| | i SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING POSTPONED On account of the work not being completed at the Public Library, Port Perry, the Prince Albert W. A. have postponed their sale of home-made cooking and afternoon tea to August 20th, at the Library. Don't forget the change in date. ---e- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plum and family of Ritstone, Alta. are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. H. Plum, at Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell and family, are on a motor trip to North- ern Ontario, visiting the former's parents. Miss Jean Baird, of Toronto, was the guest of her mother on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Gardner, of Edmonton, called on old acquaintances in town last week. Will was a former resident of Port Perry, and was in Toronto at- tending the Veterans' Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roberts and son, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Clay, of Forest, were visiting in the vicinity last week. Mr. Gordon Howard of Toronto, was the guest of his mother for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Chapman, left on Monday for Western Canada by motor. - Mrs. Jennie Ransier, Mrs. D. G. Ross, both of Brooklin, and nephew, Charles M. Whitlo, of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Prentice, on Monday afternoon. Mrs. F. H. Stokoe of Seattle, Wash,, Mrs. Walter Short of Toronto, with their father Mr. Wilson Crosier, of Manchester, were guests of Mrs. Geo. Prentice during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice in St. Thomas over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lunney. Mrs. Geo. A. Rose has returned to her home after spending a month at Port Dalhousie. wi Dr. C. H. Neagant of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCaw, of Bed- ford, Quebec, visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward, and Miss Alice Thompson, of Manchester. Pr OGD CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. J. C. Clough, Rector. Sunday, August 14th-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer & sermon Sunday, August 21-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Preacher: Mr. T. Dustin. --- EPP ---- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Rev. John Murray, of Jersey City will be the preacher. OA Peacepoint Were half the power that fills the world with terror, Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and courts Given to redeem the human mind from error, There were no need of arsenals and and forts. --Longfellow STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE (Cooler Inside) Thursday, Friday, Sat., (This week) Muriel WEEKS & Chas. STARRETT in . "OLD WYOMING TRAIL" in a new Bronco Western with thrills and spills. See His wonder Horse. COMEDY--Charlie Chase in "CALLING ALL DOCTORS" CARTOON and SCREEN NEWS Monday, Tues., Wed., AUG. 15-16-17 Marsha Hunt and Larry Crabbe, in "MURDER GOES TO COLLEGE" in a chilling, mystifying thriller. Also BETTY BOOP and SPORT REEL Thurs, Fri, Sat. AUG. 18-19-20 JANE WITHERS in "WILD AND WOOLLY" SAMNTAR NG Sa haih y TITH Da REN RENEE SN 4) ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. No service on Sunday, August 14. Sunday School at 11 a.m, Everybody welcome. Requiescat! Prince Albert lost one of her oldest and most esteemed residents 'in the death, on Friday, August b, of Sarah J. Madden, eldest daughter of the late Rev, David B. Madden, a pioneer minister of the Methodist church. Miss Madden was born at Gananoque, but spent most of her life in Ontario County in the various pastorates of her father, and for many years prior to her death had lived in Prince Al- bert. As the eldest daughter in a large family to the younger members of which she was almost a second mother, her. primary work was in the home. Yet she found time and energy for outside activities in Church, Sunday School, and the W.C.T.U.--she wore her life-membership pin of this Order as she lay in her casket. A faithful and regular attendant at Church even when increasing deafness made it im- possible for her to hear much of the service, she nevertheless felt, as she said, that it was good to be "in the Lord's house." She was, indeed, a pattern of an old-time religion that seems to be passing or to have passed away. Her most fruitful and far-reaching ki \ [20 PR {4 LOE Va 7.) "THEATRE OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Thursda¥, Friday and Saturday | AUGUST 11-12-13 LORD JEFF starring FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW and MICKEY ROONEY » ADDED «4 i Cartoon--"CAPTAIN'S PUP" REVIVAL FRIDAY, 10.45 p.m. Way Out West starring \ LAUREL & HARDY / Monday-Tuesday AUG 15-16 Shopworn Angel . starring "MARGARET SULLAVAN and JAMES STEWART Wed.