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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Nov 1938, p. 6

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Man Ate Oysters Before Stone Age They Have Been A :Human Food For 15,000 Years Shells. Found in The Any ent Mounds Nar nL Sclensts are still on the trail of. that lost hero who ate the first oys- ter. Dean Swift called attention to _ this adventurer '1h the rematk: 'He was a bold man_that- first eat an oyster." But #Dean Swift, 'with his 18th century grammar and-hisg-- "18th century knowledge "of--pirehis- toric: man, could never "have BUS. pected how far back 'in time his light quip would be pursued, in.the search of the missing ploncer. For Science * Today says prehistorians in their studl:s of man's rise to cl- vilization have trailed the dyster- eating custom back through the ~Neolithic_settlements to, prove that~ oyster ¢hting was an old story then, They have also found evidence that wanking, ate oysters in the preced. Mesotithic or stablishes 3 Rv an "food no-less ars the oyster than 15.04 ago. 0 : 1) JOAN LEARNS ~ TO PLAY POLO Mounted Sweetheart", an. hour. of relaxation by. playing Ito. When not before the cameras, fiss Crawford spends her spare time on the polo ficlds near her Brentwood 3 Helghts home. f pony, Joan- Crawford enjoys on her vorite 'Home Repairs ~~ Loans Repaid - 2-,000 or 52,600 Under Can- adian Housing Act Wiped ©... Off i: : : "ole F. W. Nicoll§; director of the fed- eral Housing Act, reports that 21, 000 home improvement loans haye ~been repaid by Canadian borrow- ers. Undér the 1008 scheme, put into effect November 1, 1936, when Do- * minfon banks : were authorized to "ddvance funds to those . persons wishing to renovate homes, 52,600 - loans have been made afnounting to + more than $21,000,000. One - Third Liquidated The government technicilly en- dorsed the loans by... guaranteeing bank losses up t6°15 per cent. of the amounts borrowed, but with more than oire-third"of the loans already liquidated, the government has had to assume only cne-sixth of ene per cent. of all commitments, Nicolls said: i Loans under the plan average 'about 30 months in duration, .with ome | in force as long as five years, . the on fal s: wi Posture. Makes Clothes Smart Figure More Tuiportant Than Frock For Style Girls need not worry about that stunning $76 black model direct from Paris, for, you can look just ° as smart in a $5 frock, sald DF, ~ Russell Wright, lecturing .at the Michigan convention of the Amerl- ---can- Association of Osteopathic Sur- | goons, "If.a girl has a fine posture; she. : can--wear inexpensive. clothes and look just as well in" them as sho would Ina French import," said Wright. "It is the shape on which you hang the frock that is Apo ant, Can Wear Inexpensive Dresses' "Even excessive weight Is not - serious if a woman has a right pos- ture, About five out 'of every 100 nen have - good posture and the percentaga of women who carry themselves well Is even less, The matter of inexpensive clothes goes i men as well as with women." ot is the vision of freedom that We led on the human spirit from the first, Without it evtrything is in vain." had 2 _ part of next ye "ly: will be 1931. News Parade By Elizabeth Bedy CUTTING OUR OWN THROAT "A startling, 'statement was made last week In Toronto by the China correspondent of Yhe Manchester Guardian, H, J.. Timperley: "The British Empire is slowly cutting its :own' throat, and. Canada: seems to have a good firm grip on the knife." 2 R Mr, Timperley who has been 15 years fn the Orient explains that ong of Japan's main objectives at the present is to undermine Hritish and U.S. positions in China, "Carefully worked out figures show that. during '1937 Japan got 81 per 'cent. of her essential war supPlies J from the United States, the British Empire and the Dutch East Indies, Canada's shara has been notably important, 'ThesDominion has con- nickel, aluminum, lead, ap iron and wood ulp (uged-in--anaking high explosives). Thus the British Empire. has been indiredt ly helping to undermine is own position." isn't a SLOW DRIVERS--It free country any more. You have to drive fast on Ontario's highways whether you like it or not. At a niceting of the Ontario. - Motor Je ¢ and the Ontario Safety Leagve last week, - slow drivers were scored as the greatest menace the on' our public roads, worse than - drunks, war than speed maniacs, And there are going to be more convictions for this type of driving henceforth, "the Premier of our SProvince dhnounces, Here we should like to int erpose a suggestion. Why not have all «our trunk highways built on the conveyor style (like the "moving sidewalks at the. Paris