en i : hd vi 8 YE il SS ep er a PC >, [ T 3 a a, apm rot ae con, a Te Ve - eI Da rg le HE ie Tr ur . Te Fora, Pi Ph Zen a A oe 4 Ra CN - Port. Pony. The new 1988 Family Size General Electric Refrigerator will be on dis- play in about three weeks. N. Ewers dealer for G. E. Products. The Women's Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension are holding an Easter Tea in the Parish Hall on Saturday afternoon, April 28rd, at 4 p.m. Afternoon tea 16c. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Somerville left last week for the West, after spending ",'the winter with relatives in Ontario. i Mrs. George Rose has- returned ' home after spending some months in Toronto. GLEE CLUB OF WHITBY COMING SOON. Mrs. Vernon Rowej~of Whitby, and a chorus of forty voices. A rare treat is in store for all music lovers at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry in near future. Watch for date. lil a PROPERTIES SOLD The following properties have been sold by W. J. Cook, Myrtle Station, real estate: The Wm. Moles property near the Yellow School, to a Toronto man. The James Ruddy property adjacent to the Port Perry Fair Grounds to a man from Toronto. Mrs, F. Lamb property in Prince Albert,, sold to a Toronto man. --_---------- ee ---- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough: Sunday, April 10--Palm Sunday. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 8 p.m.--Sunday School. '7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. Wednesday, April 13th, 10.30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 8 p.m. -- Shortened Evensong and Sermon. Good Friday-- - 11 a.m. to 12.30--morning and meditations on Passion. NOTE--At this service it is per- missible for those unable to arrive on time, to come later. Also those who must leave before the service "is finished might do so during the singing of one of the hymns. Easter Day--April 17. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9.80 a.m.--Choral Communion. 8 p.m.--Children's Service. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. <N and ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH Rov. RB. Simpacn, Minister ~ Communion service will be held at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 10th, Sunday feheol at 3.80. Everybody welesme Y. P. 8. Tuaaday at 8 p.m, a. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A., B.D. Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Easter Service of Woman's Missionary Society. 'Speaker--Mrs. | (Rev.) Forbes, Dominion President. 7 p.m.--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Subject--A Young Man's Religion. | prayer BR a AN a a -- CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all friends and neighbours for their kindness during my recent illness. Ethel Redman. IN MEMORIAM MARTIN--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Richard Martin, who passed away on April 8, 1934. We watched him suffer day by day, It caused us bitter grief To see him slowly fade away And could not give relief. Not dead to us, we loved him dear; Not lost but gone before, He lives with us in memory still And will forever more. Sadly missed by wife and family. : i Po \ SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the ufi- dersigned up to twelve o'clock noon the 16th day of April, A.D. 1938, for the purchase of village lot, east half No. 16, fifth concession of Reach in the Village of Prince Albert, register- ed plan No. 8, Block C, belonging to Lillian Sprague and being three acres, eompriging 2 storey frame house stone cellar, nine rooms, hardwood "floors, electricity. Double garage. In- speetion may be had by application at the premises. Terms: certified cheque for 10% of tender must accompany each tender, balance on completion of sale. Each tender not accepted, cheque will be returned; Any tender not necessarily accepted. Acceptance by registered letter shall constitute binding con- tract. Also furniture