~ a Sa A er ea a LR ARE i % £ 4 4 EB SAE Ty aay Sa ARRAY A » SEH RAR v Miss Lexie Munro, of Toronto, was week end guests of Mrs. I. R. Bentley. Miss Myrtle Bongard, of Toronto, is spending a short time at her home in Port Perry. The Editor received a kindly letter from Rev. John Murray, of Jersey City, who supplied for Rev, Mr. Smyth during the month of August in the United Church. His opening sentence reads: "How are all the folks in Port Perry? I hope the reply is--All Well." On the front page is a brief Thanksgiving Poem by Mr. Murray. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lundy and little daughter, Miss Phyllis Doubt and Mr. Allin Doubt, of Brantford, Mrs. Wm. Doubt, Torotno, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LaRose, Markham, Mr, and Mrs. C. Webster, and Miss Maxine Webster, rs. Alexander, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Claughton, The executive of the W.M.S. of Lindsay Presbyterial will meet in St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, on Thursday, October 13th. Morning and afternoon sessions. The W.M.S. of the United Church will hold their annual Rally Day Ser- vice on Wednesday afternoon in the school room of the Church, commene- ing at 3 o'clock. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Grierson, Sunderland. All ladies cordially invited. October 12. Rev. C, O. Clift, of Flint, Mich., Rev. Mr. Sherbourne, of Detroit; and Rev. Mr. Inace, of Reading, Pa., were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Cliff, in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, Tacoma, Wash., Miss Helen Joy and her sister Dr. Joy, of Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of their aunt, Mrs. G. A. Rose.' CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Service will be held at 11 am. on + --r Sanday, October 9, and the Sunday S hool will assemble at 10.45. Everybody welcome. 1% ATRE OSHAWA AIR-CONDITIONED Friday-Saturday, OCTOBER 7-8 Breaking the Ice starring . Bobby Breen, Charlie Ruggles, . Dolores Costello, and the world's CORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH , Youngest Ice Skater-- Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. hy Lind "Irene Dare" 10 a.m.~--Sunday School. : : Il a.m.--Public Worship. (A Quiz Contest Picture) Peace and Thanksgiving, Added--Walt Disney Cartoon-- 7 p.m.--Public Worship. "FOX HUNT" * * * REVIVAL, Friday at 10.30 p.m. "WIFE, DOCTOR and NURSE" starrin d Loretta Young, arner Baxter CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector. Rev. J. C. Clough, B.A. Sunday, October 9th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. { pm.--Evensong and Sermon. Sunday, October 16th-- } p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Subject-- BLACKSTOCK A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Manse at Janetville, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 14th, when Annie Ada Pearl, daughter of Mr. Robert Bell and the late Mrs. Bell, Burketon, was united in marriage to Kenneth Har- vev, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gil- banks, Ballyduff. , Rev. W. H. V. Walker officiated. The bride was attired in a navy blue cuit and hat with matching access- ovies and wore a corsage of roses. She was attended by Miss Robinette Wright, Lindsay, a cousin of the groom, who wore wine sheer with black accessories and corsage of sweet peas. The groomsman was Mr. Mur- 'ray Finney, of Fleetwood, cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's father, and later the happy couple left --000---- SUNDAY MIDNIGHT and Monday and Tuesday Sing You Sinners starring Bing Crosby, Fred MacMurray. (A Quiz Contest Picture) Sunday midnight Show--doors open at 12,056 p.m, ----000---- FOUR DAYS Wednesday, Thurs., Fri, Sat. OCTOBER 12-13-14-15 I. O. D. E. The October meeting of the Imper-! ial Order Daughters of the Empire, was held on Monday