BOOKS ON FUR FARMING FUR FARMING FUR. FARMING PROFITABLE BUSI. n 'book now" 85c. Publishing Con 31 Arcade, Utien. NY CATYL - HEREFORD ~HE Vd later 'BULLS, HEIFERS, REG "fully « ited, year old Idon Model (General Greenly's oreman, Palérmo, Ont. ALG b's, CLOTHING FOR SALE MINK AISING -- BAMPLE COPY ma, ne 10¢, book catalog free. Fur trade Journal, Box $1, Toronto, On- '| GROW ANGORA WOOL! CLEAN! IN< deresting! Fi ofitable! Free literature, or hy a nch, Drawer 2098, ntario, " HAIR GOODS (WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATION Braids, Curls, and-all types of fines quality Halr 'Goods, Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human } Hair Supply' Co. 528 Bathurst, Toron- OD Bh ou AAHE 10W Eee ; . alogue. HL Brest Clothing: Exchange, 602 Yonge treet, Toronto. COSMETICS "HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS LADIES! MAK ALMOND CREAM - tion, Brastiiag: Balm, Olive Oil Rv peo; Just add \water to ingredients, tore value $5.00; satisfaction guar- MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIR- dressing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge 8t.. Toronto, MAGAZINES 4 5 44s § Hk y id . / (8) 1rigdi OU NS 4 KRUSC Chaim Life Commences : At Grandparent-hood A group of Omaha, Nebraska, eld- ers have formed the National Assoc- iation of Grandparents of America Tiny Radio Waves Travel In Pipe One Pipe Might Carey All 'Phone Conversat'ons Between Cities -- Lilliputian wireless waves so short they travel inside a pipe and are picked up on an antenna only one inch high were placed before the radio en- gineering world at New York last week by the Bell Telephone laborator- fes. In pipes, the engineers were in- formed, these midget waves promise to travel llke telegraphd messages, but without the limits imposed by a wire. A single small pipe, between two cities, for example, might carry all the telephone conversations want- RS anteed. Send $1.00 for, 16 ounces of A . | ed \ each. King Cosmetics, 37 Maitland and plan to promote similar organi- : ' MAGAZINES -- )] BC - . N Toronto. Nye Nomen prt Hay BB Back zations in other cities, - Four to.Eight Inches Long CLEARANCE SALE Numbers ge Lostpaid M, Montkom- "Although books, plays and sons The waves .exhibited ranged from : -- : : try to tell you when life begins," | four to eight inches long. They trav- CLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 12" i ; to 36" lengths. Silks, Creve GRtors MEDICAL said a club announcement, "these | elled through a 20-foot exhibition pipe. Proadeloths, = Ginghams. Linens, | 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS THSTiry | gentlemen think that life begins when | Like all short radio waves these mid- Volles, Prints, Piques; for children's for (R. and 8.) Powder, » i ofl ight. Metal discs. used clothes, uprons, dress trimmings, etc. dy--rheumatis "a thr here Jn | YoU are a. grandparent, 5919 Jotioet ign, 240) Slog use toy Ps ary: 12-yard bundle stomach troubles, ete, BLT Ly President Don Amsden said the as mirrors, reflect the waves into one * Textiles, Dept. LY, b eitresy indian §).50: one Month 33; two months, $5, club would be social, charitable and | end of the pipe. The inch-long anten- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. at! Ly- | benevolent. na picks them off at the other end. ; "DEAF? - mans, Montreal. They have been piped a mile, BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METH-. | HEPATOLA 2 3 The waves are: made by tubes no {3 that gives you ojatural hearing liver, "idney' un bludact (roubles Says More Quakes larger than a common electric light ad. H NTT " Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest Baier bligons in right side under | bulb, Their "frequencies" or pulsa- made is applied to the bone behind digestion, gas, constipation, collie. ay Be Expected tions, are thousands of millions of the ear, nothing on nor in the ear. Product of German doctor. Price $5. times a second hE 1 The niracle of the age. Write to H. x Mes. Gea. S. Almas, Box 1073X, Sas- 5: ° Toronto. Estabiished 1917." Baiding, = Son, Bask. -Expert Sees Renewal of Earth Close to Heat Waves = rrr : z -- 1LES -OR HEMORRHOIDS, - DON'T "Tremors In the Near Still shorter wireless waves, onl a suffer needlessly, ou " € ar a y FASHION MAGAZINE FREB