for sale. Dated, March 22 Lillian Sprague, Prince Albert, Ont. } --- rr ' We wish to congratulate our oldest resident Mrs. Mills on attaining the ripe old age of ninety-four. She cele- brated her birthday at her home with her daughter Mrs, T. Chilvers. Many friends bered her with gifts and greetings. Although she is blind, Mrs. Mills re- tains all her other faculties, . All join in wishing her many happy returns of the day. Mr, L. Sornberger has bought the farm lately vacated by Mr, R. Dillman and is moving to it this week. We wish them every success in their new home. Mr. Walter King is moving into the house tha is being vacated by Mr. L. Sornberger. We hope Mr. and Mrs. King will be happy in our village. Mr. and Mrs. R. Abraham are mov- ing into the house formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Groves. A good crowd attended the regular churth service on Sunday evening. Rev. J. McLachlan took as the sub- Cyrene". At the conclusion of the sermon Mr. Joe Grantham sang "The Old Rugged Cross" with the congre- gation joining in the chorus. Since the organization of the choir the ser- vice of song has added greatly to the interest of the gatherings. May they keep up the good work. The Tuxis Boys held their regular meeting at the home of Beverley Scott on Friday evening. A large number from this com- munity attended the hockey game be- tween Port Perry and Paris at Osha- wa on Thursday evening. ' Congratu- lations boys. Miss Alma Clements and Mrs, Chas. Wilson, Jean and Mary, spent the week end at the home of their parents. Mr. R. Johnston; Lila and Reg, of Pinedale spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Mrs. Geo. Ewen and Joan, Mrs. F. Chidley of Little Britain, Mrs. H. Eagleson, Mrs. Walter Moase and Glen spent a couple of days in Toron- to last week and took in the National Flower Show. The Young People's meeting on Wednesday evening was well attend- ed. The meeting was in charge of Miss Alma Frise, social and literary convener. Prayer by Rev. J. Mec- Lachlan, Mrs. Albert Martin read the Scripture, Acts 17:15-34. Miss Alma Frise read a poem and Alexa Stone read the devotional topic. Slides from Pickwick Papers were shown by Rev. J. McLachlan. The greater part of the evening was spent in progres- sive crokinole. Prizes were given the winners, Reta McLean and Oliver Martin. Alexa Stone received the consolation prize. Lunch at close. MANCHESTER Owing to Mrs. Forbes, President of the Dominion Board, speaking at the United Church in Port Perry, Sunday morning, our church service will be held at 10 a.m. instead of 10.30._ Miss Allie Thompson who has spent the winter with relatives in Queens- ville, has returned to her home here. June visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard. Mr. McCrudy, of Carrol, Man, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Holtby. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Walker and Edna visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Real at Greenbank, recently. . Don't forget the Community dlub this week, Thursday, April Tth. It will soon be the end of the Club year, so come and have a good time while it lasts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mr. Arthur Langmaid, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Croxall and Miss Noreen Croxall of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. S. McFarlane of Sea- grave were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs, E. Holtby. » Messrs. Dennis McKinsey, Elwood Crosier, George Barrett, attended the Goodrich convention held at the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto, on Tuesday. Mrs. Vernon has returned home ter visiting a week with relatives in Toronto and Tottenham. Mrs. Geo. .Schnapp of Buffalo, N.Y, Mitchell. Messrs. Dobson were on a business trip to Toronto on' Tuesday. with Mrs, Porteous in Brooklin. Miss Loretta Sonley of Whitby was a week end guest with her mother Mrs: M. Sonley. e - Mr. and Mrs, Jack Armstrong of Brookdale were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A; Wallace. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Coombe were in Toronto on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coombe. Mr. J. Stewart has the misfortune to lose a horse this week. and organizations remems} ject of 'his discourse "Simon the ~ Mr. and Mrs. -Arnold- Wallace-and }- is visiting with her mother Mrs, J. 3 Fred Lamb and Harold 2 Miss Helen Crosier spent Sunday | OL TA A A La Ne AR CRRA Lactate At Etro ne av My OSHAWA THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, this week WALT DISNEY'S first feature length production: SNOW WHITE and the" SEVEN DWARFS Continuous show, 2.00, 4.00, 8.00 and 10.00. Children Z5¢c. Adults 2 to 5.30, 25¢. 5.80 to 10, 85¢c. SPECIAL Saturday morning Matinee at 10 a.m. Children 15¢c. Adults 25¢. Sr ) Monday and Tuesday { § ROMANCE IN THE DARK with Gladys SWARTHOUT and John BOLES -- Wednesday and Thursday, "Sergeant Murphy" and "London by Night" x3 x3 () (The firm of Gazss & HumpazsYs is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office om Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each wesk, or by appointment. DR. W. 8. HARPER _ Graduate of T Medical end i rie Ft Gonder, of Net, Sty North East London. Post Graduate College, London, Englsnd, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. "BLACK DR. A. 8. N and SURGEON VETERINARIA ary Corps. Thrée years as English and Scotch Veterinary Surgeons. Phone 62, BROOKLIN,: Ont. DR. J. B. LUNDY _ DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Reaidenes 68): The ria. ot. nsen 0 FREEBIE Io Aagired RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; 8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 "in attendance at" Tuesday and T! each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 4 "Port Perry office on | afternoons of 000% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% oo 1% 3% 1% 0% a0 0% Su stu stu ste ste a ae Se te pe Hepes fo sto a's se ate ate ae sr ste ae sa te 0 0 0 0 es ee ote rate ate te (i Do not let bad Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. 8 weather or bad roads keep A you away Overseas Service ,in the Royal Army Veterin- | § . - assistant with 5 OPOROP . A. Sangste DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: ® am. to § pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleeps Insurance Office. oo" 870,0"s 0" 0%, OPPO aoe oe Cet evening of Fri p.m. Orchestra music. Phone 49 EUCHRE AND DANCE At the Yellow Schoolhouse on the y, April 8th, at 8 Ladies providing lunch free. Admission 25c. ' A. M. LAWRENCE The Rexall Store tins. Massey-Harris dealer, Port: Perry and - supply. Ample buildings. Immediate -| receive be. for each label. Offer end- possession. Apply to Conant & Annis, ing April 15th, 1938. ROR ROROI0R0NCRCECIONOH 2CR090ICICICHCECHCR0R2RCECE0 CR029I9CH0S [Jd . . § Ld " Medicines Toiletries Sundries "</ # 5 $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine ...... 2 for $1.01 135 Mi31 Tooth Powder ...... 2 for .36 $1.50 Hot Water Bottle ...... 2 for $1.51 { i 75 Mi31 Antiseptis ........2 for = .76 50 Jonteel Face Powder ....2 for .51 1.00. Hot Water Bottle ....... 2 for 1.01, % 9 50 Milk of Magnesia........2 for = 51 .50 Jonteel Face Cream ..... 2 for 51 .25 Sun Glasses ........... 2 for 26 XK 5 .15 Epsom Salts ........... 2 for 16 50 "93" Hair Tonic ....... .2 for 51 10 Wash Cloths ............ 2.for JHA 5 20 He ad Bie: 50: French Balm 2 for 51 15 Writing Pads ........... 2 for' 16 @ > ot Eh fo iia a NL Aerated Pr. k aphuin Ain ck fil : .25 Writing Pads ........... 2 for .26 XK H .50 Bronchial Syrup ....... .2 for - 51 .50 Gardenia Face Powder ..2 for .51 .10 Envelopes ........c vues 2 for 1 8 4 "1,00 Agarex Co. .....iiuvueens 2 for: 1.01- .40 Lavender Shaving Cream 2 for ~.41 .35 Box Stationery ......... 2 for .36 i & 1.35 Tincture of Iodine ...... 