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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Mar 1938, p. 5

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Fn 4 > ME EEE "YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. | JEMISON'S BAKERY rr : grain hopper. Fits most stand- Hp ard makes of seed-drill ; sows . "any "drillable" -commercial fommmmmees cama -------------------- Jortilizer | 1)ulds Scions for 1 ; i I one round on the longest {Fasten Steel Products: field. The fertilizer goes down } Guelph sx, Preston, Ont. | fi hoes with the 30, Whate 1 Manufacturers of the famous Preston Steel Truss | t does most gooa. g ator | Borns, Tise:Lap metal roofing and Jameswsy |. attachment controls amount }: leasg send without obligation to me, full detatisot § -- gown, The complete Fertilator 7 | Name : | can be easily removed and } Adam, made b : | ¢leaned, Cie , ! a4 asda by, Send coupon for. descripti fm en ie ig i inormation. af re FOR SALE BY ARTHUR GRAY 3 Ye y fois R. R. 2, Port Perry, * Phane 119 r 11 + Clerk W. F. Dobson Retires : "After over thirty years 'of faithful and efficient ~ + jtion as Clerk-Treasurer of Reach oWiship, and 1s to _' be succeeded by Mr. T. J, Sager, | with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with "HAROLD W. EMMERSON | ares Sara iateane seer . Phone 41 Shop by Tel 'M.:GREGOR'S TELEPHONE A call to 29W will end your meat | CAWKER BROS. We deliver Port Perry It's quicker and edsier "" order worry in a flash. Port Perry = one-- The personal Way ' A CALL TO MEAT MARKET. * "Fertilator At amazingly low, cost, the Preston .Fertilator' - converts Jou old seed drill into a com- 'bination seed and fertilizer sower! It simply bolts on the. service, Mr. W. F. Dobson Reach owes much to" Mr. . knowledge of municipal affairs enabled him to keep the Township affairs in excellent condition--Editor, The regular meeting of .the Muni- cipal Council of the Township. of Reach for the month.of March, 1938, was held on Saturday, March 6th, at one pm. All members present. Minutes of the last meeting were "read and adopted. Communications from R. A. Laidlaw, Chairman, Board of Trustees' The Hospital for Sick Children, and Brigadier Wm, Richard- © son, on behalf of the Salvatioh Army, Toronto, acknowledging with thanks donations from Reach Twp. for 1938; from Dept. of Health of Ontario, ac¢- count for Reach's share of Insulin supplied patients of Reach Township, Y has resigned from his pos- . The Township of Dobson, whose thorough and a large number of applications for the office of Clerk-Treasurer, The road Liability Insurance was renewed for the year ending the 11th day of March 1989, with The Canadian General Insurance Co., through Wm, Phoenix, local agent, Mr. T. J. Sager received the ap- pointment of Clerk-Treasurer for the Township, to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. W. F, Dob- son. $ ' Accounts passed ; ~~ Jas, Masters, snow, $1.76; Frank Kendall, snow, rd, 16, $7.75; Russell Butson, snow, | Keene and Miss Alma Frise, all of : Mrs, Frank Harrison on Saturday. i and. Mr. Melvin: Honey of Toronto : on friends in the village last week, ¥% | who had a narrow escape from death, i8 | while working at General Motors in 3% | Oshawa, a week ago, when he was i | struck down by a falling car frame, ff | which cut his chead badly and sent @ [him and another man to the hospital ¥4| for several days. : f| joyed a real one in the Community 3% | Hall 'last Wednesday. ¥ | were cooked just right and were a $3 | real treat. 5 down with a grand variety of other 3| good 'things to eat, and nobody was + his genial manner and. the program 'Cooper; monologue by Audrey Grant; '| In the parable Jesus told; | And back to the flock, safe in the fold John and Sam Masters, sanding rd., $10.00; Elwood Crosier and J. Moore, sanding road, $10.76; Turner Ashen- hurst, snow, road 9, $2.60; Mervin Mahaffy, brushing, $12.00; Eugene Forsythe, snow, road 16, $14.00; W. Evans, snow, road 16 $12.60; Robert and Cecil Leask, sanding roads 11, 12, 14, $32.50; Leroy Till, sanding, $1.00; Jas, A, Lee, on acct. as Road Supt, $49.60; Prov. Treas., Reach's share of