i a s 8.2 ~ + 3x Fe LXXXXO RRR RX ROS] Classified Advertising | NN ANNAN HOY ALY AAO TO TOTO To T0002 al energetic man considered. te . ticulars to Mr, Eliott, 72 Queen west, 'To. nto. = os PROFITS, AGENTS, ROUTE MEN (gelling stores, homes. Hundreds of big money makers. Clothing, dry goods, toilet preparations, household specialties, drug sundries. Free catalogue. Write Ralco Wholesale, Box 1404, Montreal. AUENTS TO SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR Christmas. Good profits. Write for samples and price list. Murgatrold Agencies, Yonge Bt. Arcade, Toronto. SELL GLYCO HANDCLEANER AGENTS WANTED IN ALL COMMUNITIES + to demonstrate and sell Glyco, the perfect 1 TE hand cleaner. Glyeo uvercomes competition, F | "« Rea, ale fumnier and winter, Ex- ve territory. Glyco Company of Canada,' St. Nicholas Building, Montreal, Jose: \YATCHES, BLANKETS, SETS OF BILVER- ware, Tolletware and many other useful articles given to our agents. Send for free & AGENTS WANTED HAIR GOODS BALESMAN WANTED BY WIGS, TOUPEES, TRAN - N1E d ¥ a SKORMATIONS, Hable Font, Nurseries 4h ~ Braids, Curls, and all types of finest qual- 3 ' Fond itennlal and ity Goods. Write for dllustrated cata- Brgetal Sines. tant aw b ve ern Jogue. Toronto" Human Hatr Supply Co., it. Btone and 'Wellington, Toronto 2. 28 Bathurst Street, Toronto. ~ @° ©ELL SOBIES GUARANTEED LINGERIE, a 4: ~~ HONEY hosiery. Manufacturers. - Stores, Estab. : lished 25 years. Christmas seller, Expert- DELICIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO gacs unnecessary, 'Get detalls. Sobles, 140 « buckwheat, 6-10's, $4.20, H. D. Mcintyre, Faroham, Que. = port, Ont. 4 : i REPRESENTATIVE WANT, : lery manufacturer for ne, Jon Ho MEDICAL WHY BUFFER? ONLY 35¢ WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar 'Varicose Salve - will give permanent rellef from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money-back guarantee, Mazar Mfg, 831 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg. ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- mon ailments, No drugs, pills, capsules, or liquids--ONLY NATURAL REMEDY-- Free Booklet, 'Nature's Way to )ealth"-- No obligation, Indian Herbal Remedy Come pany, 2000W Dundas St. West, Toronto, , YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY | FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tionary discovery of Buro physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub- born they appear to be, Write for free in- formation, R.M.B. Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., Dept, 1-629, Vancouver Block, Van- couver," B.C, catalog. Royal Mail Order Co. - Btreet, Toronto, To: 35 TE IOuMe - ARMY STORES WRITE FOR- CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE, special prices, Boots, Blankets, 'etc, Army Stores, 338 Queen St., East, Toronto, BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS @UR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on. SBupertite galvanized rooting. Superior Bteel Fence Posts and steel gran. ary. lining. Superfor Products Limited, Sar- . Ont, BOOKS AND MAGAZINES USED MAGAZINES--DETECTIVE, ADVEN- ture, Western, Sport, Love, 30 for $1.00. | __ Collect. Harbord Stamp Store, Toronto 4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i 7 WHY SUFFER? WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds, Catarrh and Deafness, by using NAMELESS' Cold Remedy, Trial will convince. By mall 50c. A product of The Purity Chemleal Co., Exeter, Ontario, GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of fresh garlic. No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ca- tarrh and other obstinate disorders, They are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O. Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DERYDRATED 1 a. Garlic and Spinach Powder in HIS BACK ACHE FOR 4 YEARS Kruschen Put Him Right For four ye this man's back ached almost continuously. Now, at 67, he starts the day fresh as a daisy, and his back aches no more. Read his story: -- "I had continuous backache for four years. I looked on the black side of everything. Now, I write with extreme gratitude for : what Kruschen "Salts has done for: me. | The freshness with which I start my day's work is perfectly marvellous. : After seven days of Kruschen, I felt better and could get up'immediately, without any special effort. I am 617, and my early morning dose of Kruschen is my salvation."