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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Aug 1938, p. 2

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MERE 0 CRT is ¥ a. or -- ~ Clasified Advertising a rr ------------ Storing Human F Eyes Proposed | House F ly Carrier Of Dreagd Diseases { DIXIE is the Seri yO y --7 Doctor Says Transplantation ] A Dangerous Pest, It Is a Seri- : wh LC ; . Supply Too Low H ' {ENTS WANTED DESIGNING SCHOOL FOR 8 ous Menace to Human Health AGENTS W CLOTHING a-- ri ma ns i SELLING WATERPROOFINGS, -- - - The caldbihment of 4a Vere : W } the World Over Bel - mastics, di- | GALASSO'S PRACTICAL SCHOOL + ' : " gd A Ry aalits, or of Designing and Patternmaking bank," in which the eyes either of (+) aCCO. MF for ladies' and gentlemen's gar- A serious menace to health and a full time, The Presco Company, donors or of dead people could be y ments, dressmaking, and fur de- : nuisance of the first order is the Torbate. = signing. Correspondence courses stored for use in eye operations, is ts a coo . charge rightly made against the AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Heri, Day ang exening FRIENDS -- -- proposed by Dr. Louis Lehrfeld of This is especi- warm months, common house fly, ally true in the Write for information, 65 Avenue Shock Absorbers Road. Toronto. SALES AND SERVICE. ALL MAKES. Friendship is the greatest thing in life, and lucky indeed is the man the eye department of the Philadel- phia County Medical Society. slow-burning from midsummer to autumn, when We nlheclalize. Fred Stratford, HAY-FEVER ALI, STAGES who has the power to make friends. Such an establishment, he said, n Limited, 35 Gerrard West, Tor it reaches its greatest abundance. onto. was the only hope for restoration SMo J This is not so difficult as many per- CONTROLLED FOR SEASON AF- It is a menace to health because ter taking a few pills. Hay-Fever sons believe. It is merely a case of of sight to many people doomed to Help to Keep the Skin Glowing, Eyes Sparkling Active sports will keep any wo- man's figure slim, trim and youth- ful. The very best way to lose a few pounds, get rid of a waistline roll or lumps on the thighs between now and early fall is to renew your attention to your favorite sport or decide to learn a new one. Swimming is the great streamlin- $69 00 Complete suite, dresser, . vanity, chiffonier, bed, sag- less spring und new mattress, in two tone walnut finish. $19 50 Large dresser, full size bed, . supless spring and brand new mattress. $79 co Solid walnut suite, dresser, . vanity, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring and new mat- tress. Like nety. room $23.50 suite, large buffet, exten- sion table and 6 leather spat ehairg, Beautiful large buffet, ex- $29.00 tension table and 6 leath- er upholstered chairs in «olid oak. Perfect. $39 00 Complete suite, solid oak . Solid ouk dining Relieves Hay Fever Fifty thousand people, from every province of Canada, every state in the United States and from a score of foreign countries, have visited Casa Loma, Canada's outstanding showplace, so far this summer, W, C. Davidson, K.C., chairman of the Casa Loma Committee of the Ki- wanis Club of West Toronto, an- A man in an insane asylum sat fishing over a ftlower-bed. A visl- tor, wishing to be friendly, walked up and said: ' Visitor -- "How many have you caught today?" Man -- "You are the ninth." AFTER VACATION I wish I were a little rock, A settin' on a hill, carbon dioxide which, when it en- ters the lungs, stimulates them in- to as trees afflicted with "corky bore" is said to give almost 100 per cent. control over this bane of apple growers, mixed witha small quantity of action, Cures Apple Ills Injection of a chemical known boron into the trunks of apple The discovery is reported by L. Starch-Making Animal The discovery that one small, barely-visible water animal can make, in 25 days, more starch and fat than the whole United States could eat, was described last week at the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. The animal is Chilmonas, a flagellate, so termed from the fact that he swims by