1938 Model Toys In Santa's Pack Christmas This Year Will Bring Boys and Girls Old Favor- ites, New Streamlined Types: PERL u Yt . 7. + Santa Claus' $225, 000, 000 pack BR this year will reproduce in work- able miniatures virtually every ac- tivity of home life; industry and : transportation. Scientific aivance Ll» testing of 1938 toy models by : "children to determine fun possi- bilities, age sujtability, safety and ionpt-value- was-reported at the annval. Christmas previéw sponsored by toy manufacturers. In the roster. of 10,000 new toys, Snow White, the G- -man, the. "eowboy, and a score of movie car- toons 'and radio stars.competed - for the spotlight of Juvenile. wor- ship." Snow White" Dolls * Old favorites. with streamlined additions include new models in electric steam engines, two-faced, black and . white "boards, non- breakable marionettes, automatic scoring marble bowling sets," a v # ~-shoofly modelled after a panda and a new electric pencil for etch-.' ing wood, leather and cork. A new miniature organ boasts: ~~ % four octaves, A velocipede has a chain drive like a'bicycle. A-rap- iT Tower ents arcony-- 5 tinuous stream of large rainbow- 3 hued bubbles from a single dip. Sleds. have gone streamline, they ~have tip-proof brakes. : . Archbishop Is Terget ¢ Of of om ni Nazis. ©. News Parade by Elizabeth' Eedy "RUMANIA NEXT: Lying 'directly in the path. ot Hitler's "drive to "the east," the kingdom of Rumania, one of the "have" countries of Eur- ope, -is rich in ofl, grain, iron, to- prize. Should: King 'Carol refuse to fall in with Germany's plans, & bit- "UEF GN Bloody StruZEIo 14 Sure to- ensue over the' mastery .of fhisg re- ° "glon. And' King Carol; let it be re- membered, is a strong-minded man, "Henry C, Wolfe," noted writer on European affairs, predicts a coming ~ conflict: "Because of her geogra-. phical location, her minority prob- lems (Magyar, German, Slav), her position on the route from the - Reich to the Ukraine, Rumania is a keg ot dynamite, Already a-titan. . fc struggle: between Germany and Russia {s beginning in. Rumania. Other eountries, like Bulgaria and Hungary, are pawns in this con- "flict." Mr, Wolfe contends that if King Carol should flatly defy Hits. | "ler the latter could stir pa revive al-of the Iron Guard_in__ Rumania _ and could inspire Hungarian and Bulgarian {rredentists to reclaim --baeco;-1ive-stock; coal.-A bountiful | "president of =z DR. W. J. R, FOWLER noted Ontario horseman, who is the the Guelph... Winter Fair, Dr. Fowler is more than de- lighted with the record entry list for this year's show, Nov. 29th, 30th and December 1st, ~~Two:In:One Egg | - 'OTTAWA. | -- SA W. N. "in" existence," which may lead 'to - "search Council laboratories. «In a paper on ashgstos. and its _8titute of Mining. and 'ready been carried out in the Coun: ~ite, oil, grease and.bituminous ma. ~terials;~The five chief-types ot as: Ra = 2 Asbestos: Finest Fibre in World Microscope Revels --( New Uses for the Mineral Being Discovered -- Canada Chief Source of Supply" The Friciion far a dog these days. /The fulcroscope has. TXawy that asbestos is probably the finest fibre trouble for the E valuable new applications of this materlil according to David W alos chow, ghemist of thé Natfonal Re- . was carried home; pocket, Since then considerably. She now _chows Pernickety Fawn 3 Chews Tobacco Creek, Manitoba, is not keeping Fi hold has a pet fawn, Patsy. And she is creating nearly as much the neighbors as anybody's dog. Patsy was found last sum- mer, and was so small that she VOICE OF . THE PRESS i a DEAR-BOUGHT FREEDOM Meaford bachelors must pay up overdue poll taxes in either "cash or work. Freedom must still be dearly hotight, it would seem, -- Stratford lesion. Herald. nily of Swan The house- ricksons and Foa jacket CRIME "DOESN'T a she' s grown "Toronto prisoners are to be al- lowed use of telephones at 'the tohdesa sas 1. uses, appearing in the Canadian In- Metallurgy Bulletin, Wolochow says knowledge 0 ] 'hood gardens. of the physical nature of fibre ag- x : certaining first that it's fine cut, She frequently raids neighbor]. --polied--stations--Thori--be--free TO RELIEVE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT. OF A COLD Follow Simple Method Below Takes only a Few Minutes When 5 Annis Used J 1. Toi ease pan and discomfort and reduce _ lavar take 2""Aspirin" phones, of course; cxime pay.