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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Mar 1938, p. 5

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JEMISON'S PHONE 93, - PROTECT Phone 41 40,4 0% 40 4 SN 5 EG OROPOPOPOROPIPORO "YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY | with Reliable F ire Insurance | ff Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. EMMERSON ES ARR Rasa Esse E COUNTS We know where to buy, and what to buy in meats BE We offer you the advantage of our experience. 5 Supply the meat requirements of your family from- k: ""CAWKER BROS. BEST SERV 0 Pn to 1 Po Fu Bo a¥e tte 1% 2% score 2-1. 'The judges were Mr, and Mrs. W. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. Shef- 1 | neld. | ibe thirty-sixth aunual convention 'of vartwright Religious Council was 8 | beld in tne Cadmus United Church on 'rriday, rebruary Zoth, afternoon and evemng, Supper was served in the basement by ladies of Cadmus, Bethel and tne blackstock Anglican 8. 8 ihe olucers appointed for the coming year are: President, M¥s. C. C, Har- court; Vice-Yresident, Mr, Stanley Malcolm; dec y-lreas., Mr, Earl Dor- rell. vwing to the snow: storm on Sun- day several of our citizens were un- able to reach home with their car, and 'were obliged to spend the night elsewhere. Among these were several] young men who attended the hockey match in Toronto on' Saturday night. A number from here attended the cornival at Port 'Perry on Friday evening last, and some were of the opinion it was the best ever held in the place. Those of our number who won prizes were Miss Jean Wright and Fred Trewin, best couple skaters; Best Comie, Gilbert Marlow and Fred Trewin; Best Fancy Dress, 2nd by Miss G. Beacock, ¢ We are sorry to report Rev, H, Bell 8 | indisposed from a bad cold. His i | evening service in the United Church #2 | was taken by Rev. C, C. Harcourt, who #3 | obligingly dispensed with his own ser- 8 | vice. ¥| Congratulations are extended to g| Mrs, Jas. Byers on the celebration ot her birthday "on Friday, Feb. 26th. %| Those who joined with her and Mr. # | Byers on this occasion were Mr, and ¥ | Mrs. Rupert Byers, Mr. Thos. Taylor, #| Mr. and Mrs, L. Byers, Mrs. W. Weir, BAKERY - PORT PERRY Port Perry ete 0h 0th es tn A a a1 08 Receive satisfaction | BERT MacGREGOR | its EEE EE EEE ELSES ESSERE EAL SESE EOS ISSISS00 0 0 0 2 En ou a A on ey Eastern Steel Products!' Guelph St, mited ; Preston, iid Manufacturers of the famous Preston Steel Truss | Barns, Tite-Lap metal roofing and Jamesway | Poultry Equipment. x Please send without obligation to me, tull details of | | your Preston Fertilator. ! Name . ign | Address. 3 1 My drill was made by | and has A 1 } ; -) FOR SALE BY ARTHUR GRAY R. R. 2, Port Perry, ' BEST FOR THE LEAST That's what you get when you buy our BEEF, PORK, - LAMB, VEAL, and COOKED 'AND CURED MEATS. ICE :: BEST PRICES RIN, 44 Mis. Herb. Swain, Mr, M. SL A LR ASAIO ORDRORORORC P0000 Byers. 3888s estes settee tstettstttitstesisasessssssnes On Monday evening, Feb. 21, forty- five of the young married people of Port Perry motored to our village to enjoy some skating and dancing with the people of Blackstock and vicinity, but due to a misunderstanding most of the latter were conspicious by their absence and have heen lamenting the | fact ever since. The skating prizes by phoning (T2r:2 : voossoses | went. to. Mis. Lawrence for the mar- ried ladies race and to Miss McColl for .the-single ladies' race. The married men's race was won -by Mr. Arthur Brock and the single men's race was won by Ivan Thompson, The two spot dance prizes were won by Mrs. Sam "| Griffen and Mrs. Hughes. The music for the dancing was sup- -{ plied by Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Dr. G. M. Rennie and Mr. V. P. Stouffer. Mrs. A. L. Bailey's group of St. John's W. A. provided the refreshments. We hope the visitors from Port Perry will overlook their cool reception and come again some time, Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Larmer and family with Mr. and Mrs, John Larmer; Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Wright, Mr, and