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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Dec 1937, p. 4

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AE . years past, 7.00 p.m. PAGE FOUR on -------------------- LOCAL ITEMS We are glad to know that Mr, Lorne Mitchell, who has been geveral months in Weston Hospital, will be home for Christmas. But.we under- stand he has to return to the hospital later. We wish for him a speedy re- © covery, Mr. A, W. Allin, who had the mis- fortune to break two ribs recently, is progressing nicely. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. A, W. Allin; but from latest reports, she is well on the road to recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Orchard, who have both been quite ill, are Fedovering their normal health. Mr. Garnet Weir ofthe Aviation School at Dallas, Texas, is home for the Christmas holidays. om o> om UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY As has been customary for some the Port Perry United Church Sunday School held anniver- sary services at the Christmas season: The scholars had been trained for some weeks by Mr. V. P,; Stouffer in the musical numbers of the program, and the Primary department, under Ruth Hall the direction of Mrs. Geo, Jackson, gave several pleasing numbers. Rev. Mr. Smyth gave a brief and appro- priate address on "Jewels" pointing out that the children are themselves God's most precious jewels, The service was greatly appreciated by all who were fortunate enough to be present. fea CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Christmas Day-- 8.80 a.m,--Holy Communion 10.80 a.m.--Choral Communion and sermon. Sunday, December 26th-- 8 p.m.~--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Carol Service. December 29th-- 6.80 p.m.--Sunday School Christmas Entertainment. December 81st-- ° 11.80 p.m.~Holy Communion. Watch Night Service. -_-d-- 8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.80. Everybody welcome Y. P. S. Tuesday at 8 p.m. -- too MRS. WM. CRUSE News of the death of Mra. Cruse'tion of officers which resulted as fol- was a shock to her friends here and lows: Hon. President, Mra. M. Smith; Though she had been in President, Mrs. C. C. Harcourt; 1st poor health since the death of her Vice- President, Mrs. F. "Bailey; 2nd husband in September of 1936, she, Vice-President, Mrs. C. Smith; Rec. seemed to have recovered tone by the Sec.," Mra. Clarence Parr; Treasurer, " following spring, and spent a fairly "active summer. she had a severe attack of intestinal Parr; Assistants, Mra. A. L. Bailey elsewhere. In' the early autumn influensa, but by the middle of Novem- | ber seemed to have got the better of Sec., Mrs. Jos. Forder; Living Mes- it, and at the end of the month went sage Sec., Mrs. W. Crawford; Sec. to| to Whitby planning to spend part of! Prayer Partner, Mrs. F. A. Willan;| the winter there and the rest in To-' ronto. A few days after her arrival, however, she was taken ill again and home cooking took the place of the passed away. in the morning of Decem- ber 18. The funeral service was held vote of thanks to the hostess and the in. the McDermott chapel on Tues- day, December 21st, and was con- ducted by Rev. J. C. Clough. Her; body was laid to rest beside that of her husband in Pine Grove Cemetery, the pallbearers being four nephews: Gor. don, Ernest and Harry Spence and' Beverley Smith. Mrs. Cruse was a daughter of the | late William Spence, for many; ,yeara Clerk of the Township of Reach. Mr. | | and the folk who do the training are ER. A---------- en -- White Sift Pagean A very beautiful pageant was pre- sented in the United Church on Sun- day evening by membeéts of the Sun- day "School--""White Gifts for the King. Ll The whole spirit and purpose of the pageant was missionary in character. Each person who took part in the pre- sentation gave some idea of the wide scope of missionary activity under- taken by the United Church. The following is the Cast of Char- acters: Madonna--Miss Florence Mc- Millan; Three Shepherds--Ivan Dusty, Joel