Exposition in 1908)? livery car would then have to move at the same speed; you could watch the scenery. with- out giving any atfention to the driving, much; and think of the saviiig on Yires, gasoline, oil! WAR IN 1941--Detailed mans and earls circulated thryaghout the world by Nazi propagandists reveal that Germany and Italy already have planned how they will divide up Eurppe. The first group of maps shows Gerniany in the "spring of 1938 after the absorption of Aus- Arias the autumn of 1938, showing the "taking over" of Czechoslova- kia, "and Hungary, intended to be No. 1 victim of Nazi expansion for 1930." Secondiset of maps shows Poland comipg during the latter nd dung 1940, Yugoslavia, Rumania and- Bulgaria. The year of thé big war seeming- In that' year, ac- cording to the third group, of maps, Germany Jis-to make a real drive "to both cast and west, absorbing Denmark, Holland, Belgium; Swit- zerland_and, Northerii France. At the same time the Nazi armies will thrust: down through: Poland and Rumania, taking all of European Russia soul} of Moscow to the Cas- pian Sea, inkluding the great south Russian oilfields. I final lav nap shows Europe of 1948 under the dominance of the Rome-Berlin axis. ~ Italy is to get Spajn, southeastern France, Pales- titfe, Albania, Greece-and the entire : north African coast. And Hitler and Mussolini mean thelr joint dream to come trie: Ta "Troy Cow Produces 25,600 "THE. WEEK' s "QUESTION --Did October make a record for warm weather in Ontario, this year? Ans- wer: Although thé mean tempera. ture for tho month was 10 degrees above normal, 1900 has 1938 beat, The" average temperature tor Oc- tober of that year was 56.7 or 13.2 degrees above normal. : Wisinles Many Parents Make - Common Eriots. in Deainig With Children Are Picked Out By Child Specialists Common. mistakes of parents' in dealing with thelr children were shawn to-6500 child specialists In convention at New Yark last week. devoted to discovering facts of "the "child psychology; they found that. when little Robert slaps his sister, throws toys at his mother and has temper- fits, it usually is the fa of his parents. Often, parents wy neglect an older child to" concen: trate attention on "Ahe. younger , child, Need Personal Attention' Parents too often, 'try to mold their children's lives into a special pattern with serious results, be- cause often the child may have no aptitude for the chosen profession. | Children need personal attention, Nothing «an ever substitute for . that.*The depression, instead gt be- 'Ing a.calamity to children the wealthy homes, turned out to be a ' godsend. Malds were discharged, Mother took oyer.the nursery. She no longer had efighgements every ine She had more time for her «children, nai I Moe aa? "night-le-equaj-to-+ sy Pills," Ontario's Youngest Bride and Groom EE --. #0, TS rr kn ager i Rik One' of the -- farriages to be registered in Ontario is the marriage of Donald Hewitt, 17-year-old mattress maker and Dolly Hum- phrey v, 14, who were wed in Bothwell recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred tumphrey, parents of the Jirides consented to the marriage. Technique Of - Duck Carving Here Are Five Pointers To Sharpen It Up -- Serve Orn Large Platter and Be Sure Knife Is. Like a Razor Can your' hugband carve one? That's a very personal. question, yet it must be answebed. If there is any doubt, leave this article on his dres- ser and let. masculine pyide take its course, (1) The carving knife must Le razor-sharp. give it a lagt minute sharpening at table just before carving. ? (2) Use a large platter for the roast duck. There must be room'on it for the pieces as they are cut. Serve the gravy in a separate bowl, (3) Press fork firmly into breast of duck, holding it there with the left hand. Place knife between the body and upper thigh join# and cut down sharply to sever the tendons and make a clean break. If you do. To make doubly sure; serve a piece of dg meat to each ~ 'person, cut each of the "drumsticks in two diagonal slices. (The neck and short wings have been cut oft before roasting, because there fis - ho meat on them.) {4) With the duck still on its back, cut down through- the centre of the bieast bone. Cut each halt of the breast In three portions. And carve diagonally not straight down, Do not remove the breast meat 'from the bone. Cut right tlrough the breast bore, leaving the bone itself with the serving 'of -meat. However; if you prefer tq serve the breast without the bore, carve-it in thick slices, Ontario Holstein Shatters Records. Pounds Milk In Year World's Champion . ~ Regasborne Alice Alcartra, three. year-old Holstein-Friesian heifer on the farm of Richard Sager, Troy, Ontario, had a brim-ful pgil-of rich milk last week to complete a 356+ . day' record of performances test on® twice-a-day milking. 