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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Apr 1938, p. 3

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SAE A RAS G8 FR RE . a Scenes Recall Klondike Days Yellowknife, NNW.T., Ncw Pac!l.- ---- Fy Fish For Whale; Sharks To Help German 'Industry i + . - a -- -- pt ; Tissues Outlive : 1 VO |C . Sohne Organism Growth THE EMPIRE Animal And Plant Tissues Both. ik : Can: Live On, Celebrated cd With Seekers Alter Commentary on the B El beth E 4 vie) ! TC te : + S-- - H J I XR I ' & o> ts - + 3 TY J : -. of the cane =p Botanist Announces boii Highlights cf the Week's News . . . Dy-Cliza et edy Ya roduct hs Supply Man ye THE WORLD AT LARGE PRESS tL! NC «% caNADA Curl In the Pig's Tail Last year Canada sold to Great Britain 193 million pcunds of bacon, quivalent to 1,600,000 hogs. The curl EN the pig's tail appears to be assum- ing the shape of the $ sign.--Kitch- ener Record, ' A Stream of Talk The average man talks two hours out of every twenty-four at the rate of 100 words a minute. He utters some <4$00,000 words a year, The authority doesn't say so, but we presume he is talking of single men. -- Chatham News. What Chance Has It? The latest scientific.-aid to safe TR Sn) aivingils a red light on the dash- ard which warns motorists when they approach grade crossings. But it they wop't hced tooting whistles, ringing bells. and wig-wagging sig- ~ nals, what chance has a little red light?--Windsor Daily Star. --r Help to Farmers _ Agriculture is at last to receive greater recognition. The prosperity of the province depends so much up- "on the wellbeing of the farmer that it would be nothing short of crim- inal, now that the money is available, not to recognize the demands of the farming community for greater assist. ance in placing agriculture in abet. ter position to play its full part in _thg development and progress of the coun- try.--St. Thomas Times-Journal. ] Wants Less Provincial Power" We may not always 'agree with Denton Massey, M.P., but we can see some validity in his claim that Can- - ada'is in danger of becoming "Balkan. ized." He, like most of us, sees prov- inces seeking to assert too much auth- ority with a consequent danger to fed- eralism, There is such a danger. There is far too much emphasis laid on "provincial rights," which usually means a reaching out: for federal pow- ers. Probably what is needed is less provincial power. There.is a growing body of public opinion, which even be- ..lieves it might not be a bad idea to #aholish the provincial governments al- ogether, with consequent saving in taxes and trouble.--Niagara Falls Re- view. A Changing Ontario In Middlesex. and Lambton coun- ties rapid changes are taking place. The sons of the old pioneer families are not staying on the farms. They are selling out in many cases to the New Canadians of alien origins. In Lambton County, particularly near Alvinston, tlfére is a large settlement | of Czechoslovakians who have bought out old farms. They are making ex- cellent settlers. They, are happy just Mow that they are living in .Canada and not in Czechoslovakia, The ma- jority of new settlers are anxious to take out citizenship papers and to be- come good Canadians, They are ready to adopt our ways and our customs. Possibly in the end it is not such a bad thing to have an infusion of new blood. In any case, whether we like it or not, the Western Ontario of a few decades frqm now may be an en- tirely different Western Ontario from that of our. day and generation.--Lon- don Free Press. ; New Process Makes Pictures On Metal Photographs Produced In This Way Are Much More . Accurate The Aluminum Company of Amer- ica disclosed last week at Pittsburg that it has perfected a method of making pictures on metal which was expected to be more enduring and. ! more accurate than those taken' on paper. al : It presented the first portrait made by the new process to Dr. Paul D. Merica, whose research work on the precipitation hardening of alloys led to a more diversified use of metals, Do Not React To Changes The pictures are made on a paten- "tc@@ metal about one-sixteenth of an Inér thick, which contains an oxide coating, with the sensitive silver salts that react to light. When exposed to light sent through a negative an fmage is produced on the metal. A spokesman said the metal pic- tures have proved more valuable for aerial surveys, where a surface, ab- golutely accurate, was needed. He explained