vi AE ¥ PP im en LNA I - PATI RS = ee / "ogre abe? if oe rr Ny SPN, SST AT i BER ete Soa ~~ 0 ol WN Rat Ch BE NAN, ie RX Nw Ke Ba Sean om -- Port Perry. Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Lundy have re- turned home after a few days visit to Haliburton. They enjoyed the trip greatly and were much interested in the Finnish settlement. Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Cassidy and daughter Margaret, of New York, were visiting Mr. Cassidy's mother, Mrs. J. Cassidy, in Port Perry, last week. Mrs. S. Farmer spent a few days in Toronto, with her mother, Mrs, P. A. Abernethy. Mr, and Mrs, T. C. Miller, of Moose Jaw. Sask, are visiting her home in Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Moose Jaw, are spending their honeymoon with relatives in Detroit, Port Perry and Ottawa, We are glad to know that Mr. John Murray is progressing favorably after an operation at Port Perry Hospital. RE AS WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Septeniber meeting of the W.M, S. of the Port Perry United Church, was held on Thursday 16th inst, at the home of Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey. In the absence of the president, the chair was occupied by the Past President, Mrs. Z. M. Jackson, who gave the Scripture reading and Mrs, Christie read a very fine article on "My Church". Mrs Jeffrey then took charge of the pro- gram, Mrs. Bowes gave an interest- ing account of the "School for Lead- ers' which she attended a srepresent- ative of the Society. This School was held recently for a week at Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby, and many fine, inspiring addresses were given by the leaders and by several mis- sionaries, who are home on furlough. Much interest was felt in Miss Tonicko Hayakawa who attended the school. She is a product of the Christian schools from Kindergarten to University, and is now taking a two year's course in Toronto, on a W.M.S. scholarship. She made a plea for greater love and understanding of her people since only Christian love could serve them. Miss Prouse of Little Britain, who was a guest in the home of Mrs. Jeffrey, rendered two beautiful solos during the afternoon, which were much enjoyed. PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. The Women's Missionary Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church held its Thank Offering meeting in the school room of the church on Tuesday "September 13th. The guest speaker was Mrs. N. Mark, of Lindsay. She spoke chiefly about the young people, as we must look to them for our future workers and leaders. impressed the great need of proper home training that would fit them to take their places in the Church and in the world. Having a true mission- ary spirit one is more likely to see the need of those about us. She gave us Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. KRALLY SERVICE, SEPT, 26-- 11 a.m.--Sunday School Rally. Pupils assisting in the service. Address-- "I'ranslating the Bible into Life." 7 p.m.--Young People's Rally. Brief messages by Delegates to Summer School, Representatives of C.GLT,, Tuxis Boys, Trail Rangers, All are cordially invited to these fine services. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Evening service at 7 p.m, Sunday School at 11 a.m, Everybody welcome. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J. C. Clough. Sunday, Sept.--25th-- Preacher--REY, I, A. NIND. Sunday, October 2nd-- Harvest Festival at 11 a.m. Holy Communion. Preacher--Rev, J. C. Clough. PASTEURIZATION OF MILK .. WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF y PORT PERRY | "5 Pursuant to the Public Health Act, and approved by the Lieutenant-Gov- '| ernor in Council, the 24th day of June, 1938. PASTEURIZATION OF MILK, will become compulsory on December 31st, 1938. (A) "Distributors" shall mean any persdn who engages in and carries on the business of distributing and selling milk to consumer, either directly or through resale by a peddler or store- keeper and except as provided by these regulations shall include a peddler, storekeeper, producer-distributor and any other person who retails milk to the consumer; (B) "Peddler" shall mean and in- clude any person who for resale to the consumer, purchases milk from a dis- tributor and distributes and sells such milk to the consmer, © (C) "Producer" shall mean and in- clude any person who produces milk which is sold for human consumption. (D) "Producer-Distributor" shall shall mean a producer who distributes and sells to the consumer, milk of which he is the producer. ) (E) Use of word "Pasteurization." No person shall use any word or term stating or indicating, either ver- bally or in writing that such milk is pasteurized unless such milk has been pasteurized and handled in a pasteur- ization plant in accordance with the provisions of regulations set out in the She| pet, Under Authority of an Order-in- Council, approved by the Honour- able the Lieutentant-Governor, dated June 24th, 1938, G.