2 Alice shattered six 'Canadian and "United States records. With total. production of about 25,600.-pounds of milk in one year and butterfat 'test of 3.6 per cent., the champion eclipsed the high mark for her own breed, held by a cow In the herd of Elliott Brothers, Woodstock. The farm is-15 miles west of Hamilton. VOICE OF "THE PRESS PQSER FOR A PREACHER Wonder: how a missionary ex- plains. to a. heathen what a gas - neglect mask is?--DBrandon Sun. Er MEN IN PUBLIC LIFE We-much. prefer té have men saying plainly they aré dropping out of politics in, order to make a living than having them enter public life for that purpose, Peterborough Examiner. years WHOM TO BLAME? No government'is to blame for of Canadian - defense forees, says Defense Minister Mac- kenzie. Under the circumstances, the culpable persons vill be hard - to find. --Sudbury Star. --ati SHE GETS IT, EITHER WAY The poor old" hen! During her "lifetime, experts agree, she should lay GOO eggs. After that it is not usually profitable to keep her. So the harder she works, the sooner *- she gets it in the neck. -- Family Herald and Weelly Star. LIGHT-HEADED ARE WORSE . Based -on tests among. 1,238 - motorists, half of them with light eyes and half dark, two American investigators have found that the light-eyed 'motorists have poorer vision at night and are more sen- sitive" to glare than drivers with. dark eyes. Our viéw is that light- headed. drivers are a greater source of danger than light-eyed. -'--St. Thomas Times-Journal, EERE k _==""CANADA'S MARKETS : The 10 leading markets for Can-> "adian commodities in September were: United States, $60,625,000; United - Kingdom, $28,912,000; Germany, $2,616,000; Australia, . $2,465,000; Netherlands, $1,278,- 000; Belgium, $1,227,000; New Zealand, $1,193,000; Btitish South Afriga, $1,082,000; Japan, $964,~ 000; and France, $841,000.--Rre- gina Leader-Post." EER A HAPPY REMINDER! While in town cet yqur copy of t hid week's Toronto S tav " Weekly. : . by contrast to the nipped-in walst "outline just below ft « friend- pointed out that --in .ers?--Listowel Banner. EB $10. 95 PARIS, -- Evening gowps with full skirts mounted at hipline on long- princess Corsages Are differ: ently interpreted by Molyneux, Alix and others and they hint definite: + ly at longer .walstlines for evening while day-time clothes fn mandy col- lections seem slightly longer walst- wed, Even Schiaparell, go long.an ad" vocate of high walsts, shows a very smart. dinner dress .with fold of fabric aroud@ the hip tops, while blouses to couple with suits finish over the skirt giving longer effect, a style she, introduced 1st season in dfuner clathes,. Chanel in her alls collec: tion develops further the "silhou- b§¥ contrast to the nippelin waist measure hips spring into rounded The walst--- line is placed low, giving a long, ¥ sponsored in August so. that evening. v NAMES ON MAIL BOXES - On different occasions: in this column in past years we: have "urged fatmers on -rural routes to have their names plainly painted on their mail boxes... A farmer subscriber in this office recently urged us to advocate again that this be done. . The§ say that-ad- vertising pays and 'this is one way . the farmer can advertise. Our the Brodhagen district every farmer has his pame plainly*printed on - the box.~ He also stated that if roofing® pitch is_used -instead of -paint it wiH last much longer and is easy to use. Why not have the Listowel district follow the good 'example of the, Brodhagen farm. - ALTON TRADE-IN DEPT. S22 Bloor St. W., Toronto Trade-in furni- Large Stock. d Three Piece. Mohair Chester- fie]d Suite in excellent condi- tion. When new cost $180 $19. 75 Light Piece Dining Room Suite Buffet. Extension table, ¢ leather seated chairs $9 50. Simmons Beds complete with 3 new all cotton filled mat- tresses. All sizes, 50 Large assortment of <Dres< ers in'oak. 4c Cut Hretvet $24, 50 Chester like WwW. $39.00 "a Three Piece Wall room ° Suite," "including Spring. Cost when new - $150. 9 Odd Chesterfield-in Mohalr or rep, 2 Singer Drop head Sewing J machine -In-excellent-con= dition. z Our prices are right, our merchan- dise is as represented. Goods ship- ped same day as Money Order re- ceived. Remember Everything . is- solg Fil absolute nioney back guar "ALTON TRADE-IN DEPT. 1222 Bloor St:"W., Toronto found. ' sweetening. 