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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Dec 1938, p. 7

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HEN $I A Vsook Theatre 'Sunday School | | | y Li T Health Is Better | . " Promote | | hh dhs : Ar e 70u istening Out on Prairies. |. Total 2 rr 000 'In For Glass National Unity : ei ; Lesson ' : By FREDDIE TEE People of Canadian West Have i ; pcan = Bettiah Gverament Pilla B= -- % Lightest Mortality in Domine. The population of the world at The Regina "Leader posi last : 5 Declares After Observa- LESSON XI "COMEDIAN BAND LEADER | show and iss Wagers was sup: | ~~ ion -- Ave-Much__Healthier..} the end of 337 ws 2,134,000,000- | week sald development of Saskat- ¥ the "League of -Nations- Mont che : tion Tour of ell THE SIN OF COVETOUSNESS Ray Noble, éonductor of -the | ported by an-able cast of Holly Then Maritimers _ eile og Statist hiy --1--chewan's clay. : Story of Dominion on 'the Exodus 20:17; Luke 1213-21; Burns and Allen shows over CBS wood 'actors and actresses: : errs 2 DE Hy ta 3 vind wr posits 1doms as a possibility right f : Screen" : 1 Timothy 6:610 from Hollywood every Friday | EXTRA ALLOWANCE FOR OLD Contider for a momeht the - 1536, UEes" were oer, thiough employment of - skilled | B "GOLDEN TEXT: "Thou Shalt Not | night (WABC-CBS, 8.30 te 9.00 : RADIOS! probability of a Canadian aged | 2echosloyakian workers, now. dif ! : ny "covet" Exodus:20-17 p.m., BST) has not only proved DeForest Crosley, Majestic and" | 25 .dying withip five years, says The bulletin revealed that more | Possessed of employment by the . ohn Grierson, British Govern-\| THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING: himself to be & great song writer | Rogers radio dealers are now of- | Canada's" Weekly: The . peobabil. than oné-half of 'mankind lives in | German occupation of Sudetenland. - i ment film expert, Invited to Canada Time -- The Ten Commandments and gn orchestra leader, but a sly | fering special, extra large Christ- |" jty. is greatest in' the Maritjme Asia, where China , claims about It 'was learned the paper added,- by the Ottawa Government to aid | were given in 1498 B.C. The words: and. 'effective comedian as well. mas- trade-in allowances for old | Provinces and least in the Prairie 450,000,000, India: 860,000,000, that already Dominion Government 2 I in fevamping the Dominion's mo-<| on ET ree apoken dures His. straight face, very English re- | radio "sets," With® the new 198y Provinces, befugg twice.ns high in and Japan and its possessions officials are fn Europe -to 'interest fcturg: output, belleves: that | Novemper or "December, : A.D., 20; marks to the "comedian stars, of | Spread-Band models in the. home, |" the former. as ii the, latter. The | 100:000,000, thbke aldlied workers in, industrial wp a iio Balin the First "Epistle of Paul to "Flip --tig=-sHow have tthe many old. Lou my. Y ke! le; _.exbectation of life at -the he ug of The population of Soviet Rus: | possbikies Jos sh thy 'was written A.D: 65. royed" to have '| Programs an: be hea i ; ver 04 yea {osha wag-estimatedlat 118,00 In Southern Saskatchewan there break down. petty provincial pre: Place -- The 'Ten Command.' ] ap hilarious ef- | loud and cléar, over short-wave. Provinces ad Vass jpoe in So +while: of 397,000,000, {ina "Aruba depois of pottery Jules. Id " ments were given from Mount Sin. - fect } that they : _ MELODY LANE bege to take the two extrémes. ings in" Europe 79,000,000 live jn [oud fire brlck clays: . Iu addition ' BWA ih a a § cag, Re sal, ¢ 10 | ai The wprds takeh from Luke: now: are an in- "Th@ young gentleman in sporty 'Less. Healthy Stay Home ° Germany, 47,000,000 iy the Unit. [| there-are huge glass saud deposits. films." ey gan) Hon of Canadian were spoken in Peraes-on the east-. dispensable part tweeds is Tommy Lane, aged 11, | yy hy 'should the Praivie Prov- | €d Kingdom, 43,000,000 .in Italy, : : ; # 3 ; adlan- | "eri sido of the Jordan River, It is of each 'of the air who made, his professional debut incés show better. than Quebee 42,0005000 in France® and 85, ovgtamente move, he explained,. | pot known exactly where Timothy shows, But he'll |" BS a singer this year' with = Joe and the Maritimes?" The answer | 000, 000 in" Poland. > TM to 10s story of Canada on was when he received this letter, have to go a long Penner and who. continues to be |' js simple. When large movements | Death Rate Overtakes Birth Rats fle esreen a Lal ad 17. Thow shalt not covet thy 0 outdo his heard hi foes program every | of population take place, there is The bulletin gave the popula- id neighbour's house, thou shalt not ame as the com- ursday. over the Columbia' net- ney for A . J : JR... skimming the surface As hag been been - [a thy neighbor's wife, nor his { poser. of such | 'work (WABC-CBS, 7.30 to 8.00 A oh 0 Tome hoy on00e, hy wie South Am Fo : ra or ii Li Rll man-servant, nor his. mald-servant, Nioh iy Piss io Een) gn i Sons while the less healthy people stay | has 90,000,000 A whom Brust nor his ox, nor his ass, nor 'any- ight, Sweet p.m. EST.) - Tommy, whose rea at' home. To. miove to a strange |. claims 50 er cent, : LE EL ER fp et hae Rasy | fd ie, Sn Sis aa, | In Fanopr th. United Site commandment is also repeated, 8 gest : Tar, [A something of t} i ring spi abroad. with. slight varfations, in Deut. 6: |. Ray Nable Thing," "The i auditioned. by' id it is a oni gop roporion of old (o])] BRAND NEW : Topics of Broad' Interest 21. There Is one great distinction Very, Thought of You" and "The Penner after win- Provinces of C A i ing = ! : "1 shall act only In an advisory | ZL, There Is ore geet 8 J Touch of Your Lips" chins Bons Eide rovinces of Canada have the | rate begins te oveytake the birth MAJESTIC, ROGERS x aay To CAI] - proINeord," wg-of-other-peoples: GINGER" ROG . na Ey lucted by lightest mortality. These fry rate. In Austria and France in : ng and the Hebrew code as found in "ROGERS "STARRED est-condueted hy +1937 there were mor ed Aths th BandDe FOREST CROSLEY e stated. Though he has yet form- .1 4a pocalogue, namely, that amon _ -- Versatile Gin- a newspaper in I ore eths-than- For sins 4 edgpo schedule of subjects, he sug: | yo otner people do Ag tind a ove gor Rogers whose his home. town, population ry recently. nk iad > RADIO yy Cie gested "Canadian afrways, "MUTE "gq qinst covotousness. The com: 3-a-danoer-- Atlanta, Georgia. I Senate im - : ® farming, wheat and the Mackenzie | Sono umnon shalt not covet" If is equalled only The comedian cidentally--tho- Canadian. hoy | ee 4 . 1 river development as suitable top- apasses beyond the domain of civil by her gifts as a was struck by the of five can laok forward to two Goes. to Iceland BA] RT 4 \ es. magistracy Into that intellectual ? convincing ~ 'ac- purity: of - Tem. aig ig an i oe ; 1 i : a = = real of motive, desire and thought, tress and comed- my's voice and Phy 4 Pye. The Capagion - To Dodge Winter |. CHRISTMAS 3 . 