PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8rd, 1988 BROCK THEATRE WHITBY Telephone 618 Thurs., Friady, Sat, Nov 3-4-5 Two Shows at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 ,. .. SONJA HENIE RICHARD GREENE " ' "My Lucky Star" > with Joan Davis, Cesar Romero, Buddy Ebsen. | SELENE Mon., Tues., Wed., November 7-8-9 First show at 7, Last complete show . "There's Always a Woman." ~ with JOAN BLONDELL and 'MELVYN DOUGLAS Also an added Attraction ; "The Devil's Party with Victor McLaglen, Paul Kelly, William Gargan, Beatrice Roberts. ARS Re AN TRINF B24 | BLUEBIRD NOTE--Every diamond is insured. Bentley's Jewelry Store Port Perry. ait FREE ESTIMA \TE HL \ OUR RO OFING y/5\ Fi I Steel Products roa PRESTON ONT Please send in the "News" This is YOUR paper, Use it. Those delicious cuts of * meat purchased at CAWKER BROS. seem to have it in flavour. Phone your order now to 29w They deliver "YOUR F AMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can the best baking, JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD PHONE 93, . - supply you with on short notice. BREAD AND PASTRY - PORT PERRY Why Not have a delicious Roast or Boil for dinner now that the weather is getting chilly? M.-GREGOR'S have choice cuts that are PHONE 72:R-2 WE DELIVER sure to satisfy PORT PERRY Ea om LL eT fo ee Tere THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper It records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit erime or sensation; neither does it ighore them, but deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. - ---- tian Belence Publishin orway Street, Boston, The Ch One, : Ps $2, 00 6 months $6.00 assachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for Wednesday {ssue, incivding Magazine Section: Boclety 3 months $3.00 1 month $1.00 year $3.60, 6 issues 28¢ EE LL LL ltt HAROLD W. Phone 41 with Reliable F ire Insurance Place Your Insurance with EMMERSON \ Port Perry Myrtle Station Service next Sunday will be held at 7 pm. and will continue to be at that hour for the winter months, Sunday School at the usual hour of 1.45. On Sunday, October 30th, Myrtle United Church held its annual Thank Offering service. The beautiful in- terior of the auditorium was made more attractive by the lavish display of flowers, fruit and vegetables, bank- ed about the altar and in the windows. Many complimentary comments were heard after the services. Rev. C. W. Smith of Courtice was in charge of both morning and evening services. His text for the morning was chosen from John 13:15, His subject was: "The Marks of a Christian," The choir sang one anthem "Oh Come Let Us Sing" by McPhail. Mrs, Clifford McCarthy, of Toronto, rendered two solos in her usual pleasing manner. The first "When Jesus Came". Her second number was the well known gospel song "He Lifted Me", but made a thing of beauty by her lovely flex- ible voice. Mr. Smith gave a splendid discourse at the evening service, choosing his Scripture lesson from the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13. His subject was "The victory of the church." Miss Luella Ploughman of Port Perry, sang that beautiful old song "Just for To-day". The choir chose an an: anthem "Sing Unto the Lord." Miss K. Jeffrey, of Port Perry, sang that other well- known and much loved song "Oh Saviour of Mankind." After the ser- mon Miss Jeffrey and Miss Ploughman sang a very fine duet "When I Survey the Wonderous Cross." Miss' Margret Armstrong spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Douglas of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chisholm, and Mr. Geo. Chisholm, of Toronto, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm. Mr, and Mrs, Victor Hudgins and Patsy, of Toronto, were with Mrs. H. Hudgins on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Britton, of Lon- don, were week end guests of O, H. and Mrs. Downey. Mrs. Hervey Painter and little June :| of Prospect, spegt Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hall, also Mrs. Hedley Snead and baby, all of Ather- ley, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. L. L. Ross and Evelyn, Ash- burn; visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Harold Brown and Miss Lila Johnson, of Greenbank, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Duchemin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Broome and sons of Solina, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane. Mr. Floyd Honey and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Honey of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Totton, of Campbellford, were week end guests ats the parson- age. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stredwick of Osh- awa visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stredwick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radbourne, Marylin and Brent, and Miss Rose Brent, of Toronto, Mr. Edgar Wedge and daughter Beth, of Roland, Man,, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent, of Raglan, were all visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson, Mrs. W. E. Honey, Mrs. D. Luery, and Mrs. C. Harrison, attended the three sessions of the annual Oshawa Presbyterial of the W.M.S., held in Trinity Church, Bowmanville, last Fri- day. It was one of the best annual meetings held in years. Mrs, Joliffe, President of the Bay of Quinte Branch was there to bring her greetings in person. Her message was full of in- spiration, and helpfulness, Mrs, F. J. Day of the Dominion Board, Miss R. Duff of the W.C.T.U., and Miss Cora Kilborn of West China, were the main speakers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lantz and Miss Brown of Toronto, spent a few days of last week with Mr, and Mrs, O. H. Lane. The Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. H, Hudgins on Thursday of last week, with a fair attendance, The meeting was opened with hymn 488, followed by prayer by Mrs. Honey. The roll call was an- swered by a Thanksgiving' thought. The program was specially arranged to suit the Honan Jubilee celebration, and was read by several of the ladies. Thinking of fifty years of missionary wark in Honan, as a river--beginning as a tiny stream into which brooks ana streams have entered to make a mighty river. Mrs. Honey gave a brief account of the beginning of Christianity, then followed a few read- ings on the temperance work of Frances Willard, After the close of the meeting a tasty lunchéon was served by the hostess and a happy half hour was spent socially. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blatch, Violev and Peggy, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. John Armstrong. Mr, William Martin and Migs Mary Martin guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Harrison. The prolonged summer-like fall has done wonders. Many summer flowers were still in bloom until the heavy frost of Friday night, and there are still some of the hardier varieties. But the greatest discovery was made last week when Miss M. Armstrong was out walking near Mud Lake, and gathered her hands full of sprigs load- ed with ripe raspberries. Mr. Charles: Holman of Columbus and his mother, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leach. PRINCE ALBERT The October meeting of the W. A. was held at, the ,home.of Mrs. H. R. Murphy with the President, Mrs. Mac- Gregor, in charge. Among other items of business it was decided to hold a hot meat pie supper followed by a program on Friday, November 18, as the re-opening of the smaller room of the Church basement. A lunch committee was appointed, and Miss M. Vickery as convener. Next meeting to be at Miss Madden's home. The following program was given--read- ing by Miss Madden; recitation by Ruth Luke, entitled "Rock of Ages" which was softly played on the piano by Miss Myra Sager; guitar selection and solo by Celia 'Hope. Lunch was served by Mrs. F. Luke, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. G. Luke. Proceeds $5.45. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was held last Wednesday night. Several items of business were discussed. The topic on the subject "Peace" was ably taken by Miss Madden. Misses Doris Raines and Rena Harrison sweetly sang a duet, accompanied by Miss Ward at the piano. Delegates from the Y. P, U. to wy Convention at Orono on Saturday were Misses M. Vickery, Kathleen Murphy Doris Murphy, Olive Bond and Herbert Toombs, Considerable moving is taking place. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagg are moving back into their own house. Mr, and Mrs, D. Harrison and family into the C. Patterson house, Mr. and Mus. Butt and family, and Mrs. D. Warren into their house here. Mr. and Murs. Edwards are going to Brooklin, Mur, and Mrs, Wray are going to the south Foley place, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and two daughters recently moved into the Dan. Lyle's house, A A PRINCE ALBERT COMMUNITY CLUB The meeting of the Prince Alber Community Club. for.the purpose of electing officers for the new season as held on Thursday, October 13. The officers are as follows: President, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter; Vice-President, Albert !'furper; Secretary, Doris Treasurer, Stanley Hope; pianist, Mrs. Albert Harper; Asst. pianist, Mrs, L. Hunter; auditors, Grant Hunter and Ross Murphy. The next meeting was held on Thursday, October 27th with the new president, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter presid- ing. The meeting was opened by the singing of "The Maple Leaf" followed by some community singing. The president ably addressed the Club | thanking all those responsible for her| appointment and asking all the mem: | bers for that spirit of co-operation so necessary to make the meetings suc- cessful. Several business items re- garding the activities for the coming year were discussed. The program for the evening, which was prepared by Mrs, S. Hope, Mrs. IY, Hunter and Miss Margaret McCrea, was as fol- | lows: A song by the school girls and | boys accompanied by Miss B. Ward. A recitation, Jean Taylor; piano solo, Maunsell Gerrow; recitation, Rutn Luke; guitar selection, Gordon Pren- | tice; reading, Mr. I. Asher; selection, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper. The meeting was closed by the National Anthem, after which dancing was enjoyed by all, ! a. Ln. I 2 od THE SCOTCH WAY---NOT TOO ERE aN CL re Ea nT A SRR rE LR US GENE a an Oe CARE i ete Fagor oreo Meo ag Poaceae ad EE IR II III II IIIS, a a a a A rs - me RED & WHITE sme | SUNWORTHY, SUNTESTED WALLPAPER FOR 1939, ALL IN STOCK NOW Wallpaper 10c. per roll up Men's Heavy Plaid Windbreakers zipper Men's Overcoats, $4.95 $16.95 © oo en 8's, $2. 98 | po s, .79 | Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 49c. F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY 33Y AMAIA AAMT AAA MRSA LS GE ASE 5 0h Quaker Flour xxxx, Pd me mp a a nn ne FAST (continued from last week) Teacher--*"If you have ten potatoes and must divide them cqually among!? three persons, how would you do it?" [2 Little boy--*"Mash them." 3 ------ OP WB K! NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Henry Hickman, - Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Henry Hickman, late of the Township of Reach, in 'the | County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on the 29th day of July, A.D. 1938, are hereby notified to send in to the underdigned solicitors { on or before the 25th day of November 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after November 25, 1938, the assets of the said deccased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the said solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., day of November, A.D. 1038. A. W. S. GREER, Purdy Block, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for xecutrix of Henry Hickman Estate. novi? this 2nd DOSS SABARARNASSAA 2EOROROFOLOLOPI0O os 0 eo a ut ot 0 ORORPOROROROROPOROPORCH A ERO AAA AAA AAA %e2a23 20 COASAASAASNASASAARRAARAAA AR SAL OASAASARKARARANSEN SRS NNAN SANSA Permanent Waving Special A new permanent waving solution, entirely different to ' any other on the market, because a new chemical solution is utilized that steams faster because it penetrates the hair shaft 1 Week Special, $2. MULLIGAN"S BEAUTY SHOPPE PORT PERRY LSSAARSASSSSAASASAASSAR SAAR SARRAARA RR 5 4 Phone 75 | ) DID YOU KNOW That our BREAD, BUNS, and CAKES are the most eco- nomical? They contain only the best of ingredients; they are wholesome; and if asked we will deliver them to your home. Why not use Gerrow's Baking exclusively? It pays! OUR CONFECTIONERY is always fresh. Boxed and bulk goods to suit each individual taste. . Gerrow Brothers LOA ASSL Nd A hod -- ew -- a £2 NO HEATING READING. G5 WORRIES [F YOU USE READING ANTHRACITE WASHED FREE FROM DIRT AND DUST The "Laundered'" Coal Fresh ST. MARY'S CEMENT Always on Hand. Hardwood, Plaster, and Tile also Lime, PORT PERRY COAL YARD PHONES 94 w, 94 EI rr er ed Tr Rr Fe Rat es Tet et Rt Ra Ma a Ma a ds Rs fe CCA REAL AS AE ATA AE AT AE MEAL MEAT AE AE AEA A AE ae 1 . aH faster. ; Oct. 31 to Nov. 5 : 3 00 : »a--- s-- -- SUMMER IS ENDED Now is the time to make preparations for Winter. We can supply you with-- COAL COKE FIREWOOD WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF STORM SASH, STORM DOORS o Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 CT? oA AL - Fe ie ar a PR wt SOP er - ey IN A EC Sv AE 7 / o> of TAS v gn