--J.T., The kidneys are the filters of the human machine. If they become slug- gish, impurities find their way into the blood-stream and produce troub- lesome symptoms -- backache, rheu- matism, and depression, : The numerous, salts in Kruschen quickly coax Your kidneys back to healthy normal action. As an im- mediate result, you experience relief from those old dragging pains, As you persevere, 'you lose your pains altogether. pe > STAMPS 05 000 STAMP ACCUMULATIONS ) 1, Jubllees, Coronations, Afrmall, Edwards, 'Colonials, Revenues Pictorials, in- cluding Commemoratives. Samples 1,000, fifty cents. James Shrimpton, Wadena, Bas ketchewan, "TAXIDERMY ARTIFICIAL EYES AND SKULLS -- TAX1- dermist and furrlers supplies (as used in our own workshops), Send for free cata- logue. Oliver Spanner and Co. Ltd.,, 28 Eim Street, Toronto, ! ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, blood builder, strengthener; anti- catarrhal; for men, women and children. 50c and $2. Prepald. Address Frisco: Importing Co., Ltd., 441 Beymour St., Vancouver. © &WOML1 -- START A DRESS AND LIN- gerle business of your own, A shop, or from ycur vwa home, Excellent profit, Increasing business. , Prices to meet competition, and garments euperior in quality. Small invest- ment starts you off. Write, Canadlan Dress __Comnany, 7A Camden Street, Toronto, PREVENTION I8 BETTER THAN OPERA- tion. Beesley's Bitters (all-herdb tonic) prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stom- ach if you are suffering from Internal trouble. Write for the testimonials we have from living people. Mrs. T. Van Camp, manufacturer, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto, CARPETS KHE-WOVEN INTO RUGS MISCELLANEOUS Ld ; ULD "CARPETS WOVEN INTO | REVERS- EF Rugs. "Write for price Ist. Baker AE Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. ; ; DOGS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewriting by rail. Satisfled students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec tus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ontario. LNGLuSH FOXHOUNDS, 1% YEARS, EITH- er sex, $20.00, (ncluding pedigree; walkers, 16 LBS. VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF TO- bacco $2. 7 Ibs. §1. G. Dubois, 232% Rideau, Ottawa. either sex, $15.00 (started), pups three ¥ pnonths, $3.00; dark silk mink, £25.00. Dusle Kennels and Fur Farm, Lombardy, 2s nt. or te - i ELECTRIC WELDER SHE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- CHOICE QUALITY EASTERN MINK, RA'S. ed from best strains of Labrador and o- bec. -They have cll the fine characteri_ ica of mink from that section. 125 breeders scld in 2 years. Last year's pelt average $27.75. Reasonably priced. C. Bisbee, Alliston, Ont, { derful new )nvention. Operates from 6-volt i battery. Welds--Bulders--Brazes.: $3.95 de- llvered RH - Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. + BIBLE READERS--THE TRUTH CF ETER- nal Life information free. Write, G. Luard, WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL. Clover Bar, Alberta. ---- FILMS AND PRINTS 20 YARDS! "OUILT REMNANTS" -- $100. = Washfast. Cott. rs! Prints! Broadcloths! ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE Bilks! Free! 70 Qui't Patterns.' 'Collect.' enlargement ,25¢ Re-prints 10 for 25¢ Refund gu-rantee, Maritime Textiles, 8049 i Vhoto-Craft. "1831 King St B.., Toronto. Deg-cpe. Department Wils, Montreal. § Zio PRICES. EXPERT \JORK ROLL = I with ies enlargement 23¢ Trevanna 8'ud- MEN WANTED ts," Be ; , 8.83 lagara Streei. St Catharines, Unt. WANTED -- AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS - SE = i or over, to learn detective work. BIg pay. PORTRAIT IN FOI.DER--FREE Rewards. Interesting + home-study course. Free Infcrmation. Write to Morris L. Julien, vped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- Box 25, St~tlen T., Montreal. shot Service. 168° King St. West, Dept. Y, Wpronto PATENT ATTORNEY CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite. negatives, 3 for 23c; 75c a dozen, com- plete with envelopes. Inlargements 5 x 7 in easle frame, 30c; 2 fur Sc. Roll films ek and printed, 25¢; reprints 3c each. ec enlargement with every 25¢c order. 4 Brightling. 29 Richmond. St. E., Toronto. ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Invention Patents; Information régarding 14 Metcalfe, Drawings; Registrations; Sales. Ottewa. PATENTS LiLLS OEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 30 iv -eaci. Commercial' Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. AN. OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of Inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank S8t., Ottawa, Can. CPECIAL 'CFFER! THREE, 5 x 7. GLOSSY enlargements, 25¢. Send your best negatives. PERSONAL t Everett Wées, Runte 3, Barna. FOR .SALE FANNING MILL (KLINE), 'PROUF BEST Mil, sells price new (Auction Bales). Kline » ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with- our advanced Ietped; : rite, No elastic or understraps or steel, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Prés- ton, Ont. Manufacturing, Islington, Ontarlo. .. BPESTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PRESCRIP- tions fillea. Special low prices. By mall. Schaefer Ootical, 156 Yopge, Toronto. FURNITURE LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The wonderful bargains In' our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- Iar in Toronto, Space will not permit us to list more than a few of our specials. If you do not gee what you want advertised, write and. let us know your needs. Every plece of 1 RAYMAR, CANADA'S FOREMOST ADVIS- er on human problems, wlll send a Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him. This amazing free offer is made merely to advertise Mason's 49 Cold Remedy and (is available fo. a limited time only. Write today enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth-date. Ad- diess -- Raymar, care of Mason Remedles, Limited, 10-18 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ca- nada. . furniture is sanitarily treated 'and pletely refinished to look (like new. All orders care- ly packed for Immediate shipment on re- PIGEONS celpt of money order. ¥ $39.0 "In twoitone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new all-felt, roll edge -- "Beautiful 5-Plece bedroom suite | MAGPIES, HELMETS, 3 HOMERS, NUNS, Fantails High class pig priced r ably, Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine, Ontarlo, = 3 mattress; new condition. | i | $69 00 6-Plece walnut Ledroom suite -- = 2 . large dresser, triple.!mirsor vanity, fs PROPERTIES FOR SALE ..chiffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and = brang :new all-felt: mattress. . Comp.¢tely re- finished like' new. Cost over $200.00. A real Ie bargain. ; i $49.00 Modem 9-ptece ~alnut finish din- 2 bab, Ing room suite. Buffet, china cab- OLD ESTABLISHED, GROCERY, MEATS, Modern Fixtures, Apartment--QGarage -- ip Toronto, Dolng $400.00 weekly. Box 101, Wilson Publishirg Co., Toronto. POULTRY inet, extension table:and 6 leather meat chairs. Completely refinished. A real smart suite, 9 $14 95 Dining room suite, 8 pleces, large 9 buffet, extension table and six strong leather-seat chairs; guaranteed clean SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd., 44 Bonsecours Mkt., Montreal. and Ia good edndition. 4 teria outfit, 8 'places, in- $24.00 cluding "3-pfece Cchestetfield suite = fpholstered in a good hard wearing brown- pp, With reversible Marshall cushions; end table, bridge lamp- arid fshade, 'netal' smoking | PUREBRED BOURBON Rep TURKEYS, bred from prize winning "high production ancestors. Large, healthy, vigorous birds, toms $4.45, hens $3.20. Stanley Barstead, Douglas, Ont, . stand and silk chesterfield cushion. - A real tstanding value, POULTRY MEDICINE 13 50 Large 3-ptece chesterfield 'suite, ' upholstered in brown repp with fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Hurry for this offer. < Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- less spring and new 'roll edge all ttress, Lar assortment of - kitchen , sewing 'machines, gas stoves, 'lfbrary ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., . quickly relleved with Briggs Flectric 'Ofl. Many home uses. Two sizes -- 70c (8.02.) © 250 (2 oz.). Makers of Brigis Blaek: Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment." De- pendable over 88 years. Sold by druggists. . For FREE Information write G, C. Briggs ' '& Bons, Toronto | " , wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, _ dressers, chiffoniers, studio -eouches, ete; GUILTING PATTERNS at amazingly Irw prices. if Trade-In Dept. . LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO, "478 Yonge 8t., Toronto FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Vottona! Printal Silks! Eiderdowns! -- $1.00 Collect.' Bample bundle ---- 