lashing with fine, hair-like arms called flagel- la. Scientists got interested in him Over all of them and many other millions hangs a fatd that it would be unfair to disclose. You enter the book by way of the murder mystery. Then both love and sus- pense thicken, and the tale winds its fabulous way up a canyon near the edge of Death Valley. It is ridiculous to suppose that youth and virtue will not triumph, but nevertheless it is a relief to note that the final chapter is "Dooms- day--and Afterwards." nounced last week. A-doin' nothin' all day long C. Young, horticulturist, and asso- because, unlike virtually all other « " to py [lls out the hollows of the | 108 butfet, china cab igh At least another 100,000 people { But just a-settin' still, clates at the Dominion Experi- | living things, he is able to make | p.The Dacnsdsy mpl on too-thin person, removes the bulges chairs. a are expected to visit the Castle be- I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't drink, mental station at Fredericton, starch and fat without light. on Book Co FY 75 § = on one who is slightly overweight, $42.50 Lats Angiisu Lake Shite, fore November, swelling the Ki- I wouldn't even wash, N.B. After several years' work Starch and fat are two of the ww makes her flesh firm. And, of cabinet, extension table and 6 leathe wanis Club's "Underprivileged Chil- I'd set and set a thousand years, they are experimenting to see if three essential foods. Protein is . . oa (he more No easton) your Fr Sbkioistered chairs. Perfect condi- dren's Fund." And rest myself, by gosh! boron can be applied as a soil the other. Canadian National stroke, the more quickly sw mming : Smar ak suite, | , b: 1 will correct whatever figure defect: | $59.00 Smart ouk suite, butter, Guides at the Castle reported treatment. Railways Revenues you have. If you learned breast and side strokes long ago and never bothered about the crawl, it might be a good idea to 80 to an indoor pool now and take a few lessons, china cabinet and 6 leather slip seat chairs. $79 00 Beautiful large walnut ve- neer suite, buffet, cabinet, table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. Perfect. Large solid walnut suite $109.00 *; that the uarter-mile tunnel between the Castle and the quarter-million dollar stables {s the most fascinat- ing spot to tourists. The tunnel is said to be the only .one of its kind | Hiram walked four miles over the hills to call on the girl of his ~ dreams. For a long time they sat silent on a bench by the side of her log cabin, but after a while Hiram ne cer, was announced last week at New Cancer Method Invention of radium threads, a w method of treatment for can- Hens Require Some Privacy Before going into the privacy The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 10-day per- I y : iod ending July 31 You'l " cost new over $300), on the North American continent. sidled closer to her. the New York City Cancer Insti- of the henhouse it's a good idea 1938 wi y : $4,732,931 owll see a difference in your fig- et tension pbis, enlrinet si Hay fever victims-are expected to Hiram (beginning)--'*Mary, I've tute to rap on the door, says H. W. as compared with nnn 5,680,737 ather ols rs. Per ' s . itus, a poultry expert at the na. [| 8S compared with ____.... ure in no time, : condition, V0 stered chairs. Per ec! swarm the tunnel starting August got a good clearin' over yonder, an' The threads are made by taking | Titus, a poultry expert at the na- ee a To Improve Circulation $119 (00 Beautiful carved English 15. Last year scores of them spent a team an' a wagon, and some tional agricultural research sta- Golf, tennis and riding as well as ' oak suite, buffet, refec- hours in the ordinary "sutures" used by surg- for the corresponding OULTI ND POULFRY : 4 ) . it breeds in garbage, manure and PovLTRY AND bY Dison yttane) an advanced reciprocity. There is just one way | permanent blindness, because there a human faeces, and may pass direct IN Sg 7 different. Applicable to 15% indi~ to make a friend, and that is to be ¥ete not shiy eyes for use In : op ate OLDER CHICKS, BARRED KS, vidual types. .00 at