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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Mar 1938, p. 5

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3 "PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1988 YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD' BREAD AND PASTRY. PHONE 93, = . PORT PERRY A very cheertul group or ladies gatnered at the home of Mrs. A, sar- un on Weéanesaay aiterncon for tifeir regular Women's Association meeting, iu the abgence- of the rresident the meeting was conducted by the vice- presigent Mrs. Ww. Moase. 'Lhe meet- Ing opened with the singing of the 'ofa hymn *Q hear my cry, be gracious , H (a Send The Port Perry Star to Absent Friends | 1 : . TELEPHON E pe It's quicker and easier A call to 29W will end your meat ' order worry in a. flash. We deliver. CAWKER BROS. | Port Perry " = SOW r AES ; parable. i he divided unto 'them his living, in {| that he paid the boy's bills and sent now- to me," 'this was tollowed by prayer by Mrs. McLachlin, The Bible lesson was taken from Luke 156:11-32 and was read by Mrs, Haywood Short, The devotional service was based on this story of 'The Prodigal Son." Mrs. F. Eagleson gave a paper on the Merle McMillan read an A%Jnverted 'version of the Prodigal 'Farable", which we - is well worth passing on. "A" Gertain man had' two: 'sons, and the "younger of them said to his father: 'Father, give me the portion of thy time and thy attention and thy companionship and thy counsel which falleth to me.! And him to a select preparatory school and to dancing school and to college, and tried to believe that he was doing his duty by his boy. And not many 'days afterward-the father gathered all his interests and aspirations, and am- bitions and took his journey into a land of stocks and bonds and securi- ties and other things which do not in- terest boys, and there he wasted his precious opportunities of being a chum with his own sons, And when he had spent the very best of his life and had gained money, but had failed to find satisfaction, there arose a mighty famine in his heart; and he began to be in_want of sympathy and companionship. He went and joined himself to one of the i Lon clubs of the country, and they elected him chairman of the House Commit- | tee, and President of the Club, and sent him to Congress. And he fain would have satisfied himself with the husks other men did eat, and no man gave unto him any real friendship. And when he came .to himself he said: "How many men.of my ac- quaintance have boys whom. they. un- derstand, and who understand them, who talk about their boys and seem perfectly happy -with their comrade- ship, and I perish here of heart hun- ger? I will arise and go to my' son SEE THE PRESTON Fertilaror At ds sms low cost, the =o Mond converts Jou. fon seed drill into a com- ination seed and. fertilizer Somer) It sim I Rolie on the grain hopper. most s ad makes of seed-drill; sows evening, March 9th. the debate was 'Resolved that it is in the best interest of Canada to fort-] gi etches this summer. ify her Pacific coast." The affirmative side wag upheld by Messrs. 'Taylor and Walter Wright of Black- stotk and the negative side by Misses. Ilorence 'Ashton and Gertrude Grieve of Enniskillen, 'Hobbs of Enniskillen, Rev. C. C. Har- court, of Blackstock, with Mr. W. I. Ward of Bowmanville as neutral, gave the decision in favour of the negative. Harding and rern woon. fhus topic was Very ably given and pracucal sue soul comnutee Lok charge of Wie Mee ung alu Mrs. wim. Seeng read ule sory ul Db rauick aller wach MiSs iva PFishiey reaq an lrisn poem, 9H game aud seVerul conlesws were given and ue weeung closed wil a uyluiu and prayer. mr. Bb. Wannamaker ol 'Loronto, visited with nis parents ou lfuesday. mr, and Mrs, pion, tort william, are VISIUDE wid tie later's sister at (ug rarsonage. rs. A, bruce spent the week end il 10ronto wilh relatives, MSS Lu. Meneely ol Loroutu, visited willl lrienas here on Sunday. bass vorouhy Reynolds 1s with her BISLEY - MLS, U..Lherrie of SCugog. Mr, Grant Urcnara was a businkssd VISILOr to 10r0Nto. vn Monday, mrs, KK, Keynolas and Leona have spent the past two weeks with her mother mys, , mcaillan, Sr. We are glad to report Mus, sceMillan's urn 1s getung better, We are sorry to learn of the death ul an oly resigent or this community, mr, Fred Mark, who passed away al Koss Memorial Hospital on Sunday as the 'result of injuries received in an auto acident. Sympathy is extended 10 the bereaved family. 