that a slight change fn temperature causes contraction or § expansion of paper pictures, and that such slight distortion would bring about .a grave miscalculation of dis- "tances. The metal pictures do not react to such changes, he said. OW Pi | . THE EMPIRE Rising (7) Sun The core of the Chinese armies is still intact; the Central Government, with the whole-hearted support of a united nation, has never been strong: er; and Japan has been forced to en- list the good offices of a European Power in order to make peace over- tures which have been rejected with the contempt they deserved. Turn back the calendar, may be the wish of most Japanese, Too late, their awakening. Japan is caught in the toils of a war, the outcome of which is perfectly clear--all too clear to the Japanese. She has' antagonized the Powers of the world by h - brutality, Her troubles at home are increasing daily. News of insurrections in the territories she has torn from the main- land in previous "raids" leaks out to the world. The Land of the "Rising" Sun. We wonder!--Hong Kong Press, Irish Living Costs ' For a time Ministers were dispcsed to deny that there was any increase in the cost of living, but when they could no longer persist in that atti- tude they proceeded to make the case that the increase in the cost of living was a sign of greater prosperity. The housekeeper in town, and country has to pay higher prices for all her re- quirements, The citizens, as taxpay- ers, are, for the same reason, called upon to provide the funds needed. by the Exchequer to) defray the addition- al cost of living bonus. The citizens, as ratépayers, are similarly affected ..... While the costs and charges to 'which we have referred have been mounting, the income -{ the chief pro- ducing class in the country--the agri- cultural community--has been rela- tively diminishing. For everything he has to purchase the farmer has to pay more, and-as his income is much less than it had been, obviously he is com- pelled to limit his purchases to a bare minimum, This decline in his pur- chasing power is detrimental to the manufacturer and trader.--Irish In- dependent, Dublin. Indented' Road Reflects Light New Type Surface -- Enginecr Offers Scheme to Aid Night Drivers A 'new type of road surface that will: "increase visibility very greatly" was reported at the 17th annual Mass- achusetts Safety Conference at DBos- ton last week. . Need for some such surface was em- phasized by a group of engineers dis- cussing "highway lighting in relation to night accidents." ~ They pointed to mounting automo- bile fatalities after dark, restrictions on headlights, and experience "prov- ing" the impracticability of enforcing speeds Within the limits set by head- light visibility. The Only Safe Speed L. A, S. Wood, lighting engineer, said that "10 to 15 miles an hour is the only speed.safe with present light- ing equipment." = 3 The problem, therefore, these en- gineers agrged, was one of getting enough light of the right kind in the right place on the highway. C. A. B. Halvorson, of Lynn, Mass, announced that the new type of road surface was developed during an at- tempt by the research experts to de- sign a surface that would allow driv- ers. to see farther without glare. Crux of the problem, he said, was to get hold of a design that would do its job as well in wet weather as in dry. Pitted At Intervals ' The design he 'finally settled on makes his miniature test road look like one of those pans ybu put in the oven for hot biscuits, Little 'cups" pit tha road at intervals ef an inch in diameter. Mixed with this indented surface is a substance, such as quartz- ite, which gives a high reflectivity, Spaghetti Shooting "I went crazy because 1 was offer- ed spaghetti instead of steak for my supper." A man.offered this explana- tion recently to Chicago police after shooting his. 17-year-old = daughter and wounding his 21-year-old son. He missed his wife, Walking For Ten Years The most energetic man in the world has been walking for 10 years, He started in 1927 to walk round the world: Now he has completed 80,000 miles----more than three times the earth's circumference. Whales have been known to break their jaws on the ocean bottom, after a mile deep dive, . Living tissues have the power to survive long beyond the life of the growing organism. This was demo strated in the case of animal sued by Dr. Alexis Carrel, who kept tis: sues from an embryo chicken heart alive longer than the