-Thursday AUGUST 17-18 BIG DOUBLE BILL Always Goodbye work, perhaps, was in Sunday School, where for many years she taught a girls' class and taught them thorough- | ly and well, as the writer of this brief | memoir can gratefully testify. In this sphere of work her mantle seems to, have fallen upon the shoulders of her younger sister May, who now teaches the women's Bible Class in the Prince Albert Sunday School and teaches it so efficiently that it is a common remark among the members that, if they had to choose between attending it and the church service, they would almost rather miss the latter than the former, because, as they say, "We learn so much from May Madden." Of a family of twelve children only five now survive, two half-sisters and three half-brothers of the deceased: Miss May Madden of Prince. Albert; Mrs, Fred W. Kimg (Clara Madden) of Lethbridge; Rev. Fred W. Madden of Bloomington, Ill.; George A. Mad- den of Glendale, Cal., and Rev. Nelles Madden of La Harpe, Ill. The funeral service, which was held on Monday, August 8, was conducted by Rev. John Murray and Rev. Walter Madden, a nephew of the deceased. There could scarcely have been a fam- ily in and about Prince Albert which was not represented, a worthy tribute to a worthy life. Port Perry, too, was well represented, Dr. J. B. Lundy, Mr. W. L. Parrish and the family physi- cian, Dr. Harper, being among those present, The service was marked by an entire absence of the funereal note. Hymns were sung, but they were not starring BARBARA STANWYCK and HERBERT MARSHALL and Swiss Miss StarringLaurel and Hardy, TAL tooth? No . . . howl in your radio! Let us give your radio a com- - plete "check up". We will lo- cate the trouble and cure it! The cost is small. And you'll be sure mournful dirges; a very happy selec- tion of Bible passages was read, rang- ing from the Psalmist's cheery "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil", to the Master's words of com- fort, "Let not your hearts be troubled" and St. Paul's defiant challenge to Death, not Victor but Vanquished, and finally to St. John's vision of the Celestial City where "there is no night" and whence "sorrow and sigh- ing shall flee away." Very impres- sive, too, was the concluding note of the service by the quotation of what is commonly known as Cardinal New- man's prayer (though the authorship is disputed), a prayer familiar to all (and there must be many in Port Perry and Prince Albert) who listen in during the winter months to the Sun- day evening broadcast of Rev, J. E. Ward of St. Stephen's Church, Toron- to: "Oh Lord, support us all the day long o fthis troublous life until the shades lengthen and the evening comes and the busy word is hushed, the fever of life is over and our work is dome. Then, Lord, in Thy mercy grant us safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last, through Jesus Christ, our Lord." Could anything be more comprehen- sive or more beautiful than this prayer, or more fitting to be said at the funeral of one who, after over four score years of a life of almost unremitting and always uncomplain- ing toil, has at last entered into her rest? \ BR A: .-- --ry',utiR IN MEMORIAM MacMASTER--In loving memory of Dr. J. D. MacMaster who passed away on August 11th, 1937. Lovingly re- membered by wife and family, of much better reception. We are experts in locating the cause of noise, hum, distortion, erratic performance . . . and curing all radio troubles. We use only guaranteed parts and General ElectricRadiotrons. ND-15 Call John Farmer, Phone 85, Port Perry, Ont. PUPPIES FOR SALE . Cocker Spaniel Puppies, 9 weeks old, good stock, will be good re- trievers. Cheap. Don. J. Shepherd, Port Perry. ' BEES FOR SALE Eight colonies of bees, supers on four colonies. These: colonies are in good shape. Apply to T. Davidson, Port Perry. Will sell all equipment. FOR SALE Piano, Buffet, solid oak; Dining Table, solid oak; Radio; Bed Comfort- ers, Note these articles are in ex- ceptionally good condition and are