RK an a. eas od -- NT Lo Ea Cr ne? TRA OL 2) ton, were week-end guests of Mr. an Mrs. Chas. Gerrow. | Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samells and daughter, Scugog, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Crosier. i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDermid, of |§ Ella Crosier, of | Whitby, called on friends here on Sun- A; \ 4 ~ Cn PE Sm re or -r Ca |] ------------------ -- T---- ----------" ------ A ---- A MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster, Lay- Miss Nosely and Mr, Vyrtle Crosier, Oshawa, and Mrs. day.' Mr. L. Rees of Toronto, has been af recent guest of Miss A. Rees. Mr. Grant Innes' service station has i been greatly improved with a coat of 2 paint. ASHBURN Burns' Church was filled to capacity on Sunday, when friends from far and near gathered for the reopening. The Church itself was a very impressive sight. The altar was beautifully de- corated with blue delpheniums, roses, peonies and white canterbury bells, i which blended wonderfully with the § background of the new blue carpet, , old gold curtains and walls and ceiling | beautifully tinted in blue, creams and | browns, with an artistic scene around the memorial window at the front. . : 1 The services were in charge of Rev. i Robt. Simpson, with Rev. W. B. Mitchell, of Dundas, as guest speaker, a former pastor of our church, who began his career in the ministry here about twelve years ago. At the morn- ing service he took for his_text "phy- sician heal thyself" in which he em- phasized the necessity of starting at home to correct our own faults that community and the world at large might be a better place in which to live. During the morning two beauti- ful anthems were rendered by the choir, "Blow the Trumpet" and "Ye Morning Winds", were rendered, Miss Kate Simpson, daughter of Rev. Mr. Simpson, rendered very beautifully the solo "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say". At the evening service the choir rendered two anthems." The Rev. Mr. Mitchell took for his text from two verses, "Thou art the Christ the son of the ving God" and "Whom say ye that I am." _ Friends enjoyed renewing old ac- quaintances after the service. The Women's Guild enjoyed a very delightful afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. Spencer on Thursday after- noon when Mrs. Ashtqn's group enter- tained Mrs. Parrotft's "Group. Plans were made to organize a Junior \Guild. A social time was spent at tea\when the ladies'sat at small tables on the lawn. The July meeting will be held at Mrs, J. Johnson's home. The Y. P. S. held its 'annual weiner roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron on Friday evening. A good program was given and all joined in the sports, Weiners and rolls and lemonade were served for lunch, and all left feeling that the year's work had ended with a good social everfing. CAESAREA Mr. and Mrs. Bond, of Oshawa, are holidaying at Williams' Point. "Mr. Clarke, artist, is occupying his a -- FT CURT dot ar RADIOS, all styles, Battery as well as Electric, Mantle, Console, & Car Radios, for small balances ELECTRIC WASHERS, Cook Stoves, Coleman Stoves, etc. Electric Ranges, 1 ---- adil l.ooks Like SLi 1936-37 Electric Refrigerators; some ~ (GENERAL ELECTRIC) In many cases the pric e represents as little as one- -third-the orignal value. DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 Simcoe St., N., > "ow om -- -- - -- a BL -- i oo ee Thee ----": cottage at the Point and painting some pictures. Mrs. C. Gilmour, Mrs. NcCallum, and Mrs. Morrison, of Toronto, and also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garfat of Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Don. Gar- fat, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Garfat, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harran en- joyed a motor trip to North Bay last week. Mr. Geo. Humpage has rented two of his houses this season. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ransom with her mother Mrs, Elliott, of Toronto, are spending week ends in Caesarea. Mrs. Watts is holidaying in Watt's- Its-Name" cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodburn, of To- ronto will occupy Mr. Moffatt's cot- tage during July. 'Mrs. Horace Thompson and family of Toronto, are spending the summer in Mr. Fisher's cottage. 