a ee a tc a i RNA a RE in arr re nd vi " 4! wy, Mr, Bob Moray made a brief visit to Port Perry on Monday, Mr. Frank Williams, of Toronto, has been visiting friends in this com- munity for a few days. Mr. M. M. Boyd, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Farmer. Mr. William Hall, of Toronto, has been holidaying in town with his father, Mr, Albert Hall. Mr. and O'Neill and daughter Dorothea, are on a motor trip this week in Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Perkins and daughters Marie and Mildred, Wain- wright, Alta, motored to Ontario, and spent a few days with friends in this locality. Mus. Roy Miss Ethel Martin of Brampton, is spending some time with Mr, Albert Hall. Rev, Norman and Mrs. Woon are visiting with relatives in town. © SALE OFF HOME BAKING and CANDY Saturday, August 13th, in the Port Perry Public Library Community Room, by Prince Albert W. A. After- noon tea will be served. ER --_ EXCELLENT BOWLING Port Perry bowlers won first place in the Peterboro Coronation Bowling Tournament, bringing honte the new Quaker Oats Trophy, in a contest staged by sixty-four rinks. Fach member of the rink was presented with a five-piece silver tea service. The rink was made up as follows: L. Beare, I. Ingram, Jno. Murray and D. Carnegie (skip). Congratulations. oo ---- -- ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Orma C. Hood wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Doreen Ethelwyne to Mr. Milton Robert Henry Butson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prince Albert, Ontario, the marriage to take place the 3rd of September. ee me i --~ DPP---- -- An Indian up in the northern part of Michigan returned for the third time to buy half a dozen bottles of cough syrup. Druggist: house 7" Indian: Druggist: this cough syrup for? Indian: 'Mm--me likeum on pan- cakes." Someone sick at your "No sick." "Then what on earth all Qn -- GP ---- VRS, ALBERT HALL of the village of Port Perry and surrounding ecuntry, weve <hocked on Saturday morning, July 23 to hear of the sudden passing of on of the village's most respected citizens in the person of Mrs. Albert Hall. Mrs. Hall had been in her usual good health, and about 5 a.m. her hus- band wakened and found that she hast passed away in her sleep, due to a heart condition. Mrs. Hall was born in Norfolk, ng land, the voungest daughter of Thos and Sarah Smith, coming to Canada with her when only three vears of age. In 1886, she married John Martin, five children were born of this union---thel, Thomas, Annie and Gordon; one daughter Sarah Jane died in infancy. er husband prede- cen od her 21 years ago. In 1912 <he married Albert Hall, last year celebrating their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Left to cherish her memory are he husband and four children: Thomas and Ethel of Brampton; Annie (Mrs, Al. Christie,) of Utica, and Gordon of Burlington, also three step-children, Ha (Mrs. Horace Blackburn), Lena (Mrs, C. H. R. Fuller) and William, all of Toronto. Yeocitizens parents AP CARD OF THANKS Mr. Albert Hall and family wish to extend their deep gratitude to friends, relatives and neighbours, for their thoughtful assistance, sympathy and floral offerings during the loss of a dearly beloved wife and mother, etl MP IN MEMORIAM KENDALI In loving memory of our only child Jack, who left us, Aug. 8rd, 1932. If we could speak with him to-day, Laugh with him in the same old way, Hear his voice, see his smile, Then life to us would be worth while. Ever remembered, Mother, Dad and Grandparents. Russell Butson, of +1 blossoms and a TAN 2X Ne ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Evening service at 7 p.m, Sunday School at 11 a.m. Everybody welcome. JAMES H. STANTON Fenelon Falls mourns the loss of a Icading and highly esteemed resident, Mr, James H. Stanton, proprietor of the Stanton Photogroph Gallery, which for forty years has been a land- mark on the Trent Canal site. A true artist, Mr. Stanton's work merited praise and interest widespread. Word of his passing was received here early Saturday evening, May 28th, coming as a shock to friends and citiens in general who deeply regret the demise of one who had moved in their midst so long and had so suddenly answered the Great Call. Mr, Stanton entered the Private Patient's Pavilion of the Toronto General Hospital on Wednes- day, May 25th, and passed on follow- ing an opperation on Saturday 