Pile Trentment vill TSNeay a Future an inch and a quarter, have been pro- FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH By BL Sinsomion ut bisod, : duced in the Bell laboratories. These gle porasntaar" atladian Pointe; | Spapatiyin blaln, wragess, op peceipt | ho world may expect a number of | vibrato at ten thousand million times Broadeloths. All colors, styles, Over- GL, 0LatsH ¥ back | Hot < elizhted earthquakes in the near future, Cap. | 8 second, They are very close to heat z 7x aiaes Jo-02, 2c each, peefund Guar acal Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, | tain-N: H. Heck of the U.S. coast and | waves. "At California Institute of LO, Montreal. : Toronto. geodetic survey sald last week. Technology at Pasadena research p : - workers experimenting with similar EMPLOYMENT = PATENT Srna > "with short i report Eel experl- PLANNED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL | oy NX RETR D: ATIOR. of certainty, because they give no [ ments in imparting artificial fevers to PRR Dept W. I aap per copy to thon Patents; Drawings; Registra- | warning of their approach. selected tissues. Thus one typé of ht YY plunadiah Llacement Insti- tions: Sales. "14 Metcalfe, Ottawa, During the last year 66 earthquakes | short wave might heat a bone, and 0 J gToronto, h to b ded i nother flesh, a third blood = »ATENTS severe enou o be recor on in. | another ' "d od, : : FEATHERS rove RL Y INVENTOR. | Btruments a occurred AT bghud WANTED -- GINSENG GOLDEN SEAL | = List of inventions and full informa- | the world, said Captain Heck. _ go Bhi, Boose and duck eathors. tion sent tree. The Ramsay Company, "After such a period of quictness it In 1848 a firearms manufacturer : ranteed. : y e % -gri + 147 Harrison St, Toronto. idl rime Mia CR BT Boney iin to i a re- Jade: pistols List had eoffee-grinders . newal of activity," ho added. * FILMS AND PRINTS : PERSONAL ' : ; . : 1 ROLLS DEVELOPED, P LONESOME? -- WRITE THIS RRELIA- f frée enlurgoment 48e. "Re'yinty 10 blo Club, established 17 years. Mor: Ie Mieiivare 112 A Tarontor oto-Craft,: 183% King B., griptions tree, sealed. Mra. Budd, Along Canada's Mining Highway - « an krancisco, a ornia. > : ZERO PRICES, 'EXPERT WORK. ROLL, N [od with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna MARRY ~ayouLD You MARRY IF : . Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- 8 Siihandreds to choose from, 3 Tver of In the N d ea of aries; Ont. . 3S ith mewhs, Many ° farmors Outstanding favourable devel- n the Noranda area of Quebec, 1: FREBI_TWO DEAUTIFUL BNIARGE. | Earticulars, oc Confidential). Cana' | opments in the mining fields of | Brownlee Gold Mines has enlarged - ments (ong colored) with roll de: Calgary, Alta, 0cnee Club. Box 1233. | Ontario and Quebec have creat- | its property holdings, closely adja- a gloss ade-proo 2 : ind P mo; prints, 28¢: highest quality. Machray | LEARN TRUE SionTRicAncn or | ed flew and widespread interest. | cent to Powell Rouyn and Noran- oy _ Films, Winnipeg. latent _forcen in" your naure. send Th 2 ener da, and is starting a diamond drill : d stamped, 'addressed envelope, Box n ore zon 1ISCOVEnNeES | | ai PRINT «OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT 3562, New Weatminster, B.C. 2 Ey. e ing.campaign. . bonis on jy Huthites, cloth x paper, To " on Hardrock, found also to extend The Lacoma property in the without.skill.or darkroom. 88 t BACCO, SNUFF, > 7 pi, : kh Spttantls Ente ig Sompitd | Cony israel, Hohe, ERE | property, has put life into. fhe | Scanelerre area of Quebec is rap. - § ns fo r ¥; 3 es, stimeniy H p 1 er - H H 3 J. C. Williams, § Richmond East, To- vice te hb Wi naamiged Al property, p A idly proving up an important ore Tonto. | TR TR Rai Oh oR Li Cony of Western On- | oy ieture, The East Lacoma prop- : DJ I RUp )] ®, - a 1 r ' S JST . . Fy. PUL sr prey | "et pelle MR WE PERE [re then with A meg Tape | Sri, adjoining. has dingo dri carder. 'Ro m dev d 8 ethod. No elastic or under- { J pe. $ ari: 3 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c oh Hah straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- : w | ing starting under contract. ling Studio: 29 Riehtaond $i. 