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Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Jun 1938, p. 4

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IRE Sad 3 a ia ar Mov Sa EM ope fla LE id AS (J \ 7% A 4 Aa + | Port Parry. 'A SALE OF HOMEMADE COOKING and Candy and Afternoon Tea will be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 11th, in the " Library, under the auspices of the . Ladies Aid of the St. John's Presby- terian Church. 1. 0. D. E. DECORATION SERVICE On Friday evening, June 10th, the annual decoration service of the Soldiers' graves will take place at ine Grove Cemetery, All members are urged to meet at the town hall at 7 p.m. Cars will be provided. Any- one is cordially invited to take part in this service. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gauld and son Robert, of Montreal, Mrs. Wm, Barr, of Claresholm, Alberta, and Mrs. Wm, Jeffrey, of Toronto, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Lyon and two daughters of Brockville, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Slemmon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fossey, of To- ronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. R. Davey, one day last week. Mr. P. C. Walton, Division Manager for the Bellevue Musical Arts Ltd, a Dominion chartered school of music, now opening a studio in Uxbridge, an- announce Port Perry will also have a branch studio, giving the people of this community all city benefits in musical training. It is intended to have a concert here next week. Watch next issue of the -Star for further particulars. 'GOOD WORK AT THE LAKE FRONT The Parks Committee has been do- ing excellent work at the Lake Front. The new lot, which a few weeks ago was a wilderness of rubbish, is now "cleaned, levelled, and fenced. Unsight- ly buildings have been removed, and the whole appearance of the place has been greatly improved. One of the best moves made has been to change the camping site from in front of the station to the new lot. This move will give room to place some playground equipment on the old camping site, which will be. a much better introduction to the town park than the one to which we have been accustomed of late years. Sadi SASKATCHEWAN ELECTION Latest returns of yesterday's elec- tion show Liberal govérmment return- ed with large followi | Fleted Liberals 29, C.C.F. 6, Social Credit 2, Union-Progressive 1. Leading: Lib- erals 6, C.C.F. 4, Social Credit 1, Independent 1. Several cases of measles have been reported among the younger element of the neighbourhood. The order of service was changed _ here last Sabbath when Mr. West of Ashburn, preached a most helpful ser- mon in the morning and Mrs. Clarence Harrison sang a pleasing solo. Next Sabbath service will be at the usual hour 3 p.m. and S. S. at 1.46 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cross of Bolton, on Sun- day. A number from here assisted at Mr. Brawley's barn raising, south of Ash- burn, on Friday afternoon, and en- joyed the barn dance at night when a lively orchestra from Toronto pro- vided the music. Mr, Brawley is a newcomer to the community - having purchased what was formerly the Job White sixty acres south of Ashburn, and he is re-modeling it into a very modern home. 2 " The household effects of the late Wilfred Graham are being offered for sale on Saturday, June 18th. The charivari band was called out on Thursday night to receive the new- ly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stred- wick, after the usual clatter of pans, motor horns and other noisy intru- ments they were given a peacifier and peace and quietness was again estab- lished much to the satisfaction of the near neighbours, : Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Mole and Miss Ross visited Bowmanville friends on Sunday. : BUITS8 BPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICER '| ganizing Secretary and Mrs. Duggan, BIBLE SUNDAY Sunday, June 12th, is to be Bible Sunday in Port Perry and vicinity. Rev. F. B. Allnutt of the Upper Canada Bible Society will give ad- dresses at 11 a.m. in the Anglican' Church, 8 p.m. Prince 'Albert United Church, 7 p.m. Scugog Head Church. Mr, Allnutt is a very interesting speaker. We enjoyed his sermons last year, and are pleased the Society has sent him to'us again this year, I. 0. D. E. The Scugog Chapter, Imperial Or- der Daughters of the Empire, held its closing meeting on Monday afternoon of this week at '"Riddlecombe", the home of the Misses Harris. The Chapter entertained the members of Kawartha Chapter, Lindsay; John Peel and Susie Sorabji Chapters, of Uxbridge, and ladies of Oshawa _and Port Perry. The Regent, Mrs, 1, R. Bentley, presided. The meeting open- ed with the singing of O Canada, Prayer of the Order, and salute of the Flag. The Regent'in her charming manner, welcomed the guests. Greet- ings were brought to the meeting by the representatives of the out of town Chapters. Mrs. Harris introduced the guest speakers: Mrs. Sharp, Preston; Provincial Child Welfare convener; Mrs. Brown, Toronto, Provincial Or- ' 1st Vice-Regent Municipal Chapter, Toronto. The messages brought by these ladies inspired our members for more intensive work for the Youth and Child Welfare of our Country. Mrs. Alger of Oshawa delighted the ARTA ASIII T ART A GOODRICH TIRES. 