Fs AGENTS WANTED Classified Advertising HAIR GOODS. AGEN?, HANDLE PROFITABLE FAST sell hip ose nroducia 1736 Dun. MAN OR WOMAN FOR CUPID CON- centrated Flavors, Fir varieties. Long profits, Grand route salesman gxtra. Acme Direct Sales, 616 Yonge. 'oronto. : WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS; Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for {llus- trated catalogue. Spécial attention to repa ir work, Toro H Halr Supply Co., 628 Bathurat Forno LEAR : ART IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH UR Paint, write for Talent Test (No Fee). ive age and occupation. Box _ 62, 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto. 'BABY CHICKS POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT TWEDDLE PRICES GREATLY RE. duced for May, Still lower for June. Now is your chance to get these high quality chicks that develop into pul- lets that lay lots of eggs and cock. erels that top the market. Don't buy until you get our price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. 1 ~-EGG PRICES RISE IN JUST 4 MONTHS --Make sure of your profits this Fall with Bray started pullets. We have a Jarticularly fine lot of 2-week-old ray Barred Rock pullets, priced right. Order them NOW while our supply 'lasts. Write for fishes in- formation today. Bray Hdtchery, 130 John St. North, Hamliiton Ontario, CHICKS ONE CENT BACH FUR TEN EXTRA, with every hundred ordered Ten Days In advance of delivery, rices lower May 24th and Juhe 18th, rite for list. Trent Electric Hatche ery, Box 633W, Trenton, Ont. FOUR DAYS FROM HATCHERY TO ~~ farm Bray chicks arrive all alive. You can't lose if you put hardy, vig- orous Bray chicks under youf brood- ers. Write for catalogue today. Bray Hatchery, 130 Jonn St. North. Hamii- ton, Ontario. : RJ's. BRAY LIGHT SUSSEX--NEW Hampshire Hybrids dressed out L pound 4 ounces each, heads off, at 7 weeks old. Put some of these fast- growing Bray chicks into your brooders this year. Write for cata- logue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. el JADEN STANDARD QUALITY CHICKS Leghorns, and New Hampshire Reds $7.45, Barred Rocks, $8.45, Big egg quallty $1.50 moré. Started chicks 2 weeks old add $5.00 per hundred, 3 weeks old $9.00. Lower prices for . June. Send for complete price list. +. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Lim- ited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. QUALITY CHICKS, FROM BLOOD tested breeders, Leghorns $6.95, 90% pullets $14.90, New Hampshire Reds and Barred Rocks $7.95, Pullets F008, cockerels $6.95, older chicks weeks old add 4 cts. per chick, 8 weeks old 9 cts. Large egg quality add 1 ct. Leghorn pullets add 2 cts. Deposit $1.00 per hundred, balance C.0.D. Top Notch Chickerles, 16 Wil- son St., Guelph. JOHNSON"S SUPERIOR CHICKS HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE. We specialize in two breeds bred to lay Barred Rocks and Barron strain 8.C.W. Leghorns. All breeders are blood tested and from R.O.P. males. Only the very best type of breeders are used and eggs set weigh between 25 and 30 oz. per doz. Price Barred - Rocks, 9 cents; Leghorns, 8 cents each. 100% safe arrival guaranteed. J. I shnson, Fergus, Ontario. DUFFERIN FLYING BERVICE .GETS your license on easy terms. Class 'A" Instructors. New Cubs. Address Barker Field, Toronto, Unt. . MATTRESSES FOR SALE | MATTRESSES--SPRING BARGAINS -- New Felt Mattresses, $3.60; New Spring Mattresses, $8.60. From factory to user, Veteran Bedding, 898 Queen St. West, Toronto. MEDICAL SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC STOMACH Remedy hegled many obstinate cases. User states: For years | was troubled with gnawing pal" below breast- bone. It caused gas and bloating. [ tried many remedies, but my only rellef 'was soda, and that for short time only, After meals it didn't bothér me for few hours; then if 1 ate something it stopped coming agaln after some time... The paln bothered me worse at night. After taking 3 bottles Dr. McLeod's Stoma- chic I was free from pain. I kept on improving and have now beer well for 4 years, enjoying my meals with- out medicine. Drug Stores or direct. Write for free information. Dr, Mc- Leod's Stomachlc Co., 191 Albany, To- ronto, (R. & 8.) RHEUMATISM AND STOM- "ach Powder, "The Great Eliminator," Contains ten of Nature's ingredients. Removing the cause and eliminating Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Arth- ritls, Neuritls, Constipation, etc. $1.60, $3.00, .00. Agents Lymaus Limited, Montreal, PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method, No elastic or un- der-straps or aleele. Welle -Smith Manufituring Co. Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATB, romantic sweetheart with money, Mite! Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis. sourl. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, IN- expensively, Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. CHARMING RICH LADIES,' REFINED well-to-do entlemen, want nice sweethearts, husbands. Look at their photos--particulars free. Confiden- tial. Union Club, Box 68, Station H, Montreal. PHOTOGRAPHY. ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25c_ order. Roll film developed and Sight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Estab- lished over 26 years. Brightling Studio, 29 Richmond Street East, To- ronto. PROFESSIONAL RESULTS COUNT -- any flim developed and printed prop- erly, Mail with 250 to Professional Dept. A, London, Ont. Send your own choice of negative back with your second film for free Etchcraft En- largement. i BULBS SURPLUS GLADIOLI BULBS, Picardy, Bagdad, or mixed, %" to 1%", $1. hyndred prepald. 'W. Glass, 38 Duff "Street, Hamilton, Ont. ] FOR SALR YORKSHIRES--AT THE HEAD OF Shadeland Farms herd the Grand Champion, sire of "Sainsbury Tro- phy" "and "Best Market Pen" at Royal "Winter Falr. Sows include First and Second winners Toronto and First Guelph. Young males with 'Advanced Registry" backing. For Sale, Shadeland Farms, Box 7, Eden, Elgin Co. : FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every plece thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. This is your opportunity to buy high olass reconditioned furniture at a frac- tlon of the actual value. Buy now for your summer cottage. Here are some of the amazing values. picked at ran- dom from our enormous stock. $24 95 Large 8 piece repp chester- OR, rials fleld suite, Marshall revers- ible cushions. Thoroughly cleaned. $13.95 Large three piece suite in sg English tapestry. Marshall cushions, A snap. - $49.00 Beautiful suite, 8 pieces in y brand new repp cover, rust Ahade, reversible Marshall cushions unclaimed). . ved 3.50 Chesterfield ed, cover, has large wardrobe compartment, in perfect condition. Large dresser, rich walnut YY. finish, full size bed, walnut finish, sagless spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress. 00 Beautiful bed room suite, 9 large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. - $72 50 Largo 6 plece bed room suite. od Beautiful dresser, triple mir- ed vanity, birch chiffrobe, full size tapestry ed and sagless spring, Completely re- nished. $24. 95 -Solld oak dining room suite, * largo buffet, axtension table, $ leather upholstered chairs and a fine 2 plece dinner sct. ' $57 00 English oak dining room bd suite, large buffet, square extension table, china cabinet, and 6 Jsather seat chairs. Completely refin- shed. $79 00 Fine walput dining room y bg suite, Buffet, extension table Shins cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs, Perfect condition. reakfast suites, 6 pleces $13.05: Gas toves, $4.05; Kitchen Cabinets, $0.05; wing Machine (Singer), 812.05; Dres- ts, $3.08; Chiffoniers, $7.93; Beds, 3 Springs, $2.60; New Felt Mat- gancs, $3.05; Extension tables, $6.50; A Beds, $3.50; Ice Boxes, $4.95, rite for free illustrated catalogue of new and reconditioned furniture and hiindreds of valuable gifts free with Pp rechases. LYONS Tk 7-IN DEPT. 478 Yong. .t., Toronto 08) ablets © and will be with a tial pack © | of these wonderl ables. » Wnts todo, enclosing a selfs addrested, stamped envelope and your birth. dete, Address = J Raymer," 3 JMASON Remeois Loaimio\ 14 MCAUL ST. + TORONTO, CANADA RAT BXTERMINATOR | ALL KNOWN DISEASES CAN BE CAR- rled by rats. Bafeguard your home and stock by using Ratpox--Harm- less to humans, domestic animals, poultry, groundhogs, etc. If your dealer cannot supply you send 35¢ in coin for post-paid supply. Dealers write for particulars. National Salés Agency, B57 Bloor West, Toronto. Guard your home and stock with Ratpox. THE NEWEST GAME SENSATION BE THE FIRST IN.YOUR COMMUN- ity to run the Kentucky Derby for your friends' amusement. Each game an actual, exciting race. Send 25c in coin for elght complete races. Agents write for particulars. Nation- al Bales Agency, Bloor Bldg., Toronto, Some Trade Marks MayBelInvalid -- Viewed In the Light of the Recent