x Fn xp Ba a AE a SAE rat Sor hs Bp Neate 2s, SIERRA RE AA SH ~ -- Serial EI = ---------- Page of Inte ---- - ees rest to Women ---- R an More Appreciative of Service and. Story ecipes Less T) to Rail : mtm---- -- HN at ) Servants a _ EEE = -- xe er Women are better travellers than } . r~ . A. A, Gardiner, assistant general Catalog Of Don'ts | Soft Frock In Fective Mood | A Modern Cloth os+ii C+ mabager of the Canadian . Delightful For Summ: 4 : HEA! Li National Railways, told a Montreal For Perfect Wife : Made Of Glass 3h 2 women's club last week, They know CHILDREN their own minds. While men wonder SE . . H where to go, women know and start Beautiful Silverplate Here's what the perfect wife Fbric of Great Beauty and Util- Hepp, Lh Eye lite bargain exec : should not do, according to Dr, ity Is Now Being Manu- dud sions. When it comes to family vac) (Wm.Rogers & Son) Ethel Dukes, co-director of a child factured CHILDREN tions, they. make the decision In 75 > | psychology institute in London. iis to 80 per cent of the cases. * BREE . Dr. Dukes, in a speech on "The Every woman knows what a glass "They are not-so hard to please," 3 J \ Successful ~~ Wife," listed these cloth -is--a cloth for drying or clean- Mr, Gardiner said gratefully: "They COUPOAS (ff LYLRY FOUND AND HALE POUND PACKAGES "don'ts" for a woman who wants to ing glass. "The description is taking are more interested in what goes on EE RRR 9 > make a good job of marriage. Such on a new meaning, for the latest kind around them, therefore, they get more ; oy) youded a woman, she said, will not: of glass cloth is just that--a fabric | Bast i out of travel, They know exactly what ¥ : coy We Domineer her husband. made of glass. HILDREN of all ages | they want, and, knowing the difficulty & / i Criticize him in presence of Five years ago the Owens-Illinois BRAND" CORN CROWN of service, they more fully appreciate . a Ae ; : others. Glass Company, at their Newark,. Ohio, "They never tire of its delicie what is done for them." Error OG rnc err J Insist on changing him. laboratory, began certain experiments ous flavor and it really is so Know How To Pack Refuse to be friends with his and discovered a process which is good for them--so give the With a greater appreciation of beay friends wholly new and invaluable. They children "CROWN BRAND" ty and the fact that they are happiest LL I Try to show him off. spun glass so fine that a human hair every day, only vhen surrounded by beauty and | aaa +00 + a. Make him a cushion carrier or an is four times thicker and wove fabrics t Leading Phivalcians pros place a high value on cleanliness, wo- ¥ Adena] SOPVANE ovt of it which are soft, flexible, dur- DOI oY OWN BRAND men 'much more than men, he said, Insist on constant entertaining in able--incredibly so. Coming into ev- RUP a most satis- help the rajlways make thelr service , a . u : i ery-day use are ribbons for electric factory carbohydrate to uso d : the house and out of 1t when he is 3 D as a milk modifier in the attractive. The ' IC iIgan i tired and wants his cosy slippers. Bsdiations, cloth: for air-flters of aly. feeding of tiny infants and "Generally, the ladies show thelr Desfise his homespun qualities on janie ik) for industrial hss as an energy producing food better travel sense in nothing more : when she has had tinie to improve Ln ol a Japan boston ta = for growing children. strikingly than in their baggage. Even - - by Rex Beach - - her cultural and © social qualities pa edi is Ws oh 2 a complete wardrobe is light, compact ¢ > while he has been hard at work, asreate } y im ar textlle machines and easily carried, Small overnight Run down his mother or other rela- from histrous thread spun from fila. bags, as against the huge and cum- ° > ag 0-0-4 hd MO tives. Bients of pire glass, bersome impediments men carry, evi. Synopsis "Thanks," said Jim. "I'm not hun- | = Get into debt. I" a tune alia I Wout Brann When Propped