TELEPHONE It's quicker and easier A call to 20W will end your meat , order worry in 8 fish. CAWKER BROS. i We deliver Port Perry The Friendship Club held its final meeting for the season on Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Janson, Members and friends numbering in all about fifty persons gathered early for supper when the tables were twice filled to accommo- date the assembly. No regular euchre game was held but many made up tables for various card games, while others passed the time in friendly conversation. Prizes were awarded to the lady (Mrs, W. Wilson) and the gentleman (Mr. Russ. Rodd) for having the highest total score for house for Mr. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Jack- son on Sunday. Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl, of Enniskillen, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Mark for a couple of days last week. - Rev. Fred Joblin of Toronto visited his parents at the parsonage before leaving on Monday morning with a friend to motor to Success, Sask., to take charge of a mission there. best wishes go with him in his work. Mr. Howard, of Port Perry, is busy re-decorating Mr, house now occupied by Mr. F. Dawson. A. G. Stories Mr. Geo. Schell is busy repairing the Bloomer of Toronto, occupied by Mr, H, Carnochan. Mr, Norman Shunk is repairing the culvert railings which will be a big mprovement. : Miss Joyce Tetlow visited Miss C. Crawford at Blackstock during the Easter week. -- re UTICA Miss Olga Lakey, Miss Jean Miller and Mr. Walter Reynolds spent the holidays at here. their respective homes Miss Miller was accompanied by her friend Miss Griffen. Jim and Douglas Cormack of To- onto, spent the holidays with their grandmother Mrs, Jas, Swan, Sorry to report Mrs. P. Parrott is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family visiting her parents Mr. and Redshaw, Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman Walker and family and Mrs. Josh, Dobson attend- ed the Brougham last week. King-Phillips wedding at Mrs. Jos, Ward attended the Siero] of her cousin at Queenville on Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs, A, Reynolds attended he wedding of their nephew Mr, H. Taylor, Toronto. 'The Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar in Memory Hall on May 11th, Mrs. Gea. Smith and Marion with Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Lakey on Mon- day, The hydro line will he completed his week, Our MYRTLE Mr. Floyd'Honey left on Sunday for South Western Saskatchewan where he will be a student preacher for the summer. This is the third summer Mr. Honey has spent in the West, Miss Margaret Armstrong address- ed the congregation here on Sunday evening basing her theme on her work in Mission Fields. She gave a most helpful and inspiring message. Next Sabbath, May 1st, the alternate after- noon and evening services between here and Raglan appointment will commence with service here at 3 p.m, Mr. Grant Ormiston who has been on Mr. Frank Bradleys farm for the past year is moving to Raglan this week where he will continue the truck- ing business. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook and Mr, E, E. Mole were at Oakville on Thursday attending the funeral of a relative, Mr, Thomas Curtis. A truck load of men journeyed to Beaverton last week and brought back a fine catch of suckers, which were generously divided among neighbours. Miss Johnston of Whitby, spent the holiday with her cousin Mrs. Luery. School re-opened for the final term on Monday, the teacher Miss Smith returning on Sunday after spending the holiday season with her parents at Oakville, . Mr. and Mrs. George Painter and daughter of Uxbridge attended the final meeting of the Club here on Fri- day night. : BARN DANCE To be held in the new steel barn of Ben Jones, near Utica on. Thursday, May bth. Music by Billie William- sons Orchestra, Lucky number dance. Booth. Admission 250, FOR SALE Eight voung pigs, wagon, buggy, and quantity of potatoes. Apply to H. C, Thorne, R.R.2, Port Perry. TO RENT Half of large house with good gar- den, Apply to Edwards, Prince Albert, Ont. mays R--mi - y w the entire seasons play. The ladies' a' ER prize was a navy blue hand bag while : YOUR F AMILY BA \ the gent was pleased with a fine cord- ; : : tof - uli = 'ed silk scarf, i ! : . A business meeting held during the No matter which -- = Bread or h evening showed by reports the club wit had enjoyed a most successful season iP astry we can supp y you and had accomplished much good, and the best baking, on short notice. held sixteen parties at the various omes. i ec ERY Mr. and Mrs, Badgero and Douglas, JEMISON S BAK of Markham; Mr, and Mrs. Milford 1 : 3 EADIE Badgero of Syracuse, N.Y., and Miss ; THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Florida Badgero, renowned opera star . ; no | . of New York City, are guests of Mr, PHONE 93, PORT PERRY and Mrs. John McKittrick. 