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, gaspe, Montreal. A " JHAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ve RADIOS ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Governme ns ati Yar on My 961 on, tus, BIG Wert juon; res prospectus MADAME HUDSON SCHOO HAIRDRESS- Ing and Beauty Culture, White Mt. 707 Yonge Street, Toronto, for pamph- 1038 CUSTOM-QUALITY RADIOS BENSATIONAL NEW 1038 MERCURY CVS. tom-Quality Phonola Radlos, delivered dir- ect from our laboratories. Eighteen models, automutic tuning. Battery and Vibrator, New low prices, Bend for free catalogue. Mercury Radio Company, 970C College Bt., 'Toronto, 8049 De- * PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO Bearfs. Animal sking tanned and made into floor rugs. Deer and M Heads ted By expert Furriers and Taxidermists. Sats. faction guaranteed, prices reasonable. Oliver Spanner Co., Ltd., 28 Elm St., Toronto. TOBACCO LEAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf 'Tobacgo Co., Lea- mington, Ontario. ! Ontario's Tobacco 'Crop Was Sold Within Ten Days Canada's Newest Large Agricul- tural Crop Unique on This Con- tinent -- Growers and Buyers Budget 'Production. SIMCOE, ONT.--With the final curtain rung down today on the 1937 tobacco market, growers of Canada's newest large agricultural crop were able to reckon their profits in efcess of $100 per acre. ; This year's market, which saw 56, million pounds of flue-cured tobacco snapped up by buyers in less 'than ten days, realized in excess of fifteen million dollars for the 1,700 produc- ers who this spring planted 50,500 acres to the crop. Available figures -show that tobacco produced a return of 'approximately $300 per acre. Chief problem until 1934 was mar- keting. Today Ontarlo's flue-cured tobacco growers belong to a market- ing association which rigidly controls price_and acreage. Each year, with the co-operation of the prospective buyers of the crop, the tobacco pro- duction is "budgeted" and the plant- ing is done purely on a basis of the available market for that year's crop, taking -into 'consigeration, of eourse, growing export prospects. The growers who comprise the asso- ciation are allotted certain acreages to plant to tobacco. Growers' Agreement When the crop is harvested, repre- sentatives of growers and buyers-- all joint members of the marketing association--meet and agree on an average minimum price for the crop. In 1936, for instance, the average minimum was set at 25 cents per pound, but the price actually paid was 29 cents. This year the average minimum was 24% cents and the price paid will probably exceed 27 cents. With the co-operation of the farm- er and the buyer, a crop of 56 mil- lion pounds--more than twice the 1936" production -- was moved this year at a'firice which sets a. new high record for returns. Sin Today the tobacco - industry in Canada is unique of the North Am- eriean continent in that growers and buyers' budget the annual production months ahead of time, amicably-agree upon a fixed price which permits a substantial profit for iall branches, end work hand in hand for future expansion, : ' Sun .at Noon Only i Cut through the solid rock of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State, is a mile-long gorge known as Indian Pass, 'andthe bottom of the gorge is only lit by the sun for a few minutes: every day, at noon. The walls of the gorge are abso. lutely perpendicular, and on one side thé rock rises sheer to 1,300 feet, In- dian Pass is considered to be one of this continent's scenic wonders. .Hammond Company Seventy Years Of Typewriters First Machine of Modern Kind Was Invented In 1887--Mus- eums Possess Ancient Speci- mens, Just_sgventy years ago this month, Mr. Sholes, father of the modern typewriter, invented h's first ma- chine. His 'was by no means the first attempt to set letters on paper by mechanical means, but it is regard- ed as the beginn'ng of the typewrit- er as we know it to-day. Some hundred years ago an Am- erican, Mr. Austin Burt, produced a machine known as a typographer. It was capable of reproducing letters and words, but the process cf man- ipulation "involved some complicated manoeuvres. Invented to Help the Blind Next Mr. Charles ' Thurber. also an American, set to work to improve upon Burt's typographer and pro- duced a much more advanced ma- chine. It was large. It was clumsy. But it carried many of the devices common to the modern typewriter, It 