Privy Council Decision--Man- ~ ufacturers Should Check Up. on Themselves ---- 1 All manufacturers owning - trade marks which are descriptive, geogra- phical, the name of a patent expired product, or the name of a person, firm or corporation, should be considering whether thelr trade marks. are valid or not in view of the recent decision of the Privy Council in the case of The Canadian Shredded Wheat Comp- any, Ltd, vs. Kellogg, wherein" 'the question of descriptive trade marks was discursed. Invalid After Forty Years This decision is of real importance to all trade mark owners who desire to protect their marks, because in this case a fr.de mark, which had been used for almost forty years in Canada, was held to be invalid. The Court points out in the decision what is ne- cessary in order to prove that such marks have acquired distinctiveness 80 as to entitle them to protection, It may be that in view of this de- cision an amendment to the law is ne- cessary for the protection of such trade marks, Trade mark owners in favour of such an amendment should, at the earliest opportunity, express their views on this point, CORN SALVE ' BUNION SALVE / Issue No. 21----'38 AC All Druggtsts, . ee BR 5,643 Admitted in Last Year With 5,209 Canadians Returning The United States provided 'the greatest number of immigrants to Canada in the yea ended March 31, 1988, when 165,645 men, women and children from 50 differerit countries came to the Dominion to make new homes. This compared with 12,023 the previous year and represented an increase of 30 per cent. From across the international bor- der came 5,648 American citizens to settle in Canada. They came from 48 states with one-from Alaska, nine ! from Hawaii, 'and 17 from the Dis- trice of Columbia. In the fiscal year 1986-87, 5,118 migrant U, 8. citi- zens moved to the Dominion, Most From Michigan In the 12 months ended March 81 the greatest movement of immigrants came from the State of Michigan, with 1,113; New York 993, 307 from California, 291 from Illinois, 217 from Ohio, 271 from Washington, 232 from Maine, 217 from Ohio, and 210 from Pennsylvania. Majority of New Canadians | Come In From The States In the samc period no fewer than 5,209 Canadians returned to the Do- minion from the United States. | This compared with 5,064 in tho pre- | vious year, 'Of those who came back to Canada 4,624 were native-born' Canadians, 856 British subjects with ! Canadian domicile, and 329 natur- alized Canadians with domicile. From: Britain and Europe Immigration to Canada from the bered 2,972 against 2,264 in the previous year. From England came 1,949 with 864 Irish, 604 Scottish and 65 Welsh. Immigration from other coun- tries were: Germany, 523; Italy, 408; Hungarians, 622; Polish, 616; Ruthenian, 1,856; Slovak, 1,249; Japanese, 189; Chinese, none; Heb- rew, 817, and 188 Croats. By sex the migrants were: adult males, 3,670; adult females, 6,319; with 5,666 children under 18. Newest International Span CANADIAN CHANNEL CROSSING Thousand Islands Bridge ATRAME REN St. Lawrence River between Ivy Lea, INTERNATIONAL SPAN \ Canada on left and U.S, right. This huge structural steel is now being placed by werkers across the opening of the new bridge is scheduled for mid-August. Ont., and Alexandria Bay, N.Y. The ....Gardening Notes... FLOWERING PLANTINGS The first flowers to be sown are those very hardy kinds which would naturally reproduce themselves in Canada, such as cosmos, california poppy, alyssum, calendula and candy- tuft, - In the second group are the zinnia, marigold, nasturtium, stocks, aster ad petunia, which do not stand se- rious frost, and of the tender things, which must be held back until all danger of freezing is over, are the back that the later planted sorts will actually be ahead. There is no objection, however, In getting started early. There is more pride in .the first marigold or zinnia, and more satisfaction in the first meal of peas or potatoes right from the gar- den at the door than in a dozen later on. But there should 'be a certain amount of judgment used, Time Needed For Garden Seeds To Germinate dahlia, canna: 'and gladiolus. As the | Bean - S to 10 Days latter are all bulbs and do not come | Beet .. 