Mrs. J, Forder with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Forder, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Hooey with friends in Cannington, Mr, Fred Bradburn of Manvers, with his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. Bradburn. Mr, and Mrs. F. Werry and family of Enniskillen, Mr, Ralph VanCamp of Bowmanville, and Mr. Ross Bailey with Mr. and Mrs, W. A. VanCamp. Messrs, Glen Gib- son and Keith Fallis of Cadmus with Mr. and Mrs, N. Mountjoy, Miss E, Larmer has returned home from a visit with her brother Mr. W. Larmer of Toronto, A very successful croquinole party under the auspices of St. Galahad's Trail Rangers and Tuxis Square was held in the basement of the United Church on Tuesday evening, the 22nd, with Mrs. N, Mountjoy and Mr. Oscar McQuade the prize winners. . SCUGCOC Yu SEE "Fertiator At amazingly low cost, the Preston Fertilator converts Jor old seed drill into a com- ination seed and fertilizer sower | It simply bolts on the grain hopper. Fits most stand- ard makes of seed-drill; sows any '"drillable" commercial fertilizer! It holds sufficient for one full round on the longest field. The fertilizer goes down the hoes with the grain, where it does most good. Regulator attachment controls amount sown. The complete Fertilator can be easily removed and cleaned. Send coupon for descriptive folder giving full information, Phone 119 r 11 BLACKSTOCK Miss Helen Waldon and Misg Mabel VanCamp of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. Miss Florence McLaughlin, B.A; of Toronto, and Mrs. Cecil Downey and . baby of Reaboro, spent the week end ~o¥ with their parents Mr. and Mrs, J. R. McLaughlin. Mr. Lorne Bradburn of Toronto, was with his parents over the week end. On his return he took his par- ents back with him for a visit with his mother's brother, Mr. Dan. Wot- ten, of the T.T.C. ] Mr. Clifford Hyland of Toronto, was with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hyland over the week end. The February meeting of the W. A, of St. John's Anglican Church was held at the Rectory, Tuesday evening last week with a fine attendance de- spite the very unfavorable condition of the weather. | The Seripture read- ing was taken by Mrs. Ira Argue. Mrs. A. L. Bailey read a most inter- esting report of the Diocesan Board meeting. The roll call was answered with a helpful thought. The program in charge of Mra, E, Darcy was as per recently. ' Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, recently, friend Mrs. Rodd one day last week. Miss Edna Samels is visiting her aunt Mrs, Allan Jackson at Green- bank for a few days. Mr, John L, Sweetman had a trying time one day last week when the road was icy, He was coming from Seven Mile Island, and his car slid into the ditch. - He left it there until the next morning, The next morning-after getting it out of the ditch he started on his way home, but when he got opposite R. D. Burnham's farm, it took for the ditch again, just missing going over the end of the culvert. He then took the fence down and went across the fields to the main road. Several people were storm stayed at Port "Perry on-Sunday night as the storm blocked the road. Some went into the ditch and had to be towed out. On Monday morning the snow plow came down and all was well. Mr. and Mrs, John Burnham and Mrs. R, D, Burnham in Oshawa last week, >y ) Glad to hear that Allan Jackson, of Greenbank is recovering from his re- cent illness." He has been confined to Oshawa Hospital, Mr. Grant Jackson has been. doing \ some drag saw work on the Island. Several from-here enjoyed the car- nival at Port Perry on Friday. -------- ---- > » Scugog Head Community Club Owing to the previous Thursday be- ing so icy our Club 'was postponed until February 22nd, which proved much better and encouraged nearly all sixty members to attend, The meeting began with "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" followed by prayer, and the minutes of the previous meeting. As there was no business to discuss, the program con- tinued with Bruce Swectman giving an interesting number on his mouth organ. This was followed by a comic insurance dialogue given by Donald Gerrow and Orval Heayn. Mr. Joblin was called upon for.an.impromptu ac- count of current 'events and fulfilled the 'request' very efficiently. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rodd were then asked to take a place-at the front. John Read- er then read the following address: Mr. and Mrs. Rodd: On behalf of our community club we wish to ad- dress these simple, sincere words of appreciation to you this evening. You are about to continue your chosen work in a community ahout 20 miles from us and among new associates. Each and every onc of us wish you success in your new honie, You, Mrs, Rodd have been loyal in your. connection with our church and community work. Since you first came Mr, and Mrs. G. Sweetman enter. tained a few friends to a pot luck sup- Mr. and Mrs. Perry and family and Miss Myrtle Jeffrey of Toronto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Wi. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt and family, of Enniskillen, visited their parents Mrs." R, D. Burnham visited her among us you have given your time and services as much as possible. As teacher of the Bible Class and later of the Girls' Class, your efforts were appreciated. You have been cheer- ful and willing to help in any musical connection to which you were called. ~ Those who have known you best as a neighbour, Mr. Rodd, have found you helpful, cheerful and agreeable. We regret that you must leave our midst but extend to you a welcome for any possible visit you may be able to pay our community in the future, As a tangible expression of our ap- preciation please accept this gift. Signed on behalf of the Community Club--Murs, Earl Reader, Mrs. Elmer Sweetman, Mrs. S. Sweetman presented Mr, and Mrs. Rodd with a pair of blankets. Mv, and Mrs. Rodd replied, thanking all for their kindness. Everybody joined in singing Auld Lang Syne. We then moved to the tea room for an hour of progressive croquinole. Mr.. Stuart Sweetman won the lady's prize, cup and saucer, Donald Gerrow, second prize, three linen handkerchiefs. Mrs, R. Burn- ham and Gordon Shunk won the con- solation prizes, a basket of Easter €RES, . We were then served to a lunch of Sandwiches, cake and coffee provided by Mrs. O, Reader, Mrs; Heayn, Mrs. Midgley, Mys, Wilson and Mrs, Earl Reader, . The committee in charge of the 17th, is Stuart Sweetman, Gordon Collins, F. Gerrow and T. Redman. Seven of the young people are plan- ning the production of a thirty minute comedy, "Henry's Mail Order Wife", at the next meeting. ' Fort. sme A APs renege DIED BROWN--On Scugog Island, on Tues- day, March 1st, 1988, Thomas Brown, in his 82nd year. . ; -- Sorry to report Mrs, W. Simpson had the misfortune to fall on the ice, breaking her leg, just above the ankle. CL The lantern slides: on Missionary work in China, presented by Rev. Mr. Bushell, was much enjoyed at the Y. P. A. last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Waid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer on Wednesday evening: Miss Muriel Kerry with Mrs. L. Cassidy in Brooklin, Mr. H. Barnes had the misfortune to cut his hand badly with a saw. ~ A number from here attended the carnival _at Port Perry. Mr. Geo, Ward celebrated his 76th birthday on February 22nd. A good erowd attended the mas- querade dance in Memory Hall, on Tuesday night. Congratulations to those who were awarded the prizes. Best lady, 1 Mrs. Chas. Reesor, 2 Mrs. I. Kendall; gentlemen, Mr. Chas. Reesor, Mr, A. Christie. Children-- Miss Marie Mitchell, .Miss Phyllis Ackney, John Sutherland. - BABY--CHICKS BLOOD TESTED Barred Rocks 104 to the box 100 to 400--$10.50 ' 400 & over--$10.00 $10.00 Bred for; LIVABILITY. PRODUCTION LARGE EGGS Leghorns $10.50 follows: a piano solo by Mrs:-F, Lucas, a reading by Mrs, F, Hamilton "When Pa Tried Mental Healing", a reading by Mrs. T. Smith, "A Negro Sermon", a duet by Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. W. Crawford, At the ¢lose lunch was served -by the group in charge and a vote of thanks tendered Rev. and Mrs, Harcourt for their hospitality, The second successful carnival of the winter was