PELE mS ET . EERE ve Commentary on the Highlights of the Weeks News. . « & by Peter Randal HELPING HAND: Many of the heavy German shells fired by Spanish "Insurgent soldiers into Loyalist ranks the past few weeks did not explode. They did no damage, killed no one, because they had been filled with saw- 'dust by munition workers in the Ger- man factories where they were made, Not being allowed under the Nazi re- gime to say a word or perform any act of sympathy towards the Spanish Loyalists, these factory workers found an indirect but marvellously effective way to aid thelr fellowmen in another country, * * * * RAY OF HOPE: An alltime record for moisture during the month of Feb- ruary has been achieved on the Re- gina plains. The heavy snowfall did it. The dry southwest areas of Sas- katchewan the past week were blank- ected in a welcome coat of white, in some places twelve to eighteen inches deep. Crop prospects have brightened very considerably, especially since this precipitation of snow follows up- on the heavy rains of last autumn, Chances for a good crop are better than they have been for many a long year. Let us hope the West will get a break in 1938. LJ . LJ * CUTTING OFF is diflicult to understand just why Great Britain 'is moving toward mak- ing a loan of large sums of money to Mussolini. Italy's financial position has been very shaky for the past year, Without substantial aid from an out- side power, the Fascist regime might very well face collapse. It Britain now-extends a loan, Muss: olini's hand will be strengthened for further depredations in the cast; she will be in a position to finance another "volunteer" army expedition into Spain. Italy will be more powerful than ever in the Mediterranean, But that is what Britain in the long run does not want, because the Medi- terranean is her "lifeline" to the Near Last and India. , * * * PERMANENT CAR MARKERS: A plan has been presented to the To- ronto Board of Police Commissioners proposing that permanent license plates replace the present yearly markers on Ontario cars. It is sug- gested that larger plates be used, five inches by 16 for the front and 12 x "1t for the rear. These would be weld- cd to the Lody of the car and colored ONE'S NOSE? It -stickers attached to windshields wuasyu indicate that the yearly fee had been paid. Sounds grand. If we had the 'same plates year after year, maybe we could remember our license number. L L * * BRAVE WOMAN: Ishbel MacDon- ald, daughter of the late British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, {8 not a snob, Neither is she a coward. This former hostess at No. 10 Downing Street, London, last week disclosed her plans to marry the village "han- dyman" of Speen; Buckinghamshire. A former house painter, electrician's helper, dfich-digger, drum-player in the village band, Miss MacDonald's flance has been a regular. customer at the "Old Plow," an inn which she operates. ! Miss MacDonald does not allow worry over "what people will say" to stand between her and happiness. LJ [J LJ [J] PRISON FINDINGS: Shortly to be presented to, Parliament at Ottawa is the report of the Royal Commission on| penitentiaries, a tabulation of find- ings made during a thorough {nves- tigation of Canada's prison system. It is expected there will be some "eye- openers" on how -the penal situation is administered, and a number of very definite recommendations for reform. The report should indeed be valu- able, since the Commission took care to hear the evidence in private of every convict who wished to speak. A study has been made of ow the "detention and reformation", which the present law calls for, has been carried out. * * * * * PAGING DOBBIN: Next time, he swearg, he'll take the horse. A farmer a couple of miles from London the other day set off for town driving his '38 "model sedan. The road was hou: ribly icy. He kept her under 23, but before he had gone half a mile, the ; car 'slid quietly into the ditch, The neighbor's team did some hefty pull- ing, negotiated the sedan back onto the road again. This time, our man . kept her under 20. But in spite of his careful manipulating of the controls, the car turned right around and faced east instead of west. Annoyed beyond words (do you blame him?) our far- mer refused to fight fate any further. He continued east, arrived without event In his own yard a few 'minutes later, and locked away the car. Ew T= LISTEN... ou ide ght TANADA-19384 - IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S: INSPIRING PROGRAM EVERY FRIDAY. NIGHT On a National | Coast to Coast Network 'Mussolini Fittds Empire Costly "African Development Appears Have Absorbed More A Billion Dollars Erpire building In [Itallan East Af- rica--including Ethiopia and Italian Somallland--has cost the government nearly 30,000,000,000 lire (about $1, 678,000,000) since the beginning of the Italo-Ethiopian war, according to sta- tistics published. in the newspaper Popolo Di Roma. _ Italy Las