Aldred, Charles Cann; Three Wise Men--R. B. Smallman, Chas. Reesor, 8. Griffen; Leading Angel-- Dora Reesor; Associate Angels-- Lucile Mark, Norine Stewart, Aileen Oke, Mercedes Waridel, Betty Hall, Gladys Goode; Leading Gift Bearer-- Annabelle Baird; Soloists--Mrs. Geo, Palmer, Miss Florence McMillan; Torch Bearer--Owen Cliff; Reader-- Mrs. H. H, Stone; Minister--Rev. W. J. H, Smyth; Gift Bearers--(girls) Mary Carnegie, Megan Beare, Rose Armstrong, Vera Bruce, Dorothy Cliff, Nestleton Institute: The prizes, one dollar to each class, was presented by Mrs. C. C. Harcourt on behalf of the V. W. I. on Thursday evening at the Continuation School concert. Anniversary services in connestion with St. John's-Anglican Church, will be held on Sunday, the 26th, In the morning the Rector will be in charge and in the evening the speaker will be Rev. H, Béll of the United Church, Special nfusic"will be furnished at both services by the choir, On New Year's night, Janudry 1st, a play entitled "Good Gracious Grand- ma!", a farce in three acts, will be presented by the following members of St. John's Dramatic Club: Misses Véra Forder, Leona Devitt, Mrs, John Hamilton, Mrs, F, Hamilton, Messrs, Norman McCurdy, John Hamilton, J, Smith, Tom McLachlan, Clarence But- son, Music will be furnished between acta. ry pd Christmas Greetings , Miss G. Stovin. (Boys) |*- ram B G Jack B ,~ Jack Cawker, Robert sheridan, George] 1. R. BENTLEY Stone, Stanley Guyton, Cecil King, Beverley Kent, James Kerr, Committee -- Mra, Arthur Brock, Mrs. Ted Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Blane, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. The presentation throughout 'was most creditable, and the setting was simple yet appropriate and beautiful. It is a matter of constant surprise and delight to so constantly discover in Port Perry for occasions like this. The training is good in every respect, rendering a fine torrie to the young people. The music by the orchestra was much appreciated. A very substantial sum was con- tributed by the several Sunday School clasnes to the Missionary Fund. --_-- el D - BLACKSTOC The annual meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Anglican: Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mra. Fred Bailey on Wednesday evening the 18th. The Study Book chapter "The Firat Witness" was taken, by the Rector who also presided for the elec- Mrs. E. Darcy; Literature Sec., Mrs. Levi McGill; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. Robt. and Mrs. W. Crawford; Little Helpers' Auditors, Miss F. Parr and Mrs. J. McArthur. A sale of fancy work and program. The evening closed with a serving of lunch by those in charge. Recent visitors--Mra, O. Chapman, Mrs. I. Chapman, of Orono, Mrs. Wm. Virtue, of Tyrone and Mr, J. Thomp- son with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Jabéz Wright with { friends fn Toronto. Mr. Geo. Carter | with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mra. Frank Stinson with Mr. and Mrs. the wealth of talent that is available] WISHES YOU A 'Merry Christmas ~~ and A Happy New Year Christmas Greetings. ley take this opportunity to thank their many friends and customers, and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Clarence Cook CARTER Extends Season's Greetings to his Customers, and wishes them A Merry Christmas and | A "Happy New Thank You for Past Business -- Bellette Beauty Shoppe wishes to thank its Patrons for the business of 1937, and extends greetings to all for A Merry Christmas and a Ralph Fitchette, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Avery and baby daughter Spence was born in Ireland; his wife! and Mr. Wickett of Litle Britain, with | Mary Pardon was of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Cruse came to Port Perry in 1981, shortly after Mr. Cruse's retirement from service as a!John Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. . station agent of the C.N.R. Both of quiet and retiring disposition, they yet -enjoyed the society of a small but in-| of Toronto, spent the week end with timate circle of friends in Port Perry, Prince Albert and Manchester. Mrs. Cruse is survived by two versity of Toronto, with her parents brothers, Robert of Toronto; William of Whitby; and a sister, Mary Ellen | week end. (Nellie) who has latterly divided her time between Toronto and Port Perry. Port Perry United Church Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minlaeter. Christmas. Services Sunday, December 26th-- 11 a.m ~The Shepherds Returning. 