hie TELEPHON E It's quicker and easier A call to 29W will end your meat order worry in a flash. CAWKER BROS. | We deliver Port Perry YOUR FAMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD & PHONEy93; BREAD AND PASTRY PORT PERRY Shop by Telephone M::GREGOR'S Insures prompt, personal service PHONE 72. R- 2 IRSA RR IRS RRR OR OROIOROSOROROSCRORORORORS The personal Way A-CALL TO . - MEAT MARKET PORT PERRY : + .NOFICE TO.CREDITORS In the Estate of Wilfred Graham, Deceased. All Persons having claims against the estate of Wilfred Graham, late of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1938, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 9th day of July, 1938, full Parbiewans of their claims. Immediately after July oth, 1938, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice, Dated at Port. Perry, June 9, 1938. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Wilfred Graham Estate, It pays YOU to advertise in the Port Perry Star NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Others, In the Estates of James H. Fishley and William J. Fishley, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estates of the said James H. Fish- ley and the said William J. Fishley, deceased, the said James H. Fishley who died in the Township of Reach in the County of Ontério, on or ahout the 27th day of April A.D, 1928, and the said William Fishley who died on or about the 23rd day of January, A. D. 1938, are required to send particu- lars of the same to the undersigned administrator on or before .the 19th day of July, A.D, 1938, after which date the assets of the deceased per- sons will be distributed, having regard only to the claims then received, Dated at Prince Albert, Ontario, this 28th day of June A.D, 1938, Silas.C. Reynolds, by Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ontario, his Solicitor, herein, Farmer RESULTS, FEED: FOR POULTRY Big "8" Laying Mash. FOR HOGS Pioneer Weanling Rations ~~ Grower, Hog Finisher, Pork Pro- ducer (concentrate.) FOR CATTLE of feed value. proven their superiorit * produce profitable results, satisfaction. the feeds. watch it produce results, For outstanding and profitable Pioneer Chick Mash, Growing Mash, Hog Pioneer 16%, 18%, or 24% Dairy Ration, Dairy Concentrate, Bulky Sweet, Dry and Freshening Ration. Results are the only sound measure Pioneer Feeds have because they We are here to give you service and Drop in and look over Take home a bag .and Lake Scugog Milling Co. We Specialize in White Roses PASTRY FLOUR No Better Made. Bring in your GRAIN for chopping or exchange for special blends of chick feed, etc. Phone 99-w Port Perry | there to show their skill. PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. Phone a1 4 EMMERSON Port Perry BROCK THEATRE WHITBY Telephone 618 (All shows Daylight Saving Time.) Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 30, July 1.2. Two shows at 7.80 and 9.80. Satur- day Matinee at 1.30. Holiday Matinee Friday, at 2 o'clock. BOBBY BREEN in HAWAII CALLS with Ned Sparks and Irvin 8. Cobb. bod f| Monday, Tuesday, Wed., July 4-5-6. First show at 7.30, last complete show at 8.60 JOE E. BROWN, in FIT FOR A KING with Helen Mack, and Paul Kelly, Also an ADDED ATTRACTION. Scandal Street with Lew Ayres, Lopise Campbell, Roscoe Karns and Porter Hall. Enjoy the show in comfort with healthful coolness at the air- conditioned BROCK THEARTE. #| GREENBANK AGAIN CELEBRATE [} ON JULY 1st. The usual good supper followed by : an amateur contest. The best will be Meet your friends at the Greenbank Church. NO EEE FOOTPAX The Wonder Support An ynfailing preventtive of Foat Ailments and fatigue. Beneficial in eyery instance of weak arches, strained muscles and ligaments, LIGHT, COMFORTABLE, CORRECTIVE, For Tennis, Badminton, and all sports, ' Recommended by the Medieal Profession, ; Sold and featured by P. G. MORRISON Phone 16 "Part Perry, Ont, ENR 100 TR SPEND DOMINION DAY AT SONYA Baseball, Supper gnd three act play and evening for recreation, of the 70 HART PARR TRACTOR and the NEW TILLER on SATURDAY, JULY 2nd at the Farm of Allan Jackson, Reach Township IF INTERESTED IN POWER DO NOT FAIL TQ S8EE THESE MA. CHINES IN. OPERATION, Everybody Welcome Ww Cockshutt Plow Co. TED JACKSON, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE are on the program--a full afterncon|g& Demonstration [---- FLO Phone 206 :: WILLIAM ETTEY : La Phone 206, Prince Albert, Ontario When you need Flow any Occasion wt DNC Special attention given to Wreaths and Sprays, RIST Prompt Delivery ee IMPERIAL OI Courteous and Effio For Your Entertain Tuesday, Ju ADMISSION: * Snowdon's Garage in the premises formerly owned by G. agc ALBERT SNOWDON, Proprietor a ies ie Ce ade Sill Salis Suis PRESENTING A TROUPE OF BELLEVUE COLLEGIANS Sponsored by the Students of the Bellevue Musical Art, Ltd. (Dominion Charter) George Colborne (Student) Master of Ceremonies, appearing on the Stage of the High School Assembly Hall, PORT PERRY, on 7.30 p.m., Standard Time Adults 150. L PRODUCTS ient Garage Servioe ment and Approval ly 5th, 1938 Children 