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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Aug 1938, p. 16

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wa -~ Nr a hr Tn Sk wT 0 i i ; X. 4 i (35 Soe i } gal A 3 HET Re he EE SAAN Obit A LS A ER SE . Jove EPR WET 2 ra ad = 5 xe EARN a A A > Yh a raat co EES CEP H PORT PERRY FAIR PRIZE HORSES NOTE--In connection with the prizes for Horses, each winner will be given a ribbon instead of prize tickets. NOTE--Membership entitles the member to One Dollar in entry fees, Entry in this Class is One Dollar for each horse in harness. All other entries 50¢, each. This includes Classes 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, and 6. Class 1--CLYDESDALE 1 Brood Mare (must have foal by side) ...... $6 $4 $3 2 One Year Old Filly or Gelding ........... 4 3 2 3 Two Year Old Filly or Gelding .......... 4 8 2 4 Foal of 1988 ........ivvininneniiinnnnns 4 8 2 5 Best Clydesdale Mare, Bny 8ge ........cooeeeennrenrranes Rosette Class 2--PERCHERON 1 Brood Mare (must have foal by side) .... $6 $4 $3]¢ 2 One Year Old Filly or Gelding ........... 4 3 2 3 Two Year Old Filly or Gelding .......... 4 8 2 4 Foal of 1988 .......coiiivinnnrirnnrnsnns 4 3 2 5 Best Percheron Mare, any age ..... NL TT Rosette |' Class 3--AGRICULTURAL 1 Brood Mare (must have foal by side) ...... $5 $4 $3 2 One Year Old Filly or Gelding ........... 4 3 2 8 Two Year Old Filly or Gelding .......... 4 3 2 4 Foal of 1938 ... i iiiiirienrnienennnns 4 3 2 5 Best Agricoltural, any age ............... SR 4 3 EE Rosette Class 4--PAIR IN HARNESS--Clydes, Percheron, or Agricultural, 1 Pair in Harness, 3200 and over .......... $8 $6 $4 2 Pair in Harness, under 3200 .............. 8 6 4 Class 5--LIGHT HORSE CLASS 1 Brood Mare .......coevenvenienernranens $6 $4 $3 2 One Year Old Filly or Gelding ............ 4 3 2 3 Two Year Old Filly or Gelding............ 4 3 2 4 Foalof 1938 .... iii eiiriiiieeninanes 4 3 2 5 Single Roadster, any height .............. 10 6 4 6 Lady Driver .......oiiviirieiiieiiinnans 4 3 2 Class 6--PONIES 1 Pony, 12% hands and under, on halter .... 4 2 1 2 Pony, over 12% hands and under 13% hands in harness ($1 entry fee) .......... b 3 2 CATTLE Only Ontario County and Cartwright Township exhibits allowed. NOTE--Membership entitles member to One Dollar in entry fees. Cattle entries 50c. each. Registration must be produced on demand. NOTE--AIl Cattle in this Class must have a certificate for blood test, except bulls and yearlings. Class 7--SHORTHORNS, PURE BRED. 1 Bull, two years and over ............ 000. $6 $4 $3 2 Bull Calf, one year and over ............ 4 3 2 3 Bull Calf, under one year .........cocenuen 4 3 2 4 Heifer Calf, under one year .............. 4 3 2 5 Heifer, one year and under two .......... 4 3 2 6 Heifer, two years and under three ........ 4 3 2 7 Cow, three years and over................ 4 3 2 8 Herd of 6 animals, Bull over 1 year, Cow, 2 year old Heifer, Yearling Heifer, Heifer Calf ........ 4 3 2 BLACK & WHITE DAY Ontario County Black and White Day held in connection with Port Perry Fair, September 27, 1938. Cartwright Township included. Committee of management--Stanley W. Croxall, G. A. Heron, Harold Honey, Kenneth Holliday, Alex. Innis, R. M, Holtby. All Holstein entries must be federally blood tested and negative. $134.00 contributed by Port Perry Fair, $50.00 by Ontario County Holstein Club with 20% added by Provincial Live Stock Branch, making 110 $2.00 prizes. Prizes will be paid by giving a $2.00 bill to each winner as each class is placed, while the judge gives short reasons why he placed the first 4 or b animals in each class. Any money not taken up in any one class can be given to other classes where entries over run the prizes as decided by the Com- mittee. When not taken up by changing to other classes it will be added to prizes already given in