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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Nov 1938, p. 8

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| EARLE a di - ). : # EI III a" . A A AAA RS SRE RANE RS SER AAS AR AAA A SSSR SAAS AAA A The sympathy of the community is Mr. and Mrs, 0. Gerrow and ois, a dh Te PORT PER "Town Hall RY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER « AUSPICES. OF CANADIAN SOCIAL HYGIEN "COUNCIL : extended to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cos- tello of Whitby and Mr, Luthei Brad- ley of Brooklin, in the sudden death of a loving daughter and wife, Mrs, Bradley, who was better known around kg | here as Marjory, spent several years of heir girlhood days in this commun- ity, attending the Myrtle school. Her #| sunny disposition gud, smiling face 26 PEOPLE." *-o re Y will do you the world of good, at-its lighter moments. I. POWERFUL WEAPON WILL BE PLACED IN YOUR HANDS : -- AGAINST IGNORANCE AND AGAINST : x. BURSTING with Life's Laughter. Ht the intimate happenings, the mistakes, the : The story of a young woman faced with 'the. most SOUL-CRUSHING dilemrna that. marriage has: ever "placed before' anyéne. &orrows and friur YOU WILL ou will be chastened by a tear, a sob and _some acute social revelations which' And you will laugh--yes; laugh-- "At the same time, i EE SASL FOL 000s . A si \\Y i vy : "the possible_consequences_of Er neglect on the: part. of any of your neigh- hoe, or a chance acquaintance, or even the result of any of those infinitely varied and numerous fleeting contacts with total--strangers-which-are- recog- nized as a necessary- :incident to life under modern conditions. "NO ONE UNDER 186 ADMITTED. Life's Drama, Life's Heartaches. NOT BE 'SHOCKED ! YOU CANNOT BE SHOCKED! will long be r bered by her school mates, and many friends of her people, A number 'of friends from here attend. ed the funeral on Wednesday where the large attendance and"many beautt- "Focuses on nphs of REAL HUMAN £ | the esteem in which the deceased was #iheld, Bl Mr oH. Downey 'and Mr. "Norfian Hughson returned last "Thursday from their hunting 'trip, bringing hoine- a deer each. Luscious steaks and roasts will ill the kitchens of the hunters for i [the next week or so, with appetising| odors, ~ 4] "Mrs. Awld ot Oshawa, visited re %| cently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. %| and Mrs, H, Stacey. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hughson of To- ronto, were week end guests of Mr. # | and Mrs. Norman Hughsbn. % Mr. and Mis. Roy Cory and~June of. Columbus, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Downey, - ==Mrs.--Elmer--Cook and- Mrs, - Jack Kirkham visited in Oshawa on Tues- day of last week. several large boulders.from his fields by. blasting. The detonations which were gudible for miles around caused %| some residents to wonder it Hitlex £5 | was - arriving! ¥ My. Hugh Davis of Petérboto, and i | Mr. Fred Martin of - Stirling' were | guests on Monday of the latter's uncle {| and aunt, Mr. and Mrs; D, Luéry, - SCUGOG {Continued from front page) Samells who helped-in the absence. of Mrs. Geo. Sweetman. The meeting 3| opened with Mrs. R. Carter in the chair, and Mrs. G. Samells:--at--the #| piano. Mrs. J. Demara read. the $8 | Scripture lesson, The W. A. has de. 3| cided to join the missionary workers £)in tele great work. Then it was de- # | send to the West. "The meeting closed | by singing "Abide With Me". We $| were glad to have Mrs. Addison and Ei ee 2 Miss Tweedie; as visitors-at the meet- $|ing. ~ At the close all sat downto ¥5 | tables decorated with apples and lots 8 | of- good stuff to eat. 32| .Sympathy is extended 'to Mrs. A. $| Sweetman and her brother Mr. A. L. | TWO" SHOWS or RAGLAN ONLY--7.30 9.15 'WOMEN ~MEN ONLY ADMISSION 35c. _ | A A RR It 1325850583 Mrs. W. Brash visited with Telatives cookies, McDermott, in the death of Mrs. Me- Dermott. Sorry to hear Mrs. E. Fines has had to return to the hospital in Toronto, also of the illness. of: Mis. -G. Colton. We wish for both of them a speedy re- %| ful floral tributes bespoke in'silence|- ~| turned -- home from Toronto, ¥5 | DTH, TF. Gardner of Pile Foil ant + and Mr, D, Black, Mr.\ and Mrs, J Gerrow, of Oshawa, and Miss Leona Prentice of Whitby, were visitors of the former's sister Mrs. A. Prentice and Mr. Prentice on Sunday. th Mrs. Jos.Noon, of Nestleton, is yisit- ing her daughter Mrs. G. Collins for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, of Sweetman were called to Toronto last week end, owing to the sudden illness of their son-in- law. Mr, David Miller, We. all hope to"Tear soon that he is' better. ) My. 'aid Mrs. "C. Hardy 'and Clard motored to Green River on Friday where thay mat thair ps th Misa M.