'had a roller and a means of spacing. There is one odd fact common to all these early machines. They were never intended for use by normal people, They were meant to help the blind, Not for many years after wards was any substitute for the pen Sone necessary for ordinary peo- ple. Chinese Keyboard Some extraordinary typewriters have been produced. One made by the for Li Hung Chang was fitted with twenty sets of characters. Each of the twenty sets was 'made by hand. When the machine reached Pekin it inspired one ingenious person to devise a typewriter capable of typing in Chin- ese. He worked out an abreviated form of Chinese which required only 250 characters. His typewriter was to have been five times the width of a normal machine and would have cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of seven hundred pounds. Unfortunate- ly, at the last moment, his backers withdrew. i [Frobatly the most expensive type- writer ever produced was the model ordered by the Tsarina of Russia. Black colouring gave way to blue, while the framework was inlaid with' mother-of-pearl. The polished parts of the machine, normally produced in steel, were cast in solid gold. Real African ivory formed the keys. Modern Improvements Perhaps the most interesting ma- chine is a Sholes-Densmore dating 'back to 1874. These machines were manufactured in limited quantities, each of them weighing some fifty pounds. They wrote capitals only and you could not see what you were typing. " ! Now the experts are trying to de- vise a carriage which automatically readjusts itself at the end of each line. With such a machine you would not need to.swing up the roller as you finish each line. You could type continuously. It is bad to be absent-minded: "It 1s funny I do not remember limping when I left home," said the absent-minded professor as he walked down the street, with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter, a Some experiences which appear to be disasters become, in retrospect, a veritable life-saver. i T Wo OTHER » TROUBLES KLY § 16M, IASKES oF ECE eausto SK penny "Tortured with Liver Trouble and "Rheumatic Pains" There Is nothing like deep-seated liver trouble and rheumatic pains to pall you down. : Here is a letter from a man who was enduring He writes: n Salt dne pain and misery, unnecessarily, "have disiibied asu by o Fyn toa riends who were sufferin, trouble, out, etc. They have now said bye to their complaints. As for myself --{ was ctically born with liver troubleand rheuma- vig taking Fynnon Salt I feel like a new man and my only complaint seems to be 'a grand appetite' and a body full of energy", : Fynnon Salt neutralizes the Ure At tas ca rheumatic pains, gout, lum ete. anon Salt brin quick relief from pain-- limba feel supple and free once again. A teaspoonful of Fynnon Salt in a'tumblerful rater every morning equals in nal effect three large glasses of the mineral spring waters found at famous British spas. Now, in your own honte, you can obtain elmilar benefits from a large 75¢ package of F ih Jali, Stii! om iy Nias, toda a 'you have any uity g write! Laurentian Agencies, St. Gabriel Breet Montreal, EAR oor em |EONARD oll af For Those Who Are HARD OF HEARING oonard Ear Of Is rubbed in LAr Lr ON EO Cours, toaaried. in 1907. Read "Care DOStri Ag Loki] of the Heaing" in, Relieves catarrh Slaps heed package. noises. use. wry at your druggist's. Distributors in Canada: f . LAURENTIAN AGENCIES, MONTREAL Issue No, 49--'37 c--1 } Now cellophane-wrapped to keep it factory fresh. With the easy-opening . fibbon for your convenience. PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO: Alleged WIT JUST BEING HAPPY Just being happy is a fine thing to do, Look on the bright side rather than the blue, Sad or sunny musing Is largely in your choosing, And just being happy is a brave work and true, Just being happy helps other souls along, t Thelr burdens may be heavy and they not strong, Your own skies will lighten If others' skies you brighten By just being happy with a heart full of song. wn x 2) A woman who formerly resided here comes back after many years to sce her friends -- finds what, tb her, is-an embarrassing condition, to wit: A few of these friends are not on speaking terms and she has to exercise care in making social engagements -- That is what's! ustally termed small town stuff, though it can be duplicated ev- erywhere, sliice cities are only aggre- gations