: | 2: ~~ Farmers' Telephones Now Cost Less! On April 1st, rural telephone rates were reduced by 25 cents per month -- $3.00 per year. . - This will mean a saving to the farmers of Ontario and Quebec of over $100,000 a year. : : Other reductions are-- die Hand (cradle) telephones -- d : reduced from 30 cents to 15 cents per month over Desk type (effective with' May bills). Installation charge -- Business telephones Yeduced from $2.25 to © $200. Service connection-- (where instrument is in place) on Business telephones, reduced from $1.15 to $1.00; in- side move charges reduced from $2.00 to $1.00 (effective April 1st). Short haul Long Distance Calls -- 20-cent person-to-person ¢alls reduced to 15 cents. The extra cost for reversing charges on calls to nearby places is cancelled (effec- tive April 1st), \ Deaf Sets -- i The special type of equipment available for the hard-of-hearing is reduced from $2. 50 to . $1.50 per month. ; 14 - » Now is. the time to order your telephone, Our + local representative will be-glad to-explain the benefits of a telephone on the farm. It will save you far more than its cost, especially at the reduced rate. if you need Good Printing, \ > ye Zi - - Consult the PORT PERRY STAR BLACKSTOCK (Too late for last week) Mrs. (Rev.) C. C. Harcourt delivered a splendid Easter message at a ser- vice held at Hayden on Sunday after- noon, March 28th, under the auspices of the W, A. Miss Gwenyth Marlow spent. the | Easter holidays with relatives in To- ronto. Congratulations are extended ta Mr, and Mrs. Austin 'Larmer on the birth .of a baby boy on' Sunday, April 4th. . Misses Mabel and 'Helen VanCamp visited last weék with their grand- mother Mrs. M. Smith, "Mr, and Mrs, W. A. ~VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and son Glen, motored to Elmira where they enjoyed a week end visit with Mr. and Mrs, Norton VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde} Toronto, 'were with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue, on Sunday. A number from here were at the Royal Theatre at Bowmanville, on Saturday night to see "The Dionne Quintuplet4. in Reunion". Roy and Jean Werry of Enniskillen, spent their Easter holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van- Camp, and- with relatives in the vil- lage. : Among our' recent visitors to To- ronto were: Mr. and Mrs. N. Mount- and Jean; Mrs. Carl Wright and Kath- leen; Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jackson, Mr, 5: Brown, .' Mr. Robt. Hamilton has returned home after a pleasant holiday with relatives in. Toronto and Oshawa, | While in Toronto he visited the CFRB studio. Miss Dorothy ~ Redman spent the week end with, her parents at Green- bank. . © Mrs. T. Smith spent' u 16% days with relatives in Lindsay last week. - Her mother Mrs, F, Lamb, 'Feturned with with her, . Mr. and Mrs, Francs Werry and -| family of Enniskillen visited on Sun- day-with Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bailey. Easter visitors were: Miss Vivian Sadler, of Greenwood, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sadler; Miss F. McLaughlin, of Toronto, with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin; Miss - McColl, Miss Eva Brown, Mr. Waldon and Mr. Allin at their respec- tive homes; Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Bell, of Ottawa, with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannan of Kirby, and Miss H. Mountjoy, of Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy; Mr. Anson Taylor, of Toronto, and Miss Susie VanCamp, of Tyrone, under parental roofs, On Friday evening March 26th, the neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. A short program was opened with Mr. Russell Spinks as chairman. The pro- gram consisted of a reading by- Mr. Merle Thompson; violin selection by Mr. Reg. Bounty, accompanied by Miss Frances Graham at the piano; reading 1 BANANAS; GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS - TEXAS SWEET GRAPEFRUIT, CUBAN PINEAPPLES . DELICIOUS APPLES COOKING APPLES, Bsk 35c. LETTUCE; LETTUCE FRESH CRISP LARGE HEAD LETTUCE Vea 2 for 15c. . FRESH CRISP CRINKLEY SPINACH, ....4 bs, for 25c. "FRESH CALIF. LARGE CARROTS, .. large bunches, 5c. FRESH CALIF. NEW GREEN CABBAGE ........Ib. be. FRESH CALIF. NEW BEETS, ..........large bunch 5c. 