- Carrol, Port. Perry Miss Gertrude genny. of To- ronto, has been visiting Mrs. E. A. Walker. Mrs. Putman and Mrs. Dealman, of Toronto, were recent guests of Miss Marian Farmer. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Craft (nee Norma Moray) of Scranton, Pa., has been the guest of Miss Jean Cawker, for a few days. Mrs. Minnie Real and daughter, Marjorie, left this week on a trip to Manitoba. They motored to Port MeNicol where they took the boat to Fort William, and will continue their journey by motor to their desti- nation. They will be gone about four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, with Mr. and Mrs. Theo Salter, Hampton, motored to Gananoque and spent the week end with friends. While there they made the trip over the new In- ternational bridge. Mr. Lorne Beare left on Friday of last week for Schumacher where he will tend goal for the McIntyre mine hockey team this winter, Jack Beare and friend, Walter Carr, of Sudbury, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M, T. Beare. Murs. Clarence McKinnon of Detroit, was a week end guest of her mother Mrs. Elijah Beare. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Clark (nee Doris Suddard) and infant son, of Oshawa, have been spending a week with their aunts, the Misses Stovin. Miss Vera Lambert, of Toronto, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia in Port Perry Hospital, has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home. W.M.S. of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs, S. Jeffrey on Wednesday, Sept. 14th, at 3 o'clock. MAKING A START A number of the young people of Port Perry start this Fall in their chosen life works We wish every success. Among the number are -Miss Annette Harper, who be- comes teacher of S.S. No. 5 Manvers. Mr. Grant Real is taking the school at Bethany in Cavan Township. Miss Mary Stone is in Lawrence's Drugstore at Port Perry. Miss Grace Stone has taken a position at one of the Hooper Drugstores in Toronto. ALVIN HUNTER HURT Mr. Alvin Hunter, of Prince Albert, had the misfortune to have his leg broken while loading grain at the Scu- gog Milling Company. There had been a big pile of bags built up, and a key bag was removed, letting loose the whole pile, which fell on Mr. Hunter with the result that his leg was broken. A PAINFUL ACCIDENT Mrs. W. H. Harris met with a ser- ious accident last week. Wishing to secure some playthings for her grand- children, she climbed up into the up- per part of the garage. It so hap- pened that the floor of this garage attic was merely the ceiling of the garage. Of this Mrs. Harris was not aware. As a result the unfortunate lady broke through this floor and in her fall suffered an impacted fracture -of the hip. There is a general expression of re- gret because of this accident; and it will be pleasing to Mrs. Harris' many friends to know that she is now do- ing as well as can be expected. SAW THE AIR RACES A party of five of the young men of Port Perry motored to Cleveland over the week end to see the air races. They were Messrs. Garnet Weir, Leo Smith, Bob Ewers, Don Wauchope, and Harold Hood. The display was ex- cellent and the boys enjoyed the whole affair thoroughly. IN MEMORIAM SISSON--In loving memory of my wife, Sarah Margaret Skinner, who passed away Sept. 5th, 1937. One year has passed since that sad day; The one I loved was called away. God took her home: it was His will; But in my heart she dwelleth still. --Ever remembered by her husband. DIED At Chatham, on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1938, John Orlanda Butson, of Prince Albert, in his 23rd year. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Biitson, wish to thank their many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown and _ for the lovely floral tributes sent at the time of their recent sad bereave- ment, ~Father, Mother and family. | them |" ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Evening service at 7 p.h, Sunday School at 11 a.m. Everybody welcome. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH itev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D,, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.~--"*The Imprisoned Splendor." 7 p.m.--*"The Fine Art of Forgetting." I'he members and adherents are heartily invited to the public wor- ship of God. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, September 11-- 0.45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. --DMorning Prayer and ser- mon. Sunday, September 18th-- 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Ser- mon, TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the Refreshment Booth privileges at Port Perry Fair will be received up to noon on Thursday, Sept. 16th. "Address N. Ewers, Secretary, Port Perry. RURAL MAIL CARRIERS PLEDGE SELVES TO FIGHT THE CON- TRACT SYSTEM Want to Remove Mail Carriers from t'olitical Basis and Organize to put Job on Paying Scale, President states (Oshawa Daily Times) Pledged to fight the existing con- tract system and remove rural mail carrying from a political basis, over 100 delegates to the Dominion conven- tion of the Rural Mail Couriers Asso- ciation of Canada assembled in Whit- by, Canada's rural mail couriers signi- fied their appreciation of the hospital- ity extended to them at Whitby last year when they unanimously chose Whitby for the scene of their second annual convention, and Mayor Fred T. Rowe refererd to this in his official address of welcome, Over one hundred delegates were in attendance from points as far apart as Winnipeg and Nova Scotia, and en- couraging reports of organization in new districts were reported at the afternoon session, when the Conven- tion got under way. "We feel you have done us an honor in returning to Whitby again", Mayor Rowe told the delegates. "I believe the cause for which you are meeting is a worthy one, and I think you are following the right lines to attain your objective," His Worship added. Fight for Better Pay. "We are organized for the purpose of putting rural mail carrying on a decent paying scale," stated P. B. Lowry, of Rodney, Dominion President of the Association. "Last year for a regular twenty-five mile route the average wage was fifteen cents a day, allowing the carrier seven cents a mile for the use of his vehicle," he added. Splendid support from outside groups to the Association plans and aims, was revealed by the secretary's report. A petition outlining griev- ances and asking certain concessions had been sent to the Postmaster--Gen- eral, but no reply had been received, it was learned. Individual copies of this petition are to be sent to all mémbers of the Dominion parliament. The following is the text of the As: sociation's petition, which outlines (continued on column four.) STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDCE "Your Neighbourhood Theatre" Thurs., Friday, Saturday (This week) Cecilde Mille's Great Special Jean ARTHUR and Gary COOPER, in "The Plainsman" The most important picture of the year. Indians! Thrills! = Spills! and BETTY BOOP CARTOON. Monday, Tues., Wed., Sept. 12-13-14 Alice BRADY - Charles RUGGLES, in Mind Your Own Business The funniest show ever made in Holly- wood, Also MUSICAL and NEWS. Thursday, Friday, Saturday (next) EDDIE CANTOR in Alibabi Goes to Town A musical comedy. OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED ALL THIS WEEK "Spawn of the North" with GEORGE RAFT and DOROTHY LAMOUR ADDED-- Colored Cartoon "TEARS OF AN ONION" REVIVAL, Friday at 10.30 p.m. "EASY LIVING" starring Jean Arthur and Ray Milland Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 12-13" RUDOLPH VALENTINO in Son of the Shiek with VILMA BANKY This is the Picture that set the whole Country afire. Wed., Thurs., Friday, Saturday, September 14-17 IRVING BERLIN'S Alexander's Ragtime Band with Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, and Don Ameche 000 Ask for your MOVIE QUIZ $250,000 Contest Booklet at our Theatre. . FALL OPENING DANCE at CLAREMONT HALL Wednesday, Sept. 14 To TOMMY LANGLEY and His Swing Band ADMISSION 30 CENTS Dancing every Wed. Night FOR SALE Piano in excellent condition; Wash- stand in god condition; Radio, just like new. BOOKS--Library of Health, 20 books in one volume; Shakespeare's complete works, 8 volumes; 3 sash, new, 3' 9" x 16"; 1 sash with glass 9 9" x '18". Apply to D. Corbman, Port Perry. sept8 RURAL MAIL CARRIERS (continued from Column 2) their aims for the betterment of rural mail carriers throughout the Domin- on; 1. We ask that the four year con- tract system be abolished, and replaced by permanent employment dependent only on satisfactory service. 2. Whereas at the present time an unsatisfaetory condition exists in numerous sections, where a man or woman may hold one or more routes, which in some cases they have never driven; but, hired either relatives or neighbours at wages less than the con- tract price or where the present con- tractor makes a practice of hiring an- other to drive through the winter months, we ask that this practice be abolished by the department -specify- ing, that except in the case of sick- ness, the man who gets the check shall drive the mail. 3. We do not feel it necessary to be included in the civil service, but be- lieve that Rural Mail Couriers should pass a general intelligence test in reading, mathematics, and general knowledge equivalent at least to a public school graduates and that he shall have completed the public school 'educational course, 4. That all present couriers, by vir- tue of their experience shall be re- tained if they drive the full twelve months per year, and that no present courier shall have his contract revoked for any reasons stated herein, if he is Snowdon' inthe premises formerly owned by G. Sweetman IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS Courteous and Efficient Garage Service ALBERT SNOWDON, Proprietor giving full time service. 