get-of-sire classes, as far as it will go. . A 50 cent entry fee will be charged for entry, to be paid when entries are made. Rules governing the Fair to apply here as to when entries are to be made. . All entries for the Black and White Show are to be made with R. M. Holtby, Port Perry. JUDGE--J. M. Fraser, Streetville, Ont. All Senior animals--date their birth from July 1st, in each case. All Junior entries date from January 1st in each case. To get government grant each name and number will have to be given when placed. Aged Bulls, 3 years and over, .............. $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 2yearold Bulls ............ci iii, ...$2.00, $2,00, $2.00 Senior yearling Bull ............. co iiiiiiian, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Junior Yearling Bull ..... Fach 8 qk ho 6 400 4 aes Bite bie .. $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Senior Bull Calf ............... $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Junior Bull Calf................ $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Grand Champion Bull .......... ci iiiiiiiiiiineninenns ... Ribbon Reserve Grand Champion Bull ....... vs vn aid 4 TRE. .. Ribbon Senior Champion Bull ..................... Ciera aan .Ribbon Reserve Senior Champion Bull ................. A -- Ribbon Junior Champion Bull .........................veuven. Ribbon Reserve Junior Champion Bull ....... ETI PIE SAE Epies Ribbon Cow, 4 years and over ...... NE Er SE Cerin nns 10 $2.00 prizes BR II EEE Heifer, 3 years 2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Heifer, 2 years ....$2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00. $2.00 Heifer, Senior Yearling ........ $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Heifer, Junior Yearling ........ $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Heifer Calf, Senior .......... ...$200, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Junior Heifer Calf ........... .$2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00, $2.00 Grand Champion Female ..... ads bang eine tnd ele veseseeeees Ribbon Reserve Grand Champion Female ...... SE oh wing se Wn ae Ribbon Senior Champion Female ..... -_--n ¥ FE aR 4 § Vid wits Sure 4 .Ribbon Reserve Senior Champion Female ..........................Ribbon Junior Champion Female ............ 296 8 in 0 20% 4's Vertrviiy Ribbon Reserve Junior Champion Female ............cci0vviienennns Ribbon Three animals, the get of one sire .......... NE SI 9, $2.00 prizes Three animals, get of one sire, Junior ............ ..9, $2.00 prizes Two Animals, progeny of one cow ........... ver ane 9, $2.00 prizes Herd, consisting of 1 cow, 1 two or three year old heifer, 1 yearling, Lealf ...........co0vvivninnes ...10, $2.00 prizes Pedigrees must be produced in each class, Class 9--HOLSTEIN SPECIAL Miniature true type Model Trophy given by the Ontario County Holstein Breeders' Club, to the breeder of the two best Holsteins at the Fair. To be kept by the winner one year then returned for annual competition. he' NOTE---No person may win more than one of these Ontario County Trophies. TAKE NOTICE--The Massey-Harris donation of $6.00 Credit Slip will be allotted to the exhibitor winning the greatest amount in the live stock classes and deducted from his winnings, Class 10--BABY BEEF--Entry fee 50c. (Breeding Class barred.) Animal under 700 bs. 1st prize Silver Dish, 2nd, $3; 8rd, $2; 4th, $1. 1st prize Silver Dish, value $7.60, donated by the T. Eaton Co. SnceEP NULTE--DMembership entitles member to One Dollar in entry fees. wotry tee lor Ulasses 13, 14, 10, 16 and 17, is 2b¢c. each. ~ Double entries 1n Sheep and Swine with only one exhibitor snowing, second money only allowed. xmbits only irom Untario County and Cartwright 'Lownship. Class 11--m ULTIUN LAMB--Entry fee Zoc. YU IDS. and UDder ............... $400 $3.00 $200 $1L0U §$1.0v Class 12--LEICESTERS 1 Aged Ram ............. resis $2.60 $1.60 $1.00 2 Shearling Ram ,......ccvveeenees 2.60 1.60 Lo 3 Ram Lamb ........cov000vveenns 2.60 1.60 1.00 4 Ewe, two shears and over ........ 