dence the good judgment of the lad- Jimmy Rowan was hopelessly in | gry." » Neglect Jim w tle she runs alter 4 e new Elass_ cloth is dropped ies. love with Rose Morris, the prettiest "Ham and cggs for a 1riend of 'higher things.' Btn I Roiwank it wi not break, it will just crumple As a class, women school teachers girl "in Dover, Michigan. Of course, | mine," Hayward cried. "And give him Refuse to has \ol fio d | © wan Ss vp 2 wie loth. Many designs are the railways' best patrons, Mr. that was years ago, in early school | the change." them and there is no_medical reason gan $ worked into it; it wii Wear 1 5" The Gardiner pointed oat; with nurses a days . .. but it was hopeless for Jim- Jim eyed the speaker coldly, as if why she shoulc not. J } ong Lig ahd ft can be washed with CANADA STARCH good second. Women leave things on my because he was just "that Rowan from behind a mask, but he appeared . Use any femli wiles or lienros scap and water. COMPANY Limited trains, just as men do, he said, but kid," desperately poor, while Rose's | to take no notice of the tone Hayward | tic illnesses to make him subservient The lustrous quality of glass cloth -- not so many, although women travel- family was rich." While Jimmy was | had used. Still in an even voice he | to her. Pony i ig *Daner £2 the Vale lers are in the majority. Tey seldom orking his way through college, Rose | said: | of otherwise dim places--stair wells, ) forget their compacts though, Morris ovtd 2 "" the home sold "Nice of you. I've seen the time . " hallways, apartments. Molisture-proof, Being Hostess, for barely enough to pay the mort- | I'd take it." He lifted his cup for Links Disease it is perfect for the bathroom. Its fire- k . : A page . . . Jimmy vowed to himself | a second time; again Hayward took . proof nature -makes it desirable for Coo Combined No More Orchids he'd get rich . ,. and find Rose. Eas- | his wrist. And Emotions craperies, tablecloths in restaurants, . : . ' ler vowed than done and years passed It's a Phony ---- By-Anne Adame furnishings aboard ship. i Advice Contains Many Kitchen At $10 000 Apiece before Jim Rowan finally landed in "Look here, Rowan. I've been want- . 3 " - Remarkable Permanence Ti That Result I ' : the Klondike . . . there to gain wide | ing to ask you something. It's about | Doctor Says Tense Feelings Over | What a thrill to wear a pretty f och f But industrial applications make ps t Result In reputation as a gambler, known as | that offer for old man Morris' claim. Lengthy Period Are Dan- that you ve made al) by youiseip= uf Bn Mein a oe. Taide Julai Smart Serving 'Says Exhibitor at International Ne Menge kid. Si trigeminal ble of Joiohs a yn ve primp ghd Heat-insulation in stoves refriger- Many women have to play the role Flower Show -- About $75 his way out at Nome, Rowan "I don't believe you're capable o Rs as you «i lave your | oC 8 i d ! ¥ 4 0 ; v Woon upon a meeting of Michigan' | thinking, right now. If I were you, Abnormal emotions over a lengthy | new dress finished in record time! i Jos already consumes | of hostess and cook at the same din- Is"Top [Price Now folks scheduled so he attended. There | Hayward, I'd go home and go to bed." | perjod of time pil bring on diesease | Anne Adams offers you _choice of . co i ) 'mer. They realize the necessity for A descendant of the world's rarest ok he came upon Hiram Morris, old, worn "Is thal-s0?" Hayward's disagree. | o¢ ap organ, DriTranz Alexander, the | two lengths in Pattern 4745--one for "Thin glass thread and tape, wound serving meals without the constant wud richost Bri? Freak isco cits = and hungry. Morris, with his daugh- | able smile became more pronounced. | girector of the Institue of Psychoan- | dress-up afternoon wear, and a Brouhd electric wires, mean resist- | bobbing up and down from the din- floral treasure fiom South America's ter Rose, is prospecting a claim. Row- | «I'll tell you what I think; 1 think "| qlveie Chicago, told a meoting of the longer, nore ns version for your ance to heating effects, to moisture, | ner table to the kitchen that is dis- enn Hell" jungle that sold for $10. an hires as helper and goes out to the | it was a phony. 