1 : Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Troke of To- ronto spent-the week end with Mr, |r re i. and Mrs. Chas, Partridge. ¥ SERIE ISIE EIT Nceotoncegessnonessesseoneeptgnysesgeststs®? | Mr, Norman Waterworth:-is holiday- %| ing with friends in Toronto, . RB| Miss Alma Harmon is back home Shop by Telephone: 2 after two months' visit ith i and re 8 | Mrs. Peter Leask. The personal Way | Miss Eva Luke visited relatives in A CALL TO # | Oshawa recently. | Mrs, C. Whitter spent the week end ' + AC E( sOR S 8% | in Toronto. Mi ¢ GR MARKET 8] Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hook were in : gi | Toronto Wednesday with friends. Insures prompt, 'personal service. M| Misses Ruby and Alma Lee were ki | home from thei schools for the East-|t ' P RT PERRY #|er vacation. LE PHONE 72: i 2 0 ¥| Mr, Harry Hickman is in Port Perry : ada L hospital after a sudden attack of ap- i pendicitis which necessitated: an oper- > 5 DR I SUR | fo, i ANE Il The "Community Hall "was well _ BE THRIFTY AND SHOP AT ' filled on Friday night when the Buys : 5 y : : . @| Bees in conjunction with the Black-|t 4 =| stock A.Y.P.A. players presented the|- aii | 0 HEE i, 0 org = | farce comedy "Goodness Gracious h, ; 8 A of In ; 3| Grandma' a hilarious story in three 3 acts. The play was followed by a : FEATURING dance and a good time was had by all. 0 4S SCUGCOG B Q Next Sunday the Centre Service ; Price, ua ity an ervice will be held at 11.30 and the evening | A Choice Selection of Values for home and personal use, service at the Head at 7.30, i On Friday evening this week, will . > oy WOMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S READY -TO-WEAR, = be held the last Fortnight Club meet- | vf uivommis, staPLE DRYGOODS, AND MENS Ii for te se wl ke he FURNISHINGS leh of hot dogs, Dancing will com- te t ing. B We Feature LADY BETH HOSIERY in Crepe, Service and ar. pw 'Chiffon, in all the newest shades. Sizes 8); to 10}, Mr, Hubert Long has start his work on Seven Mile Island, OWNED AND > OPERATE BY =| All farmers should keep their flocks H. DURKIN 3: "" FORT PERRY B| well housed at night as the foxes are wl : 1] a busy again. Not very backward either, - as one has been seen carrying a hen across the field in the forenoon by Mr, wt N Leonard Hope. We Specialize in * Anothér Pot Luck Supper was hel - held . ~~ in the Township Hall last Friday 1 1 M Wh i R evening with a good attendance and a E : Kr. l e Ones good program. While sitting around '2 the table after the meal, the Bays' re ,Quartette sang a couple of numhers,| : These were followed by contest and Farmer community singing. Mr. Geo. Barnett alley sang a couple of favorites accompany- | ing himself on the guitar. Proceeds R FLOUR $6.80. There was fifteen suppers this For outstanding and profitable al winter, realizing in all $43,46, They RESULTS, FEED; "Ne Better Made, [were much enjoyed, SYN - We are glad to see Mra, C. Wanna- . FOR POULTRY ° * - F Ik rol LTR) Mash, Growing Mash, Bring mn your maker back to her home again after Big "8" Laying Mash. - spending a few months with her FOR HOGS =~ GRAIN brother Mr, wv. C. Platten at Black- Pioneer" Weanling Rations, - Hog oe water, - : Grower. Hop peat, Pork Pro- for chopping Mr. and Mrs, §. Hope, Merle and >. : | 3 FoR po ps yg or exchange Cecile, of Prince Albert, were guests ¢ y Hones 18%. 15%: qe Dey f ' . l 7 = : on, Da ncen ' '. Sweet, Dry and Freshening Ration. or specia : STR AN Theatre Results are the only sound measure blends of chick UXBRIDGE of feed Jalge. Pioneer pried Jive d roven their superio use p Proven their superiority } feec , etc. Thurs. Friday, Saturday, (This week) ; ; Freddie Bartholamew, Mickey Rooney, We are here to give you service and and Spencer Tracy, in satisfaction. Drop in and look over Phone 99-w . : the feeds, Take home a bag and g "CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS" watch it produce results, p Rudyard yKilings mask i rtant : ' picture, highly instructive, all ages 0 : P ort err and classes will enjoy this human Lake Seugog Milling C ig y special. Also comedy--our gang in " " "BORED OF EDUCATION." P ' leet 1000000111000 20 1110120000010 ESL LASER LORRI " PROTECT. YOURSELF 'with Reliable Fire Insurance HAROLD W. EMMERSON . Phone 41 Port Perry Place Your Insurance with | | COMING SOON--"Maytime", Itt tttttittL atts Mon., Tuesday, Wednesday, May 2-3-4 Eleanor Whitney, Tom Brown, and Crabbe, in : "ROSE BOWL" See the fastest Rugby game. Comedy. Thurs, Friday, Saturday, May 5-6-7 Ronald Coleman, in "THE LOST HORIZON" Many paid $2.00 a seat to see this special, = You can see it now for 25c. OF the many products made by the chemist using cellulose as a raw material, none has had a more rapid or sensational rise than transparent cellulose film, best Cellulose Comes oh Wood phane'. Made by a process in- vented by Brandenberger, a Swiss chemist working in France, and first used chiefly in making wom- en's hats, this material is now used for literally hundreds of different purposes. Although first