held on the local rink on Wednesday evening of last week, The. prize winners were: Best Cos- tumed Lady, 1 Miss McColl, 2 Miss F. Johnston, Best Costumed Gentlemen, 1 Arnold Johnston, 2 Oliver Smith. Pest Comic Costume, 1 M, Coates, 2 Keith Johnston, Best Costumed Pub- lic School Girl, 1 Verna McNally, Best Costumed P.S. Boy, 1 Ray Graham, 2 Fred Lucas, Best Couple Skaters, 'Doris Marlow and Gilbert Marlow. Girls' race, 1 Janet Swain. Hoskin. largest family, went to Mr, L, Swain and Mr, Wallace Marlow; a draw gave it to the latter, . A hockey, game between Port Perry Fire Eaters and the Blackstock Tce Edith Wright, 2 Boys' Race, 1 Bert Basket of groceries for the © Group No, 2 of the W. A, will en- tertain their friends next Tuesday afternoon, March 8th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Samells. Mrs. N, Crozier and Mrs. E., Samells are busy preparing a good program. The Junior Girls' Institute will meet on Saturday, March 65th. The motto: "Let us know our birds""--Marjorie Milner. © Roll Call--Name of Cana- dian bird, Communiy singing. Four girls will describe winter birds. Hos- tess--Joy Hood. Comé-on girls for a hike, sunshine or rain, 4 Sorry the the decorating of the hall by Mrs. J, Burnham and Miss M. Cor- beet was left out last week re the Valentine party. - The Fortnight Club will be held on Stella Raymes, Donald Gerrow and Luzerne Sweetman, Moving time has come again. Mr. Roy Henders and Mrs. Gordon Hope have exchanged places, Mr, I. Rodd has moved to Manilla, Mr. John Col- lins has moved to his former home. Mr. Frank Dowson has moved to the Storie farm, Mr. Wm. Milner has moved to the Dowson place in Port Friday, March 4th, Committee Miss |: PEEL BROS, Phone: 35r3 or 4 Ontario Breeding Station, PORT PERRY - I Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do 'this Spring, or a new building to "erect! Get'in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 Limited oe ~~ wc: JRO Melters, was won by the latter with a Perry. We wish them. all success. eee ues oat 3 EE AH AAA ; Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, 3 for 25c. { Men's knee rubber boots, blk, $1.98 program for the next meeting, March | i RAN NN aE RED & WHITE STORE ' Fruit and Vegetables LEE o> Head Lettuce, large, . 2 for 16c. California Celery . 2 for 25¢. Grapefruit, Seedless, 80's, 5c. each Navel Oranges, 18¢, 26¢, 290, 33¢ Rhubarb, 10c. Ib. Lemons, 25¢. dozen Tomatoes Spanish Onions Cabbage Bananas Always in Stock Pastry Flour, 24's, 69c. "Quaker xxxx Flour, $3.89 cwt. Sugar, Redpath, 100 lbs. $5.69 STANDARD QUALITY Men's Trousers, coftonade «i sup $1.39 Wallpapers, 300 patterns, from ~ 10c. a roll up. Rexoleum Rugs, borderless 9 x 6-$260 9 x 71,--$3.25 : Growing Girls' Shoes in'Black B, C, D, E widths, $2.50 F. W. BROCK & SON | PHONE 43 PORT PERRY TAAL NE A NA AA A AAT SM A MAAR ARAN AS ARN NS ALSED 0 3d I LER IRIN ey -e ASB BA BA BO. forse ase ste sheste doris oT ce) LL Se NL RESEDA SARARARARR AAR RR ARR ERXRX RRR FE ARR IR RIRIE - + Just go_to the phone call 32 and our driver will 4 Why worry when company comes? ; door. Gerrow Brothers ATES AAS AT A ARAL CNR AERA SE ARRAS RRR Sn me Phone for RE-INFORCEMENTS Makesureof your defense against fierce attacks of winter winds. In case of distress, phone us. We'll send you Famous Reading Anthra- cite--the "Laundered" Coal, It makes a hot- ter fire because it's w// coal--no dirt, no dust. A 4 Phones 94w & 94j Port Perry Coal Yar WIIG TAGS TAN TMG TA aD GT TAG ae Tat -- es PORT PERRY GROGETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS i LYNN VALLEY JAM, Apple and Strawberry,. ...jar 23c. FALCON JELLY POWDER, all flavors 4 pkgs. 19c. BROOMS, 4-string. éa. 25c¢. OLD CHEESE, 1b. 24¢. HABITANT VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins 23c. THRIFT SOAP FLAKES 3 Ibs for 25c. CLOVER LEAF FANCY PINK SALMON 2 tins 25c. PITTED RED CHERRIES in heavy syrup tin 13c. BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 2 tins 18c. DELIVERY 8 am. to 6 pm. 4 Phone 36 bring those home tasty delicacies right to your SA TL a Aneel ATR gh 7 RG AE a3 WLR --

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