-F. Manning, Secretary, Loéal Board of Health. many good thoughts and was much Dated, Sept. 17th, 1938. appreciated by all who heard her. Prayer was offered for a permanent peace. We were favoured by a very pleasing instrumental solo by Miss H. --~oo------------ TOWN COUNCIL A regular meeting of the Port Perry Willard. There was a good attend-| Council was held in the Clerk's Office ance and a generous offering which|on Monday, Sept. 12. Present: Reeve will also help with the work. At the Letcher, R. M. Holtby, G. H. Bridger, close of the meeting refreshments)Jos. R. Baird. were served and a social half hour en- joyed by all. WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, use Rumacaps -- their Two-Way . Action attacks the cause. Lawrence's Drug store, Port Perry. - -- es ---- - -- THE UNITE" CHURCH Rally Day Services, Sunday, Sept. 26th, call us back to thorough and concentrated devotion to the work of the Sunday School and Young Peoples' Societies and the Church Services of Worship and Missions. At the morning service the Primary Dept. will sing, a number of Sunday Scheol scholars will tell of the alter- nating process by which the Bible, a chained book, became free. The Pastor will speak on "Translating the Bible into Life." At the evening service six or seven young people will take part in the service. The Delegates to Summer School, A Canadian Girl in Training, a Tuxis Boy, and a Trail Ranger, will bring messages of their own particu- lar work .and their impressions of the privilege of being engaged in these forms of service provided by the Church for them. This Rally of Youth has been a dis- tinctive feature in recent years and always draws a large and appreciative audience, All members and adherents 'are in- vited to be present to enjoy this fea- ture service and to lend encourage- ment and support to the Christian education of youth. A communication was received from Reach Council re the gravel pit jointly owned by Reach and Port Perry, and which Mr. J. B. Strong wishes to ac- quire, reporting no action as the pit still contains considerable gravel. A communication was received from the Kay-Dee Exhibitors asking for signed copy of contract re use of Town Hall for motion pictures. A resolu- tion was passed giving this company exclusive use of the Town Hall on Saturday evenings while they use it continuously. From Municipal Electrical Associa- tion re clearing house for information in respect to used office equipment. From D. J. Kean, County Road En- gineer, requesting that the County Council be advised as to how the vil- lage intends to spend the County re- bate for 1938. From the Hydro Electric Power Commission advising that the rate of $46.50 per h.p. would be charged to the municipality. This is as has been for some time, and recommending that the charge to consumers remain the same, Quotations were: received from sev- eral firms for the erection of a new water tank in Port Perry. The low- est figure quoted was $1850.00 for a wooden tank of 63,860 gallons capa- city. The representative of the lowest tender--The Ajax Co.--appeared be- fore Council and described the many feaures of interest to be considered in the erection of such a tank. The matter of the Village Weigh Scales was discussed but no action taken, Sh Ee SABLE & 55 i SESE PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Harvest Festival, 7 pom. Evensong, OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED J em emt et np et --------rt 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, i SEPTEMBEBR 22-23-24 "Love Finds Andy Hardy" Stating Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Cecilia Parker. Added--Walt. Disney Cartoon-- "GOOD SCouTs" REVIVAL FRIDAY, 10.30 p.m. "Wedding Presents" starring Joan Bennett and Cary Grant. * ¥ ¥% Monday and Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 26-27 "Port of Seven Seas" starring Wallace Beery and Maureen O'Sullivan, ADDED-- Robert Benchly in "HOW TO RAISE A BABY" * | Wednesday and Thursday SEPTEMBER 28-29 "GATEWAY" ! { One of