2.48 p,m---Sunday School. The Choir will render a Cantata-- "The Light of Life" Brief Sermon--'The Star and the, school included were: "Archer's, Purple Gift". The Pastor and Official Board ex- "tend cordial Christmas Greetings to all. hi Cadmus, were sponsored by the | --Ailleen Toms, Purple Hill; Firat-- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Buzns, with Mr, and | Mrs, Harry VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family with Mr. and Mrs, Austin Larmer. Miss Grace Willan Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan. Miss Mabel VanCamp of the Uni- Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp, for the Sincere sympathy is extended to Dr. and Mrs. J. McArthur, in the death of their sister-in-law Mrs. Donald Me-|. Arthur, of Greenbank. Congratulations are extended to' the following pupils who won firat Pee in their respective classes if writing competition sponsored by fe Victorian Women's Institute: Primer Harold Hamilton, Blackstock; Second --Ella Mahafly, Purple Hill; Third-- Dorothy Hoskin, Archer's School; Fourth-~Verna McNally, Blackstock. The judges were Mesars. Allan and Waldon and Miss E. Brown of the Continuation School staff, The five Hill, Devitt's, Egypt and Blackstock. The other four schools of the Town-| ship-~Caesarea, Cedardale, Mahood's, Happy New Year H. W. Boynton Wishes his Customers The Compliments of the Season and thanks thei for past business. Zr White Kitchen Restaurant | Wishes You A Merry Christmas ~~ and a Happy New Year Walter Cook, Proprietor - Messrs. S. Ploughman and R. Son-|. At this season of the year may we extend to our many friends and Customers A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 5] WILLIAM WEBSTER ' .Beatty's Store, Port Perry. SUITS CLEANED SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 50 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queofi Breet, Port Perry, Phones: Oot, Rusdonce 68) CONANT & ANNIS 'Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D, CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LLB. Offleen 7% Bimeos St. B,, Oshawa. Phones: 4 and § (Oshawa) aad at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Oonen$) Phone 7 (Whitby) . | INSUR ANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE. Real Estate Farms and Village Properties. 8. A. WALLACE Phone 158 'DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and n Trinity University, Toronto. Poad Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclin o Lasgon, England, RR i is NOMINATION MEETING. The annual meeting of £ the electors 4 of the Municipality of Port Perry for |& the nomination of candidates for the ¢ and | ¢ School Trustees will be held on Mon-|% day the 27th day of December next,|§ offices of Reeve, Councillors, at 7.80 pm. in the Town Hall, Thé municipality of Port Perry is In| § good financial condition. Now is the time for the ratepayers to take a live- ly interest in municipal affairs. This includes the ladies who o have votes and pay tase, There are many ' constructive sug- gestions that could :be made for the} betterment of local conditions, While it is essential that there shall be no|# waste of money, there can be expen- ditures that 'would bring good re- turns. : We should not only: take stock of the past at this meeting; but givé a forward look as to our future muni- cipal program, "The hall should be crowded with in. b terested citizens on 'Monday evening, 5 the 27th. STRAND hears ce ® CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BILL ©] Thursday; Fri, Saturday, (This week) | § Martha" KAYE and Bob BURNS, in|. "Mountain Music" The picture for the entire family, | Bring your visitors. Also special comedies. 