'CELERY HEARTS, white and crisp, ..........bunch 10c. ASPARAGUS. The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market : Phone 208. We delves BANANAS verve nens...Dozen 25c. 6 for 25¢, 5 for 25c. :+18c. each, or 2 for 35c. Anthony Caruso, Prop. - § SPRING SALE--While They Last! 8 YORK PEAS .........cciiveiiviiiiee.ii. 2 ting 2c. 'YORK PORK & BEANS ....................2 tins 25c.' ; ¢ 8 YORK CORN . ECR CRAVE 11° 4 »~ SHORTENING | .....ooviiiniiiiniininnn.d ths. 40c. ed CAWKER BROS. BEST MEATS 1 BESTS SERVICE :: BEST PRICES ee I I nl [in heli ASPARAGUS § 5 of the United Church was held at the by Miss Marion Stinson, "People Will Talk", The following address was read by Miss Marion Stinson:: Dear Edna and Fred: As the day 1s:drawing near when you have rep¢hed the 25th year of life together, some days were sunny, some were. gray and some were tinged with SOITOW. We, your neigbhours, have met here to-night to extend to you pur con- gratulations and best wishes for the future, We do want to tell you on this hap- py occasion how much we have appre- 8) ciated your unfailing kindness in the days that have come and gone and we would mention your kind hospitality always. Your open door welcomes, us anew. © As an expression of our love and 1 kindly thought to you, we ask you to accept these gifts for. your home and may the joys that the future hold for you be greater than those past." May the smiles and success awaiting you be the kind that will always last. May life for you be all that life can be when it is at its best. Signed on be- half "of the neighbours--Mrs, Russell Spinks and Mrs. Richard Stinson. Mr. Tom McLaughlin and 'Mrs. O Stinson . presented two occasional of money. - Mr. Fred Gibson thanked the neig | pours for the gifts on behalf of him- REE | self and Mrs. Gibson and also for their $3 | thoughtfulness in remembering the #8 | occasion, A delightful lunch was served, The i remaindef of the evening was spent %| in dancing and playing cards. $8 | music was provided by Miss Frances $3 | Graham; Mrs. Lewis Swain, Mr, Geo. ¥ | Forder, Mr. Reg. Bounty, Mr. Grant g | Jackson, with Mr. Geo, Forder, Sr, | as caller. £| a very enjoyable time. The Everyone reported having The regular meeting of the W. joy and family; Mrs. A. W. Wright] 'cessor, chairs and Miss Lola Stinson a purse]. i ---------------- home of Mrs. Harry VanCamp on Tuesday, March 30th, with an attend- ance of 28, The devotional period was in charge of Mrs, (Rev.) Bell. ~ The program was in charge of the hostess and comprised of the following num- bers: a reading by Mrs. Cecil Hill, "In Quarantine"; a vocal duet by Miss Susie VanCamp and Mrs. Clarence Marlow, a reading by Miss Kathleen Wright, "An Easter Story", a reading by Miss Susie VanaCmp, "The Mother Fateh; a talk on Easter by Mrs. F. tinson and a contest conducted by Miss Susie VanCamp. Lunch was served by the group in charge and a vote of thanks tendered the hostess for her hospitality. Mrs. Arthur Read and son Clayton are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashton, of Hayden. Mr. Arthur Read has secured a position on the night shift at the Goodyear factory in Bowmanville * * Keep in mind the evening's enter- tainment to be held in the Community Hall, on Thursday, 22nd sponsored by a group of St. Johr's W. A, Theré will be lantern slides included in which will be numerous local pictures show- ing family groups, brides and grooms, old fashioned photos an views of Blackstock in bye-gore days. The April meeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey or: Wednesday evening the 7th, and was in charge of the President. The rector read the Scripture Lesson and led in prayer. The Bible Study was taken by Mis. W. Crawford. The roll call was answered with an interesting item about ore of the royal family. During the business session fifteen dollars was voted to the purchase of a bed for Bighop Horden's Memorial Indian Residential School at Moose Faltory, Ont. Mrs. (Rev.) Harcourt's late father was Bishop Horden's suc- The 'program was a social evening in charge of Mrs. Harcourt arid Mrs. Robt. Archer. A reading entitled "Life's Meaning and Worth" was