Py FE 33) ET A we EA BRINE Lia A 350-Mark Record Capt. Evstcn Is Expected to Re- turn Next Year to Win New Laurels EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM HERE, THERE AND ' Of "Human Clock" 1 i Charles Hester, Shawnee, Okla- homa's human alarm clock, may soon learn what lias caused the audible ticking in his head for the past 19 ® a commentary highlights of the news ® by = a lin} oi sai 2) "Ia : ~ Racer Will Attempt : Study To Be Made AI ~ Never Shout Ont Street Corners Ooly Call Qut Name of Papers -- EVERYWHERE, H f 2 They Are [ lin . Not the is : o BONNESVILLE SALT FLATS, re Nis: Jewell Adams Red Gross on outstanding events jane Fortune Headlines | = Utah. With the salt dust hardly set- executive, said last week the Vet : . S tled on: Capt. George E. T. Eyston's 811.42-mile an hour land speed rec- ord, friends predicted this week he'll be back fiext year for a shot at the 850 mark. : Eyston's ~ eight-wheeled "Thunder- bolt" smashed Sir Malcolm Camp- bell's 301.2 record for. the measured mle. En route it was clocked over a measured kilometer at a sensa- tioral 319.11, Eyston refused to say definitely © CANADA Attractive Highways X : The old method of clearing out every vestige of natural growth and leaving a bare, ugly scar across the face of nature is giving way to new ideas of conserving highway beauty, It took a long time for the highway builders to come' to this better point of view. In the past, considerations of natural beauty too often have been THE EMPIRE The Ones To Decide The war in China, like all wars, is a terrible thing, and peace is the nat- ural ambition. But it should be re- membered that it is China and not the Brussels Conference who is fight- ing, united and determined, against aggression, and so long as the Japan- | ese continue this aggression only China can say when she has had exrans Bureau had arranged for Hes- ter to enter a Chicago hospital for diagnosis. - Hester's head has ticked like a clock since a shell exploded at his feet in the Great War. The ticking can be heard three feet away. I'TS A FACT _ By KEN EOWA Ds WHEAT. INSTITUTE: = Deploring the fact that Canada has never had a definite wheat policy, has left the marketing abroad of Canadian wheat almost entirely to chance, Henry L. Griffin, Direetor of the Research De- partment of United Grain Growers Limited, is 'urging upon the Royal Grain Inquiry Commission, the form- ation of a Wheat Institute to conduct research in uses of Canadian wheat. er farm products. * search made concerning markets, di- rect advertising done, Sooner or lat- er 'a market plan for wheat would lead to planned marketing of all oth- + » TENSION EASED: Since Britain's commercial recognition last month of Gen. Franco's ascendancy in Spain, tension has gradually been easing off in the civil war crisis there. Three 3 London has newsboys--who do not ery the news, who sel! sot one news- paper, but all newspapers, and who are not boys? : y In that country of Town Criers is just not done to shout omy glreet corners, although sometimes t WE venders will cry the names of the . Journals they are selling and the type of issue. "Star, News and Standard; Late Night Final Paper!" That ig their modest call. he would return but hinted at an Sloregeried as unimportant and {m- | enough. It is not'a boxing match in This week as pro- | Lhe immediate purpose of the insti- | other factors have in the meantime | "mye ronson they remain silent about other speed drive when he said Thun- | Practical. They are neither. Increased | which diplomats have the right to mised, we continue | tute would be to increase Canada's operated to reduce the situation to | yo contents of the papers, and still derbolt "clearly demonstrated tg | use of the automobile in lelsure time | throw a towel into the ring. If Japan | with the "official | €XPort trade in wheat. Trade rela- | its quietest since July 1936: --Fran- | nanase to gell them, fs that they car- peas Lilities." iy Jociantions) antiriies ws Ye) refuses to offer reasonable terms, or boxing ome tions would have to be studied, re- | co's willingness to establish, if id ry with them contents bills, issued ~ Other Contenders i x Ee i pos "Mi 499 it China refuses to accept those that 1: 5A co ri Uoatant - - | wins the war, a proLeilish monarchy by the 'papers concerned. . Jwo other contenders for the rec- Link nile