1 think you tried tO | hetioit branch of the American Asso- evening parties. Note the pointed- Jot, alg Bltacks of insects. They mean | concerting to guests as well as the 080, Sodan alot UNSACH at file' 25th claim, ordering supplies sent. From [ put something over--tried to grab | ¢iation of Medical Social Workers. up waistline--it fits to perfection-- | also remarkable permangice, hostess, Dorothy B. Marsh suggests annual International Flower Show in Rose he learns of the father's strug- | something." Lengthy abnormal emotions -will | and there's nothing quite so flatter- All of which looks as if a new fab- | in Good Housekeeping ways to serve" New York } gle. Now go on with the story. "Well? You can't arrest a man for |, quce diseases such as stomach ul- | ing as the dainty sleeves, soft bodice, | ric of great beauty and utility had efficiently and cut down on these The ANeTs SoReal. os ; trying." ; cers, toxic goiter, diabetes and per- | and: V-neckline. For fabric, choose | been discovered for 'home, office and | trips to and from the kitchen. Lisiiodh by the Pepriess Catlleya Glgas CHAPTER VI "I'll tell you something else; old manent high blood pressure, he said. | & colorful synthetic print, or a shad- | industry. And that is exactly what . Save Steps Alba, discovered by the late John E Young Hayward was in Nome, but | man Morris is honest, but I think he's Continuous fears, aggressions, repres- | OWY sheer. Hastrzted scep-by-step | has occurred. Suppose, for instance, you're to Lager famed orchid-hunter of Sim. dim got. one 01 the oianzi. shen 10 in partners with 4 ig sed wishes, result in permanent chron. | sewing instructions included. have toma, iy DM Jaber ik mit N J : go to Rose's assistance and also he iy Dich eved © each, oi) "Y | ic emotional tensions which disturb Pattern 4745 is available in misses' : } course, she says. "Save steps "Mv father . borrowed a horse for himself. It was ely am pad: No ona the functions of vegative organs, he | and women's sizes 12, 14,.16, 18, 20, Mandarin Nails mr ing it with the main course, Wut wh hi fotos Sigs 7 F ; not i ies Gili ey rn yeti, oor rE - sided. 1d Surrnlod ar) 2% 5 Se Tg ry pe 1 An choose two that you i bie. Lio = Lager, in charge of the exhibit. wretched night and he_was 4 A you, yes. a, i "Increasing knowledge of eniotions akes 83% yards inch fabric, an Ex y ) 0 . the animal wallowed out of the icy hb, Sornss bat 1 ean' oblige you fo, relation to normal and disturbed | 2% yards lace edging. ; travagance one serving dish or arrange side by a he mud and he felt the plank pavements tonight. tn functions required that our modern | Send Twenty Cents (20c) in coins side on. it. - Serve one vegetable on along with a batch of purple orehtda, : under its feet. The first doctor he "Hint Ror any ig aight. Tye physician treat emotional conflicts as (stamps cannot be accepted) for this | New Yorker Contends They Mark he reat Pisin, Shen you can. | Or Two years later, it bloomed -- and to } found was ill; another had been called di Tei sontetine oles abot you just as real and tangible issues as vis- | Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly Decline of Our Cililization Blige vegelabies.a part. of a homey our amazement, it was white! Never to Fort Davis; the third was engaged Rs You Hy ot Tho gle ot | ible organisms," he said. "Emotional | size, name, address and style num- . main dish in a casserole." before or since has anyone found a $0 & contieRioNy. gate, Wit piomisal a guinea pig." Hayward had not low. | conflicts arise during our daily lifein | ber, Send your order to Anne Adams, In the old days Chinese mandarins | Ales, Wisgaly Miss Marsh, Sharh [white