NERA A SR RR The Quadrata Girls' Club held an Ice Cream social and games on Fri- day night. The early part of the even- ing was spent in playing games on Mr. J. Harding's lawn. Everyone went to the Church where the lunch was served. The ice cream disappear- ed and every one was happy. "Jeagrave friends are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. H. Leask of Ux- bridge. in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. J. Grantham had a narrow es- cape from death last week when he fell off the straw stack landing on a cement walk around the barn on the farm of Mr. Allan Crosier. We wish him a speedy recovery. 'Can you hear the wedding bells? They have rung and are being tuned to ring again. Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge spent Friday at Mrs. C. Sleep's cottage at Stephen- son's Point, Scugog. Howard Billingham and Bert Clark of Toronto are holidaying with the former's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon. Miss Bernice Sleep of Bowmanville visiting friends and relatives in the community. Mis Laura Mark of Toronto, has been visiting her sister Mrs. Bruce. Miss Alma Frise has returned from visiting at Jobstown, N.J.,, accom- panied by her sister Mrs. Treasch and family, Mr. W. Byers and Mrs. Sanderson of Burketon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Wannamaker. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Shunk are spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock at their cottage north of Minden. Miss DD. Bennett is visiting her friend Mrs. A. L. Orchard. Misses Jean Watson, Verna Moase and Jane Watson have returned after spending a week in Hamilton, the guests of Mrs. Goodall, They say they had a most wonderful holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moase spent Wednesday in Hamilton, Mr, John Tobin is at home recover- Hope's patch. « Glad to hear Mr. John Pearce is able to be up and around again after his serious accident. Mr. Geo. Reid of Enniskillen and his niece Mrs. Lewis Pearce and daughter Mary, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark at Mariposa on Mon- day. Miss Olive Schell of Oshawa and Mr. Geo. Ormiston, of Raglan with her parents Mr, and. Mrs. Geo. Schell. The bride and groom were given a very warm welcome home from their honeymoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader, on Monday even- ing, when the charivari band furnished the music. A very pleasant time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. B. Reynolds, Toronto, visited their friends Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow during last week, and Miss J. Tetlow going home with them for this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills and little Shirley of Enniskillen visited his par- ents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson attended the funeral of the former's cousin Mrs. Wm. Petch, of Markham on Sat- urday. Mrs. McLaren visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson on Sunday. Glad to hear Mrs. C. Mackie is able to leave the hospital and is staying with her aunt Mrs, F. Burton for a few weeks. Mrs. Russell Graham is also improving but is still in the hos- pital. The Women of the congregation will have charge of the church service on the last Sunday in August. On the preceding Thursday there will be an entertainment with special talent. Further particulars later, Miss Marion Smith of Toronto, has been the guest of Rev. J. F, and Mrs. Joblin, Misses Doris and Joyce Hayworth, Toronto, have been visiting Mrs, R Carter and Mrs, Murray McLaren. Please send in the "News" howl in your radio! Let us give your radio a com- plete "check up". We will lo- cate the trouble and cure it! The cost is small. And you'll be sure of much better reception. We are experts in locating the cause of noise, hum, distortion, erratic performance "ee and curing all radio troubles. We use only guaranteed parts and General ElectricRadiotrons. ND-18 Calll John Farmer, Phone 85, Port Perry, Ont. NOTICE Voters' List 1938, Village of Port VOTERS' LIST 1938, of the Village of Port Perry, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry, on