leading ransplantations, ly trom filth aud other infested White Rocks, 4 week 22%c, 3 week Druggists, or direct from Carman- one, es p From The Dead matter to foodstuffs, 17%c, 2 week 13%c. Order at once, Ruttan, Graduate Pharmacists, ENEMIES -- -- rom e £ 1,000,000 Germs Aplece Ton Notch Chickeries, Guelph, On- Winnipeg. ' It used to be said that a man was 'The number of victims of eye Particles of decomposing organic are ODOURLESS TOILETS known by the enemies he had. But diseases who require extraction of matter, bacteria and other living A GRAND CHANCE TO GET 4 AND YOU CAN Av OTT Roam fs it really necessary to have en- a whos, gh an Yoaftested -« organisms adhere to its hairy body 5 week old cockerels at bargain ences in your village or farm home emies? Few of us want to be an cornea--is too small to provide for and legs, and sticky feet and prices 5 esl Dajred Rocks 2nd without water supply or sewers enemy to anyone, therefore Wwe all of the transplantations requir- : : May ey Ss npaiaze Reds 321.93 Write for free Information on.our ed," Dr. Lehrfeld added." "Surge- mouthparts, or may be conveyed to week $20.95, 3 week $15.95, 2 week modérn, self-emptying, odourless know others are not anxious to be , food in its excreta and saliva. One $1145. Big Beg quality "add Ie. Toilets from $35.00 up and leave our enemies. Hatreds never bring | ons must depend on occasional don- : Baden Electric Chick Hatchery behind for ever the dread outs ors of eyes stricken by a blindness . - (of®) N fly may carry as many as 1,000,000 Limited, Baden, Ontario. house with its flies, cold and un- happiness. 'A 2.3 t alloct (ha cor PLUG S : germs, 2 WEEK, 3 WEEK, 4+ WEEK AND 5 Shae $raaminas: fo aline on x : O88 io hy i > EA j gs mm > is world:wi . EK, 3 TEK, 1 J 5 Company, 'ortlan " urgeons w not remove a perfec 4 The house fly is world-wide in dis week old Barred Rock, White Street. Toronte at. Waverley Timekeeper -- "I am very sorry tribution and notorious for the Rock, How Humpshire Red and 8985. to hear of your partner's death, ih om a ving petyon, daepli , r---- - - y 4 eghor u . cockerels - part it plays in the dissemination bid *, Legtiory pallets, okerels ONT Fo as Would you like me to take his ise w pinky i ora 3 any The seeds.are so small that the >o-oe PN : . of dangerous diseases such as in- Prices on 4 and 5 week ald Barred SHOTCh CLOVER ONT Soe place?" th ig ai 5 fot eens surgical radium thread is smooth Th hina op . Rock and ew ampshire e HOICE C 3 . per elre ren s A : - fantile diarrhoea, tuberculosis, ty cockerels. Also older puller 0 Ibs. f.o.b. Wallace Ross, Sen Boss -- 'Very much, if you can Solution 2 we eoblém. he sald enough to be sewn into, or around, e phoid, cholera and dysentery. It Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- forth, Ontario. get the undertaker to arrange ft. Was SXtrACHOR of Betoe: ros fom a cancer. The advantage for the BOOK SHEL F . 9 P ed, ergus, ntarlo. ' He " H 3 Cy pa re go pA MEDICAL Don't get dis ed! It' has the dead, immediately after death, ' shread ROMO Eoin be ands } » 3 p certain species il DERPO PRODUCTS - . = n't ge couraged! Th tot £ stillborn babies originators, Dr. ed Hanes a By ELIZABETH EEDY . inf the stomachs of horses, and i np PILES. BOLDER'S RECTAL SUP- f Columbus that when perfect eyes of s rn : is th tainly of plac- ; nfest the stomachs of horses, DERPO BUG KILLER $5¢ GXTER PORT, 32.75 complete. Amazing | been sald of Columbus that w had the greatest value AISPARINS Is the containty of pis x of tapeworms that occur in poul- minates bedbugs -- cockronches new discovery, fonoantly 'medi-" | he started out, he didn't know just id ' ing the burning substaice in pre- - » try. Here in Canada, the house fl ants--crickets. Derpo Moth Killer cates inflamed tissues and defin- ; when he got ) i ions. g is probably the most important ny 35. 250¢ Kills he moth 8 pg A jrely A To LA ivy Le ies Mg oe ge cisely the best locations THE DOOMSDAY MEN 2 ' Catons, Si : b or booklet. Fre al o y . -- | sect species concerned in disease hor Tending stacs Semblyn PC I Oigent, Jordy Mfg. was; and when he came back, he 2 The 93rd Element By J. B. Priestley 'q 5 3 v ducts, Toronto. ufferin §treet, Toronto. p si ~ . a ; So mat ts i a wren ee. | What Science | || me pte B Sv | 0 LE vary 8 ou A ; rent FURNITURE RSONAL ; : rin, informed t e 0. 