Safe and ar tl Oa are offered, a new situation will arjse. shall be deemed 2-Abandonment of, Britain's at in Spain; withdrawa oI Russian par-. PIES S Foil Th Stor cd anpeared:, 'ent and imi should be irl In that case it will be the duty of down". whet tempt to obtain a general European | ticipation in the conflict; departure acards Te e y £ John Coo vatund" Landon Fur font am mas wl th £5 A the Conference not to conceal it, -- (a) Any part of his | Settlement. ; of 20.000 Italian troops from Spain These placards have cryptic state- troker who drove an endurance | in bins yable, is Manchester Guardian. body other than: his 3--Agreement that the question of | and from the Balearics, a bad dan: | ments upon them, seldom more than gpecdeter here last year. RB. C. Dills- SE in feet is on the ring | Colonies and all other questions con- | ger-spot. It is expected that other | five words in all, and the fewer the brry, American Automobile Astoria S F . ain : so: cerning Germany be settled bildterally | powers will shortly rush to recognize.| better. But the visitor need not be "Ion tice, sad Cobb had teseerad uses a arming ; Britain Broadcasts (b) He is * hanging | 80d Without connection with tho Franco, with Janan, Portugal, Aus- | mislead by these messages in print, Sertember 1 to 15, 1958, for meas. Can lk hoe nd fool a Jarry) In the present century a series of helplessly over the | L88ue of Nations. tria, Hungary and Poland in the lead. | If hebuys a paper which announces SFail Tile Lots. " cossr y 8 h spin minds, hu foreign agencies has come into being Fopess It's all just dandy, except that the upon {ts placard "England in Danger: Ab Jenkins, American driver, whe glo myth. Tho man or | whose manipulation of news items, Des Air Force In Plot poor Spanish Government (Loyalist) | Latest," will usually, find that the for two ycars kas heen dArcaming of a two-motored specd car and a 350 m.2.h, record. Reaches 317.74 Evston drove one mila at 3505.84 rh. and on the return trip boost- ed th's to godizzy 317.74. He broke the kilometer mark of 276.16 with a brief snurt at 812.20 m.p.h. "Thunderbolt. which we built in siz short months as an exneriment, rerformed perfectly after clutch dif- ficulties were remedied," the retired B-it'sh army officer said. The clutch stalled two re~rd attempts. Sr Malcolm Cambbell set the pre- previous woman who hopes to make a success of life in the country districts and on the land must have a greater diver- sity of knowledge than the person who makes a success of his or her af- fairs in urban communities. Indeed, the person who knows little or noth- ing about land activities is astonished to discover how resourceful even farm children are and the multitude of things they can do before they are well into their 'teens. Certainly, if we are to have an expansion of suc- cessful farming in this province, the old idea that "any fool can farm" must be driven from the minds of some in official circles.--Halifax Herald. we regret to say, has shown a distinct antl-British bias. The same applies to the radio medium, The microphone has been prostituted to ulterior mo- tives by other countries in scandalous fashion. The air is poisoned daily and nightly with mendaciovs messages and with what is worse--garbled versions and halt-tfuths. The nationals of sev- eral countries read and hear only what dictators and government controllers desirg them to receive and digest. The minds of these people are filled with. concerning . Great Britain and the Empire, We: distorted intelligence" would be slow to advocate that Brit: ain in turn should use the radio as an (c) Rising from "down" position. » * L * . NOTE: A boxer hanging over the ropes .is mot officially "down" until 80 pronounced by the referee, who can count the boxer out either on the topes or on the floor. ) + ss» No match shall be of .more than 10 rounds in length without special permission of the such rounds shall be of not more than three minutes duration, with one min- ute intermission between rounds. * * LJ * In the event of a foul, intentional or otherwise, which prevents a man Commission and- PARIS. -- THe terroristic plot' of "Les Cagoulards" (Hooded Men) to overthrow the Government by ravolu- tion, set up a Fascist:dictatorship and ultimately restore. the -monarehy, led. investigators this week to the high command of the French air force. Within eighteen hours after Minis: ter of Interior Marx Dormoy announc- ed that the sensational expose involv- ed leaders of 'the defense fopces' agents of the Surete 'Nationale seizeu General Edouard Duseigneur, retired Commander of the air force. New Lieitenant-Governor .