the $250,000. wi ! Quiz Contest Pictures . starring Don Ameche, & Arleen Whelan Added--"MARCH OF TIME" COMING! Friday and Saturday, SEPT. 30th, OCTOBER 1st., -- On Our Stage -- . "Bell's Original HAWAIIANS" In Person Music--Singing--Dancing-- all native Stars. Special feature "Give Me a Sailor" .by a Telephone CALL Frequently the veterinary surgeon's+imme- diate presence and advice will save cattle-- end protect a farmer's capital against the inroads of disease, accident or other emer- gency. Quick help is the farmer's only defense against these things..The telephone Without a tele- phone a farmer runs constant risk. A tele- brings help immediately. phone is insurance at low cost. LOW RATES | FARM TELE hi 2 SERVICE * NASMITH-MOYLE Hood Family Retains Championship at High School Sports On Saturday, Sept. 10, 1938, at the home of the bride's father, Didsbury, Alta, by Rev. J. E. Harris, Joyce Madeleine, youngest daughter of Mr, F. TI Moyle, to Douglas Forbes Na- smith, son of Mr. M. E Nasmith, of Toronto. DIED Suddenly in Reach Township, Lot 15, Con, 10, on Saturday, September 17th, 1938, Marie AKkhurst, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ak- hurst, in her 36th year. Fe s Drug Store News [ (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) AYERST ALPHAMETTES $1.00 and $3.50 BAYER'S ASPIRIN 22¢., 39¢c., 98c. CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP ...... 35¢, and 60¢c, DANDE CAS TABLETS. 25c. "ENO"S FRUIT SALT, 47c., 79. FROSSTS NEO CHEMICAL 00D . 81 15 and $2.45 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 50¢. and $1.00 KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL and MALT ....85¢., $1.40 WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT ..........$1.00 LAWRENCE'S COUGH REMEDY ... REXALL NOSE DROPS 25¢. and 50¢. + NOVA KELP TABLETS tars e naan 79¢., $1.39 and $2.79 PHONE CROROROF ROR POROR SOROS FOPOPOROROSOROROICHO 0 0870 0 0 TT 4 NT ANN CHOOSER RROD BORO BOBO ADBOPOBOBOBOBA VOTERS' LIST, 1938 Municipality of the Township of SCUGOG, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Seétion 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office. at the Township of Scugog on the 17th day of September, 1038, the list of all persons entitled l'to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such List remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peal being the 8th day of October, 1938. Dated this "17th day of Sept., 1938. -- John L. Sweetman, ClerR: tr <> o> CRYSLER CORPORATION AN- NOUNCE 1939 DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS, Prices for the new 1939 Dodge and Plymouth cars are announced at re- $18.00 to $40.00, Many new engineering features are also a feature of these new models. Marie Hood won most of the junior events at Port Perry High School Sports Day this week, She wasn't eligible for the grand prize because she won it last year. Her sister Grace was runner-up and was awarded the cup. Margaret McCrea won the in- termediate, but she was last year's! champion, too, so the cup went to Ruth | § Carnegie. Wm, Aldred won the ar. | boys' title; George Emmerson the in-|[§ termediate, and 'J. Aldred and B.!§ Beare were tied for the senior cham- pionship. Full report of events next week. FRED. F. LEWIS Chiropractor andiDrugless Therapist (Reg.) In Port PetrykTuesdays and Saturdays, at his Rooms above Prentice's Barber Shop, Queen St. >00060004 ressoss 5333252302000 00e Potatoes Wanted IN 100 BAG LOTS | APPLY TO Port Perry Fruit Store Phone 208 MYRTLE Mrs. Clarence Harrison is receiving many compliments on the number of red tickets she brought home from the Oshawa fair last week, for the various exhibits of fruit, jelly and home-made cooking. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Chas. Hall and family of Ashburn in the death on Friday, of a loving wife and mother. The funeral cortage passed through here on Monday for interment at Groveside Cemetery, | Brooklin. | Mrs. John C. Lasvrdiee, who has! been in poor health for some time was removed to the Port Perry hoshital] last week where she was operated on, and reported to be progressing very favourably. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth and son! Allen visited with friends at Green' River on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Timms attend- ed the Lindsay Fair on Saturday. Miss Elsie Smith and her scholars are very busy this week making final preparations for Brooklin School Fair. Mrs. Arthur Ward has returned from visiting friends ab Blackwater. Farmers are busy cutting corn and filling silos this week. ~ The crop is! unusually good this fall owing to the warm weather and frequent showers. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Lunney and family visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday. The annual Rally Day service was held here on Sunday in connection with the church service and the as- signed programme was carried out by members of the school with Rev. Mr, Honey giving the address on the Bible, Owing to the anniversary services at Manchester next Sunday the service here will be cancelled. Sunday School at 1.46 as usual. A special congregational meeting was held in the church basement on Monday night when arrangements were made to hold the annual Thank Offering services on Sunday, October 30. Fuller particulars will be given later. PRODUCE" ONTARIO CONCORD SINGAPORE Sticed or Cubes PINE- APPLE 12.25 Christie's RITZ piscuits Ap Phot 29 Christie's SODA BISCUITS 2 Pkgs. 25 29 Lr 1 Christie's Assorted IT Dependable Domestic | SHORTENING Es 47 These values effec- tive until Saturday Eh , Sept. - be able to Darticinat Crawford Peaches No. 1's, f5c. basket No.1 Cooking Onions 10 1b. bag 25¢. 1255 DOMINION STORES ANNOUNCES MANMOTS plenty, food tn other countries food supplies are being husbanded, hoarded, and « by the government. In this land of NTAR . +. but our obligation is none the less. Boch year Dominion Stores, through its 472 branches, distributes a huge quantity of home-grown produce for preserving. 'This year we have organized to handle still greater quantities of choice fresh fruits and vegetables, which we will offer at low, attractive prices. At the prices quoted below, you will conservation is 'VOLUNTARY e in this great "CONSERVATION OF CANADIAN big wey. - GRAPES 25c.™ a FRY'S coCoA Ya-lb. Tin wt 19 Delicious Vacuum Packed Tatoe Cris Potate Chips e227 | KETCHUP2 35 LOBSTER x 27 Perfection. FLOOR STORES L/N a, 5 \ WAX 25 2 rT ED A.M, LAWRENCE STILL SOME LEFT A few high-wheel cultivators still left at $15 less than regular price. Also some re-built cultivators for sale. and a rebuilt Maple Leaf Gang Plow. + C. SWITZER, Port Perry. FOR SALE Fordson Tractor, good shape; rea- sonable; Rebuilt M.-H. 6 ft. Binder, al condition; 1 Frost & Wood Binder. N. EWERS, PORT PERRY, M.-H. DEALER. HOUSE FOR SALE Six roomed frame- house, all con - veniences. Electric lights, newly decorated throughout. Double garage. Can be bought on monthly payments. This is the property of the late Chief Nesbitt, and-must-be sold to wind up the estate. Apply to Wm. Nesbitt, 121 Edgewood Ave., Toronto or at the Star Office, Port Perry. [} AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE i. The property of M. McCormack, at his premises one block north of town ductions from the 1938 models of from, hall, Port Perry, on Friday, Sept. 80. | This is an extfa good lot of modern furniture in first-class condition.. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ted Jackson, "Auctioneer. "AUCTION SALE OF 40 CATTLE ~ W. S. Staples and E. Staples, lot 16, © Con, 8, Darlington, on Monday," Sept. 26th. 14 Angus Steers, 12 Hereford Steers, 10 Durham and Hereford Steers, 4 Hereford Heifers. - Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN: WANTED $600, 6%, security $2500. Watson Norman, 331 Bay St., Toronto. oct6 AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, SEPT 27--I have re- ceived instructions to sell for Cyril Mumford, lot 28, con. 5, Darlington, 2 miles east of Hampton, 30 head of Pure Bred and Grade Cattle, Short- horn, 25 Shropshire Sheep--rams and lambs; Pigs--sow, due Oct., reg boar; Implements, including tractor; Grain and many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. (S.T.) Terms Cash. No reserve. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneers W. A. Sangster : DENTAL S8URGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. (The firm of Gress & HUMPHERYS is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of GrEmx & Humemamys Is disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y;8imcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in Attandande, e at Port Perry office Tuesday hureaay afternoons of "a od he by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residense 68) DR. Wy. 8. HARPER a = tae HR A000 ioe London, Eas ER) le Tone ER Office and brstalf mi Perry, Ont. ' DR. A. 8. BLACK '"VETERINARIAN and SURGEON | Overseas Service In the Royal Army Veterin. a and Sooke! "Ve eter: Aeigiant th one 62, BROGKEIR, Se Ont. 4 wi