'E, To- facturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. In Eastern Ontario, close to the An unprecedented scason of 4] . F, 2 2.3 .. ls . : : PHOTO - FINISHING Quebec boundary, along a seven | mining aclivity is indicated from ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED, H ! > ob the - 25c. Free glossy enlargement with | 26c --. BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED | Mile front from Larder Lake to | Coast to Coast, with-great expec- ol gyery, order. Gem Photo Service, | "enlargements with every eight | beyond Kerr Addison, operators | tations in some quarters for the Box 729, -8tation-H, Toronto, Ont. Rrins Falcon Photo. Finishers, 151 1 : = Sherbrook, Winnipeg, Man. of properties are endeavouring to | Gordon Lake, Athabasca and , ¥oR:SALE -- emulate the success of Barber | Great Slave Lake sections, of the LADIY AVRONT, wher ria Larder with diamond drills. North West Territories. FIRST QUALITY CANADIAN" | 2 °Fohnston. Bimirae one: "mo : v i2roade othe; washfast, news : that the motorist's point of view est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full L en "i Yom tio 1 p size 14-52. "Refund Guarantee." Can- POULERY ART amny ondon Traffic central London has become an area Adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. ee F d Li ht to be avoided wherever possible, and: | FOR SALE -- THREE INCUBATORS, | npn pRAY CihioK OHUKS oun IZNUEI | that future arterial roads built around Buckoye: capacity 600-600-100; good 2h ERAY CHICK. DOES THE. TRICK, London would 'still further reduce the condition. Sacrifice, R. Wellard, 5181 Lue hater Bilis Ahoy aamanty c tion in the centre of the city ote Des Ne ks atten Que. customers from Nova Scotia-to Sas- Arterial Highways Are Being Used Cason in sho ao) is to UH Ee ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER MEAT | gaichewan. Write for your copy to- | = More : E . ~~ choppers and bone -grinders; fully pL AT Jay ia Sop 2 olin St. : this aspect at the present time because guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 168 : on..omario. it is an open secret that the Govern- King St. W., Toronto. BRAY XTRA-PROFIT CHICKS ARE |* LONDON, Eng.--Scotland Yard has ment is preparing a large-scale attack 23 YDS. QUILTING MATERIALS, $1.00 Divi lan required a pho | I hen ¥ une on London's road problems. Hr Chas. ; lose this head start, Sturdy, vigor- ' g ' yy ted by tl vernment MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" TO | ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds, | Monitor. Srossel: dipoiutad wi goseingu) 18" lengths, Choice of Cotton Prints, Catalogue free. Dray Hatchery, 180 In the latest traffic census issued 0 study ¢ problem and put forward DBroadcloths, Silks; for large Quilt John Street, North, Hamilton, Ont. : . concrete suggestions, has now report- Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! by the police headquarters it is re- il " "Refund Guurantee®. Canadian Tex- !| CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING | vealed that central London's trattic | 4 tO the Ministry of Transport. tiles, Dept. LT, Montreal." : in popularity. . Hybrid vigor. Bray During the census 64,000 more pri- - "cross-breds gave remarkable returns | hag decreased instead of increasing as | t ta A ted than in 1935 - : - atchery, ohn treet, orth, A * ' more pedal cyclists, and 25, ; R 4 * or Inst 4 y , LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF Tamilton, -Ontarie Words Se No aahuca saacaily more light commercial vehicles. Both A f ) JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) |, omnibuses and horse-vehicles- showed RECONDITIONED FURNITURE | ""%iymouth Rocks (Whito or Barred), | Corner, busiest point in the metro- a decrease, by 4.300 andl 9.000 Tespacs Every article completely recondi- fndian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. | polis, would have risen from the 1935 ively, ~~ ? tioned und sanitarily treated. Toronto's |. Edzell Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. tively, "7° largest used furniture market. All ; figure of 82,728 vehicles in 12 hours -- : goods sold on a definite money-back | ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND | to about 100,000 in 1937. Instead there Casei ¢ d chief 3 guarantee if not satisfied. Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the d £ 2.000 vehicl: asein, manufactured chiefly from CIE 2 rks Tweddle Chick Contest. 