2 for '. .36 ~35 Rexall Shaving Cream. .2-for 36 .50 Box Stationery ........ 2 for 51 3 & 25 A. S. A. Tablets ........2 for .26 .35 Rexall Shaving Lotion ...2 for "36 .15 Adhesive Tape .......... 2 for 16 § ". 49 A. S. A. Tablets .,......2 for 50 50 Gardenia Shaving Lotion 2 for .51. .25 Arhesive Tape .......... 2 for .26 3 .25 Castor Oil ...... veresed 2 for 26 .25 Assorted Perfumes ......2 for 26 . .15 Jonteel Puffs ........... 2 for .16 5 .25 Hydrogen Peroxide ...... 2 for .26 .25 Stork Baby Powder ..... 2 for 26 JB IRR La aa era 2 for 18 3 .75 Carica Bile Tablets .......2 for .76 .25 Klenzo Tooth Brush ....2 for .26 15 Mucilage «v.o.oiiieen 2 for .16 § 2 .25 Healing Salve .......... 2 for .26 .35 Klenzo Tooth Brush...... 2 for .36 .20 Absorbent Cotton ...... 2 for .21 4 1.00 CodLiver and Creospte ..2 for 1.01 .19 Dressing Combs ........ 2 for .20 .05 Chocolate Bars". ......... 2 for 06 § Eg .25 A. B. S. and C. Tablets ..2 for .26 .25 Tar Shampoo Soap ...... 2 for 26 .05 Bundle of Suckers .... .. 2 for -.06 5 .25 Boots' Meloids .......... 2 for .26 .25 Germicidal 'Soap ........ 2 for .26 English Humbugs ...... seos.Per Ib. 19 ¥ 3 .25 Rexall Orderlies ........ 2 for .26 .10 Oatmeal Soap .......... 2 for .11 Peppermint Patties ..,....... Per Ih. .23 § 5 .25 Little Liver Pills ........ 2 for .26 .35 Lavender Brilliantine ....2 for .36 Cocoanut Snowballs .......... Per, th. .26 7 & £ .50 Kidney Pills ............ 2 for .51 .25 "Jonteel Taleum ......... 2 for .26 Peanut Clusters ......... co. Per 1b. .23 '.& o ; : : 3 -§ Telephone or mail your order if you cannot attend Oe OA 0 ae Se de a 0S et : 200808080808 Port Perry '& { oo ss . oh 3 GOP @ CRN POIOROPOPOPOIOBVPOIIOIDPOD 1I3R0808082000I900800080 o 9 090 ° PON SR ELIZERCRCR0008CE08C 4% 5% 0% 4 S12 SS 35 3°000,1 9,4 309.98 14 IP 2323223202020 3%0% er tt 000 CAI A 300 Se SHE St 0 0 Aah 38 0 et Sar SY 01 4S SA 0S HA AEA AH WANTED The whole label from Gillett's Lye, FOR RENT Farm of about 65 acres, convenient- Leave with Norman Ewers, ly located in Oshawa, with city water april7 , Bartisters, etc, Oshawa. Apr7tf WANTED . Girl for general housework. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. G. Bowles, Nestleton, Phone 192 r 1-1, Port Perry. ~ WANTED TO BUY Man's Bicycle in good condition. Apply to Dominion Stores Ltd. WANTED 20,000 MUSKRATS for highest prices call I. Stein, Whitby Phone 581 and reverse charges. 'DIED Monday, April 4th, 1938, Robert John Cherrie, in his 84th year." i Having moved to as formerly. in their season, certifi Phone 120r 4. CHERRIE--On Scugog Island, on} Building & Contracting Plans Prepared, Estimates given on new or old work. ; L. A. KOCH & SON Phone 81 - Port Perry SUITS CLEANED SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED , 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P.ROLPH intend to carry on my SEED BUSINESS there 8 I will carry all kinds of -- Clover and Grass Seeds, also Corn Your business will receive our prompt a:tention, and will be much appreciated We have a quantity of Cobbler Potatoes grown from geed, at $1.00 per bag, while they last. i HANDLE BLATCHFORD'S POULTRY FEEDS J. F. McCLINTOCK OVER THE ONSERVER OFFICE LB A J I LT Myrtle Station, I MYRTLE STATION OF OUR NEW COFFEE: RICHMELLOG 29 A blend of the > world's finest coffee beans -- Ri¢h and 1-Ib. aromatic -- Truly an Pkg. aristocrat among - coffees. EARLY MORNING hi : y Eh AS fend. Po: mi : CHOICE FRUITS ORANGES 15c. a dozen RHUBARB Mo 15¢, Local THT LEO SMITH - Phone 268 | 2 ROP INTE ooMINIEN IB 2) NSANT iL 7 QUALITY SERVICE aia J Australian Sultana Recleaned : ; "RAISINS - 10°C Silver Ribbon TOMATO "« 47%. 29 PEANUTS "Sw » 10 25 DOMESTIC 2 i 25 Shortening 4b, Pkg. 47 TISSUE - 4 WALNUT Pics +» 3§ Robin Hood ! FLAKED OATS "10 Holves of Slices : wie 16 PEACHES WOODBURY'S Facil Soop 2 CAKES .15 Yalues effective © PHONE April Ath-9th OR DROV Bef INTO YOUR a ® JOMEINION -- STORES LIMITED , A he ~L4