given by Miss Isobel Chilvérs: An apple contest was won by Messrs. L. Devitt and R. Bailey, and Mrs, Archer. A _word contest was also enjoyed. Lunch was served by those in charge and a vote of thanks tendered Mr. and Murs. Bailey for their hospitality. No. present 26. R. Worshipful Bro. C. P. Devitt, Grand Marshall of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Kast is in Ottawa this 'week attending the annual meet- ing of the Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Willan spent the week end in Kitchener, . } Mrs. Clarence Malow visited re- cently with her sister Mrs. Oakley Carley ir: Cavan. : Sunday visitors were: Edith Wright with Audrey Mountjoy; Mr. Roy Tre- win of Enniskillen with Mr. Billie Garce; Jack Marlow with Arnold Tay- lor; Mrs. W. VanCamp with her mother Mrs. M. Smith; Miss Vivian Sadler of Greenwood with her parents; Miss Susie VanCamp of Tyrone at her home. i Mrs. Earl Dorrell spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs, Norman '| Mourtjoy. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Parr, Mrs. Robt. Parr and Florrie, were in To- ronto on Thursday last. The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey on Wednesday afternoon, "April Tth with ar: attendance of 25, After the de- votional period several songs were sung from the Institute Song Sheets. The roll call was answered with "My Favorite Flower". Mrs. Leith Byers and Mrs. T. Smith were appointed to meet the directors of the Port Perry Fall Fair in connection with the In- stitute Exhibit. The program was in charge of Mus. A. E. McGill's group and was as follows: a reading, "The Patchwork: Quilt" by Mrs, Standford VanCamp; a reading "Our Town' by Mrs. A. L. Bailey; a piano solo by Mrs. M. Mountjoy. A paper on "Vege- tables, Their Food VaJue and Prepara- tion", by Mrs. T. Smith; and a contest in charge of Mrs. McGill and won by Mrs. N. Mountjoy to whom a prize was awarded by Mrs. McGill, Lurch was | served and a vote of thanks tendered the hostess. Mrs. Naysmith Henry and daugh- ters of: Janetville are visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Bailey. The members of the Y. P. U. of Blackstock United Church paid a-visit last -week, The address of welcome was given by Rev. Mr, Withame of the Burketon Urited Church. Mr, Arnold Johnston read the Scripture and led in prayer while Miss Jean Wright. took charge of the Worship Service, Miss "Christ and the Court" and Miss M. VanCamp the topic, "The Life of D. L. Moody". Other items on the program A.| were: a solo by Miss Anna Thomson, "Just a bit of Sunshine", a reading by | to .Burketon on Thursday evening of | Doris Marlow gave the Bible Study, | OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 15-16-17 © * "FIRE OVER ENGLAND" with ' Flora Robson - Raymond Mukaoy ~-- ADDED --* General Motors Oshawa Strike Pictures in Paramount News LE COLORED CARTOON, "The Fellow with a Fiddle" REVIVAL -- Friday, 10.45 p.m. "BROADWAY MELODY or 1936" with Jack Benny and Eleanor Powell Starting Monday "Maytime" starring _ Jeanette MacDonald - Nelson Eddy - Herman Bing John Barrymore - Tom Brown, Added "MY ARTIFICIAL TEMPERATURE" "POPEYE" WN EN TR NTS TN TR TN TS RN TT TR IR TN TR TS TR TL TN TR TN RL TT TR DN TL NN ON JN TRL TR PR JR SR TT A WS ARERR ER FLEA FE ERERFREN TOTO FINN SS RS RR RRR RS RS NS RED & WHITE STORE FLOOR 'COVERINGS Compare Our Prices Borderless Rugs CONGOLEUM 9x6, $3.60 FELTOL, 9 x 6, ..$3.00 REXOLEUM, 9x6, $2.34 All other sizes in proportion. age nos Printed Linoleum 2 yards wide, ..$1.50 yd. 2 4 yards wide, ..$3.40 yd. # Know a Fellow"; a mouth organ and harp selection by Mr. Leslie Beacock; | a reading by Miss Ferga Johnston, remarks of hymn, "There were Ninety and Nine" at the close of which ail! joined in singing the hymn. Contests were then enjoyed after which lunch was served by the young people of, Burketon Y.P.U. I regret two mistakes which appear- ed in our 'Blackstock news a short time ago and am pleased to make the cor-| rection, The names of Mrs. Lorne Bradburn and Mrs. Clarence Butsor: men are still minus a "Mrs". I don't know who was responsible: for the mis- take, boys, but we'll try and do bet- ter in the future.