Gigas. My father sold it for to accompany Jim in perhaps two oy ie. velco duiing this colloquy. | the social contact with the environ- | Room 425, 78 West Adelaide Strect, Tet their fingernails grow and Chin- Pho Mik the host iN waviig v= | $10,000." The descendant of the "Great Bex These Was hething tein hus Those people in the rear of the room | Ment." Toronto. ese women bound their feet. The ob- oi il i Sipser Sh nhhstey woud tetih Nk was wet and cold. Ile stabled | had heard most of what he said, and ject in each case was to show that And always dine i al srall i fap less than its ancestor, , Tw . his, horse, returned to the main street, | they were looking on now in mingled , g the possessors of the fingernails or or tea wagon on hand. Use it to About. $75," Miss Lager sald, The and entered the first saloon he came | curiosity and apprehension. The dance- an feet did no useful work, and this was serve from, or for dessert things, or day of $500 orchids or even $250 or- to. It was late; there was nobody at hall girl who had pointed out Jim 11 Id A I f I id nt thought to be a credit to them. The water pitcher. . { chids is over," : ; the bar, but some of the games were | Whispered excitedly to her compan- Go en PP es oO esperi es American women do not bind their : Few noticed the lone Gigas, lost as still running and there were a few | ions. ' ; feet -- and for that matter neitier do é : it was amid a multi-colored profusion & figures at the lunch counter in the "Funny what a fool a man can make ry modern Chinese women -- but some- | Jodine Named of more than 4,000 orchid varieties, year. Thither Jim made his way in | of himself," Jim told the young fore- Do you remember the old Greek le- Here are two desserts made with a | thing which is called a "mandarin fin- ok valued at approximately $25,000 --that 5 search of a cup of coffee. . There was a stage at the end of the place where, in the earlier hours "of the night, a vaudeville show was given, and at the piano were gathered geveral weary women of the dance-hall type. One of them saw Jim and spoke man. "Some day you'll realize how Badly up against it a fellow can get without knowing it." - "Bah! "You rat! There's only one way to treat a--" Hayward raised his open hand to slap this object of contempt, but the blow did not de- scend; he did not finish his sentence, ' gend about Hercules and the golden apples of Hesperides? It is generally believed now that those golden apples were really oranges, the oranges of Spain which were remote and myster- ious wonders to the Greeks at that time. It is a very picturesque story -- basis of quick-cooking tapioca cream combining eggs, milk, tapioca and or- tious dish. Among other food values, oranges contain iron, one of the few elements which milk lacks, so altcgeth- er the balancé is perfect. -anges to make a wonderfully nutri-|- gernail" does flourish in these parts. A New York Times reader wants to One sympathizes with her, but sym- pathy is as far as one can go. The minority of women who wear mandar- in fingernails cannot play a piano or "do---something--about- the practice," | Best Germicide --Todine is the most efficient of nine leading germicides in the elimination of bacteria, the Department of Bac- teriology of the University of Cali- fornia has determined. Women Make Better: Travelers Than Men ranged from $2 to $75 per flower. Miss Lager said so many rare and gorgeous - blooms crowded together seemed to effect passing spectators with a pixi- lated notion that they were as cheap as dandelions -- and as free for the picking. to her companions, whereupon they how Hgrcules was sent to get the gol- operate a typewriter or look after a Dr. A. J. Salle, assistant professor "We have to watch them like a jo ed SOAP TALS: curiously at hig | fOr suddenly his face was deluged by | den apples from the Hesperides but Orange Tapioca Cream baby very efficiently, and they cannot | ©f