---~Owen Sound Sun-Times, : . a MORE BLACKSMITHS gregate and thereby the effects of milling processes on asbestos fs be. ing definitely increased and put on a sound basis by this investigation. sed With Cement, Rubber, Oil - Reviewing reséarch in Canada, he says considerable work has al- «cil"s laboratories with, a view "to of November, This Brilliant young mene i § Avsaaie, finding new uses for the mineral. Annual Event Will Feature | HUNT WITH EYES shut Although a constituent" of many. Unusual Exhibits, Entertain- Several epticles were stolen "products, asbestos fibre is used ment "| from the school house at- Port clifefly "in conjunction with Port- land cement, metal, rubber, graph- bestos products axe. textiles and textile grodu mater: under the auspices exen nreyvious. vears territory from Rumania. 'The SUOTY 10f Czechoslovakia would be repeat- ed, » DANGEROUS POSITION: An au-' thoritative British review, the Ec. ~ onomist, has come out flat-footed and said that the new position of the European democracies (France and Britain especially) is the most i dangerous they have had to face : Within half a century. Qualifying © the statement: except for Portugal," "Egypt and Iraq, there are no.coun- + * tries pledged to stand with Great Britain and France should a war > break out. conducted and ~ Mail prehensive straw-vote by the Toronto _ Globe A recent photo of Michiel Car- dinal von Faulhaber, archbishop of Munich and - Freising, whose . appeal for police protection for Catholic clergy was followed by a - raid on the Cardinal's palace by an enraged mob of Nazis who broke, all the windows in the building. The attack camc on the' heels of an address-by. Bavarian - Minister 'of the Interior Adolf Wagner, in the course of which he thundered "if Von Faulhaber mends his ways he will be pro- tected better than the - police can. = . = : = lf -- Aerial Police- Sie In Northwest a © R.C.MP. Plan To Patrol Iso- H° . ated Areas By Plane--Will 3. : Also Be Available for Mercy Se ft "Flights. a ly "++ The embryo air force of the 5 'Royal Canadian Mounted" Police, i which to date has done most of its Y : « flying "along the Atlantic coast, will spread its wings over Western - Canada next year, according to : - present plans. Deputy Commissioner Thomas -Dann said it 'was proposed. to add + another plane to the present fleet of five and to station athe new i : spiane, a Noorduyn Norseman #7 : nsport, in the Northwest Terri. \ A tories. © pt : Pilot, Co-Pilot, Radio 4 = - 'At present, police officers in the ED West make considerable use of - commercial aeroplanes flying regular routes over the vast net- aia work of "down north" airways, FEE, "but with" their "own plane they ! will be able to move about more 4 rapidly, The mountie plane will ! or be used for patrols over: isolated "beats," for mercy flights, and to transport reinforcements rapidly 'to. outlying. posts in case of emer- "oe ogeney. Each. mountie plane carries a - "pilot and co;pllot and is equipped . with an efficent radio to keep in J 'communization with the ground NE = ase... v Hat Angles. BREE © <= A count of 600 men in New i © b XYork qty. showed 64 per cent. tilted their hats to the right; 80 per cent., straight; and 16) per cent. to the left. . ---- 1} . "Old Bill" Casonis, Moose. Jaw tJ © -reeluse, Jejieved to have wed fon TS Dest ha stuffed. 3 ROE EM COWBOY: Thor ast= is ning across a clearing, He raised Sir Frederick Banting, co-digéover- -er- of fnsulin,- was voted -Canada's - greatest living man. Prime Minis- ter King and Sir William Mulock ' came second and third respective: ow + SEN lers riding the range. "We don't mean in a Westerii horsc-opera ef- ther. "We point instead to what is going on right here in Ontario. Up in Simcoe County this fall they've had no-end of "cattle stolan, Now - the epidemic. has spread to, Grey N County. The farmers are up in arms and patrolling their pastures 'with shotguns. They hope soon * thely midnight vigils will be rewarded, and the culprits, who have been carting the stolen animals away in trucks, get what's coming to them. WHAT JAPAN HOLDS: The pre- sent undeclared war