afternoon, Oct. 3rd, in the room of the Order which was 'very prettily decorated with flowers. The Regent, Mrs, I. R. Bent- ley presided, and welcomed the mem- bers and visitors. The meeting open- ed with prayer and salute to the Flag. A busy hour was spent on planning for fall activities. It was decided to hold a dance in October. A commit- tee was appointed to arrange for the Christmas draw. A very pleasing solo was rendered by Mrs. W. Bowes, accompanied by Mrs. V. Stouffer. The Order was honored in having Sir Wylie Grier as their guest speaker. He spoke on the life and work of the great English portrait painter, Sir Joshua Reynolds. In a few grateful words, Mrs. R. G. Gemmell moved a vote of appreciation to the artists of the afternoon. This was seconded by Mrs. C. P. Peterson. Afternoon tea was served. The com- mittee in charge were Mesdames Bent- ley, Brock, Beare, Durkin, Bowes and Cornish, The L.O.D.E. kitchen which was completed during the summer, was inspected by the ladies who voiced keen appreciation of the work. The meeting closed with singing "God Save the King." MYRTLE Mrs. D. G. Ross of Brooklin, visited Mrs. Mitchell and other friends here last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williamson, of Beaverton, visited friends here on, Sunday. ! Mr. Harold Bradley accompanied "Shorties' Bantam Lacrosse Team" to Mimico on Saturday, but unfortunate- ly playing against a team much older' they were defeated by a score of 6-1. Better luck next time boys! Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Honey, of To- ronto, spent Sunday at the parsonage. Mrs. Clarence Harrison was again successful in securing a number of prizes on her cooking, canned fruits and jellies at Port Perry Fair. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed here on Sunday. Mr. Honey based his text on the 116th Psalm, "The Cups" and what it sym- bolized. No service next Sunday on account of Raglan anniversary. Sun- day School as usual at 1.45 p.m. Those from this conimunity who at-' tended Port Perry Fair congratulate . the Fair Board on its splendid success. The exhibits and special attractions being of a very high standard. The Black and White Show was particular- ly good. More petty thieving was reported here last week when some person or persons: syphoned about five gallons of gasoline out of a Chevrolet Coach that was parked in a yard south of the village. This is the third time that the owner of this property had possessions stolen and it is regretted that the guilty parties have not been apprehended. Miss Lucelle Mc¢Nee of Brooklin, Shen the week end with Miss L. Brad- ey. Mr. Frank Fisher has sold his farm to Mr. Fred Stephens. Mr. Stephens has been living on the Gardner farm north of Ashburn for the past fifteen years. He takes possession of his new home this fall. IN MEMORIAM HICKMAN--In loving memory of my dear mother, J. Wells, who passed away October 3, 1937. One year has passed dear mother, Since you were called away, You suffered much, you murmured not, I watched you day by day, And prayed that your dear life Would not be taken away. Loving thoughts of my dear Dad, who passed away July 20th, 1038. Sadly missed by their daughter Eva, i bt, all ll HPN oe ¢ DIED BRADBURN --- Suddenly in Cart. wright, Lot 10, Con. 2, on Tuesday, October 4th, 1938, David Wesley Brad- burn, in his 71st year. My Lucky Star || starring Sonja Henie, Richard Greene. on a motor trip to Ottawa and points Fost. On their return Mr. and Mrs. [Gilbanks will reside at Burketon, We join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous journey through life. Mrs. F. Lamb of Manchester, Mr. ADDED--Coloured Cartoon and Mrs. Howard Lamb, Franklyn, "STRING BEAN JACK" and Carol, of Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Mr. William John Paton passed away suddenly at his home in Willow- dale, Ont., September 25th. He had not been ill and his end came as a Pullets, B. Rocks--Grant Edgerton, great shock to his family and friends.