greatest life span of a chicken. . The culture is still alive at the Rockefeller Insti- tute after more than a quarter of a century, Blossoms Alive For Months Dr. Carl L. LaRue, of the depart- 'ment of botany, University of Michi- gan, has demonstrated that it is pos- | sible to keep plant tissues alive 365 times as long as they would survive in the plant. He took portions of the blossoms of plants which have but a shoit span of existence under natural conditions and placed them in a nutrient culture medium, simi- lar to that in which germs and other micro-organisms are cultivated, After a given structure has fulfill- ed its function in the plant, its nour- ishment is withdrawn and it disin- tegrates. The nourishment available is then diverted to the newly devel- oping structures. When the blossom has finished its task it mmkes way for the fruit. EDMONTON. -- Scenes reminiscent of Dawson City during the Klondike rush, are being enacted at Yellow- \ knife, N.W.T., centre of the gold field on the north ghore of Great Slave Lake, Leonard E. Drummond, secre- tary and manager of the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines, said. He just returned from a 10-day aerial inspection trip of far worth mineral areas, Airplanes Oring Men In "Airplanes are bringing men in daily who are seeking work and the work hasn't started yet," he said. '"The re- sult is there is no hotel accommoda- tion for the new arrivals. Men are forced to undress and dress almost in public. It's almost like the Dawson says." Mine managers in Yellowknife, Gor- don Lake and Goldfields, whom he vis- ited during his tour, asked him to issue a public warning to work-seek- ers nct to consider going. into these areas yot as it will only add to the difilculties and work will not start un- til the summer, Mr. Drummond said. Comménting on the activity in the north, Mr. Drummond said "there's no question it will be a big year." Is Stead Life Expectation In the Dominion Is Shown By Latest Figures To Be Higher Than In E'ther The United States Or Great Britain. Investigations into longevity tend to reinforce the Biblical dictum that the span of life is three score and 10, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics an- nounced this month as official life tab. les for the general population of Can- ada were issued for the first time. "It seems that today, in Canada particularly, there are far more peo- ple attaining the allotted span than ever before in history but there are not appreciably. more centenarians than there were 100 years ago," the bureaw said. "The decreasing mortal- ity at younger ages is a token of the vastly smaller amount of illness among young people today." More Years In Procpect Based on the 1931 census, which was the first to compare deaths with liv- ing population in order that prob- abilities of dying could be reckoned, the survey showed that the Canadian boy of five can look forward to 62.30 years of life. An English boy has only 60.00 years, and the American boy 59,38 years. } As a person grows older the expec- tation of life steadily decreases. When a Canadian youth reaches his majority he has in prospect 48 years to live on the average. When he gets to 40 he may anticipate living 32 years more. When he retired at about ¢5, he may éxpect to have a comfortable 13 years of retirement and die at 78. If he reaches 80 he should live six years more and even when he arrives at the century mark his expectation of life is two years. : Study of mortality in 15 countries, show that only two have a lower male anortality from ages 25 to 45 than Canada, these being Denmark and Holland. Chance of an Italian boy of five dying fs 39 per cent. greater than that for a Canadian, of a Japanese boy 169 per cent., and an East Indian G37 per cent, Longevity Of Canadians ily Increasing i Healthy and Vigorous Elements "In addition to our healthy climate, advanced facilities in medicine and public health and our standard of liv- ing, all of which undoubtedly con- tribute to our 'remarkably superior longevity, there is the factor of selec- tion through immigration," the report continued. * "When large movements of popula- tion take place there Is a tendency for the more healthy and energetic ele- ments to move while the less healthy stay at home. Hence it {s that West- ern (ianada has the lightest mortality as the three provinces have received much of their population very recent- ly." { News In Review 1 BE a = SS SSS To Control High-Power Stations OTTAWA, -- It was the ultimate policy 'of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to take control of all high- power broadcasting in Canada, L. W,. Brockington, chairman of the Board of Governors, told the Parliamentary Committee on Radio. Some permits had been granted for private stations with power up to a maximum of 1,000 watts, but no in- creases would be permitted above that maximum, to private stations, Mr. Brockington said. Eventually it was the intention to restrict private stations to "purely local functions." The Heart of Europe VIENNA.