-OTTAWA.--Alhert Matthews, mem- is left out in the cold. * * * 'STATION NEAR POLE: Interest in the potentialities ofyCanada's Afec- 'tic 'areas was .given -a hig lift ths summer by Baron Tweedsmuir's tour of the Northwest Territories, and by "the penetration into those distant re- gions of 'ten separate scientific ex- peditions. The secrets, of the North have a greater drawing power than ever. Now a proposal comes that the Dominion Government build and mainta'n a sc'entific station some-. here near the centre of the Arctic rchipelago, a headquarters from reference is to the fate of an Eng- lish games team in an international match, vsually cricket. ©nce when 'England was cut off from the conghn- ent of Eurore by a terrific storm the contents "bill read, 'with typical Brit. ent isolated." Perhaps the neatest of recent years was when the airman, Charles Scott, had put up a fine per- formance flying to Africa and one evening paper announced, 'Great Scott", : : * Another reason for the failure of newsboys to cry the news is that most of them have a *pitch," a sot territory, which may belong to a pri- . ile record here i . agency for propaganda. The broad- | from continuing, "the Commission . | Avhich expeditions could operate. The _person or company, such as the vioug mile record here in 1935. He Unending Round , propag e ge I, the bbr of a Toronto brokerage firm bear Department of Mines and Resources | '2t8-Person o pany aloo held the kilometer record estab- | jyrg just hang thing after the | Cor n8 Of mews, however, should | may, in its discretion, impoun ing his name and brother of Hon, R. | h H tisadh entrance to a railway station; and lith=d at Daytona Beach. § Just onc 'hang thing after the | ,chjeve jg own end.---Belfast Tele- | entire purse of the perpetrator of | Matthews, Minister of Natfonal | '2'¢ the matter under consideration | (oo oise 1s forbidden. Further. Jenkins so far has concentrated on d'stance and endurance. He holds the records for drives from 12 to 24 hours and for distances of more than 2,000 kilometers. - Prescribes Faith | in Individual Rec soleler Urges Cre For The Collective Fear from Which the other. The ice wagon no sooner gets off the horizon than the coal cart pulls up at the cellar window.--Guelph Mercury. Advice to Parents It is perhaps too much to expect the sons and daughters of today to find as much interest and entertain- ment in family tasks as members of earller generations did. There are too many competing interests. But the girl who learns to cook and keep house and the boy who masters the intri- cacies of the family furnace or learns graph, Praying Insect Is Increasing More of Strange Bugs, Natives of Europe, Are Found in Ontario The praying bug is increasing in Ontario, Take that literally. Its name is the European praying mantis, said foul, or any part of said purse for disposal. * * LJ * And so, my friends till next week, --Good-bye --Good luck. News In Brief | "Clarion" Office Raided . MONTREAL. -- Quebec Provincial Police raided the Montreal office of the Toronto newspaper, "The Daily Revenue in the Bennett Government, this week was named Lieutenant-Gov- ernor of Ontarlo, He succeeds Hon, Dr. H. A. Bruce, who announced his resignation last week. The appoint- ment became effective Nov. 30. Terrorist Hanged JERUSALEM. -- The newly-created military tribunal at Haifa passed sen- tence pf death by hanging on one of Palestine's most dangerous Arab ter- rorists this week-end as large conting- ents of troops and police went into. and will probably discuss it with leading scientists interested in Are- t'c exploration. The site pronosed for the station is on the northern 'end of Boothia Pen'nstla, the most nor- therlv 'mainland -on the Continent. "Twill come in Fandy a few years "hence when we beain spending our weck-ends 'at the Pole. ! * * = | $1500 INCOME: A survey under- taken in the smaller c'ties of the Un- ited States reveals that the annual income of the typical American fam- 'more, 'a large proportion of newsvens» dors are 'newsagents without a sh individualists on their