armistice Day the hymn "Lest We Forget" was sung 'and a paper on "Armistice Day" pre- pared by Mrs. Jas. Marlow and in her absence was read by Mrs, Clarence Marlow, Arsrangenjents were made for a mother and daughter banquet to be held on November 27th at which the guest speaker will be Miss Vitgo. The Study Book chapter was taken by 'Mrs. A. Johnston and Miss Ferga Johnston. - Miss Ruth Bell favored with a piano solo and Mrs. Saddler Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey, Clem and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara and Glen, visited in Enniskillen with Mr. and Mrs. A, Brunt, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnochan, Joan and Maxine visited 'his parents at Shirley on Sunday. . Mrs, J. Jackson, of Port Perry was. the guest of her friend Mrs. J. Pearce, on Monday. . Mrs, J. L. Sweetman and Aileen are visiting her sister Mrs. Chamberlain in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Helen and Mr. C. McMaster, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wheatley recently. > Mrs. Carnochan and son Wilmot of Shirley visited her son Howard, one day last week. y Mr: R. Tetlow attended the Mem- orial service and banquet at Oshawa on November 11th* + : Mr. and Mrs, H. Hayes visited her her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milner at Buttonville. on Sunday, and Mrs, Milner returned with them for a few days. - Mr. Sidney Eggington left last week to work in northern Ontario. Mr. H. Williams has, returned to his home in Toronto after spending the summer with Mr. H, Hayes. Master Jimmie Heayn, of Port Perry, spent the week end with his grandfather Mr. J. Milner. : Mr. Harold Burton is calling around here as agent for Watkins Products. ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman, June and Ronald, were guests of their daughter Mrs, D, Lewis at Caesarea, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. D. Kelsey and the lat- ter's mother MPs. W. .Crozier, of Charleston, je cousins Mr. and Mrs. J. Demard® on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey ar'e on a three weeks' honeymoon and left for the United States on Tuesday. : Mrs. I. Rodman and Miss R. Reader have taken up residence in Port Perry here. Next Sabbath the service will be at the usual hour 7 p.m. and Sabbath School at 1.46 p.m. Those who attended the Raglan ser- vices were very much impressed with Rev. Mr. Wylie's messages. - The Sunday School appointed the training committee on Sunday for the annual Christmas tree and concert which will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd. . Mrs. Frank Briggs received word last week of the sudden death of her brother-in-law Mr, Henry Briggs of Ottawa. Deceased, who was in his of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs, David Briggs and spent the earier part of his life here prior to going to Ottawa where he has been in business for some 'year. Sa The School Board, consisting of Messrs. John Grant, Elmer Cook and the Chamber of Commerce which was night and heard a very instructive ad- dress on Educational work given by Dr. Duncan McArthur, Minister ot Education. : : Miss Mildred Painter of Uxbridge, visited Misses Evelyn and Cross on Sunday. } Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Ashburn visited her daughter Mrs. Bert Duff on Sun- day. : implement shed for Mr. Greenhill o the town line this week, ] a number of deer have been noticed riding on the sides of cars. warmer weather the "dear" ride in the rumble seat. + UTICA Mr. Robert Holtby to Chicago last week, "Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, standard, 2 for 2lc. seventy-fifth year is the last member I ON eC HC TNC Frank Booth, attended a meeting of |} held in_the Hotel Genosha on Friday | | Phyllis Mr. Clarence Cook is building an|} Since the hunting season has closed In the|§ Mr. Herman Walker, accompanied | EIN lies Sin a adie wie sai Sif. Sie MOTOR BOOTS : Ladies Velvet Motor Boots, fur trimmed, Black or Brown, per pair - - Ladies Rubber Goloshes, per pair GROCERIES $2.79 $1.85 Celery, 10c. Head Lettuce, 10c. Jamaica Oranges, 39¢. and 49c. Seedless Grapefruit, 4 for 25c. Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 26c. Valentia Raisins, 16¢. Ib. Fresh Christmas Cake Supplies Phone 43, Port Perry X Rai inn EE FR, COAL - COKE . When' in need of any kind: of fuel Five us a call. We handle: Hard Coal--Famous Reading Anthracite If you have not used this clear, carefully prepared Anthracite, try a ton. Satisfied customers year after year are the best recommenda- tion of its good qualities. "Burn it for HEAT, ECONOMY, SAFETY, Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. a COKE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. We also handle SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, SCOTCH AND WELSH BLOWER COAL, STOKER COAL, § a CANNEL COAL. STEAM. COAL and CEMENT--A fresh carload of St. Don't neglect that repair job. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT 3 "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" ° 9 © eo ° AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL If you are interested in having your furnace drafts regulated auto- matically we can supply you with an "Anthracite Automatic Heat Regulator." Price $24.75. installed. Mary's Cement just received. Phones--94W and 94J which is changing hands all over the world at $10.00 copy: Pub- lished early in 'March, 1937 : i Price $1.75 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS PRE-CORONATION NUMBER Weekly issue at increased price, Pictures in colour and numerous with their brother Mr. W. Reader, for the winter. : Miss Ivah Milner visited her sister Miss Dorothy Medd visiting near Raglan with her sister Mrs. Russell 0 Lane. Congratulations to Mr. and with a vocal solo "A Poor Sinner Like Me." MALT EXTRACT AND COD LIVER OIL -- A splendid preparation for growing children or delicate persons LS ANY ~ illustrations dealing with the King and Coronation. . Price 75e. Among. our Sunday visitors were: | Mrs 'C, Heayn at Port Perry for a| Mrs. Russell Lane on the birth of a enabling them to combat the colds of wi ; } _ ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS CORONATIONgCEREMONIAL Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright and Edith few days last week. daughter on Saturday, Nov. 7th, ¥ 1 id 2 hs. 89¢ are is : '4+ "NUMBER. Contains full pictorial Record of Actual Coronation with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright; Mr.| pu L LV. Savage of Whitby i8| 'There was a splendid attendance at . ' " ; Ni {iu scenes. | 7 fs Price $1.00 . <« SPHERE PRE-CORONATION NUMBER, Featuring the frogs ornation scenes, Deals with life of King, Issued May 8 TBe., SPHERE CORONATION CEREMONIAL NUMBER, issued May 15, featuring Coronation scenes. ; 75e. ~~ || THE TATLER CORONATION CEREMONIAL NUMBER, profusely ) oo illustrated. issued May 1 : 6c. THE SKETCH CORONATION CEREMONY NUMBER, profusely .dllustrated. Issued May 19th. "Be. HE BYSTANDER: CORONATION NUMBER, profusely Hiustrated. - Issue y 19th, 45% 2 : C. WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED SPECIAL EXTRA PRE.CORONATION (||oth at the home of his QIRNAPRIOTES | SOUVENIR NUMBER, 56 Pages 16 x 11% inches, a pictorial record T,. and Mrs, ur Layton. A shor f ' of the life of King Edwar II. Issued March 24th, 25¢. yarvies Sondusted bys Rev. A pel a re 0 Di : attended by sympathetic friends an : ; Place your orders with . neighbours held on Monday afternoon THE PORT PERRY STAR and the remains laid to rest in the Dawson, of Pefferlaw, is visiting his to tak o anv Caradtas Union Cemetery at Cadmus, unt Mrs. F. Clark. We are glad to '* "We will be pleased to take your subscription for any Canadian, a se : 5 |B aa English, or American r ine. ' / hear that Mrs. Clark is up and around oe : 0 nglish, or erican magazine SCUCOC only en ET Eo wo ERE LO to hear our pastor was un-| A number of young folk met at the DRAG SAWING DONE $10.00 Jor any corn ot Sallots able diver his messages on Sun-| Township Hall on Monday evening to 75¢c. PER HOUR- Reward 2 orig) Ol oro day. We hope he is feelirig better. [arrange for Mr. Lynde, of Whitby, to Apply Wm. Keeler, Honey's Corners, scientific LLOYD'S 'THYMOLATED| Congratulations to. Mr. and Mrs. | come very Wednesday evening for = " CORN SALVE. This new salve oe Allie Mark on the birth of a daughter sie week and give Singing lessons QUILT BLOCKS nsiiizes cornsc and callouses on Armistice Day, November 1ith.