Lee, drawing wood for Levi Warren and moving John Gibson, $3.00; Miss 'Rees, on acct. of caretaking of hall, $5.00; Treasurer to pay relief accts. for February, 1938, $276.94; Jas. Lee administering relief, $20.00. March 2nd, next at 1 p.m, Myrtle Station Several of the Manchester W. M. S. ladies joined with the Myrtle ladies on Friday for the World's Day of Prayer services. ; Mr, and "Mrs. Roy Scott and sons Harold and Béverley, Mr, and Mrs. W. Seagrave, were callers of Mr, and Mr. Harold Stredwick of Oshawa, was a guest at the Briggs' home on Sunday. ERR Miss Marion Martyn of Welcome spent the week end at the parsopage. Miss Reva Cooper was in Toronto last week attending the Hair Dressers® convention. Miss Allie Ross of 'Ashburn called Severa) of our people spent an en- poyable evening when they journeyed to Manchester to" hear the famou 'Carolina Jubilee Singers". 4 Mr. C. V. Harrison, on Sunday, call- ed on Mf, Wm. Martin in Brooklin, Talk about oyster sifvers, We en- The oysters The tables -were loaded disappointed. i After supper a good program was put on, Rev. W. E. Honey took the' chairman's place in was as follows: recitation by .Beulah piang number' by Miss: Stevens of Ashburn; an amusing drama "Mud- ville Gentlemen's Aid". was put on by the school boys; a splendid reading by Miss Hammill of Ashburn and a drama "School Days" was given by the boys and girls. © The National Anthem brought to a close a delight- Class are to'be congratulated on their success of 'the evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Birkett and fam- ily of Port Perry attended the supper in the Community Hall. i We are glad to report that Mr. and Mrs. Beacock are well on the way to to her home in Perth on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey and Mr. Will Lammiman of Oshawa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Lane on Saturday. i' Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. R. Broome of Concord on the gift of a son, which arrived oh Feb. 27th. SEAGRAVE The young people of Zion were guests of Seagrave Y,P.U. on Tuesday evening. The theme of the worship service was "The Lost Sheep". The prayer and Scripture lesson were taken by Misses Alma Frise and Helen Short, while Mr. Grant Orchard took the devotional topie, after which the following poém was read: by-the president, * : © Back to the Fold. "Twas a sheep, not a lamb, that strayed away, . 0% A grown-up sheep that 'had gone astray 2 wd. ® From ninety and nine in the fold. Out on the hillside, out in the cold, "Twas a sheep the Good Shepherd sought; 3 "Twas. a. sheep the :Good. Shepherd "brought, SR And why for' the sheep should we earnestly long, - : "And so earnestly hope and pray? Because there is danger, if they go wrong, AE They will lead the lambs astray. For the lambs will follow the sheep, you know, 7 Wherever the sheep may stray; be long Insulin supplied patients, $9.03; E. 3 Council adjourned until Saturday, YOU CAN AVOID ALL TH 3 i is) oe PS 'THE | Fruit and Vegetables Head Lettuce, large . 2 for 19¢. California Celery . 2 for 28c¢. Grapefruit, Seedless, 80's, 6c. esoh 'ORANGES -- 20¢., 250., |330., 390. Peas, Corn, standard, +3 for 260. PASTRY FLOUR, 24's 69c. ful evening. The Faithful Workers'| recovery: Mrs;-Roy Spencer returned | ~~ When the sheep go wrong, it will not v The weather doesn't count Just life the receiver and candlestick maker all are p by TELEPHONE another instance of the part the telephone- plays in smoothing your every day. Nothing else gives so much in convenience, comfort and safety, for so litde. when you have a telephone. the 'butcher, the baker. the ready to serve you -- just And so with the sheep we earnestly plead, For the sake of the lambs to-day, If the lambs are lost, what terrible cost Some sheep will have to pay! : «5% ~~ Miss Betty Short gave a number of Bible References which everyone en- joyed. ~ Miss Fern Moon played a piano solo aftef which/Miss Elva Hall of Zion favorred with a reading. Miss Jean Harding sang "When the mighty Organ Played, O Promise Me." The meeting was then in charge of Mr. Glen Moase assisted by the president. A number of lively games were played and a social time spent." "A lunch of sandwiches, cake and' coffee was served during which Mrs, Lloyd West- ern moved a vote of thanks to the Seagrave Y,P.U. for the evening's entertainment. Mrs. McClintock of Balecaris, Sask., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard. The sale at the home of the. late Mrs. Jane Watson on Wednesday, March 3rd, was well attended and prices were good. Miss Alma Clements of Oshawa, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clements. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brown, of Port) Tuesday night. Perry, speiit Wednesday with Mr. and Mus. AC Sleep. : _On Sunday evening, Rev. J. Mec- 'Lachlan preached his postponed "Dads and Lads" sermon with the following: text "Father thou art the guide of my youth." : We are glad to kiow that little Mary Harper is so much recovered that she can be taken out; although only for a short time, 1 Large Oxydol and 1 Small Oxydol - all for 25c. Te, ag eo a ag artes yee oo neces age Pa eos, Palos', NEW ITEMS for SPRING Ladies' Dresses, prints, $1, $1.35 { Tic-Toc and Pique Materials, $1.75, $1.98 Shoes for ALL members of the family SC Congoleum, Feltol, Linoleum floor coverings, at prices to meet all 'competition. | Made-to-Measure [Suits $22.50 © $24.50 $27.50 Wallpapers-- 300 Patterns Starting at 10c. a roll. DOB BABA IBA AIH SSS SO HS A SX Na 710. 6°99 9 8/6. 80.00 0 0 9A 0 5 Cele: F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY ED & WHITE store | lending a helping hand and taking ad- vantage of the splendid sleighing. ronto, spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. nN wood has been visiting his cousin Lloyd Short. the day. Murs, W. L. Moase and son Glenn at- tended the funeral of her cousin [Mr.|$ Albert Wideman of Markham on $ Tuesday. : Reg. Moase, Harold Scott and Tom Mencely journeyed to Campbellford with the Port Perry Hockey Team on wear i ~ BLOOD '104 to Bred for: LIVABILITY BABY~CHICKS | Barred Rocks 100 to 400--$10.50 400 & over--$10.00 TESTED Leghorns the box y : $10.50 $10.00 PRODUCTION LARGE EGGS YLT hh 1 PEEL BROS . Phone: 35 r 3 0r 4 Ontario Breeding Station, PORT PERRY Ly GLK - - enn erect? PHONE 240 Till the lambs are as wrong as they. $14.50; H. Acton, snow, rd. 18, $4.75; k# J Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building to | Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. @ | 'Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. | a-- a 3 -- LJ Limited 8 ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding, of To-]s 3 Why worry when company comes? of Master Howard Copeland of Oak- ow * | ® Our road is busy these days, as Mr. | J egesgngeieisie ts trits tsa it tin tata sa ita a RE UN Elmer Clements is moving to the Wat- | son farm. The neighbours are gladly RUA RAK RARER KHAIF FAR APM PAF Er LISS ST STATA SIAL AY, Just go to the phone call 32 and our driver will door. Gerrow Brothers \ i ae ie Cli TNT ISR | . & 2 . i bring those home tasty délicacies right to your Miss Verna Moase éntertained a ¢ number of, her friends on her birthday, pl March Ist. Many happy returns of 33 Port Perry Coal Yar Who's Your Coal Man? 'Any of our customers could give you our name, address, and maybe our phone number too, without looking it up. Why? Because no one forgets the comfort, economy and satisfaction of using our Famous Reading Anthracite--the "Laundered" Coal. Phones 91w & Mj ere re re en a eee ai s rat ny Lr EYEE FL PEPE AS WE PL A ES AAA AA A SH 2 POP p90 estore ng rr og opte ste ste C= A TIGR TBR TI Ral [ED IGT TIN ARS] J PORT PERRY GROGETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS PTASTRY FLOUR, 24 Ib. bag 7 MATCHES, 3 boxes 21c. JEWEL SHORTENING ALYMER TOMATOES DUTHIE'S CHUTNEY SAUCE TIGER BRAND SALMON, large tin NONE ¥ REE ees LYNN VALLEY APPLE AND STRAWBERRY JAM, 22c. McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODAS ...... 2 for 2jc, CROWN BRAND SYRUP ................. 5 Ih. pail 39¢c. G. A. PALMER, Prop. , PERT, Phone 36 TE -- a a As | WHITE CORN, tin Sc. Ins dumr iin ns FE 2 hs, for 25c. tin 10c. Ce bottle Te. ..27c. il my vee GT A SS

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