made in Canada in 1932, the growth of transparent cellulose film has in- creased very rapidly, Transparent cellulose film and rayon are true sisters, both being the children of cellulose from the spruce tree and.cotton linters. In the case of rayon, a cellulose solu- tion made by treating purified wood pulp or cotton linters with caustic soda and carbon bisulphide is forced through the microscopic holes of a "spinneret" into a chemical bath, which changes the tiny streams of "liquid cellulose" baci into filaments of solid cellu- lose. In the manufacture of trans- parent cellulose film, the viscose solution is forced out into the chemical bath through a long nar- row slit instead of a spinneret, and the result is a thin film of cellulose. Further chemical and physical op- erations,--bleaching, washing, etc., leave the completed film transpar- ent, sparkling, strong, flexible, + odourless, oil-proof, air-proof, gas- proof and germ-pioof, While transparent cellulose film made in this way, and coloured with dyestuffs if desired, found wide application as a wrapping material, chemists soon realized Ice", and "Heidi". "Thin that a way should be found to make this material moistureproof in or- der to extend its usefulness as a known by the trade-name "Cello- . | mu RED & WRITE sou | Insoles. $1.99. Ra Men's $2.49; SISMAN"S SCAMPERS Elk Leather, with Rubber Seles, and Cork Boy's $2.19; ae eau Outing Shoes in Black Split Leather, with durable rubber soles Men's $1.76; Boy's $1.65; Youth's $1.48 he 2 0 te 4 Men's Canvas Boots or Oxfords, with rubber soles 75c. pair 200 Se ate Fogle acts sole and Feature Sisman's Scamper style Oxford, with leather $2.98 rubber heel. ere ote te 3a Se Ae aa ee aa, MEN'S TROUSERS Summer Tweeds $3.26, $3.68 Cotton Worsteds $2.26. Work Cottonade $1.35 5% Sage ae 05 eo e op ea ag roo oo eae Fresh Ground, Mountain Blend Coffee, Ib. 45c. Magic Coffee - 1b. 29c. Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, : Red & White Coffee, vacuum pack,|Ib.40c¢ | 1 Ib. 55¢. ET ---- 3% 50h 15% a ie Bo tate so Se ar, 3 ) i PHONE 43 1s : 4 SORIA SATE LAAT APR PORT PERRY WRISTS ELLER PR RN LAR EE 70% BY PR.HG.LITTLER. or From Wood Pulp to Transparent Film wrapper for goods which quickly become dry and stale. After several years of experi- mental work in the laboratory, a moistureproof film was perfected which led to a revolution in packaging. When wrapped in this moistureproof film, cigars and cigarettes retained their desirable characteristics for a much longer period. The wastage in cakes and other hakery products was greatly reduced because this moisture~ proof film preserved them, Meats appeared in this new wrapper, thus insuring freshness and clean- liness, Fhe use of moistureproof cellulose film spread to fruits and other perishable foods, until today the average grocery store contains dozens of products kept fresh by it. It is generally conceded today that this transparent film is an aid ta public health since foodstuffs, textiles and other items wrapped in it are not readily contaminated with discase germs. In addition to its use for wrap- ping all kinds of articles, transpar- ent cellulose film is used for many other purposes, In the form of nar- row ribbons it is woven into attrac- tive fabric for curtains. Fifty thousand yards of sparkling cell- ulose film were used to make the moonheanis in the motion picture presentation of "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream." In the theatre it has been used for costumes, in the radio world for making sound effects, by surgeons as an out- side dressing so that the pro- gress of wounds might be observ- ed, and on the farm as a cover for carly plants to protect them from (Photo, Canadian Industries Tdmited) Winding "Cellophane" sudden changes in the weather. It would seem, in fact, that the use- fulness of this sparkling transpar- ent film as a decorative and pro- tective material is limited only ! the imagination of the user. and pastry. RAL LAS LSS RRR E, 22 OUR NEW LOAF Bread is the staff of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun customers with the latest and best. 'Gerrow Brothers Port Perry Coal Yar PHONE MAGIC Your great grandfather had to hew and haul, saw and chop. But yox need only : phone--and presto!--your coal is on the way. To insure your comfort and economy we deliver Famous Reading Anthracite-- the "Laundered" Coal--dirt free, dust free, all coal, more heat. Phone NOW! Phones 94w & 94) F. W. BROCK & son Ask our driver about our bread He will be pleased to show you tasty varieties. SMILES N' CHUCKLES When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed Per package 25c. and 50c erect? PHONE 240 Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building to Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. Limited A i aut t 4 AN wo At ira whi a wv" Spa Ere -- rr oS Nr ih Se ra PAS wT pang ~ faci i Fons oy Cg >. ae AC No af Sr! ps Lt ny iY Ret A a ORIN be DN, : i. \ { | Pr LR & EP et