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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 May 1938, p. 5

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{ » * b 4 > 1 mg % *4 4 4 5 4+ =< v v & 2 » b 4 4 A call to 29W will end your meat CAWKER BROS. We deliver TELEPHON E It's quicker and easier order worry in a flash. cress ssesbessser este y Port Perry YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY - PORT PERRY = PHONE 93, - Shee by Telephone-- The personal Way A CALL TO 'M..GREGOR'S MEAT MARKET Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72-R-2 LN SAAMI NAAT NIAAA A PORT PERRY ASHBURN - J Members and friends of the Wom- en's Guild, spent a delightful after- noon on Wednesday list, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Parrott, when her group entertained at a May-day tea. There were about fifty present and a social time was spent renewing ac- quaintances of new and old members during the afternoon and a tea time Some very generous donations were given by Frits who are not' able to attend regularly. Collection amounted to $23.15. The decorators, Mr. Moorhouse and Sons, of Whitby, are beginning work on the Church this week. They are decorating the inside of the church 'also repair work is being done. Watch for dates and particulars for the re- opening. ~ 'Mr, Moorhouse has decorated some very beautiful buildings recently, in- cluding. the new Brock Theatre, at Whitby, and we are looking forward to seeing our church in its new beauty. The choir met for practice last week at the home of Mr. a Mrs, Gordon Fisher. The Myrtle ball team played 4 Whiths last Friday evening and lost 7-11. Better luck next time boys! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. West, accom. panied by Mrs. Henry Doble, motored to Orangeville last week and had a very enjoyable visit at the home: of Messrs. A. M. Ellis and Thompson. been enjoying a few. days with her relatives Mr. George Mole and family, before leaving for Bala for tHe sum- mer, Mr. Nelson Ashton and family spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Heron, Mr. Lawrence Doble of Sunderland, visited his parents over the week end,' Mr. and Mrs. Hegry Doble, i ~~Miss Hazel Mole of Toronto has There are some véry beautiful gar: dens in our community and village, at the present time, the tulips being at their best. Many are well worth see- ing. Farmer For outstanding and profitable RESULTS, FEED: FOR POULTRY Big "3" Laying Mash. - FOR HOGS FOR CATTLE of feed value, Ploneer proven their superiorit produce profitable results, - satisfaction. the feeds. watch it produce results. Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash, Pldneer eanliby patina og f h 5 3 rower, Hog Finisher, Por 0- ducer (concentrate. ) orc op ping ji Pioneer 16%, 18%, or 24% Dairy Reon, Dairy Concentrate, Bulky et, Dry and Freshening Ration. Results are the only sound measure Feeds have because they We are here to give you service and Drop in and look over Take home a bag and Lake Scugog Milling Co., 'White Roses 1 past RY FLOUR No Better Made, Bring in your GRAIN or exchange for special 'blends of chick feed, etc. Phone 99-w Port Ji PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. EM Phone 41 4 RSON "Port Perry . gregation of 8t. FRANKFORD or "PICNIC STANDARD No. 2 or 17-02. Tins FRESHLY GROUND FRAGRANT FLEISCHMANN'S EAST PEAS, CORN 3» 25 RICHMELLO + 29 17-02. Ties - Coke 04 CLARK'S MONARCH BE ANS WITH PORK FL O UR FINEST PASTRY 3 «.28 24-1b. hye} (when pac -.69 CHOICE FRUITS Bananas, doz. Pineapples, New Potatoes i 41]b.. Head Lettuce . 