own, selling oh daily newspapers.and keeping eight- pense (16 cents) from the proceeds of every quire (24) sold. If a vendor 'hag anything which might be called « a stall, and which requires a set pitch on the pavement, he has tg pay five shillings for a license, - 1 There are many street salecsmena who are real newsagents and: sell every -conceivable type of journal, daily; weekly and monthly, and there ish directness, "Great Storm: Contine. ._qy -{=m- 5; . , Charles E. Corfe of the Royal On- | ly i s 500; F Are minor magnates who pay youths ' Viaild Is Suffering Ih ny Soni vars van | 14 Hosen mss at Ute | lon hs beokant sud eon 1 | Sole O1oVIE 8 mW soreat di | yn io lo 150, hom Shey | as minor musa who by opin i D Rockefeller finds -- oily row De a. sg sects crossed from New York State, | copies of the paper along with other : "a er part of the remainder buys food various street corners. a er hesialin at the wt on thelr school curricvlum. Perhaps Whee they ave billovel to have Joon | Ifdicntionk i { Preparing Railroads and clothing for the family. : The Football Results) Only ' cf yo g arents have overlooked tl ibjl. | introduced on nursery stock from Eu- In the Park Avenue office, police MOSCOW.--Dictator Joseph V. Sta- | average size of families on relief in : 3 * Thuis, "hewlidored = by Pysvy: dalse Ho 4 : h > : hr os ios 1 Tope. sald, they found also a few coples of lin has issued an urgent order to re- | nineteen cit'es ranges from 3.4 'to Ths righty of these fen ars en. x) vl Tee 2a Ten ins fan he tl : "to h Iradzes ' ou iB The attitude 'in which they hold | the Montreal French weekly, Clarte store the strategic Trans-Siberian | 5.1, while for non-relief families the formed not 17 daw. bur ly gustom, In i individual as the antidode| to collect=--{ Not have 0 rudges but they might their front legs has given rise to the | (light), whose office and printing i " 5 onl oh AVOVAid 35 8.0 to 4.5 Interesting | return. it has become the custom for ive fear. ! aounlly learn to like ii -- London nanie "praying." The word "preying" | plant were locked up a fortnight ago Railroad to "efficient opera on oh 1) Ton 0 2 Js rr y om 'the. men to make as little' noise as "A glance at the world today," he | Free Press. ] would have dogs just as well for they under Quebec's "padlock" law aimed ag Les isiy ost 5 Ie farrea ding et iin) may be | Possible. told a dinner gathering at Interna- w 1d E ic Uni eat other insects. The female even at stamping out Communistic propa- Ries CTL Miophion goHa, 3tawi Colorful sidelight of the ore The only cry approximating to tha ; joa igs) ow Yous, Ufevasis Te I Conomie ge To Argentine | devours her own mate. Mr. Corfe told | 8anda: 1 0 comes from another report, made by ps ? Sine tint Bod x in the night." : and Canadian wheat jumps five cents | the, annual meeting of ihe Entomo- Disast J ican Floods May Surrender Nanking , | 2 commission of economists and sta. pitch run down the streets shouting, I l i in price. In almost everything except logical Society of Ontario that their 1sastrous Jamaican I'loo The belief grew this week-end that'! -tisticians financed: by the U.S. Gov- "Fcotball Results, paper!" To: the US Dantiohed four of wngiiplop. government, the world fs a unit to- | Numbers have been increasing in KINGSTON, Janmeios, -- Fears, that | op 8100 Bd ht relinquish Nanking | ernment, which shows that the .po- : 1 fmews. for th ment among the workers, growing 3 ' rd.1s.2 yu Southern Ontario for several years death toll in disastrous floods sweep- E a Es foniial fucome oF every fale | the | British public that is news, for: the iq anxicty among employers as to whe. ay, events in one part being reflect- y . ing Jamaica would reach 100 or | t© Japan with only -face-saving rear- ncome every family in the public's attitude champions the im- ¢ 3 i ther they could remain in business, | 1 bY their effects in all parts.--Ed- First Seen In 1914 more wero 'held this weok-end after | 8uard .action .in order to spare the | copntry amounts to $4,400. There's 3 | portance of sport, and a very good a i : fear within nations arising from | monton Journal. The first one in Ontario so far as | receipt of ajmessage stating that a | CAPital from destructive bombard lsshans, Senate; $2. 