expended the following sums In I2ast Africa in the last three complete fiscal years: 1934-35--985.000,000 lire. 1935-36--11,136,000,000 Hre, 1036-37--17,519,000,000 lire. Ancther indication of the large ex: penses required in colonization was seen in the growing budget deficits since 1930, the article said. The fiscal year of 1930-21 revealed a deficit of only 504,000,000 lire. Deficits for the last two fiscal vont follow: 1935-36--12,686,000,000 lire. 1936-37--16,230,000,000 lire, These figures include the deficit of the Itallan railways. QUEBEC Rocks INN i Paris Replaces ~ Chestnut Trees With Hardier "Varietiés, Such As Plane Trees and Sophora -- Gas Fumes Killed Some. Automobile exhausts are cogtinuing their work of 'destruction to "Paris trees, and it will Con TH os park department 1 ,000 francs for re- placement of Head or dying trees dur- ing 1938. One of the main attractions of the city has always been the number of streets lined with trees, and the city government ig attempting to. maintain the tradition by substituting hardier varieties for the traditional elms and horse-chestnuts. Several years ago it was necessary to replace the chest- nuts on the upper half of the Champs Elysees with plane trees. TlL:se are doing well, and the same plan is being followed with other streets. At the samo time, experiments have been carrfed on with a great varlety of trees. | Tar Emanations Harmful One liter of gasoline of the type used by carg in France produces 500 liters of oxide of carbon. This is in- jurious to most trees, and is the prin. cipal cause of the difficulty, It has also been found tha emanations from - the tar aud asphalt used on the pave: ments are harmful to vegetation in Summer, 7» MKAccording to this year's park pro- gram the chestnuts on the Rue Caulaincourt will be replaced with the sophora, a tree that has been found to be specially strong. The elms of the Boulevard du Palais will be replaced bs plane trees, as will those on the Avenue de Maine, the Avenue d'Italfe, Avenue de Clichy and Ave. nue de Saint-Ouen, Ontario Planning Fish Hatcheries TORONTO.--It was reported un- officially at Queen's Park last week that construction of four new fish hatcheries with rearing ponds, at an estimated cost of $120,000, is pro- vided for in estimates of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries to be recommended for inclusion in the budget at the forthcoming ses- sion of the Provincial Legislature, It was understood the hatcheries will be located at New Liskeard, Peterborough, on Manitoulin Island and in Muskoka. Trout and other varieties of game fish raised in the stock lakes in the surrounding dis- j tricts, new plants will be used primarily to { EERE WHOLE. TRADE, OF ORIENT IS SLOWLY STRANGLING Ruin For All "Business Seen In Japanese Victory by Chinese Envoy -- Door to Western World Would be Closed. No highly organized .nation in the Occident can hope to escape from the evil results of the desecration of China, declared W, C. Liu, special en- voy of the Chinese Government who spoke~last week in| Toronto. "A number of well-meaning, fear- stricken pacifists can trace their busi- ness losses back to last July when the Japanese were allowed to {invade China. Business conditions slowed down even more when the Japanese invested Shanghai on. Aug. 13, he sald. "How on earth can the Western nations hope to have a peaceful, pros- perous condition of things while the whole trade and commerce of the Or- fent is being slowly strangled by the war machine of one nation? And be- lieve me when I say it is affecting the whole of the East. To Close Door "Jt Japan wins this war she will close China to all other countries ex- cept those who are able and willing to pay heavy tolls. Long before that day arrives Japan will be bankrupt and slowly sinking in her own mire but she will have dragged down China and a large portion of the com- mercial world with her." The Chinese nation -had every con- fidence General Chiang Kai-shek would be able to hold Japan in a death grip- until the conflict could be brought to an effective conclusion. A mew army of 1,500,000 men was taking form in the interior of China. This would in all probability be augmented by units from other nations within a very short time. "Fighting Own Battles" Notwithstanding reports from Jap- anese sources, Mr. Liu asserted China had received no assistance from fore- ign troops. "So far we have: been fighting our own battles," he sald. The Soviet air- craft were purchased in.the same way as the airplanes from the United States but no fighting pilots had been supplied, v > Bl [ News In Review 4-0-0900 Civilians Killed In Air Raids HANKOW.--Word that more than 200 clvlllans, including several for- eigners, were killed by Japanese air raiders at Chengchow cast a pall this week over elation raised in Chinese . Government circles by reports of Chinese successes along the northern part of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. Trade Pac¢t Negotiations OTTAWA.