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Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Jun 1938, p. 4

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..Mr, Jack Beare is home from Sud- bury for a couple of weeks vacaion, Mr, John A. Regan, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Regan, of Prince Albert, has passed his final examinations at Osgoode Hall, It is expected he will be called to the Bar this fall. At present he is assisting J, M, Simpson Law firm at Napanee, Miss Adeline Wilkinson, Tuxford, Sask,, is the guest of her cousins, the the Misses Stovin. Mr, and Mrs. G. H, Newton and daughter, of North Bay, were iy town on Saturday, renewing former ac- quaintances. Mr. Newton was form- erly publisher of the Port Perry ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister Evening Service at 7 p.m, Sunday School at 11 a.m. Everybody weleome Y. P. 8, Tuesaday at 8 p.m. op I BH 10 a.m,--Sunday School. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth will preach, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough, B.A. Sunday, June 26th. 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. p.m.--Evensong and sermon. Sunday, July 3rd. ol nC Hp edad ws one Ty no Je. 2 4 i 1 Standard. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson is recovering from ner recent very serious illness, The installation of officers at Fidel- ity Lodge, AF. & A.M. will take place on Friday night of this week. Mrs. John Cowie, of Owen Sound, is spenaing a few days with her mother, mrs. McKnight, Ea ll iL LEE" O GOLD RIM GLASSES FOUND Apply at Star Office. ------------ a------------ FIDELITY LODGE ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE About fifty members of Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M. attended divine service at the Church of the Ascension on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. rector, was the preacher, La "a BOWLING NEWS 'Lhe local jitney was held on Mon- day evening. There was a good at- tendance and a very pleasant evening was spent, The winners of the ladies prizes were: Mrs, Beare first with a score of 26, Mrs. Mulligan second with a score of 2€. The men's first prize was won by Mr. Beatty with the score ot 35, Mr. Jeffrey second with a score or su. The following are the com- plete scores--DMrs. Mulligan 26, Mrs. Slemon' 16, Mrs, Jackson 25, Mrs. Beare 26, E. Somerville 26, Mrs, Chap- map. 23; Mrs. Weir 23, Mr. Graham 20, a Jeffrey 30, Mr. Somerville 22, Mr. Mulligan 22, R. Jeffrey 23, T. Harris 22, Mr. Beatty 33, Mr. Slemon 17, Mr. Koch 23, Mr. Gemmell 18, L. Beare 26. RE lL iF AWt4PRA UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. The June meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Port Perry United Church at the home of the Misses: Stovin. The president, Mrs. G. Davey, was in the chair. - The devo- tional exercises: were in charge of Mrs. A. Wallace, the topic being "The Brotherhood of Man," Scripture readings bearing on this were given by Mrs. Reesor, Mrs. Christy and Mrs. Wallace. The chief feature of the meeting was a delightful informal talk by Miss Margaret Armstrong, one of our Home Missionaries, She -told many interesting and touching in- cidents of her work among the New Canadians in British Columbia, North Ontario and in the Maritimes, showing the very worth-while work that is be- ing done. At the close a pleasant half hour was spent over the tea cup. ---- > -- EVENING AUXILIARY, W.M.8. The June Meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of the Misses Stovin, 30 ladies being present. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. G. McDonald's group and after the de- votional and business period, the clothing and hospital supplies, ete., for the West were sorted and packed. Refreshments were served and a social "half hour spent: -- PP es -- BAPTIST GOSPEL HALL | The pastorate of the Baptist Gospel Hall, Port Perry, is now occupied by Mr. Alixis-G: Mitchell, following Mr. C. Wright's ministry. Mr. Mitchell recently returned to Canada after -spending two years in Bible Training and religious work ih London, Eng. Pp ---- BOWLING NEWS 'The Port Perry Bowling Green was a 'bright spot in town on Tuesday \ _ night when bowlers. from Oshawa, Whitby and Port Perry--ladies and gentlemen--had a fine time, The prize winners were: Men-- T. Harris 35; Mr, Holliday 31, Dr, Phillips 31, Mr. McCutcheson 28, Mr, Dopking 24. Ladies--Miss Kellow 82, Mrs, Phil- 1 lips 81, Mrs. Coppin 26, Mrs. Me- Cutcheson 26, Clough, 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion sermon, vice. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY fusion, radiant boys and girls, good congregations, and prepared and ex- pectant leaders all poined in making the United Church Sunday School An- niversary, last Sunday, a decided suc- cess, : At the morning service, the Prim- ary and Junior Departments under the Leadership of Mrs. Geo. Jackson as pianiste, delighted everybody with Miss Gwen Peterson captivated all hearts with her little solo sang in so natural a manner. The speaker was Mr. Donald Bax- ter of Bloomfield, President of the ple's Union. Brief and appropriate, of his audience. and Certificates were given by the Young Worshippers' League to the following for good attendance at Church: Norma Ploughaman, Patsy Bowes, Margaret Bowes, Zula Jack- son, Wesley Jackson, Kathleen Day, Peterson. In the evening service of song fea- tured the Intermediate and Senior sections of the School. The boys and girls unde rthe leadership of Mr. V. P. Stouffer, rendered three numbers and Beth Griffen and Noreen Stewart sang very appealingly in a duet. Mrs. ' Orde, at both services, proved herself a fine accompanist. : Mr. Baxter, at this service, gave a strong and challenging address to the young people on "Making room for Christ." Prefacing his remarks with the statement that youth had been taught that there was plenty of room at the top, he reminded his audience ! that Jesus found plenty of room at the bottom and. rescued in humble spheres. Mr. Baxter's appeal was a consistent and sustained call to make room for Christ in all areas of life and especially 'and primarily to en- throne Him 'in all hearts. It was a masterly address delivered with force and unmistakeable sincerity. Mr. Fred E. Reesor, assisted by the pastor, presided at both services. The gratitude of the Sunday School Board of Management goes out to all who contributed in any way to this very effective day in our Church School life. Japp HOLIDAY DANCE AT SCUGOG FRIDAY, JULY 1st. A dance-will be held in Scugog Tp. Hall, on Friday evening, July 1st. Music by Prince Albert Orchestra. Refreshments served. Admission 25c. june30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Wilfred Graham, Deceased. All Persons having claims against the estate of Wilfred Graham, late of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1938, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 9th day of July, 1938, full particulars of their claims, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled of which the solicitors shall then have notice, : Dated at Port Perry, June 9, 1938. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Wilfred Graham Estate, and The members of King Edward Lodge, L. O. L., of Port Perry, will be present at this ser- Summer weather, flowers in pro- pee and Mrs. A. W. Brock with Mr. Fred Beatty at the oigan, md Mis, Onder to, Eg i et their very appropriate and seasonal bers fect iven, Little | ; himnhers, 50 effectively giveh. Li = decoration at Prince Albert. Bay of Quinte Conference Young Peo- | was his theme "Following the Star", , and Mr. Baxter quite won the hearts Prizes in the form of the Hymnary | i Lucille Jeffrey, Megan Beare, Dares | REPAIRS, TOWING, GOODRICH TIRES. | \ PN IN A RY THEA I p | nd RE OSHAWA -- Now Playing -- | THURSDAY Last Showing To-day. 2---GRAND FEATURES? The First Hundred Years with Robert Montgomery and Virginia Bruce. and ATTENTION BOYS and GIRLS HAVE YOU ~ Joined the Jimmie Allen Flying Club? if not get your FREE application form at once from Manchester Garage, BATTERIES RE-CHARGED, GREASING, Prompt and Courteous Service. Tune_in CBL at 4.45 p.m. Monday to Friday. | I -- U0 OD Walter Houston and James Stewart, in Of Human Hearts bod FRIDAY and SATURDAY Cocoanut Grove With: Fred MacMurray and Harriet Hilliard. : -- ADDED -- Colored Classic--Educated Fish. FRIDAY REVIVAL at 10.30 Kathrine Hepburn and Fredric March, in D. McKinzey, Prop. Phone 53. NN > UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard visiting his sister Mrs. McLaughlin at King- ston over the week end. Mrs, H., Wagg visiting her mother week. . Wedding bells are ringing. A number from here attended the Married on Wednesday, June 15th, at the home of Rev. Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Merva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard, to Lloyd Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark, of Epsom, A splendid crowd attended the Blue- bird dance last Wednesday, and all report a most enjoyable time. r. John Medd was in Rochester over the week end, Mr, Pili Parrott celebrated his birthday on Sunday. Forty-two mem- bers of his family were present. . Mr, Stanley Christie has purchased a new car. MONDAY and TUESDAY "BLOCKADE" starring Madeleine Carroll and Henry Fanda. . W.C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Ewen, on Wednesday, June 29th, at 3 p.m, All ladies invited. JAMES STEWART, in Hyg. . Vivacious Lady' Mary of Scotlaud ' WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY GINGER ROGERS and BORN MARLOW--At Port Perry Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow, on WANT ADS BRING June 19th, 1938, a baby son--William Swain, i QUICK RETURNS Lawrence's ren (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) OPO AROS OR ORO OPO OB OOS ROSS SOSOBOSOSOSOSOROSORO = RUSSIAN OIL ENGLISH -16 ounce 49c. HEALTH SALT 29 cents, "40 ounce 89c. 16 ounce 39¢. ES FLY-TOX EE OLYMPENE CRESS CORN SALVE Antiseptic Liniment F LY SPRAY 50¢, 50¢c. and $1.00 . 