'A number of Y1anulies in our com- mumty have been visited by the flu, only a few. homes have escaped. At present Mr. C. Sleep is quite ill at his home. We wish all a speedy re- covery. ' ~ ee ee eo GPP -------- nm BLACKSTOCK The Third round in a debating series of Oshawa Presbytery Young People's Union of the United Church was held in Enniskillen on Wednesday The subject of Anson The. judges, Mr. M. Mrs. Virginia Archer, Misses Eva Parr and Isobel Chilvers and Mr. L will be undertaken on certain short assurance of Hon, Preston, speaker of the Ontario legis- lature informed by the department of high- ways that a section between Brown's home of Mrs. Jas, Marlow on Thurs- day afternoon of last week with an attendance of twenty, The Bible study was taken by Mrs. Marlow who gave the history of several hymns which was followed by the hymn sung by those present, The program was in charge of Mrs. C, Hill. Mrs, Earl Dorrell read a very interesting letter from Dr. Margaret Forrester, g-wedi- cal missionary in the war zdne in China. Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Mrs. Jabez Wright. favoured with duet, "Rest Three". Mrs. Rev. Bell took the Study Book chapter on China. A miniature bazaar was sponsored by Mrs, Jos. Forder"s group. The meet- ing closed with the serving of lunch, An outstanding: event of the season was the skating and progressive euchre party held under the auspices of the Victorian Women's Institute last Wednesday evening. Prizes on the rink were won by Jessie: YanCamp and Freddie Cowling and for the euchre by Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, Lunch 'was served in the Hall after ing and the older people a social time. Proceeds $30.00, 3 Deep sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Harris and family in the passing of a little daughter and sister Wilma Marie, on Saturday, the 12th, at the age of two months. The funeral was held on Monday, and was conducted by Rev. H. J. Bell, and the remainded laid to rest in Devitt's Cemetery. : "Little ones in glory, Swell the angel's song; Make us meet dear Saviour, For their holy throng." i ns TO START LIGHTING ONTARIO HIGHWAYS Lighting of Provincial highways This was the N. O. Hipel, of and Waterloo. Mr. Hipel .declared he had been repreentative for South Line and the new Clover Leaf cross- ing' on the Middle Road would be which the young people enjoyed danc-|' | me RED & WHITE sto | FRESH | Fruit and Vegetables A SPECIALTY OF OURS { Grapefruit 80's 60. each i Navel Oranges 288"s 2 doz. 35¢. # Cauliflower 260. Carrots, 2 for 150. 2 California Celery 2 for 260. Bananas, Onions, Cabbage _Head Lettuce always in stock ¥ Print Dresses NEW for Spring -- tubfast nice patterns WABASSO PRINTS Our assortment is now complete-- per yard 20c. 25¢c. 30c. Ladies Silk Hosiery 69c. KNEE RUBBER BOOTS Mens' sizes $1.98 Boys' sizes 1to 5 $1.69 Youths' sizes 10 to 13 $1.49 | F. W. BROCK & SON od PHONE 43 PORT PERRY ET A AEA SAAN, Sos ae a, EEE ote 2 2% Pa vate Sa ei 2% 2% a% Set ot 0% 100 00 3% 0 2% Bo 1% 1% 28 1% ole gre RABAT AD ROBB IROROSS SSAA POPP OPOBOPOR POR TOPOS. 2 leptepston's, 090 EE A A ee pe ee per ys ee a np ee eS ees lighted this summer, purely as an ex- TEA SAA MATA HEA AEST ATSATAA AL B08 SRR EMRE ARO SE 0 0 82 B61 0d 20 periment, of course, At present no PROBS NNR A ARAN RA ARNARR ARN AN ES San ERR BR RR oR nn ne wa ng $1.00 | = Sn nes weer apiey, mited Preston, Ont. © Guelph Bt, nufaciurers of the famous Preston Steed Truss | the hoes with the it does most g BF "drillable" commercial | foryilizer It holds sufficient for one full round on the longest | sight, and am. no more worthy to be field. The fertilizer goes down | ain, where .