--Important negotiations which concern the modification of the trade agreement between Canada and the United Kingdom are. in progress now. They are 'antecedent to the negotiations for a revised treaty be- tween Canada and the United States because the negotiations for an Anglo- American pact are ahead of what Ot- tawa and Washington are figuring on between themselves. Austria's Nazificition VIENNA.--Fughrer Adolf Hitler of Germany, backing up an ultimatum with strong military forces along Aus- tria's northern frontier, forced Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to place five 'Ausfrian Nazis or Nazi sympathizers ih his Cabinet. Schuschnigg, long a bitter foe of Nazl penetration into Austria, where the Nazi Party has been outlawed ! since June, 1933, announced his capi- tulation and submitted his new Cab- inet list to President Wilhelm Miklas - after Hitler's three-day ultimatum ex- pired. Rearmament Program 'Increased LONDON.--Great 'Britain this week ended the first year of a £1,600,000,000 ($7,600,000,000 five-year rearmament program and plannéd a heavy increase in defense expenditures in the Soro year, During the 1937- 38 fiscal year, Brit." last. week. 'When Ice Cream Was First Made In the Seventeenth Century -- Italians Claim Its Dis- covery Then one day in a cafe in Palermo the wonder was effected, says the Irish Independent. A young appren- tice who sa'v the ineffectual attempts of his clients to keep cool tried his hand at a 'mixture of treacle and ice. The result was rather good. In fact it was a considerable improvement 6n anything: hitherto devised. So the ap- prentice followed up his experiments, He made a wooden box with a double bottom. In the lower department he placed a quantity of crushed ice and filled the other with cream, gvhen lo! the original ice cream. It is not sur- prising that the apprentice who had the genius to discover ice cream had also the sense to realize the possibil-' ities of hig discovery. When he had made sufficient money in Palermo to enable him to start on a large way he established in Paris. It was the be- ginning of an Italian peaceful :pene- tration that has lasted to the present day. The English claim they had dis- covered it before this time. It was in 1660 'the apprentice from Palermo op- ened his shop, and it is claimed that Charles I had 'already treated guests to ices at a banquet. Charles seems to have been very proud of this deli cacy; for it is on record that he gave his chef $100 yearly pension to keep the method of production a secret. ain has spent £269,739,000 ($1,348,- 695,000). - Sir Thomas Inskip, Minister for De- fense Co-ordination; sald the 1938-39 figures would be between £325,000,000 (31,625,000,000) and £350,000,000 ($1, 750,000,000), Against "Mixed Marriage" VATICAN: CITY.--Referring directly to the prospective marriage between King Zoz 1 of :Albania and Countess Geraldine Apponyi of Hungary, the Vatican organ, Osservatoré Romano, this-week gave voice to the Catholic Church's objection to "mixed mar: riages", © Osservatore recalled that ordinarily such a 'marriage -is regarded as void when it involves a union between a Catholic and a person who. has not been bartized, Disturbed By Japs LONDON, "Eng.--The Earl of Ply- "mouth, Under-Secretary for 'Foreign "Affairs, told the- House of Lords last week-end : the Government is closely watching the problem of international trade on the Yangtse River in China, : as well as the future of the Chinese Customs Administration. 'Lord Plymouth termed "very dis- turbing" the annotncement by Japan. ese authorities fn Shanghai that they 'would not respect even foreign obliga- tions secured 'by the customs, Killed In Manoeuvres PRAHA, Czechosloyvakia.. -- Four fliers were killed this week when two Czechoslovakian army planes collid- ed and crashed during manoeuvres 'near Milovice, Two Murderesses NEWARK, N.J.--Mrs. Ethel Strouse Sohl, policeman's daughter, and Gene- vieve Owens, her companion in a $2.10 holdup during which a bus driver was slain, were convicted of first-degree murder by an 'all-male jury wiih recommended mercy. Denies His Letter Provocative MOSCOW.--Joseph Stalin's widely published letter appealing to the work- ers of the world to unite behind the Soviet Union 'it it 1s attacked must be read as a document of domestic, rath- er .than international, importance, au- thoritative Soviet sources declared this week. They warned that to interpret -the message in any 'other way would in- evitably lead to inaccuracy and exag- geration, ee. h 'young. boys and girls. IPTON Si: OICE THE WORLD AT LARGE of the CANADA J THE EMPIRE "PRESS CANADA They Do It Over Ti There While Boards of Education on this continent are hesitating about the use. of radio broadcasts in schools, .there are more than 7,000 schools in Eng- land recelving léssons via 'the ether waves.