| Jean Gibson, Mona Ferguson, Glen Mr. Paton was at one time a well Larmer. ] known and highly respected merchant Cockerel, W. Leghorn--Jean Toms in Blackstock. Several vears ago hel pilda Johns, John Thompson, Donald sold out and started in business in| ys nnhston. Whitby but after a few years he again Pullett, W. Leghorn--Hilda Johns, sold-out, and moved to Toronto where ; he continued to live till his sudden hii Toms, Leslie Johns, Donald John- j yssing. ) J He was a man highly thought of as| Beef Calf -- Howard Forder, Lois was proved by the crowded church, Larmer, Grant Ferguson. full of his friends and old neighbors.! Dairy Heifer Calf--Harold Forder. Service was held in Ballyduft church, Market Lamb--Harold Forder, How- | Sept. 27th. The service was conducted ard Forder, Jack Green. by his pastor from Willowdale, as-] Best broken and exhibited calf--, cisted by Rev. J. R. Bick, Whitevale,' Lois Larmer, Grant Ferguson, Howard Rev. C. Ferguson, Bethany, and Rev. Forder, Harold Forder, Mr. Walker, Ballyduff church. He _ Feathered Pet -- Merrill VanCamp, leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Merlin Suggitt, Lola Stinson, Muriel Grant Edgerton, Evelyn Campbell, Lloyd Wright. ll i one son Gordon of Toronto, two Hyland. } i : daughters, Adele of Toronto, and _ Furred Pet -- Bobbie Philp, Lola Hilda of Saskatchewan. To these Stinson, Howard Trewin, Mary Hoooy: corrowing ones is extended the sincere, Spy Apples--Dorothy Wright, Havi- sympathy of the community. land Marlow, Dalton Dorrell, Merrill | VanCamp. " BLACKSTOCK SCHOOL FAIR Snow Apples -- Evelyn Campbell, PRIZE WINNERS Jean Black, Margaret Brock, John Thompson, Wheat sheaf--Dorothy Wright, Jack! McIntosh Apples--Dorothy Wright, Green, Lola Stinson, Howard Trewin. Nora Ginn, Ronald Ginn, Stuart Dor- Wheat, quart--Arnold Taylor, Jack rell, Green, Orma McKee, Merlin Bailey. | Tomatoes -- Stuart Dorrell, Jack Oat sheaf--Doris Mahaffy, Stuart' Green, Joyce Maris, Verna McNally. Dorrell, ' Bran Muffins--Aileen Toms, Beryl Oats, quart -- Ernie Swain, Janet: Larmer, Helen Bowes, Jean Griffin, Swain, Dorothy Wright, Stuart Dor- Chocolate Brownies -- Dorothy rell. Wright, Irene Marlow, Edith Wright, Barley sheaf--Doris Mahaffy, Grant! Dorothy Hoskin. i Ildgerton, Thelma Ferguson, i Loaf Cake--Wilma VanCamp, Lois Barley, quart--Ernie Swain, Bobbie Larmer, Evelyn Campbell, Jean Toms, : Philp, Ray Harris, Dalton Dorrell. School Lunch -- Dorothy Wright, Potpioes, Dooley -- Ernest Swain, Mary Hooey, Jean McLean, Hilda ! Leslie Johnston, Jovee Larmer, How- Johns. - i ard Forder. * Maple Cream -- Jessie VanCamp, Potatoes, Irish Cobbler -- Hilda Doris Mahaffy, Wilma VanCamp, Dorothy Wright. Johns, Donald Larmer, Grace Graham, Layer Cake -- Lola Stinson, Alma Arthur Gibson. ! Fnsilage Corn -- Dalton Dorrell," Graham, Jean Toms. Dorothy Wright, Lloyd Wright, Edith Tea Biscuits--Dorothy Bowers, Lola Wright. Stinson, Stuart Dorrell. Wash Cloth -- Jean Griffin, Hilda Johns, Lucille Forder. Sweet Corn--Beryl Larmer, Maurice Nesbitt, Margaret Brock, Neil Werry. Mangels -- Merlin Bailey, Evelyn Dresser Scarf -- Dorothy Wright, Campbell, Stuart Dorrell, Arnold Tay-" in Wright, Bernice Mairs, Alma lor. raham. i Turnips--Ray Harris, Bobbie Philp,| Book Cover--Lola Stinson. i Merrill VanCamp, Orvil McKee. | Duster Bag--Dorothy Wright, Lola I Parsnips -- Irene Marlow, Donald' Stinson, Edith Wright, Muriel Me- Lansing, Alice Staples, Thelma Fergu- Lean. Son. Paper Modél of Barn--Robt. Midg- jeets--Grant Edgerton, Jean Gib-iley, Keith Wright, Beverley Blac son, Garry Venning, Joyce Larmer. ; Ronald Williams. i Carrots--Aileen Toms, Murray Lar-! Dog or Cat on base--Roy Graham, mer, Jean Griffith, Ruth Bell. Garry Venning, Stewart McQuade, I Onions -- Harold Hamilton, Joyce