7 to 10 up until a week or so after planting, | Cabbage 5 to 32 thy may be risked within a few days | Carrot ...... " 12 to 2 of really warm weather. Tsllifomer ST EEO ON E, 30 i Vegetable gardens should be very ig Tate i 5 to 8 productive affairs, Where space {s Cucumber 6 to 10 limited it 8 possible to grow two Lettuce i ii 6 to 8 crops, even in those sections of the Onion or I CE 16 province where the summer geason is Poa Prunus peo. to 10 inclined to be short. This {8 done by CY to 20 planting rows of very early stuff like Pepper ... ) 9 to 14 lettuce, radisi and spinach in between Radish eh +4 3 to 6 later maturing vegetables such as Tomato ' 6 to 12 cori atoes, parsnips and swiss Turnip pes Intent su eines to 8 chard, By the time the later things Sree are beginning to need full room, the How Long Frult WIIl Bear first named group will be 'used and| ppp ,.......... ssmsienns 26 0 50 Years out of the way. Blackberry ...... Don't Rush Currant ......... Undoubtedly the average amateur Gooseberry .uiemmiineiinnnne 20 gardener loses mqre by rushing the | Peach - 8 to 12 seagon thgn in planting too late. One| Pear «..60 to 76 sharp frost in May will often complete- Plum 20 to 26 ly ruin a promising early start, or at Raspberry N 8 to 12 [least set the hardier things 80 far] Strawberry mss 1 t0 8 3) Securities Sal Executi ecurities dalesman. or Executive FOR INDUSTRIAL ISSUE OF MERIT. LIBERAL COMMISSION AND FULL CO-OPERATION. ALSO OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMANENT POSITION WITH "COMPANY FOR MEN QUALIFYING, oR REPLIES TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY [3 0g ® i. . Colling Securities Corporation Ltd. 387 BAY ST. TORONTO Phone AD. 7441 ' os British Isles in the last 'year num-| --_---- co ------------------ MILD,COOL AND SLOW-BURNING "THATS DIXIE! they ave, a serene, mind. Coach--Fellow who have done it. Girl Friend -- "My little brother will tell if he sees you kissing me." Young Man--*"But I'm not kiss- ing you!" } led ~Girl Friend--"Well, I thought I'd tell you anyway." ) ] : course." Advice to ' Say it with flowers, or say it with . > cats; i. y The good thin, about beginning Say it with kisses, or say it with| at the bottom is that you always sweets; 3 have something solid to go back on. Say it with jewels, or say it with drink, In affairs of the ; tt with inde! But, never, oh never, say it with ink! s.icsmanship i I'essimist--One who sees things as Moi 'n--One who is content with Good Sport--One who will always let you have your cwn way. lay down your life for the school. Conscience--The voice that tells na : rou not to do something after you Ethel (studying grammar) --Say, teginald, if a man druggist is cal- pharmacist, what would you call a woman druggist?" Reginald -- "A pharmacister, of heart, called charm, Mrs. Jones was discussing the lat- est fashions with a caller: Mrs. Jones--"Did you say your husband was fond of those clinging gowns, Mary?" pg Caller -- "Yes. He likes, one to cling to me for about three years." Harold--""I've got a. mew idea. size. There is a fortune in it." Gerald--"What now?" Harold--'"It's an alarm clock that emits the delicious odors of frying bacon and fragrant coffec." Definitions Honesty--Fear of being caught. -- THE FAMOUS ~~ RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on--pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy size--Also avail. able in smaller, regular The ANADIAN SERVICE An Important Unit in THE ATLANTIC'S other on the Atlantic. been extensively overhauled and redecorated. comfort, at exceptionally low rates, : Rates range from Cabin Class $132. 'Apply to your local travel agent, or CUNARD WHITE STAR LIMITED DONALDSON ATLANTIC LINE Corner Bay & Wellington Sts, (Blain 3471) Toronto B LARGEST OCEAN SERVICE hese Canadian Service ships which attract thousands of travellers to the St. Lawrence route to Europe, are built, equipped and manned to give Canadians the type of service that has made Cunard Whito Star-Donaldson Atlantic Line a household word . . . the Cunard White Star vessels are part of the great fleet which has for the six- teenth consecutive year carried more passengers than any An extensive renovation, covering all classes of the Cunard White Star steamers, has just been effected. Cabin Class staterooms In the London vessels have been entirely rebuilt to include hot and cold running water . , , addi- tional rooms with private bathroom . , . beds instead of berths. , . larger staterooms and many other outstanding features. Tourist and Third classes, in all ships have These Improvements will give a new appreciation of sea-going Tourist Class $117.50 Third Class $91, EE ----------------------. | Alaskan