4 £2 - that Mr. ("Good Companion") iy on ° con rol i and to pre n So MARRY---~WOULD YOU MARRY IF An old time farmer went into a * ls Doin * emy of Science his collaborators Priestley, having swapped English : kan waving access to human LYONS car Julie s 10 Zhiose front, store to buy a shirt and the clerk 9 have discovered what is beliaved mists for desert spaces, has come oods. How Te Control it TRADE IN DEPARTMENT daughters and widows With Dra. tried to sell him a trunk also. z '0 be fhe Sita homes) element on what he calls "a fairy-tale in The most cfiective method of 478 Yonge St., Toronto Denty, Sailigaiara, Jin. Cotfiden Farmer = "What would I use a ; NSH 9%, substance heavier than uran- Western rig." controlling house flies consists of AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta. _trunk for? Carbon Dioxide Is. Necessary . Lo i "Fairy-tale" indeed suggests ontrolling house es consists RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Clerk -- "To keep your clothes Carbon dioxide which has been ~The scientist, president of the th £ rh liming Or T ing . by avery artic roughly cleane "HOTOG 'HY - ' : only part of the story of e ciiminating or reducing their breed- Every article thoroughly cleaned, PHOTOGRAPHY " . : by 1 academy said the element had n 1 of "TI ing places by proper treating of reconditioned. and -sold under a de- - in. identified for decades y laymen emy, sa he) ; Doomsday Men." Buried in it lies 8- places--by prog reatmg finite money buck guarantee of sat. ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EV- Farmer -- "Say, do you want me and physicians as being the main been found in stable form in min- pre ki £0 TAD der manure and garbage. Iresh horse isfaction. ery 25c¢ order. Roll film developed ' ) 4 oh pi bs diiibs Lan erals containing uranium notably most o ie makings of a id er manure is probably chiefly respons $35 Q0 Denutiful muhogany bed and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. to run around naked? ingredient in foul or used air, is a ' mystery. It has more than a "tinge 3 ible for the majority of file in the r boqllm suite, dresser, chif- Datantid "5a A Asars rahe Jones -- "How are you getting | now regarded by medical research bie abenle, : of a Western" and a generous slice - . heat ot dios : Toit mates eos spring and new Hast. Tormntas ) workers as being a necessary con- By using a powerful spectro- : Th i beautiful sural sections. It has been estime felt mattress, Perfect. Bast. Toronto. on : ¢ c scope, he said, his colleagues had of romance. ere is a beautifu ated that more than a million flies $39.00 Rien Falnig finish silts, BEST RESULTS, PPICTURES TO along in your new 8-rcom house? stituent of the breathing process. di > d ished id T mo spectral damsel in distress, who has a brace may develop from one ton of man- sagless Wc ok IR Noi be proud of, rolls developed and Smith -- "Oh, not so badly. We McGill medical research work- li S hah re : b bn d i I of wicked uncles and a father who me : 2 tress, Prnred Jitu liglows devkicd edged furnished one of 'the bedrooms by ers point out that the despised jie whic Buin hs fowl bod Bye is a modern magician, a scientist, rere $49.00, ijn suite tn dark wal free. [eprints 3c. Prompt ser- | collecting soap wrappers." carbon dioxide is really what botn Conged Hy the b S ji ° There is an impecunious but un- . mirror, chiffonicr, bed, sagloss ie Tro! Uihntos, J272 Lane Jones -- "Didn't you furnish the | causes us to breathe. It acts as a on, " ig iss daunted suitor; an innocent scien- Active Sports spring el natirens, - v ! & onto. other seven rooms?" stimulant on the respiratory cen- hiom wou contain posity tist, a domestically inclined sol- . $59.00 sh suite, chiffrobe, triple Smith -- "We can't. They are ters. This is the reason that in charges. dier of fortune, a dare-devil, a de- Best Cosmetic [eras vubity, full size bed and sug- Casa Loma Tunnel full of soap." modern resuscitation work oxygen lightful widow with gray curls. & *53 spr 3. err fe ne Castle tunnel and haw d , d I cal f ing" d d tion, Beltsville, Maryland, : »- ) ) tory table, closed china cabinet. 