1500 Twed- | Was a decreaso of 2, vehicles on ki ik, i 1 in indust li % 11,95 Kitchen Gabiusts sin perfect dle Chicks free." Send for catalogue. | the day the census was taken skim milk, 1s used In industry and Is k ; . condition. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, i closely affected by .industrial condi- 6.95 Dressers, any- finish, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. Congestion Reduced tions. Argentina is the chief exporter ; head: : 7 Meanwhile the new arterial roads i i » 11.50 Singer drop-head Sewing Ma My TI ARGE BRED To rs tLe Boy aoe ras of casein, accounting for. about half 9.95 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. even Barred Rocks, .10c. All blood- | d h of the total world export (818,000 3 Guaranteed. tested. 100% arrival, Bob Kimber- |*Toads-out of the suburbs are being | cwts. in 1936). France is Argen- 11.95 China Cabinets, any finish, ley, Box W, Essex. Ontarlo. put to-much greater use. _ tina's closest competitor, the two il 14,508 Po, Breakfast Sultes, enamel. | LDS. "QUILT REMNANTS" -- $1.00 These facts are taken as showing | countries together providing over 80 5d . nish, assorted' colors. : * ; ¢ 12.95 Bed, Outfits," all steel panel [OR 15 TOUNDS .$2.25. "SURPRISE SPECTACLES per cent. of the world's exports. " beds, paint finish, excellent Ee has! py aliolos 00, Tiliiget EYEGLASSE P i i. ee Ai efes, 0 Done POW MANICRSON | mapeatry, © Silke, Eiderdown, Wool: | Fen Laie to test yous cyen: Batinfnes |, The business of a shoemaker is of 32,50 } Pe. Walnut Mohair Chester. |, lens, Re Dy pk ahisietie, J Rireeda, {ion or money. refunded. Glass eyes, ~great antiquity. Romans wore cork e uite in perfect condition. rs . . each, assortment sent. ccur- i . Ww . Reversible. Marshall cushions, A won- Bundle 16c. Phllross Textiles, Dept. ate Optical, Dept. XK, 67 Sussex, To. | Soles to guard their feet from: water, | __derful bar n. LE, Station E, Montreal, ronto, especially in winter, : . : 50 c. heavy taupe repp.covered | sw------== ta -- : sushiona. in petHect" condi be arshall y : REMNANTS - STAMPS I N 8 Po. solid oak dining room | 6 LBS. QUILT REMNANTS AND 72 x correas erm recess | TIRED or' NERVOUS? ¥ butter, with TFTA? Sold | piote'ouldt sik lonoles oF eakPaE7| ation, souvent Btamon 66 aitterent, |g Ty ng oo ite: work? : stered. eomplotely. recond) lowed, atton Prints Piques, 'Lroadalaihs, _28e. Guiton, Box 14, Station X, To: : i \ J fo 1 y Jott VaR n 0 Net large us at Blass od x A otaon Garam Sapp. ------ Your liver is lazy, that's why you < ol bie; deather upiol Sred chars: ; pan lo Be Canadian Textiles, Dept. TANNING fecl so. rotten. half the. time, pour Sys. : ; ) y em fs! not: . "Wms suite cost over $300.00 when new. » Montreal, seize BXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR | Mend aches," our' back aches, Your A 5 Pc. bedroom suite, walnut. rH ea i i pp Towne a oe ie Ll : C1 Dey bin a \ nish, Large dresser, chiffon- ., nates an ccays for lae ile. 'Bille i for andRrall size LV with FE Sons, Merritton, Ontarlo. i5:a aif est 18% and. an aritaepues Jour 3 pring and few YY ALL 8 Ent) : oyhices of bile every 24 hours. ; s ¥ on. ' . anol /Tablets 'will make your [iver Groot Nd si i | Eo a TA Sh Fas triple mirror vanity, full size bed, sag- tain other useful medicinal ingredients, Nc less spring and new, excellent quality y © | Tanol Tablets nct promptly and direct- : all-felt attress. Jy upon the liver, stimulating the flow : gain in fine: furn ure, n of 'bite. | They are enny 10° take bri un - Send. money order. for complete price ' : rovide : way. of usl lo- i : of Epo Sharterea bank our reference. be prov Ty sure sigh of nerve a raion, mel proba ty the'mo 34 attecte iver LT ae : your seryta with PHOSVERING. | stimulant known, They. gre not harah ge LYONS' you y And eat wal And piven you has them. 60c! (a) # CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS $1.00 and § 0, ? el "Issue 'No.' 9-38 aE BT PHOSFERINE 886% 478 YONGE ST. . TORONTO NERVE YORI A---C SABER RAIL BNR NAA --_-- in the handi The best papers come It's Double Automatio est booklet- Of, A Chron CIGARETTE PAF ERS Some men go to a lot of trouble hiding their light under a bushel when a small cup would do as