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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jan 1938, p. 3

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" i! diy i "BEST MEATS Ed HAROLD Ww. ; Phone: a4 Bera a A ! Place Your Maine with EXPERIENCE COUNTS 0 y lriow where to buy, and what to buy in 'meats. it % [is Gordon Hood who hails from Scugog : Island and even he may well be termed 5% | "local." We offer you the 'advantage of our experience. Supply the "meat requirements of your family from. _CAWKER BROS. BEST SERVICE It ttitttati aN EMMERSON «Part Perry FERRARA RRR R ARR RRR REAR AAR Rattan barat iel st 'BEST PRICES BEST FOR THE LEAST We carry only the best grades of meals. -Your requests can be satisfactorily filled. Recelve satisfaotion by phoning 3 > 5 Ay 1 Lf SLE Fred 2-r=2 BERT MacGREGOR PRINCE. "ALBERT . The annual meeting 'of the Women's © Association was held in the. Church basementon the afternoon of Dec, 29; 'with the President, Miss'M. Madden in charge. Among the hymns that were sung was; "Another Year {8s Dawn- ing", A letter was read from a mother "in Saskatchewan who was. the re- . cipient of one of the quilts which one "of our groups made last winter and 'thanking us for the same. She also told of some of the hardships her fam- {ly were enduring, which make us long| ~ + to-do more to help them: Tha election | i i of officers for 1038 took. place, As {Miss Madden -wished to be relieved of "being president, owing to home ties, "Mrs. Angus MacGregor was nominated "and elected for that office. The other "officers were returned by ballot. There| "was some discussion about making 'quilts. and other sewing for. the West. Mrs. Raymer . favoured. with - 'some guitar selections, and Mrs, Tarbet|. read a piece "We've always been pro- vided for." Ettey served lunch. : '© "Mrs. Murphy entertained her Sun- - day. school' class of girls one evening last 'week. ; Miss Bathe Hunter spent the Christmas holidays at the home of her _ sister Mts, Ww. Webb, Norwood. Mr. Jack 'Ansel, tenor, of Grimsby United Church, sang two fine solos at|® our church service on Sunday and which were much appreciated. He was the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. T. E Ati "Mrs. Croxall and daughter of: Beth. ont visited Mrs. Parker and Miss. J.01 Parker, on Wednesday last, We were sorry to learn that while *_pkilng on Saturday afternoon on one of the hills, Miss Hoy Raines had the - misfortune to break a leg. "Mr. and: Mrs, Hanford Wagg, Utles, spent New Year's day at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs, L. Bond. The W. A. are'asking for clothing to| "yond to the needy in the West. Any- one having anything to spare, either for children or 'adults, please leave with a member of the W. A. or at the \iGhureh on Wednesday afternoon of anvary 12th, = Last Monday night at the Y.P.U. Mr. Will Lyle who is' attending the school of optometry, Toronto, ve an interesting talk about the eyes. | ors contributing to the program were, Mr, "and Mrs, Albert Harper and Mr. M. - Mrs. A. Hunter and Mrs.| | Mortgages. ist, Mrs. A, Harper; Asst. Pianist, Myra Sager; Vice-Presidents: Christ. ian Fellowship, Miss Ward; Mission- ary, Mr, GC: Clarke; Citizenship, Mr. "Albert Harper; Socisl and Literary, Misses Grace Vickery and Kathleen Murphy; ~ Editorial Committees for "Keyhole News", Olive Bond, Doris Murphy and Myrtle Bond. -- Poster maker, Merle Hope. A splendid re- port was given by the treasurer. _ As it 'was social night, lunch was served which consisted of toast, ieake and coffee. "Mrs, Parker and Miss Jean. Parker were in Oshawa last week, The family of Mr. and Mrs. Russell| Butson were all home to celebrate New Years, bh. TRY OUR COAL, COKE and WOOD, -- IT I§ GOOD -- LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL Co. Limited. Phone 240 MORTGAGE SALE Under and by Virtue of the Powers of- Sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be porduced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, at Public Auction on Monday, JAN- UARY 24th, 1938, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of Samuel Tummonds, at Port Perry, Ontario, the following Property, namely: ; All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, ingyen