2.60 1.60 1.00 © Shearling we ......ocevvrirrene 2.60 1,60 | 1.00 6 kKwe Lamb ..... cco vveriannanes 2.60 1.60 1.00 7 Klock--to consist of one Kam, two Kwes one year or over, and two liwe Lambs .......ocvviiieeiiineeaeaan. Ribbon Class 13--SHROPSHIRES 1 Aged Ram ,.....ccvvvivinnnnnns $2.60 $1.60 $1.00 Z Shearling Ram .....coveeveannens 2.60 1.60 1.00 Sd kam Lamb ,.... cc 000000000000 2.00 1,60 1.0 4 luwe, two shears and over ........ 2.60 1.60 1.00 D Snearlng Iwe ....cevereeerannas 4.60 1.00 Lo 6 kwe Lamb ........ Peers eseeeree 2.00 1.60 1:00 { I10cK--L0 consist of one Kam, two wes one year or over, and two liwe Lambs .......co eee eirsaseenaass. Ribbon Class 14--COTSWOLDS 1 Aged Ram .........civvnnennnns $2.60 $1.60 ° = $1.00 2 Shearling Ram ....... ress easne 2.60 1.60 1.00 dg Ram Lamb ........ 000 iiiiiienns 2.60 1.60 1.00 4 liwe, two shears and over ........ 2.60 1.60 1,00 0 Shearling Kwe ....ocvtvssreneaas 2.60 1.60 1.00 6 Kwe Lamb .....c.iviiiiiiiiiiins 2.60 1.60 1.00 { Ilock--to consist of one Kam, two Kwes one year or over, and two luwe Lambs .......viveinnneseeaseseseasss Ribbon Exhibits only rom, Untario County and Cartwright 'Township. SWINE Class 16--YORKSHIRE™ 1 Best Pair Bacon Hogs, 180-280 Ibs. 2,60 1.60 1.0v0 Z Boar, over eignt months ...... vee. T2507 LBV LW o preeuing Sow, under eight months 4.60 1.00 1.00 4 DBreeaing Sow, over eignt months ., 2.60 1.60 Luv Class 17--BACON HOGS 1 Best Pair. Bacon Hogs, 180-2.30 Ibs. 2,60 ooo 1.00 2nd prize--Metal Hog 'L'rough by Metallic Roofing Co. (SPECIAL) BOYS' SWINE CLUB CLASS ) This project is being sponsored by the Live Stock Branches of both Federal and Ontario Departments of Agriculture as well as the Port rerry, Reach ana Scugog Agricultural Society, each on a one-third basis. RULES ol No entry fee unless the competitor shows in the regular Swine asses. 2. The exhibit consists of the pair of sows entered by the competitor last spring. 'I'he sows must be on the Fair Grounds at Port Perry before 10 a.m, Stanaara '1lme, 1uesaay, September z8th, 4. Competitors must be on hand to exhibit their sows and take part in the full Swine Club programme, J 1 PRIZE LIST 1st, $8.00; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $6.00; 4th, $56.00; 6th, $6.00; 6th, 7th, $4.00; 8th, $4.00; 9th, $4.00; 1uth, $4.26; 11th, $4.26; 12th, and $3.0U for every other creditable entry. 5.00; 4.00; These prizes are awarded on the basis outlined in the Swine Club Rules as follows: 400 points for award on pair of sows which will be judged at the Club lair on the basis ot bacon type, development, uniformity and breeding standards, : 400 points for judging competition and answers to questions; (a) 20v points for competition in judging two classes of swine,--one bacon, one breeding; (b) 200 points for examination either oral or written, such examinationn to consist of ten questions based on Club work, feeding, management, and marketing of swine. 400 points for Junior Stockmen's award; (a) 200 points for care and feeding methods noted at time of visits made during the season; (b) 10U points for regularity and accuracy in forwaraing monthly reports; (c¢) 100 points for attendance and interest shown at meetings and judging classes. Class 19--POULTRY 1st Prize 76c. 2nd Prize 50c. Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. Entry Fee is 10c, each in this Class. Birds showing symptoms of disease must be removed from pens. Cock Hen Cockerel « Pullet Leghorns, White ..... + sinh wide wie 1 2 3 4 Rocks, Barred ......co00000ens b 6 7 8 Rocks, White .......c0vvuueee 9 10 11 12 ~ Class 20--GRAIN, SEEDS, ETC. Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. NOTE--Membership entitles member to One Dollar in entry Fees. Entry Fee 26c. each. Exhibits of Grain and Seeds must contain ONE bushel each. 1 Fall Wheat .......covvvveeineeanne.. $2 $1 $560 2 Spring Wheat .......covvvviieneernnns 2 1 50 3 Six Rowed Barley .......iov00vevnnans 2 1 60 4 Rye ivi iiiiiiiiriiniiiinrinnsnsnnns 2 1 60 6 Field Peas, any variety ..........0000. 2 1 50 6 Oats, White ............... Poke hi 2 1 .50 7 Timothy Seed ........covnvv.. IE 2 1 60 8 Red Clover Seed ......ov0vvvvnnneennes 2 1 50 9 Alsike Seed ........cciiviiiiiiniiienes 2 1 50 10 Collection of Grains, four varieties, : 1% bushle each ......oovvvievvenns 8 1 50 CLASS 21---VEGETABLES and ROOTS All Vegetables and Roots will be exhibited under the Grand Stand. Entry Fee bc, each. Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. All Vegetables and 'Roots will be exhibited under the Grand Stand. Entry Fee b cents each. Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. 1 Five Turnip Beets .....c.iivveve.. $ .60 $ 40 $ 26 1 Five Turnip Beets ........viv00v0n $ .60 $ 40 $ 26 2 Five Blood Beets, half long ........ .60 40 26 8 Two Heads Winter Cabbage ........ 60 A0 26 4 Two Heads Red Cabbage .......... ".60 40 26 (continued on page four) F -~ LA ou ] "a he 5 ' 3 Ro Shera i Lhd {an I AL IR PS n Ph n y git is Sa SRR rd PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18f ok § rd A THE PORT PERRY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION Financial Statement covering Civic Holiday August 1st, 1938 RECEIPTS Sale of tickets, F. E. Reesor, chairman. $719.90 Three Refreshment booths, W. A. Jemison chairmang ......... CAAA Th ae 381.73 Bacon Booth, Jas. Cawker, chairman .... 59.95 Game Booths, Oscar Beare, chairman .... 46.16 Race Programmes, John Weir .......... 18.75 Total receipts for day .............. $1,226.49 : EXPENDITURES Observer Printing Office, tickets ......... 16.50 Advertising--Walter Cook Port Perry Star ............%.. $38.50 Observer Office ............... 4.75 Jeffrey & Taylor .............. .40 Fred Chapman ..............00 5 A. M. Lawrence ..........0... 1.50 'G. F. Manning ............ (ree 8.50 Walter Cook ..... FRAC, 4.25 Carnegie Hardware ....... prea 088 r $54.00 Lindsay Daily Post ....... Licaaieiiey 7.68 Uxbridge Times & Journal ............ 2.00 John Weir, Racing Programmes Observer Printing Office ...... 14.00 Jeffrey & Taylor .............. 6.00 20.00 Thos. Bown, Amplifier Sound equipment .............. 20.00 Advertising ............ 2 TR 7.00 ; 27.00 Aquatic Sports, A. Farmer, chairman Programmes ...... Ny ENP 1.60 Prize Money ................. 27.25 Aqua Planing and Skiing ....... 24.00 Chas. Bowerman ............. 2.00 --- 54.75 Land Sports, W. Cawker, chairman Programmes ...... Te TPR 1.26 ._ Prize Money .......o00vvenn. 24.25 Lake Scugog-Lumber Co. ....., 176 : 27.26 Ball Games, H. Peel, chairman, Prize Money ..........ccuv.en 44.00 Umpires .....c.evve Can 30 3.00 Softball purchased ............ 10.00 LEI 57.00 Horse Races, Wm. Anderson, Chairman Port Perry Star, notices........ .60 222 Class ......... FITC ...,130.00 2.27 Class ovis iveversesvenes 120.00 LL 250.50 Refreshment Booths, W. A. Jemison Port Perry Dairy.............. 13.10 Lake Scugog Ice Co. ..... eee. 2,60 W. A. Jemison, Bakery ........ 5.10 Gerrow Bros, bakery .......... 9.26 --- H. Woodward & Son-.....::v... 44.05 Port Perry Creamery ..........- 37.50 Canada Packers ........ + bales 26.44 Port Perry Bottling Works .... 96.40 Hired Help .......... 4 peels Sie ©. 16.00 250.34 Bacon Booth, Jas. Cawker, chairman Canada Packers Limited ............ 28.00 Game Booths, O. Beare, chairman A.M, Lawrence ........cc00vnn 6.30 be. to $1.00 Store ............. 17.10 Fair Board, rent of booths .... 3.00 ) 26.40 Canadian Vaudeville Exchange ........ 118.00 Street Dance, Orchestra ............ 27.00 C. Sleep, insurance, P.L. & P.D. .... 