in China up to this week has lasted 6500 days. Some 200,000,000 of the 400,000,000 . Chi ple have passed under nominal Japhnese control. Al the greatest Chinese cities are-now In Japanese hands, Japan holds seven of the principal gateways to China, 'is attempting to profit from - the 'trade which -still flows through _ these gatés, In every ""conquéred" province, however," determined and effective guerilla resistance continues. There is still no sign that Chinese morale 15 cracking. . THE WEEK'S QUESTION: What increase Is expected this, "year in .Canada's outlay for arms? "Answer: 'The annual military budget Is Iike-: ly to be stepped up-$15,000,000 or _ $20,000,000 raising the 1939 total to - upwards of $50,000,000,- Aged Hunter Kills Wolf In Pasture + MERIVALE CORNERS, Ont. -- Eighty-five-year-old Jim Slack, of --this- ge near Ottawa, a hunt- ~ing enthusiast for the past 57 years, proved last week he still has a nimble trigger finger. Slack's son"discovered a timber wolf in the pasture when hg went "for the cows, He ran back to the house to call 'his father, who was preparing for a partridge hunt. d en they reached the pasture, --tho-elder Slack saw -the wolf run- his 12-gauge shotgun, One shot was all that was necessary. It -struck the animal in the chest. DRINK rs oT hts + ut Toor Ga the, ee 2 Tal iH ihe 15 Yorks bt you not Fl Reel) ie & hig i Ta Canada en | Dept. 20 A, GREATEST CANADIAN: Ina com: | Monney's amazing White Leg: horn hen laid an egg the other day 8% inches long and 63% inches around. Inside the large egg was a perfectly formed one of natural size, Last summer: the same hen was in the news with an egg eight inches long J and. six inches around,----- Guelph Winter Fair Opens On Tuesday "Record Entry Li List i in "Practical - ly All Departmerts of The F amous Ontario Provincial | Winter Fair : Jon rily 'next Tuesday morning, Nov- ember- 20th-at the Guelph Winter Fair Building as that great 56th Annual Show gets under way. Pre- miler Mitchell F. Hepburn, of- Ont- 'ill officially open the Fair morning, : 0 t-of horse and cattle--exht "eral; {other important. Producars; i= Garage Owner -- When Stan Seato om, 'Fertervitte -- Turnstiles will §tart to click mars --|- New Car Models ~ At Motor Show Held in Toronto the Last Week ~-In_the biggest assembly of mot. - --orcary ever 'présented In the next ten yes rs theie will be too many white-collared pro- fessional men and rot enough blacksmiths in leather aprons. The Ontario Plowmen's Association are doing a 'good piece. of work ine making the opportunity known to - Burwell on Hallowe'en, and among them the teacher's strap. Some --of the other things have: biden re- in Canada; that outshine a search party to work tha. Nattanal. indus- doesn't |. - turned; but the trouble is-to-get--|- Tau eIS=aTiK a | Blass of water." "Hen" In2 ors, 2, If throat Is raw from "cold, crush and.dJs- solve 8 "Aspirin" Tab- lets In 5 glass of water... . gargle. . Eases Pain and Discomfort and - Sore Throat Accompanying Colds . Almost Instantly The simple way pictured above --often brings antialngly" fast relief , -- from discomfort an accompanying colds, sare throat. - oducts. fals, heat and sound insulating mht- erfals and molded products. Canada has long been. the chief source of world supply of the min- the-output-being obtained al- most_entirely from the Thetford -distriet in Quebec. Russia and Rho: desia, South" Africa, are the only . ronto during the wee - gether A 'quarter Worth of new mode -paring and work _ has sing on the-scoreso CEE range front amexact most "minute mecha a car or truck. And 'Doesn't "Fool" Wants- Auto Parts In-a- Hurry, So Takes Planc to Get Them _ play of famous ships, reproduced in cluding such- naval son's Victory and tl --ser-Hood--world's -- (Ont.) garageman, wants serviee, he wants service. And in a hurry. . "One affernoon last month ¢ re- quired some automobile repair The new cars wil parts. He ie to a store "oil a in Brantford, ordered the parts | © hoy fo , artists and Sai he = delivery #right | 3k of former ye: ; away". je alone has devoted construttion. of the Il T st i Teeterville is some distance and ~ will present approxi in .the country, but My, Seaton is bitors would-be a list of almost 'ev- 'ery outstanding breeder