23 for RED ROSE RED LABEL SHREDDED FLOOR WAX GLOCOAT | LIQUID WAX LEO SMITH Local Manager. Phone 268 _ JOHNSON'S GIANT SPECIAL! . .59 EACH LIQUID WHITE SPECIAL! NAVY Old Dutch CLEANSER Goes further, Doesn't It's made with ssismotite, 3 ~ 27 lack Tea #* .31 PLAIN or PIMENTO CHEESE CHATEAU #179 WHEAT 2 ~ 23 2 IN I suos oressing KARBOL TISSUE These Values Effective May 25th to 28th scratch because w. 4 3 a JI 2 1I§ )/OMINION -- =H I UV} (pe ---- BLACKSTOCK The May meeting of the W, A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, E. Darcy on Turdasy evening last with an attend- ance of thirty-five, The meeting opened with a hymn, Scripture read- ling by Mrs. John Carter and the W. A. Litany and prayers led by the president. Ia was decided to dispense for this year with the annual July 1st celebration and have a Thank Offering instead, The Dioscesan hoard meeting will he held in Bowmanville on July 2nd and all the members were invited to attend, Splendid reports of the convention held recently in Toronto were given by Mrs. W, Crawford, Mrs, Virginia Archer and Mrs, C, C. Har- court. . Mrs, Harcourt also gave her farewell message to the branch, thanking the members for their splen- did co-operation during the past four 'years and urging them to particularly remember the missionary side of the work, The meeting closed with the hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds", after which lunch was served, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Willan opened their home to a gathering of the con- John's Anglican Church on Friday evening, May 20th The guests of honour were the rector and his wife Rev, and Mrs. C. C. Har- court, who after four years of faith- ful and efficient service have relin- guished the parish here and are leav- ing for England on June 3rd. The master of ceremonies was the Rector's Warden Mr, Thos. Smith, who made a short but appropriate and timely speech, Mrs. Bailey favored with a humourous reading and Miss Ethel Carter with a piano solo by Mrs. Fred Hamilton read a birthday poem of her own composition. At this point came the chief item on the evening's pro- gram when Mr. F. Willan, the Peo- ple's Warden read. the following ad- dress, and Mrs. J. H. Devitt presented i Rev. Mr. Harcourt with a beautiful gold chain and engraved cross. 'Mrs, F. A, Bailey and Mrs: Darcy presented Mrs. Harcourt with a W.A. Life membership certificate and gold W. A. pin. Miss Ethel Carter also presented her with a pretty basket of tulips on behalf of the hostess Mrs. Willan, 'AY.P.A, Address, Dear Mr, and Mrs, Harcourt, We regret that the very happy re- lations we have had with you as our Rector and Rector's wife for almost four years is about to be terminated. Blackstock. has been blessed in her Rector and helpmate and we are go- ing to miss you both very much; but know that you will be serving our Lord and Master in some other place so must not be selfish as our loss is others' gain, During the time you have been with us we have profited greatly, In church your services were ever en- lightening and uplifting and you have earnestly taught us how to live better Christian lives. Your good and wise counsel has been much sought after and always cheerfully given. You have given your time, your car and anything that was in your power to give to those you saw in need of them and by this kindly interest and concern for the welfare of others both in and out of the Anglican Church you have endeared yourselves to us more and more. The Church, the W. A, the the Parish as a whole, and the Rectory have all been vastly im- proved during your ministry and it is mainly through your endeavour that the Rectory mortgage has been paid. As a host and hostess you have been unexcelled and it is always with an agsuréd feeling of welcome that we have stepped across your threshold. You, Mr. Harcourt have been friend- liness and cordiality personified, and Mrs. Harcourt has won general esteem by her own gifts, as a speaker, her readiness as a worker and her grac- ious personality. As a small token o1 our love and esteem and as an assur- ance that our prayers will be with you we ask you to accept these otkens. We wish you all happiness on your trip and in your future home and we pray that God's blessings may be with you. Signed on behalf of St. John's Church, Thos. Smith, W. F. Willan, Blackstock, May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Hareourt who had been: led to believe that the evening was in honour of Mr. Harcourt's birth- day were completely surprised at this turn in events. However, in their their usual able manner they ex- pressed their deep and heartfelt ap- preciation of the gifts and the loving thoughts which prompted them. Being made a_life member of the W. A. was to Mrs, Harcourt the fulfillment of a] Tong cherished ambition. Mr. Har- court's birthday was remecinbered with a card of greetings and best wishes on behalf of the congregation and by a tastefully decorated cake on which shown the proverbial candles, by Mrs. Willan. A few short speeches brought this part of the program to a close. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time with community singng led by Mr. Jack Smith and music. At the close refreshments were served by the ladies. Recent visitors were: Mrs. Rev. M. Sanderson and son of Toronto, with her. mother Mrs. S. Swain; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, of Bowmanville, with their daughter Mrs. Cecil Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm, Nestle- fon, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ferguson and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson of Hampton with Mr. and Mrs. T, Samells; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and daughter with her brother Mr, Lorne Lamb, Ennis- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry with her mother Mrs, Harkness of Cavan; Mr. Roy Bradburn with his brother Earl at Tyrone; Miss: Jennie Stokes and Mr. Sam Heron, of Brook- lin, with Mr. and Mrs, N. Taylor; Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Bell and Pearl with Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor, of Lotus. Mr, and Mrs. W, Bradburn and Miss Helen Watson with Mrs. Wm. Barton; Misses Helen Waldon and Mabel Van- Camp and Mr. Lorne Bradburn, of To- ronto, at the home of Smith Bros; Rev. and Mrs. C, C. Hartcourt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall and son James, Mr. and Mrs. E. Darcy with Mr. and Murs, Ira Argue. THOU SLI E 1] KILL! VCR WETS {TI # CERTO for Preserving . QUICK QUAKER OATS. { ORANGES, Sweet, Juicy, California ¥ SALMON, Red Seal Cohoe, 145's H SHRIMPS, American Beauty WEEK END SPECIALS TTT ITT SR bottle 27¢. MEST dozen 30¢c, large package ........... # FISH PASTES, Beefex . § PICKLES, Falcon Sweet # GOLD MEDAL COFFEE # VITONE, { SALTED PEANUTS I BCR CE a Mixed ........ enn phd 23c. .-1b 39¢c. estes eee re $i ROASTED PEANUTS .. # KELLOG t GOLD MEDAL TEA #5 LAXO CEREAL ....... a FALCON JELLY POWDERS, iS CORN FLAKES LI CS SN, . TE «.....per bag 25c. Cee ..4 for 19c. ..per 1h. 1l4c. ceva 3 for 25c¢. .Y2 1b, 33c. DEE AE EY id MUSTARD, Keen's ! FRY'S COCOA Sere eee IIIT IE # MAZOLA OIL .......... NEL per tin 28c. ON REICREIEEN. Ib. tin 25¢. a 4 1h. tin 23c. CHIPSO, makes clothes last longer, small 9¢., large 22c. WHEEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP 3 for ldc. GILLETT'S LYE 12¢. CLOTHES PINS ....... FIG BAR BISCUITS eee SUNLIGHT SOAP ...... WATER GLASS, I's 10c. Cee 3 dozen for 10c. Ce ee 3 bars 18c. ki .2 Ibs. for 29c. PHONE 43 NSAI IIE FE FIIC RII. > 0 000 EAA SE AAPA so 0 ¢ AES ATR AAAI SA AEA A AM A F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY NTI IE L800 He 000 Re 8 1 AR AE AR A ERA AE AE ERR RR RRR AINE R od OUR NEW LOAF Bread is the stall of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun ora with the latest and best. He will be .pleased to show you tasty varieties. SMILES N* CHUCKLES cor and pastry. Ask our driver about our bread When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed" Per package 25¢. and 50c. _Gerrow Brothers The Dependable Fuel READING! | CEMENT--Fresh carload on hand, also Lime and Tile. :: careful attention. Why not fill up your coal bin for next winter when, low spring prices are available? ou will be sure of every heat satisfaction if vou burn this safe, economical fuel. Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs, Coke Your orders will receive prompt and PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. Pyatt. Phones: 94 w and 94 j RANA RY Contracts erect? PHONE 240 Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building t Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. to Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. Limited de, dA iy Ty Ph A 0 ed op LE FEIT RI rig vt Z

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