25.00 Hartford Fire Ins. Co., rain Ins ...... 30.00 Labour supplied L. Leahy ...ivcivenperireeves 2.26 G. Marks ..... ie SR es 50 S. Wakeford ......... Ly 1.13 J. Birkett (truck) ........... 16.80 R. Birkett, labor .............. 4.00 Ed. Balfour .........ccvvvenn. 22.80 47.48 Sundry Accounts W. Ho Pare cocoons rnrsnnsness 10.00 "Tuning Piano ................. 3.00 F.E. Reesor ........oovvuvnnn 10.15 Tp. Reach, grader ............ 14.00 W.L. Parrish ................ 18 A.M, Lawrence ......oo0vnees .b0 Corp. Port Perry, orn. lights .. 2.00 Postage account......... FALE, 1.28 Petty Cash Accounts ......... 7.66 Hogg & Lytle ................ 1.60 Earl Wallace ......cov0vuuenn 2.00 Lake Scugog Milling Co. ..... 96 Telephone ........... deus 8.29 = : 61.40 Total Expenditures for the day .... 1130.30 Profit made on day's activities ....... 96.19 $1226.49 NOTE--These expenditures are complete as far the Secretary has been advised. Any out-' standing accounts should be presented at once. G. F. Manning, Sec'y-Treas. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs, Charles Plum and family of Al- berta, are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Annie Plum. Con Murray, who celebra Monda ; atulations to their son his ninth birthday on A i) ; Mr. Ralph Lyle returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending his holidays in the village. Mrs. Dinah Warren, Mr. and Mrs. W. Butt and family, Pontypool, were at their house here on Saturda, Miss 1. Sprague of Aurdra, in the village last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Murphy and sisters Mrs, Lett of Alberta, and Miss J. Kent County recentl Miss Jean Mr, and Mrs, A. at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. J, art; gs, of Ottawa, visited in' y. Luke is holidaying at Oshawa. Mark, of Port Hope, visited Mr. C. Clark in Toronto Tuesday evening of this week. \ A EAR pF fp . . PRINTIN can be made a profitable servant "if it is properly prepared. It can carry your message into the homes and offices of good 'customers. Printing can 'be well done without great cost. UE 1 OE CABINET MAKING, Furniture Repairing, Chair Rungs duplicated and replaced, Tables "Cupboards, Shelves, etc. : built to order. Lawn Chairs and Lawn Ornaments painted in bright colors. Fancy Trellis Work & Fencing, Lawn Arbors and Pergolas, etc. Complete powerized shop, capable of any woodworking operation. (Guaranteed workmanship at reasonable rates "SIGN. PAINTING DONE Fred Chapman, "i." Queen St, PL. erry | 'and gay in te TT Seip Hi bi 53 [3 NOLIA CASTILE SOAP Tis Ten Cakes for 25c. CREPE PAPER for decorating .......... veces Be. roll COLGATE'S FLOATING SOAP ....... .3 cakes for 11lc. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE .........2 tubes for 26c. § BOXED STATIONERY ............cc..... per box 29¢. § ANT TRAPS for cleaning out the ants VELOCHROME FILMS made in England Extra Selective, No extra cost, good until 1940 Ca NE NR Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY --. Phone 16 INSULATION Have your home insulated now, and enjoy the comfort of! cooler rooms during the hot nights to come during the sum- mer. This same insulation serves a double purpose by keeping out the cold in winter. Have if done the pneumatic way. - BLUE COAL Whether you insulate or not you will need some fuel next) winter. See us about filling your bin with "BLUE COAL." Coal is selling at summer prices now. wp / ~F. E. REESOR Phones 73j and 73w Port Perry. © PORT PERRY FRUIT MARKET BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY Peaches MELONS Plums BLUEBERRIES New Corn Home Grown TOMATOES Grapes, Red Beppers, Pickling Onions DELICIOUS PEARS Special and prompt attention given to phone orders Phone R208, Port Perry resets testes ststtsstttitesstssenavenstsestels [HOSES 00000008040000000 0000000004

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