Eskimos F eel Depression Pinch of Hard Times Is Experienc+ so Up There -- Many Hit By ess. "Hard Times" hit Alaskan Kskimos when women stopped wearing cor- sets, sald Robert Cooks, 24-year-old Montrealer home from Barrow, 1 ust nortLerly settlement in Alaska. r six months he operated a radio sta...n there in connection with Sir Hubert Wilkins' search for the missing Rus- sian filers headed by Sigismund Le- vanevsky, Mr, Cooke explained that, in the heyday of the corset, whale-bone-- long fibres attached to the lower jaws of the whale, serving as teeth--sold at 7c a pound, As one of the 50-to-70- ton whales found in the arctic carries about 2,000 pounds of these fibres, the Eskimos reaped a rich reward fn stock. from traders. Now whalebone is used mainly for fertilizer and is scarcely worth the trouble of shipping out, } . Never Have Money The natives "should be unhappy but are not." They never bh 'e any mon- ey. The trading post grubstakes their hunting expeditions and the furs they bring in are credited to their account, They live in hust constructed of drift- wood and mud, around which they build walls of ice in winter, A gov- ernment survey conducted last win- ter showed that few of them were free from serious illness. Braved Ice Floes To Reach Patients Three Nurses and Medica! Sup- plies In Northern Ontario Flight WINNIPEG, Man. -- Braving open ice on Middle Bay, Northern Ontario, an aeroplane rushed nurses and medi- cal supplies from Winnipeg for two penumonia patients. They are Nelson Spiers, mine mai and his wife. Al Edwards was pilot. An eme. ,eney radio message from Dr. 'R. G. Revell, Cole, Ont., told that the patients were in a serious condi- . tion and were under oxygen. Bug Brown of Wings Limited consulted Dr. W. S. Lay of Winnipeg, and three nur- ges, Misses B. Casemore, Audrey Reid and L. J. Lee, were motored out im- mediately to Lac Dubonnet, where the v boarded the aeroplane, Flying Hospital The flying hospital, heavily loaded with fresh fordstuffs and medical sup- plies, made . _ trip from Lac Dubon- net, despite rain storms and floating ice, In 560 minutes, landing on a clear sectign of Middle Bay, an arm of Red Lake. Edwards stated that, although there was much loose ice in Rar Lake, he landed without damage to the 2 ro- plane. He was guided throughout the flight by radio messages from com- pany's stations at Red Lake and Lac Dubonnet. Dr. Revell met the aere- plane. Lack of Greens Cause of Goitre Pointing out that endemic goltre was common to adolescents in the wa- tershed of the Great Lakes, Dr. E, M. Eberts of McGill University told mem- bers of the Ontario Medical Associa- tion meeting at Toronto last week that a primary cause was a deficlency in «vn food and a surf.ce water sup- ply. . Z "Contributory factors are overwork, inadequate hours of bed rest and diet- ary defects--especially the absence of f- "i green egetables and sea food in the daily diet," declared or. ¢ ts. "Then there is the growth fac- tor which Is common to both sexes. Endemic goitre develops in boys be- 1'tween 12 and 14 years and in girls be- tween 14 and 17 years. : Doses Of lodine The McGill professor said it was a most fortunate thing that many of the enlargements were transient. They simply came and 'vent without trdat- ment, He pointed out, however, the moet important factor under treatment .was prophylaxis. For this he advised minimum doses of iodine. Ile recom. mended this to be taken in the form of iodized salt. L] . Mountain Of Silver In some parts of the world nat- ural wealth is heaped upon the in- habitants lavishly by Nature. Trini- dad has her vast lake of pitch from which millions of tons have been shipped to all parts of the world. Lake Magadi in East Africa has in- exhaustible stores of pure soda. But it is queer to find a mountain of valuable mineral, all ready to be carted away. "Der FErzberg," the Iron Moun tain of Styria, Austria, is 50 per tent, pure iron, estimated by met- allurgists to contain about Sou, l0m 000 tons of ore. Sweden, too, owns an iron mountain--Kiirunavaara w--- which contains the largest quantity of high-grade iron ore in the world. It is about 70 per cent. pure iron, But Bolivia beats both these so far as sheer wealth js concerned: the 5,000-foot high Cerro de Potosi has already yielded $16,790,000,000 worth of silver to the world, SR Si - ae Ta TE o AN ote Z Srl et i tn a hat ¥ ro oh Pra, A a. vii ye + Al ge Ng i - a art) Sxl a a wk TN Sho a re IL ny oe