|Here is your opportunity to get some : If you like to make pretty bed Brat appl gation. as Tour drupglat It was also the the birthday of Allie's | training. spreads and quilts, send your name DERFUT. SALVE. 40c. For sale at|niece Mona Brunt, and the anniversary| Lake Scugog has been frozen over and address to the Rainbow Quilt|A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. © | of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | for two nights. It looks as if winter| with her sister Mrs, H. Skerratt. k X Schell, : has come to stay. We hope not as| Mrs, Albert Hall of Port Perry with : there is still dome plowing to do. her daughter Mra, Al. Christie Inst | 3 * * » * Block Co, of 40156 Wichita Avenue, | ei . Clevg:. pd; Ohio, and we will send you | (The firm of Gussn & Rumrmnavs ts dsoived) | Mr, and Mrs. J. Pearce visited thelr a daughter Mrs, R. Tetlow on Sunday week, Mr. and Mrs. Alpine Christie and color "pictures of our latest patterns| ARTHUR W. 8, GREER in 18 inch applique quilt blotk. nov1? : November 16th, in honour of Mrs. : : 0 King 8t, East, Oshawa, Phohe 8160 Pearce's birthday. It was also the friends attended the dance in Memory , Hall on November bth, | n attendance at my Port Perry offs on | birthday of Mrs. E. Sweetman and Wednesday morning and Priday afternton {pri 0 Myrtle Jeffrey. Many happy Mrs. Sutherland, Sr.,, of Columbus, | visiting with Mrs. J. Sutherland, and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mr. ana Mrs. No VanCamp and Audrey with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. VanCamp; Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe and baby arion of Enfield, Mr. Chas, Smith and Robt. at the home of Smith Bros. Deep sympathy is' extended to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bailey in the death of their infant son on Sunday, November visiting her friend Mrs. C. Graham for a few weekas.. . Mr, J. Hardy and sister Clara were guests of their cousins 'Mr. R. Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Long, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Clark and family of Mariposa and Miss Cochrane, of 'Courtice, visited-with Mr, and Mrs, L. Pearce, last week, : Miss Margaret Crozier is spending a few weeks in Oshawa, Miss Luella Jeffrey is spending a few weeks in Port Perry. Mr. Ross Blakely and Miss Doreen the United Church Ladies' Aid last '} Wednesday in the basement of the § Church. ° Congratulations to Miss Jessie: § Walker in winning the silverware and tea set in the popularity contest last | DR. BELL'S CONDITION POWDERS for horses, cattle, week. Mr, and Mrs. Layton, Grimsby, ; y sheep and swine........... 2 Ibs. 50c, 10 Ibs. $1.90 who were prasanttag the programs, Bell's preparations as Poultry are at Sonya this week. ¥ Tonic and E . Oop in 1 The Bluebird Club presented he! ic and Egg Producer, Cattle Cathartic, Veterinary "Mock Wedding" at the Community Medical Wonder, ete. Club at Manchester last Thursday. Sorry to report that Mrs. Jos. Ward underwent a serious operation in Oshawa hospital on Tuesday. Her many friends wish for a speedy re- covery. Master Garry Cormack is spending | _. the winter with his grandmother Mrs. Jas. Swan and attending school here. ¥ Miss Muriel Kerry in Toronto last | {3 week undergoing treatment for her § health. : I Mrs, Miles Crosier visiting with Mr.' and Mrs, Jno, Crosier. ? | Miss Grace Pickard of Port Perry | 4 PHOSPHO-LECITHIN-- repairs nerve waste and builds new tissue. "A splendid nerve tonic. "$1.00 bottle COD LIVER OIL -- An exceptionally fine oil at 59c. pint. Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY Phone 16 -- ,ONTARIO GOO and Baking of the Daily Family Requirements will be readily secured from -- Mr, Raymond Fralick was chosen as one of a team for Ontario County to judge at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr, Innis, the Agricultural Representative, has coached thé boys for 10 days in Jemiso.i's Bakery PHONE 93 PORT PERRY DRY HARDWOOD FOR BALM Apply to the Port Perry Auto Wreckers, Phone 21. novi? of each week or by appoiptment. Queen Strest, Port Perry, Phone 264 "**"™

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