3 Mr. Veal is on his usual thrice weekly rounds with vegetables and fruits. Rev. R. P. Bowles, ex-Chancellor ot Victoria University, Toronto, holds a preaching service every Sunday morn- ing at 10.30 (standard time) in Caes. area. Those attending consider it a privilege, and an invitation is extend- ed to all to spend one hour ofj the Sabbath in worship there, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hewer, of To- ronto, are holidaying in Mr. Braden's cottage. Mrs. Hewer's parents lived in Port Perry many years ago--Mn. and Mrs. A. Robertson, BLACKSTOCK The monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Willan on Thursday evening last and was in "The members were pleased Fred Hamilton and consisted of reaa- ings by Mrs. W. Crawford and Murs. John Carter, and player piano music. The new rector, Rev, E. Wood, gave a short, appropriate talk. At the close a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and lunch was served, On Wednesday evening last many relatives, friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn, a recent bride and groom, gathered in the com- munity hall to honour them with a miscellaneous shower of lovely and useful gifts. Mr. Lavern Devitt acted as chairman and after presiding for a short program consisting of a vocal solo by Mr. Jack Smith, a selection on the mouth organ by Mr. John Hamil- ton and 4 reading "Staying Married" by Mrs. T. Smith, made the presenta- tion on "behalf of those present. Speeches were then made by the groom, the bridesmaid Miss Beatrice Whitfield, the groomsman Mr. Ray Bradburn, Mr. Teasdale Whitfield, father of the bride and Messrs. James Byers, W. A. VanCamp and Jos. Brad- burn. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and the partak- ing of refreshments. The wedding cake was served by the bride and groom. Mrs. Ada Jones "Saddler and her charge of Mrs, Jos. Forder. The Study Book chapter, "Builders of the ! " ; Indian Church" was taken by Mrs" L. music pupils are to be congratulated McGill. to hear from Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt through a letter sent to Mus. Willan. The program was in charge of Mrs. on the "ery fine recital which they put on in the Commumty 'Hall on I'riday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Misses Mabel and Helen VanCamp motored to Toronto on Saturday, June 25th, to attend the marriage of their cousin Miss Beatrice Waldon to Mr. Ian Stuart.- To. Wood, the new rector of St. John's Anglican church was held on Tuesday evening last. This beautiful and im- pressive service was conducted by Bishop Beverley of Toronto, assisted by Arch Deacon Simpson of Millbrook, Rev. Mr. Clough, Port Perry, Rev. Mr. Holden, Bethany, and the Wardens, Messrs. F. Willan and T. Smith." -- After the service refreshments were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bailey. Mrs, Beverley and Mrs. Simpson accompanied their husbands to Blackstock for this memorable oe- casion, Among our recent visitors were: Dr. and Mrs. D. Archer, and Miss L. McMillan, R.N.,, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowrie, of Toronto," Mr. Geo. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, of. Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mus. Jos. Archer; Mr. and W. Forder and daughter Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn of Tyrone, Misses Beatrice Whitfield and Sara Marlow and Mr, Andy Marlow, of Nestleton, with Mr. Jand Mrs. D. W. Bradburn; Miss Isobel The Induction service for Rev. E. P. Hooey with Miss Norma Hooey; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin and Flor- ence with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Downey of Reaboro; Mrs. J. Stinson, her daughter and her husband Mr, and Mrs. E. Kearns and children, Doreen and Clement, and Miss Isobel Hooey, al lof Winnipeg, Miss Eva English, Miss Ethel Carter and Mr. J. H. Devitt with Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan. " Anniversary services held in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday last conducted by Rev. E. P. Wood. Special music was furnished by the choir. Miss Olive VanCamp, of Toronto, made a short visit to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, VanCanip last week. Mr, Trask, of Toronto, is visiting her sister and husband, Rev. any Mis, Wood, at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan, Mrs. J. Stinson and Miss Isobel Hooey called on relatives in Seagrave, Lindsay and Little Britain on, Friday last week. Miss. Aileen Johnston spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston at Cadmus, Twenty-four students wrote on the Entrance Examination at Blackstock centre this week. Congratulations are extended to Miss Mabel VanCamp in successfully completing her first year in the To- ronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey and Mr. Percy Lavington visited at Mr. and TRIS MUST OP! Don't drive when you can't see or be seen. You need two headlights correctly focussed, and a tail light if your car is to be visible to other drivers. You need clean headlights, delivering full illumi nation if you are to see the roadway clearly at night. Have your lights checked frequently to be certain that you fulfil) these minimum requirements for safety after dark . ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Motor Vehicles Branch. Mrs. A. Leighton's, Mr, Hector Shortridge and Miss M. Leighton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn at Tyrone. Mrs. Jabez Wright has returned home after a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs, Wells, of Detroit. MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Armstrong and family of Bethany visited friends here last week. Mr. Geo. Davidson of ne, 1, spent the week end with his sister-in- law Mrs. Hattie Hudgins. Congratulations to Doris McGee, Harold Bradley, Ray Duff, Ray Grant, who - were recommended on thei vear's work for Entrance to High School. Success .to the other three students who wrote their examination this week. Miss Helen Ross of Toronto, spent the week end with her aunts. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and son Jack and Miss Elsie Smith motor- ed to Bolton on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Cross. The Sunday School picnic which was to be held at Port Bolster on Saturday had to be cancelled on account of the measles epidemic, and will be 'held at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hook and fam- ily of Weston, were holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hahn last week. A number from here attended the}. anniversary services at Burn's Church at Ashburn, on Sunday. The ladies of the church were enter- tained at the home of Mrs, A. Niddery at Prospect on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Parrott of Scar-|{; boro visited at Mr. E. Redman's on Sunday. UTICA The friends and neighbours of Pine Grove-and Utica met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard last Friday evening and presented Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark with a set of dishes ana a shower of many useful and lovely articles. The evening was 'spent in dancing and all had a méts enjoyable i . Herman Walker has put a-new 7 gi on his barn. Mr. Walter Tan home for a visit, About fourteen ladies and Rev. A, | Bushell attended the Ladies' Aid tea, on Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. A. Niddery, at. Prospect. A most enjoyable time was 'spent. A number from here attended the decoration services at Uxbridge on| Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Williams of To- ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ken- dall on Monday. Mrs. Georgia Claughton called on Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Lakey one evening last week. Pleased to see her looking so well after her severe aceident last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt James of Detroit visiting with. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sut- cliffe, Miss Olga Lakey returned home on Monday evening. She will attend summer school in Toronto this year. Heavy Russian Oil, with measuring glass. 40 ounce size ..... ceeds 890, PALM BEACH and TOPS for cleaning white shoes, ea, 25¢. MOON GLOW NAIL POLISH, all shades, liquids and - creams Cia vate vid vies s 100 YE OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS, each 25¢.- and 39c. "TAT" ANT TRAPS for clearing the house of ants COLGATE'S FLOATING SOAP, cress eset ties isan LCE NT RCE NE BY eve ..3 cakes for llc. .,o0P 040 0 Morrison' s Drug Store PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 ; "a ADVERTISING PAYS THE ADVERTISER Be HE ET TA a f= Sal Head your Home insulated now, and enjoy the comf cooler rooms during the hot nights to pind during the. rt of mer. This same insulation serves a double pu kesping out the cold in winter. Have it done the pnd BLUE COAL Whether you insulate or not you will need. winter. See us about filling your bin with ATs "od ~ Coal is selling at summer prices now. ; F. E. REESOR Phones 2 and 73w Port Perry. PORT PERRY Trem MARKET 'BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY : i The Seasons change,' and our stock changes with the season. Strawberries head the list in our « up-to-date fruits. Come in and see our stock. Special and prompt attention given to phone Orders. Phone 208, Port Perry. ttt Lt Lr aan III IIRL RIRILIRNIRTRTRTET TINIE coson sae Th A