--St, Thomas Times-Journal, Hit Wrong Man Marshal von' Blomberg, German Minister of War, has resigned and departed on ja honeymoon with young lady of whom the army rs did not approve. Now why 'couldn't that have happened to Chancellor Hitler, instead ?--Woodstock Sentinel- Review, Children Won't Aoplaud A prominent headmaster in South Africa is strongly advocating a 'six- day school week.. He says that the "gap 'from Friday Mon- day morning is too long, but he needn't expect any applause from the: ranks. of juvenile Canada neBiantioeg BExpositor, Radio In The Family Broadcasters should ever bear in- mins that they are not talking to sophisticated. adult audiences, -as in the theatre, but that what they say goes into homes where. there are in. a theatre, where there has been undue laxity of recent years, is utter- ly out of place in the midst of a fam- fly. Radio has been slipping in this respect for some time, one of the most frequent offenders being a high- 'priced comedian whose tiresome per- sonal .allusious are sometimes in very questionable taste. 'Radio is family entertainment, and should be kopt as clean as family _lite itself. ai Beucon-Herald. gee The Township Cle Clerk picid Nominating candidates for the post of "forgotten man" is a not uncom- mon occupation these days and one hesitates to 'suggest additional Hom- inees, Isn't it just possible, however, that, whoever 'else 'may be' entitled to the designation, the 'municipal clerk is in line for such recognition? And now -at a: time when 'all 'over the district, municipal clerks are tak- ing up thelr duties for t e year, it might be opportune to stop and think; what that work means, 'Clerks are important officers in cit- fes-and towns but especially in the rural municipalities 'the 'work of the clerk 'is almost all-embracing, Town- ship councils get fn the 'habit of rely- ing on the clerks in many ways and year by year, as new regulations are put into force by the government, the scope of 'their duties increases. -- Sault Ste, Marie Star. Sel Sweeney Schriner, No. 11, of the New York Americans, skates past the net of the Montreal Ma bulge in net, as puck rébounds from a goal past Bill Beveridge, who attempts to save. ( Note f Fa limi : Americans Trip Maroons for Hockey Victory {sa} wong, having shot orce of Sheth CRE What gets by .monthg ago, bought $288,000,000, . Was $84, 900,000 © more than the United , THE EMPIRE The Perfect Egg Canada ¢laims to have produced, af- ter years of research and. experiment, what is from the. point of view of the consumer in England the perfect im- ported egg. Tho first consignment of * these eggs has just arrived 'in London 'be dis-- --160 -dozen--and they 'will tributed to experts-in various parts of the country, from whom opinions will be gathered. The housing and feeding of the poultry have been min- 'utely. watched, the eggs have been graded and tested, they have been sent over in spedial' chambers kept at a fixed temperature and: watched by vigilant C.P.R. officials, and they are being handled on this side with all the care .usually bestowed on the most precious" cargoes. -- Irish Inde- pendent, Cast-off "Charity" The self-comforting - but- specious opinion that anything is good 'enough for charity is apparently more widely held than the large number of genuine givers who make real sacrifices would lead one to believe. It seems there are far too many people who are in- clined to look upon charitable institu. tions as a convenient dustbin in which cast-off clothing and other oddments no longer - fit for<human human use can be deposited with a minimum of trouble--thus obtaining for the givers a fictitious glow of godliness and at the same time saving them the bother of burning the articles at home. For that, it-appears, is what the charitable institutions have to do with the rub- bish. After all, charity may cover a: multitude of sins, but .it must cover something, Blankets that are but shreds of their former selves, gloves without fingers, hats without crowns, coats that let in 'the 'four 'winds of heaven, and other rags. that shame gilded alms, can cover: nothing but 'the Todipiepte' confusion @nd the idonor's. in such. .cases ithe charity : that 'begins at-home might well end hypocrisy. there.--Johannesburg Times. TE Canada's Best pi 1937 7 Customer dit | Dominion's Sales In the United States Top All Other Nations' For The Past Year. Canada sold more goods to the Unit.' ed States than any other country dur- Ing the year 1937, the U: 8. Commerce Department announced last week at' Washington, ~-- At the same time, the Dominion was the second largest 'customer of the United States, with the United 'King- | dom occupying first Place as' Brag er. Japan was the United States' third ranking customer, followed by France Germany and Mexico, The United Kingdom, now negotiat- ing a trade agreeniént with the United States; bought $535,000,000 worth of merchandise in 1937, out of total Unit- ed States shipments to the world of $3,345,168,000. Britain Buys More The' British purchases