of small burgs -- Nevertheless it is a deplorable condition. It.can be remedied materially by cultivating a greater toleration and a wider view- point. Trouble with most of us is this: Our minds are local -- they don't reach out beyond neighborhood limits and if. they did they would be slower in making harsh judgments on the human units around them. High au- world. And good citizenship consists mainly in being charitable and getting along with Imperfect folks like our selves. The prosecuting attorney had cu- countered a rather difficult witness, At length, exasperated by tho man's evasive answers, he asked lim whe- ther he was acquainted wita any jof the jury. i "Yes, sir," replied tle "more than half of them. "Are you willing to swear that you know more than half ¢f them?" de: manded the man of the law. The other thought quickly. "If it comes to that," he replied, "I am willing to swear that I know more than all of 'em put together!" witness; " Colored Parson -- "Brother Jones, that was the best chicken ah evah et. Wherecat did you all obtain such a de- lectable fowl?" Brother Jones --- "Pahson, when yo' preaches a good sermon does Ah ask whereat yo' obtained it? Ah cravep de same fo-bearance from you." A young flying officer, stationed somewhere in Egypt, while flying near the Great Pyramids, carrying out ex. ercises in navigation, and working with a sextant to discover his exact position, suddenly turned to the pilot, and sald, "Take off your hat!" "Why?" asked the pilot. - "Because, according to my calcula- tions, we are now inside St. Paul's Cathedral." . A man-about-town might be degerib- ed.as a fellow who can be perfectly attired for any occasion without even, smelling of moth balls, In" an unfamiliar atmosphere the professor wag trying to make conver- sation, Professor -- "The Romans fond of card games." Sweet Young Thing -- "Oh, yes, I know; wasn't it a man called Hora- tius who held the first bridge party?" were A sign in a resturant reads: "What foods these morsels be!" Mrs. M. -- "My baby is so delicate that I have to let my husband dress it." Ng Mrs. P. -- Mrs. M. -- 'Oh yes. He's a packer in a china factory." poo "Can he do it better than Flint Dart Belicved 1 00,000 Years Old A flint dart and dart-making tool, believed to be from 100,000 to 200,- 000 years old, have been discovered near Roundup, Montana, by Earl Mec- "Connell, a rancher. Curved to a point cn one cutting side, the dart-making (col was about DO YOU FEEL SLUGGISH? Maybe you need more bile When ycu feel you haven't a friend In the world and )ifé Is nit worth a red cent-- that's the time your liver 1s getting you down. Don't fall for it. Make your liver behave. Tanol Tablets will do the job. They act directly on the llver, stimulating the llver's production or bite Comprising a special blend of certain laxatives, Tanol Tablets include a small proportion of calomel, grobably the most effective llver stimulant known. In a day or two your liver 1s at work again as well as ever and you feel at frjends with the wide, wide world. All druggidfs have Tanol Tab- lets, 50c (C) eiRLS WHO HAVE F:0 BOY FRIENDS Quick Easy Way to Get Charm Girls who don't attract boy friends wonder why. Beautiful, perfect features are not the reason. Cleopatra and famous women were often ugly. Have nice skin, plenty of animation, and watch out for your figure -- you'll be surprised how popular you are. So many girls have poor complexions --no life -- their. figure slipping, and don't realize it. + Take "Fruit-a-tives" and you'll soon be amazed how different and how attractive you've become. It purifies your blood, makes the skin pores work, gets rid of waste and poisons, gives you new energy, prevents flabby tissue from forming. "Fruit-a-tives' gives you new charm. 25c., 50c. FRUIT-ATIVES 2% | FOSOUND SLEEP STRENGTHEN NERVES PHOSFERINE quickly helps Jangling, sleep- robbing nerves gain new vitality. Then you sleep soundly, and go through the day with new znergy. Take just a few economical drops daily. Get PHOSFERINE from your druggist. 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. 69, PHOSFERINE 2.368% (SOLUTION OP BIPHOSPHATES OF LIME) f DI RECT FROM THE MONASTERY T0 YOU Will build you up rapidly. Used sic- cessfully for over 150 years--for nervous debility --diseases of the brain -- anaemia --diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WON Al WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OF HYGIENE PRICE $1.00 At All Drug Stores four inches long by two inches wide. -- Suit Planned Against Haile Selas- LONDON.