FRASER RS 7 a BS 3 odes; " oe0e SINT %8%2 eee! TTT . 0505030 Tee 9090000090808 RE CROWDS THRONG |PORT PERRY FOR -- The most successful event of il - kind ever held in Port Perry was the skating carnival presented in the arena there, Hundreds turned out in while thd crowd, gathered from miles around crowded the buliding to the rafters. Photos show, above: G. F. Manning, a sponsor of the affair; escorts of the "queen of the carnival," Jack George Stone, Carnegle and Grant McDermott; anc Miss Grace Stone, runner-up in the queen, competition was won by Miss Jea: below, right; while at the left is Miss G. L. Davis, who, > with Mr, Manning, was largely re- success of the fancy dress - costumes, McGregor, contest for carnival McDermott, sponsible for the program, NOTE--These Pictures and Comment are reprinted through the courtesy of the Toronto Evening Telegram SSS AR ARNAARAI ARAN A A A AAA AT IAB ABRAAAN ALE ABR BAR BHD S 38% A BLACKSTOCK Rev. C. C. Harcourt officiated at the funeral service of the late Mr. Thomas Brown, on Thursday, March 3rd. deceased passed away. at the home of] his son, Mr, R. Brown, of Scugog, on Tuesday, March 1st. The service was held from the "Homestead" at Brady, "oa%0 0% 0% .v os ot eis ots POE EO80 POP POPOPOPOPOPOBOPOPOSOSOROSOPOSOPOBIPO a ee el SO oO A ea a 0 a a 0 EOS Fo SH eS a Ae eS ra a oe ee ee eA 0 so eA The! ep -------- ST eR Gordor The and the remains laid to rest in St. John's Cemetery, The annual World's Day of Prayer was held in St. John's Anglican Church on Friday afternoon the 4th, with a splendid representation "of ladies from the different churches in the Township. The first part of the service was taken by Mrs. (Rev) C. a Don Christian Electric OSHAWA Renovation Sales Specials this week Save $40.00 on brand new 1938 Radio Nationally known make, reg. sells for $99.00 Allowance YOU PAY - - - Seven Tube Performance, Latest Automatic Tuning, All Wave Performance Sale of Brand New 1938 Half Price C. Harcourt, President of St. John's W. A. The second part was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) H. Bell and the last part by Mrs. Jabez Wright, President of the United Church W. A.. Mis. Bell and Mrs. Harcourt each gave ua very impressive and helpful talk, the form- er on "Peace Through Fellowship" and the latter on *Worship". The Inter- IAA LAS i "810 8 8 808 008 8 8 80. 8 HOBOS BBO 8. SL JRL IR ALS : 140.00 $59.00 EOC BC BCBS STS SSCS 8 8000800088 008 808] SECC - ec8cscececece ace BC 9908080 CHOOS STS SOS Mantle Radios, reg. $39.95, Sale Pr. $19.95 10m Seven Tube Performance. Beautiful Walnut Cabinet 20 Conditioned Cons. le Radios--Rogers, Majestic, Philco, General ElectridStewart Warner, etc. Fully checked. Values up to $40. All Wave From 5 to 9 tubes. ON SALE $13.95 Don Christian Electric, 38 Simcoe N., Oshawa | SKATING cessory Prayers were taken by Mrs. F. A. Bailey, Mrs. F. Willan, Mrs, E. Elliott, Mrs, Robt. Parr, Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mrs. H. Bell, Mrs. Robt. Archer presided at the organ. "The members. of St. John's Dra- matic Club presented their popular play "Good Gracious Grandma" at Prince Albert on Thursday evening. The March meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Crawford on Thurs- day evening the 17th. The monthly meeting of the Vic- torian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Florence Thomson on Wednesday afternoon the 2nd, with the splendid: attendance of 50 mem- bers and visitors. The roll call was answered 'with an Irish loge. Is was esis to hold a was held last year, Ms, N. Mountjoy and Mrs. T. Smith to be in charge. The Program consisted of a reading by Mrs. T. Samells, "The Country Store"; an instrumental by Mrs. M. Mountjoy; a 'reading by Mrs. Ernest Larmer "The Day's Work"; a duet by Misses Joyce Venning and Grace Graham, and a most interesting and timely address on "Community Ac- tivities and Relief". At the close a vote of thanks was tendered the host- ess and lunch was served. We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Orr Venning met with a serious acci- dent on Sunday last when he fell on the ice injuring his spine. We hope he will soon: be better. > The members