bacteriology, directed the work, | hawk" Miss Lager said. "You would ig ind ss pi the blinding, scalding contents of Jim's | had to ask the help of Atlas, the wash dishes at all. They do feel, how- | Which covered a wide range of ger- | be surprised how many ladies in rich coffee cup. With an exclamation he mighty man who held the heavens on 1-3 cup quick-cooking tapioca ever, that they have gained something micides. i yn ho. Sats reeled backward, almost into the | hig shoulders. But Atlas was pretty * a sugar i and as long as they feel that way we Of all the germicides studied, io- bit Te } | arms of the women at the piano. He | well tied up with supporting the hea- | /* teaspoon sa shall have to put up with them. dine showed the least toxicity for He had been drinking some and losing considerably. There was an un- pleasant curl to his lips. ®_Jim had hitched himself upon one of the high stools; he had raised his dashed the liquid from his face; with his sleeve he wiped his eyes, cleared them; he gathered himself to rush upon the figure still sitting motionless upon the high stool. But one of the vens so a bargain was struck where. by Hercules took over the burden while Atlas went after the prize. The casualness with which they tos- 4 cups milk, scalded 1 egg yolk, slightly beaten 1 egg white, stiffly beaten 1 teaspoon orange or vanilla extract 4 oranges, sections free from mem- Be More Individual The reader who brought this subject. up is afraid the long nails are one of "the manifestations of a moral regres. healthy tissue and the highest. For this reason, Dr. Salle said, iodine appeared to be the germicide mercurochrome furs get restless fingers." i The Idle Hour It is not lost, this time of folded Ng " " - . . par. excellence," because it was hands mug to drink when Hayward pushed . , sed the heavens from one to another br sjon toward the extravagant follies ap- . 1 ' bh Betw he bustli . i ; girls flung herself upon him, twined | rane. ! p highly efficient and did not destro Between the bustling day and even it away from his lips and called to Rai amg about Jim. 4nd In. Voice in those days scems amazing, but no Add quick-cooking tapioca, sugar, | Pavent in declining stages of civiliza- y & the white-aproned waiter, saying: more amazing than the casualness tissue, ' ing's guests; high-pitched, vibrant with warning, , : tion." Certainly no civilization could : For while the over-busied body rests "Horo! Give this fellow a Square Ty oh nt wi & | with which we obtain. oranges today nl ona, su So bm long survive if every one, male and fe- Ext host, wes Hexylresorcinal, The mind grows free of TIA meal. Al the same tine he Snagied "Don't touch him, Hayward! He'll would have seemed to the Greeks. clear, stirring frequently. Pour small inale, allowed the nails to grow an Ro il drced tn Balen expands, a twenty-dollar gold piece upon the |, "Cov 0a" an that's "The Mich. | This once rare fruit comes to us now amount of taploca mixture over egg | inch beyond the ends of the fingers. ose 31. Jroduced in Bulgaria last | sjpughs oll its. memorandum: tacks counter. fgan Kid." from much greater distances than the yolks, stirring' vigorously. Return to | But civilization can stand a good deal | Y¢ar weighed 6,105 pounds, and stands Hayward's struggle died suddenly. | Greeks ever conceived of. Besides the 5 of nonsense from minorities. - wr fruit from the United States which double boiler and cook until thicken: The Like that new moth atremble for tae. It came still-born. Into his purple face | (tt f Wah igs ed. Remove from fire; fold In, egg | car ladies are merely trying to fol. brave guests British Re edv for crept a look of astonishment, then ahndinng have en eating for many | yu, ong flavodring, Place few sec- low fashions in looks just as their hus- Among the tall-spiked flowers that . JOA. m tacredalfey. Yaka. Wu get Dedatlial oranges from {4,00 0, fn bottom of individ- | Pands and brothers