--A damage suit for $2, Haile Selassie which--if it does no- thing else--may show how much cash has been filed in British courts. Leo Chertok, who claimed to have arranged a deal for Ethiopian oil concessions between the Emperor and the Standard Oil Company of New York during the last days of resis tance to Italy's invading army, is be- hind it. He said it would be for alleged damages sustained by the downfall of negotiations on the supposed oil deal and includes 28,000 pounds (about $140,000) which Chertook says the ex-Emperor owes him. y He said if the suit is successful he will then institute bankruptcy proceedings designed to force a dec- laration of Ha'le Selassie's legal as- sets and liabilities, and clear up his financial "status. Claim Poverty Stricken Another result of the suit, Cher- tok explained, will be to determine whether Haile Selassie still is Em- peror of Ethiopia. "Haile Selass'e claims he is pov. erty stricken," Chertok said, "and hasn't sufficient food or enough wa- ter for his bath. I know different. They have plenty of money. "I personally saw stored in Lone don sacks of gold stacked to the cele ing. I have since been: informed the gold has been delivered to Selassie." Grain Thefts Oust Cattle Rustling Are Becoming a Growing Menace On the Prairies, Mounties Reveal N 3 de -- Grain thieves have taken the place of cattle and horse rustlers as the most detested criminals on the Weste ern plains, according to the annual report of the Royal Canadian Mount» ed Police. So prevalent has grain stealing be- come and so difficult is it to check that increased penalties for the of- fences are being proposed. The re- port states the Saskatchewan attor- ney general is. proposing the minimum penalty should be raised to imprisonment for one year. : Hard to Identify Cattle and horse rustling in former years was kept in check by the sever- ity of the sentence imposed, from three to 14 years. : "The identification of stolen cattle and horses was a much casier matter than that of grain," says the report. " "Brands . and natural marks on ani- mals were. often a means of identifi- cation. The identification of wheat is a difficult matter except for the out- standing expert. = A Mean Thief "The old cattle rustler- was some- what of a sportsman compared to the megn wheat thief of today. In his maraudings he took a sporting chance and sometimes stopped a bullet from the rifle of the rancher or his cow- boys and was c¢ven, in the U.S.A, occasionally lynched when caught by them. ' "To effectively stop the depreda- tions of grain thieves it is consider ed they should, on conviction, be much more severely dealt with than , they are at the present time. Other- wise the practice which is already very extensive will grow to alarming' proportions." Hundreds of Cases Known In Saskatchewan 245 cases of grain theft were brought before the courts in the year under review and 207 convictions were obtained. The average sentence was approximately six months: In Alberta 126 convictions were ob- tained out of 297 complaints receiv- ed. Tropical Fish Fanciers Fewer As a Hobby. the Aguarium [5 Cn The Decline The tropical fish aquarium as a hobby {8 on the decline in the Eastern part of North America, but on the rise in California and England, claims William I. Innes, of Philadelphia, an outstanding authority as a tropical. fish Ianeles, Mr, Innds, who is a naturalict, a col- lector, editor of an aquarium maga- zine and publisher of standard works 'on aquarfum matter was in Toronto - for the purpose of judging the exhibit of tropical fish displayed at the Royal Winter Fair. Addressing the Toronto Aquarium Society, Mr. Innes congrat- ulated the members of the organiza- tion on the Royal Winter Fair exhibit. It wag one of the best exhibits hla had seen, ag far as aquarium planting is concerned, he stated. "We find we are able to breed tro- ptcal fish much faster than we can however the true aquarist will stick to the hobby whether the fish are low or high in price. As soon as you start to cut-throat the price, you kill a hob by." From Ex-Emporer sie For Alleged Oil Deal - 600,000 against the former Emperor. . the Negus of Ethiopia has on hand, develop fanciers," he explained. "But, , ne NE Pe NF og So? lh y . i ir " EN, so a Be 5 TAT NR ls,