4 where God alone is Lord and also ienne, was starr- immediately plac- ii 32 has: 82 Furs Jront of . i : 7-Tube -- s Skating With: Sonja Judge. ed in the "Silver ed : him Snes Lite SuniNs Hiven at 5 os his Off to his home in Iceland to - RESUCED Model . * : " n Theatre" produc- contract. Pre- 5 iven at 75 there dodge the. rigors of a. Canadi D $25.0 : Tho actual word is i 1 Is tion ol over, | Tommy Lane ceding his trip to 2 2 Jireronce if favor of the er a, b. gh, 4 i 8 heart on," very literally, "to pant the - Columbia Hollywood, Tommy wis sent to anadian of a little more than a well known master of the New- ~----8<Tube 2 Cade A a es after"®The sin, therefore, suggest network on Sun- | New York by the Atlanta paper year. foundland - Canada steamer : REDL Blin Mantel ed by the word is very evidently | fay FoosnHs, to sing » officinlszof "the Metro- Belle Isle, sailed last week from u ED $30.60 - that of desire to possess something. Conrad Nagel politan Qpera Company, who also Montreal with his wife and which belongs to another. ~ ; 2 "was narrator-di- enthuced ovéy the clearness of his. daughter. He is going to Eng- Keblets" Button - The Root of All Sin_ Ginger. Rogers rector. for the | soprano. re et land en route to his . native D $70.00 Covetousness includes in its own 3 : 4 Reykjavik. ' La 3 " wr Sce S in any scope all social life. Out of disobed- | 0 'toi himself, and | + rich t ~~ : What do you mean, dodge Bp fence to, this command will spring We Jor Titinsell, ald 43 nol rich o Cpa 3 the cold?" he was asked. { sins that break every law written Jas Ct, Matt. 6:19; 2.Cor. 12 Czechs Purchase "Because it is not cold there SE a ak 1. Tim. 6:08. 6. But godliness Ontario Farms " og i that it ' relation is disorganized and broken with contentujent is great. gain, : y : - -was-not cold in Iceland in win- | up by 'the dishonoring. of the tenth Paul tells ug: that ine gain iy Nie - t ter. 1 e, commandment, : J i gon? in godliness has toge- Recent purchases of three farm : wi -- | E NA Luke 12:13-21. 13. And one out | on wi Santonio, foi Hh ou properties and negotiations - how er 3 . : WE ofthe multitude said into him, Jon is . oy pin 3igniticy under way "for "gthers indicate . = - B At 7 Teacher, bid my brother divide the ba eaten a ed Sarer there will be a settlement of Cze- y ) % | fnheritance with me. This man's * choslovakians-in Wentworth couns hy 5 2 M d Me M v ; - 4 parsonal atratr was ithe, i of God's pre- ty. It is understood the purchhse Once ou O ern usic as ster & R - thing for him, not the téaching of ee vi WN ers--of--the--farny Fy were--for y ; u 4 i ET Bl ded eer : Jesus. ontentmen mer residents' Czechoslovak TH 0) KTSWER To FE a mh Stuart Reburn; crack' C dadian | . 14. But he sala unto him, Man, |. 7.For we brought nothing iuto | Sudetenland who left=their home sweeten your 1 HORTIONTAL A cal ion oi 10 Tite. ] vc : figure skater, who recently' jour- | who made me a judgé or-a divider tuk world, for neither can we cay country, just before the recent morning cereal | concert' OlAlvi] ID SE EINIT! 1) He Ns ; : neyed to Hollywood to become | over you? The Lord never. set him. | TY anything out. Sce Job 1:21; P| erisis. pianist. 1 [OT] LIA O|VIE 1 Poi L IY . Sonja Henice's skating partner, self as a rival tothe magistrates of oh ¢ having food and ; Their search brought them to with BEE HE 11 To gasp: : 1 JERSOP[IINIE RE TIE ---- ck 5 = a Tu is Jelive, "Toronto | the land, wé "shall eros oe pr 'the Hamilton district and sales of -$ 1 12 To deem." DIAICITIS £ 13 Matter, Ir i ; s week with the Norwegian What A Man 1§ ; . - ; oh: the. William Ridge farm at Mount we Syrup you'll 14 Close. 