of the Agricultural Society held a second and very suc- cessful progressive euchre party and dance on Friday evening. The ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Richard Stin- son and the gentlemen's prize by Mr. Sid Staples, Recent visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and son with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells at Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodge with Mr. and Mrs. E, Darcy; Miss Ada Beach and Mr. Ross Richards of Hayden | with the former's sister Mrs. Austin Larmer; Miss Norma Hooey and Miss Marion Beacock with the former's sister Mrs. Harry, McLaughlin; Mr. and Mrs;-W. Hoskin and Dorothy with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward, of Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Hetz. of Fairview, Penn, U.S, are guests of the latter's sister Mrs, Cecil Wilson; Mrs. W. Hannah %| of Janetville visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hooey are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) M. Sanderson has re- 3| turned home to Toronto after a visit g| with her mother Mrs. S. Swain, Miss Hazel Mountjoy of Bronte, ¥| spent the week end with her parents | Mr. and Mrs. N.. Mountjoy. Mrs. Norton VanCamp and family 3| of Elmira, spent the week end with %| Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, while . 8 her husband was attending a conven- {| tion in Toronto. CARNIVAL PRINCE ALBERT The Missionary Supt., Miss. Ward, had charge of the opening exercises at the Sunday School en Sunday. Mr. Herb. Toombs sang a solo, and Miss Grace Vickery read dn article bearing on. Missionary lines, Sorry to report Mr. Ben Smith had the misfortune to break a wrist while cranking his car on Friday. "Mr. G. Cummings: was in Toronto a |" : couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newnham Tavis vacated the house they.were in and gone to Streetsville to work. Mr. and Mrs. D, M. Jackson are in Toronto for awhile. health of both will be improved.. A pleasant social evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Har- per on Friday when some thirty peo- ple gathered there. The wives were -| permitted to acompany their husbands this time, for the Men's Class event. Also, the Girls' Class was invited and was present, r= Mrs, F. Lyle isin Toronto this week attending the funeral of her brother- in- law, Mr. Levi Duncan. - "On Tuésday evening Mrs. Murphy's Sunday School Class was welcomed at |: the home of Olive Bond, with a good attendance. "MéCrea opened the meeting by sing ihg- "The More We Get Tdgether." Roll call was answered by a riddle. The girls who had the privilege of meeting Miss B. Ross in Port Perry United Church,. gave a brief account of her talk on C.G.LT. work. The program was in charge-of Kathleen Murphy and M, Vickery, and consisted of contests, ghost stories, ete. At the close of the meeting a "dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. Let's all meet at the end of the month at Hattie Shunk's, who in- vited the members to her home for the next meeting. <cUGOG The Community Club at the Head is giving a play "Henry's Mail Order Wife" for St. Patrick's night. Mr. 8. Farmer of Port Perry will be the special speaker, as well as other tal- ent. The committee for this program is Stewart Sweetman, Gordon Collins, T. Redman and Frank Gerrow. A lunch is being planned at the close. Everybody invited to see '"Henry's Mail Order Wife." The Junior Girls' Institute held its March meeting last Saturday after- noon, but the weather was not favor- able for a very large attendance, Miss Marjorie Milner gave the motto--"On Our Birds," The roll call was an- swered by our birds. Miss KE. Stephen- son gave a demonstration on cookies. Miss Audrey Hood gave a humorous reading on "The Sparrow". A tasty lunch was served at the close of this interesting meeting. The Fortnight Club was held in the Town Hall last Friday evening wtih an interesting program, Miss Joyce AI TL, y We hope the] The president, Margarey 15 ADMIRACION OLIVE OIL fom | WITCH HAZ with free trial size, - -- Morrison' 8 PORT PERRY Sr a MALT EXTRACT with COD LIVER OIL of vitamin ontent malted barley and purest cod arentist WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO-LECITHIN. A nerve food and tonic. Repairs nerve waste and builds new tissue, health and lustre to your hair. Tbe. value, Special §7¢c. AZEL CREAM, 26c. bottle. MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE «vv o.vivnsronie sss 256 Gives 1 new / whiteness. to 'the teeth, 2 e bottle 89¢. Bottle $1.00 SHAMPOO restores beauty, F Clearing at 16c. Tis Store Phone 16 TN TNE ON NTE Saher SO Cin or es ST : We WJ4% 'blue coal B 7) PHONES--Office PORT PERRY 78w, residence. 