52900, which attitude it 1s." SHH "the noisy clash of differing theories They Don' Vib ~ known was seen near Cooksville in | raging river torgent had swept through ont. Many CAIs Sarangi 6a) a %s..attribute--to-eco- , ; ww 7 of social control," and [constant | Ahey Don't Vibrate 1914 by Richard Garrett of Deseron- | the village of Phrtiand, taking seventy | ¢8I8 yas Sndersiools ave =~ iy ) a overshadowing fear of war. ~ Women as a rule do not make good | yo. : Hr Tha ny, course which would protect hundreds " r wile Market for Wheat oy Duty Is Clear radio sunouncers and dis 1a wot due | "ye goon 10, sol the solely that ol inilllons of dollars Invested in mag. | FASCISM IN AMERICA: Brazil's . Sia t "Now that solemn obligations be- | 0 80¥ inherent lack of ability but |p == 5 Co many people mis- Strikers Refuse . hificent new bulldings and expensive | sin) Constitution was proclaimed Came Too Easily he tween nations seem to be regarded gl to a physical La fork for young humming birds last WALKERTON, Ont.--The 100 strik- Big ina Aro.0t tha) fy last week by President Vargas, nam. | : «© tha as not worth the paper they are writ- oR i al © | summer -- flew here from states to Ing employees of the Canadian Spool | _ ny Eb ia Area hn ing himself as Supreme Head of the Agricultural Writer Paints Out Ah ten on, now that an agreement ap- a" Tie an? br a { the south and west of Ontario. and Bobbin Company this week turned bined wim tion of a 000 San ndis State with dictatorial powers. The Canada Grows Bect Wheat in i ! pears to be no longér sacred if it 5 Ti an d th ar adi 4 Drought is believed to have driven | down the proposal of settlement made Mlleation 41 Sieg hal b DP or democratic world was startled and a World giahd . ik ceases to be in the interest of either HoGheeis he iin S eo) them from their homelands. by Company President Willlam Shaw, > a nn n ¢ Age a Bays little apprehensive at this manifes- or : ot party, now that the: end is thought metier, but broadl i oy 3 F. A. Urquhart stated that the in- | and pickets continued to patrol around ai Presse ign bn ors ee i tation of growing Fascism, the estab- ] | I to justify the means and might makes calling not tHE T ee Po | sect collection of the Royal Ontario | both plants of the factory, while pro- ia pe ys Sandy BUDPDTES: | lishment of America's first totalitar- Miss Cora Hind, well-known agri right -- one's confidence in institu mn] There are many women pro- | Museum contained -a quarter of a | duction remained at a standstill, o! P : ian state. The mew decree abolishes | Cultural writer who recently made a - tions, movements and mechanisms is fessional sadip performers who are a | Million speciniens. : : Parliament, replacing it with two im- | World tour, reminded the annual meet- i; severely shaken, : great success, but it does not.neces- Hitler's Demands Hits At Stock Ex potent, hand-picked bodies which can | inns, at:Winnipeg, of the United Grain Ey (But there is an antidote to fear, | corny follow that mess oo thoes on | LONDON.--Chancellor Hitler was | = WASHINGTON.--The Roosevelt Ad- | be jailed 'or dismissed at will; puts | Growers that while Canada grows the A and that is faith. make good radio announcers, -- To- "Infra-red" ray detectors, used for | reported this week by diplomatic | ministration cracked down on Wall | industry, agriculture, commerce, | Pest Wheat in the world, ithe world PIER "Although organized society hesi- [ yon Telegram ; locating objects in"fog, or at night, | sources to have asked Viscount Hall- | Street this week-end, serving an ultl- | transport and banking under a new | 408 not have to buy Canadian wheat, A tates, confused, at the crossroads, un. : are so sensitive that they can detect'| fax during their conversations in Ger- | matum that the stock exchange must corporative "Council of National Eco- Answering the questionigs to what oud decided as to the next step, the duty The British liner, Queen Mary, is | ® MAD. one mile away, through fog, | many for three definite commitments, reorganize or be .egulated much | nomy", also dismissable, The main | could be Sums Shou 5 Miss ig i i + of the individual is clear -- to make equipped with an "ultrashort wave | PY the heat of his hody.. all regarded as inacceptable to Great more drastically, = hope of democratic countries -is that;| Susgested that Canada's gis trouble vs 4 f himself in every way as fine and searchlight" which sends out short- ih » . Britain, .