the 11th day of August, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and and that such list remains there for inspection, - And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peals being the FIRST day of SEPT, 1988. Dated August 11th, 1938. . G. F. MANNING, Clerk of the Village of Port Perry R.8.0., 1927, ¢ 7, Sched. A, Form 4. RH... Eahi I app Sydney, N.S., Aug. 7, 1938 Dear: Mr. and Mrs. Farmer: Greetings from Cape Breton. Had a fine trip down. Am enjoying salt air and water. Hotter here than usual, but cooler than Ontario. "MUM" DOES . . . AND THOUSANDS OF Sue CAREFUL MOTHERS * 75,0 on DOMIVION Yolues effective August 15th to 20th * . CHOICE SELECTED «FRUITS . AND VERY ABLES Gosh! Lookit Thon BARGAINS BAYSIDE NO. 4 SIEVE PEAS oo %". XO "OLD SALT" SOUP + 29:19 CHATEAU PLAIN or PIMIENTO Yelp. CHEESE w IS CAMPBELL'S SOUP uo 3:28 BRUNSWICK : SARDINES 2 :.09 SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 3:25 Cantaloupes, HAWES GR. ne 08 65¢. basket CANDIES "ide PLUMS ~ 45e¢. basket PEARS 65¢. basket Peaches: 1's, 2's Special prices ar 22 Grape Juice '%4-02.10 Health Salts Libby's . "KKOVAH CATCHUP * '3¢r .18 in 27 A2 Tin 05 Small wl 18 "BAYSIDE CHOICE PEACHES ws SHOE POLISH SCOURS -- CLEANS CLASSIC cen k a, ehh " O¥ bth, try Fh 8% 4% 4% 0% 4% : A ey ¥ RG ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN eontiaied from bac ¥ pége) CHURCH 5 Two Heads Cauliflower ............ I EL Lawrence S Drug Store News i POLE +40 ce sr intra 60 .40 25 Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Woods, of Wy- Rev, RB. Simpson, Minister. : lS ues Yr anerre sins 60 40 26 |% x ith Safety at Your Rexall Store) oming, N.Y., are guests at ths home| Evening service at 7 p.m. CEL SER 60 40 25 04 €Anh Save w y : of Mrs, Z. M. Jackson. Sunday School at 11 a.m. OSHAWA 9 Two Musk Melons ................ .60 40 25 1 ; Everybody welcome. 10 Two Water Melons ................ 60 AY a2 ) Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, the verybody welcome 11 Five Red Onions .............oevns 60 40 .25 Palm Beach DARLEY'S FLY TOX x y Misses Eunice and Morwenna Harris, AIR-CONDITIONED : . Y 3 12 Five Yellow Onions ...........uuvn. .60 40 25 .WHITE SHOE STOCK SPRA 29¢., 49¢., 89 Mr, and Mrs. A, Orchard, Mrs. W. A. : d : C.y C.y Cc. SE Christy, and Mr. T. Harris, have re- SCUGCOG FRIDAY-SAT. AUG. 19-20 13 15 Ibs. Early White Potatoes ...... -60 40 25 POLISH, 25c. . 1; gallon 60c. LSE taraed. fiom their holiday trip to Hal, v 14 15 Ibs. Late White Potatoes ....... .60 40 25 ; Jt I "" " Potatoes to be correct] named) i Whits Fish Falls, Next Sunday the evening service Professor Beware 16 Ty Pumpkin ......... ye 60 40 25 = ; A 4 Dr. Harold and Mrs. Jackson and|Will be held in the Head Church. All starring Harold Lloyd and 16 Largest Squash .............eoesnns 60 40 25 Vinolia | ENGLISH FLIT | & 7, CE son, of Union, N.J., and Miss Patricia | are invited to come. . Phyllis Welch _ 17 Hubbard Squash .................. .60 40 2b CASTILE SOAP Carbolic SOAP EE Jackson of Western Hospital, Toront,,| There was a very good attendance ADDED--Coloured Cartoon-- 18 Five Tomatoes ..........eevevsnren .60 .40 .256 10 cakes 25¢ 6 cakes '25¢ 20c. and 33c. 1S are spending their holiday with their |at the Centre Sunday evening, and en- "LITTLE LAMBY" 19 Collection Tomatoes ....... ir 60 40 25 |g y A -# ao mother, Mrs. Geo. Jackson. joyed the service. The main subject |} pRVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. 20 Four Swede Turnips .............. .60 40 25 |B f - 4 Co RESET W as was the hundredth anniversary of Mr. El h ¢ Bi 21 Four Red Mangels ........... Siive .60 40 26 |g ee r. and Mrs. W. M. Bowes and fam-| Bliss, the writer of several favorite ephan oy | 22 Four Yellow Variety Mangels ...... 60 40 25 2 : ,ily are holidaying at High Falls, near | hymns, such as "Dare to be a Daniel", P! ing SABU 23 Six Parsnips .........000iiiiiiinnn .60 40 25 A. M. LAWRENCE 3a i Bracebridge. "Almost Persuaded" and others. The s\arting 24 Six White Carrots ................ .€0 .40 .25 4 i Mr. and Mrs. T. B leaving | choir also sang many favorites which 26 Six Ears Yellow Sweet Corn ........ .60 40 -26 PHONE 49 The Razall, sn Sve PORT PERRY a on hie new hon Smith's was much enjoyed by all. Monday, Tues., August 22-23 26 Collection Vegetables, not over 12 varieties cececec ARR ean... IR Falls. Mr. Ross Bollen, of Toronto, is ILL GIVE A and must be from above articles (1-25) RRR eRe eC RC CE CA A SE RR ROR ROR ROARRS spending a couple of weeks with Mr, arrangement consdered .............. 2.00 1.00 Artiol 1 Sal Mrs. Alan Kerr, of Toronto, was a] Owen Reader. 27 6 Stalks of Fodder Corn ............ [6 .b0 25 rtiocles for Sale recent guest of Miss Ella Brock. Married, on Wednesday, August 10, MILLION 28 Sheaf of Late Wheat ............. 6 50 25 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McMillan, of 1038, Miss Aleta Reader; daughter of | sartig Varner 3x ih It 20 Sheaf of Late Oats Rl der d £ B 75 50 25 One Simmon's Steel Bed with PREPARE FOR FALL a - and Mrs. rah, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reader to Mr.'|] Marjorie Weaver, Jean Hersholt. Nos, 217, 28, 29 will be judged as for Style, Color and Quality. ; ' Oshawa, "were in town on Sunday, Murray Clark. of Ballvduff. Th springs and mattress, also Simmon's WEATHER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mec- UIRY IC ark; 01 dal youll, $he0sre- -- ADDED -- Class 22--FRUITS = steel crib with mattress. Both in good Millan mony took place ai the parsonage ad J. Fidler's Personality repairs. Cheap for* cash. Apply at ' was performed by Rev. F. G. Joblin. * Parad NOTE--Membership entitles member to One Dollar in entry fees. Star Office. g Mrs. E. H. Purdy has returned home| The bride looked charming in a lovely o arade Entry fee bc. each in this Class. } after spending the past two weeks in| pale blue taffeta gown, and was at- oO Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township: WANTED TIME SAVES Lindsay. tended by her sister Eileen who Wore I \yednesday, Thurs. Aug. 24-25. 1 Collection Winter Apples, 3 each variety, A girl's bicycle in good shape. Ap- - X 4 ---------- TP -- ---- pale pink chiffon. The groom was at] . correctly named ..........000.0. Sede $1.00 16 ply to Ruth Arnold, Prince Albert. NINE ¥ i v tended by his brother Loy ter Having a 2 Collectén Fall Apples, 3 of each variety : SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | the ceremony ey returne 0 e " correctly named ............... i 1.00 75 7 a Mr. and Mes. Malsstn.B op. | Rome of her parents where-the family, Wonderful Time 3 Plate of Five Alexander Apples .... 60 40 2 PORSALE We do expert Shoe ) r. and | rs. alcolm eare enter- gathered for the wedding supper, | Sai ing Emaer Rogers and 4 Ben Davie 1s 60 40 25 Clover Honey, price according to tained their immediate relatives tl after which the bride and groom left' Douglas Fairbanks Jr 5 " » BaldWiR. ch. ve is 60 40 05 amount taken. Tomatoes 50c. bushel. Repairing. Try our their home on Saturday, August 13th, tor a motor trip to the North, the ADDED : 6 P| ET. Northern Spy ... 60 40 5 Apply to F. Bradley, Phone 256J, Port after which a six o'clock dinner was) je travelling in pale blue silk linen wan] SL " Greening ......... .60 40 25 Perry. money-saving plan. served at the Sebert House, in honour suit, with pink accessories, and with VACATIONING IN 8 " " Follower vie ni "60 40 '25 ja of the Silver Wedding Arhivereary; the best wishes of their friends. On QUINTUPLAND 9 Sol Gli Naas 5 2 2 RAO eo EIT) : ' -- Those from out of town were: NS | their return they will reside at Bally- -- 10 =: # Snow or Fameuse.. 60 40 25 : 4 GEO. STEP HEN S Leola Bea Metter Pos a duff. COMING! Friday and Saturday mn» » McIntosh Red .... 60 "0 = - Sud and Mrs. Will Stephens, Mr. anc '| Mrs. Pearson and daughters Joan "THE TEXANS" 12 " " Taman: Sweet 60 ¥ ; , . rhter : 3 40 25 Arthas Boe and daughter Audrey, of}... Evelyn of Oshawa visited Mrs, T. 13 »" " Pewauhi as oh gH 2 SHOE SHOP Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Waldon Redman during last week and the 14 " . 5 Tora Bo . i > 4 and daughter Florence of Queensville . : . COREE E . 