--"The political heart of Europe no loiiger beats in Parls, but in Berlin," Propaganda Minister Goeb- bels of Germany declared this week in an Anschluss plebiscite campaign speech. . "In ten years' time, it will be un- derstood what that signifies," he sald. Appealing for a 100 per cent. vote by Austrians in favor of union with Germany in the April 10 plebiscite, . of Polish support for "in the House INSIDE PRESSURE --DBy taking over Austria, Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's chief gain has been thé increase of his own prestige with the German people at a time when their faith in him badly neceded bolstering. His Austrian coup has served for the mo- ment to distract German minds from the army purge, mounting unem- ployment, shortage of food essen- tials, loss of personal freedom. Observers say that the move is ac- complishing little in the way of bet- tering the desperate cconomie con- ditions of the Reich. Austria, too, is deficient in foodstu™®s and raw ma- terials, has to import between 700,- 000 and 900,000 tons of grain a year to feed her people. Sole resources present there in any sort of abund- ance are iron ore and timber, which Hitler and his financial advisers plan immediately to exploit. Jy selling the iron ore and timber outside the country, they will be able to: hoard more "foreign capital and stave off cconomic collapse for the present. The seizure of Austria is then only a stop-gap, a temporary measure, to be followed by moves much more drastic, infinitely more brutal. In. side pressure drives Germany outside herself, forcing the country on and on to further and still further ag- gression. There is no foundation for the hope that Hitler wilkstop where he is. . A Co ) DCG LEAT DOG--It wonft ibe lon now before 'Poland, having 'won the first round of a bloodless fizht with Lithuania, by forcing that country to accept Polish terms in settlement of a'border dispute, will be making new demands of her neighbor. is that Poland would like to annex Lithuania, thereby gaining more outlets on the Baltic. generally - agreed that Poland, sup posedly an ally of France, has Leen backed up in the Lithuanian dispute by Germany in return tor a promise some other moves Hitler has in mind . . . one of which might be a boycott of Czecho- slovakia. Professor Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard, dean of American histori- ans, however, is of the belief that Germany is actually planning to an- nex Poland. Case of dog eat dog, we opine. ' --0-- HOLDING IT UP--It was admitted by. Prime Minister Mackenzie King week that the rea- son the present session has not dealt with the proposed amendments to the British North America Act (empow- cring the Federal Government to en- act unemployment insurance legisla- tion) is. that three of the nine Pro- The truth] It is pretty" vinces have failed .to communicate with. him; giving their views on the matter. The draft of the proposed amend. ment was submitted to all Provin- cial Governments, Jenuary 20, New Brunswick and Quebec had rot up to this weck acknowledged receipt of the draft. : sie (ns ; NORMAL CROP--From the drought areas: of southwestern Saskatchewan are coming reports of water flowing in creek beds, rivulets. and lakes, storing up greatly-needed water. At Regina it is said the country has re- ceived the largest amount of moisture in many years. Further, it has been an open spring with ¢ ron d thaw of heavy snow in many per... A "mormal" crop is looked for by to farmers of Saskatchewan. Pros- pects long seen hopeless are bright- ching again. It will be a wonderful thing for Canady if the West really is beginning to "come back." i --0-- SCAPEGOAT--In primitive times, high priests of religion were went to place all the blamo for plagues, de- feats in war, sins of the people, on some innocent animal, for instance a goat, which they put to death with gieat ceremony. When the