in Ontarlo. Shep, Swine and Sced entries are all heavier than a year ago, while "entries" in the Junior Agricultural Department have been practically doubled. Poultry entries are also much higher than In 1937. RY} " The Horse Show Shs Famous jumpers from all "the be in competition gach night in the light horse show: Presi- - dent Dr, W. J, R. Fowler, the dir- . ectors, and Secretary, L. BE. O'Neill, are - more than pleased with this year's prospbets. Guelph Winter Fair has always been and always will be, a "farm- ers' show." It is the méeting place. for breeders in every line of live stock. Hero they meet, compare notes, and make new friends. The same is true of poultry fanciers: ~and_ farmers. interested in the pro. ductlon of seed grain, Judging Program .. "The judging program should also- prove interesting. Here it is: Tuesday, - Nov. 20th: - Cattle, (Shorthorn, Hereford, Angus - and Market -classes), Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Seeds. . . Wednesday, Nov, 30:- Ponies, Thoroughbreds, Halt Breds, Stand- ard Breds, Hackneys, Clydesdales, Percherons, Sheep and Swine. Thursday, Dec. 1: Heavy Draught Horses, mares, geldings and teams in harness. 3 \golNe. 0 TOWN? Remeinfor" to get your co of this week's © Toronto "at the Brantford airport in 15 -- enger, wa "starch and- stir until thick.: Add : ; GUIRN nothing if not up to date. "T'll be unusual conditions. .The cabaret, _ dates $00 - persons, such stars as Lucil minutes, so" meet me there," he said and hung up.. Ten minutes later & plane with Seaton as pass- cling for a landing. A The s er first-thought the conversation sounded like some- 'body's idea of 'a misplaced April Fool stunt, but he. took a chance and also the parts, to the airport, where they were picked. up by Seaton who had been' flown iif by Dan Dwyer, who lives about four miles from Teeterville. F Joval Gumbo: Chel Engh are' mot only good to look at; they.make tasty soup. * Here's the recipe recom- mended by K. Hirayama, presi- "dent of the Japanese Chrysanthe- mum -Society, Vancouver, B.C.:° Pat a_ptof milk and a table- spoon of butter in a pan and. heat. +Add two tablespoonsful of corn Brothers. Pictures f Don Francisco, ium, London, and a formance before the . George Piggott, ° " Jand), considers "world's luckiest bo, was thrown onto horse walked ove Released from a worge for its ordea chopped - chrysanthemum. petals which have been boiled in water for two minutes. Serve hot. : lia. -Motor Show of Canada, held in To- "26th to December 3rd will bring to- million distinguished list of entertainers. For months pians have been pre- tion of an oil-drilling field to the tures include such things British cruiser. which. eost $35,000,000, "Cabaret, 800 Persons rei in. settings "that outrival the pro- and =sons-in--n-spectacle~ staged under--; which -the Club Px: radise, New York, recently Was signed by slac who tomes direct fr Dolores, singing and dancing star borrowed from the Folies Comique being featured at the Waldorf-As- tori, and many others, road he skidded on his bicycle and wheels of a van went over his leg. | -- Only his knee was after two days, a dog, none the attacked a dog belonging to one of its rescuers, at Walwa, Austra. ~teiousty-looking--fot--the Peterborough Examiner. Sods YOU TAKE A RISK Chatham: hitchhiker "is accused of attempting to rob the motorist who befriended him. Such in¢i- dents as these are a warning to cautious motorists not to. extend their liospitality to "thumbers'; and account for the growing num- ber who refuse to take a che nce. --Brant{ord Expositor. gr RADISE SPEAKS We in British Columbia live in such a paradise that we should not be impatient with people of. Sas- katchgwan who oce _of_secession.. Times 'ave: tough in that province; they have been hard for wr long time. And, to use an all-eibracing colloquialis sm, sonie- thing ought - to be: done about it. --Vancouvc er strap k of November dollars. 