40 .26 E '| Colonel spending the week end with 1B" 4 Wealthy ...... Hot .60 40 25 Th d A 1 8 ----------<eeeosr------ |them. 16 " " Duchess ....... iy 60 40 25 nursaa ug. Miss Merle Hope of Prince Albert, PP Sky rere en NE Ee J Kay. $2 FOR SALE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION is visiting her grandparents Mr. and, 18 " " ontario ........... 60 40 25 : { fev. J. C. Clough Mrs. RB. Jackson for o week. 9 " Bleniveiny Pippen: o. ys oD o 9 Second-hand Electric Victor Radio, Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Miss Elsie Reader is spending this 20 » " A. O. V. Apples. ... 60 40 '35 on S [1] Apply to John Farmer, Phone 85. Sunday, August 21 week wtih her aunt Mrs, R. Reader. 21 # " Clapps Favorite. Pears 60 40 : ; : © 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. Mrs. Geo. Webster of Blackwater 22 " » Bart] s : . 25 4 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- . , ; ' artlett Pears .60 .40 25 ; : BEES FOR SALE caches. Mr. T. Dusti spent a couple of days with Mrs. A. 23 " » A. O. V. Pears .... .60 40 -25 : ; : X mon. Proareey I, +3 stin. Martyn last week. 24 " " Lombard Plums ... 60 40 25 Eight colonies of bees, supers on N 3 pars iis emails feigiee 8] avs, Wo Mark and her sisters Mi: 25 " " Relue' Claude Plunis 60 40 '95 four colonies. These colonies are in $f St. Paul's Cemetery, Columbus. 1, 410 of Windsor and Mrs. H. Car- (to be continued.) : __ | good shape. Apply to T. Davidson, > ve ¥, Sunday, August ep penter of Bowmanville who was visit- : B ill 1! Port Perry. Will sell all equipment. AG 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School, ing Mrs. Mark last week are enjoying CARD OF THANK : owmanviiie | il 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. : : or 0 ANKS -- LOOK and READ -- AY a few days with their brothers and } Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crampton wish ; FOR SALE 3 NE - woo ---- sisters at Valentia. a \E to express their sincere thanks for the SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING or : : oe Gi AL > » 5 v iss Grace Demara visi er 4 kindness of neighbours and friend The Prince Albert W. A. wiil hold od a iano," 'Buffet, solid oak; Dining 3, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH : . \ [5 g Ss and Iriends, wil ho . ] ' g & ! } friend Miss Thelma Hood of Marsh ¢ T and for their floral tributes, at the|their Sale of Home-Made Cooking in , Table, solid oak; Radio; Bed Comfort- Ve EE 10 'a.m.--Sunday School Hill who is visiting her cousins at 1 Ou time of their sad bereavement in the the basement of the Public Library on ers. Note these articles are in ex- $ 2 HE 11 a.m.--Rev. John Murray, of Jersey | Stephenson's Point. ) oo \ death of Mrs. Crampton's father, the the Afternoon of Saturday, AUGUST EVE RYB ceptionally good condition and are Ld 'qd City will be the preacher. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanguine and niece late Henry Hickman. . 20th, offered for sale at a very reasonable i! { | } Miss Clara Hardy, spent the week end price. © Apply to D. Corbman, Port q ft " at Mr. R. Prentice"s camping grounds. Perry. augl8 iA Freaks of nature are getting quite } SEACRAVE common around here. Simese cucum- " o if "sar i i i . D. . . . that : SUITS SPON % bers are being picked in Mrs. D Tar tooth? No "Of Course ONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON - Office Hours: 9 am to § pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office, (The firm of Gren & HumrHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Pemry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Gren & HUMPHREYS fis disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. ; Phone 814 in attendance at Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday aftern ed week or by appointmen! °oh4 2 Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry, Phones: Office 68w, Residense 68) DR. W. 8. H pn FIRE Post G ates' (Bf North Fors ast London, London, England, Royal § To Office and Ar Daas Perry, Ont, DR. A. 8. BLACK - VETERINARIAN .and SURGEON 0 Qrirsems Service in the oval Army Army Vetarix. = ing from an attack of blood poison- This is YOUR paper. Use it. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. Phone "64 Jessa" dure Oa