11 = ATTENTION BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU Joined the Jimmie Allen Flying Club? if not get your FREE application form at once from Manchester Garage, REPAIRS, TOWING, BATTERIES. RE-CHARGED, GREASING, Prompt and Courteous Service. Tune in CBL at 4.45 p.m. Monday to Friday. OD OD Dc D. McKinzey, Prop. Phone 53. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11. a.m. ladies with a group of songs, accom- panied at the piano by Mrs, Flemming, i Mrs. Woods then moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the speakers ond those who had taken part in the pro-: gram. This was seconded by Mrs. R. G. Gemmell. About seventy-five ladies; were in attendance, The meeting closed by singing the National An- them, after which tea was served. The' dining room was attractively decorat-! ed with spring flowers. Mrs. Powers, | Mrs. Short pouring tea, and Mrs. Davis cut the ice cream. Those who assisted were Mesdames Letcher, Mor- rison, Bentley, F. Brock, M. Beare, Williams, Hutcheson, MacGregor, ! Peel, Cornish, Woods. ------------ EP - --- LAWN BOWLING NOTES * At the local jitney, June 6th, the ° scores were partincularly well bal- anced, perhaps due to the sides being of three rather than four players.' Junior skips had a chance to show, their ability and this variation proved interesting. Ladies' high score, 28--1 Mrs. Mec- Kee, 2 Mrs. Earle Beare, won on a tie play-off. Men's high score 28-27--1 R. Jef- frey, 2 Lorne Beare, The Club has joined with Oshawa and Whitby in an inter-club mixed' jitney schedule, games to be held on Tuesday evenings on a revolving schedule at the various greens, an inovation that should be popular, it is hoped. | ~~ EPO ee THE TOUR OF UXBRIDGE FARMS: Educational and Goodwill Tour of Farms, Uxbridge District, Wednesday June 29th, 1938. The Uxbridge Board of Trade is | trying something new that will be educational for both farmers and business men of the Uxbridge com- munity. This will take the form of a tour to good farms in the Uxbridge trading area. Byron Willis, President of the Board of Trade, W. C. Tunsell,' Secretary, report splendid enthusiasm | in connection with this new event and anticipate a large turnout of farmers in the Uxbridge Community and busi- ness men in the town to make a tour, of the farms in the district, commene- ing at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 29th. Cars loaded with farmers and their wives, business men and their wives, will gather at the Uxbridge Post Office and proceed to nine farms ranging from Zephyr to the Uxbridge Forestry Station and finish with a basket picnic at Troutmere Gardens about one mile south of Uxbridge. The Agricultural Committee of the Uxbridge Board of Trade, co-operat- ing with E. A. Innes, of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, has held a large number of meetings on behalf of the Boatd. It has scouted places to visit that should be of educational in- terest to the people in the district and looks forward to a successful event. A welcome is extended to everybody in the Uxbridge Community to reserve this date for the farm tour, one that should prove a splendid outing full of fine: educational features and a day where farmers and business men may enjoy themselves together. The Agricultural Committee com- prises the following: A. A, Toole, Chairman; H. Spofford, Vice-Chalr- man; J, Dubliss, E. A. Innes, John Ball, Albert James, Everybody weleome Y. P. S. Tuesaday at 8 p.m. - CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough, B.A. Sunday, June 12th-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Preacher--Rev. Mr. Allnut of the Bible Society. Friday--June 17th-- > 8 p.m.--Confirmation Service by the Rt. Rev. 'A. R. Beverley, D.D,, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto. Sunday, June 19th-- 9.46-- a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. The members of Fidelity Lodge, AF. & A.M. will attend this service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D., Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--Rev, W. J, H. Smyth will preach. 7 p.m,.-- Warriner Lodge No. 76, 1.0.0.F., will be our guests, Mr, J. E. Anderson, K.C,, Crown At- torney, of Lindsay, will be the speaker, June 19th--Sunday School Anniver- sary. FOR SALE BY TENDER 100 acres of pasture And swamp land. The east half of Lot 15, Con. 9, Reach. - Tenedrs wil lbe received until July 12th;-1938. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. This sale is to: finish closin@~the W. Real estate. For further particulars apply W. Phoenix, Greenbank. Jun30 FAR) "THEATRE ] ~~ OSHAWA -- Now Playing -- "Doctor Rhythm" BING CROSBY BEATRICE LILLIE Mary Carlisle and Andy Devine, EXTRA! REVIVAL " Friday at 10.30 p.m. "Slave Ship" Wallace Beery and Warner Baxter. COMING Next Monday and Tuesday, 2--FEATURES--2 JOE E. BROWN, in FIT FOR A KING ADDED HIT! Lewis Stone and Mickey Rooney £ in YOU'RE ONLY . YOUNG ONCE Next Wednesday 4 -- DAYS -- 4 "TEST PILOT Clark GABLE, Spencer TRACY and MYNRA LOY : LAWN MOWERS Machine Ground and Repaired Have installed new Atlas Metal Lathe. All kinds of metal turning done, including tuning up of any auto- mobile starter or generator armature. Bronze bushings made for Electric Motors, ete. S. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Opp. Treasurer's Office, Port Perry. FOR SALE Good heavy mare (1600 Ibs.) Apply to James Ward, R.R. Blackwater, Ont. \\ > 2) MASTER PACK or POLLY PRIM STANDARD IN LIGHT SYRUP LUE LABEL LYON'S :iack TEA +ONDNN HOUSE COFFEE AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES TELS NAPTHA SOAP AH Shr SOAP CHIPPER 5 DOMESTIC .AORTENING, FRY"S COCOA MINIO wn 28 he B33 SILVER £7 itv 35 3 GOLD CANNER 1-1b. Glass 39 Jar . Tin 26-01. Tali Tins . 1b Pkg. 47 YJ Hai 25 fo 19 YOUR CHOICE O.: ALL OU BRAND. % NOTICE During the Months of June, July, 1 August, and September this store - will close at 12.30 p.m. : to 1th . Ji each Wednesday LEO SMITH ; + DELIVERY : These Values 0) , Effective Juna 6th Ba oc Manager \ Phone 268 N STORES * , WARM WEATHER FOOD VALUES Quaker Putted - WHEAT - Pkg. 10 REE" 2 pgs. 28 Bird Seed . BROCK'S -10-0x. Pkg. ,44 Picnic PLATES - Pkg. .10 HAWES' FLOOK wAX © 42 1A 510 DROP INTC YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD CYTE £S LIMITED (EL aes a REL { Lawrence's Drug Store N (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; JUNE 9th, 1938 Bottle of 100, 49. : PURETEST ENGLISH ENO'S A. 8, A. TABLETS | HEALTH SALTS FRUIT SALT Pkg. of 24, 25c. 16 ounce can 3%. 4 oz. 47c. '8 oz. T9¢, 8 50c. Phophylactic "TOOTH BRUSH 25¢. Tooth Powder 75¢. value, both 49¢. Special, 3 COLGATE'S - FLOATING SOAP cakes 1le. BISMA REX for Stomach disorde for stomach disorders. 75¢. and $1.50 # PHONR 4» The Te nw NN NN NST SNS Has your adi OVER: HANGOVER? TO many hours of playing far into the night? Sore tubes? Hoarse voice? Then do what the doctors do--give your radio a complete "check up". It includes adjusting the little things that get out of order, cleaning the parts and recom- mending other repairs, if the are needed. The cost is small, We are expert "radio doctors". We use only guaranteed parts and General Electric Radiotrons. Call us today for a complete * radio check up. ND-2% Call John Farmer Phone 88, Port Perry ~ DANCE AT MEMORY HALL, 4 UTICA under the auspices of the Bluebird Club on the evening of Wed., June 15. Music by Tommy Langley and Swing Sisters of Lindsay. Lucky number dance. Admission 26c. - A. M. LAWRENCE Rexall see S20 0 SS QUEBEC SHINGLES CLEARS and EXTRAS -- SPECIAL PRICES-- Also LIME and CEMENT. Apply to H. H. GOODE Myrtle Elevator July 28 FOR SALE Three screen doors in good condi- tion. Apply to J. B. Boyer, Port Perry. - W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. ; (The firm of Gass & HuMrHzEYs fs disoived) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on- 'Wednesday morning, snd Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gemsx & HuMramasys is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS "24% Bimcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at Port Perry office Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of phic week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY 'DENTAL SURGEON Office, above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry, Phones: Office 68w, Residenes'58j HOUSE FOR RENT 8 rooms, soft aud hard water, fur- nace, free wood, garden, pasture for two cows, % mile from good bathing beach, Lot 21, Con. 9, Cartwright. Apply to Wesley Campbell, R. R. 1, Nestleton, Ont. june 9 POSITION WANTED Girl of good character and exper- ience wants position as domestic. Re- ferences. Phone 121 r 2, Port Perry. WANTED Potatoes, any quantity. Highest prices paid. Apply Blewett Produce, Union Ave., Port Perry. BROCK THEATRE WHITBY -_ Telephone 618 All shows Daylight Saving Time. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 9-10-11 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30. COLLEGE SWING with George Burns, Gracie Allen, Martha Raye, Bob. Hope, Ben Blue, Edward Everett Horton Betty Grable and Jackie Coogan. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 18-14-15 Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Victoria the Great with Anna Neagle, Anton Walbrook, H. B. Warner, and Walter Rilla, a LE CARPENTER WORK The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work. Good ex- perience. Terms reasonable, Esti- mates given. Apply to Chas. Coombe, * Manchester, Phone 121 r 2. ; FOR RENT Downtown apartment for rent. All conveniences. Apply at Star Office. DR. W. 8S. HARPER Graduate of College and Trinity Uatverstte Toronto. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Overseas Service in the Royal Army Veterin- ary Corps. Three years as assistant with English and Vv "Phone 62, BROQOKLIN, Ont. For Low Priced, High Quality 'WORK BOOTS CO TO GEO. STEPHEN'S SHOE SHOP S Ly + »- hi

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