offered for sale at a very reasonable price. Apply to D. Corbman, Port Perry. ~ augl8 FOR SALE Second-hand Electric Victor Radio. Apply to John Farmer, Phone 85. . HORSES FOR SALE Also a number of heifer calves and thorobred cows--Shorthorns. Apply to Jas, Ward, Blackwater. YO FOR AUGUST Ladies' 1-Plece, Plain Men's Three-Piece DRESSES ~~ SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED \ Youcan depend & on Aldsworth : We Pick Cleguing JB Deliver and Service. FREE---E elt Hat or Three Ties Cleaned with each 89c order ALDSWORTH 38d Looal Agent--Mrs. Ewers, Phone 201, Port Perry - Have Your PRINTING Done at the PORT PE STAR OFFICE Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices We shall be pleased to quote prices on any printing job you may wish to have done. ie 7. t PORT nce's Drug Store (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) 3 BYNOVA NIAGARA MONTSERRAT MAID GRAPE Tonic Food i JUICE Lime. Juice. Beverage 25¢. and 45¢. d4c, 49¢. and 79¢. # BETTY ANN BISMA REX OLYMPENE # Fresh Chocolates | Stomach Powder Alitiseptie 50¢. Pound 75¢. and $1.50 50¢. and $1.00 PHONE & HELP WANTED two extra men for our built-up routes; steady position, good pay, excellent future, Write, Fuller Brush "Co, Peterboro, Ont, BLUEBIRD INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS - 'NOTE--Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Stora. Port Perry. RUSSIA AND JAPAN AGREE TO ARMISTICE Both official and unofficial Japan are paying the greatest attention to For- eign Minister Viscount Halifax's con- versations with the Soviet Ambassa- dor and the Japanese Embassy repre- sentative in London. The Government refuses to comment, but the Japanese press doubts whether Great Britain will offer to mediate. Hirosi Saito's "interview with U, S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull and the Franco-German conversations are also 'prominently featured by press. The War Office states that Soviet attacks since Tuesday at sundown are continuing almost uninterruptedly, but the Japanese are holding all their positions. There are about two Soviet battalions "at Changkufeng, where some of the troops are within fifty metres of each other, the rest being within hand grenade distance, which weapon is profusely used, plus light (continued on page five) A. M. LAWRENCE Our busiest season is here. We need Ambassador |" PREPARE FOR FALL WEATHER A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE We do expert Shoe Repairing. Try our money-saving plan. fete SP (GEO. STEPHEN'S SHOE SHOP 1332332322222 22s2202002 44 "hs FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER' By ALFRED Blaas "a. 1 Be sparing with your advice. L $s ® Better to be refined than beautiful, J es & Nothing is more certain than uncer ¢ 8 not reach. ; ® 8 i Greatness fh thought or deed speaks for itself. ® & » Some folks get sick worrying about thelr health, : [J] LJ * You're no use to yourself if you're of ~ no use to others. ' PURITAN ORIGINAL DUTCH OVEN WATH RAISINS FANCY PINK 2 CHASE & SANBORN : i COFFEE carer LIBEY'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES - - CROSSED FiSr SUNFLOWER NAVY TISSUE THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 8th fo 13M '1 25 'w% J19 wm 25 35 Ww .18 2%.29 = .07 nescheanns | SARDINES - AYLIAER iE Yeast | TOMATOES - 2' .15 IDEAL CL. 04 GREEN BEANS Ye "OLD SALT" CLAM WDER SOUP ag i FACIAL SOAF : : DRINKS BURYS 2 .1B 13-02. BH SCFT ABSORBENT 2.15 » DOMINION STORES: SPECIAL XRRR QUAKER BREAD FLOUR ; | : sale 10 Ee | GREEN VALLEY | PEAS 15 3:tins 25 ; | o CR SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED - 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. . (The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Grmm & HuMparays is disolved + 24Y;Bimcoo Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at Port Perry office Tuesday and Thursday aftern Ba of each week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 8) DR. W. 8. HARPER pos minty Taha, Foreasa 4 ont uate in rai Medical Grads College and P North Rass London. Bosh Hongo, Eos London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. § DR A 8 BLACK - VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Overseas in the Royal Army Veterin- a Corps. Engin A, 4 ns aafstant Sith Phone 62, BROOKLIN, Ont. & + - » The spirit travels where the mind can «t RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS ,, fs oa # el 4