5. That to standardize the selection of future -couriers, and to relieve ' s Garage | members of parliament from the pat- % applicants shall be | residents in district of the office from |& which a foute emanates for period of | & one year previous to appointment and | ronage system, shall meet the physical requirements listed in the insurance application |# : form accompanying- this petition, and ¥ that appointments be made by the dis- | J trict director according to the highest rating, physical, mental; and order of application, 6. That none other than native born or naturalized citizens be appointed for the work. 7, That all bonding be done by re- cognized bonding company. 8, That no courier shall be given more than one route unless the total length of all routes does not exceed forty miles and no delay is occasioned in the service, : 9. That a graded mileage rate be set up as follows: Up to and including the first 16 miles a flat mileage rate of $56.00 per mile per year; from 16 up to and including 86 miles a graded scale of $40.00 to $45.00, and $50.00 per mile per year; all mileage over 86 miles a graded scale of $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 per mile per year. 10. That 6 per cent of the courier's wages be held in a retirement fund and that for a period of five years the government place an equal amount in this fund. 11, That from this fund sickness and accident policies under our present group plan shall be placed for all couriers. 12. That retirement shall be allowed ah (Continued on page 5) LESS 000000 1000400000860 000004 1900000000000 000000000004 Chiropractor ond Dru FRED. F. In Port Pény Tuesdays and Saturdays, at his Rooms - above Prentice's Barber Shop, Queen St. nm 133°, X : : LEWIS gless Therapist (Reg.) i +4634 , PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 Lawrence's Drug Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) A . KLEENEX OUR OWN KING'S 200 sheets 15¢. KIDNEY. PILLS CONDITION 500 sheets 33c. Box 29c¢. POWDERS 4 boxes for $1.00 1b 25c 5 Ibs. $1.00 WAMPOLE'S : COD LIVER ENO'S VINOLIA "EXTRACT FRUIT SALT CASTILE SOAP $1.00 47¢c. and 79c. 10 cakes 25c¢. PHONR 49 RAPP I SPOS IPOD A. M. LAWRENCE PORT PEERY Robert Taylor and Irene Dunne | in Magnificent Obsession Greatest Motion Picture of all Time TOWN HALL, PORT PERRY SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 8 p.m. Admission 30c. ADVERTISING PAYS THE ADVERTISER TOMATOES FOR SALE SPECIALS--while they last-- Heaping full 11 quart baskets of good sound, ripe staked tomatoes--the best you ever bought, for Bi 20c. a basket or three baskets for 50e. you to supply the baskets. At this low price, you should can lots of fine tomatoes for the coming swinter. Apply to DJCorbman, Port Perry Soret SIAR a BOX STOVE FOR SALE Apply at Star Office. Has your Radio H 'ANGOVER; Teo many hours of playing far into the night? Sore tubes? Hoarse voice? Then do what the doctors do--give your radio a complete "check up". It includes adjusting the little things that get out of order, cleaning the parts and recom- mending other tepairs, if the are needed. The cost is small. We are expert "radio doctors". We use only guaranteed parts and General Electric Radiotrons, Call us today for a complete radio check up. ND-25 Call John Farmer, Phone 85, C OVER BRAND HONEY Ne. JUALITY GUARANTEED SL ; LACHINE RAPS CUT LIGHT MEAT 32.02. JAR WITH PECTIN B _ night, * BLUE RIBBON RED LABEL Port Perry, Ont. CHECK THESE r3MINION VALUES "DOMINO Baking Powder MACARONI WAX BEANS TUNA FISH - Assorted Excépt Genuine Turtle and Consomme HEINZ SOUPS /: GLASSCO'S PEACH "OR CRABAPPLE JELLY tive until Saturday BLACK TEA 27 LEMON oI - WOODBURY'S ne 47 22 28 * DOMIN ION STORES + * 5 =.49 1 White 3.14 16-02. ; 3 Ne 2 25 SECON 2 Tos 2 . 23 Rose Brand Giant Stuffed os Tins 25 OLIVES #.- 50 Big Five Cleaner ™ $2.59 > 981b. bag eh 19 05 QUAKER XXXX BREAD{FLOUR September 10 WR Row, 15 EE ------ RN CHOICE FRUITS GREEN GAGE PLUMS 39¢c. bsk. PLUMS 29¢. bsk. TOMATOES 11qt. basket X9C. "AND VEGETABLES BLUE DAMSEN BUY YOUR Work Boots NOW For Fall Wear We carry a reliable line at Reasonable Prices 'GEO. STEPHEN'S SHOE SHOP SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE W. A. Sangster BENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insuranes Office. (The firm of Geax & HuMPNREYS is diselved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry éfice on Wednesday merning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Grama & Humpmasys is diselved RUSSBLL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; 8imcoe Btreet North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in Stiindance t Port Perry Tuesday and Aoi afternoons pF week or bY appeintmént, Queen Street, Port. Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DBNTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange,' North side Queen Breet, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) +R. W. 8. HARPER "Trinity Vater, Toros 4 Office and Surgery poss Porro Ont. DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Mga tou: Thies in in A ystarin. BROOKLIN, Ont, we