- Regulator §%| ship and counsel to know. things, but #5 | you were too busy. I got companion- # | ship and I'got information, but I got 3 | the wrong kind, and now I am wreck- - 8] ed in body and soul, there is no more | heart left in me, and there is nothing ; ; » 5 Borns, Titk:Lap metal roofing and Jomesway | ottochment controls amount ey A Send without obligation to me, rll detatsot {| gown, The complete Fertilator a i canbe easily removed and A er | cleaned. My ® by Send to d inti - + sabes. bo | kb Bt FOR SALE BY ARTHUR GRAY 3, R. R, 2, Port Perry, Phone 119 rll > Shop by Telephone A The personal Way ge ) A CALL TO ' MGR EGOR'S = i MEAT MARKET Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72 R-2 PORT PERRY I RR A AER SR EAT AS RAR SAS ROROROROSORODOROSOSOH 1 YT a BE ---- [TRS AG a | 5 Veterinarian and Surgeon weg. Years of Experience. ARMY VETERINARY CORPS AS CAPT. Post War Experience. : bi THREE YEARS AS ASSISTANT WITH xs ENGLISH & SCOTCH VET, SURGEONS, SB PRIVATE PRACTICE IN CANADA SINCE 1921 YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED AND RESPECTED, Ly i, Shee Phone 62. BROOKLIN, ONT. 00 NO OVERSEAS SERVICE IN THE "ROYAL 3 that you can do for me. i! late." : rich in Houses and lands." g | roll call and minutes of the last meet- 81 ing business matters were discussed. 8 | should donate a tea towel at the next and will say unto him: "Son, I have 'sinned "against heaven and in thy called thy father. thy acquaintances," - And he arose and came to his-son, - But while he was_yet far off, his son saw him, and was moved with astonishment: and instead of running and falling on his neck he drew back and was ill at ease. And the father said unto him: "Son, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy father.. Forgive me now and let me be thy friend." But the son said: "Not so. I wish it were possible, but it is too late. There was a time when I wanted companion- It is too All joined in singing "My Father is After the It was decided - that each member meeting for use at the church. Miss Durelle Martin played an instrument- al and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A supper of pancakes and syrup with all kinds of goad things was served. A goodly crowd of men, neighbours and young people gathered to enjoy the supper and social evening. Progressive croquinole was- the chief entertain- ment, Miss Marjorie Mitchell winning first place and Bill Colwell the con- solation prize, The Quadrata Girls' Club met at the home of Miss -Fern Moon on Thursday, March 10th, with_an at- tendance of 27. The president, Miss M. Mitchéll was in the chair and the 'meeting opened with. hymn and prayer. Miss Alma Frise took the Scripture and devotional topic reading Matt, 6:26-34. She based the topic on the words "Take no thought." We must learn to put first things first in life. During the Roll.Call two new mem- bers were added to the roll, The busi- ness period was a busy one and ar- Tangements were made for the mak- ing of an autograph quilt. Other 'business discussed was the Quadrata Old Girls' Reunion. The topic on the making and care" Make me as one of | - ! '| provincial highways are illuminated, Devitt, attended a meeting of the|ang op the success of this experiment, Local "Council in Bowmanville on Thursday evening, the 3rd. on the Galt-Preston Highway, will de- Why worry when company comes? 'home on Sunday in honour of her 'Miss - Dorothy Wright entertained Misses Wilma and Jessie VanCamp, Verna 'McNally, Lola Stinson, Lois Larmer and Edith Wright at her eleventh birthday. Mr, Allan, Principal of the Con- tinuation school staff, spent the week end at his home in Blenheim. The March meeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Parr on Tuesday evening of last week with the presi- dent Miss Vera Forder presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by the Bible study "Animals of the Bible" was taken by Mrs. I. Hamilton. A reading from the A.Y.P.A, monthly "A Plea" was given by S. Rahm. The program consisted of a debate "Re- solved that newspapers do more harm than good." The affirmative side was taken by Mrs. J. Hamilton and Miss Marjorie Whitfield, the negative by Mr. F. Hamilton and Roy Carter. The judges were Misses Eva Brown and Ailene Devitt and