15 Dwelled. ad : ~~ skating star on a transcontinental 15. And he said unto them, Take | bably the word-here translated "co-- Hope 'the Lloyd VanSickle farn Tey) --16 Chinese staple Hale (ING 20 Twisted cord.' - ; tour. One' yoinied skating dan- | heed, and keep yourselves from all | Vvorlng" refers: ih to"the shelter |= "Gian ford" Station and the je know how- food. DAVI OILI CIA 22 Devices for - > cers appeare |_of the home in which we live. Eran 2 a RE SE -plistureg here as "they rehearsed a sisteth not in tho abd \dance of tho-- | --1.-Tim. 6:9, 10. 9. But they that ben Eg i = Soy ; real LG % : D ol 5s 26 Na g = "Fo 3 v n reported OLD ~ p = = " 5 I show er for 'the: spectacular ice | things which he possd¢seth. What are miuded to be rich, Fall into a pe prehascrs' oT thoes. Tropers 3 can taste. 19 Salts of oleic E CIAIS M2 TGbesc: : : show. our Lord was continual _emphas- temptation and a snare. And many ties, all large f off acid, « ALL Al 29 Almond. we i {zing. was the lite of a' mais foollsh: and hurtful lusts. The. de- daonks. It a wid bo their De OR R 21 Lash marks {9 2 S[1]N|C|E E 30 Night before, Bs . C ec ir in- - = Li . " { ; <a . what .he possessed, but what hey-| Sires in question aro hurtful be fontion to engage in mixed farm. 23 Month. RIOSILININ 34 To boil. Ber if 18 acts was, He came that we might hav cauge 'they hinder true happiness. | DIVIORROC 24 Snaky (fish. ; : 36 Narrow lane,. 5, | Petty So |. tite, and that we might-have 4t. Such as drown men In destruction Bg 25 To deduce. | bodys VERTICAL 38 Pertaining: ne } : TTY "| more abundantly. He decldred that ood i nn set fe - - {+ - 28 Showexed. 51 Uncommon, ~~ 1 Prison. to gold. ; a n : Jite never consists of the things earts on being ric ecome in- 31 Appliances. y . 2 One time. 39 To play, : Do You Know That Fish Never which one has, but of I LE «volved in the meshes of wordliness 32 Lilac color. ® Plhestary 3 Vessel. boisterously. : Sleep? That They are Color- . which one possesses in one' own | And sing thelr movements are so 33 Still. Spo: 4 Warning -cry 40 Heathen god. - 3 : i Blind? heart, fettered by cared and inordinito 31 Southeast. 53 To embarass. in golf. 41 Evils. 5 ' Ea 16.-And he spake a parable unto | desires, and by artificial' wants, 35 To scatter. 54 Virginia .. 5 Masculine 42,Blemish. ; * The fishermen Toi insist on | them, saying, The ground of a cer- | that they are no longer free men. -- 26 Paid publicity. willow. pronoun. 43 Weeps loudly. brightly colored bait are mistaken, | tain, rich man brought forth plenti- 10. For: the love of money is a : 37 Age. SRM feone of, § Single things. 1470 symber, pr for gay hués mean _ nothing _to fully: 17. and he reasoned within root of all kinds of evil; ~ which 39 Without a rim. the: greatest 7 To generate -- 45 Bed slat; Fa 23 fish; they are virtually color- | himself, saying, What shall-I"do, some reaching after have: been led |. ] 43 Ponsluors: Si of jodsy, Pus. 15 Ou "blind. because I have not where to be- astray from the faith, and have Za right. § fe is-also a 8 Sacred shields 47 Gunlock catch," \ oh To. induce 'salmon to "run" | stow my- fruits? 18. And he sald, ! pierced themselves through with $9 Heavenly pf wusia, of Romatis, 50. Mother, aT © straight up the river Avon, the | This will I do: I will pull down my many Sorrows. For gold men haye Zoological Department of the Uni- | barns, and build greater; and there betrayed their country, their ; - 'versity of Southampton, has elec- | will 1 bestow all my grain and my friends, their God, their immortal : "tified. the 'water - in the side | goods. Our Lord fs about to illus- souls. rE * *streanis siifficiently to shock stray- trata the evil consequences of tho | he Tou Commandment 2 Aw ing fish. sin of covetousness by one of his- od's demand that man shall pu Fish do not sleep, They rest by | most remarkable parables (a par-| the reins of the: government of his 'remaining quiet in still pools. able found only in the Gospel of lite into the hands af God. AN ' s . 