- . | "Adequate safeguards" must be | the new Brazilian set-up will prove i TE . i 14 7 i useful as the resources and opportun- waves that bounce back, or echo The British Empire comprises an These sources said Hitler asked | thrown about this and other ex- | just another dictatorship of the La- th tter of obtain t iE ities available to him make possible." | TEV thoy strike any object in the | 8Tea of 13,226,749 of the earth's 62, | for: changes, either by the marts them- | tin-American pattern with none of | 28% the me id 0 By RINNE AN Senor i ra 2 International House was founded Sante. ' 000,000 square miles of land surface, 1--British recognition that Germany | selves or the Securities Commission, | the rampant imperialism of the true | Market had been too easy @ conquest. i : i by the Rockefellers to provide dormi- -- and has a population of more than | has "special interests" in Central | said Willlam O. Douglas, Chairman of | Fascist state," (such as Italy and Alm to Beat Ours ; i 4 tories and social life for students, f ---" : one-fourth that of the entire earth. Europe, ) 'the Commission, Germany.) There had been no steady campaign 74 : most of them of foreign birth. ; : ] : to keep the world thinking. It must i] -- fon Sannin woes, Sorcone Gov x A EN a not ke n 3 : eo 1 i THE WONDERLAND OF 0zZ other countries were doing by way of ih Trapper Finds -- a a ee ome ie - A ; improving guality and yield of their LF i * ! : ; , LS own, wheat, Lik B ! Mammoth Tusk j- It was significant, said the speaker, Van i .that bi 2 {heir metiio Nes iy Yer . NY crossing the best quality 'of domestic ¥ ji 2 Ancient, Buns Weighing 160 Lbs. winter wheats with 'Canadian Mar. AH y discovered m Arctic quis and Reward varieties. In Rou-g 4 ) mania, .a8 in other 'countries, the' 3 Relic of the days when bands of goal aimed at was to beat No. 1 Manis oi shaggy ancestors of the modern ele- i toba Hard Wheat. . i phant roamed the Arctic wastes, a Fo \ i large mammoth tusk passed through SL Ri dmonton the other day on its way Ia : x J : » Th + to a museum in Ames, Towa. Round-The-World Rout Pi i vik & Found by a trapper this summer 2 the shore of Edward Island in Great 'Britain has figured out a 1450 oronation Gulf, the six-foot long round-the-world air route which it Hh ossified bone; was presented to Asso- expects: tojcover in thirteen days, 14 ciate Biologidt J. Gillham of the Un- Ha starting within the next 8 years." ¥ ited States department of surveys' "Then 1 thank you for the favour," "They are enchanted," returned the As they passed a low table, a small | Southampton, England, is to be the pp AT waham is Pions Sdneiing [led no. whamout for she could not imag. sald the Queen, but my clifldren, nen, calmly. "Ob my poor darlingst" green grasshopper caught Hilllna/s I Juincipal base, Rom there Tpertal " : Zn ~dno Where she was. "Good .morning, where are my childrent" she entreat: cried the Queen with a sob of anguish eye, an}l instantly she pounced upon TWays pans 3 schedule o! one da wd ation was available concerning the ma'am," gaid Blllina, "you're lookin ed. "Don't worry about them," advis:- sys ve, to Botwood, Nfld. Depending on 4 yellow bone, Weighing 160 pounds, quite well, considering your po 4 ed Billina, "Just at present hey ate Don't let that worry you, ma'am," it, snapping it up in her sharp till, for | the inauguration of Trans-Canada the spiral tusk was examined by curi- "Who speaks?" demanded the Queen out of mischief and perfectly safe, as sald Billina, "I'l set them free in a grasshoppers ate a favorite food with | Air Lines 'next 'Summer, North Am- - ous bystanders as it was unloaded by of Ev. "Why, my name {s BIL" an a matter of fact, they can't.even wig. . 'minute, Come. with. me and "I'll. show 'hens and they. usually. "Yrs erica will be covered from' Botwood, : ain 'baggagemen at Edmonton, end- ewered the hen, "although Dorothy gle." "What do you mean?' demand: you how pretty they look." She flew quickly before they hop away, The ! on the Atlantic, to Vancouver, on ' 4 . Ing & 1,800-mile trip south by boat calls me Billina. I've saved you from ed the Queen, looking at Billina anx- down from her perch and walked into grasshopper was the-6bject.into which the Pacific Coast of Canada, in one i pnd train, the Gnome King." fously, the next room, - Osma had been transformed, and one-half days. " 1 ' } . Asn) .