being in the Township of in the County of: Ontario, be- i composed of Lot Number 10, Con- cession 7 of the said Township con- taining 200 acref more or less. On the said farm there is sald to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. oN Te The land will be sold 'subject to a TERMS OF SALE: Twenty-five per cent. of the purchase money to ba 'paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent. per annum, For further particnlass and conditions of sale, apply to W. Erle Stewart, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bldgs. : Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Dated at Toro, this Third day of : jan20 i wearingps. i: boys and this is something of which | any fan may well be proud, . Very few $f | teams in the O.H.A. are composed 8% | entirely 'of local talent, : $8 | during the coming year. P| sure just what team "Abie" will be 8 | playing with tonight. 8 | with the "G" Men in Toronto and we | wouldn't be surprised to see him.in a i Jan, 21--Fenelon Falls at Port Perry son. You ean take it from us that the boys will fight their hearts out to please you, For many years we have been won- dering just. how the "home team" would stand up under fire from a team that we read about in the Toronto papers. This is our golden oppor- tunity to satisfy ourselves. In chal- lenging the Gunn's "G" Men the locals have picked on anything but an. easy. team as they (the "G" men) have yet to lose a game this year. You had better be present at 8.30 tonight and see for your self. We saw the boys work out last night and we are still very well satisfied. Norm. DeShane put the boys through their paces in great style and we saw some very nice plays by the forward lines, and great defensive work by the rear guards, Good condition is in evidence as the boys can stand an hour of 'stiff practising without showing The Port team is made u up of - local 'The only member of the local squad that is new Abie Cawker will be with us again We are not 'He is playing foreign uniform tonight's game, The following is the schedule for the coming winter that we promised you last week. Jan. 6--Fenelon Falls at Cannington. Jan, 10--Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Jan, 14--Cannington at Port Perry. Jan. 19--Cannington at Fenelon: Falls Jan, 14--Port Perry at Cannington, Jan, 28--Port Perry at Fenelon Falls Jan. 81--Fenelon Falls at Cannington Feb. 4--Cannington at Port Perry Feb. 7--Fenelon Falls at Port Perry Feb. 11--Cannington at Fenelon Falls Feb. 14--Port Perry at Cannington (All Cannington home games to be played at Beaverton Arena.) . . Come and see the game tonight, We are safe in saying that it will be good, fast hockey and you will be well pleased. We will see you at the game tonight and you will hear from us next week in this column. We call Port to win tonight. Will we be cheering and off singing praises or will be offering ex- cuses next week? . "THE SIDELINERS" The Men's Class . The annual banquet of the Men's Class will be held in the United Church Sunday. School room on Fri- day, January 21st. - The class' is happy to announce that Rev. Dr, Geo. Dickson of the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, will deliver a popular lecture on, "What Side of the Street Do You Live On?" Keep the date open. Plan to be there. The class again wishes to extend a cordial invitation to our men to at- tend the afternoon sessions on Sunday at 1.46 p.m. The forum especially has been ex- ceedingly good this year. Mr. Gem- mell treats current topics and political trends in' Dictatorship countries with keen- reasoning, sympathetic under- standing and inimitable good humour, Those who fail to attend are missing a pleasant and illuminating discussion, The study of the 'questions of Jesus and how He answered them, provide an 'opportunity for spiritual thinking and nurture, ahd together a splendid j fellowship is provided for men in this Sunday afternoon Bible Class and forum. Let us meet'; you there net Sunday. -------- Myrtle Station Service in the United Church next Sunday at the usual hour of 7 pm 'when the Sacrantent' service will be observed, with our pastor, Rev: W. E. Honey, in charge. Sunday School at 1.46 pm, Last Sunday evening Rev: W. E. Honey had charge of the first part of the . service, reading for the lesson, Mark 1:1-22; © His son Mr. Floyd Honey, then preached a splendid ser- mon 'from verses 14 and 16 of the 'lesson. leaving an impressive message for the New Year. Miss L. O'Boyle was a New Year's guest of her brother and sister-in-law, be Wedding of friends in Toronto on "Mrs. Roy Spencer of Perth spent spent the holiday and week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beacock. Mr, and Mrs. Hervey Painter and daughter spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. E. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Annan of To- ronto, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Percy. 'Mr, 'and Mrs. Frank Harrison and Gordon visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Harrison of Latchford, for a few days over the holiday. Miss Edna Wilder of Ashburn, spent | Sunday with Miss Kathleen Wiles. - Mr, and Mys, O. H. Lane spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H, Stacey in Oshawa. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison, Mrs, Long and Miss Mildred Harrison spent part of the holiday with realtives in Seagrave. "On the evening of Wednesday, Jan, 10th, a three act drama "My Old New Hampshire Home? will be'put on by the Claremont dramatic club, at this place, under the auspices of the W.A. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Downey, Frank jand Mr, and Mrs. Allan Downey motored to Toropto on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Downey. 'Mr. Geo. Cooper returned to Mal- artic, Que, on Sunday, having spent He holiday at home, TRY OUR COAL, COKE and WOOD. -- IT 18, GOOD '-- LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL Co. Limited. Phone 240 ZION The Christus concert was held at Port Hoover school on Wednesday night when a good crowd was present to listen to the following programme sponsored by the' pupils. The school was beautifully decorated. Mr. Owen Sweetman acted as chairman. The first item was a chorus by the school, recitation by Margaret Murdock, a western song by Charlie Sparks, Bruce Moase and Ruth Hall with guitar ac- companiment; vocal solo by Jean Dunn; recitation by Lorna Brown; dialogue, Jolly Minstrel Show; recita- tion by Murray Sweetman; piano solo by Alvin Hall; dialogue, Nothing to Give; a two part song, New Year's Song; recitation, Ellen Howlett;. dia- logue, iy Good haar 4 a balloon drill - Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson and family of Little Britain, spent New New Years with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hall. Dr. and Mrs. Arnold, of Oakwood, Mr. and Mrs. Acton of Toronto, spent New Year's: Day with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Short, : " Mrs. Geo. Walls is visiting at the (home, of her brother Mr. Sam Hall. ~~ Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Rod- man, as being elected Deputy Reeve for Mariposa. Mrs. E. Wooldridge of Lindsay visit- ed her son Mr. Grant Wooldridge. Mr. Harold Tomlinson of Blair- Hanipton, spent the holidays with his mother- here. Mr. Claude Horn of Mitchell, spent the holiday i his mother Mrs, J. R. Horne. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Hodge and family of Beamsville, . were recent visitors at the homes of C. Lorimer and Wardle White. Mrs. Edwin Langstaff spent a few days with friends in the city. Mr. Wilmott Swanick of Toronto University spent the holidays at his home here. Mr. Nelson Carnegie who has charge of a school near Bancroft spent the holidays at his home here, - Mr, and Mrs. Wilmott. Gregg and John spent New Year's Day with friends in Sunderland. Mrs. John Tunney and children ot Toronto, spent some of the hoildays with her father Mr. Geo. Merrick. Mr, and Mrs. Russell 'Acton and family were recent: visitors of C. B. Wagg, of Uxbridge. . Mrs. Roy Hood, Thelma, and Law- rence, spent Sunday with friends at Wick. ? OIL TANK EXPLODES at Mariposa Fire Fire of unknown origin on Wednes- day caused loss estimated at $15,000 when it destroyed the chopping mill of Hogg & Lytle | imited, grain mer- 3 Jn and Mrs. D. Duchemin attended "larrived. When they did come there 'they wild oats?" 24 i 4 [PA Xe det: Ji SITE SE Subd Fo All 1938 Wallpag pers ARE NOW IN STOCK | Fe eaturing-- SUNWORTHY SUN-TESTED SEMI-TRIMMED - READY-TRIMMED i These papers are exceptional for patterns and quality. 