20¢, and 33c. FLIT WANTED The undersigned will pay highest market prices for choice quality lambs. Buyer will be in this district on Tuesdays and Thursdays : of each week. Phone 21, Port Perry Pickering Farms, LIMITED OPOPONCHOSOPOSOPOPOSON) JOBOBOBOBOPOBOPCSOPOID: PORT PERRY and in good condition, Immediately after July oth, 1988, | thereto, having regard only to claims |, Auction Sale of Household Effects" Property of Thos. Rogers, to be held at D. Corbman's Residence, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1938, I p.m, s.t. fl -- PLEASE NOTE--The goods offered at this Sale are exceptionally clean The offering is large, so please come early, as the Sale will start promptly at 1.00 p.m., 8.t.- -See bills for complete list. LOBSTER KRAFT SALAD DRESSING FAIRACLE AYLMER CHOICE - CHASE AND SANBORN COFFEE BEAVER BRAND FANCY SELECTED A HIP WHITE CORN 3%: 29 TOMATO Juice 3 CORNED BEEF 2%: TED JACKSON, Auctioneer ay ve SHIRRIFF'S ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS CHECK THESE SHREDDED WHEAT 2- 23 8-02. "Jar 19 per 22 Hakone WELCH'S GRAPE Nas JUICE $0" 35 NEILSON'S PICNIC SWEET MIXED PR COCOA * .19 PICKLES - re 25 FLEISCHMANN'S ; ZINGG SWISS 950 5 YEAST - ie +04 | Gitiese on = 29 | mar no ~ Ww PALMOLIVE : | - CHOICE FRUITS SOR". 6 | . : TISSUE 2 ron 185 £3 ; : ROSE nie SUMMER 2 :- Head Lettuce, 5c. head LE » Bananas, 21c. Dozen DR. SALLARD:S | g= Tomatoes, 10c. pound Bue ¥ - FOOD =.29 DROP INTO YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD » NION HIMITED isd. -_ Ir ------ Shoe Polish PT SSN NE AUCTION SALE of Mr. Thomas Rogers, to be sold at D. Corbman's residence, Port Perry, Tuesday, June 28th, 1938. See bills for complete list. Sale at one o'clock Standard Time. Terms Cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Tar tooth? No . . . that 7 howl in your radio! Let us give your radio a com- plete "check up". We will lo- cate the trouble and cure it! The cost is small. And you'll be sure of much better reception. We are experts in locating the cause of noise, hum, distortion, erratic performance . . . and curing all radio troubles, We use only guaranteed parts and General ElectricRadiotrons. N . . ND-18 Call John Farmer Phone 88, Port Perry SHINE UP}! IF YOU NEED GOOD A. M. LAWRENCE Household Furniture, the propertyl: and Strawberries. Machine Ground and Repaired Have installed new Atlas Metal Lathe. All kinds of metal done, including tuning up of any auto- mobile starter or generator armature, L Bronze bushings made for Electric Motors, ete. S. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Opp. Treasurer's Office, Port Perry. FOR SALE BY TENDER 100 acres®of pasture and Swamp land. The east half of Lot 16, Con. 9, Reach Tp. Tenders will be received until July 12th, 1988. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. This sale is to finish closing the W. Real estate. For further particulars apply W. Phoenix, Greenbank, Jun80 : FOR SALE "QUEBEC SHINGLES CLEARS and EXTRAS -- SPECIAL PRICES-- 'Also LIME and CEMENT. Apply to H. H. GOODRB Myrtle Elevator July 28 HOUSE FOR RENT A good frame house, 1% miles north of Port Perry. Garden and garage. Apply to Mrs. C. Wells, Port Perry. "FOR EXCHANGE "_./ A good six roomed house in Toronto for farm near Port Perry. Donald 'Scott, 6th Concessjon, Reach.' GOOSEBERRIES Orders taken now for-large English Gooseberries, Cherry Red Currents, Will be glad to fill your orders for Raspberries later. ~ S. ARNOLD, Prince Albert. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 / C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. tp § pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's . Insurance Office. ; (The firm of Grea & HuPazEYS fs disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER : in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, 'and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gammm & HuMmPmrNts fis disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%38imcoe Street North, Oshawa. : Phone 814, 33. attendance at Port Perry office.om of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 364 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, | North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Offics 68w, Residence 08] GO TO GEO. STEPHEN'S DR. W. 8. HARPER a ; gd Trinity Me Qolase and Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. . Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, 'DR. A. 8. BLACK SHOE. SHOP VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Overseas Service in the Royal Veterin- ary Corps, Three 8 as assistant with | Epuiah "63, Booth Vita Bi

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