6 u awgs, and some cows, an ca eons for sewing" up wounds, an ; . Swimming pot only improve the bi Wh 0 Mg WIM £325 Uked claimed to be relieved of their ail- culate on buildin' a house an -- -- inserting in them, spaced ' like "Then the chickens know what peti pt ic $ 947,806 « nh My make eyes hee mre | § 125 Sly Lee. neue walnut [Ment so long as they remained in Mary's Mother (who was awaken- | beads, tiny gold or silver "seeds", | to expect, come to attention and im ' oa iow, big cies Hive, The $ 4 5400 suite (regular $375.00) the cool pollen-free passageway. ed) -- "Mary, is that young man The seeds, long used in cancér Be the Son he explains, i. J C , urfet, beautiful cab net, extension " i ere i n luttering, -- attractive you're likely to be. ie Bony 6 leather chairs. Perfect . tos Sup "No, ma! But he's git- eu pa, he gas alarm." sone aes »o - For figure and complexion beau- $127.50 Meagan suite solid wal- A Hollow Nail tin' thar!" ' actly the Same rays as radium. Otherwise, the birds are apt to DON'T FORCET! ty, bicycling and riding cannot be cabinet ME Rly filina get excited, flutter, and injure ? surpassed. The latter, however, er upholstered Chala © ANd 8 Jeath. When screws are tightened themselves. DS EON While in town like swimming, is more efficacious $119.00 Reautifui burl walnut home, they stay fixed. Nails often : CAN WEEE ) get your copy of when done expertly. A few riding $300). -hurfer, ox temon table, china | Work loose. But now a nail Las *, The Government of Denmark & this k' lessons may be in order. epbinel and ff leather upholstered been invented that fits more se- ; . has made a motion picture show- ; ") T gh 3 Sy Walking Is Good ie 18 ahs a chesterfield | curely than any screw. It is hol- ar enin oO es » ing fire preventive measures, id Stele Btu vi ; Walking, although not considered $49.00 suite, In rust repp, revers- low, with a soft core, and the shell an aug ny ONC rasan Weekly. hid an active sport, is especially desir- $37 50 Thing cushions. 3 is tempered by a secret process so . , New Zealand's 1937-38 wool A Wop 8 younn girl who gels in- $37. 0 nieces, reverie Marshall that when driven into half an inch PLANT THEM NOW rotting the fleshy roots. If well rot- crop is valued at $45,000,000. a 0 le habit of taking a long brisk freien show wand walnut of hard concrete it takes a pul] August embraces many garden ted manure, or compost, cannot be fri walk almost every day of her life $29 00 Smt 3 plece chesterfield of several hundred pounds to free obtained, dried sheep manure and : ob probably will have few figure prob- " . SUite In rust repp, revers. it. operations which usually are assoc- SHT08 commercial form of humus ! Jonas Hien she is older. It behooves LL nushiang, thoy. lated with the fall. This is particu may be substituted. These should ¥ to oe ana 0 teu to walk $14.95 5a do Sisson) Wheat at 1.30 p.m., larly true of the planting of certain be thoroughly mixed with the soil « Dp at leas ¥ per cent, of constrnetion. Marshnll cushions. Bi Ts 4 15 bulbs. Madonna lilies usually do the before planting. ' the time, the be siness girl to walk $32.50 Smart three piece suite up- 1scuits at 4. DISCOURAGE EARLY BLOOM ; ome from work three nights a istered in fine French 4 : 1 t g . hol best if planted in August. The rea- Some chrysanthemums, 200 deh ; Wonk, fiouuard, revorsible Marshall cush- WOODSTOCK Earl Golding son for this is easily explained by lias I ae flowered exhibition ; me. 4 Vy. 2 A ' i = $49.00 ein 2 Juste yyy a farmer residing near Thames- the fact that it is the nature of the type, may be showing buds now, Seven Rules F r Marshall spring cushions (Reg. $200) ford, stirted cutting wheat - one bulbs to develop some broad foliage but it 'fs best to discourage early (0) Thoroughly cleaned. day last week at 1.30 p.m. At i B f th fine flow- |° / Reautifn) chesterfield 1 | before the arrival of winter. blooming. Both of these