were 21 per -cent more 'than fn 1936, Canad negotiating a new: trade agreement, increased its buying in the U.B.'33 per cent to $610,000,000. Japan which bought cottoti 'and other goods there in large quantities until a few that Sia 'botight from Japan, Britain aid Canada also bought a great deal more from - (he United States than they sold, Canada's sales in that country totalled $399,000, 000 in 195% an increase of six per cent over 19 ----------------a. It is possible to 'see only about 2, 000 stars at any one time with the naked eye, and only persons with keen eyesight can see this number, HENGE : 400 students occupied a cafe at Lille, France; for 7 hotrs afd drank only one half-pint of beer. They - were staking a protest: against being forbidden to ike | a Procession, Will Blossom Out Colors F This In ot Daytime Suis "Loses Hold a" ~ Modern modish mal males will blossom out in colors--raspberry, jburgu ! powder-blue, for example -- in thelr 'daytime suits this summer, if the. United States' leading tailor-design. ers can put it over. © This prediction, along with the fn. formation that men's trousers half an inch shorter at the the Duke of Windsor has lost out Hollywood as a style-setter, was given at the annual conference of the Men chant Tailor Designers' Asscclation meeting in Chicago, . Pastel Shades n, A rosy-copper flannel coat woh with beige trousers striped in blue (corn-flower shade) and rosy-copper, . was one model that gave a hint as to the color trend in summer sports suits. Medium to light shades of brown, green, blue and burgundy aré. leading colors' in the sports: field. } Color also goes forth in even clothes--and not timidly. Dinner jac ets are in powder blue and burgun and worn with black trousers, Formal evening top coats with sat revers and evening capes lined w white satin are in for a revival, sald the designers, . F Anti-Hitler Show Staged In Paris One 'Display Save Nazis Gave Foes 285,000 Years In on. There {8s an exposition in Paris to -commemorate Adolf Hitler's five-year 3} -- reign--but it is not a show that Pro- paganda Minister Joseph Goebbels would sponsor, : One of the more prominent displays informs visitors that 285,000 years in prison" have been meted out to Hitler's = adversaries by German courts; ninety-five persons have been executed by the hatchet, How Unemployment Problem Solved Local union labor, aided by the League for the Rights of Man and the Thaelmann Committee, have a4 ranged the exposition, which features documents bearing on several events during the Hitler regime, particularly the Reichstag fire, the racial theory, anti-Jewish measures, hostility toward Catholics and ex-communications in the fields of art, literature and science. Statistical-charts aim to prove that the unemployment problem has been solved by the requirements of - the army and the Tanitions and arms One Operation 2 Cured ed Trouble FETT | Men Who Perspired So Freely He os Couldn't - Cans On a gil. | dal \ A man who sweated so freely he could not carry on his work has been cured by a simple operation at the 'Wahroonga Sem, Sydney, Aus 'tralla, ~y tay, ad 8 principal ot a 'school, he at times lost pints of moisture while, lecturing to. a class. The doctor who performed the op} Silo sd it. was an "extraordinary Work > _-- case, t h known. "The fallen Ha 0, Jom in the middle of a public address or at some other most inopportune time and have to stop speaking," he declared. ] . 'Extremely Rare Cage - - 4 | Under an anaesthetic, the doctor removed the first and second ganglia '--nerve 'Ceritres 'in 'the region of the shoulder blade. After three weeks the man was allowed to leave. He was told that a similar operation might be necessary on the other side for a complete cure, but this has proved uns necessary. Tlie complaint from which the man was suffering 'was hyperhydrosis, ac: >, cording to a Sydney specialist. It was an extremely rare trouble, he added but there had been several operations In Sydney for it. Bottled News The use of bottles to learn about sea currents 'is 'an ancient one, and: it is 'on record that Queen Elizabeth of England appointed an official "whose title wds "Uncorker of Ocean - Bottles." He was the only person allowed to open sealed bottles dis- covered on any English beich--and anyone else who ventured to do so did it at risk of being executed! The oie aud continued to the time of George III, Ne el x There was a sound reason Good Queen Bess's dppointment. "A. bottle discovere by a fisherman on the shore near Dover. contained the news that Nova Zembla, until t Rugsian, had been seized by the Dute a long time before, and it was res garded as important that any such | news in future should be communi- cated to the right quarters without any possibility of logs of time, Mo: ning glories. wind ngainst the sun, from left to right; hop vines wind with the sun, from right to left, The rim of the balance heel ina heh travels as mich as 10 'mi es #19 vy. }