well. One of those flighty city women was visiting in the hills of New Eng- land: : She--**This place has so many odd and peculiar people." Natlve--"Yes, but most of them go home by the first of September." How Far Is It From 'Bad" to "Worse? At a certain church a. beautiful lych-gate was put ip, and over it was inscribed: "This Is The Gate Of Heaven" While the paint was wet a large printed notice was attached with the words: "Please Go Round The Other Way" Someone is mow telling a story about an absent-minded professor who sent his wife to the bank and kissed his money good-bye. Why blame it on a professor? A consus taken on asking a woman how old' she was, received the follow- ing answer: Woman--"Do you know "ow old the II girls are next door?" Census Taker--*Sure." Woman--"Well, I'm as old as they are." The census taker wrote down: "As old as the hills". Once in a while odd items appear in print. Three instances appear here: "A-voung woman wants washing and cleaning daily." 2 "Green colored girl until after Christmas." "His first venture into the antique fleld was In Asheville, N.C. There he met his wife." wants work Customer (pointing to a laundry parcel)--*Is that my name in Chi- nese?" Laundryman (hesitating)--¢"N-no." Customer (curiously)--*"It is some kind of identifying mark. What is it?" Laundryman "Just descliption. Means I'l fat man, clooked nose, no teeth." The applicant for a job in the conn- try asked what his duties were to be. He was told he would have to be up at b o'clock to clean and haracgs the horses and do various other jobs about the farm. After breakfo<t he could help around the hpuse. "he farmer was going through a lon: list of other duties .when the applicant interrupt- ed him to ask if by chance the soil of his farm happened to be clay. Farmer-- Why?" Applicant -- "Oh, if it was clay I thought I might make a few bricks in my spare time." Mrs. Thistlebottom (to family wash woman)--*"Mandy, have you seen my daughter Elsie's fiance?" Mandy (perplexed)--'No, ma'am, It ain't been in the wash yet." I 1 Syrian bakers produce "bubble bread" in round, flat loaves, which look like astronomers' photographs of the moon. The bubbles are pro- duced by a mysterious leavening mix- ed with the dough, Scarcity and high prices of materi- als are handicapping Italy's construc- tion program. I'LL NEVER GO TO DINNER WITH A BOY AGAIN UNLESS iin. | HAVE SOME PHILLIPS' TABLETS IN MY PURSE is dis- Ot n mn' {es ng to you- wad oliensive to "acid indies! Hm' othe. But now taeere is no excuse for bing guilty. ; You simply carry your alkalizer with you--and use it at the first sign of "'upset" stomach. Simply take two tiny tablets of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia when out with others. Or--if at home--you can take two teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips'. Both act the same way. Relief is usually 'a matter of seconds. "Gas," nausea, '"heart- burn," acid breath--all respond . quickly. Just make sure you ask for "Phillips." MADE IN CANADA Iapltching TORTURE In A Minute Jule relicf from the itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, ecales, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, antise tic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle olls soothe the Irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stain. less --drica fast. Stops the most Intense itching ine stantiy. A 35¢ trial bottle, at drug stores, proves ft-- or wouey back. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 28 For (- - D USE PIDARD PHT New and. re- AL @ markable re- medy f or heaves, Sat- isfaction is guaranteed | regardless of 2 JR the severity or length of time your horse has suffered from this disease. By mail $1.00. Chs, Fug. Girard, Ste. "orothee, Laval, Quebec. \ ' TOWN "Y TOWN eo VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARS e THE SOLID FLIE) C oal'.. FOR SOLID COMFORI I HOMES SAY Let *BLUE be your guide to better heating efficiency and greater eco- io I vtfumace is de- signed to bum anthracite and 'blue coal' is the world's finest anthracite. Order a trigl ton, Six sizes... df size to svit every fumace. - - Ask your nearest 'blue coal' dealer for ALD TB BETTRI G, or write to 'blue coal' c/o 217 Bay St, o ATIAR Ontario's Soil Being 'Robbed