1 my-morning. cereal WIth. \ us OLDE™ x i: 3 h : ae J = g Paris Introduces Canadian Cancer Longer Waistline | Research Lauded i : id- H d of U.S. Control Group New iy SR Mid : Urges Freedom of Research + Dr. C. C. Little, 6f New York, ge- neral director of the American Ase "sociation for the Control of €ancer, "praised 'the use made of the King George V Jubilee Cancer Fund and the attilide of the Canadian people in, combating the disease'in an ad- dress last week before the Ottawa branch of the Health League: of Ca' nada. . . Experimentation on Antinaly' + Dr, Lit{le said he was greatly en: 'couraged by facilities he had 'seen in Foronto and Ottawa for fightiog the disease, He urged that researchers be al lowed to continue experiments on animals. "We must have complete freedom-of research... Somewhere there-is an unbalance ef-the-body, a discrepancy. between growth and repalr and the new biology, chemis- try and physics are men's weapons --on-preventing-this" ii "HEARTBURN KEPT HIM AWAKE Afraid to Eat Sc Square | Meal "What a worry he must" have been to his wife!' No food agreed with him. Acid indigestion niade him positively 'wretched. In this letter; his wife tells how he got velsame relief: -- Me husband- developed a wretched form of gastric acidity," she writes. "Mecals-were a misery to him. He often could not sleep for heartburn. Business kept him from home a great deal, but when he did get a spell at home, I gave him Kruschen Salts. I was'amazed "at the results. That weary look left "his face, and his indigestion grad- ually disappeared. It is a treat to hear him say, 'I'm hungry. It .seems" too good to be true." (Mrs) K.ME. The numerous Talis} in Kruschen "help to promote a natural flow of ~ |= the digestive and other vital juices of the body. Soon after you-start on Kruschen, you will find that you are able to enjoy your food without distressing after-effects. And as you persevere. with "little daily dose," you {lies Kruschen brings; Rloriogs res ief. -- the" will "see - Commereidl salt production" in _ Canada during the first seven 'months of 1938 totalled 139,376 tons compared with 134,902 tons l-.-in the corrgsponding period of . 19037, ACTS FAST TO BRING RELIEF - |-- FROM COLDS This Simple Way Eases Pain and. Discomfort and ~ Sore Throat Accompanying' ; Colds with Amazing Speed - 4° . k L - ; LY 3 pe EE Fh = 2. 1f throat ia raw from cold, crush ing dissolve 3 "Aspirin' Tablets In 13 Wass of a aglassof water. water . . » garglé, . Repeat In 2 Just Be Sure You Use" ; #Aspirin"-- Do it the Moment You Feel a Cold Coming on, The simple way sictured above often brings amazingly fast relief -from. discomfort and sore throat accompanying colds. -~> Try it. Then-=see ok doclor, He probab) i tell' you to continue with use it acts so fast to no discomforts of a cold. And to reduce. fever, This simple way, backed b y scien- " tific authority, has lary ely supplanted the use of strong medicines in easing - "eold symptoms, Perhaps the easiest, most effective way yet discovered. "ASPIRIN" ©, TRADE-MARK REG, - ° «2 _Cligose one of these famous 'ships. for that long antici-,_ pated' trip to the Homeland «+ sround trip rates are most reasonable and accommo- dation - petfectly suited to * your needs is available, EC «From Montreal Nov. 18 ANTONIA to to Glasgow Bl; ~ Nov. 18 ASCANIA to Ply., Havre, ov. 25 Pete! Tl ed B'fast, L ov. 25 AUSONIA to Ply., ALAUNIA to Plym *Doc. 11 AURANIA to Plymouth barkation previous From Saint John, N.B. J. Dee. 10 ATHENIA to Blast, pool, Glasgow "From New York 5 tolls. Cher. 8'mpt LL Dec. CE ony . See your ~" local agent, or 'L/pool ion . 4 ymouth, London SAMARIA to Glasgon, 3 Teak Tock "Des. 13 JATHE ENIA to taaf, pool J, Gissgow . Cher., B8'mpt ITE STAR "1 0 {ITED TIC LINE WONDERLAND OF oz ial "Why, Pills, made by the Wizard. These pills ara very effective, and they, sive a dot of time. will show g where many - 1afge bottles war standing In rows ese are the Music upon shelves,' said the down one of the J 'bottles. gu - " we -use.the new. School ¥ Please ste ou our ie le at Professor, "One nt Tes this bor hen to Pills, needed.' "Your 80 taking to take a lot of --take-them; in appt "Ifebe are the Geography Pills-- » one at night and one in the morning. : In this next bottle are the Latin Pills--one three tim we have the Grammar fors éach meal-~and the Spelling which 'are taken whenaver cholara mustihave pills rothy, thought tally, a day. Then ills--one be « 'School « Pills arked Pa. "How. do. they J "No, my. dear. coated dnd are quickly and easily swallowed. I Feiler | that all 'of the "inv wasted a lot of T n study that 0 They are -.sugar ., . nin take the pills . Y, And employed in «sa far hd Seems to. me the oy he are a good hi Uncle ¥ How It Suseq HE aphy,. gram. Sa ph arn eee . ai may matics and geo : ar and : m iterature. You see oh i - : hevhicks ta & :

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