Grant Edgerton. Mairs, Albert Midgley, Robt. Midgley. = Hammer Handle--Merrill VanCamp, Pie Pumpkin--Irene Rahm, Havi- Jack Green, Ronald Ginn, Ernest Me- land Marlow, Lois Larmer, Merlin Lean, Bailey. | Set of Book Ends--Robt. Sheffield. Squash -- Arnold + Williams, Billy =~ Model Hayrack--Jack Green, How- Johns, John Veale, Gordon Hanna. ~ 'ard Forder, John Archer, Ronald Ginn Asters--Beryl Larmer, Donald Lar- Map of North America -- Dorothy mer, Frnie Swain, Lavern Suggitt. ~~ Wright, Merrill VanCamp, Lola Stin- Phlox--Billy Johns, Thelma Fergu- son, Lois Larmer. son, Richard VanCamp, Joyce Larmer.. 12 Breeds of Live Stock Mounted-- Zinnias -- Arnold Taylor, Dorothy | Audrey Mountjoy, Grant Edgerton, Wright, Lloyd Wright, Mons Fergu-|John Thompson, Hilda Johns. son, Six Classes into which animals ma Helichrysum-Roy Graham, Dorothy be divided -- Edith Wright, Merrill Hoskin, Ernest McLean, Grant Ma- VanCamp, Marion Thompson, Dorothy hafly. Wright. Verbena--Lola Stinson, Grant Ed-{ Development of 8 insects -- Louis gerton, Alice Staples, Grant Fergu-|Larmer. | Display -- Keith Wright, son. \ Hobby cNally, Robt. Sheffield, Louis Gaillardia -- Jean Toms, Winnie! Verna Swain, Stanley Rahm, Harold Hamil-| Stinson. Ground Hog tails--Ernie Swain 160, Merlin Suggitt 86, Murray Werry 62, i - | tl (A Quiz Contest Picture) I My Little Farm---Jessie VanCamp, Irene Marlow, Mary Hooey, Orma { McKee. Lines of Poetr Verna McNally, Evelyn Philp, Audrey McQuade. Boy Going to School in Rain--Jean Griffin, 'Keit Gwen Wilson. Child Life Customs, Illustrated-- Ross Steele, Ronald Ginn, Marion Thompson, Aleta Steele, Magazine Cover -- Howard Forder Charlie Fee, Dorothy Hoskin, Mabel Avis. Illustrate a Lesson -- Janet Swain, Walter Rogers, Sara Marlow, Lois Larmer. Apple Naming Contest -- Lloyd Wright, Ernie Swain, Dalton Dorrell, Doris Mahaffy. : Live Stock Judging--Ernie Swain, Howard Forder, Grant Ferguson, Lloyd Wright. : Public Speaking--Robert Sheffield, Verna McNally. Recitation -- Elwin Dickey, Gwen. Wilson, Beryl Larmer, Iva Mahaffy. Mouth Organ--Doris Mahaffy, John Archer, Robt. Sheffield. -- ------ -- Wright, Joyce Venning, -- Sara Marlow, | 14 C. W. Lak Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg, and son Stewart, Mr, and Mrs. C. Cheveral, all of Peterboro. who has been Pickering College, Newmarket. ing his talent for carving. and many fine specimens of his wor has been on display at the store this i His many friends are de-|%. summer, lighted to hear of his success. Mr, and Mrs. Prizeman and children of Toronto, with Mrs, Jas, Ackney on | ¥ Sunda Mr. afternoon. Rev. Mr, in the evening. On Tuesday evening, a hot meat supper will be served in i the basement, and a play entitled: "Where's Grandma" will be presented in Memory Hall. . PRINCE ALBERT The date for the anniversary ser- vices has been set for October 23. Communion service will be held this coming Sunday. ; Last Sunday was missionary day. Mr. Kerr of Port Perry was special speaker and ably spoke on "Frontier College." Mr. and Mrs. E, Harry, Mrs. C. Turner, of Tombs) visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirby, Mrs. Turner remaining. Mr. Sam Oyler left on Sunday to sail for England, where he will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Taylor, Mrs, E. L. Vickery, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vick- ery and son of Oshawa, at Mr. Frank Vickery's on Sunday. : ; Miss R. McCrea spent a day with her parents last week, on her way to Orillia. Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Everson called in the Village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clarke, Bow- manville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson, on Sunday. : ; Mr. A. Tripp, Toronto, called on his cousin, Mr. G. Luke, recently. o> UTIC The farmers are making good use of the nice weather by getting their fall work.well on the way. Breadalbane Presbyterian Church held its annual Free Will Offering ser- vice last Sunday. afternoon. There was a fair crowd in attendance. Rev. Mr. Meek of Uxbridge was the speak- er. Ashburn choir was in charge of the music. . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family | with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer on Sun- day: : rs. Fred Ackney gente tained the Bluebird Club at her home last Friday, The October meeting will be at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Bushell, at Epsom. A number from here attended the Fair on Saturday, ; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Walker and daughter of Ashburn, with Mr, and Mrs, E, Kendall on Sunday, FIRST MORTGAGI®LOAN WANTED $600, 6%), security $2600. Watson Norman, 331 Bay St. Toronto. oct 13 SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps' Two-Way Action quickly cleanses and invigorates the' Kidneys. Use Rumacaps. A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. FOR SALE Blué Reed Baby Carriage in first class condition. Original Price $34, Would sell for $16. Also sulky, would sell reasonable, - Apply P.O. Box 324, Port Perry. ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED The Assessment Roll of the Corp- oration of the Village of Port Perry for 1938 upon which the taxes for 1939 will be levied, has been returned to me; and any appeals against the assessment therein must be made to me in writing on or before October 17th next. G. F. MANNING, Clerk. October 1st, 1938. : 13 -------- el PB ---------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mervin M. Christie. All persons having claims against the estate of Mervin M. Christie, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 22nd day of December, 1937, are hereby notified to file with the un- dersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1938, full particulars of their claims. day of October, 1938, the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Ad- ministratrix shall then have notice. Dated at Uxbridge, this 16th day of September, 1938. GREIG and. LITTLEJOHN, .Ux- bridge, Ont., Solicitors for the Ad- Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, | 352 ey were Mr, and Mrs. W.|% Fossett, of Agincourt. Miss Alethy|¥ iid < Congratulations to Mr, Bruce Miller : iven a year's tuition 8 g e|8 will take four subjects besides extend- | & ; Bruce is |g exceedingly clever in wood garving, ¥ day. ; ot The" United Church will hold anni- | versary services on Sunday, October |¥ 16th, with Rev. 3 Stouffville, in charge of the services. |& Music in charge of Utica choir in the | H Wallace of | Greenbank, and Scugog Men's Choir | § Atkinson of | § Immediately after the 8th]: ministratrix. oct6 (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Store News Transpec The new liquid Beauty Pack. :: Quicker and easier to use than old fashioned clay packs. Very effective in coun- teracting wrinkles, en- larged pores, sagging face muscles, etc. Per bottle $1.25 Typical Lawrence Lawrence's Cough Syrup, 8 oz. 50ec. Lawrence's Kidney Pills ......29¢. Lawrence's Seidlitz Powder, Puretest Cod Liver Oil, 50¢c., $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic--Special Noxzema (75¢. size) ..Special 59¢. Values : 15¢. 2 pkgs. for 25¢. 2 for Sle. PHONE 6 THEATRE, UXBRIDGE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, this week Eleanor Powell and Nelson Eddie, in "ROSALIE" Hear this popular tenor of radio and screen as good as in "Rose Marie", Also POPEYE CARTOON. Shows starts at 8 p.m. Saturday at 7.30 and 9.46 p.m, Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Oct. 10-11-12 THANKSGIVING BILL Mary Carlisle any Chag Buddy Rogers This Way Please -A great college Comedy-Drama, TWO OTHER ATTRACTIONS Thursday, Friday, Sat., (Next Week) Don Ameche and Alice Faye, in "In-Old Chicago" " COMING SOON! "SOULS