so often try to dusk invests ; n (TO BE CONTINUED) Palestine and the Orient. ual serving dishes and cover with the follow fashions in opinions. In each With fragrances of far-off years and : RHEUMATIC ACHES 2 " " tapioca mixture. Garnish with addition. av Jue Oa pis Lon of he Sons a lands, 5 : . " "xa 'red . y ' a cur of nt es Increasingly obvious that the White Lilac The Queen's LIKE 2 Jrangs secnons aN WHiDPSE ered for many of the world's troubles, is tte aR: Sometimes up stairways of tremen- a matic Sufferers of Canad ave for Mog Favorite Spring Flower W i y | more individualism -- and not indiv- RAY ~dous height J cde A Rpg eA fol . Chantill Tani * | tdualism of the rugged kind, either. © plase--hatf | I climb where great men's dreams the enth welcome given to Fynnon/ ) . : A CAVE MAN tilly Orange apioca ' ape k "shows over left dizzy mark. ea Ts es to the tors One of the Queen's favorite spring ! i 4 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca Bad Jokes Sometimes I drift to songs of delight u dares of Rhetimatic Paina decides (o take Fynson flowers has always been white lilac, Feel Full of Life"No More = 14 teaspoon salt ; The greatest number of ships vis- Site shan Cold Or range the future's pathways, glad »- eienich ape No fonger do e DainTh Ske likes to decorate her private ap- Tired, Dull, Heavy Mornings 11-3 cups boiling water iting Argentina last year were Brit- ant of La Carpe and fleet. nts jleid i slarte to secure longed i% artiments with branches of this. .. ct 1% cup sugar i ! ish, with Greek second, German third, Fa LL) While twilight thus leads in the n Sait Sodium, Potasgum, | hima There are to be more whita lilac Keep your liver healthy and you'll feel 1 cup orange juice Italian fourth, and 'American fifth, and northern pike, friendly dark, horrid has oy on HOVE ont. trees at Windsor and Sandringham. sien every moming. | Xia utié ob 4 'grated orange rind i SiaRockeowtied I have been often far on quiet feet, sufferers who have turned to Kynnon Others are being planted in the gar- sling ruitis youn Jived is Lp ier. % cup cream, whipped, oquipment--good ave a rial. Wicieves the object of Rhe dens of Buckingham Palace and hiner Bs rouriahin g part of your food Add quick-cooking tapioca and salt " xn a. i pion Sat sunk. ake 0 Ceaspaonful loyal Luge. from the waste. Supplies erty ines ers to water, and cook in double boiler 15 L k- R Vv E - Top Sergeant (singing out just be- eit i ul of water mona Another favorite flower of the tissues and glands --gives out b sre lady's hut til tapi is cl u fore the company was dismissed) -- ° for your He Rainy, Sciatica, 1 uimba. Queer it syringa or "mock orange laxative, helps mnues, or Wnti] tapioca is clear, stir. etc. and yonwillsoon bere, oielsig that life has Frogmore where go many of the flow- STOP THEM SCREAMING I St. Jove All those fond of music step forward!" er, | me bright and cheerful again. blossor." as it is. oft:n called b ¢ ring frequently, Add: sugar, orange he = pk With visions of a soft job in regi- gist ty Fymion Sait, the proven British at folk. V1 movement isnt Stony Titatives' juice, and orange rind, Cool. Fold in your stoma tare PHOSPERINE A on g, Dir, S45 sas. | mental band, half a dozen oid tend ? ficult Eh] dein A great deal of attention has also and build up your Jiver like nothing else will. whipped cream. Chill until thickened. oy namical drops. sach fay Seip 1 ( TH |) pug : = : >. 1 : = 1 a been given durihg the past 1% You'll be amaget how Wel yo 00 reed Pile lightly in sherbet glasses. Just appetite, build up your strength. At druggists, | HY HUGKY IN har Sergeant {srowling) og Aw X Issue No, 15--'38 months to the Royal nurseries a morning. Try Fruit before serving garnish with very five , $1.00 and $1.60, ! : ny X mugs get busy and car- A ers for the Royal Tables are grown. 14 Inch shreds of orange rind, PHOSFERINE #5 oN co Quebex ry that piano up to the top floor of the quarters,