400 patterns to choose from. Priced--Wall 100. Single Roll and 'up. Celling, 100, Single Roll and up. Border, 40. yd. and up. Men's Heavy Rubbers, Goodrich quality. $1.89 $2.25 - $3.15 LADIES' MOTOR BOOTS IN BLACK OR BROWN Several shades $2.69 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY #%,0% 0% 0% ote 00 The steel flanking of the two large | 8 elevators beside the grain mill saved | the rest of the plant. Showers of |$ sparks and embers lit on the metal roofs. A large underground tank coun- taining 400 gallons of fuel oil ex- ploded early in the fire and made Why worry bene ea comes? - Just go to the phone call 32 and our driver will approach impossible for the volunteer bring those home tasty delicacies right to your firemen, gd Heat was so --_ after the fuel | 0, oil tank exploded that the metal siding & of the grain elevators began melting | & and the framework underneath caught |§§ fire. - It was thought for awhile} nothing would save the rest of the|® plant, but hard work by volunteers, Lindsay Fire Brigade and Canadian National Railways workers did. Hundreds threw snow on the burn-|§ ing mill before the Lindsay firemen Gerrow Brothers ) RSE YIASRSRERR IRAN) The Coal You "Can Depend on. Ask for it by name--'The Famous Reading Anthra- cite. You can depend on it. was no water supply, and a call was sent. to the C.N.R. at Lindsay. A locomotive was sent, and from it water was pumped. NG It gives you even heat satisfaction ; long burning; free from dirt and dust. One ton will convince you of its superior burning qualities. NUT, STOVE AND PEA SIZES on hand. "COKE, HARDWOOD, -~ SOFTWOOD We can also supply you with SCOTCH COAL, RUSSIAN COAL, BLOWER COAL, STEAM COAL. Whatever your fuel requirements are we are in a position to fill your order. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Bette§ F Fuels" ~~ WILD MUSTARD WITH MORNING DEW. A weary harvest hand, aroused by the anxious farmer at 4 o'clock one morning, asked drowsily what the trouble was and, being told the oats were ready to reap, inquired, "Ave "No, just ordinary]: oats", said the farmer. 'Oh, well, if they're only tame oats", replied the} weary one, "we'll wait and slip up on them in daylight!" Had it been wild mustatd the farm- er was after, remarks B, Leslie Emslie who tells the story, there might have been some excuse for 'getting the hired man up at that unearthly hour, for it is while the dew still lingers on the vegetation that powdered cyanamid may be applied effectively in the eradi- cation of wild mustard growing among and competing with the grain. Cyanamid, dusted on at the rate of 100 Ibs, per acre when the young GET Phones--94W and 94) PORT PERRY § HIE 1 { WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS chants at Mariposh Station, ten miles Mr. and Mrs, Fred O'Boyle of Oshawa, oa eine si 3 he A nse on diem Oo west of Lindsay. grain plants are three or four inches EGG-0 DOUBLE ACTION BAKING POWDER . ..28¢. high, has proved ndetully effective OXYDOL, large Package > ........ vo i Iii ivi, ..21¢. in destroying wild mustard, vulnerable : because. of. its flat-growing, broad; SUGAR CRISP CORN FL AREY Sars me ey 8 pkgs. 28c. {! hairy. leaves. to. which the pulverized SURPRISE-SOAP .............oovvvvvnnnn.. 5 bars 23c. \ cyanamid adheres, though not to the narrower, - smoother, upright shoots COCOA, IN DUK «oe .per I. 12¢. of the grain crop. The latter may be (lll DEVON TOMATOES ...................... ....tin 9c slightly discoloured but soon recover and grow with renewed vigour; since WHITE HONEY ....... oii, 5 I. pail 6c. cyanamid is also a fertilizer eontain- ing 22% of nitrogen. RED ROSE KETA SALMON .......c....iuvn 2 tins 10¢. On fiields which are to be treated GRAPEFRUIT, be. LEMONS, dozen 29e¢. with cyanamid as a weed killer, it is s wise prochution to apply at seeding |i} 3 a PALMER, 3 Prop. s DELIVERY Phone 36 time 200 or 250 Bs of 0-16-6 fertilizer per acre, Y t ) 80 Well une os 2 ~ Ana : Sa $:

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