AT SEA" and "FIREFLY" i =e ie ANNIVERSARY at UTICA Anniversary services of Utica United Church will be held at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., on Sunday, Octoher 1b. At 2.30 p.m, the service wil be con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Stouff- ville, and at 7.30 p.m. by Rev. Thomas Wallace, of Greenbank. Scugog Men's choir will sing at the evening. service. On Tuesday, October 18, a, supper and play ("Where's Grandma") will be given. Admission 86¢. See bills. gright's or Bayside Choices ton, Pinks -- Kenneth Larmer, Janet Swain, Jim Harris, Neil Werry. Lola Stinson 66 Scabiosa--Merrill VanCamp, Keithl The Little Bird--Rae Henry, Hatty Arve, Madeline Rogers, verley ACK. 2 Wright, Stuart Dorrell, Irene Marlow. Little Things--Donald Larmer, Iva Snapdragon -- Jean Griffith, Jean McLean, Orma McKee, Bruce Lywood. Cockerel, B. Rock -- Lois Larmer, | Argue. ' Nasturtiums -- Haviland Marlow, | Mahaffy," Grant Edgerton, Ruth Bell. Iivelyn Campbell, Aileen Toms, Hilda} Woodland Things -- Ronald Ginn, |: Johns. Ross Steele, Marion Thompson, Doris $b AGHETTI GOLDEN SPA cut : in WAX BEANS ink ce ore" 2AD | Shwe Lo irag P ta CHOICE GOLDEN ap 2 Vries 15 Cocoa . Yin «19 CORN - wy 04 : Chocolate S TORES LIMITED & L 4 CIPUNLOTL .. Us. I.E Mapa 1444 - 1-b, Lard - 2 hc .25 Orchard Garden Grapefruit Juice - 2 WN .25 Drops - » 1208 25 * - Gillett' oom 25 Lye &.° w .11 CLEANSER Big 3 - Tin Dr. Baliard's Dog or Cat Food 'OLD ENGLISH Floor Wax iv Bananas 23¢. doz. Celery Stalks 5c. Mcintosh Apples, 29¢. 6 qt. b. a5 «05 29 57 25% CHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A. M. LAWRENCE me Resall PORT a, 0 2% AN ST RS EE FALL AND WINTED APPLES * FOR SALE Also cider apples. Apply to John Medd, R.R.1, Port Perry, Ont, SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE New Williams' Sewing Machine, in god running order... Apply at Star ce. mt il OND Sra ie AUCTION SALE OF 100 CATTLE D, McArthur & Son are pgain giv- ing the public an opportunity to buy cattle at auction, [This is an excellent offering and will be sold to the highest bidder on Saturday, October 8th, at their premises, lot 11, con. 10, Reach (mile south of Greenbank.) Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Ba : AUCTION OF PURE BRED STOCK 20 Shorthorns, 50 Registered Sheep, 5 Yorkshire Sows, the property of Grant Christie, Manchester, on Wed- nesday, October 12. This is an ex- ceptional opportunity to secure Pure Bred Stock at your own price.' The cattle are from some of the best fam- ilies of the breed. Sale at 1.30. J. E. McDonald and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. -- tin . FOR SALE Air Circulator Heater, also a half and a one hdrse power electric motors. 8S. CAUSLEY MACHINE REPAIR SHOP. Port Perry, Ont. DEPICTING THE LIFE OF CHRISTY THIS CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT IS MORE ELABORATE THAN THE OBERAMMERGAY STAGE PLAY- RELIGIOUS ~INSPIRING ~ EDUCATIONAL . Wed. October 12th TOWN HALL MANCHESTER 8.30 p.m. Adults 25c. Children 18c W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § pm. Office Up-Stairs, over Sleep's Insurance Office. (The firm of Gaza & Husrazavs is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office om Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 The firm of Grmsx & Humpaesys fs disolved RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y;Bimcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 ee Ap kA ph week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 364 'DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 08) DR. W. 8. HARPER Gradyninity Tranter, London, Eng : Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont. DR. A. 8. BLACK VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Overseas Service in the Royal VY ay, Corps. Three ™ as A lish Booteh Burgeons. Phone 63, BROOKLIN, Ont Ti peste AE oe Y EJ a a.