tine flo : Heat Wave Cited $45.00 biti Lom di Big 4.30 p.m. George H. Hogg of the ers are late summer and autumn Special i Porfastered in fine figured Jacquard. | Hogg Mills in Thamesford an. Oriental Poppies subjects and require cooler Weather These special rates are avail- peclal excursion rates " _ lect condition Cg nounced ink the first of the wheat August does not seem to be a fa- | and particularly longer and cooler able on the following sailings | Round Telp.to Europe fo Telly How esr Opes | uf Wl of Mh fi | was flows and ade ats tod | vorablo month tor planting paren. | WEY, 15 Bove 1 Ture peas FROM MONTREAL aslowas : io Tells How To Stave Off tors, china cabinets. © Wroal fant mo tour and made into biscuits nials, yet it is at this time that the Early blooming not only exhausts LETITIA Sept. 4 Bifast, Lp'), Grow | © / I § 9 G'gow, B'fast, Lp" Exhaustion tet Took hattom prices. which jy Sit of the oven ready Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale) | the plants prematurely, but the t. er, Havre, London SAR. 50 : ; ; 0 : ou or fre ustrated eata- to eat at 4.1 p.m, is most successfully planted. Unlike Bowers hat ie Wotued re us- FHA ow THIRD ¥ a )U' ; 2 even basic rules to avoid col- | Lyons Bedding & Uphol:terin ; : . most perennials, the plants die | ually poorly formed, and not so gent 23 Glgom, B'fast, L'p'l : lapse and to minimize the discom.- y : i P id Digit dealers in Belgium re- down gradually after their flower- | ood in color as those that develop Sonn Bla don CLASS 8 orts of the present heat wave are ; A aler on. Insects which attack an ept. y, Havre, London : forts of the p 478 Yon St Toront port wor d demand for the gems is ing in May and June, until by Aug lat I ts which attack and Sept. 30 PI Lo set forth by Dr. J. T. Phair, Chief ge ot, 1oronto Increasing. ust they have become entirely dor- deform the blossoms are also more Ati OM-NEW YORK Lei $ 50 ® ores) a i the oni De- ~ mant. During this dormant period Pravalen! Joy vss Te ing Teck PREG sept, 4 i Shampion, TouRis, LA A 8 Ri Vi. 8 artment of Health. ey are: transplanting of the long tap-root- elore rp Y Sept. 7 Ch'b's, Sh: ; : 5 i "ig Use an added quantity of salt ed plants is accomplished with the | of the plants --- even it this has SAMARIAR Sept. ? Geom is isin : : : i CI ¥ n seasoning food in hot weather : already been done once or twice -- y +h he P - 2% reatest success. In the early fall AQUITANIA Sept. 14 Ch'D'g, Sham £2, : thereby replacing the excess ly plants resume both phd and Is in order, ; EN sot 11 Geer bani Renn grs must embark Lor de rd t $ - . 3 {1 J . . i A of salt lost. in perspira- Full or part time, to sell ornamental trees and Bonk Sram ah recently mared QUEBNMARY Sent. 31 eR days from ne ime Of landing at, 4 : . ' eT : : pt. w (via Green. . 7 Adopt a diet moderate in shrubs, evergreens, perennials and fruits, Year aN . ack), Dublin, Lp] 1) fry ie ' ' winter. ' NCONIA Oct. 1 G'way, B'fast, L'p| Fie 2 pe . LD ¥ & asty pl A /! fo iE To ot nade up of foods low round proposition, We supply complete selling hs goa Jeally Sine Oriental Jor on cra ing BRITANRIC Oct. ER ht PDly uy facal trayel 7d - ; . oo . es the soil shou © prepare . - " : oe mre? salad dressing. outfit. Commission paid weekly. et deep. A good 4) enriched | . /7 AELIEVE Itching of Insect Bites rl . i a mp J rink plenty of water, . with well-rotted manure or com Even the most stubborn itching of fnseet bites, ath- 5 ) WHIT i STAR ; . post 2 i A KB Er Avoid the use of beverages ' RET. Is ideal. Fresh manure should never |. ob pil Hpbi 0 Cooling, iA Bay WOT on Sts. | J of 3 with a high alcoholic content t n ar urseries be used, as there is danger of its footie liquid 0. D. D. NES! RIFTION, Easy fo use CE nor eas bd [YEO Aleohd] generaies body heat, a : a fh train rd Slyu the mast intense GEOR'S DONALDSON ATLANTIC LINE be void strenuous exercise--par- | TARIO I N 138 tebing, albottle stall drags it-- Ed bovis 4-- money back, Ask for D. D. D, PRESCRIPTION, 33 |; ; ticularly competitive exercises, © | STONEY CREEK -- Box 252 ON ssue No. 3 o hk

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