{1 Now is the time. to mdke ap ratS for Winter. + We can supply you with-- : COAL COKE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF STORM SASH, STORM DOORS Muir, and Miss Clara Hardy accom- panied Miss Muir to Toronto for a couple of weeks; Mr. Bill Hope' Spent the 'week end with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Aston, Harold and June of Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs, 41, Traval and little Beth, of Oshawa, were -Sunday guests of the former's daughter, Mrs, S, Rodman, Mrs. Wannamaker displayed a love- ly pot: of 'chrysanthemums, at the lovely bouquet of cut flowers grown 'from' intel bulbs, for the services on Sunday: = They were much admired. "Mr. Ray Milner visited relatives in Toronto over the week end. cite piers" Fergved |= Me end-Mre- Murray MeLaen visits ed her uncle Mr, and Mrs, Geo. L. Jackson, in Port Perry, on Sunday, and attended the United Church ser- vice conducted by Rev, J. V, MeNeely, of Oshawa, formerly of Scugog. - _Mr. and Mrs, A, Black and their, daughter visited Mr. and 'Mrs; Mills one day last.-week. Mr. Milton Demara has been helping Mr, D. Crozier for the past couple of weeks, . Glad to see Mrs. F G. Joblin has res. spending a couple of weeks with her sister. Mr, Gill and his gister Have moved the winter months. ; popular play, "Truth Takes a Holiday" at Utica on December 20th. ~~ "Mr. C. Mills, Cecil and Mildred, motored to: Balsover recently, where | past two. week weeks. He also attended the church, also Mrs, Joblin brought a|f The Head folk are presenting their Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE 240 FIREWOOD after | § Mrs. Mills has been visiting for the § YOUR F AMILY BAKER No matter which -- Bread or Pastry -- we can supply you with the best baking, on short notice. JEMISON'S BAKERY .,THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY A PHONE 93, Christmas Cards Now on n Display BOXES OF 10 . BOXES OF 10 ..... CARDS AT 5c. each, CARDS at 10¢. ..-.. IERRRE ..for 26¢. 8 ..for 35c. Joel or 12 for 50c. ....or 12 for $1.00 : Select yours: While, the assortment is {Fell Christmas Stationery = Papetries of De Luxe Quality Each Seger Woodcraft, Bridge Scores, «vo 125¢, 50c., $1.00, $1, 25 and $2.00 NN 'PORT PERRY funeral: 'of Mrs. Mills" aunt at Minden. ton, visited her parents' Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills on Sunday: * Miss Mildred Mills returned home with them; - Fortnight Club will meet again in the Township Hall. A special * program is-being prepared by the committee-- Mrs. E. Sweetman, Mrs, E, Ploughizian and Mrs, O. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara and Glen, Friday evening, November 25th, the | Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton," of Hamp- v Sorap Guoks," unt Photo Atoms ~ Morrison' 8 Dee Store . ANE PORT PERRY -- Phone 16 . = low Guelph last week, Last Thursd he y covery. Mrs. Jeffrey and Clem, Mr. and is i inrusiE) asi ve As nr ay. evening-t e Young ry. Mrs, "Geo. ~ Samells, attended the 7 Little Doris Hall, Columbus, is ex=|" 4 ay entitled "No Account David" People's Societies of: of Raglan and| Mrs. Addison and Mrs: ~ Gardner i i a Sa aled_{he : hibiting her pony at the Royal Winter will be given in the Church basement have returned to thelr homes in To- Prospect met with a number of the Myrtle "young people in the church basement. A joint program was put on by the visiting societies - 'making a shappy evening of entertainment, after : 'which the Young People's Society of Myrtle was reorganized with Miss E;| CANADIAN FURNACES GIVE - GREA TER HEATING last week and Clem and Glen sang Fair. We hope she is successful in bringing home first prize which she so often does from fairs. The W. A. from Brooklin and Rag- lan, are invijed to Columbus on Nov. 23, to their monthly- meeting: on Weilnesday évening Nov. 30th. This play is from _ Zion (North of Oshawa) and is "¥éported to, be well worth seeing.. It will be presented . under the auspices of the Guild. Mr. and Mrs. Regr Doubt and family ronto after spending the summer in 3 pg . he their popular song How Do You Do? their cottage at Pine Point. We hope and won first prize. to see them again next year. d No es The Raglan Amateur mioht and Bazaar --was quite successful, even though the weather was, rather un- pleasant. Major Bowes '(Jack Smith of Blackstock) filled his .pJace in his capable way and jovial one Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and' Mrs, Evans attended the funeral of his cousin Mr, Andrew Mc- Kee, Cartwright, 19, who passed away in Bowmanvillé hospital on Nov. 17th. . Myr. and - Mrs, Cartwright, Sr., To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright of Raglan; over the week end, Mr. Hector English and Miss Stan- ley Lindsay, also Mr. Lloyd. McKee and. family were tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Evans-on Sunday. "Mr, Merlin - Slute, Toronto, sperit : Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Street, Toronto, vi it- ed the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Dring, on Sunday; ; p Catherwodd. visited in| . Utica over the week end. on Saturday, Nov.