goat had been killed, the cause of the evil was supposed to have been removed and expiation made. Hence the origin of "scapegoat." : Though we are far from primitive times today, we still have our scape- goats. It looks as though Ex-Chan- cellor, Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg of Austin is going to be one of them, Branded now as a traitor by Adolf Hitler, he will be tried for treason against the German Reich, in Leipzig this summer. The court proceedings, it is reported, will be public and widely publicized on purpose to prove to the world that all the blame for Austria's plight rests on Schusch- nigg's shoulders. Germany hopes that the death of Schuschnigg en the chopping block will silence all triti- cism of the Nazi annexation, ---- CHINESE HIT BACK -- Counter- thrusts by Chinese armies are result- ing in victories over the Japanese throughout the entive Central China front. Peports lost week had it that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek him- self was at the central battle front in personal chares of the deive. Cer- tainly it is definite thot the Chinese have met with striking military sue- cess in Shantungg Shansi and Anhwei Provinces. It is atl too early, predict that the against Japan. however, to tide is turning Goebbels said that grave decisions taken by Chancellor Iitler -- leaving the Leagué of Nations, remilitarizing the Rhineland and absorbing Austria --were all full of risks. Warns of Depression OTTAWA.--Right Hon. R. B. Ben- nett sounded a warning in the House of Commons this week that Canada was on the verge of a depression sim- {lar to that of 1930. . The Opposition Leader that "the danger signals are already flying," and that the upward trend of the past three years had suddenly stopped, "The signals-to which he re- ferred, he said; were that exports had fallen off drastically, that unemploy- ment was "growing by leaps and bounds, 25,000 in one month," that business men were refusing to invest money because they lacked confidence. Trafalgar Square Sees Another Demonstration Twenty thousand jammed London's Trafalgar Square recently to protest against the German annexation of Austria. man Embassy. off Czechoslovakia!" tter, Here are mounted and foot police tackling a deputation Berking to. take a letter of protest to the Ger- Eventually a few were allowed to pass and deliver {he le The crowd was shouting "Hands charged . The Arctic Tern Flies Very Far Long-Distance Champion -- In Three Months One Globe-Trot- ting Bird Flew From Labrador to Nigeria. = Now that the morthern bird migra- tion 1s getting under way, the vast distances which these travellers cover in flying to and from their nesting grounds is a topic of current interest. The powers of endurince displayed by large numbers of North American birds on their lengthy migratory jour- neys is amazing, but there is one spe- cles that out-rivals them all. This is the Arctic terh, aptly referred to as "the champion globe trotter and long- distance flyer of the bird world." Circumpolar Range The species Is well named, ag its range is circumpolar and it nests over the Arctic land as far north as suit- able conditions 'can be found. When the young are well-grown the (Cana- dian and Greenland terns disappear from their breeding grounds and a few months later may be found even as far away as Africa. In fact the long- est flight on record for an individual bird was achieved by an Arctic tern that in three months flew from the coast of Labrador to the Niger River in Southeast Africa. Traverses Atlantic The journey of the' terms is be- lieved to follow a route touching upon tho west coasts of Spain and Africa, and on the return trip orthwards in- dividuals are known to fly along the cast coast of South America. The route indicated for this bird is altogether unique, as no other species is known to breed abundantly in North. America and to traverse the Atlantic Ocean to or from the Old World, These globe-trotting birds travel many thousands of miles and touch on four continents in the course of a year, Don't Skate On Ice When ice skaters skim along over a smooth stretch they are not actu- ally siiding on ice but on water, The ice melts under the skates, due to the friction, and the skates move along on a thin film of water. Increased pressure, as all physicists know, also nielts ice, and the weight of the per- son on skates provides pressure which combines with the friction to change the ice to water. "dary