010. FRIZEY CHRISTMAS NIGHT® Ra <> Monday, 'Tuesaday, Wed, Dec. 27-28-20 DOROTHY 'LAMOPR in. J ungle Princess Another great jungle eple. <> Thurs, Fri, Saturday (Next Week) Forlorn River North Kast London, Pos London, England, Royal gt Sad A in Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. W. A. Sangster DENTAL S8URGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. | The firm of Gren & Humrazsys is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%, 8imcoe Streét North, Oshawa, : ~~ "Phone 814° Tid in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eich week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Dec. 23-3 MARLIENE DIETRICH and ROBERT DONAT, in Knight Without | Armour ADDED--Coloured Cartoon ! JUNGLE JUVENILES e000 Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Ali Abab Goes to Town 'With Eddie CANTOR and June LANG , 000 ; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, "Ebb Tide" starring 08CAR HOMOLKA and FRANCES FARMER XX) GALA MIDNITE SHOW SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th Second Honeymoon with TYRONE POWER and "LORETTA YOUNG i --. a ee ~~ PROPERTIES SOLD : W. J. Cook, Myrtle Station, reports that real estate' business is moving, having sold four farms and three louse since August. : STANDING TIMBER A number of quarter-acré-lots of standing timber -- soft wood of all kinds--on highway south of Green- bank. Apply to W. J. Cook, Myrtle Station, Phone 120 r 2, Port Perry.. - PAPER WANTED Copy of the Port Perry Star, dated | September 30th! 'Please send or bring to Star Office. | | i PROPERTY FOR SALE Nine acres at Prince Albert, frame house, seven rooms, good well, half mile from school and church. ,~ Im- mediate possession. Apply to W. J. Cook, Myrtle Station, Phone 120 r 2, Port Perry. ] COWS FOR SALE Ayreshire grades and pure breds-- springers and open- heifers. Oscar Edwards, Phone 189 r 8, Port Perry. Jan6 " FOR SALE CHEAP 4 sets of Scales, 8000 Ibs. and 8600 Ibs, suitable for farmers or small mill hopper and platform style. Ap- ply to I H. Good, Myrtle Elevator. , Jan 18 PLAN TO TAKE A AVE] | ASR oo IV] ££ 3 AT 'SHAW SCHOOLS DAY -- NIGHT CORRESPONDENCE or write tor free Booklet "Up the Times", SHAW SCHOOLS," Head 1130 Bay St., Toronto. (KL. 3163 1000 BARRELS OF APPLES . FOR SALE shah Spies, Melntosh Reds, Talman Sweets, Snows, Starks, Pippins, Ben Davis, Seo John Pallock, 1 mile north of Whitby on Lindsay Highway. dee80 : STOP: AND READ 400 good hens wanted! 12¢. per ™. paid live weight at your place with your scales. Top prices paid for good pullets and other poultry,. For in- formation call A. GILBOORD, Port Perry, Bell Phone 177 - dec80 - © We sil have a good vari fy chandise for last day Chri tmas BOXED STATIONERY .............. FINE QUALITY PERFUMES . Tan 4 SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS . Cie. 82.50 to $10.00 # ROLLS RAZORS .................... : ¢ RUBBERSET and SIMS SHAVING BRUSHES 50¢c. to $5.00 WILKINSON RAZORS . YARDLEY LADIES' SETS | cilia i YARDLEY MEN'S SETS ....... ceiieiias.$1,00 to $2.75 § BOOKS--New Popular Fiction NEILSON'S, HUNT'S and BETTY ANN CHOCOLATES, Per 1b. 60c. Caan CE 5 NOTE--Our Boya' and Girls' Prize Contest closes at 10 p.m. sharp on Friday, Dee. 84th. Prises will be given out at 10 a.m. Christmas Day. a Po prov 7 x 42 A -- weet NEB A. M. LAWRENCE ¥ PHONE 40 7 Resell tae ppers. voi .B0e. to $2.00 irene. 96,98 .. $8.00, $4.50 and $7.00 «1... 86¢. to $3.60 cienaesese $2.00 to $2.60 POBT, PERRY } Tot Pry i i sl 0 Bre To the People of this Cai we extend Happy Christmas Greetings, and Best Wishes for A Prosperous New Year. OWNED AND OPERATED BY H. DURKIN hy PORT PERRY . IF 0 OO WR 0 EI | "To the Citizens of Ontario County: 'My best wishes for a Merry and Joyous © Christmas Season, and for happiness, health, anid prosperity throughout the coming year. Hon. Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Attorney-General of Ontario 5 "eo a

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