--Cor. -- te ------------ . SCUGOG The Sunday School lessons for this quarter are nearly all taken from the Book of Genesis, the first book written by Moses ard the first book of the Bible. The Junior Girls' Institute are plan- ning for an "At Home" for their brothers and their friends on April 23. Further particulars later. Report of 8S. S. No.2 low 76, Rena Swetman 71, Glen De mara 69. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mora and Carl, of Enniskillen, visited Mus. Brunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Mrs. Mark and granddaughter Lois Jeffrey returned home with them for a few days. ' Miss Myrtle Sweetman of Toronto, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Audrey visited in Toronto over the week end. Mrs. Ploughman return- ing home with them after her opera- tion last week. We are glad to know she is improving in health. "Miss Clara Harding is staying with Mrs. Ploughman for a time. Irene Marguerite has returned home spending a Tew weeks, Mr. frey's on Monday and have quite a lot to do. ard we heard the frogs for the flwt : | Miss G. Beacock, "Wher: you get to: I should have read "Mr." as these Jong, Sweetmar: WP end. 'F Mr. E. Plough¥han and daughter from Buttonville where they have been" Ed. Fielding and son Clarence time or. Monday night. started to saw lumber at Mr. O. Jef- oy have started to work on the land. driving again. The lake is once more clear of ice, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, on Saturday. Printed Oilcloth Per square yard, 48c. LINOLEUM RUGS, 9 x 6 ee vee. $6.15 FELTOL RUGS, 9x6 ......0..... ovis $3.75 CONGOLEUM RUGS, 9x 6 ...............0. ...$56.25 WALLPAPER 200 patterns in stock. NEW SUNWORTHY 12¢. per roll and up NEW SUNTESTED 10c. per roll and up These papers are all sun resisting. TheSun- worthy papers are semi- trimmed. The Sun Tested papers "are ready trim- § - med. : "F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY 0000000000000 0800 000000 080800000R0000000000000ttRteteReteseetsrtesdsed reco Sr. IV--Clem Jeffrey 80, Joyce Tet-! 3 i Mrs. Hayes ard her little daughter CHOICE MEATS i Phone your order and we assure ; "you of choice quality. i BERT MacGREGOR 1] an R < 2 3333338832288 083 283203300000 228033003000800228000820082022030030002004328022802208082882833¢4 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% » BE EE EEE EEE WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF PASTRY and BREAD FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD and A ER I I EL ERE ? gr. 19. Seger Swectman 60, 5 FLOUR. BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, SALT, ren 3 ia ' Sr, 11I--Mildred Stokes 79 1] ARGENTINE CORN, POULTRY GRIT, SHELL Jr. III--Nick Boyko 86, Jas. Stokes g : i oR; LO.PEP" CHIC 56, Russell Fines 66. i» QUAKER Fil 0-PEP" CHICK STARTER, II--Douglas Flewell 65, Harold n and WHEAT. PURINA & MASTER FEEDS Kenton 63. = - I--June Sweetmar. 94, Isobel Fle- | ALWAYS ON HAND. * well 88, Sadie Stokes 88, Robt. Bea- 'm cock 86. | 3 5 Primer--Lois Jeffrey 94 5 . " \ } M. E. Corbett, Teacher. 8 Lake Scugog Milling Company : Mrs. Masterson, of Toronto, is . . a : spending a few weeks with her friends ei Mrs. Stephenson and daughters. -- -- es MS NE TE ~¢ wr J PORT PERRY GROCETERIA PURDY BLOCK, PORT PERRY | - * ! 4 3 You help yourself x; the best the market aforas=lon pri ices a_--_--_ = yn «ag a Bed HRB ER ea EAs $3 6 for 25c. ..Ib tin 19c. per 1b. 19c. per Ib, 17c. large jar 23c. .2 tins 15c. NEE A RPRENERS Agr rp 2 tins 17c. ....per tin 10c. ORANGES . .dozen 23c. each 19c. JELLY POWDERS GROCETERIA BAKING POWDER SHREDDED COCOANUT .......ov nin. CHOICE MIXED BISCUITS DEVON SWEET PICKLES CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP ..... HEINZ'S TOMATO JUICE BLACK SHOE POLISH ...... . | BLACK a ,.23c. dozen. PINEAPPLES Cee eee PE I I CEE ERE RE Cee eee ee DICER ECR -- god = ; RR } GC. A. PALMER, Prop. We Deliver Phone 36 NE PN, SNL SAC TT, SE MIE IPI RT it" Te RR A few farm- shape so the high school pupils are Re Mr. Clem Jeffrey and sister Lois Mr, M. McLaren has leased the farm RRR visited their grand parents Mr. and recently vacated by Mr. N. Stokes. N WS Mr, and Mrs, Sydney Chardler visit- AR: Tim woexds ase all dry and in splendid er her father Mr. J. Milner recently. et