Rev. C, C. Har- court. The decision was given in favour of negative. A very interest- ing contest was conducted by Miss KF. Parr who also presented prizes to the}, two winners Roy Carter and Alex. Patterson. The meeting closed with the motto and Auld Lang Syne. Miss Norma Hooey spent the week end with her cousin Migs E. Sander- son, . Recent visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Strong with Mr. and Mrs. Coates; Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman of Port Perry with her sister Mrs. Graham; Mrs. H, Graham of Toronto with her parents Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry "Mount- joy; Mrs. Herman Samells and niece Gwen., Misses: Ann and Josie Archer, Mr, Ralpy Eccleston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Holmes, of Toronto, with 'Mrs, John Hooey; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawkins and Margaret with«Mr, and Mrs. L. Byers. Mrs. David Hooey has returned home after a visit with her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Sheppard, Toronto, We are sorry to report that Mr. Earl Dorrell had the misfortune to cut his foot quite badly while work- ing at his wood last week. We are pleased to know that Miss Florence Fair is able to be out again after her recent illness, The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of clothing was taken by Misses Jean of the United Church was held at the Rector, Rev. C.. C.. Harcourt, and the| 'lin the case of the ruling against '| white is cooked. pend the future of lighted highways. way 'between Galt and Preston this installed in the boulevard in the cen- tre, Mr, Hipel pointed out. To do so will require co-operation of both Galt and Preston. Off-peak power would be used, thereby frecing both towns from entra expense in connection with the illumintaion, -------------- EPO RUERC TO BAR BOYS UNDER 21 ~FROM-TAVERNS The Quebec Liquor Commission plans strict enforcement o fa new regulation -banning all persons under 21 from the beer parlours. The pending rule will follow close on that banning women from the taverns, : Primary aim of the law is to keep young boys out of the beer parlours as protection to their morals. At the present newsboys and lads selling novelties and tickets of one sort or another spend a large part of their time in the-taverns in the course of business. The Commission holds that they will have a far better chance if 'removed from this environmeént, As women, the regulation will strictly forbid the admission of anyone under the age limit inside the doors of a beer parlour, . . Then there are the youngylert who are taken into tdverns by their fathers and sit around, often for hours, while the parents imbibe. Dad must leave junior at home in future when he goes out for his evening quart. ------------e . BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Raines, on Thursday, March 10th, 1938, a son. emis tN AMON: THEY SHOULD BE JUST RIGHT. as well as another which may be tried I On completion of the double high-|$ summer, the lights will probably be | Just go to the phone call 32 and our driver will bring those home tasty Gelicacics right to your door. Gerrow Brothers SESSA ALT AAE OSS ISFOUBY You're Telling Us? You'll say you've never had such clean-coal as our Famous Reading Anthracite. This premium hard coal is "Laundered'" Coal -- scrubbed with sand and water to free it from dust and dirt, Shall we send you some? Phones 94w & 94j Port Perry Coal Yar. enna nn me nr sees ye 5 4 £5 £3 J b a be y 10am am Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building to erect' Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans --- am --- am - Fastidious Diner--Two eggs please. Don't fry them a second after the Don't turn them over. Not too much fat. Just a little pinch of salt on each. No pepper. . Well, what are you waiting for? Waiter--The hen's name is Betty, It that all right, sir? and estimates free of charge. Ww Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 Limited a pg LS = °F * PE GR gh RE a v. eh 2 yo > he oi ry EH PLL fn 37 Rp _ aoe : of tr pl 5 tn pen - rn A rl 5

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