28th, The late Mr. Stanton came to Fene- lon Falls from Port Perry and entered the Photography business with which he was actively engaged until the pre- sent, although in recent years not en- joying the best of health, Actively interested in municipal affairs he served on the Council and school board. He was an ardent curler and the J. H. Stanton trophy competed for annually was donated by him. Surviving are his widow, formerly Miss Margaret McFarland, and one son, Gordon of Hamilton, There are also five brothers, Thomas; John, Wil= liam, Walter of Chicago, and Frank of Brooklin, Ont.; two sisters, Mrs, Neth- erton, of Manitoba, and Mrs. R., C. Moon, of Raglan, Ont. The funeral was held under Masonic auspices from his late residence, on Tuesday to Port Perry, Rev. A. Rus- sell of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church conducting service at the home. A profusion of lovely floral tributes banking the casket were from rela- tives, friends and organizations, ------------ el GD -- + ------ me WEDDING Larmer-Beech A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Austin Larmer, on July 16th, when Lily Mabel, second daughter of Arthur Beech and the late Mrs. Beech, Haydon, was united in marriage to William Henry, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. R. O. Larmer, Millbrook. Rev. [5. L. Beech, Newtonville, brother of the bride, officiated at the ceremony. The wedding music was played by Miss Mary Larmer, sister of the SS Na TH oN SREY OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED o LJ FRIL and SAT., AUG. 5-6 Enrich Maria Remarque's Sensational Romance THREE | COMRADES -- with -- ROBERT TAYLOR, i MARGARET SULLIVAN, FRANCHOT TONE, ; ROBERT YOUNG. EXTRA--Revival FRIDAY at 10.30 p.m. RONALD COLMAN "TALE OF TWO CITIES" ® TUES.,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8-9-10 MON, Lloyd C. Douglas' Great Cosmopolitan Story WHITE BANNERS with CLAUDE RAINS, FAY BAINTER, JACKIE COOPER. Coloured Cartoon "PENGUIN PARADE PRINCE ALBERT Mrs. Frank Vickery entertained the W. A. for their July meeting and was assisted by Mrs. J. Kirby, and to these ladies a vote of thanks was given. The President, Mrs. MacGregor, pre- sided and the meeting was conducted in the usual way. During the busi- ness period plans were made for a sale of home-made cooking, ete., and afternon tea, at Port Perry Library, on August 13. It was suggested that we have a re-opening supper upon the completion of -the re-decorating of the Church tea room. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. F. Luke and Miss G. Vickery. These were in memory of our late member Mrs, Philp. Delightful music was rendered by Miss Strickland and groom. The living room was nicely decorated in a color scheme of pink and white, with an arch of evergreens, ferns and flowers. The bride given in marriage by hor father wore a frock of white sheer over taiTeta with a coronei of orange seed pearls, and carcied sweetheart roses and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Larmer, sister of the groom, wore a frock or oad rose sheer, vith navy blue trimmings, and earvied a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Gorda secch, brother of the bride, acted as best man, Miss Alice Ashton and Mrs. Ross Richards sang "1 Love You Truly" Mrs. a bouquet of A. Larmer received in a gown a printed slip. Supper was served on the bride. . Shortly after the bride and groom left on a motor trip east, the bride | wearing a costume of navy blue with white accessories. On their return: they will reside on the groom's farm in South Monaghan, during the signing of register. | . . | he lawn by several girl friends of two boys from Oshawa. A delicious SPECIAL | FOR AUGUST We Pick Up and Deliver Ladles' 1-Piece, Plain DRESSES SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED Youcan depend LE 890. It H Three Ti FREE---Cleaned with each ssc order § ALDSWORTH i, Ser Looal Agent--Mrs. Ewers, Phone 201, Port Perry Have Your PRINTING Done at the PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices We shall be pleased to quote prices on any printing job you may wish to have done. Men's Three-Piece 00 LOO Lawrence's Drug Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Stere) WAMPOLE'S BISMA REX TANGEL MILK OF STOMACH for Deep MAGNESIA POWDER Sunburn 3.02, Rice 75¢. and $1.50 Per tube 50c. NUFEET ENO'S ENGLISH Medicated Insoles FRUIT SALT HEALTH SALT Per Pair 25¢. 