3 Large numbers of fish remain | Luke). : i ; A this mw preference or 'blue coher : torpid for "months at a time in 19. And I will say to my. soul, SIT J . __. finest anthracite--be your guide to better heating, "blue coa 2 frozen Siberian rivers, but upon | Soul, thou hast much goods laid up More Apples Shipped will give Ga a standard of heating satisfaction and value that oh _ the approach , of spripg_the fish | for many. years; take thine ease, has won the confidence of over.100,000 Canadian homeowners. scem none the worse 'for their | eat, drink, be merry. Cf. 1 Cor. 15: Up to November 16, 1938, this Order a'ton of "blue coal' today -s : long' imprisonment. 32. The conversation {is entirely season's export of Canadian apples Ask yolir 'blue coal" dealer also-about the 'blue * =a FARES Ras Live fish ure frequently sent with himself, He does not think of to the United Kingdom amounted * coal' Heat Regulator which provides automatic . A "long. distances in blocks of ice, . | -others-who may bo in need. Ho to 999,227 barrels, and 1,431,904 heat, with your eri equipment. : + + An air bladder permits a fish to | '8ays nothing about Increasing his boxes, an-increase of 48 per cent. rie nL \ Xi ia float with ease in water. Lacking | gifts to God, it he was glving any- | in barrelled apples and 85 per : Li PN this bladder, a fish would have } thing to God. cent in boxed apples, compared 1 19 i the same specific gravity as & hu- 20. But God sald unto him. Thou with the corresponding" Hsing of Mi Yvan being and would sink to the foolish one. This night is thy soul the 1937 season. - 1 "bottom - unless it kept swimming |" required of thee, And the things | - A continually. which thou has prepared, whose Business executives of Germany "+... The silvery sheen of fish is caus. shall they bes, are having difficulty in finding -- el ed' by reflection of light from a Truly Rich young people with sufficient Uf." Tune in "The Shadow every Sabi. 7. pitn-CBLT TORONTO, or - , "waste. substance called' "guanin', 21. So 18 ho that 'layeth up trea- knowledge to- fill good positions, 6.30 pom, CBO, Ottawa, This external covering of slime o - : : +. protects fish from bacterial infecs . lel Did IES - TE AN ely Ti : Tn . je: : tions while alive, but serve, as ex- 3 POP--Tho ¢ Office Senos dig ats = : : A 3 <N % a re By J. MILLAR WATT. ~ RE "5 y ~~ cellent food for bacteria as soon ) \ } ey EE i i i : "rill Ah «© ns the fish dies. 0 mI = i i Se i a a : ET OUD BETTER or THEM | YES, IT'S ON THER oo 37 : SL Loarding to Walk Moo Nou Kuow Noreen | ST O\gs0, pect i A From twelve to fifteen months ts : : : is" considered to. be the average PA Lily J Ny ' age for a baby to start walking, ' 3 ! AE But if your baby shows no signs |. 4 A A = = of attempting to walk at this age |. . : x > 3 on't worry too soon and think J'. = > n : Aad) "that he is backward. . You must t : : = "lallow for. his individuality. Some- |) - . er RR. cami Bit IE poe BY NETS EE EERE | WR BT Eo, OREO) EE I Se | BT HE 2 at tive than others. 4 1 +4} -- i EH ? > . Bald to be 118 years old, Isaac § "> Morule, a native, Is dead at Ven. "| "= = 5 i ; lersdorp South Africa, 8ix chil: * os 3 -* "dren, 70 grandchildren, and mote' | 7 1 - : h Aa > i than 100 great-grandchildren sur- ' i 8 -10 : -- x ' AR vive. . ; \ - ; SORIA, 1938, BY The Bull Syndicate, Tac) ALAEE i : . rer y +a ee - . LE y X FERN . Yi Sl : - £23 . . "A . . : 3 Li . . es

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