1 cars and a been progres- t-exhibits-that- scale reproduc- nical detail of numerous fea- as a dis- p fighting models and in- names as Nel- ie Battle Crui- Jargest--battio-- 1 be presented designers' _ One exhibitor 30,000 to the exhibit which -- mately 60 per- SIDEROADS IN WAT ERLOO CO. The motorist who travels- oh dhe-sidegonds of Waterloo: aig the ments is brave to accommo- point of "outhardiness. Dut has brought we don't see that anything can be le Johuston of done about it. That's a pity, for clio so much of North Waterloo is Winer | worth--a=vigit==Doon, "Conestogo, Cressman's Wood, St. Jacobs 'and the whole valley of the Conestpgo. It's too bad se many people never find them at all.--Fergus News. Record. or five years; k-wire = walkir om the Pallad- command. per: Royal Family; Miss Eliza Isoxal, aged 84, of Glasgow, Scotland, is an enthusi- aslic air traveller--and wants to Ce cross the Atlantic in a plane. ) "I think baseball is playing a very important' part in keeping. this country out of a lot of trou? ble it otherwise might be in." f Eccles (Eng- himself © the y. In a busy the road. A asionally talk | compass_and | vr him. The --Lou Gehrig. 34 itv Thane ak WP TON OTT probably will tell you to continue with "Aspirin" because it acts so fast to relieve discomforts of a cold. And to reduce fever, This simple way, backed by scien- * tific authonty, has largel ly supplanted' the use of strong medicines in easing cold symptoms, Perltaps the easiest, most effective way yet discovered. - "Demand and Get | ASPIRIN" (2d TRADE-MARK REG. wi Rar PG 1 on I! Pas ra rm a A pr "is the ideal sweetener on | your morning cereal because it Is easier meet TRY IT (RN SYR! bruised, i Be Sure to Visit 45-foot "shaft I, immediately = The gre atest Motor Show in = wr years. "See thie sensational ade The Far "GUELPH WINTER FAIR . Le November 20th, 30th and December SIX BIG SHOWS: IN ONE $ Wednesday, November 30th -- Ponies, Thoroughbreds, Thursday, December 1st-- 1 and Teams in Harness + Auction Sale of Market Cattle, ... CHEAP Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, President. - Te RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS BE. O'Neill, 8 For 56 Years Next Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday, Horses--Cattle--Sheep--Swine--Seeds--Poultry : . Dining and Dancing. Don't Zan BROT > i . miss the season's smartest i JUDGING PROGRAMME ----- event . "the ont briliantly Tuesday, November 29th--Cattle (Shorthorn, "Heretord Angus and 0 y Market Classes), Sheep, Swine; Poultry dnd Seeds: staged presentation in Meter Standard Jreds, Hackheys,. Clydesdales, Percherons, pon Swine. Light Horse Show Each Evening at 7.30 Parliament Bldgs, Toronto. _ o vances in automobile design and engineering, . . Captain Eyston's "Thundérboit," fast- "est car on carth , . ., smart Fashion Shows .-. . A host of J attractions to make your visit unforgettable... colorful cab- aret starring international dance and variety artists , . . Show mers' 1st Half _Dreds,..1---}-~Bhow history. A Driver Service from and to 8, Geldings Nulldin - "Fort" Carn rg to Grounds Automotive Building Toronto ec'y Toronto for this SPECTACULAR EVENT Nov. "26.- DEC." 3 - Admission 25¢ : 'nAaTionAL OF CANADA + "What's the matter, Toto?" asked _*.__. Dorothy, asthe little dok rolled up. _ Jon the floor. At that Toto sat up, _openied hig mouth and began to sing. - all, the company, he gave an Imita- of A mixed chorus, singing all ts himself, vDéar me," sald the Wizard in a surpriséd voice, "he must have 'swallowed one'of those musle pills *"WIIT ha do that oftén?" asked Uncle Sf PERE "First he rendered § very musloal Henry, Bihar ip IS : owtpbdloy from "The- Barber. of fé- Wizard, "He would have to have ---- ville," and then, to the surprise of shvera) of the piTia HH Ke him con. - tinue,' this they all sighed with rele Adee uf ont} nied the Wine I had a very fn thing Toe pen to me a few months ago. : A ET [ Copyrighted 1132, Reilif & Lace" \ "One day while I was experiment- ing with these pill I happened to ; drop one, and ons of Billina's chicks or Rech iad uo an FLINT BO as 8 chick stood up and redited "The y 8tood: On The Burning Deck". Rithous aking a single mistake. _ Then it recited "The Charge of the Light Rn They had then!" what they're like?" rT) they turned the Saw. Hors, no that direction. i the Cutténclips dorothy. Dos none of us have heén there bade the Woggle-Bug good- bye and continued on thelr journey, Finally they came to a' &ign post o TOMORROW "I've never heen to before," sald the Wizard, "Nor 1," sal she exclaimed. "I wonder {