8c. F. C. WALTON, - NOTICE--We are opening a Studio of Musical Instruction in Port Perry, with all city benefits. For Information Apply to BELLEVUE MUSICAL ART, Ltd. Car aaa tr SE Division Manager ; CaO SRL LTS EL i SRC ON PA y SCUGOG Remember the Field Day held au the Centre, in Mr. Roy Henders' field. Softball games and other sports. A booth will be on the grounds. The afternoon sports will be followed by a good supper provided by the W. A. Come and spend the 1st of July with us, The farmers were thinking their crops were to be burned up with the heat last week. There was a bad out- look for fruit also, but it was not to be as the rain came down on Saturday followed by cool weather, and we are all thankful, There was a quintuplet strawberry picked in Mra. D. Hope's patch. It was a perfect, medium sized berry with five perfect points at the top. Mr, C. Hardy and son John motored to Port Hope one day last week. Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Woods, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and the former's brother Mr, Brown, Mr, and Mrs, J. Pearce and son Lewis and daughter Mary Lou, Mrs. R. Tetlow and little Phyllis, visited their cousin Mrs. Woods of Millbrook, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, H, Cannon of Toronto were guests of her sister Mrs. Roy Henders on Sunday. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Wm, Savage on celebrating her 84th birthday, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Fowler and son Allen of Ebenezer, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. O, Reader on Sunday. \ ' / Miss Jennie Grandison, of Oshawa, spent a pleasant week with Mrs. J.|& Pearce and Mrs, week, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jeffrey and her sister Mrs. Clement, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lewis Pearce, last cousin at Port Hope, and called on Mr. and Mrs. J, Pearce on the way home, Miss. Doris Hoar, of Lindsay, spent the week end with: her parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Schell. 'Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Pearce, little Mary, Lou and Mrs. A. Prentice at- tended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark at Mariposa, on Friday evening, when lovely gifts were pre- sented. Mr, Clark is a brother of Mrs, Clark. Scugog friends extend to the bride and groom many happy years together. Mr. Alton Mark and My. Norman Shunk are busy cementing 'and fixing stables for Mr. Maurice Fralick, and Mr. Roy Hope and Mr. C. Hardy are building cement silos under the super- vision of Mr. D. M. Jackson. Mr. R. Sanguine is building a varandah for his aunt Mrs. W. Savage. Word was received on Monday by Mrs. D. Hope that her sister, Mrs. D. Couch, had her home washed away by flood in Montana, last week. Miss Myrtle Jeffrey of Toronto, and Mr. B. Snelgrove, of Prince Albert, were guests of her brother Mr. O. Jeffrey and Mrs. Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs. C, Hardy were guests of her aunt Mrs. H, Plum, at Prince Albert, recently, me RED & WHITE sto LADIES SUMMER DRESSES # Pique and Tic-Toc material sizes 14-40 $1.75 -- $1.98 SILK HOSIERY | ALL THE NEW SUMMER SHADES----S8ervice weight 69¢c.--T79¢. and $1.00 BUSINESS GIRL CHIFFON Regular and knee lengths 85ec. CREPE-- $1.00 ANKLE SOX--Good assortment of Children's and Ladies' '¢! Ankle Sox, 15¢., 25¢., and 29¢. CHILDREN'S Pique and Print PANTY DRESSES, sizes 2-6. 59¢. and 98ec. ! LADIES and GIRLS Shorts ¥ Navy and Brown 89c. 98c. SLACKS- navy and Brown 98c.--$1.19 zipper front | SPORT SWEATERS br STYLE in ladies Monarch sport sweaters - Turquoise, Coral and White Round neck style - - LATEST 98c. $1.35 PHONE 43 : Boys' Broadcloth Suits, 2 to 6, 59c., 98¢- F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY EER 202080808008 80R0R0 Reynolds attended the funeral of their |# Miss Olive Schell of Oshawa, and : and pastry. 0, ote te oF BASE TET GRE TT Tile. :: Gerrow Brothers jh Dependable Fuel "OUR NEW = | Bread is the staff of life, so we are always trying to furnish oun customers with the latest and best. He will be pleased to show you tasty varieties. AsK our driver about our bread 3 SMILES N' CHUCKLES 'When you buy them from us are always fresh and attractively packed Per package 25¢c. and 50c. Why not fill up your coal bin for next winter when, low spring prices are available? ou will be sure of every heat satisfaction if vou burn this safe, economical fuel. Hardwood Slabs, Soft Slabs, Coke CEMENT--Fresh carload on hand, also Lime and Your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Ww. G. W. Pyatt. PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones: 94 w and 94 j Foss CC aife ISN TIMING erect? PHONE 240 Contracts Taken NOW Have you an alteration job to do this Spring, or a new building to Get in on the LOW Prices of LUMBER. We will furnish plans and estimates free of charge. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. -- a TR AA a NS $C ok tp £ ATT uw fone an ' hr bv 3 ~ rr abt A RAT mes 3 he AST eR ART im Ba EI a No i {} RYE org