47¢. and 79c. 1 1b. 39¢. LOST On July 28th, at the Street Dance or A STITCH IN - around the town, black purse with money and valuable papers. Finder please return to John DePierre, c-o0 A, Waridel. Reward. ! BOAT LOST Lost from Scugog shore last, a grey | skiff. Please notify the Star Office of any information as to its whereabout. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Used Corn Binder, almost new. Ap- ply to C. SWITZER, McCormick- Deering Dealer, Port Perry. WANTED TO RENT Furnished cottage or house in or August. Reliable tenant. State price. Box 8, Port Perry Star. CHURCH 'OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, August Tth-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 1] a.m.--Holy Communion and ser- mon, Monday, August 8th--Mission 8 p.m.--Service by Church Army Crusaders. Tuesday," August 9th--Mission 8 p.m. -- Service by Church Army Crusaders. Sunday, August 14th-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 p.~Morning Prayer and Ser- mon, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Rev. John Murray, M.A, B.D., of Jersey City, N.J. Mr. Sam Castle, soloist. supper was served on the lawn, con- sisting of raspberries and crear ant i many other good things to over thirty-: five ladies. Proceeds $6.25. There will be no August meeting. . : Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Luke were: Mrs. G. Luke of Chicago; Mrs. Rosebush, of Cuor- tice, and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Luke und family, of Oshawa, Miss dna Hunter Webb have and Miss Jean been holidaying" with re- iatives in the village. i Mrs. B, Wannamaker and Ronald spent a few days with Mr, and Mus, | ; W. Martyn. Mr. Stewart Foster of Toronto, is! of pink flowered crepe, assisted by spending his holidays at the home of Mrs. R. O. Larmer, mother of the Hr. Geo. Luke. ' l} . . aroont, in a gown of navy sheer over] All being well the Prince Albert! Community Club will hold its annual picnic on Thursday, August 11th. Every one intending to go will be ex- pected to be at the school at the hour of ten o'clock, where rransportation | may be had. There will be a charge of five cents from all to help defray expenses. Kvéryone come and help to make a pleasant and profitable day. : oon 1%3%% SOOT ROR 0 tt > ee ot or Tt es ee a TT olelele -0 mi. FO = ---- 2%5%% 0% 20% 22% 28% 22325! oe ot course it's a Luxury! BUT, It's a Luxury You Can Enjoy All Season. Haarringel Steam Permanent Waves are Reduced 25% from August 3rd to August 13th. PHONE 308 FOR APPOINTMENT TT Tr Huyck's 3 SIMCOE ST, S. Hairdressing : OSHAWA 7-1b, paper bag when packed MAGIC BAKING 28! POWDER in: Cash and Carry CHEESE RITZ 2 Ritz BISCUITS 2 27 . MIRACLE WHIP "= - PALMOLIVE SOAP «G6 SELECTED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES -- 29 19 21 QUAKER ICE - 2m 25 FFED T «10 "BALLARD FOOD fn in 29 Peaches, 29¢. dozen Pears, 29¢c. dozen Bananas, 25c¢. dozen Blueberries, 10c. 1b. + DOMINION STORES + LAWRENCE near Port Perry, for third week-in}|- TIME SAVES NINE Repairing. Try our money-saving plan. GEO. STEPHEN'S ~ SHOE SHOP FOR SALE Second-hand Electric Victor Radio. Apply to John Farmer, Phone 85. HORSES FOR SALE Also a number of heifer calves and thorobred cows---Shorthorns. Apply to Jas. Ward, Blackwater. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Saturday, August 6th, 1938, the house and lot of the late Elizabeth Deshane, being lot 33 on the West side. of Crandell street, Port Perry. At the same time and pace a quantity of Household Effects and Utensils will be sold. Terms Cash. For further particulars see posters. Jno. W. Crozier, Estate Solicitor. Ted Jackson Auctioneer Sirs SPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED 50 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleeps Insurance Office. (The firm of GRegR & HuMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gruman & HUMPHREYS Is dlsolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at Port P office om Tuesday and Thursday Sfternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON '| Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Offies 68w, Residence 08) DR. W. 8. HARPER. Cratgate of ns TA ERETREE v3 x DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Ro in the Royal wo gant Yauin Phone 6 BROOK LIN, ont. ~ ey We do expert Shoe * * - There will be sold-at the premises---- » EQ A. 2? » ol § ip ww y A 4 «4 Be » £ IPRA ¢