|. of Lakefield spent the week end with relatives. 2 Next Sunday being Communion ser- vice at Port Perry, the service here will be at 10 o'cleck. Everyone wel- come. . Se Myriie Station Sunday School next Sunday at To,20 a.m., Church service at 7 p.m. : Last Sunday Rev. W. E. Honey made a strohg appeal to his congrega- tion in the interests of Evangelism! when he delivered a-stirring sermon | Smith as the leader. The: Women's Association held a business meeting in the church basé- ment Tuesday of last week with thel|' President, Mrs. D. Luery in the chair. The theme of the devotional service was "Thoughts on Prayer", = After i much business was attended to, ar-| rangements were made to hold a hot supper consisting of meat and potato | pie; and all the other good things: that { go with'it, on thé evening of Nov. 80-- Wednesday next week. The program committee are preparing an evening of | - entertainment-to follow the supper. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Holliday of "Lost Opportunities." He chose lis} text from Jeremiah 8:20, "The Har- vest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved." In place of the usual. anthem by the choir, Juck- Thompson and Frank 'Downey sang, The choir leader would be much pleased to have additional voices in the choir. manner. Whitby were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holliday. Mr. Harding of Seagrave were Sunday callers of relatives here. The members of the Woman's | Asso- "In the Garden".in a very pleasing. ciation met in the church basement on Tuesday, to quilt, The second quilt , was put on and made Yendy for quilt- i ing on Wednesday this week. Kenny Scott and Miss Jean SA TI5FA ¢ a - Don't take chances with vinidentified fuels. Follow hi the example of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners who have changed to better heating. Burm 'blue coal' for the, finest, most trouble-free" heating you've ever enjoyed. Order a ton' F. E. REESOR Phone: 78 and ow IN ow MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT 0 : i he November meeting of the! Mrs. Allen Ross of Whitby was fn| =~ : AL : Woman's Missionary Socicty was held the village Wednesday of last week, : a ASHBURN y at the home of 'Mrs. E. Redman last calling on old acquaintances, ' i ihe A very interesting evening is being) Thurgday afternoon. The Scripture' = Mrs, Oliver Lang and Mrs. David if ZR lanned for Thursday evening of this| lesson was read by the president, Mrs. B f H t the k i hh a3 Pp y g y pi y roome of Hampton spent the wee 0 i a 3 Jeth) when, under ihe suspiees 1 Je Honey, followed by prayer. After the end with friends' in Torénto and Con- pay. for the TEL "PH NE H BO and fer WMS; Mr: Walter Anderson; of-To-| reading of -the- October minutes, the d. : i i ; it A : y cor i WA ronto, will give an address on the|department secretaries were given two - Mrs, \Gordon Barton and Marlene This is th 0) in h the. are lowest Vegetables 3 7s iE North Country and the work in radio| minutes to present their work. Thé visited recently with. relatives in a 8 ¢ prac id many omes 110, ; Ee 1 w which he was connected with during |new\study book 'The World in Can- Gorrle. = +s. working age" youngsters to whom the tele. - srEciaL- ¥ F lorida, Jr anges are now in Vil the past summer. There will be other | ada' hy Rev. J. I. Mckay, was intro- ~~ Mr, Roy Flett of | Almonds was in photo is a social necessity -- chip-in | to pay SBIR RT 3 items on the -program. This event] duced and the first chapter "Weaving the village on Saturday. 5 for its 'modest cost:* They never miss the [ r will take place at the home: of Mr. and a New Web" was reviewed in an in- . Mr, and Mrs. Don Black of Oshawa, --few cerits a day that telephone service costs Mrs. N. Anderson, who extend an in- vitation to members of the congrega- tion. Light rtfreshments will be served, BON AIL 1 Miss Phyllis Goose spent Thursday afternoon ith Miss Fern Stephens, Mrs. W. Day of Port Perry spent : Ti Mrs; Horn. : teresting manner by Mis" Hudgins, The theme for November was "Making Canada Christian", and the program centered around this theme, 3 The autumn Thank Offering was re- ceived Jog showed a nice increase over' - After the closing of the tended the funeral of her aunt Mrs. visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Dow- ney on Sunday. Miss Dorothy-Hall of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chisholm. Mrs. A. E. Ramsey, on Tuesday, at- .. Ball, Taunton. bribe ng r_was R. W. B: enjoyed socially over a cup of fea and her our deep sympathy, = We. extend to --- in fact they, and their parents tao, sim- | ply couldn't get: tong' now without thie . telephone: Reductions in telephone rate. t-dol and lo + distance -- in 1935, '36 and T57 have e "Feavings to tele 'Queb ec ul near, one users in ively yi $15 one million dollars early, Es a Te Sr irs

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