Schools 'Travel 'schoolboys for this summer. Used For. Leather And Albumen Is Used For Wool. : : BERLIN. --In its struggle for raw materials, which it cannot secure at home and canpot pay exchange, the Third erman Reich has turned its attention to the sea as an important free and unbounded source of supplies of cerlain useful products. Germans in early years were aceustcmed to eat much fish -- they preferred meat. During the last, few years propagandizing * Eat more fish" has done much to chan-e this; and, even more, the beter grsanization of the 00 trade ag far as inland towns are concerned and the marketing ot this food at cheap prices. Special Fleet of Ships The shark is also expected to cone tribute its share to German self-sufli- ciency. A special fleet of ships recent. ly left Hamburg to capture sharks in the Caribbean Sea. Shark skin is used ~ as leather, its fins are considered a delicacy by the Chinese and so their sale helps to bring in the nceded fore. ign exchange, while the rest of the fish is made into: fish-meal, of which 60,000 tons are expected to be pro- duced this year. Since it is now for- bidden to give grain as fodder for pigs (it is required for feeding the population), this fish-meal {8 mixed with potato-fodder to provide the al. bumin necessary for pig-raising. Many By-Products But the uses of fish; as food for hu. man beings and animals is only part of its contribution t» Germany's self- sufliciency. An albuminous fibre, call- ed "fish-wool", hag already been pro- duced which in combination with cellulose from wood (80 por ont, cellulose and 20 per cent. fish albu- men) gives a yard claimed to bo tear- proof, warm and can be dyed like, and is cheaper than, natural wool. The ture production of "fish-wool" jis ¢x- pected to replace cellulose wool for many purposes, and so reduce the present heavy demands upon the Ger- man forests for-supplics of wood cellu lose. 2 not In the shop windows today, nmany . articles made from new raw materials are on sale. Among thém may be seen books hound in codfish leather, gloves made from the same materials, which seem as soft and fine ag antelope leather, ete, whale fish leather which has been substituted for lizard skin in shoes, You Can Switch On The Weather British Air-Conditioning Invention Gives You Choice of Heat- wave or Frost A machine for controlling weather sounds like something out of an H. . G. Wells fantasy. But actually the ingenuity of man has given birth to such a device. You want a fresh,n spring day, You're tired of Mareh winds and want a heatwave? Or perhaps you'd like nice crisp, frosty weather with a touch of snow. Pull down a switch > oft the machine--which -is-known™ as an all-year-round Conditioning Plant --and your wish is fulfilled. Connected With Outside Air Right in your pwn room you can have what you want. You don't have to go outside to switch on a heat- wave and so clash with the Robinsons next door who prefer a gentle bal- miness. . The plant looks like a radiogram, and was designed and made in Great Britain. It has left the Americans, pioneers in air conditioning, miles behind, so they say. It is connected with the outside air by a tube, and every hour distri- hutes nearly 17,000 cubic feet of fil- tered and reconditioned air in the room in which it is working. Con- trols consist of a couple of switches, and the running cost is eldimed to be about half that of an electric fire. The plint can be fitted into an ord- inary office; or house, and already about 100 have been installed and are manufacturing such weather as theig * owners prefer. Exchange Tours For School Boys TORONTO.--The Scottish Secon- Trust, which last year sent Scottish boys oh a trip to Canada, has made arrangeraents for two tours of Canada for Scottish In the 20 days to be.spent in this country," the boys will visit Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls, and other: centres. oe This summer, for the first time, . several groups of Canadian, school - boys, between the ages of 12 and 18, will sail for Scotland, join a Scottish travel group, and tour the British Isles, and the continent. The Trust outfits students at bare cost, refund- ing at the end of the trip any unused money, : The Canadian boys will gc in groups of 25, under the supervision of a teacher, r in foreign AM aR ie Cn oy Sh 0 ely " Ts rd HY ed pv, oy. ye at els DED, na Lg mR ' Thor 2 atre? es PR eg gi, I ake - 5 AP Ie i)

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