Of Its Minerals York Council, Alarmed by Des- ' tructive ' Flow, 'Would ""Replen- ish 'Valuable - Elements In the Land. When you'drink your glass of milk in the morning you are drinking up the 'soll .values of Ontario. And it's got the farmers of York County wor- ried. ; In fact, so many minerals are be- ing transferred from soil on farms in the County of York to the stomachs of Toronto citizens that the Ccmmit- tee on Agriculture, Reforestation and Markets of York County Councii has decided to do something about it. Goes Into Milk "We note the large quantities of milk shipped daily from the farms in the county, containing calcium and other minerals which, in cur opinion, is a drain on the mineral content of the soil. Therefore, we would ask-the Chemistry Department at Guelph to conduct a sofl survey in tho County, thereby enabling farmers tu return to the soil the proper minerals through fertilizers," the committee said. It is a case of the minerals of the soil going into the cow, via Its food, and to the citizens of Toronto via the cow's milk, explained Dr, G. I. Chris- tie, Director of Ontarjo "Agricultural College. And it has a lot of farmers in many other places in Ontario wor- ried. Se Phosphorus, Potassium Missing "Multiply the minerals in ona cow's milk by the amount of milk uted in Toronto and you'd find It came to sev- eral thousand pounds," explained Dr, Christie. "These minerals are taken from the soil, and it they are no* put back the soil naturally is depleted." The -Government- already -J3-survey-- ing Oxford, Brant, Northumberland and Durham for this very thing, Dr. Christie said, .and strong resoluti)'a urging surveys have been passed by the County Councils of Peterhirough and Grey. "Usually phosphorus and potassium have been found to be chief among the imissing after many years of graz- Ing, he said. : Changes Planned In Farmers' Act Dunning Tells House Amend- ments Will Be Brought In Shortly Amendments to the Farmer's Cred- {tors Arrangement Act will be brought into the Ilfouse of Commons shortly by a Government measure, Finance Minister Dunning told the House last week. He suggested private members intending to bring in similar leglsla- tion wait for the Government Bill Mr. Dunning made his announce- ment when the House was giving first reading to a bill introduced by T. C. Douglas (C.C.F.-Weyburn) asking for amendments to the Act to extend fits provisions to the legal representatives of deceased farmers and to insolvent owners of leased farms, Another amendment in Mr. Douglas' bill would provide for hearing an amendment of proposals formulated prior to December, 1936. The Farmers' Creditors Arrange- ment Act was passed in 1934 and provides machinery whereby debtor farmers may reach compromises with their creditors without going though bankruptey, Dairy Production Continues Upward Keeps On Increasing In Canada: During Past Nine Years Production of milk in Canada has been moving steadily upward for the past nine years, and in 1937, the out- put of nearly 17 billion pounds was an increase of about 200 million pounds over that of 1936, Milk is used in a variety of ways with only about 40 per cent being used in the fluid form. Buttermaking takes the greatest amount of milk and close to 60 per cent of the total output is skimmed and churned into butter. It takes about 8 per cent of the milk pro- duced to make cheese and approxi- mately 1.2 per cent of the milk is pro- cessed into concentrated milk pro- ducts. The percentage going into ice cream manufacturers is relatively small. There was a significant gain in the value of all dairy products in 1937 when, due to increased production and higher prices, the value was the great- est recorded since 1930. : More Cows There was an increase of 66,500 in the number of milk cows in Canada, from June 1st, 1936 to June 1st, 1937. Since that time there has been a re- duction in livestock numbers in the drought areas of Saskatchewan and Alberta, but it is felt that this reduc * tion did not affect dairy cows as much as cther classeg of cattle, ' Five rhinoceri, brought into cap- tivity at one time, would glut the en- tire world's rhino market. Since the price of capturing a rhinoceros runs into thousands of dollars, not zoos in the world can afford the mals. %%