73) Hh DRY, FLIMSY, WOODEN SHINGLES oma] etm, weary 9 Diy, rotted chingles catch fire like But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you 'needn't worry about flying -embers or sparks. It is 'good for a lifetime and is sold' with a 26 year guarantee, This guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture. banker. Tite-Lap roofing comes inlarge sheets that are' easily handled. Fireproof, proof--does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl. They may be put on right over your old roof. Send ridge and rafter measurements for free "cost estimate. tT INVITE » 3 £/ kindling! Ask your YOU STATITE Lod-Hed Nails "with Screw Shank Taketentimes more force to withdrawthan weather- ing nails, Best roofing nailon e market, = i bof i: Ei "Manufac ture Fa OR SAT ETOY Products famous Preston ot the Factories also at 7" 'Monfreal and Toronto, Truss B o! metal roafing and = dhe way. Poultly Equipment. » Tetlow gave a A voddings Misses L and A. Collins sang "The Little Old Lady" while their mother accompanied them with. the guitar. Victor Aldred gave a piano seléction. ~The program com- mittee "for next: meeting which is, March 18th, is composed of Mrs. A Prentice, - Mis: R. Henders and Mrs. N. Crotier, Mrs. A. Sweetman is visiting "her sister Miss Ethel McDermott in Port Perry for a few days. Mrs: C. Mills has returned 'home from a visit. with her son Harold at Enniskillen. ; Sympathy is extended to. Mr. R, Brown in the passing of his father. Mr. 'Mike Romanick visited friends in Oshawa -over the week end. Wa are glad to hear little Miss Lois Jeffrey is slpwly recovering, after having ear. trouble. ~~ Wé hope she will soon be to normal health. Mr, and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl of Enniskillen, visited their par- ents Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark on Sun: day. Mrs, W. Jeffrey "and son Perey, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ploughman and Audrey, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. 0, Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hope and son Merle visited her sister Mrs. C. Gra- ham on-Sunday, Miss Clara Hardy visited her cousin Mrs: H, Long. on Monday, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mrs. R. Hood and | Mrs. Geo. Samells entertained friends to a pot luck supper last week. Mr. H. Carnochan has moved to the 7th, 1038, William H, _Venning, in his... T, Collins farm, recerily. vacated by ea pp EES Mr, I. Rodd; and owned by Mr. Bloom- er of Toronto. = Mr, Brown of Epsom has moved into the house vacated by Mr. H. Carnochan, and we welcome "him to the community. Mr, and Mrs. R. Henders visited friends in Yelverton on Sunday. Mrs., L. V. Savage 6f Whitby is the guest' of Mrs, GC." Graham. . Mrs. S. Rodman visited her sister last week. Miss Dorothy Graham visited her cousin Miss Alma Hope on Sunday. in Orillia on Sunday; Mrs. W, Dodsley returning - home. with them after spending a couple of 'weeks with her 'mother Mrs. Littler, who we are sorry to hear fell and broke her hip. wish for her-a speedy recovery. PERRIN ESRI PF 6) Ch RUN I, LICENSE. Charged with operating radio re- ceiving sets without having the neces- Oshawa citizens appeared before ing, after their cases had been ad- journed on two previous occasions. Three persons were fined $5.00 each. The maximum fine is $50.00. "= i ins AA AP APP | ins VENNING--In Cartwright Town. i ship, lot 12,5con. 7, on Monday, March a fond your. Mrs. I. Traval in Oshawa, a few days "We arts FINED FOR NOT HAVING RADIO y Magistrate F, S. Ebbs, Monday morn- oo... * RE R) sary licenses in their possession, tn gd Be] ae